The Last Voyage G,VES L,FE BL00D . , J e TO SAVE SISTER FINAL CLEARANCE! V Donna Isabel By Randall Parrish Author of Bob Ilimpton ot Pacer. Illustrations bv Deaborn Melvi 1 casting the last lingering glances be low, where the weird flame of the candle flickered yellow, the blows of the cleaver echoing sharply as they clustered about the stove, welcoming the warmth of It. It had been frigid below decks, although we had been scarcely conscious of It In our excite ment. But now we stood shivering, gazing Into each ethers' faces and actually afraid to talk lst the whole occurrence should prove a dream from which a chanco word might awaken us. Three million pesos here, actu ally here; almost within reach of our liand3; they were digging for thera just below; even then, In the silence, we could hear the faint echo of blows being struck against the Ice. Three million pesos! and It was all ours, our very own to divide, to spend, to lo with exactly as we pleased. We had dreamed about all this before, on the decks of the Ill-fated Sea Queen, but now we sought to grasp It as an actual existing fact, and our minds seemed paralyzed by the knowledge. I even forgot that Doris was present until she touched me gently on the shoulder, and I looked down Into her questioning eyes. "Do you not know what we have Just discovered below?" I asked, still tingling to the marvel, of it. "The treasure, the Spanish treasure!" "Oh, yes," but the soft voice seemed tinged with sadness. "Yet It does not greatly Interest rne. Money seems so little here, so utterly valueless." The simple words, the tone of their utterance brought me to myself as though I had received an electric shock. She was still smiling, yet all at once I noticed how white her face was, how dark the shadows beneath her eyes. The lure of the gold van ished from my mind, as If some wiz ard's wand had waved it away. I thought of the treacherous sea with out, the life and death struggle before us, those dreary leagues separating us from hope. My hands clasped hers, the expression of love In my eyes "brightening her face Instantly. "That is so much better, Jack," she said tenderly. "I knew it was only the madness of a moment which caused you to forget. Come out on deck with me until you lose all mem ory of It until I bring you back to real life again." '1 do not need It, sweetheart," and I bent low, looking Into her eyes. 'The Tever has left my blood. I hardly know how It ever laid such hold upon me, but the thought of all that wealth below drove me as mad as the others. Tou see how much I need you." "Oh, no; you would have recovered -without my help, although It might "have required more time to complete a cure. But I fear there Is no hope for the men." I certainly shall not spare you to minister to them." She laughed, her happiness of dispo sition returning. "That would be useless; they are of different stamp. Th fever for sudden -wealth Is In the blood of all of us. See how excited Celeste Is. Perhaps If I had ever experienced poverty I might be crazed also. But It Is so foolish here here," and she swept tier hands about In comprehensive ges ture, "when we know It can be ours only for a day, or at most a week." "But we have not given up hope," I protested. "Why ahould we? The Donna Isabel seems stanch beneath us." "Even In case of that miracle I want nothing to do with this treasure," she nald gravely. "It seeniB to me, Jack, there must be a curse upon that gold below. It will never do good to any human being. It was stolen by the sword, won for Spain by the shedding of blood, and has since cursed this ship and all who sailed In her. The living and the dead guarded It, and now we have come Into Its evil clutch. It Is not superstition but faith which makes me say this the Donna Isabel will never make port; that gold be low will never do a soul on board anything but harm. I wish It could be left where It Is, burled In the Ice." "At such a suggestion the men would mutiny." "I suppose so," she acknowledged isdW. "and the end will be the same Id either case. But I want you to be different Let them build their air castles; but do you come out on deck with me, where the sea and sky will give us other thoughts." Comprehending only vaguely what she meant, yet beneath the witching spell of her presence I went gladly enough, forgetting utterly that titleless treasure Imbedded In the Ice below. Charles N. Sullivan Undergoes Heroic Operation at Omaha CHAPTER XXVII. In Which the Trcaiura Causes Trouble But the m-n did not forget, or cease In their eager efforts to .rescue that frozen gold from the grasp of the Ice. By this time, thoroughly convinced myself that our final preservation of this wealth would prove Impossible, I was still far from devoid "f Interest In Its recovery, and consequently made no effort to Interrupt the work being carried on between decks. It was better that the men be busy and their minds occupied than to have them roaming aimlessly about the decks In discontent, now that the ship and weather gave us little occasion for concern. Here they vigorously plied the cleaver, working In relays of two hours each, during the renialndei of the day and night. After break fast had been served we all of us went below to unite our strength In hauling forth the loosened box from the lea cayltv. We accomplished this by resorting to block and tackle, and even then ex perienced no small difficulty in drag ging It away from the ice grip. Under the dim candlelight it appeared a fair sized sea-chest, constructed of some heavy, dark wood, and bound secure ly by metal bands, with a cumbersom lock. A considerable quantity ot w ter fvom somewhere continued to seep down Into the lazarette, making the floor an Icy puddle, and so we tailed on to the ropes again, and hoisted the chest up through the trap door out up on the cabin deck. I could find no keys In any of the state-rooms, and we must have been half an hour break ing the rusty lock and prying open the lid, the only sounds audible the blows struck and the heavy breathing of the men. Finally we wrenched apart the last band, and our eager eyes be held the revealed contents pieces-of-eight, yellow and level to the top! There was a wild yell, a fierce scram ble, the crazed men digging their fin gers Into the coins, handling them, fondling them, laughing and crying like children In their excitement, and cursing each other as they struggled for a chanco at the box. For the mo ment, staring down at the dull glow of the metal, I even lost control of my self, scarcely aware of the mad uproar. It was actually there there before me! That old Spanish record had all been true; here, and beneath that Ice between decks lay the remainder three million nesos! Here was the wealth of a king; here, almost within reach of our hands, and It was all ours ours. If we could only bring It forth to where It possessed value. If we only could! The thought struck me like a blow. I knew the truth, the truth. There was not one chance In a thousand not one. I made no effort to deceive myself. The men, even the mate, blinded by the gold-lust had Ignored facts plain as day to me the terrible listing of the ship to port, the constant seeping of water Into the hold, the Increasing soddenness of the staggering hull all these combined to tell the story that the Donna Isabel was doomed. No power of men, situated as- we were, could ever save her. The protecting Ice-sheath, by help of which she had drifted ghost like out of the Antarctic, pounded by the fierce seas, loosened by the milder air of more northern latitudes, had already commenced to flake off, and the Invading water, was discovering crevices everywhere along her ancient seams. We had come to the gold; we had discovered It; It was ours. But we could only gaze on It. and give It back to the ocean In ex change for our lives. I straightened up, my lips compressed, and looked be yond the struggling figures of the men Into Doris' questioning ' gray eyes. Father of Mercy, I possessed some thing worth more than money the love of a woman! Ay, but what ot the men? What of the men? It would be cutting their hearts out; yet It must be done done, If necessary, with all the brutality of a slave driver. She had said this treasure was a curse, a legacy of crime and death, a prize for dead men. Not while I retained mind and body to buttle should It cost our lives. I pushed De Nova back ward, and planted myself across the open chest, scowling Into the uplifted, angry faces. 'That's enough, men. This Is part of the treasure all right, but thore Is no occasion for you to go crazy over It Put those coins back do you hear, McKnlght? put them back, and we'll shut down the lid. They're nice to look at, and dream over, but that's about all the good we'll ever get of them. Were there any signs of oth ers down there In the Ice, Johnson?" "No, sir, but they'll be there." "Oh, yes, no doubt they'll be there but the only way we could ever get them out would be to run this hooker ashore In some mild climate and lot the Ice melt. It's plain enough to see what has happened. The Donna Isa bel sailed In ballnst, these chests b Ing about the only cargo she carried. They shifted In tho heavy seas, and the Lord only knows where they are now. Anyway, they are safe beyond the reach of your Ice cleaver." They stared Into each others' faros, the dlsngreeulile truth slowly pene trating their minds. Kelly spoke, his voice trembling: "Then why the hell, sir, couldn't we do JtiBt what you said?" "What! run her ashore? simply be cause, my lad, that shore happens to be a thousand miles aav. ami I doubt (To be Continued) A remarkable case of transfusion of blood was performed yesterday at one of the Omaha hospitals when Charles N. Sullivan was operated on and a pint or more of blood taken from him to his sister, Mrs. Alice Towle. The operation la what is considered a most remarkable one In medical annals. Mrs. Towle has been very ill for sometime past and her life has been despaired of for several days. In accordance with the opinion of the physicians, her parents and relatives were summoned to her bedside several days since In expectancy of the untoward event. She has throughout the trying ordeal exhibited tho utmost endurance and has stoutly maintained that she would recover. Yesterday her condition became very alarming ancj the end seemed very near. The attending physicians at once decided that an operation of the most delicate nature would be necessary In order to save her life and that nn injection of blood would have to take place to revive her fall ing energies. With only one chance fating them, the physicians decided that blood must be Injected from her brother Charles N. Sullivan Into her and he accordingly prepared for It. An Incision was made In his wrist for several Inches in length bar ing an artery. A corresponding In cision was made In Mrs. Towle's wrist and a vein was opened. The artery In her brother's wrist was al so severed and the vein Inserted in to tho artery. The latter working like a pump forced the blood from the brother to the sister and soon tne cheeks of the young woman changed from pallor and whiteness to a rosy pink, and as the process proceeded the full bloom of pew found life mantled her In its folds. After a pint or so of the precious life blood had been transferred, the vein was withdrawn and re-united with the broken end as was the art ery and the operation was over. The marvelous effects of the transfusion was soon apparent. Mrs. Towle re vived at once and soon was as live ly as ever. Mr. Sullivan suffered but little from the effects, although the loss of so much blood naturally weakened him a great deal. Mrs. Towle Is reported as getting along famously after the transfusion and the physicians who entertained virtually no hope of her recovery be fore tho operation now express the utmost confidence In the ultimate outcome. They consider the opera tion a marvelous pne and are more than pleased with the success attend ing it. APPOINTS COMMITTEE and doing its share toward making the first annual event a big success. Mr. Schneider acted as chairman of the meeting and Mr. C. W. Baylor as secretary. To Have Charge of the Various Days at the Fall Festival A meeting of the executive com mittee of the Merchants' Carnival was held last evening at tho office of Register of Deeds Schneider, who is chairman of the committee. The committee were all there with the exception of Frank E. Schlater, who was out of the city, and they took the preliminary steps toward per fecting plans for the big doings. Ar rangements were made to turn Pio neer day, as the Old Settlers' day will be known, over to R. B. Wind ham, who will be chief In charge of the day and select his own commit tee. The scope of Live Stock day Is to be enlarged so as to Include a dis play of all agricultural products, and this Is to be placed under Quar- tus Parmele with a vice chairman to be1 selected by himself and a commit tee of his own appointing later. Sports and games will be under D. C. Morgan, who also will select his own committee and arrange his own program. Merchants' day will be under a competent head and a program suit able to the day will be determined on. Musical day will be cut out owing to an apparent feeling that It Is a class day and not one which the en tire run of the people would enjoy. In Us stead Merchants' day will be had, at which the merchants will be asked to decorate their stores, make bargains and Invite visitors. It ought to be a Biiccess. Burlington day will doubtless be the biggest day of the week, coming as it does on Labor day, when the shops are closed and helped as It will be by tho Burlington shop man agement. A parade Is to be featured if the plans go through as ftguerd on, and the afternoon will also have special attractions. Every dny will bo a big day that 'Is true. Free attractions are already pouring In, offers to show during the week and there will be no trouble In securing them. A balloon ascension will be on the program for every day and a baseball game will also take place during the afternoon of each day, at which the people will see the best teams In eastern Ne braska and western Iowa. These are merely the forerunners of the big, good things to be had At last night's meeting a committee of three members of the fire depart ment were present and proposed to the committee to add a hub and hub hose cart race for a prize, and also a nozzle fight between two mm panles for a like consideration. n-i .. 1 ii cue iwo suggestions were 011 tlniHlHHtli ally received and the com mittee recommended thern to the consideration of the sports commit t-e. The lire department committee was headed by Victor Anderson, Mho acted as spokesman and Included Chief Koubek and (). C. Hudson. The meeting wns n good one and shows that the committee Is alive I'llinwood lias Booster. A copy of the thirtieth anniversary edition of the I'lattsmouth, Neb., Journal of July 1, accompanied by a seventy-rive-page souvenir pro gram of the Elmwood chnutauqun formed a neat surprise at the Sun office one day this week, and the cause of this surprise was none other than Louis W. Roettger, formerly of New Bremen, but now one of the leading business men of the hustling reorasna town. The Journal con tains a complete write-up of all the towns In Cass county, Neb., among which Elmwood Is the second larg est, having a population of 1,000. It makes favorable mention of the Elm wood Chautauqua, which Is now in Its third year, and contains excellent cuts of buildings, etc. Among the latter Is a two-column cut of Mr. Roettger's residence and a four-column cut of the Interior of Louis F. Langhorst's department store. Both Mr. Roettger and Mr. Langhorst are on the board of managers of the Elmwood Chautauqua, Mr. Roettger being assistant secretary, and both ot these old New Bremen boys are doing their share In boosting the town of their adoption. New Bre men (0.) Sun. A rieasnnt Surprise. A scene of much merriment and gayety was the home of Martin Step- pat, in this city, on Wednesday even ing, August 4, when the many friends of his daughter, Miss Anna, assembled to give her a very pleas ant and agreeable surprise. It was Miss Anna's sixteenth birthday, and she was highly gratified to know that her many friends remembered her on mat occasion, She soon recov ered from the shock of the surprise and proceeded to make her many guests feel that they were more than welcome. The evening was spent In many games, and music, both vocal and In sirumentai, made the event tnore than pleasant to all assembled. Later a delicious and appetizing luncheon was served, which all enjoyed huge ly. After this the guests departed for their several homes, having had a most delightful evening. They ex tended to Miss Anna their best wishes and their hopes that she would enjoy mnny more annlver saries. In addition they gave Miss Steppat many very handsome and expensive presents, which she will al ways treasuro In remembrance of the happy event. Those attending Included Misses Mady Meyers of Omaha, Anna B. Deutsch, Helen Trllllty, Laura and Matilda MeUlnger, Freda Woklfarth Tlllle and Minna Ploeger, (Irace and Ella Noltlng, Anna Steppat; Messrs Frank K. Iirenx, Eddie steppat Albert Tlmmls, Iotiard MeMnger, Fritz Slemolielt, Willie Noltlng; Messrs. and Medatne Philip A Melslnger, Frnlik II. Steppat, August Steppot, Fred w. NolUng, John Kaf feiilierger, Adolpn Wrwhe, Martin Steppat. ONE WHO WAS THERE Boy's Knee Pants, wool, not cotton, out ot our regular 50 and oc lines, mostlvO hh .0 itt sizes 10 to 16. Also Boy's Wash Pants. .99 .26 Boy's Wool Suits good reliable suits j nn out of ourregular $2.50 and $3.501ines lid Also a few Boy's Wash Suits left at. . ,49 Boy's Wool Suits, out of our $3.75, $4 and $4.50 lines Boy's Fine VVool and Worsted Suits, n An out of our $5 and $6 lines to close. . . . Ltj Some of these have two pairs of pants; some of them have double scat and knee pants. All of them arc marvelous values at the price. Want to say to you that if you miss these bar gains in boy's suits you are missing the biggest chance ot saving money or. bov's clothes ever offered you. We are making a clean sweep of our boy's department, preparatory to the big new line we have bought for Fall. We are selling these goods just as advertised. The pi ices are unbelievable, but you will find them exactly as stated. Men's Suits - Just Four Prices: $7.90, $9.90, $11.90, $13.90 Understand these are not cheap shoddy goods that were bought for special sale business, but de pendable goods left over from our regular standard stock. You can afford to buy these suits and lay them away till you need them at a great saving. Notice four of these suits in our corner window. Bettet still, come in and we will show them to you. Men's Shirts, for Dress or Work, 39c! This line of shirts has been a marvel at this price. They arc all full cut, well made, good patterns, and shirts you will pay 50, 60 and 75c for elsewhere. Some of them have soft collars, some have neck bands and starched cuffs. As long as they last 39c. Tho Last Gall on Pants! $1 .39 and $1 .99 We have closed down so close on these sale pants that we have put what's left in two lots at two low prices to close, $1.39 and $1.99. If you can find your size you'd better buy. There are still some other small lots of big bar gains, which you ought to take advantage of at these final clearing prices. They are going fast. No cah register tickets and no charging on sale goods. . E. WES TT SOWS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION J Kill Some of Tlieni. The attention of tho police In re spectfully Invited to the Rlnrnilng prevalence of dogs In tho rlty. They simply are over-running the town, and complaints are being heard from all quarters of their depredations. Several parties have been badly arared or bitten by them and mill tho city authorities make no effort to suppress them. They make tho nights hideous with their howling and barkings, and the people are taking the law Into their own hands, as Is evidenced by tho fusllade which was opened on them from several quarters last night. The Journal protests Rgainxt the public streets being made n playground for these animals, and especially agnlnst It be ing used fur the purpose of pulling off dog fights. Dining the last three evening at lenst a half n doxen rights hate taken place on the Ktreeti, and most of the Idlers have greatly enjoyed them, much to the .1 Isr list of respectable people. In ad dition to this there Is grave dang-r to small ihlldrcn, and even grown persons from their attacks. If Mayor Battler and his pollro force want to do a real public service they should start a war on the dogs. If nothing Is dono tho public will take Borne steps to protect Itself and administer speedy Justice without regard to law, and It will be pretty near Justified. Iiokc Kyi. Last week a little aon of Ernest llundrock, living In the north part of town, had the misfortune while running after a chicken to fall Into a biiHh, running a twig Into his eye. He was hurried to a doctor and was somewhat eaHcd of the Intense pala which he suffered. It was thought that ho was getting well, but Instead his eye was gradually growing wors until the first of the week, when h was taken to Lincoln to a specialist. It hH since I n learned with re gret that the little fellow has lost bis eye and that he may lose the other. Kagle lleacon. Miori horns for hale. Three sood registered Shorthorn yearling bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White,