The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1909, Image 8

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    Idaily personal news I
X Short Items of Interest From Mon- X
day's Evening Journal
Miss Nora Barwlck is spending
today in Omaha, going to that city
this morning on the early train.
Mrs. Martha Baumeister was a
passenger this morning for Lincoln,
wheer she will upend the day visit
ing relatives.
Colonel C. E. McEnte departed
this morning for St. Joseph and
Kansas City, Mo., where he has bus
iness matters to look after.
Carl Kunsman Is looking over the
rattle market today In South Om
aha, being a pnssenger for that city
this morning on the early train.
Mrs. C. H. Smith was a passenger
on the morning train for Omaha,
where she will spend the day with
Miss Hannah Black at the hospital.
S. O. Tyler, wire ana family of
Havelock spent Sunday In this city
with George Goodman and family,
returning to their home this morn
ing. Miss Esther Royal of Glenwood,
la., who has been visiting with the
family of Ben C. Hyde for several
weeks, departed this morning for
her home.
Miss Alice Kerr and her guest,
Miss Anna Nosworthy of Dixon, 111.,
were passengers on the morning
train for Omaha, where they will
spend the day.
Levi Patton was a passenger this
morning for Glenwood, la., where
he has secured employment with
John Johnson and where ho expects
to stay for some time.
Jay E. Worley or the New Cen
tury Printing company of Lincoln,
who spent Saturday and Sunday In
this city with relatives, departed
this morning for his home.
Mrs. Sheehan and little son of
Galesburg, 111., who have been visit
ing In the city with Postmnster C.
H. Smith and wife, departed Sun
day evening for their home.
Clerk of the Court James Robert
son and daughter, Miss Blanche, are
spending today In Omaha, being
passengers for that city on the
early morning train this morning.
Mrs. Rathke and daughters,
Misses Mary and Bertha, arrived In
the city this morning from Glen
wood, la., for a visit with Mrs. Wil
liams of St. Louis, and her sister,
Mrs. T. F. Johnson.
Mrs. Frank Eaton and daughter,
Miss Florence of Colorado Springs,
Colo., who have been visiting In the
elty the guests of Mrs. Relnhnckle
and other relatives, departed this
morning for their home.
William Budlg of I'lnttsmouth,
manufacturer of the Denver Special
and Senate Chamber cigars, was In
Havelock Saturday and landed a
number of fat orders for his goods.
Mr. Budlg railed at this office to ex
tend the glad hand. Havelock
Mark White, who has been In
Omaha at the bedside of his wife, re
lumed to his home this morning.
Mr. White reports that Mrs. White
is getting along finely now and Is
stopping at his daughter's home
She Is still under the rare of the
physicians, but Is recuperating very
fast, and will soon be herself once
uev. j. m. i-saiHuury was a pas
senger this morning for Lincoln,
iet)., wnere he will attend a meet
ing of the presbytery and lay before
them his resignation of tho pastor
Mo here and the acceptance of the
same by the local congregation
This step Is iierossary for a formal
dissolution of tho relation between
the pastor and the congregation
Miss Edith Ramgo of I'lntts
mouth, who has been visiting her
brothers, Fred and A. O. Ramgo,
was given a pleasant surprise last
Friday evening at the home of the
former. About twenty-live were
present. Refreshments were served
Mid the evening was pleasantly
spent playing games, all enjoying a
good time In general. Miss Ramgo
left Saturday for her home In l'latts
mouth. Havelock Times.
Alfalfa Seed.
I have a number of bushels of
alfalfa seed for sale. Anyone wish
Ing same will find it at my farm.
Z. W. Shrader.
M. M. Freeman and family of
Clarlnda, la, who have been visit
ing nt I'nlon with George Saxon and
family, and Mrs. T. A. Freeman,
passed through the city this morn
ing rn route to their homo. While
at t'nlon the little daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Freeman had tho misfor
tune to step on a nail In n plunk
with h penetrated her foot, almost
passing through It, and they were
anxious to get her home for fenr of
blood pohiotilng. Mr. Freeman was
formerly in business In Tnlon, nnd
Is now proprietor of the Clnrlmla
bottling works.
Miss Amelia Martens was a pas
senger Sunday afternoon on No. 23
for the north.
Charles C. Parmele was a trav
eler to the west Sunday afternoon,
going out on No. 23.
Dr. F. L. Cummins was among
those traveling to Omaha Sunday
afternoon, going there on No. 23.
H. R. Guthman was a passenger
Sunday afternoon for Omaha, where
he will visit with J. V. Egenberger.
Eddie Egenberger spent Sunday
In Omaha with his father at the hos
pital, going up early Sunday morn
ing. Miss Bertha Rlehey and little
Raymond Dickson were passengers
Sunday afternoon for the north on
No. 23.
J. E. Douglas was among those
making a trip out in the state, lead
ing here Sunday afternoon on train
No. 23.
Frank Wheeler' Is looking after
business In Omaha today, being a
passenger for that city on the morn
ing train.
Charles Troop, the well known
farmer from the precinct, la In the
city today looking after business
Ed Schulhof was over yesterday
from Glenwood, coming over to visit
his folks for the day and returning
this morning.
County Clerk Rosencrans is look
ing after business matters at Ft
Collins, Colo. He Is expected home
this morning.
A .S. Will is looking after busi
ness matters In Omama, being a pas
senger In that direction Sunday
afternoon on Nu. 23.
Rev. Father M. S. Shine was
passenger this morning for Omaha,
where he will visit with J. V. Egen
berger during the day.
Colonel Henry C. McMaken Is
spending today In Omaha, being a
passenger for that city on the early
train this morning.
J. P. Falter, who has been at
tending to business matters out In
the state, returned to his home In
this city this morning.
Thomas Seydlltz of Havelock
spent Sunday afternoon In this city
with his folks and friends, coming
down Saturday afternoon.
R. O. Wagner came down from
Havelock Saturday afternoon for a
brief visit In the city with relatives,
returning Sunday afternoon.
II. E. Wilson and son Rex are at
tending to business matters today
at Pacific Junction, going to that
Ity on No. G this morning.
Frank Bnllance came over Sat
urday evening from his duties at
Glenwood and spent Sunday with
his folks, returning this morning.
James K. Pollock of Omaha, who
has been spending several days In
the city with his parents, returned
to Omaha this morning on the early
L. L. Patton, who Is now work
ing In Omnhn, was a visitor In the
city with Iiob folks Saturday night,
returning to his work Sunday after
Herman Martens came down Sat
urday evening from his work at
Omaha to spend Sunday with his
folks, returning to Omaha Sunday
John Buttery, traveling engineer
of tho Burlington, came In this
morning to look after some com
pany business and to mako a visit
with friends.
Fred A. Murphy and wife or Om
aha were In tho city Saturday night
and yesterday, being called here by
business matters and to make a
visit with relatives.
Former Mayor Henry R. Gerlng
came down Saturday evening from
his wholesale business In Omaha to
look after matters In ronnectlon
with his retail business In this city.
M. S. Brlggs was among those
from this rlty making a flying trip
Sunday afternoon to Omaha for a
brief visit at the hospital with J. V.
Egenberger, returning on the flyer.
Mrs. Sheehan and little son of
Galesburg, 111., won have been visit
Ing In the rlty the guest of her par
ents, Postmaster C. H. Smith nnd
wife, departed Sunday evening for
their home.
Mr. Blount and Mis. Warren of
Phittsinouth, father mid sister of
Mrs, It. A. MeClanahan, arrived In
the city Saturday. Mr. Blount left
the first of the week to Join Ms wife
and son at Denver. Mrs. Warren
will spend two or three weeks with
lur slHter before Joining tlnni
Eagle Beacon.
....... .'I'.. J ' ' - - - - -
The Journal has a llmlied u um
ber of copies of its July 1 edition,
containing an historical and Mo-
graphical write-up for Cass county,
which It offers for saie at the price
of 10 cents the copy. This edition
is pronounced the best of Its kind
ever put forth in Nebraska, and
those contributing to it and desiring
copies .should file their orders im
mediately, as the edition Is limited.
This Is the thirtieth anniversary
edition of the Journal. Orders will
be filed in the order of the receipt
and those desiring copies had best
hurry, as no other edition will ap
pear, and when these copies are ex
hausted no more can he had.
A certain charming young lady of
Aurora found what she supposed
was a fly In her hair. She Bhook It
out and as it fell helplessly down,
slapped furiously at It with her two
dainty hands, when horrible, howl
ing horrors! the brute revealed Its
true nature nnd deftly slipped its
stinger Into her hand. An uncere
monious explanation followed; it
sounded like this, "Aurh!" "By-
Tunder und Blitzen!" And that
was all. Aurora Sun.
I Kfltt, VOTK E,
In the matter of the estate of John
H. Bauer, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing
unon the petition or jonn Aineri
Hnuer. udm n Htrator. wun win an
nextil of the ectate of John H. Bauer,
deceased, prpylriK for a license to sell
the following described real estate he-
lonclnar to said estate, anil situated
In Cuxs county, State of Nebraska, to
The northwest quarter nnd the
southwest quarter of the northeast
miarter of nectlon thirty (.IU), in
iinniter of section thirty (301, In town
Hliln eleven (11) of ranee eleven (111
east of t lie (itli P. M for the purpose
of Davlnif nil debts allowed against
s 1,1 PHtiite for which unon proper no
lire niav be allowed acainst sain
eHtnle. and the cost of administration
there not being simlclent personal
nronertv belonging to said estate to
nnv xHl'd debts and expenses.
it is. in hKh.r imr.. iii.i'r.iw.i
That nil persons Interested In said
estate appear before me at the ornce
of the Clerk or the District unuri at
Plattsmouth. ( ass county, Nebraska, on
the tith day of September, 1909, at the
hour of ten o clocK a. m., to snow
cause why license should noi ne
granted said administrator as prayed
In said petition.
a copy of this notice tie published for
four successive weeks prior to the
time fixed for said hearing in the
I'lattsmouth Journal, a weekly news
paper published at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, and of general circulation In
said count v.
Dated this 17th day of July, 1909.
Hahvrt D. Thavis
Judge District Court.
Death of Mary Klla Davis.
Mrs. Mary Eii Davis, who fcr
many years was a resident or mis
illage, died at 4:43 last Sunday
evening in a hospital In St. Joseph.
Her sister, Mrs. Clara Davis, re
ceived a message Saturday evening
calling her there, arriving In time
to see her alive. The remains were
brought here, arriving on the Tues
day morning train, accompanied by
everal relatives from St. Joseph,
the funeral services having been
held In that city on Monday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. G. L. Sher
man. Brief services . weer held at
the home of Clara A. Davis In this
village, Rev. D. B Lake officiating,
and Mrs. J. W. Gamble of Platts
mouth sang "My Faith in Thee" and
'Face to Face." The remains were
then taken to the cemetery, north
west of here, for interment beside
her husband, Dr. C. F. Davis, whose
death occurred a number of years
Mary Ella 'Davis was well known
by numerous friends, among whom
she resided for many years, and
prior to her illness she had been an
active member of the Cumberland
Presbyterian church and In the local
lodge of the Fraternal Union of
America, and was for a long time an
efficient officer of the latter organ
ization. When her health began to
fall about two years ago she was
forced to retire from active work,
but never lost Interest In them. Last
winter she went to the home of her
sister in St. Joseph, and her heallh
seemed to be Improving until she
suffered a relapse recently, from
which she never rallied. Those who
came from a distance to attend the
funeral were Mrs. G. L. Sherman, a
sister; Mrs. Laura Goodlive, an
aunt; Paul and Sidney Sherman,
newphew and niece, all residing in
St. Joseph, and Mrs. A. G. Wright
of Anthony, Kas. Union Ledger.
. .
It is time
to paint
When you paint
use the Vest Taint
Lowe Brothers'
High Standard"
1, It spreads best.&nd,
wears best.
2. It looks best-most
beautiful colors.
3. It costs the least per!
year of service.
The guaranty is broad
and good.
It Gives Best Result
in all qualities.
As1(. for Color Cards,
"Attractive Homes,"
"HoW to Paint," etc.
& Hadraba
Red Cross Drug Store
to Mr. and Mra.
of South Bend,
July 19, a girl.
The Burlington railway company
have advanced the pay of their sec
tion men to $l.u0 per day.
Ed. McNealy was at Omaha again 1 village.
TU- virtue of an order of sale, Is
sued bv James Robertson. Clerk of
the TMHtrlct Court, within and for the
Conntv of Cass. State of Nebraska
anil to me directed, I will on the l!Sth
diiv of Auirust. A. I. 190!. at 10 o'clock
a. 'm.. of said day. at the south door
of the Court House. In said county and
state, sell nt public auction, to the
h irhest li der. for casn. tne lonownit;
described real estate, towlt: Lots five
(M.and six (fi, block four (4). in
Munifi-r'n First addition to the VII
lnire of AIvo. In the Countv of Cass,
State of Nebraska, the same having
been ordered a decrehrdluet i:niar''ir
een ordered sold under decree or
foreclosure, bv said court, to satisfy n
decree ami Judgment In the sum of
7!ir..l."i nnd costs recovered bv .Men
clnth P. Stone, executrix of the last
will nnd teMnment of Isnc tSotie, de
censed, airnlnst Hello nenncll. i:y
Ilennett. Wlllard I., elites (or Clytei.
I'.vn Kvnlene elites (or Clvtei, a
minor, nnd YVIIlnrd I., elites (or
eiytel, 1it natural puardian, Klni'-r
Ilennett and Maude Ilennett, his wire.
Arxllln Foreman nice llennetu, and
(ieorse V. Foreman, Jr., her husband;
Knrle Ilennett. a minor, and P.elle
Ilennett, his natural Kiiardlan, defend
ants. tutted nt Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
July 1!, 110S.
Ilnmsev & Ptimsev, Attorneys tT
Louis T. Rice, one of Murray's
bright young men came Monday and
Thomas entered upon his duties as a clerk
Monday, In the bank of Union.
Miss Tina Dillon whose home was
here some years ago, arrived Tues
day from Denver and Js )visiting
numerous friends In and near this
Tuesday to consult Dr. Allison. His
condition is improving so the doc
tor tells him.
Mrs. Schllefert, mother of F. A
Schllefert, living at the east edge
of town Is very sick and little hopes the hospitals.
are entertained for her recovery
Fall wheat In this vicinity Is being
threshed and is yielding from twen
ty to thirty bushel to the acre. The
crop is a good one and the grain
is good and heavy.
Our old friends Charles Fetzer
was in town Saturday, for the first
time In a good many days. He has
been very sick with stomach trouble
but is out and around again.
M. N. Drake has. sold his res
taurant and confectionery store, In
cluding the building and all fixtures
to C. Kraft & Sons, who will take
charge Immediately. Mr. Drake has
been in business for twenty-two
years and made the sale because of
his long service. The Courier wish
Mrs. James Gruber returned on
Tuesday from McCook, where she
went last week on account of her
father's illness. She brought him
to Lincoln for treatment in one of
containing her ticket and a blank
sheet of papr but no money the
thief had use for the cash. to snow c.u src.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
tv, Nebraska.
The cause comes on for hearlnsT up
on the petition of J. V. Kttenlierner,
administrator of the estate of PeKlna
VV.df, il. i-uncil. praying for license to
PeplnnlnK at a point Forty-on Ml)
rons nrth of the center of Section
Thirteen (13) In Township Twelve
(12) North, llnnffu Thirteen M)
Fust, running thence West Eighty
(Mi) rods; tnenre .Nnrtn i.ieven wu
rods; thence east F.lKhty (M)) rods;
thence south Kleven (11) rods
to th place of beKlnnlnK, being
the North Half of Lots Thirteen (1.1)
and Fifty-three (53) In said nectlon,
Township and Itanire, as now shown
on the iiata or n regular iracis ui
ii hi eon nt v.
The nnd v ded one-half l-2) or
Lots Ten (10) and Kleven (11) In
It nek Thirteen (ID In Duke s Udell
tlon to the. City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County. Nebraska, excent tho rlnht
of way of the. Omaha, Southern Hall
way over and across said Lots.
Th undivided one-half (1-2) of the
following tract of land towlt:
Keirlnntnir at a no nt Thlrtv (X0)
rodi North of the center of Section
Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12)
North, lianite Thirteen (13) East;
hence runnlnir west r.lKhtv (80) rods
thence north Kleven (11) rods; thence
Kim Kigniy (MM rods; thence Soutn
Fleven (ll rods to the nlnce
of beginning. being the south
hair of Lots Thirteen (13V and Flftv
three (f.3) In snld Section. Tnwnshln
and RaiiKC. as ahnwn by the Irregular
irmis in saiu vouniv, except ine
rlitht of way of the Omaha Southern
liHiiway acrosa the same.
or eufllclent amount thereof to
oring the sum or ;ir.o.00 f,.r the pav
nieni or oems nuowed nitalnst said es
tate of the cot of administration and
In addition thereto the costs of this
procccitinits there not bi'lnir any per
soimi property to pay thu said debts
and expense.
It Is therefore ordered tbat nil per-
sun inieresien in snld et.it8 appear
oeiiM-e mo at i -Hampers nt inv oillce In
t'n ( iurt ileum Pi tint Pity of
I'liittunnulh, Nchrakn. en tho Ilti
niiy i.t .imv, unci, hi in n clock a. m
or snld dnv to show eiinm w liv n II
ren.e should tint t,n nuite.l to snld
nilielnl-l'-ntnr to sell the. above rent
runie or sniil ileiptiw,.,! nr inil
mercer i tntiv ho hp, -ovary to
s-ild il-bl nn, exnenp
Dated II Is Till d.iv nf June, 10011.
. . llnrvv i.' Trwvl,
.in. lire nf oe DMrlct Coutt
l . 1 iv ypr.
s the new firm success.
A Mikity Flue Knln.
Yesterday and last night Nebras
ka was treated to a mighty fine mil
lion dollar rain. The downfall com
menced yesterday morning about
4:30 o'clock and continued without
Intermission all day and far Into the
night. The rainfall was steady and
there was no display about It, but
It got right down to business and
soaked tho corn fields In great
shape. Thet rainfall In this city reg
Istered .86 of an Inch, Just right to
give the ground a good soaking and
Just the kind of a rain needed for
the grolwng crops. Farmers who
havo been In the city today Join In
saying that the outlook now for a
bumper corn crop could not be bet
ter nnd the probabilities are that
Nebraska will rank very high. The
rainfall was general over the Mis
souri valley and drenched northern
Missouri and Kansas and western
Iowa and eastern Nebraska, ex
tending to the middle of this state
D. V. Foster went up to Platts
mouth last Saturday evening and
there he was Joined by. his daugh
ter. Miss Mary Foster, tand Mlp9
Eva Allison, all going for an ex
tended visit tr CoClumbus and other
points in Ohio.
Mrs. FJ. L. Daniel arijived Jast
week from Tuttle, Okla., ana has
been making a visit with Creed
Harris and family and other rela
tives nnd numerous friends in this
vicinity. This is her first visit here
since they moved to Oklahoma, and
of course 6he la a welcome guest.
Mrs. David Pickering has been
very seriously in ror several oays
and the attending physician found
that it was necessary to perform an
operation, which was done on Tues
day evening by Dr. B. F. Drendel of
Murray and Dr. E. V. Cook of
Plattsmouth. The patient recover
ed nicely from the shock and there
is prospect that her health will be
Mrs. O. N. LaRue had a peculiar
experience recently on her trip to
Lead. S. D., to attend the funeral of
her sister. At Lead her purse mys
teriously disappeared, the contents
being $6 In cash, a return ticket
benrlng her name and address. Mrs
Drumm of Weeping Water was with
her and had sufficient funds to pay
their expenses and thye reached
home Saturday. Yesterday morning
the mall brought her a package con
talnlng her pocketbook, also a letter
Mrs. Nicholas Klaurens and child
ren of Murray were visiting Uncle
Jacob Cruber and wife last Satur
day, returning to their home In the
The Misses Smith from Havelock,
arrived here on a visit to J. L., and
Tom Smith, who live north of here,
Wednesday. They were accompan
ied by an aunt of Mr. Smith.
J. W. Magney received the sad in
telligence from San Diego, Cal., that
Rev. J. J. Lohr who was pastor of
lha TT H Phnreh In 1 0(1(1. unn dv-
Inn Tllr. 1.ttAW WHO 1 1 1 1,1 Tlllv 1 ,
. r. 1 . 1. 1 , . .. T .1,1
,1 1 II l k 1 1 1 hJIVll. (llu .--.u Mt' . v.
lirh and Moran were In Nehawka
last Friday morning looking up evi
dence In the case of Zella White
vs. Trustees of White estate. The
attorneys represent Miss White and
after interviewing several here they
went to Plattsmouth and Murray to
see others whom they expect to tes
tify In their behalf.
Airs. Mnrtraret DelesDernler ar
rived here from Ferndale, wasn.,
on Sunday where she has been for
some time caring for her daughter,
Ella Elliott, who has been suffer
ing from paralysis for a long time.
She reports her as Improving and
that there Is a chance for her re
covery. Mrs. DelesDernier Is in
splendid health and will remain here
for a month or more.
Morris Pollard exhibited a loaf of
bread that was made from new
wheat that was threshed and de
livered to the mill last Friday. The
bread was made by Mrs. Ourecky,
the miller's wife and was of splen
did quality. It demonstrated that
the Nehawka flour would still be of
the same high quality. The flour
made from the new wheat is not as
white as that made from old, but
the flakyncss and the way It retains
moisture is the way to Judge good
Oklahoma Corn Short.
Cew Land nances.
FLATHEAD INDIAN RESERVATION: Registcter at Kalispcll, Mont.,
Herman Hohlshuh this morning I the Great Northern Railway.
COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION: Register at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
(Buy tickets to Spokane.)
SPOKANE RESERVATION: Register at Spokane, Washington.
PecUtrntinn dates Ttilv 1 5th to August 5th. inclusive. This is an
w "
received a brief note from his
brother Will, dated Mlnco, Okla.,
telling him that the party had ar
rived thero safely and had found
the country to be suffering from hot
winds. Ills brother does not be- otjlcr 0f t)je remainining fewchances for this generation to obtain good
lleve there will be any corn to speak
of In that section this season. Aside
from this, the note hnd little; to say
n bmtt tho prospects. As. Mr. Hohl
shuh had Just arrived, it Is possible
government lands. Call on nearest ticket agent for descriptive leatiet,
showing conditions, excursion rates, train service, ect.
The Burlington-Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train takes
you through the wealth producing Wenatchee fruit country, and shows
Inter reports may be more favor- L.ou e wonderful upper northwest empire; every mile is interesting.
BIG HORN BASIN: A splendid choice of the government irrigated
lands is still left to homesteaders in this fast growidg country.
320-ACRE MONDELL LANDS: Thousands of acres of these larger
sicd tracts nre now available for free hoinestendiug in eastern Wyoin-
TTing and are going fast.
flluWm 0. CLEM DEAYEH, General Agent,
Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Neb.
County Attorney Itanisev wax a
passenger to Lincoln on the Schuy
ler this evening to appear in su
nreine eourt tomorrow morning at
the healing to admit John C. Clar
ence h bull pending the trial of his
ruse In that court. It Is understood
that the county attorney will op
pose admitting Clarence to bull In
nnv amount.