The Last Voyage of T5he Donna Isebel By Randall Parrish Author of Bob Hampton ot Placer. Illustrations by Deaborn Melviil cabin cleared and habitable, made new men of all of us. The bedding was brought forth and aired before the open ports, the furniture restored to position, and a Are started in the huge box-stove. This quickly warmed the Icy Interior and yielded a new aspect of cheerfulness. De Nova and Kelly explored the steward's pantry, discov ering a quantity of frozen biscuit, several hams rigid as rock, together with numerous flasks of some liquid turned into solid Ice. We found can dles, also, hard as nails though they burned fairly well after a period of sputtering, and we fitted six of them into the great lantern. l!y noon we had completed the work, and had brought Lady Darlington and Celeste aft for dinner. CHAPTER XXV. In Which We Learn the Story of the Donna Isabel. The short Antarctic day left us lit tle opportunity for the work on deck. However, I kept the men employed as long as possible, first setting them at hauling up the longboat and stowing It safely away under shelter, and then at untangllngsome of the raffle forward. They went at this last task rather unwillingly, for It was carried on in full view of that lce-casketed figure guarding the forecastle, yet they got out two fairly serviceable spars and a considerable amount of cordage so protected by the Ice coating as to be still of value. When we finally knocked off and started aft in a body, a dark, cloudy night was about us, the snow falling so thickly as to make it impossible to see across the deck. Dade was busily preparing supper in the wrecked galley, the red glare of bis fire shining forth through the drifting flakes, while glimpses of light stole out in welcome from the forward cabin windows. The latter appeared shipshape and cheerful enough as we slid back the loor and stepped within. Scarcely a reminder was left of that horrible in terior dominated by death which had been revealed to me a few hours be fore by the smoky glare of the torch. While we wore laboring forward to clear the deck, Doris and Celeste evi dently had also been diligently em ployed, and with womanly Intuition had given to the desolate Interior a home-like touch which was Irresistible. I could only come to a pause gazing about and wondering If we could real ly be afloat upon a century-old wreck, tossed helplessly on the waters of the Polar sea. The odd, old-fashioned swinging lantern threw vlolet-hued rays over the snug scene, while in the center the table, covered by a spotless cloth, was fairly glistening la a bril liant display of ancient silver, newly polished, and of decorated glass. Doris, who bad been engaged in giving the Arrangement some final deft touches, turned instantly at the sound of our entrance, her sweet face brightening -with interest as she read the amaze ment pictured in my eyes. "You have actually worked a marvel!" I exclaimed, admiringly. "Where In the world did you unearth such a display?" "From a locker behind the steward's pantry," she replied, smilingly. "Hut, oh," with a shiver, "It was most bitter ly cold In there when we first opened the door. I actually had to wait half an hour before venturing In. Yet you should have seen what we found; this is not half the silver service was simply magnificent; and see every piece Is beautifully engraven with a facsimile of the ship, and a master piece of art." I gazed at the bit of plate banded me, weighing it in my hand, and study ing the decidedly elaborate scroll. "I have read that these old galleons were often furnished regardless of ex pense," I said, "and the Dons were high livers. Did you make any other discoveries?" "Only several cases of liquor, but all were frozen solid. The lazarette opens from the pantry, and we succeeded In lifting the trapdoor, but the cold of the air which came up was 10 intense that we were compelled to drop it again immediately. I never Imagined such an atmosphere possible." "It Is the breath of 126 years of polar winter," I explained. "This very cabin was of that same temperature when we first broke through its Ice covering." She pressed her palms to her tem ples, staring about her at the gray, gold-decorated interior. "Do you actually mean to tell me that that this wreck has been drift ing and tossing about all that time?" she questioned unbelievingly. "No, not drifting and tossing about, but solidly Imbedded within the Ice far south ot this. This vessel Is the Donna Isabel the same one Tuttl naw and her logbook lies in that furthest state-room yonder. Its la h t entry was made In September, 1"!3." She sank down upon the bench, her ryes upon my face, and I heard her lips repenting softly: "September, I"'-. S'jMtomhoj. 17.5 V as though tlw conception could hardly find accept ance In her mind. The men were grouped close beside the entrance, while De Nova and Celeste had gone forward to assist Dade in bringing his supper from the galley, so that for the moment we were comparatively alone. As I bent over, wondering what I had best say, she questioned quickly, with a little sharp lndrawlng of the breath: "And and the people, Jack, the crew? What became of them?" "Dead more than a century ago," I answered solemnly. "I did not stop this morning to read the log,' and so I know little of their story. But the vessel Itself tells of storm and of long struggle In the ice; probably most of those on board perished from expos ure and cold." Her hands clasped mine, her cheeks white from apprehension. "Were were there any any bodies here?" "Yes," i replied reluctantly, not dar ing to say otherwise. "How how many?" "Four men, a woman, and a child." An Instant she stared into ray face; then swept her eyes about the light ed cabin, only to bury them within her hands, her whole body trembling. "A a woman and child! Here! here! for 126 years! Oh, merciful 3od!" she lifted her eyes again, filled with horror, her hands clenched. "They they were actually here, ap pearing natural? looking as they did In life?" "Yes; they seemed to be Bleeping, for they had been solidly frozen In the very attitudes In which they died. 'The woman rested on the couch yonder. She had beautiful dark hair and eyes, and must have been about 30 years of age. The child was in a bunk, a little flaxen-haired girl of three or four." "And and you burled them?" "As best we could. We wrapped them in blankets, and consigned them to the deep, with a prayer for their souls." I bent closer. "Doris, dear, don't let this rest so heavily upon you. I wish I might have kept it all hidden. It was ohly the end of one of the in numerable tragedies of the sea. We must face our own needs now" and that task Tvill require all our courage." I thought she did not hear me, the tears continuing to fall between her fingers, half-suppresed sobs shaking her 'form. Yet as I rested my hand upon her shoulder, she looked up at me out of moistened eyes, her lips firmly set. "Ye3 yes; I know, Jack, but but it is all so terrible, and and has come to me with such a shock. I can not comprehend it that they should have actually been here here, all those years waiting! But I will not think of It any longer; I I will do some thing to make me forget." We all messed together, sitting upon the long benches drawn up about the table, Dade waiting upon us, with Dor is and Celeste occupying places be tween De Nova and myself. At the beginning we spoke little, the strange ness of our surroundings holding us silent, but the minds of all being busy with the same thought, we insensibly drifted into conversation regarding our chances of rescue, and the history of the old vessel In whose cabin we floated. Once De Nova Introduced the subject ot the treasure which might be stored away below deck, and the men exhibited their Interest by nu merous question; but I gave them lit tle encouragement along this line, re alizing that for the present our earli est effort should be to transform the wreck into some degree of Bafety a sail first, and a clean rudder; these at tained, the search for treasure might begin. What a scene and group that was! the wintry night without, the drifting fog of snow, the helpless hulk rising and falling upon the treacherous heave of the sea, that odd, violet-colored light gleaming over us. The faces are even before me the girlish looking Celeste, with her dark curls and white teeth; Lady Darlington, her gray eyes still moist as she glanced about the In terior, unforgetful of its memories; De Nova, Jaunty as ever, with no thought beyond the present, recalling to my mind with every movement the face ot that dead Spaniard who for more than a century had sat where he was sit ting; Sanchez, pale and with that hunted look, a counterpart no doubt of some seaman this ship had known in other days; McKnlght, burly and red necked; Kelly, his blue eyes filled with the merriment of 'old Ireland; John son, broad-shouldered, and sober faced, eating steadily, with never a lift of his shaggy brows; and Dado, fluttering about like a waiter ashore, with hit eternal smirking and suggestion of a tip. When the dishes had finally been re moved I gave the men permission to smoke, went back to the after state room, and brought forth the log book, which wo made an effort to decipher. It was roughly written and by a num ber of different hands, and between us our knowledge of early Spanish s'-rlpt was barely sufficient to enable us to read a portion of It. The earlier en- billy failed, were legible enough, biruing the story of the voyage down to the Litter part of July, and recount ing a series of severe gales. Involving the loss of sevriaj members cf the crew. Then a new baud took up the pen, "Dalaza. first officer." the captain having been killed by a falling spar; for a week or ten days the tale was of fierce struggles in the Ice-pack, and a steady drift to the southward. Others followed "Alcassar, second officer," "Salvatore, government agent," every line the record of new disaster, gales, wrecked rigging and death. They were locked in beyond all hope early in August, vast hummocks overhang ing the deck, the forecastle sealed by ice, the cold so deadly the red-hot stove scarcely kept the numbing chill from the cabin, the doors and windows of which they had covered with blankets. Not a day passed but that they carried out their dead upon the Ice, leaving them beyond Bight of the deck. The names were all written down. There came a time when the survivors were too few and weak even for that service; when they could do nothing but cower within the cabin and cast dice to settle on who should go down Into the Icy hold and bring up the fuel which alone kept life in them. They drank and played cards; they quarreled, forgetting everything human and reverting to brutes. The child of Senora Alcatras died; the next day the mother went quietly to sleep, never to wake again. They did not even know when her final breath came. She was the last of the women. The boatswain, Pedro Heo, passed away that same night, sitting on the deck; and there was left only Salvator, who had gone mad, a seaman named Juan Ruiz, and a passenger, Antonio Saltere, It was the latter who wrote the final ejjtry, September 11, 1753: "I touched Ruiz Just now, ne was stone cold; there Is only Salvatore left, grin ning at me across the table; the last candle Is jjoing out, too, and I haven't strength to go after more. Jesu, mercy." It ended In the blank page. I straightened up, unable to articu late, scarcely able to see. Celeste clung convulsively to De Nova's sleeve, her eyes staring at me, her Hps parted as if for a scream; Doris had bowed her face upon the table; the men sat hor rified, breathing heavily. So Intense was the silence that I could hear the crackling of the coal, the sharp swish of snow against the window. And that, awful thing had actually happened here, here where we were sitting! Here In the pitiless darkness, those last two lives had gone out to meet their God despairing, hopeless; Scarcely realizing what I did, I bout low over Lady Darlington. "Doris, sweetheart," I whispered, my words barely audible to her alone, "this will drive us all mad unless we can do something to bring back faith and hope. 1 beg of you to sing to us, sing to us here." She looked up, white-faced, wet-eyed, her hands trembling violent! as they touched mine. "Oh, I could not, I could not; the words would choke me." She arose unsteadily to her feet, gripping the table, then the back of the bench, and thus helped, tttaggered rather than walked forward. A long, breathless moment she stood, grasping the window-casing, staring blindly out Into the dark, the snow flecking the glass, her shoulders bent and trem bling. She turned slowly, ashen-lipped, one band shadowing her eyes. Twice she endeavored vainly to find voice; then, clear, yet with the glistening of tears clinging to each word, she sang: Jesus. Saviour, pilot mt Over lift's tempeituoui sea; Unknown waves before me roll, Hiding- rorlc, and treacherous ahoal, Chart and compass come from Thee; Jeiua, Saviour, pilot me. While I live I remember the won drous change in her face as she sang the effect pictured In those faces watching her. Ai a mother stills her child, Thou carmt huMi the ocean wild; Boisterous wavea obey Thy will, When Thou to thrm: "Be still," Wondrous Soverelun of the Sea, Jaaua, Saviour, pilot ioa. She straightened, her fine eyes dark ening, and I noticed Johnson leaning forward, clenching tho table with his hard hands. Whn at Inst I near the shore. And the foarful breakers roar 'Twlxt me 8 nil the peaceful rest. Then, while leaning on Thy brount, Mny I hear Thee aay to me, "Fear not, I will pilot thee." In the Intense silence that followed she crossed to where I sat, placed one hand upon my shoulder, and bent down until her cheek pressed my sleeve. One by one the men filed gravely out into the darkness of the deck, leaving us there alone. CHAPTER XXVI. In Which Wa Hnd Treasure. We began to dream of treasure as soon as the fierce winds ceased and the waves fell. The lust for wealth, partially blunted by the requirements of hardship and peril, rovlved within us tho Instant nature granted a tem porary respite. The memory of the three million pesos that might be towed away below began to haunt our Imaginations, and the story of It found utterance on our Hps. The ne gro blurted It forth, his eyes rolling, and Ie Nova camo direct to me, ask ing, In behalf of the men, tho privi lege of mnklng search. There was no excuse for refusal, even had I desired to find one, as the decks were cleared of tho debris left by tho storm, and the Donna Isabel rode her course easily to a lashed helm. Leaving Dado above to Veep a watchful eye on tho weather, I willingly led tho others In to the steward's pantry, where wo pried open the door leading down Into tho lazaretto, (To bo Continued! A lean uit INCLUDING BLUE SERGES-6izcs 3 to 16 Just Three Prices, $1.39, $1.99, $2.49! Do you realize what this means?It means that you can buy boys wool suits that sold for S3, $4, $5, $6 and $7 at one of the three prices above. You know what kind of boys suits we handle. All splendid, well-made dependable suits. No trash; no kike goods. No goods bought to sell at a sale price, but our regular quality line of boys suits. We have been so successful in cleaning up our other lines that we have determined to make a clean sweep of all that's left of our boys suits, l hat s why we have made these unheard of low prices. We have bought a big new line d boys clothing for Fnlland wewant to clear our tables of every single garment now in the house. Some of these suits are light.some dark. Light, medium and heavy weight; blue, black, gray, brown, green and all colors and styles sizes 3 to 16. It will pay you to buy goods at this sale for future needs. You cannot buy them cheaper at auction. Come early while the picking is good; Copynht I'M ctoppenheira one D'l chance of the year to buy Remember these Prices are for THE Italians no on Strike, The Burlington Is suffering from a strike among its extra gang forces. This morning the gang of Greeks or Italians which has been working In this vicinity under Foreman Scott concluded that they were not get Ing pay enough for the work they were doing and refused to go out. They demanded that the rate of pay be raised to seventeen and a half cents per hour In plnce of fifteen which they were getting. As the foreman hnd no author ity to rnlse their wages they went on strike. This noon they moved out of tho bonrdlng cars which they have been occupying on the tracks south of the depot to await a train for Omaha. The action of the com pany on the matter Is being awaited with Interest but It Is probable the gang V 111 he allowed to go and another gang be ordered to. finish their work. They seemed to have talked the matter over and conclud ed to either get what they wanted or quit. I Hack From the IUiikIi. County Treasurer Schlater and Cashier H. N. Dovey of the First National bank, returned this morn ing from their foray Into the wilds of western Nebraskn, having been spending the past week or ten days on Mr. Schlater'a ranch near Hrldge port. The gentlemen are looking fine and apparently have hnd a great time while there. Mr. Schlat er Is the proud possessor of many hundreds of acres of fine grazing and farming lands out on tho North Platte river and It was upon theHo that tho time was put In. Con siderable rough life was Indulged In during the vacation of the two gentlemen and they returned pretty wlel limbered up for the remainder of the Bummer and fall. A. II. Young and v.tfe returned hint evening from Omnlin, where Mrs. Young has been an Inmate of a hoHplnl fur n number of months. The lady returns quite Improved In health nml feeling belter than fur n 1'Hig time past. - Up of Every Boys in the Mouse! We Have Made 3 Prices in en's Suits: $7,90, $9.90, $11.90 Such suits as these you cannot bu for $12 to $20. They are mostly Summer weights, but styles and colors you can wear 9 months of the year. You can never buy good suits for less than these. We still have some of the big bargains left in shirts at 37, 54 and 69c Underwear 25c, a few gowns only at 54c, boy's wash pants 26c, boy's shirts 23c, boy's stockings 16c. Men's Pants $1 .45, $1 .99, $2.48 Men's fancy hose 19c. Lisle suspenders 19c. These bargains have set the town to talking. If you have not taken advantage of this clearance sale you are missing the Wescott's Sonus "Where Quality Counts." HOME OF SATISFACTION! Nebraska State Fair. On August 11 comes the closing date for all harness races at tho state fair, September 6 to 10. One hundred and eighteen horses have already been named In tho stake races. The races embody 3-year-old 2:511, 2:30, 2:25, 2:21. 2:18 and 2:15 trotting; 3-year-old 2:30, 2:25, 2:22, 2:18, 2:14 and free-for-all pacing. Six of these races will be for $1,000 each. The 3-year-old Nebraskn bred running race for a purse of $200 and the Nebraska derby, 1 1-16 miles, for a purHe of $.100, oIho close August 11. The 2:3.1, 2:21 and 2:1,1 trotting and the 2:30, 2:22 and 2:11 pac ing, each for a purse of $1,000, and the 3-yenr-old 2:30, 2:25 and 2:18 trotting and 3-yenr-old 2:25, 2:18 and free-for-ull pacing each for $.100, to be raced at tho state fair, Seplvmber 0 to 10, also the running 1 1-lC-mllo Nebraska derby for $500, and 4 1-2 furlongs 3-year-old Nebraska bred colts for $200 will closo August 11. There will be some excellent racing this year. John Lutz, Henry Zuckweller and J. Ed. Darwlck were passengers last week for Millard, S. I)., where they examined some land with a view of purchasing. Mr. Lutz returned Sat urday evening and Mr. Darwlck re turned InRt night, Mr. Zuckweller going to Lincoln from Millard. .Messrs Lutz and Zuckweller, be tween them, took an option on a hnlf section of lnnd, tho deeds and title to be examined pending the purchase. Mr. Lutz was much taken with tho country and predicts a great future for It. The corn crop he regards ns mighty line this year, while the wheat looks better even than In this section. The gentlemen will undobutcclly make a purchnso providing tho title to the property shows tip nil right. The condition of Frank Svohnrta Is reported today ns not so favor able and he Is very low. It Is hi desire Hint his friends nprcclate how seriously III he I. A cluingo for the better Is hoped for but at pres ent lie Indeed qulle ill. 1 good goods very cheap. Cash Only! Married In Omaha. Married At the residence of Mr. Floyd Knee, in Omaha, Neb., on Monday, July 26, 1909, at 7:30 p. m., Mrs. A. II. Knee of this city and Mr. David Knee of Alturas, Cal. The above notice will convey to the many friends of the bride In this city the news of her marriage to Mr. David Knee, a wealthy mine. owner of California The wedding was quite a family affair, thoaa present, in addition to the Immed iate members of the family, being Mrs. II. C. Kerr of this city, presi dent of the local V. C. T. U., and a number of slnte officers In that or ganlzatlon, of which Mrs. Kneo was a prominent member. Immediately following Mie ceremony the happy couple came to this city and nre now mnklng a brief visit here prepara tory to nn extended wedding tour to Michigan and otner eastern points. Tho many friends of Mrs. Knee has ten to extend their best wishes and hopes for a happy and prosperous married life. Mrs. Ilawrlck Improving Xlccly. Ai. Ilawrlck returned last evening from Chicago, 111., where he was summoned some days ago when his wife, who was visiting there, was compelled o undergo an operation. He left Mrs. Ilawrlck getting along nicely after what the attending phy sicians described ns ono of tho most severe operations they had ever per formed upon a patient. She will not be able to return homo for a period of probnbly three or four weks, but as she was getting along so nicely, Mr. Ilawrlck concluded It was safe for him to return, and did so. Mrs. Hnwrlck's ninny friends will bo de lighted to hear of her steady prog ress and trust that her recovery will bo son and that she can return homo very soon. MIms Itlanche Murray of Omaha, camo down Saturday evening for an over-Sunday visit with her mother, Mrs. .1. A. Murray, and her brother Ah In Murray of North Pintle, who is nlno lsltlng his mother.