The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1909, Image 2

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Ren lieikman. same No. 10 141.50
Claims allowed on the bride fund:
Neb. Construction Co.,
bridge work . . .' $3,249.39
Same. lumber
Forman Scott of Section Gang
Settles Row Without Blood
Being Spilled
Yesterday Foreman Scott, who
had been In command of the extra
gang which livened up affairs a
week or so ago by going on strike,
received a new consignment of
Italians and prepared to take up the
track work where his old gang so
unceremoniously left off. This new
gang proceeded to fjrnish some en
tertainment for the populace and
some excitement for the sheriff's of
fice lust evening when two of them
engaged in war red, Internecine
war. These two Italians, who shall
for the purpose of this article be
named Pietro and Lughl, had had
trouble previous to coming to this
municipality. Their real names are
not printed out of consideration for
the typesetting machine, it being too
valuable a piece of machinery to risk
their names on. Pietro, who Is the
vllllan of the tale, came here with
the reputation of being a trouble
maker, and as really a sort of pocket
edition of the Mafia. His country
men, It Is said, tried to get him
prized off the gang before they land
ed here, but without success, and
they then and there determined to
serve him up as the poet has put It,
a la gizzard, If he started anything.
And sure enough, he started some
thing. He engaged Lulgl in conver
sation at the cars last evening and
pleasantly referred to the latter's
personal habits, and his ancestry In
a manner anything but an fait, so to
Fpenk. Further on he proposed to
start a slaughter house right there,
using Lulgl as the carcass. Lulgl
expostulated and Pietro produced a
large knife, and slashed at Lughl
cutting a nice, long rip In his roat.
Foremnn Scott, who was present,
then Interfered In time to save
Pletro's life, as Lulgl was real vexed
at him and was on the verge of let
ting his warm blood trickle down
over the bright, pretty rails of the
Burlington. As soon as Mr. Scttt
interfered Pietro abandoned the
fight and fled northwards along the
tracks toward Omaha, pursued by
small boys and men. Sheriff Qulnton
and Deputy Manspeaker were no
tified and Joined In the merry chase,
but the villain gave the sheriff and
his valiant deputy what is derisive
ly termed the merry ha, ha, and
acted like a regular scamp, refusing
to come back when told to and tak
ing to the woods. Since then he has
never been seen and for ought the
sheriff and his trusty deputy knows,
he Is now basking in the shade of
his own grape vine In sunny Italy,
Others think he may have gone to
Join the Weeping Water murderers
or the Manley bank robbers. Maybe
so; maybe not so. Anyway, he Is
gone. Pietro was not injured except
in his feelings.
Foreman Scott states that the
man was watched, as he had a bad
reputation and the gang had tried to
get him left behind, but the Inter
preter thought he would give him a
trial. The Beveral different sections
of Italy produce men of different
temperaments, according to experts
on the subject, those from from the
north of Italy making good, honest
and energetl: workmen, sober, tem
perate and althful, while from the
southern end of the country comes
the fightln?, unstable element who
cannot be depended upon. The gang
which recently struck wns of the
Plattsmouth, Neb., Aug. 3, 1909. j
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant io aujuurumeui.
with all members present. The min
utes of the previous meeting were
read and aprroved, whereupon the
following business was transacted in
regular form:
Bond and contract of Dr. C. 11.
Nagelmann, physician District No.
4, approved.
The following bills were allowed
on the general fund:
I., n. Swltzer. salary and
expenses 5
S. F. Girardet, mdse
F. M. Svoboda, salary and
Mary E. Foster, salary and
expense 17b. JO
W. E. Kosencrans, salary
and expense
C. It. Jordan, salary ana
E. E. Hilton, salary ana
M. L. Friedrlch, salary
and expense , .
Oliver Vkkers, livery ....
W. C. Kamsey, salary and
E. F. Marshall, Juror cer
J. O. Ward, same
Ward Clark, same
J. W. Ruhga, same
Max Straub, same .......
O. C. Dovey, same
J. W. Gamble, same
Will Adams, same
H. M. Tyson, same
Q. K. Parmele, same.....
John D. Tutt, bailiff
F. H. Dunbar, meals to
Jury .'
C. W. Baylor, coal to
Leonard Mulr, reports of
births and deaths
Geo. D. Maseman, same..
Geo. Reitter, Jr., same. . . .
B. I. Clements, same
W. E. Hand, same
Mike Tritsch, same
P. S. Clink, same
H. M. Soennlehsen, same.
E. Sturzenegger, same . . .
Wiii. H. Lyman, same.. . .
A. Kurtz, same
II. F. Kropp, same
News-Herald, reports print
ing and deaths
M. M. Butler, quarantine
J. B. Sutherland
Hathaway, bridge
Lancaster county,
Jederson county,
on the
81. SO
latter section. Foreman Scott Is
glad the trouble happened before the Oliver Typewriter Co., rib
gang had been long on the work, as
they can now start out without dis
turbance In their ranks.
That is the Number David S. Taylor
Passed Last Monday
Lust Monday night the home of
David S. Taylor, In South Purk, was
the scene of a pleasant gathering,
some fifty of the aged gentleman's
friends gathering to observe his sev-
enty-frst birthday In a flt.lng man
ner. The party was of the nature of
a surprise nnd It completely tilled
the bill. The aged gentleman was
more than pleased at the manner In
which his many friends showed their
appreciation of his being with them
for so many years, and was much af
fected by the presents which were
showered upon lit m. A resident of
this city and vicinity for a number
of years past, he Is one of the most
populur of men among those who
know him, nnd they could not do
t-nough to show their appreciation
of his excellent qualities.
The evening was spent most pleas
antly, the older folks Indulging In
social conversation while tho young
lokls made the airy inert y upon the
lawn, Indulging In various games
and pastimes. Later Ice cream nnd
a pleasant and dainty luncheon was
served, which all partook of with
the utmost enjoyment.
One very pleasant feature of the
evening was an address by Kev.
Luther Moore, who presented the
honored guest with the presents
which his good neighbors and
friends had brought In. He felici
tated him upon tho punning of the
many milestones of a long life and
trusted that tho three score and ten
which hud been passed be far sur
passed and a long life would be his
lot. Rev. Moore'i address was
pleasant one and handsomely suited
to the occasion.
Tho guest of honor was born sov
enty-one years ago at a point twelv
tulles northwest of Vlncennes, Ind
Dear the Illinois state line, where h
lived until his parents died at th
age of 15 years. Ho then removed
to Marlon, lit., where for thlrty-flv
years lie was nn honored nnd Tv-
tpecied member of tho community
After n very few years there h
nine'to this city, where ho hns lived
ever since. Inning the progress of
tin civil war Mr. T)lor Joined th
army, enlisting from Linn county
la., In the Tuclf'h lown Infantry
and ho served throughout the wn
with nn rxi client record ns a biav
mn'i'er. ne was tho hero or nn cx
iltlng Incident nt Capo Girardeau
Mo., belli j captured by the roofed
rates nnd kept a prisoner fur ten
days, when he was recaptured by the
Union arms. He was also in the me
morable siege cf
General Grant.
.Mr. Taylor's anniversary fell by
a queer coincidence upon that of
several other Plattsmouth citizens,
or rather their birthday fell upon
his, as he Is the nestor of them all.
These were Colonel J. H. Thrasher,
M. L. Johnson, M. S. Briggs, Grover
Ruff ner, Mrs. George Farley, Louise
Trilloty,' and last but not least, In
fant Wtui, the new son of E. A.
Wuii and wife. In Mew of the lat
ter young man entering the world
the day of the anniversary nt Mr.
Taylor's his fond father presented
Mr. Taylor with a fine cigar, some
thing which the recipient appre
ciated. The entire occasion was a
very happy one.
Remington Typewriter Co.,
P. F. Goos, meals to Jury.
T. S. C. Dabb, labor at
court house
Neb. Lighting Co., gas
Hans Johnson, nidje to
tiniir . . . .'
Vlcksburg under stone Mercantile Co., mdse.
Concerning the Primary I .aw.
Secretary of State Juiikln takes
xceptlon to the primary ballot
tinted In a recent Issue of the Heb
ron Chnmplon.
Precinct assessors, he says, are
not nominated by the primary svs-
em. They are nominated In nre-
Inct caucus nnd are elected at the
general election. Neither are Jus
tices of the peace nominated at the
primaries nor constables nor road
overseers. The election law recard-
n g the ofllcers which tire mid
which are not nominated nt the pri
maries follows:
E. Manspeaker, fees State
vs. John Clarence 6.90
John Waterman, lumber.. 5.85
Louisville Courier, printing 16.00
A. Frederli kson, house rent
to poor 12.95
J. H. Tarns, salary 60.00
John Leesley, fruit to farm 2.75
J. H. Tarns, extra labor. . . 25.00
M. E. Manspeaker, error
In bill allowed July 20. 2.00
J. H. Hall, mdse to poor.. 42.75
Dr. W. H. Lavender, serv
ice to Osseiikop case. . . 50.00
Plattsniouth Telephone Co.
tolls and rents 24.80
Dr. I. C. Munger, services
Ossenkop trial 126,20
D. B. B. Davis, services J.
Clarence trial 25.00
J. E. Douglas, marriage
fees while county Judge. 4 81.50
P. S. Barnes, fees Cappen
vs. Wm. Miller 11.90
Claims allowed on the road fund:
Frank Rouse, road work,
It. I). No. 5 $ 4 0.00
J. E. Bates, same No. 13.. 54. 2u
F. W. Keece, same No. 7. 3.75
Chris. Roenfeldt, same ... 3.75
Wm. Rush, same 5.25
F. W. Wilson, same 7.50
M. V. Wood, same 2.40
Lewis Johnson, same .... 10.10
Grant Hnckenburg, same
No. 1 19.50
C. F. Rathburn, same No.
IK l.0
Will Chllders, same 1.50
Cedar Creek Lumber Co.,
lumber 2 14.10
Wm. stohlmnn. road work
R. I). No. 8 127.98
Wm. Kltch, same No. 12.. Iv2.75
Village of Elmwood, one
half road levy 2,589.59
A. D.
Stroemer Lumber
bridge work
John Waterman, bridge
Additional claims allowed
general fund:
James Robertson, State vs.
John Clarence $
C. D. Qulnton, same
Sheriff Otoe county, same.
Sheriff Douglas county,
J. E. McCarrol, same....
Mrs. Dick True, same. . . .
Dewitt Surface, same . . .
Sam G. Smith, same
Fred Clark, same
Walt Thacker, same
Dr. J. F. Brendel, same. .
Elmer Parks, assigned to
B. Clark
Dora Darrough, assigned
to B. Clark
Ira Clark, same
Leonard Crawford, Jr.,
Thomas McQulnn, same . .
M. G. McQulnn, same
G. R. Olson, same
Dr. J. S. Livingston, same.
Lulu Ames, same
Nelson Jones, same
Geo. Hild, same
Jabes Tigner, same
Chan. Hill, same
John Hobsheit, same ....
W. Marks, same
Chas. L. Graves, same....
Henry Pell, same
Ed. Midklff, same
Lydla Midklff, same
S. W. Line, same
George Barrowman, same..
John Cory, same
Geo. Cole, same
A. L. Thacker, same
F. M. Saxon, same
C. D. Qulnton, same
J. P. Sattler, same
Geo. Saxon, same
Herbert Thacker, same. . .
Dr. B. B. Davis, same....
Vernie Kennlson, same . .
E. E. Smith, same
Dr. T. P. Livingston, same
Dr. W. R. Lavender, same
W. C. Ramsey, same
Mrs. J. P. Thacker, same.
C. N. Hanson, same
Earl Travis, same
L. G. Larson, same '.
Peter Clarence, same ....
Dean Austin, same
J. C. Peterson, same
John Klaurens, same
Earl Albin, same
Thomas Single, same
King Clark, same
J. D. Cox, same
Maggie True, same
I). W. Foster, same
W. D. Wheeler, same....
Geo. N. La Hue, same....
Wm. Chalfant, same
John Larsh, same
Creed F. Harris, same....
T. W. Swan, same
Jesse Pell, same
J. E. McCarroll, same....
O. Erwin, same
Miss Mollie Gerrans, same
James Robertson, same...
James Darrough, same....
John Vanhorn, same
Fred Black, same
Asa McCullough, same . . .
Sam Redman, assigned
B. Clark
Geo. L. Thacker, State
John Clarence
Albert Hathaway, same . .
Matt G. McQuinn, same...
Len T. Thacker, same....
Lee Thacker, same
Board adjourned to meet
2 4 4 909.
County Clerk.
E3ew Land nances!
3 80
3 50
3. CO
ii gust
FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION: Kegisteter at Kalispell, Mont.r
on the Great Northern Railway.
C0EUR D'ALENE RESERVATION: Register at Coeur d'AIene, Idaho.
(Buy tickets to Spokane.)
SPOKANE RESERVATION: Register at Spokane, Washinston.
Registration dates July 1 5th to August 5th, inclusive. This is an
other of the remainining few chances for this generation to obtain good
government lands. Call on nearest ticket agent for descriptive leaflet,
showing conditions, excursion rates, train service, ect.
The Burlington-Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train takes
you through the wealth producing Wenatchee fruit country, and shows,
you the wonderful upper northwest empire;. every mile is interesting.
BIG HORN BASIN: A splendid choice of the government irrigated
lands is still left to homesteaders in this fast growidg country.
320-ACRE M0NDELL LANDS: Thousands of acres of these larger
sized tracts are now available for free homesteading in eastern Wyom
ing and are going fast.
D. CLEM DEAVER, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
The Telephone Goes On.
A wire stringing gang Is sow at
work on the Burlington's main line
west of Sutton, working toward
Hastings, preparing for the installa
tion of the telephone between Lin
coln and Kearney for train dispatch
ing purposes. When this wire Is
placed and one or two little branch
lines connected up, the use of the
telegraph In the dispatcher's office
of the Lincoln division will be dis
continued. Less than two years ago articles
were published In the papers from
telegraphers pointing out the impos
sibility of the use of the telephone
for train dispatching purposes, and
calling attention to alleged dangers
resulting irom its use. Now every
big system In the country Is using
the telephone to some extent for
train dispatching and to consider
able extent for the transmission of
railroad messages. Tress messages
are now being received over railroad
wires in Nebraska, where telegraph
operators are not In service.
The Burlington is now using on
itc lines west of the river telephones
on all the lines of Its Omaha di
vision, excepting the Sioux City
line, on Its main line northwest from
Lincoln to Ravenna, and on many
other divisions on the system.
An expert telephone operator in
the employ of the Burlington Is re
ported to have recently taken on a
typewriter eighteen railroad mes
sages, of average length, in less than
that number of minutes. State
Is a Greut-Grnnd'niotlier.
Word has been received in this
city of the birth of a baby boy to
Mrs. Dr. Dameron, formerly Miss
Sallie Agnew. The happy event took
place in California and Great-Grand
ma Parmele was at once sent the
glad tidings. This mnkes Mrs. C. H.
Parmele a great-grandmother, and
she Is very proud of the new hon
ors, Indeed. Both Mrs. Dameron
and the child are reiorted as get
ting along famously.
'Sec. 117b. Hereafter all candi
dates for elective offices, except those Vlll,,Re (,f Wc,i,lnK Water
xpressly exempted from the pro
visions of this act. shall be nnml.
nnted: (1) By a primary held in
accordance with this act; or (2) by
nomination papers signed nnd filed
one-half of road levy. .. 24,300.00
Village of Eagle, one-half
of road levy 26,450.00
Village of Murdock. one
half of road levy 21,083.24
Villnge of South Bend, one-
half of road levy 19,300.00
Raises u Fine Crop.
John Svoboda yesterday received
a clipping from Lawrence, Neb.,
where Joe Svoboda is located, show
Ing the extent of the wheat and ont
crop which he has raised the past
season. It makes an excellent show
ing and one which points to un
bounded prosperity for the good
farmers of that section. Mr. Svo-
boda's friends here will be pleased
hear of his success and prosper
ity. The clipping follows:
"Joe Svoboda finished threshing
Saturday evening. Ed. Vosacek did
the work for him In less than four
days. His crop yielded 3,496 bush
els of whent and 891 bushels of
oats. The wheat ran all the way
from eighteen to twenty-nine bush-
els per acre."
as provided by statute; (3) this act Village of Greenwood, one
shall not apply to special elections
In cities having less than 25.000
population, village, precinct, town
ship and school district officers.
members of the board of supervisors
from each ward and township, nor
to members Of se.:ool bnnnlit
members of boards of education "
l'nder this law the names of none
of the village, precinct or township
officers should be nrlnted on ih
primary ballot to be used August
17, Insists Junkln.
George P. Melslnger, Democratic
candidate for county commissioner,
and one of the finest men Cass coun
ty boasts, Is In the It y today on
business matters nnd nlso meeting
old friend. Mr. .Meslnc-r I one
of nature's noblemen nnd Is n man
well qunlllled for commissioner In
every way. He Is personally one of
tho most popular men and bus a
great ninny fronds, nnd will receive
a grcnt vote nil over tho county.
half of road levy
W. U. Bartlett, road
It. I). No. 15
A. N. Speer, lumber It
No. 8
J. H. Heneger, road work
R. D. No. 9
A. D. Hathaway, same No.
11 112.25
M. Sulser, same No. 1 40.15
Stroemer Lumber Co., lum
ber R. D. No. 6 21.44
Milage til Louisville, one-
half county road levy. . 1 8,104.37
A. . Barrett Lumber Co.,
lumber 7 11.60
W. A. Cole, road work, R.
D. No. 14 4 7.10
Geo. A. B. lilt k st. same N.
2 47.6s
G. P. Mcisinger, same.... ;i.ih)
John Bauer, sumo i ,",,oo
l l.ireni o .Melslnutr. same. 31.50
A. II. Fornoff, same 15. 00
Elinor Melslnger, same ... n.'.'
Many MclMiigcr, Sll 1110 ... .
Geo. nnd Jiireh Fornoff ,
sumo 2.2
Pal Mclslupor, siinio .... 17.2
r red i on man, same
S. P. Beaver, same . .
J. M. Hoover, same No. 3. 29.30
i . r.
Asks For Administrator.
In county court this morning a
petition was filed by Mrs. Mary
Egenberger, asking for the appoint
ment of an administrator of the es
tate of the late J. V. Egenberger,
her deceased husband. J. II. E
(Eddie) Egenberger Is named as ad
ministrator. The value of the per
sonal property Is fixed at $2,000 and
the realty at $7,000. The hearing
Is set for August 24. Matthew Ger-
lng Is counsel for the petitioner.
With the Sick.
The latest reports from Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Osborne are more assur
ing. This morning Mr. Osborne was
able to set up for the first time,
staying up some twenty-five min
uses. His condition Is reported as
much more favorable than it has
been, and there is every reason to
believe that he will make a speedy
recovery. Mrs. Osborne is also re
ported as progressing nicely, and it
is believed her recovery will also be
very rapid and complete. This is
good news for the many friends cf
this estimable couple, and all trust
that they will soon be able to be out
and about once more.
Reports from Mrs. Lydia Newiand
are also rather more encouraging,
and hopes are entertained that she
may eventually completely recover.
Her children take a more hopeful
view of her condition, and trust that
the rally which she has made will be
Frank Svoboda did not rest so
well last night and this morning, a
physician being summoned at 5
o'clock, on account of a dangerous
sinking spell which he had. Owing
to his weakened condition these
spells are very dangerous and each
renders the chances for recovery
more remote. His many friends
would be pleased to note a complete
let-up in them so that strength
might be gained.
The reports from Omaha, where
Mrs. Alice Towle Is at the hospital,
were very gloomy this morning. Her
condition was so bad that her par
ents and other relatives were no
tified to come to the hospital at once,
as the end might come at any time.
It is to be hoped, that their mourful
forecasts are erroneous and that
they will find her condition much
better than hoped for on their ar
rival there.
Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse Is reported
as getting along as well as condi
tions will permit at the hospital in
Omaha, although her Illness is of a
very serious nature and there Is not
much room to hope for any very
favorable trun at present. She has
been 111 for so long that her condl
ton Is quite weak, and this militates
against her chances. It may be,
however, that change for the bet
ter will come nt any time and that
her recovery will soon take place.
Her friends certainly hope for this
happy state of affairs.
Returns to Her Duties.
We omitted, unintentionally, how
ever, yesterday to mention the return
of Miss Mary Foster, county superln
tendent of schools, who, in company
with her parents, has been on a vis
iting nnd recreation trip in the east.
We are pleased to stnte that her trip
was a most enjoyable one, nnd that
her much-needed rest from her con
tlnuous and arduous duties hns
brought the desired results. Miss
Foster Is looking remarkably well,
nnd Is right down to official duties
To Open New Brokerage House.
Plattsmouth Is to have a new
grain commission house, M. L. Wil
liams of Louisville being the man
who will open the same. It Is In
tended to deal in grains and such
stocks as the customers Mill want
1 andled, much as other i!ke estab
lishments have In the past. Mr.
Williams will be open in a few days
for business and doubtless will find
the field a profitable one.
The undersigned has about 40
acres of good grass to rent for pas
turing horses only. Good running
water and plenty of shade. One
dollar per month per head.
C. Bengen,
7 miles south of Plattsmouth.
Rush to Salt Lake.
Nebraska roads are now hnndllng
a heavy westbound business, which
will grow heavier as the week draws
to a close. The grand army encamp
ment at Denver will cause a number
of special trains and much addi
tional Cdiilpment to be carried.
State Journal.
A. C. (Doc) Carey came down this
morning from bis homo nt Meadow
to transact some business matters
In tho city, lie states that pros
pects nround Meadow for n grent
corn crop were never better and he
anticipates n lino yield. A good rnln
took place in that section last night,
helping corn greatly. He returned
to bis homo this afternoon on tho
Card of Thanks.
For the sympathy, floral tributes,
acts of kindness and consideration
during the Illness nnd death of our
beloved husband and father, wo wish
to express our most sincere thanks
and appreciation.
Fine line Solid Silver nnd Cut
Glass at CrablU's Jewelry store.
Mrs. A. O. Tuson, of Llvermore, Cal.,
writes: "I picked up from my door
step one day a little book in which I
soon became very much Interested.
My little girl of five years of age had
been troubled for a long time with
loss of appetite, extreme nervousness
and undue fatigue. She was all run
down and in a very delicate condition.
"This little book was very compre
hensively written, and told of the new
method of extracting the medicinal ele
ments of the coda liver from the oil,
eliminating the obnoxious oil which Is
so hard for children to take.
" 'Just the thing,' Bald I, 'for my little
daughter,' and I Immediately went for
a bottle of Vlnol. It helped her won
derfully. Sho has gained rapidly In
flesh and strength, and sho dues not
take cold half so easily. ,
"I am extremely grateful for the
pood It has done her, and I hope other
mothers who have weak, delicate or
ailing children will be benefited by my
experience nt.J Just give Vlnol a trial."
CERIHG & CO. Druggists
Flatlsmoulh, Neb