The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1909, Image 1

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    Ne!- btau I:;
3e lattstitotttb Journal
NO 5!
Tako Up the Hitching Post and
Special Police Question!
Tbe meeting of the city council
last night did not do any great
amount of business, owing to the
excessive heat. The members were
all satisfied to get through and get
out as the heat kept them in a con
stant steam. All the members were
present save Councilman Dovey who
was detained by other matters. May
or Sattler presided.
Routine business was the general
run of the proceedings. A petition
from Lorenz Bros., asking permis
sion to erect a frame ice house with
concret foundation, the frame sup
erstructure to be covered with cor
rugated iron, was read and on mo
tion finally went to the fire and wa
ter committee with power to act.
There was some opposition to per
mitting the erection of any more
frame buildings in the fire limits
but, in view of the fact that this
block has many such structures in
it, it is more than probable the pe
tition will be allowed and the erec
tion of the building proceeded with.
The reports of the several city
ocicer's were read, thee report ' of
Treasurer Fricke showing a balance
in the treasury of $5,111.52, being
the principal item. City Clerk Els
ter and Police Judge Archer also
made reports of their collections for
the month which had been turned
into the city treasury. The chief of
police also reported the number of
arrests for the month and
with the Judge's report, it went to
the police committee. The report
of Fire Chief Koubek on the con
dition 0 the hose carts and other
fire equipment was also received and
went to the fire and water commlt
'tee. "
Mr. E. A. Wurl, representing the
Commercial Club, appeared before
the council and asked that special
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Pollock.
The superb home of Charles C.
Parmele and wife last evening was
the scene of a brilliant assemblage
of citizens who attended the recep
tion given to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. II.
Pollock by Mr. and Mrs. Parmele.
The handsome residence and
grounds had been beautifully de
corated for the occasion and the af
fair was made one which will re
main long In the memory of all for
tunate enough to participate in it.
The receiving line was upon the
deep and commodious portico of the
residence, Mr. and Mrs. Pollock tak
ing their places near the entrance
to the beautiful hall and greeting
each guest as they entered. Punch
was served upon the veranda and the
lawn by a number of little ladies
and in the dining room refreshments
consisting of ice cream, cake and
coffee were served. For the occas
ion the dining room had been ele
gantly decorated with a luxuriance
of flowers, the whole forming a
scene fit for a fairy land.
From three to ten in the afternoon
and evening there was an incessant
line of old time friends of these
most estimable people, calling to
tender them their felicitations upon
so long a life in this community and
to wish them a continuance of many
years among them. A more detail
ed account of this happy gathering
will appear tomorrow, it being im
possible to complete the article for
today's isBue.
Thinks Corn All Rljjlit.
Charles Murphy, one of the Cen
ter precinct's excellent farmers Is In
the city today attending to business
matters. Mr. Murphy, who Is an
old time friend of the Journal.camo
In and paid the paper a visit this
afternoon. He is well satlsled with
the outlook for. crops through his
precinct and states that the yelld
will be a good one as that section
had plenty of rnln. He noticed that
other parts of the county, however,
were short caused by Intense dry
weather and lack of rain and also
to corn firing more or less. Mr.
Murphy returned to his home this
Henry Sanders of near Cedar
Creek, Is In the city today looking
after business matters.
police be appointed for the week of
the fall festival. Councilman
Stelmker opposed It but event-'
ually he was overruled by a ma
jority of the council and the mayor
was authorized to appoint such po
lice as his Judgment dictated. In
addition Mr. Wurl brought up the
matter of additional hitching posts
and asked that the city erect these
on side streets and vacant lots ad
jacent to the business center. Mr.
Wurl explained to the council that
on Saturdays and other days when
there was a very large crowd on
hand in the city, farmers were con
stantly complaining of inability to
find places to hitch their teams and
he urged the council to take steps
to remedy this Btate of acalrs There
was some opposition to this from
several members of the council but
eventually it was decided to have the
posts erected at available points.
This was practically all the business
of Importance coming before the
meeting save the allowance of the
claims against the city which were
as follows:
Henry Trout, salary 50 00
I. N. Cummings, burying
dog 23
M. Archer, salary ; 30 00
Neb. Lgt. Co. light 100
R. E. Miller, labor. 29 05
Frank Kalocek, same 1 57
J. Donnelly, salary 3 00
Olive Jones, same 25 00
Public library ex 5 10
Neb. Lgt. Co. light 2 50
Platts. Tel. Co. rent 1 50
G. F. Scott, labor 25 56
W. B. Rlshel, sprinkling... 30 00
J. Harkins, labor 15 88
C. JJoeteU, same. . 3 00
W. A. O'Neill, iabor 1 75
Wm. Hassler, blacksmith.. 11 55
W. II. Scott, labor 18 60
W. Carter, labor 10 15
Judge Dungan Holds That Mrs.
Maud L. Moran is Wrongfully
Some time since Mrs. Maud L.
Moran was tried by the board of
commissioners of insanity, consisting
of District Clerk E. H. Finigan, Dr.
Frank S. Marnel and attorney A. A.
Blscbof. It took nearly five weeks
to complete the hearing and the
board declared her Insane and order
ed her placed in a private asylum
at tbe expense of her husband, At
torney W. F. Moran. Mr. Moran ac
cepted the finding of the board and
was getting ready to hdve his wife
placed in a proper asylum or sanitar
ium when her attorneys ntzer &
Hayward and Paul Jessen, applied
for a writ of habeas corpus and
Judge H. D. Travis secured Judge
Dungan, of Hastings, to hear the
case. He came here and last Wed
nesday morning began taking testi
mony and held two night sessions to
enable the attorneys to get before
blm all of the evidence. He held
that he could review the case and
therefore the hearing had to be gone
over. County Attorney D.W.LIving
ton appeared for the complaint, Mr.
Moran, and the testimony of a large
number of witnesses, both medical
and others was taken and late Sat
urday evening the case was conclud
ed and the arguments begun, Judge
Hayward making the plea for Mrs.
Moran and Mr. Livingston for the
complainant and the board. After
hearing all of the arguments Judge
Dungan held that writ be granted
as Mrs. Moran was illegally held, in
fact holding that she was not Insane.
She was thus given her liberty. It
Is understood that the case will be
appealed and supreme court asked
to pass upon the question as to the
right of the Judge to hear the testi
mony and reverse the finding of the
board. The case Is one that has at
tracted consldeable attention as both
parties were born and reared In this
county and known to almost every
one. Nebraska City News.
Oscar Capen , the well known
fanner Is spending the afternoon in
the city on business, coming In from
Ms farm near Murray.
The Old Settlers' Annual Meeting Was
Largely Attended Saturday.
The Old Settlers' Reunion for
1909 was, as usual a grand success.
There was nothing lacking to make
it so expect speakers. There was
not the usual number of orators
present. The first day (Friday) the
attendance was not nearly so large
as that on Saturday, but very res
pectable. Ex-Governor Sheldon was
the principal speaker Friday, and
as George is a Cass county product
everybody was glad to hear him; es
pecially upon an occasion of this
character. Mr. Sheldon is one of tbe
people and many of the early pion
eers were glad to meet him because
his father was one among their num
ber and shared with them the pri
vations of the early settlement of
Cass county. Friday was an ideal
day for the opening and the exceed
ingly warm weather made business
remarkably good for the lemonade
and ice cream vendors.
Saturday was a still better day
from the fact that breeze was In
force the entire day, but Old Sol's
rays came down as hot as ever. Not
withstanding the busy season with
the farmers, most of the old veter
ans In the settlement of Cass county
and Otoe county were there to greet
each other.some perhaps for the last
time, as we noticed many very old
men who appeared tottery and great
ly enfeebled. J ustlc of the Supreeme
Court Barnes was the orator
and his remarks seemed to please
all who could get near enough to
bear him. His address was along
the line of the early settlement of
1 The Union Band was there, of
course, to enliven the occasion with
some of their up-to-date music, for
which this organization is noted, and
It is not necessary to remark that
they won the plaudits of all. The
only missing . member . was . Charley
Graves, who barely tore around on
crutches and gritted his teath for
two days because he was unable to
take his place in the band, as well
as his position with tbe ball team.
But he was there to look on Just
the same.
The reunion was held In the same
grove it was held last year, and Just
far enough from town to make the
hack business good and plenty.There
were baby racks, cane racks the
kicking mule, Maude.knife racks.and
every other conceivable privilege to
get the peoples' money, but there
were plenty there to Invest In such
sport. The ball game oa Friday be
tween Bartlett, la., and Union was
won by Union. Weeping Water was
the victor on Saturday. Take it all
in all, we consider It a day well
spent, and everybody present seem
ed to enjoy the event, and no dis
turbance occurred to in the least
mar the pleasure of anyone.
There was over one hundred went
from Plattsmouth, about twenty-five
from Mynard and fully fifty boarded
the train at Murray, and people were
packed in the cars like sardines In
a box. Not even an extra car was rut
on this train to accomodate the peo
ple, and the same can be said of the
Lincoln branch train. The traffic
manager of the M. P. Is certainly to
blame for this Btate of affairs. This
is the case on every occasion of
handling big crowds. Old men and
old women were compelled to stand
up going down and it is outrageous
that they were compeelled to do so.
In the future some preparation
should be made for handling such
crowds, and we would advise the
carnival managers to get in corres
pondence with the proper officer of
the M. P. and have the proper ar
rangements made for handling the
crowds that will be here to attend
the carnival. People are not like
cattle and hogs to bo Jammed in a
car to be almost suffocated and
compelled to stand up. It Is not only
uncomfortable to the people, but it
Is also annoying to the train men,
who did their very best to care for
the passengers.
Isaac Nelson, the veteran farmer
from south of tho city, Is in this
morning attending to business mat
ters. Like most other people Mr.
Nelson Is suffering greatly from the
extreme heat and Is hopeful for a
change. H states that corn Is get
ting along nicely and that It can
stand the dry, hot weather for some
time yet without rain, although a
good heavy shower would bo quite
Proposition From Ft. Crook Team, j
Manager Warren of the local ball
team last night received a telephone
message from the manager of the
Ft. Crook ball team, asking for a
date for day after tomorrow. The
manager str.'ed that the ball team,
the post band and a crowd of some
one hunder and fifty people would
come down if arrangements could
be made. Mr. Warren happened to
speak of the matter to Chairman
Schneider of the fall festival com
mittee, and the latter at once saw
an opportunity to secure a splendid
attraction for the festival. Accord
ingly he had Mr. Warren call up the
Ft. 'Crook manager and make this
proposition to him, viz: that the
ball team, the band and a company
of soldiers come down on Thursday,
S. 2, and play the game, the band
to furnish music and the soldiers
to give an exhibition drill. The Ft.
Crook manager demurred to post
poning the game and stated that he
did not know as to the band being
able to come then. Mr. Schnei
der talked the matter over with
him and an agreement was finally
reached by which this big attraction
will likely be secured. The ball
team, which is one of the best in
this section will play the local in the
afternoon upon percentage of " the
gate receipts. The entire party will
come down in the morning on the
M. P, and the band will play during
the morning before and during the
ball game. The soldiers will execute
a fancy drill, also before the game.
As this day is to be Pioneer day, it
will It In well with the program and
will make it another big day. The
Ft. Crook manager believed he
could safely figure on two hundred
people accompanying the team that
day, which would swell the crowd
In addition to this a committee
also visited Supt. of Shops Balrd this
morning aid found reliable assur
ance of his interest in the celebra
tion. He summoned the several
foremen to his office and then had
the entire force listen to what the
committee had to say. He asked
the committee to Btate what it would
need in the way of help from the
company and tbe force and assured
them that they would furnish every
thing wanted. The committee was
more than delighted with his stand
which in Its self is enough to as
sure the complete success of the undertaking.
Thinks Crop Yield Too High.
John P. Kell, one of the solid
farmers from near CuIIom, is in the
city today attending to business mat
ters. Mr. Kell paid the Journal a
very pleasant call and renewed old
acquaintance with the editor and the
publisher. Mr. Kell who is one of
the most careful farmers in the
county and one of the best, reports
that the glowing reports of heavy
yield of corn are exaggerated, at
least so far as his immediate local
ity is concerned, as the corn Is fir
ing badly and he does not look for
some yields to make more than half
a crop. So far as he is concerned
his land is yielding handsomely and
he will get a satisfactory crop but
many of his neighbors will be way
short. The rains which helped out
other sections of the county did not
visit hi in and his neighbors, they
having but two small local showers
in the past several weekB. Mr. Kell
Is also d Isposed to find considerable
fault with the stato pure food low.
Both he and Mrs. Kell purchased
large quantities of seed this spring
from what purported to be Nebraska
grown seed of a Nebraska seed house
and none of the seed came up, caus
ing them a total loss. Mr. Kell
wants pure seed commissioners to
give this their attention and see that
this fraud on the people h stopped
as It should be. He returned home
this afternoon.
Goes to tlio A)lum.
The Insanity commission this
morning was engaged in hearing the
complaint of Mrs. Ilertha Hunger
against Albert Hunger charged with
Insanity. A number of witnesses
were examined, several of whom tes
tified to having been called to the
Hunger homo near Rock Bluffs, and
finding him armed with a shot gun
and a revolver and Intent upon des
troying his family. Mr. Hunger had
been a sufferer for many years
from paralysis and other Ills, and
these had brought on fin attack of
Insanity. The commission after
hearing the evidence and consider
ing the rase, found him Insane and
reeommended his removal to a saul
tarlum at once, sheriff Qulnton
will take him to the Lincoln asylum.
Fighter and Wrestler from Louisville
Meets His Match
Herein is related the undoing of
Joe Spence ersi. while battler and
wrestler. Joe who comes from
near Louisville arrived in the city
last Saturday right side up with care
and proceeded to visit various places
where strong drink is dispensed to
the people and put away various
kinds of quantities of malt, splrlous
and vinous liquors ambling back and
forth upon the public ways of the
city and waxing stronger and strong
er with his additional drink and pas
sing moment. At last in company
with several companions likewise
from Louisville or vicinity, he drift
ed into the restaurant of Dr. Barnes
and called for something eatable.
While waiting for tbo meal to make
Its appearance Joe played with the
pickle dish and playfully stabbed at
the pickles with a fork until he
threatened demolition of the plasn.
Dr. Barnes kindly asked him to cut
out the foul practice which he did
when one of his companions took up
the Job where he left off and finally
succeeded in breaking a piece out of
the dish. Armed with a piece of
rubber hose the Doctor was cons
trained to swat something out of the
male factor but finally restrained
himself all unconscious of the retri
bution which was hovering over the
While this was all taking place
Walter Gochenour was dining at a
table In the restaurant quite at
peace with himself and the whole
world and utterly unmindful of the
baleful designs which Spence had on
him and his person. When he had
finished he walked up to the easily
ler's desk and spoke to the hand
some young cashier as to how much
coin he should part loose from for
the bounteous repast he had Just
emasculated. As he did so his at
tention was attracted by Spence and
his friends who made ribald and un
seemly remarks about Walter and
Insinuated what might befall him If
he, Spence, so minded. Taken
somewhat by surprise and at the
same time slightly offended by the
frivolous remarks of said Spence,
Walt turned about and pleasantly
volunteered to pay for supper for
the bunch if they would accomodate
him by stepping outside In the alley
a few moments, herein and here
about did Spence err most griev
ously. He leaped to his feet and an
nouncing in trumpet tones that he
was a fighter and a wrestler, he led
the way.
The merry party passed through
the kitchen out into the alley with
Spence .Joyously leading the vrn,
as and alackaday, gentle folks. No
sooner had they reached the alley
than Gochenour shamelessly batted
Spence a terrific Jolt In the face, not
unlike the kick of a mule, knock
ing him as the poet hath aptly ex
pressed it "galley west." Speuce
went down like a felled cow and
Walter proceeded to follow up his
lead with a merry beating upon
Spcnce's face, causing gore to flow
In many directions. When Spence
stated he had enough Walter quietly
gathered himself up and went his
way with becoming dignity satisfied
be had taught the young man a
much needed lesson Spence batters
and wrestler, at once sought the
tbe Journal office and although
more or less gory and disfigured Is
sued the following defl which he re
quests to be printed:
I hereby challenge Walter Goche
nour to a finish fight or a wres
ting match for $50 a slde,sald match
to take place In Plattsmouth dur
ing the Merchants' fall festival Sept.
Judging from Joe's looks and the
record of his go with Walter this
looks like tho height of folly but
still lie wants It printed and It Is
glvn for what It's worth.
After tho battle and having nur
sed his injuries awhile Joe hurried
to Judgo Archer and wanted a war
rant against Gochenour for having
battered hi 111 up. Gochenour was on
hand promptly and wanted Immedi
ate trial, also asking that Spence bo
arrested. It was eventually agreed
to have tho cntlro matter settled
Tuesday when both parties were to
appear and let Judgo Archer decide
how much the sport wns worth to
them. Incidentally, Judgo Archer
stated to Spencn that ho suspected
tho latter had been absorbing booze
which Joseph coyly admitted. Tho
court further Insinuated he believed
Spence to be drunk right at that
very moment and Joseph admitted
the court might be right.
Judge Archer suggested It best
for Spence and his friends to get
them back to the Jungle and not
linger upon the public way lest El
Toro Henry Trout get them. And
they got.
Before tls came to pass one of
Spence's friends followed. A tall
strong man named Ferguson into
McDaniel'a saloon and started some
thing with him. Ferguson followed
Gochenour's tactics and swatted the
young man several thumps with a
big, coarse fist. He was restrained
by several of the parties in the sa
loon and by his own cool head and
nothing came of the trouble save a
battered countenance for the trouble
maker. No arrests were made in
this case. Thus endeth the disas
terous attempt of Spence et al to run
the city.
"Wet Goods" In Lincoln.
A special from Lincoln under date
of August 9, in speaking of prohibi
tion in that city says:
"There are more drunken men in
Lincoln under prohibition this year
than there were last year under our
7 o'clock closing law," said an ex
ciseman today during a meeting of
the board called for the purpose of
devising new rules to enforce prohi
bition In Lincoln. "I believe, in view
of tho conditions that are growing
up rapidly under the prohibition re
gime, thiU if a 6:30 dosing law were
proposed next year that It would
carry by a large majority," he con
tinned. "The excisemen, the chief of po
lice, draymen, the dubs and every
one whose business is directly
touched by the sale and use of li
quor In Lincoln is having the hard
est time of. his life right now. The
xdse board tries to devise rule
that will prohibit sales and delivery
within the town. The chief of po
lice tries to enforce the rules. The
draymen are willing to obey the
rules but they have to stand the
complaint of customers. The club
bear tbe onus of enjoying a dis
criminatory right, being allowed to
serve liquor when no one else may
do so. Statistics last month from
police court showed that the num
ber of arrests for drunkeness under
prohibition in the month of July
came within two of the number ar
rested In July last year when Lin
coln had twenty-lve saloons which
opened at 7 in the morning and
closed at 7 o'clock at night.
Roy Ray and A. H. Cummings,
fined in police court this morning
for delivering beer In the city, this
afternoon filed appeal bonds and will
carry the question to tho supreme
court If the city cares to carry the
Ight beyond the district court. This
suit will test the validity of all the
delivery rules made so far by the
excise board."
N'annes His Committee.
Hon. R. B. Windham who was ap
pointed chairman in charge of the
Pioneer day celebration, has com
pleted his -list of committeemen.
These gentlemen are asked to tako
part In tho celebration and arrange
a program for the (lay. As they are
all old residents of Nebraska and
pioneers, they can be depended upon
to make the day u most Interesting
one. Tho committee Is composed of
Hon. R. R. Windham,' chairman, Jos.
W. Johnson, Conrad fichluter, H. C.
McMakcn, Henry Klkenbary, B. S.
Ramsey, S. L. Thomas, J. M. Mels
Inger and Thos. Wiles. It would
have been hard to have selected a
committee which is as near an Ideal
oiirt as this and Chairman Windham
has certainly accomplished wonders'
in getting so capable and able, del
egation together. That they wllll
arrange a fitting celebration for
Pioneer day is a certainty.
He It ItalNliiK Some. Oat.
Tom McCuIIough of Rock Bluffs,
Is attending to business in tho city
today. Tom has entirely recovered
from tho severo attack of erysipelas
which laid him up In the surlng and
Is himself onco more. Mr. McCuI
Iough reports that crop Indications
around Rock Bluffs are fino and
that there will bo hnndsomo returns
for the farmers. Corn Is in great
shapo and tho fields show up well.
Wheat Is threshing out in good
shape with an abundant yield. His
oMs are going to mako him not less
than 30 bushels to tho acre, some
thing which ho haa not bad In
yenrs and he thinks his nclghpora
are also doing well in that line.
Altogether he looks for a great season.