The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1909, Image 2

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    The - Plattsmouth - Journal
t Published Seml-Week!f it Plattsmouth, Nebraska 3
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
K iters 1 it tlu 'J at PUttsrn uth, Nebraska, as second-class
hoiH-t-t atfi't Ion f desire for the of-'wibt of the Mississippi rher will be
fires iiml a v. 1 21 i t g in ."- to do any- many times ijuadruph-d? Won't the
thin? In reason (,r cut to get the changed conditions that are thereby
After all these flno rains serve to
nhow thut Ncbrimka with Its fields
of grain and torn Is but tho fabled
Ml Dorado which Coronado sought
HO IniiK-
Tim 1 il of Union itlaaya ap
preciate their old settlers reunion
nnj the people of Pliit t Hinoitt h nftcr
the Mk fall festival will appreciate
their full festival.
If lhy d!l have tho big wind, Hie
people of Texas lire oonKrntulallng
Iheiiim lv b they had a fifty million
dollar rain to roooinpciiHO them for
(he loss the wind caused them.
; o ;
Weeping Water ulways Humes
that their Kin nd army reunion I-
something ft x dates by. liulls
luoiith will dale everything from
the big fall feHllval after Septem
ber a.
Tho poor Italian Ik rapidly be
coming Amerlrunl.ed and up to the
minute. Notice how they struck yos
terday nt I ho paltry dollar and n
hi)lf of tho 1 1 ti 1 1 1 it k t n and wanted a
dollar and hIx hits.
The committee racing money for
tho big fall feHllval Is having good
toicceHS mid this Is ns It should !.
The fall feHllval means much for
the city mid its merchants and Is
a sraiul, good thing for the people.
busy and iunko good soon or the
It behoovei tho Wrights to get
two Frenchmen Hlerlot and Latham
will obscure them completely. While
tho Wright" had always encounter
ed too much wind or breaking a
rudder or doing some other unusual
and uncalled for piece, of work, the
two Frenchmen are getting busy and
boldly skimming out over the sea In
nights which menu something. Tho
flight of Hlerlot across tho English
channel marks an epoch In traveling
the nI r und ho Is deserving of tho
utmost credit for It. Scorning the
Idea of a HlKht about the confines of
a lot, he boldly ventured Herons tho
sea and demonstrated that nerve Is
all that Is needed to make the air
ship a go.
JOHN V. 1(.i:mh lU.I It.
VOl. M.
The nbovo from tho State Journal
furnlhhe excellent reading for men
of all parties, and especially that
party which Is now In power In
Washington, and which Is so elo
quently forgetting Its promises.
What Is said In that editorial Is plain
truth and all parties will profit by
noting It.
Tho Journal yesterday printed the
news of tho passing of one of tho
city's best men w hen It chronicled tho
death of John V. Mgenberger. Little
can this city afford to loso such men
as Mr. Mgenberger has proven him
self to be during his long residence
An untiring worker, it man of the
utmost enterprise and one who ever
had the interest of tho city at heart
he had taken an active part In all
deliberations whlih were had for the
city's benefit and his son Ice Invarl
ably, was of the best.
From a small commencement Mr
Those men who think Senator Mgenberger had built up In this city
llui'kctt cannot be re-elected senator
are about right. Tho next senator
from Nebraska will bo a Democrat
and mm who won't have to keep
his ear to tho ground to know how
to vote,
When you meet a man from Mint
wood ho always says "come to our
rhautauqua." Tho man from I'latts
mouth wants to say "eomo to tho
biggest and best fall festival ever
held In southeastern Nebraska" for
that Is what will happen hero Sep
tember 1 to 6.
Tho two Nebraska senators are
hsld to bo waiting tho word from
home. If they have tho welfare of
tho people at heart, they should not
have to watt to hoar from homo bo
fore deciding how they will vote on
the Infamous Ahlrlch-Payno Mil.
What they are waiting for Is to
know If tho powers that bo In Wash
Ington will allow them to vote their
convictions or Insist that they vote
they are told.
The biggest fall festival of all will
bo held In I'lattsmouth September 1
to 6. Remember thai
Ah Is always the case, the city of
riattsniouth will send a big delega
tion to Union for tho old settlers'
reunion on August G and 7. And
tho village of Union and Its adjacent
territory will also send big delega
tions to I'lattsmouth for tho fall fes
tival dining tho week of September
1 to G.
The business men of the city who
have so encouraged the committee
on the fall festival deserve commen
dation for their acts and their con
tributions. They have done hand
somely and the conimltteo has not
near finished Its work. Let the re
mainder of tho business men do
their share and I'lattsmouth will
furnish the people of Cass county
a great, big show this f;dl worth
n business of much Importance and
extent. With always a strict nd
herenco to sound business piimi
puis and with the utmost Integrity,
ho had Impressed upon tho local
business world his stamp as the kind
of a business man needed In every
In these days when "high fin
ance ns It Is called, runs amuck and
ho who can suddenly grow rich by
devious methods Is considered a live
business man, J. V. Egonborger
presented the picture of a Btrong,
sturdy, upright, old-fashioned busi
ness man whose Ideas were those of
common honesty, of giving every
man his due and exacting In return
only that which was his. Modern
men may call this out of date and
old fogy but It stands Immutable as
tho ages a lasting monument to
real worth and sterling character
As was said before, few are they
who can bo so Illy spared and In
common with those who feel tho
great value of a good man gone, the
loumal hows Its head In grief
Tho Democratic state convention
adopt cil a platform thnt has tho
true ring. It declares unqualifiedly
for a bank guaranty law, something
tho people want, and it declares un
(lualllledly for a non-partisan Judic
iary. This latter Issue Is the one of
this campaign, nnd tho people wh'o
favor having ii court before which
partisanship will have no standing
must vote for Judges John J. SiTTT7
vnn and 11. F. Good, who are tho
Democratic candidates for the
bench. In addition to being law
yers of great ability, time tried and
tested, they represent the non-partisan
element of the people. To vote
for a non-partisan bench vote for
Judges Sullivan and Good.
wrought make radical changes?
Isn't It possible that the railroad
systems of the future will bo along
lines of longitude Instead of upon
lines parallel? Doesn't the all-rail
Hill system from the I'uget Sound
to the Gulf via Denver Indicate this
change? Doesn't the railroad ac
tivity In the establishment of ter
mini on tho Gulf show a decided
right-about-face movement on the
part of long-headed railroad mana
gers? These and other, equally Im
portant questions are to be brought
to the front at the forthcoming ses
sion of the trans-Mlsslsslppl Com-
modclal congress, which meets In
Denver August 16 to 21. These dis
cussions will not only engage the
ablest minds In commercial life In
tho western states, but the repre
sentatives of tho South American
republics will ulso participate.
Some otherwise well Informed
people still entertain the notion that
that tho Panama republic is some
where to the southwest and that the
canal zone Is a public work that will
perforate the Isthmus for the great
er benefit of nations other than our
own. They do not realize that tne
Panama canal Is on a line with Buf
falo, N. Y., and that ships carrying
trans-Mississippi products, If they
sail for Galveston, travejj directly
east, and If from New Orleans the
line of travel Is southeast. The
Panama canal Is a highway in which
the tranB-MIsslsslppl states are more
directly Interested than almost any
other section of country, for it 13
here and also In the Latin-American
states that the greatest benefit will
bo bestowed. All this and other In
teresting matter connected with the
zone will bo displayed In illustrated
lectures by government experts nt
the coming session of the trans-Mls-
isslppl Commercial congress to be
hi in Denver.
Plow Shoes!
We're ready for Spring plowing with a splendid line of Plow
Shoes the lcst that's made We are showing several good
styles and we guarantee every pair of Plow Shoes we sell.
The leathers are tan, raw hide and Kanganoo calf. Half,
double or single soles, bellows tongue, nailed shank.
S2.00, S2.50 $3,00 to S3.50
If you are interested in good Plow Shoes, Sir, you'll be in
terested in ours, for Flow Shoes could not be made better.
Fetzer's Shoe Store.
1 1 5 l'.ST-M. 1 1 M 1'IIOIU'CTS
NOT I5M P,()l(iUT.
The announcement of temperance I
leaders thut they want no political
Issue of that nature raised this year.
Is timely. Tho people do not care
to Involve the fight for a clean Judl
vlary In tho prohibition question
which would bo tho case If this ques
tion was brought to tho front this
year. The liquor forces, prohibi
tionists and thoo favoring regula
tion of tho traffic want first of all
a bench of non-partisan Judges and
this Issue is far more vital than pro
htbltlon or high license.
From the State Journal it seems
Congressman Nonis and W. M
Andrews neither one believes Senator
Durkett can wlw tho senatorshlp
next year. Governor Sheldon Is
tald to fed tho same way, and It Is
suggested that a combination ef the
three would tusko thing Interesting
for Mr. Uurkott. There can bo no
loubt ef It. If theo thteo get to
jiithcr Senator Umkett will sure
think It's an interesting time."
Tin y will luuiit Fluid's suilp at
their bilts without the idUhtost
trouble and It would not be a bit
l d fvir Nebraska If thl should coum
to pass. ohm itoNKsn.
The Nebraska senators have
heard from their state convention,
and are now said to be mixed ns to
how to carry out the Instructions of
the convention. They construe It to
mean to vote for tho bill Just as It
comes from the conference commit
tee. None expected them to do
otherwise, although they had bo
strenuously professed to be watting
Instructions. Representatives Nor
rls and Hlnshaw, It Is said, will vott
against the bill. Their stand Is com
mendable and makes both of them
formidable candidates for Ilurkett's
shoes should the Republicans con
trol tho legislature. It marks a clear
line of demarcation between the
high tariff and low tariff forces In
the Republican party In Nebraska,
and there Is small room to doubt
but the latter faction will control.
It will be n hopeful sign and a
helpful spectacle If tho party plat
forms now to bo promulgated In Ne
braska can lie made specific and
sincere. Tho past year has been a
hard one on party platforms. The
platforms have not been more dis
regarded than before, but an alert
public attention has made the later
broach of patty promise uncomfor
tably conspicuous.
The cold blooded repudiation of
party pledges by many Democrats
and Republicans In congress has
fallen like a moral blight on the
country, an object lesson In pelltl
cal sharp practice.
Such evil examples cannot much
longer be tolerated. Tho platforms
must either mean something or be
abolished. The making of platforms
"to get la on" Is a debasing lesson
In cynicism, an Indefensible cent!
deuce came. If the members of i
party cannot Und common objects to
tie to, If they must throw out for
votes a bait of un Inexpedient ngt I
cultural school hero, and Insincere
piomltes of postal saving bank
there. It were better their platforms
Tho compilation made by the gov
rntuent In 1903 gives the value of
manufactured products as $2,522.-
508.212 from the trans-Mississippi
section alone, divided as follows:
Alaska, JS.244.52 4; Arkansas, $53,
$6 1,3941 Arizona. $28,083,192; Cal
Ifornla. $367,218,494; Colorado
$100,143,999; llawaltl. $24.99
P6S; Idaho. $8,768,743; Iowa
$160,572,313; Kansas, $198,244.
992; Louisiana. $186,379,592; Mln
nesota. $307.S3S,073; Montana
$6,415,542 ; Missouri. $439,548.
957; Nebraska, $134,9 1 8,220: Ne
vada, $3,096,271; New Mexico, $3.
i3ti,4b2: North Dakota, $3,462.
I; Oklahoma, $16, 5 49. (56; Ore
gon, $..3. 123; South Dakota
$13,085,333; Texas, $150,328,389
I tah. $38,926,46 4 ; Washington
$3,523,260. Granting these figure
are approximately correct, what
vast commercial possibilities do the
open to tho future upon the complc
tlon of the Panama canal. Isn't
highly probable that the opening of
uus international highway will so
materially uilargo the maiket th
U n t-it ixtvi f ' t nf i-.xii I I it . I niilu lli.i I ..
" ' ""(the present prosperity ef the stst.
Hereafter the war department Is
not going to patronize any convicted
trust. Dickinson has Instructed his
subordinates, "with any corporation
htch has been adjudicated to be a
party to any unlawful trust or mo
nopoly and to be carrying on busi
ness In violation of law."
Some people may wonder where
the military Is going to get its pow
der In the event the pending suit
against Senator DuPont's company
should have the outcome hoped for
by the attorney general. Neither
Is It obvious how we are going to
keep on building up our navy, If
this rule Is to spread throughout
the other departments of the gov
eminent. But these and other like
questions can be handled when we
get to them. The logic of the sec
retary's order Is flawless, whatever
Its consequences may be. There is
no doubt, however, that the conse
quences will br altogether whole
If the trusts are as hateful to us
as one would gather from our plat
forms and campaign oratory, wo
ought to demonstrate our harrowed
feelings, t'nelo San cannot p-irsue
and patronize a trust at, the same
time without subjecting himself to
the criticism of being Inconsistent
even to the degree of that curious
individual who was known a part
of the time as Dr. Jekyll and an
other part as Mr. Hyde. Very few of
us have the full courage of our con
vlctlons. Most of us. for example
will denounce a trust until we are
In danger of apoplexy and then pat
ronlze It for the profit of a penny
Which doubtless makes our wrath
excite merriment In the trusts. And
what Is worse, this failure to prac
tlce what we preach, this fear of
putting our theories to the test, re
tards the solution ef most of our
riuio Sam will bae set a very
good example if tho order of Secre
tary Dickinson shall become tho
rule in atl departments. If all of
us should emulate It the giant mo
nopolies would have a more con
pelllg reason than the fear of f.n.
nt to obev the law. Anyhow, the fait
that the ordinary ci' make Mm
self ridiculous Is no reason why the
government, should. ' (
And, by the way, if the govern
ment knows a trust when It sees one
and Is thus prepared to refuse to
patronize It, what reason Is there to
doubt that congress could put In
successful and effective operation
that repudiated plank of the Demo
cratic platform, which provides that
trust-controlled articles shall no
longer be specially protected? The
head of the war department has
made an order which greatly em
phasizes the wisdom and Justice cf
rule laid down repeatedly by the
Democracy of the nation, that trust-
ontrclled articles shall be placed
upon the free list, and the order of
the department Is quite enough of
itself to prove that the difficulties
conjured up as excuses for disre
garding this remedy for the trust
evil at its most dangerous point are
at the best wholly Imaginary. It
will not be the least surprising if
the best element of the Republican
party should join in the adoption of
this plan of the Democracy In order
to require congress to do its duty
In the suppression of this great and
growing evil of monopoly, Just as
other departments of the govern
ment now seem disposed and deter
mined to do.
iucii mm;.
suffering among the poorer classes
of this country.
The New Orleans Times-Democrat
thinks that this provision Is
worse than the order during the war
between the states which declared
quinine and other medicines contra
band. Our contemporary says:
"It might well be called Acel
dama, a tribute of blood from
which thousands will suffer In dis
comfort, In loss of sleep and possible
physical injury, turned over, as they
will be, to the mercies of blood
sucking mosquitoes, that some other
blood suckers may make more dol
lars and double their profits by the
almost prohibitive duty of 150 per
cent. Nay, more; as the mosquitoes
are the transmitters of disease, and
especially of malarial fever, one of
the greatest scourges of the south
and west, claiming over 20,000 vic
tims annually, the senate Is asked
to vote to double the amount of
sickness and suffering, to swell the
mortality lists that a few persons
may double their profits."
The mosquito net is the sole pre
ventive of yellow fever. , To some
sections of this country it is more
Important than any medicine. The
death beds of medical martyrs have
made a necessity of this former lux
ury. Mosquito netting is more de
serving of a bounty than a duty.
Any attempt to make Its cost pro
hibitive is ell night criminal. Will
the president sign this measure?
Charleston News and Courier.
Senators Brown and Burkett
wanted their state convention to tell
them what to do when It came to
voting on the tariff bill. The con
vention is supposed to have done so,
but after reading the platform they
confess to being slightly mixed. Did
they expect the ambitious gentle
men In the convention with an eye
on their seats to come out flat
footed and say what they wanted?
We have not discussed any of the
provisions of the tariff bill for the
reason that we believe It will be
vetoed by the president. However,
one section of the proposed bill Is
so monstrous that it may be well
to call attention to It. The duty on
netting, the material of which mos
quito bars Is made, is increased
from 60 to 150 per cent. It is hard
ly probable that this duty will pro
tect more capital than would a duty
on tea, wnue me aouming or me !f tney dl(1 they nre altogether too
price of a necessity will cause much jconfldlng for politics.
Let us show you our line of II.iv Tools. We are
sole agents for Star, Louden and N'ey ll.iy Tools and
can compete with anyhody, no matter where located,
on prices. Let us show you the
London Hay Fork Returner
and snatch pttUy, w s.tves you almost half the
time and lahor necessary in unloading hay in a larn
at an expense of less then $5 0. Once used it wi'.l
never x discarded. AUo mower sickley and sections
of all standard makes.