The Avoca Department Alvo (Special CorrjponJeuce. ) News Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Seml-WeeWy Journa Harry Nutzman was at Omaha Wednesday. George Cotton was here from Au burn this week. Arthur Ward was down from Wa bash this week. Miss Elsie Opp was a visitor at Nehawka Saturday. Mrs. J. H. Busch was at Omaha several days last week. Several weeds ave been murdered around town this week. Roy Fahnestock arrived home this week from Bertrand. John Everett and wife were at Nebraska City Wednesday. Jeff Welcher is painting the large cattle barn of Straub Bros. Jake Frey and wife of Syracuse are visiting Avoca relatives. The largest line of post cards in town is at Copes drug store. Miss Myrtle Wolfe was on the sick list a few days this week. Ralph Graham is entertaining one of Job's comforters this week. Dr. Schall and William Knabe were up from Berlin Tuesday. The Misses Fleishman are enter taining relatives from Missouri. Orlando Tefft reurned Wednesday from a trip to weetern Nebraska. Mrs. J. L. Nutzman left last week for Wisconsin to visit relatives. Mrs. John Benecke is entertain ing relatives from Council Bluffs. Mrs. B. C. Marquardt and Mrs. F. W. Ruhge were at Omaha Tuesday. Henry Martin and wife are the parents of a baby boy, bcrn July 2C. E. B. Taylor was a business vis itor at Omaha the first of the week. Muller Shackley, who has been very ill, is reported as being much better. Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and son Glen were at Nehawka the first of the week. J. C. Zimmerer, T. H. Straub and Fred Ruhge, Jr., autoed to Lincoln Friday. Charles Stroble, west of town, is having an addition built to bis residence. E. Hensley and force of men are plastering L. J. Marquardt's new . TPHtrtpneA. H. G. Wellensiek was called to Lorton Wednesday by the death of a relative. Samuel Johnson and family made a trip to Omaha one day last week in their auto. The farmers have been busy the past week threshing wheat. A good yield is reported. James and Charles Everett went to Nebraska City Saturday to attend the camp meeting. Dr. J. W. Brendel and W I. Smoots made a trip to Cook Thurs day in the Maxwell. Henry Pell and wife of near Union were visiting with Avoca rel atives Saturday and Sunday. Joseph Zimmerer and wife of Pierce arrived Saturday evening for a visit with Avoca relatives: Miss Wilnia Hanger and a gentle man friend from Lincoln visited the Samuel Johnson home over Sunday. H. G. Wellensiek, R. A. Nutzman, Gustave Buss and Henry Franzen were at Weeping Water Saturday. Clyde Bogard left Monday for Ne hawka, where he will amputate whiskers at Buskirk's barber shop. Samuel Johnson has purchased a new gasoline engine to be used to Dumo water on his farm, west of town. Miss Birdie Fahnestock enter tained a number of her friends at her home north of town Tuesday evening. ' L. U. Hupp, the real estate hust- ARE YOU GOING TO ALBERTA Harvesting and Treshing in Pro gress Can See What Land is Producing. Tuesday, August 3. Is the date of the next excursion to "Sunny Al berta," Canada. This will be the best time of all the year for pros pective purchasers to look at Al berta land a3 small grain will just be ready for cutting and threshing. One can see at a glance exactly what the climate and soil will pro duce. Crop prospects in this fam ous wheat belt have not been better in 20 years, which means that the price of land there will continue to advance in price. About 30 or 40 farmers, business and professional men of Cass coun ty have already made purchases in Alberta. Land-seekers from some 15 or 20 states are flocking there by the thousands, most of them buying a quarter Bectlon or more before they return. Six years ago this land sold at from $2 to $5 an acre; to day, it is selling at from $12 or $15 ler, will leave next ween ior wesi-iup t0 j50 an acre em Nebraska witn a party oi iana Xne Canadian Pacific Rv R. Co, seekers. advanced the price of its lands 20 Mrs. Fred Freudenberg enter- per cent on July 15 and further ad tained a number of her friends at vances are sure to come as the home her home, south of town Thursday, seekers continue to rush Into that That date was her birthday. country Colonel Bates was over from W you cannot possibly get away Platsmouth Thursday attending the to go on Aug. 3, you can go on the picnic and securing several subscrib- next excursion day, which will be prs to the best naner in Cass county. August 17 E. Nutzman, accompanied by Chris Nutzman and family, automo- blled to Murdock Saturday to visit the family of John Hugh, who are having a siege of typhoid. Alberta grows the best wheat to be found, the yield being from 30 to 55 bushels per acre. Oats yield from CO to 100 bushels and barley 40 to' 80 bushels. You can pur chase first class dry land within 2 3 or 4 miles of a market at $18 an acre and irrigated land at $30 an Where can you buy land at Choice Nebraska Land for SaK I have made a contract for 20,- acre 000 acres of land lying between the tnat prlce tnat grow Buch large North and South Platte rivers in crops? Keith, Duel ana uneyenne coun- Terms: One-tenth down and bal- tles that I am selling at right prices. ance ln nlne equal annuai Good soil, big crops, fine climate, mentg splendid rauroaa facilities; Dom lm- For further particulars, call upon proved find prairies: easy terms. or write, Gorim L, Farlev, pay J. P. FALTER, Plattsmouth, Neb. Local Agent, Coates Block, Plattsmouth, Nebr. Looking One's Best. Fred Dreamti and family depart d Sunday evening for Denver, Col., to spend a few weeks visiting. John Casey came in Sunday even ing from South Omaha to help his sous, J. D. and W. E. during the hay making season. E. M. Stone and brother-in-law, Bert Kitzel, went to Plattsmouth Saturday evening in Mr. Stones auto, and on account of the rain Sunday returned home on No. 17 Sunday evening. George Leibhart and wife were passengers to Lincoln Sunday night. II. S. Ough and son Chester went to South Omaha Sunday to visit Vic tor Ough, who is in the employ of the C, R. I. & P. railroad. Miss Ethel Stewart went to Lin coln Sunday night on No. 17. F. E. LInch of Lincoln was in town Friday and Saturday of last week. Mrs. Andy Sutton returned from Lincoln Monday. Henry Bennett of Waverly was ln town Thursday. Commissioner Jordan was busy with county work last week. Mr Nettle Powell and Bister, Violet Ough of Lincoln, visited in town a couple of days last week. Mrs. J. V. Parsell was burled in' the Alvo cemetery last Friday after noon. Rev. Story delivered the last rites. Several people of this vicinity at tended the holiness camp meeting at Lincoln last week. R. A. Stone returned from Om aha last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rosenow drove to Eagle on business Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Knott and her father, Mr. Bossey, visited at Ed. llurlbert's Tuesday. Miss Cora Stout is clerking for Dreamer & Cashner during Mr. Dreamer's absence. T. N. Bobbin and wife are spend ing this week ln University Place and Lincoln with their sons, Charles and L. E. Bobbin. George Hess returned from Platts moutli on the Tuesday evening pas senger train. The Plattsmouth Telephone com pany are moving their booth from the postofflce to the Alvo Telephone company's office this week. John Foreman went to Lincoln Tuesday evening. J. M. Campbell and wife were do lng trading ln Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. George Foreman, tr.. and'sukness and death cf our beloved Mrs. Marlon Prouty were passengers j wife, mother and sister, and also for the beautiful floral offerings. Joseph V. Parsell. for I.liipf.ln Siimtav nliht nn V'n 1? ! C. R. Jordan is helping make hay this week. Arthur Klyvvr is lulling Fred Leiddig thresh. Miss Marie Stroemer has been vis iting In the county the past week. Andrew Parsell. Edward Parsell. Fay Parsell. Guy Parsell. Thaddeus Anderson. In Menioriatn. DIED At her home near Alvo, Neb., on Wednesday, July 21, 1909, at 2:40 p. m., Sophronla, wife of Joseph V. Parsell, aged 68 year 2 months and 20 days. Sophrania Anderson was born at Homer, Licking county, Ohio, May 1, 1841, and with her parents she moved to Peoria county, Illinois, In the fall of 1846, and resided there until her marriage to Joseph V. Parsell on February 11. 1863. With her husband and family they came to Nebraska ln March, 18S2, set tling on the farm near Alvo, Cass county, which has since been her home. To this union six children were born Andrew, Olive, Edward, Ray, Fay and Guy, four of whom survive her, and were all at her bed side during her illness and death, assisting In every possible manner with their presence and sympathy to alleviate her suffering. Besides her husband and four sons she leaves four brothers to mourn her loss. George of Brookfleld, Mo.; Andrew of Los Angeles, Cal; Thad deus of Skldmore, Mo., and Squire of Crested Butte, Colo. The funeral was held at the Alvo M. E. church, Rev. B. L. Story officiating, and the remains were laid to rest In the Alvo cemetery. She was universally respected as a loving wife and mother and leaves a large circle of friends and rela tives to mourn her loss. No sac rifice was too great, no labor too arduous for her and she enjoyed an extreme happiness ln providing en tertainment for her friends and rel atives, and all who ln any manner were thrown upon her hospitality. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Thaddeus Ander son of Skldmore, Mo.; William rtil- ver, wife and son of Kenesaw, Neb Mrs. E. A. Wood of Tecumseh, Neb.; C. M. Bailey, wife and daughter of Lincoln, Neb; Mra. F. E. LInch of Lincoln, Neb. A Ited-Hot Day. Today has been one of the hot test and most depressing of the sea son. Last night was a very hot one, there being no breeze blowing the entire night and this morning dawn ed very sultry and hot. A breee has sprung up during the day and tempers the fierceness of the sun's rays somewhat. The thermometer Is not as high as one would think, registering 96 degrees at noon. The weather Is reported to bo playing havoc with animals, and many cases of horses being over heated are reported. Dr. W. D. Jones states that he is kept on the go by the cases reported to him, all directly attributable to poor Judg ment of horse owners and drivers ln handling the steeds. The weather bureau predicts showers for today with fair weather tomorrow. Little relief from the In tense heat Is promised for several days. A falling tiny nerve no larger It's a woman's delight to look her than the finest silken thread takes best but pimples, skin eruptions, from the II eart its impulse, its sores and bolls rob life of Joy. Ls- power, Its regularity. The Stonach ten! BuclUln'B Arnica Salve cures also has its hidden, or Inside nerve, them; makes 'be skin soft and vel- it was Dr. -Shopp who first told us vety. It glorifies the face. Cures it was wrong to drug a weak or pimples, sore eyes, cold sores, crack- failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, ed lips, chapped hands. Try It. In- His prescription Dr. Shoop's Res- fallible for piles. Co. 1 f s s 0 t : : i t Paint that Pays! KB That's Fatton's Sun Proof Paint. Why? Because it covers more surface, wears longer and looks better than any other high grade paint on the market. It adds greatly to the beauty and attractiveness of a pro perty, and often helps to sell it at a profit much greater than the cost of painting. Get our free booklet and color card. ORAL COPES, MS 25c at Gerlng & toratlve is directed straight for the cause of these ailments these weak and faltering Inside nerves. This, no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late so rapidly In popularity. Druggists say that those who test the Restorative even for a few days soon become fullj convinced of Its wonderful merit Anyway, don t drug the organ. Treating the cause of sickness Is the only sensible and successful way. Sold by all Dealers Curd of Thanks. We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and rel atlves who so kindly assisted us In alleviating the suffering during the Change on August 1. On next Sunday, August 1, the Burlington train No. 1 will run via Omaha Instead of over the old main line, and will therefore leave Lin coln for Denver fifty minutes later. Train No. 44, on the Billings line, will leave Billings one hour later, after August 1, but It will arrive at Lincoln the same time as at present. One of the express trains on the Spearflsh and Englewood line will be taken off August 1. Tho new railway mail service has not been Inaugurated on the Burlington be tween Alliance and Denver on trains No. 303 and 304, as the appoint ment of the clerks have not yet been made. As soon as these appoint ments are made the service will be promptly put Into operation. State Journal. Henry Proooer, Contracting, Flustering, Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb I) i DC DC DC 3n GREAT DEBATE WOMEN SUFFRAGE! Glcnwood Chautauqua AUyST Cass County Lund for Sale. I am offering some good farms for sale in Cass county at prices that are right ln any size you may want them. From 320 down to 20 acres, i Improved and unimproved. Don't get the idea that our lands are too high, for they are still going higher. Reap the benefit while you have the chance. See me for prices. J. P. FALTER, Plattsmouth, Neb. 0 '"TO emphasize the difference between fictitious sales .1. and a real "value giving" sale like ours, we urge you to direct your earnest attention to the following y guarantee, which operates throughout the entire sales period, now well underway practi cally everywhere: "Buy a suit of clothes from us and sec the same kind for less money in any other retail clothing house show us and wc will refund to you, IN CASH, not only the difference in price, but double that amount." 0 o The Commercial Club, through the Chautauqua Manage mcnt, lias arranged for the debate to he given by SENATOR GILLILAND Who so ably presented hi xlnt of view, of this topic, at the 1m Moines Chiiutauqiut, and Rev. Miss Gertrude von Peizold Who romi'H from London, F.nghind, tho present "Hot Bed" of the MilTrngo movement. Tills Is heroining I In mo-t pertinent topic of the duy and Is a movement Unit is fust spreading. Mis von Pet .old Is n woman of Httrartlve, dignified iip peuninco mid Is a bright, rnp.ihlo Mudent of her subject and fully nlilo to present her vles In n masterful and persuasive innuner. A I'.nrc Trent nunlls the pulrons of this nc-slon in this debate. Ho not delay getting jour sea-on thkets n( once. Thevo lire for sale ut inu-t of the Mores and nil the hanks. W 0 President Helps Orphan. Ilundieds of orphans have been helped ty the Presidents of The Industrial and Orphan' Home at Macon, Ga. who writes: "We have used Electric Dlttera In this Institu tion for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles. We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth." It Invigorates the vital organs, purifies the blood, aids digestion, creates appetite. To strngthen and build up thin, pale, weak children or run-down people It has no equal. Rest for female com plaints. Only CO cents at Gerlng A Co. (1 H M$ n Here Is j nut what you want 63 acres, one mile from town, good 6- room home, new Imrn, other out buildings, fine lot of fruit, spring wnter In pasture, a nice bunch of farm land; price, $:... 00. $2,r.00 cnun, imiiinte live years nt 0 per cent. See J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth. Neb. 7-24-C There is no Question about the guarantee of quality, style, etc. Hart, Schaffner '& Marx label or your own knowledge of clothing covers that situation, in a general way at least. Hut when you are led into a store by the bait of a $35.00 suit for $14.50 and you buy what as surance have you that you could not have bought the same identical garment for less money elsewhere? Our guarantee protects you unconditionally. 0 Three-Button Novelty Said, - No. 561 Suits worth $22.50 to $30.00 for $17.50 " 18.50 to 22.00 " 14.50 " 13.50 to 16.50 10.50 9.00 to 12 50 7.50 Boy's Suits going fast at our greatly reduced prices. Suits, all new. Prices $2.75, $3.75, $5.75. All Knickerbocker 0 The Home oj Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes 3C 13 cesztct GIZSJ Mir. Frank O'Neill and daughters, MIsneH Itlanrlip nnd Pearl, and koii Raymond, were passengers this morning on the early train for Om aha, where they will spend the day visiting with friend. Stetson Hats Man hattan Shirts