The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 02, 1909, Image 1
St Hi oe. be Ilattemouib Journal SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION- EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXYI11 PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. MON DAY, AUGUST 2, 190b XO 56 ASLEEP IN THE SILENT CITY Funerals of J. V. Egenberger and Miss Hannah Black Are Largely Attended All that was mortal of the late John V. Egenberger was consigned to the grave yesterday afternoon, the services being attended by a vast gathering of sorrowing friends. Previous to the services at St. John's church the many friends of the deceased gathered at the resi dence of this estimable citizen to take a last look at the face of their beloved and esteemed friend. The several lodges of which deceased was a member gathered at their lodge rooms and attended the serv ices in a body, marching to the resi dence and forming an escort to the church. These lodges proceeded in the fol lowing order: The M. W. A., with the Foresters In the lead; the A. O. U. W. and the B. P. O. E., the latter organization being immediately in front of the hearse. The procession moved down Sixth street to Vine, thence east on Vine to Fifth and north on Fifth to Oak, thence west to the church, where the members formed open ranks, through which the funeral procession passed. At the church the services were conducted by Rev. Father M. S. Shine, and were in accordance with the rites of the Catholic church. Father Shine delivered the funeral address, and it was a magnificent tribute to the great worth of this good citizen. He eulogized Mr. Egenberger's past life and his ref erences to the sterling worth and upright character of the deceased were telling and affecting. Tears were brought to the eyes of all who had known deceased In-his lifetime and who could realize the true force of Father Shine's address. The ad dress Is universally conceded to have been a most brilliant and able presentation of the true worth of deceased and the great loss which the people and the city have suf fered in his passing. At the close of the services at the church the cortege was re-formed as It had come from the residence, and the line of march taken up to Oak Hill cemetery, that beautiful home of the dead, west of the city. Owing to the intense heat the sev eral lodges decided not to make the entile trip on foot. It being consid ered dangerous to brave the piercing rays of the hot sun for so great a distance. Instead they marched to the intersection of Oak and Wash ington avenue, where they formed in open ranks, permitted the pas sage of the cortege through their ranks, the members of the several lodges standing with uncovered heads. The pall hearers consisted of old friends of the deceased, two mem bers from each of the three lodges being chosen for this melancholy task. Those chosen were Messrs. Robert Troop and Val Burkel from the Woodmen, William Hasslor, sr. and Joseph Droege of Germanla Lodge A. 0. V. W. and Oeorge E. Dovey and D. 0. Dwyer of the Elks. During the hours In which the services were being conducted, the several business houses of the city closed their doors and business throughout the city was suspended between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock. This was In accordance with the proclamation of Mayor Sattler. The Intense heat of the day al most prohibited the attendance up on the services of many of the older citizens and friends of deceased, to whom the shock of his untimely de mise was alone enough to bow thrm down. In spite of this the attend ance was very large, many old friends gathering from the country and from out of the city. Among those from abroad attending the ser vices were Misses Minnie Guthman A Correct Ion. Through misinformation Mvcii the n porter . the Journal several days since referred to George W. Covcll, formerly h prominent at torney of this city atid now located in Otnnhn, where he occupies a lead ing place In his profession, as the "late" George V. Covcll. It is a pleasure to correct this error. Mr. and Mary Weckbach of Lincoln, Mr. Charles W. Weckbach of Crete, Neb., and Messrs. Walter Brandies. Colonel Charles Grotte and I. Pearlman of Omaha. One pathetic feature of the ser vices was the unfortunate delay to the train on which Mrs. J. Egen berger, Jr., of Salt Lake, Utah, and Mrs. John Hohlshuh were Mrs. Hohlshuh was visiting with Mrs. Egenberger at Salt Lake, and as soon as the news of the death could reach her they both determined to return here for the services and so telegraphed the family of Mr. Egen berger. Owing to a missed connec tion at Denver, Col., they did not get here as early as expected, arriving last evening at five o'clock. They were hurriedly taken to Oak Hill cemetery where the casket still re mained above earth, and it was opened so that they might have one last look at the face of their be loved relative previous to It being lowered to the final resting place. Mrs. Hohlshuh Is the mother of Mrs. Egenberger. After this was done the casket was lowered Into the grave and the- last sad rites performed. The funeral of the late Hannah Black was held yesterday afternoon from the home of C. H. Smith. A very large number of friends of thi3 lovable young lady were In attend ance and the deepest sorrow was manifest at her untimely passing away. As has been said before, Miss Black was a very popular young lady, numbering her friends by the score, and all who possibly could were In attendance to pay the last sad tribute to her. The after noon and evening were both very warm and oppressive, and a great many who longed to attend and show the grief which Is in their hearts were deterred by this fact. The services at the house were conducted by Rev. J. II. Salsbury of the Fresbyterlan church, nssisted by Rev. J. T. Baird, both these min isters having been the favorites of the deceased In her lifetime. Both spoke feelingly of the deceased and her noble traits of chnracter, dwell ing lovingly upon the purity of her life which, even at Its best, was more or less lonely, she having none of her family left to comfort her. They also dwelt feelingly upon the Christian purity of her life and the faith which was In her and sustain ed her to the end. Music appropriate to the sad oc casion was had at the house, Miss Verna Cole, a girlhood friend of de ceased, presiding at the piano, and some of the sweet hymns which had been her comfort In lifi being sung. At the grave the last rites were per formed by Rev. Salsbury nnd loving hands laid this gentle soul away In Its final resting place. The pall bearers were all young men who had . been childhood friends of Miss Black, being Roy Thompson, Fritz Frlcke, Charles Hopping, Frank and John Cloldt and Bert Spies, and they performed the final mission with sorrow and tears. Interment was hnd at Oak Hill, where repose the dead of this city and Its vicinity. A long cortege fol lowed the hearse to the tomb and the casket was strewn deeply with floral tributes from loving friends. Personally, a young woman of lovable character and disposition, Miss Black's passing away leaves a void which time can never hope to fill In the hearts of her many friends. To them all she was much as one of their own families, a lov ing sister and daughter, and cadi feels the most profound grief In the unhappy hour. Covcll is far from being "late," as a j letter from hltn plainly shows. The gentleninn objects vigorously to the prematura burial which was ex ' tended to Mm, and seems some 'peeved over it. Therefore, the Journal records the fait with pleas ure as aforesaid, that he Is not ,' late," but Is very much on enrth, anil It r"grets sincerely the blunder. Old Timer Heard From. The following from the Malvern Leader will show Plattsmouth peo ple that Cade Rogers.a former citi zen of this plare, is very much alive. Cade has not been heard of here for some time and several times has been reported as a dead one. His toylngs with the muse, as evidenced by the verses at the end of his letter, are something of a bad sign. The letter Is as follows: Soldiers' Home (California), July 3, 1909. General Sherman said that war Is hell, but failed to tell us that no changes would be found after peace was declared. See only part of a comrade's report In which he relates this place of being the same as the general claimed of war. "I want to tell the people through the Herald- that that' home is a hell for the men. My experience out there is only a small part of what I know. In April, 1908, I was made undertaker. One morning about 4 o'clock I was notified by one of the nurses that a man named Donovan was dead. I responded at once and found his body cold and stiff. I asked how long he had been dead and they told me about fifteen min utes. Yet his body was stiff and cold, and the fact was that he had been dead for hours and had died unattended. I was fired by the stew ard, who said that I knew too much." The old and feeble comrades are rapidly passing away. On one day here there was1 ten in the morgue, and on this day there is three. For different causes, many sulcdes have been committed here and In almost all kinds of manners, by shooting, throat cutting, poison, drowning, leaping from mountains and high windows. Cars have killed many, but these were mostly caused by drunkenness. A queer incident occurred here yesterday: An old veteran and wife, being divorced thirty years ago, and she the while living In Denver, seen an account of our condition here, and Instantly Jumped a train and came to his rescue, taking him away with her. I have hopes for the old people as for better, but hopes don't knock out whisky. Many here are sober men, and claim to be ready for the hereafter, while many others get drunk and are robbed soon after pension Is received. Drunkenness and Jours Brings unhappy hours, But I At Soldiers' home sit In my ward And heed not the Jargon around me. But dreams of the past In memory Is fast, To by-gone days have bound me. Visions have past, no longer I see My old-time friends around me. And here In this room Is gathering a gloom, And a comfortless age here have found me. ' j My days of youth I'll never forget, From spring of life to 'vlntry weather, From May to December; I yet well remember All days between, I gather together. Age bring thought of hereafter, to mimy, And ready (some claim) for the pall. And I declare here ' I'm ready for the bier And old sweet bugle's last call. CADE ROGERS. Canada Is Back. W. T. Canada, district deputy of the Elks In Nebraska, member of the grand lodge and one of the three members from Omaha lodge, Is back from Los Angeles. "All Nebraska members voted for Judge Sammls; his merit won the fight," says Mr. Canada. Mr. Canada was chosen to make the speech, seconding the nomina tion of Judge Sammls. He and Rep resentative Rlne and M. P. O'Brien were the Omaha grand lodge mem bers. At Portland Mr. Canada partici pated In a banquet given last Satur day night to Judge Sammls by the Elks. Tuesday night the Judge spoke at Elks' day at the Seattle ex position. Wednesday of next week lie Is due at Lemurs. Judge Sam mls says he may bo In Otnnhn about August R. Omnha lodge proposes to celebrate duly when It can arrange for It nnd some time later a definite date will be chosen for that. Mrs. Cnnadd Is nt Portland for h"r health, which Is Improving slowly. World-Herald. Overcome by Heat. One of the painful effects of the intense heat of the past several days was manifest this morning when Henry Stendyke, well known in the city and vicinity, dropped upon Main street from over-heating. A number of days since Mr. Sten dyke was overcome by the heat while working at the farm of Fred Guenther, west of the city. The at tack, while severe and incapacitat ing him from work for some time, passed off and he did not feel any very serious effects of it. He did not seem to be affected at all per manently. This morning between 6 and 7 o'clock he started to cross M. In street from the Hotel Riley corner to the Boeck building. George Edgerton observed him at the time, he setting upon the steps of the hotel. Mr. Stendyke had reached the middle of the street when Mr. Edgerton observed him to throw up his arms and cry out at the top of his voice. After reeling about for an Instant he plunged forward and fell upon the pavement. He at once rolled about a few times and then rolled over on his back, stretching out as if dead. Mr. Ed gerton, In company with some oth ers who had been attracted by his cries, hurried to his assistance and carried him Into the shade, where restoratives weer applied and he soon . regained consciousness. He was taken to his home on Vine street, over F. G. Egenberger's pop factory, and at once placed in bed. Later in the day he was able to be out and at once went to a physician, where his trouble was pronounced sunstroke. His condition, while not regarded as dangerous, is still quite serious and great care will have to be exercised to prevent a recurrence of the attack. It Is the hope of his friends, who are legion, that nothing more serious will come of the attack than what has passed, and that in a few days he will be all right. May Extend Jurisdiction. Denver, Colo., July 29. A com mittee composed of officers of the grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Nebraska, and the grand lodge officers of Colorado, have been In session here the past two days at the Mining Exchange building, formulating plans for the new laws passed by the Nebraska grand lodge at the May session. The Nebraska members consist of Grand Master Workman A1. M. Walling, David City; Joseph Oberfelder, Sid ney; Charles II. Denney, Fnlrbury; S. A. Searle, Omaha; Al. Galusha, Lincoln; John H. Bennett. Omaha; William N. Huse, Norfolk, editor Nebraska Workman. The question of merger or consol idation is very favorah.'y accepted by the Nebraska Jurisdiction, and the only drawback present Is a few questons of law. Final adjudication of the matter will probably be con summated within the next sixty days. Today the party enjoyed nn out ing at Eldora Springs, the guests of the Denver brethren. Everybody is enthusiastic over the Idea of Ne braska extending its boundaries, recognizing that no Jurisdiction In the United States is bullded upon more substantial basis. Movlnjj to a Better Luim. J. M Leek, formerly of this city, but located for several months past at Ralston, Neb., was In the city over night, arranging for the re moval of his household goods from this city to Lincoln, where he will make his home In the future. He states that it Is impossible to live In Ralston owing to the scarcity of good houses and the general char acter cf the people living there. Many of them are foreigners and of a lawless disposition. Fights and trouble of all kinds Is In evidence at all times, and the place Is not suited for a woman to live In. In view of all this, Mr. Leek considers that he prefers Lincoln as a residence place. He. also states that the building In dustry In Omaha nnd Ralston Is showing signs of letting up and times are becoming quieter than In the past. I'lank Sxolioda Very Low. Frank Svoboda who has been ill for so long n tlmn Is reported today as being very low. He had n bad spell yesterday afternoon and sank rapidly. Ills friends regret exceed ingly that he dues not rally ns tliy had hoped for but everything pos sible is being don for hltn. The great bent of yesterday, last night nnd today make n hard strain on Mm, Indeed. Close as Token of Respect. As a slight token of the appre ciation of the worth of the late Con rad Heisel, all the business houses of the city are closed this afternoon between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock. The various business men of the city who had known this es timable man for so long a time, and who had had such close business re lations with him, entered Into an agreement to close, signing a writ ten statement to that effect, circu lated by Mayor Sattler. Owing to a misunderstanding as to the date when the funeral was to be held and also to t."ie pressure of business yesterday, Mayor Sattler did not Issue the proclamation call ing upon the merchants to close, but this morning he Issued It and so no tified the several merchants. By this personal act, all were notified In time, so that the houses will close at the same hour ns yesterday. Mayor Sattler had been a close personal friend of Mr. Heisel for many years, and was greatly touch ed by his death. The text of the proclamation which he issued Is as follows: A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst Con rad Heisel, a pioneer citizen and one who in his lifetime had taken an active interest in the welfare and de velopment of our city; and, Whereas, The funeral of this most estimable man will be held on Friday, July 30, 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.; now, Therefore, I, John P. Sattler, mayor of the city of Plattsmouth, Neb., do .request the business men and merchants of said city to show their respect and esteem for this good citizen by closing the doors of their several places of business be tween the hours of 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock p. m. of said date. In witness whereof, I have here unto set my hand this 30th day of July, 1909. JOHN P. SATTLER. Mayor. Dentil of Waverly Hnrnruu-t. It Is a matter of deep grief for the friends of Waverly Barnaul t lo chronicle his death. After a pro tracted Illness extending over a long period of time, he passed away last evening at 1 1 o'clock. Death was clue to a complication of diseases. Mr. Barnhnrt had been a resident of this city and Its vicinity practically all his life, having grown to man's estnte here. He was educated In the public schools of this city nnd was well known to many people, lie was personally a pleasant man to meet nnd stood well with all his friends and neighbors. He was n married man, having been united to a daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas T. Fry. For mnny years his health had been falling and whllo he was able to be about, the disease made steady Inroads on him and at last proved fatal. It was not believed that he was In Immediate danger of death, but the dlsenso which carried him off was doubtless aggravated by the hot weather, which hurried the end. The funeral will take place to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Thomas T. Fry In the Second wnrd, the services being con ducted by Rev. Luther Moore of the Christian church. Interment will be at Oak Hill cemetery. Card of Thanks. For the many kindnesses shown us during the last illness and death of our beloved husband, father and brother, and the mnny handsome fiornl tributes nnd remembrances of bis brothers In the severnl orders and friends, we desire to extend our sincere thanks, and to assure them that we are deeply touched by their manifestations of Borrow and sym pathy." Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and Family. F. G. Egenberger and Family. L. B. Egenberger and Family. Mrs. A. II. Weckbach. William Weber, Wife and Family. Herman Spies, Wife nnd Family. County Sunday School Association. The district reinventions of the Cass County Sunday School associa tion will be held ns follows: First district August 17, nt Mur ray, Neb. Second district August IS, at Avocn. Neb. Third disti l, t August 19, at some place to be selected later. Mont Robb, the Mynard grain dealer, spent last evening In the city, returning to hU home on the late train. Snow In July. A small sized panic seized upon the city last evening when a sudden wind and rain storm came up in the dusk. The past two days had been excessively hot, and the nights also had been almost unbearable, making ideal conditions for a tremendous storm. About 9 o'clock last night heavy clouds suddenly appeared In the north and northwest, and there was every Indication that the city was In for a tremendous wind and rain or hail storm. With the com ing of the wind the air cooled off very quickly, Indicating a heavy hail storm In the vicinity. So far as heard from, however, little or no hall fell. A strong wind blew from the north for some time, but did no damage. Heavy rain fell for a short time, resulting in laying the dust nnd helping growing crops. Tho storm was not very extended, appar ently being confined to the territory along tho Missouri river. At Om aha the wind did some damage In the way of blowing in glass and doors, and at the several pleasure resorts those out on the lakes In boats were caught and a number had narrow escapes from drowning; Boats were capsized and only good work by people In launches and other vessels rescued the occupants. One odd feature of tho storm was a fall of snow, something never before witnessed at tills time of year. For about ten minutes flakes fell during the rain, making a combination of wind, rain, snow, thunder and light ning. This freak Is supposed to bo duo to the excessive heat, tho rain not being able to freeze hard enough for hail and coming down In the form of snow. Tne expectation that today would be cool and pleas ant was not borno out by the sun this morning, ns its rays were as hot as even. The weather bureau pre dicts fair weather for today and to morrow with no appreciable change In temperature and conditions. Hot Weather Business. The hot weather Is proving very profitable to the railroads that reach the resort and camping regions. Out going trains from. Lincoln to the west have been crowded with sum mer tourists that have been driven from the larger cities In the east by tho oppressive weather. Nearly nil of the local ticket of fices report a good vacation trip bus iness. Passenger trains on roads leading to Colorado and the great northwest nre taxed to their cn- . paclty. Colorado has probably at tracted the bulk of (lie business be cause of the accessibility nnd the low rates, but many have been go ing to the exposition nt Seattle. Others have gone or nre planning to make n trip to the lake resorts of Minnesota, Wisconsin nnd Michigan. "It Is not only the wenllhy that are traveling these clays," said a railroad official yesterday. "Tho great middle class nre also taking their vacations. They nre doing this more than they did a few years ngo. The man In the ordinary walks of life Is beginning to look forward to his outing as an annual event." It Is expected that this summer will prove a record breaker in Ne braska ns far as vacation trip busi ness Is concerned. The bumper crops will cnuso hundreds of farmers to think about lonvlng their farms for a few weeks as soon as the harvest Is completed. State Journal. Are Feeling Much Better. I. F. White, the well known pio neer citizen of Murray, accompanied by his wife, Is spending today In the city. It Is plensant to note that Mrs. White, who wns ill for some time, Is now once moe In good health and feeling very good. She felt so much Improved that she came to town with Mr. White and enjoyed the ride. Mrs. Mark White Is also much Improved and wns able to go down to Murray for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. White. She is still taking treatment with a physician, and Is obliged to rail upon him every other day, but nevertheless she Is greatly Improved and gaining rapidly, some thing which her many friends will be glad to know. Continued the Sale. The final order of confirmation of the sale of tho real estato of Albert Queen nt Murray was entered In district court this morning by Judge Travis, setting nt chambers. The property was sold by tho sheriff sev eral days since, It being bid In by Christina Campbell for tho sum of $300, said to bo very low consider ing tho chnracter of the property. The property was sold under execu tion sale to satisfy a Judgment of Peter Campbell.