The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1909, Image 3

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    n Urn 9mtt I lu
Death Claims One of the, Most
Highly Respected Citizens of
DIED Egenberger, John V., at Im
manuel hospital, Omaha, on Mon
day, July 26, 1909, of cancer,
aged 54 years 9 months and 2
days. Funeral Thursday, July 29,
1909, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the
residence to St. Jonn's church. In
terment In the Catholic cemetery.
As was announced last evening
the soul of John V. Egenberger, one
of the city's most distinguished and
respected citizens, passed away yes
terday afternoon. The sad news
reached this city within a short time
after he had breathed his last, and it
brought sorrow to the hearts of the
great mass of the people who had
for so long a time known Mr. Egen
berger and who had learned to re
spect and love him. In his lifetime
lie was the personflcatlon of ajl that
was" good and noble lii man.' Thor
oughly upright in all his dealings
with hla fellow men, a man of lofty
views and. purposes, a citizen who
was to every one a friend, the news
of his passing away brought the
deepest sorrow to all.
Not alone did those who were his
intimate friends and acquaintances
grieve at his loss, but all who had
known him In a business sense felt
keenly his demise. One and all the
public unite In sympathy with the
bereaved widow and family and
within themselves they feel the self
same sorrow which so grieves those
to whom he was a loving husband
and father.
John V. Egenberger was born on
October 24, 1854, In the German
Tillage of Waldhausen, In the pro
vince of Baden. It was In this land
he grew to his early manhood and
spent his youthful days. While he
was still in his teens he came to
America, that land of promise, land
ing here In the month of April, 1872,
and coming direct to this city, where
he has since resided and where his
fortunes have been so intimately
linked with those of his neighbors
for so long a time. Not always did
he remain closely In town, but for
several years following his arriva.l
here he followed farm work within
a few miles of the city. A few years
later he returned to Plattsmouth
and commenced what was destined
to be a long and honorable business
career by entering the store of Guth
man & Weckbach as a clerk. He
remained with this firm In this ca
pacity for the period of ten years.
Shortly after he had entered upon
this work he was united in marriage
at this place to Miss Mary E. Hohl
huh and of this union nine chil
dren came to bless them. These are
Edward, Albert V., Fred B., R. Wil
liam and Carl Elmer, sons, and
Anna M., Ida G., Florence Helen
and Mary Catharine, daughters, all
of whom with his widow live In this
city and survive him. In addition to
these immediate members of his
family, deceased Is survived by two
brothers, Louis B. and Fred G.
Egenberger, and three sisters, Mrs.
William Weber, 'Mrs. Herman Spies
and Mrs. A. II. Weckbach, alf resid
ing in -this city. Two brothers, WII
helm and Francis Karl Egenberger,
and one sister, Miss Francisco Egen
berger, had preceded him to the bet
ter world.
After Mr. Egenberger had spent
the years spoken of above in work
ing for others, he eventually em
barked In the fuel and feed busi
ness for himself, laying the founda
tion for his largo business In a small
and conservative way by the estab
lishment of the Plattsmouth Coal
and Wood Yards. The business
opening on small capital lias been
Steadily developed by the keen busi
ness neunien ami the sound Judg
ment of Mr. Ku'en be rSer until it hiH
T'-nd'V.l the proportions of the larg
est of Its kind In the city. To It he
I'ad clvn bis strictest intention, re
fusing to be lend nv.ay l:ilo other
lines and de lining up,,,, this ne-
ln t "i Mint y "out-t .
wo perilous have been fi
.1 111
county court asking fr the admin
istratlon of estates. The one asks
fer the npol.itinent of an exeetttor
for the estate of the ,it0 Mrs.
Maty Ella Dals of rnn. The
other seeks to secure the appoint
ment of Hymn Clark as adminis
trator of the estate of Samuel Me
Faddcti and others. This Is peculiar
ns It seeks to secure administra
tion on an estate consisting of clgh
ty acres of land who have died since
the party In vhom the title rested.
Both hearings ate set for August
Jt I I M
count to permit his fellow citizens to
honor him with political prefer
ment. In his lifetime Mr. Egenberger af
filiated with the Democrats in pol
itics and had been asked by that
party times without number to per
mit the use of his name as a candi
date for offices of high trust and re
sponsibility, but each time he was
positive in his declination and his
refusal to permit the use of his
name. Once when the Democrats,
casting about for one in whom the
people had every faith and confi
dence refused to take no for his an
swer, he was placed upon the ballot
as a candidate for councilman of
this city, but he at once assumed
the aggressive for his opponent and
did all in his power to secure his"
election, declaring tie would ' not
qualify 'if elertedl tinder such' con
ditions he enforced his wishes arid
his opponent won b a slender mar
gin. Only last spring he was be
sought to lata the office of mayor
on a citizen's ticket, but positively
refused and declined likewise a
nomination for the school board bn
the Democratic ticket. So great was
his popularity and so deep the re
spect and confidence of the people
In him that he could have had any
thing he wanted In the political line
at their hands, yet as In his busi
ness life, he had fixed his mind and
was grm and unyielding in his re
fusal. Deceased in his lifetime was a
member of three fraternal and social
orders, being a member of the B. P.
0. E., the Modern Woodmen and the
A. O. TJ. W., and to each of them he
gave that fidelity which membership
Implies. He was also a prominent
and active member of the Commer
cial club, and one of its most re
liable and vigorous members.
' Always in his lifetime a faithful
and devout communicant of the
Catholic church, he had lived within
the stern rules imposed by it and
shaped his life to a strict conformity
with its decrees.
His disease had fastened upon
him some time since, as the exam
ination at the Immanuel hospital
showed, and It was not until his
rugged spirit was bent to the break
ing point that he showed signs of
it. With that splendid fortitude
which had characterized him in all
his dealings in life he had fought
the disease until it conquered him
and when the end came he went
"sustained and soothed by an unfal
tering trust" to his Maker.
At 2:30 p. m.' yesterday came that
final summons, which all must an
Bwer In the little ward at Immanuel
hospital, Omaha. When it came he
was surrounded by his loved ones,
all of whom had been summoned
when the desperate nature of his ill
ness became apparent. He passed
away gently and calmly as If enter
ing upon a long sleep after a stormy
and tempestuous voyage upon the
sea of llf'
The family returned to their home
in this city last evening and the
body vns brought to this city this
morning over the Burlington road,
being accompanied by his son Ed
ward and his brother, Louis B. The
body was met at the depot by the
Elks of this city, who formed an
escort from the depot to the resi
dence on South Sixth street The
pall bearers at the depot and the
house were Messrs: Charles' Merger,
Frank McKlroy, George E. Dovey, J.
P. Falter, M. Fangcr ntu! George
Weldma n.
The funeral .will be held on Thurs
day, July from th residence on
South Sixth, Mrect, to st. John's
Catholic church, l.;i il;iT t house
at 2 o'clock p. in. ltev. Father M. S.
j Shine will conduct the funeral cere
monies. Internum win , u1(,
; Catholic cemetery at V.'i t Oak Hill
1 cemetery.
'I'o Be Married Teiliy.
A marriage licence was hs.iod y( n-
t' liby aft. moon from ti uiniy
Jm!-"'.s office for the miiniap. (,f
.William II. Iliihih, in;., :: S of p.-
' I'M ue. .ei) ., and Mrs. Maud K. Hur
ley, aged u:i (,f Omaha, Neb. The
! wedding Is to take place today In
this city. The bride Is the luiiid-
: some and popular daughter of Mr.
nod Mrs. Homer McKay of this oily
and has n host of good friends In
j Ibis city who wish her nil possible
happiness and a long wedded life.
Fine line Solid Silver and Cut
Glass nt Crabill's Jewelry store.
Has a New Title.
Ed. M. Westerfelt, for many years
right of way agent for the Bur
lington lines west of the Missouri
river, will hereafter be known as
real estate agent. A circular let
ter issued yesterday under date of
August 1, from the office of the
general manager lines west of the
Missouri river, and signed by Mr.
Holdrege, makes this announce
ment: 'Effective this date (August 1)
the office of right of way agent is
abolished and the real estate de
partment Is established, embracing
all matters pertaining to lands be
longing to this company, iir. E. M.
Westerfelt is appointed real estate
agent, with headquarters at Lin
coln, Neb., and will report to the
general manager. He will have cus
tody of all title papers and is
authorized to execute leases for
real estate when approved by the
proper operating and traffic of
ficials." This Is understood to be a move
on the part of the railroad to en
able it to comply with the ruling of
the interstate commerce commis
sion that all lands leased to private
parties, corporations and Industry
owners, by the railroad, must bring
a return of at least 6 per cent of its
value, and further to enable the
road to conform to like organiza
tions for real, estate care that are
being established by other roads.
In. the past all leases and care of
land.has been handled by division
superintendents. . Hereafter such
matters will come to the Lincoln of
fice of the Burlington real estate de
partment. The business heretofore
done In the offices of the seven su
perintendents of west of the river
divisions will be handled In Lincoln.
Some of the company's rules re
lating to leases are as follows:
Company land shall not be occu
pied by any person, firm or corpora
tion without a lease. All leases
shall be for an Indefinite period and
may .be terminated on thirty days'
Buildings on land leased from
the company may not be nearer
than 150 feet of the company's
buildings, and premises of tenants
must be kept in a neat condition
and free from rubbish in which fire
might start.
The company will collect rentals
one year In advance. Company
colors must be used In painting all
buildings on the company's right of
way, and no signs or advertise
ments may be printed on the build
ings other than signs relating to
the business of the party leasing the
land. Leased premises may be used
only for the purposes named In the
contract. No person or persons other
than the party making the lease
may occupy company premises.
The ruling of tne interstate com
merce commission forcing all ten
ants of railroads to pay for use of
railroad property was a move to
prevent discrimination practiced in
the past by which many shippers
secured, advantages over others.
State Journal.
Any lady can get a silvered "No
Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Send no money.
Simply ask for the "No-Drip" Coup
on privilege, giving your name and
address. Dr. Shopp will also Bend
free his new and very interesting
little book describing Dr. Shopp's
Health Coffee. Health Coffee is such
a close Imitation of real coffee, that
It requires an expert to tell the dif
ference. And neither Is there a
grain of real coffee In it. Made
from pure tonsted grains, malt and
nuts, its flavor and taste Is excedlng
ly gratifying. No tedious boiling
either. "Made In a minute," says
Dr. Shopp. Wrlto today for tho
book and "No-Drip" Coupon. l W.
Filitlon Heceivis Praise.
The Journal Is In receipt of the
following letter from Secretary
Clarence S. Paine of the Nebraska
State Historical society, which Is
Lincoln, Ni b., July 2:!. lfmO.
II. A. Bates, Editor Journal, Plalts
.. lnviith, N'eh.:
Dear Mr. Bales Permit, tue to
congratulate you upon the federal
excellence of your hist 01 i al edition
of the Journal for Juty I. This In
elie of the lest. papt is ( f lis kill !
that It has ccr been my prMI. t,o
to see, and 1 ery mm h desire nn
extra copy f, r tH. archives of the
redely. Tlianking .Vou In advance,
I rem;, in, yoiits wry truly,
'. S. FUNK.
.Mr. IIcNi-I'm Condition.
The condition of Mr. C. lie!.-, s
reported today to be somewhat bet
ter. The disease has made no
further progress In his foot and he
Is bidding his own remarkably well.
This Is pleasing .news to the many
friends of the aged gentleman, who
hope hu favorable condition may
continue and that he may ewntual
ly become a well man.
Smoke til,, "tint Hell." It U nlwnv.
' good.
Normal Traitiint; Cl.tse.
As superintendent of normal
training work In Cass county I want
to remind the good people of the
Bible schools all over the countv
that the time is drawing near for
the organization, of a normal train
ing class In each and every town of
the county, if not in each Bible
school. Hundreds of thousands of
students are being enrolled in these
classes all over the United States
under the auspices of the National
Sunday School association. A regu
lar course of study has been out
lined by the national association.
Th?re are about fifty lessons in the
first course covering Bible history,
Bible geography, Bible institutions,
and the Bible school, upon the com
pletion of which the International
diploma Is granted to those who
make an average grade of "0 per
cent. It Is the intention, as far as
possible, to have this course of study
synchiontze with the public school
term, beginning about the Septem
ber 1 and closing about June 1. In
the smaller towns two or more
Bible schools can write and have a
normal class If that should be more
convenient. A class was graduated
at the Elmwood this year made up
of Methodists and disciples. I am
very anxious that there shall be at
least one normal training class in
each and every town fu Cass coun
ty this 'coming' year. - Let the church
people take this matter up at once
and plau to organize the work the
fore party of September. I will as
sist in this work as far as I can all
over the county, wherever I may be
called. It is the purpose of the Na
tional Sunday School association to
raise up a generation of Bible schol
are through these normal training
classes, as well as to prepare Bible
school teachers for their work.
Superintendent Normal Training
Work, Elmwood, Neb.
P. S. Let all papers In Cass
county please copy the above note
In the interest of Bible school work.
L. A. C.
He Has Some Howl.
To the Editor of Journal.
After reading the Journal Satur
day evening and seeing the unjust
ice that was done our ball boy's in
the write up of the game between
Glenwood and Plattsmouth, it sure
ly was written by one who was not
there, It was one of the best ball
games of the season and when you
take Into consideration that three
of our boy's were so crippled they
couldn't run bases at all you surely
can see who played ball. Glenwood
had 1 score up to the seventh in
ning and Plattsmouth had 3. When
with bases full, two men out and
two strikes on batter, he made a hit
over the fence and lost the ball,
and this fence was close in on left
field. Tho writer said It our boy's
made a hit like that Plattsmouth
would go crazy, but our boys do
make Just such hits every game, but
they are called foul balls here.
I would wager that Glenwood gave
our boy's a most considerate write
up than did our home paper and
about that Glenwood laugh, there
was not much htllarty till the 7th
inning. But while we are talking
about laughing at things why don't
you write about the big laugh that
Is handed Plnttsmouth? You should
have seen how Glenwood turned out
to see the game. li'fr covered
grand stand was full, also Its two
wings of bleachers and Its enclosed
ball park with its score board and
Inducements to tho home players.
Do you think the boys did that?
No probably the town. In Auburn
they raised $S00 In one day for
their ball team. It took 2 weeks
for our boys to scare up 80.
Turn out Rnd Klve th boy's en
couragement; don't be afraid of the
"two bits." Charge It up to know
ledge and don't be a yellow fan and
thing all the poor playing has to be
done by the visiting teams. Come
on, every one, Ket to boosting and
what a glorious time we can have.
Homo I loin WcddlM-i Tour.
Ir. and Mrs. Alexander E. Walk
er returned from making foetpiluts
all owr the west on Mond.iy morn
Inr, ami will si on he at heme to
their friend.;.
Their tour look In D no r, Colo
rado Splines. I. oh Aiieele.;, Snti
I'rain 1-a o, Portland, Seattle, Spok
ane. Killings and a numb, r of
other point-. They y, purl a .
lii li'ful trip but were (.bd to I e
bai k amoni; the heme folk-t
lu lb" owning they were v !
coined In due and am lent M e by a
I'.o.t of their kid friends, w ho w In n
it v as nil civ r propo.-.-d " lt e.
dieers and n tl.-ir" for Mr. t.nd
Mrs. Hoc.- .Wiiawka Keilster.
II. L. Kruger, wife and baby came
In this morning from their homo
west of (he city and departed cm the
morning train for perry, (ikla.,
where (hey Will Kpeml a month. Be
fore returning Mr. Kruiser expects
to lslt Texa and look owr the
land In that state.
City Council Agrees to Pay the
Company $4,026.1 0 on Claim
The city council held Its regular
session last evening, and for the
first time since his elevation to the
office of president of the council
President Stelmker presided, filling
the place of Mayor Sattler with dig
nity and ease. In fact, President'
Stelmker developed a knack of get
ting business done expeditiously
and well, as the council did quite an
amount of business lu a compara
tively short time. The session in
addition was marked by no wrang
ling or oratory, but the members
waded Into the accumulated busi
ness and disposed of it in short or
der. All members were present save
Councilman Bookmeyer, who Is at
Hot Springs, Ark., for several
weeks. Mayor Sattler, being called
out of the city by Important busi
ness,, was unavoidably absent, and
President Stelmker ' took7 the chair,
1 After the minutes of the previous
session had been read and approved,
a report from the street commis
sioner was read showing the condi
tion of the tools belonging to the
city, and the same was referred to
the street committee for Investiga
tion. The claims committee reported
claims of Sam Smith for J 1.50 for
hauling hose cart and 50 cents for
burying a dog, and tho claim of Cass
county for $41.45 for boarding pris
oners as correct and the claims were
ordered paid.
Chairman Kurtz of the. cemetery
committee, reported that work was
needed at the cemetery, but he was
not prepared to ask for It now.
Chairman Mendenhall of the po
lice committee reported that the re
ports of the police Judge and mar
shall were O. K., and the snme were
placed on file.
An opinion by City Attorney Ram
sey was then read on the claim of
the Plattsmouth Water company for
$4,512, less Interest, balance due
for water furnished. Judge Ramsey
reviewed the circumstances sur
rounding , the settlement had in
1897 between the city and the
water company, of the litigation
then pending, and gave it as his
opinion that this settlement and
compromise was valid until attacked
In court when It was doubtful if a
modification of the settlement could
be obtained. As the present fran
chise and contract had but little
over two years and a half to run, he
considered that the proposed settle
ment of the water company was a
good one to accept and bo recom
mended. Councilman Neuman of the
water committee then moved that
the claim of the water company in
the sum of $4,026.10, in full settle
ment, be allowed as recommended,
which motion prevailed unan
imously. An ordinance prohibiting the
throwing of rubbish In creeks was
read a second time and went over to
a third reading at the next meeting.
Weber sought to have the penalty
reduced from a fine of not less than
$5 to $1, but failed of a second and
the motion was not considered.
An ordinance prohibiting the dis
tribution of patent medicine Hiimples
and literature was also read a sec
ond time nml went over to the next
Councilman Dwyer brought up
the matter of sprinkling the streets
and wanted a special committee ap
pointed to confer with the water
company and see whether they
Broke His Collar Bone.
.lames Dure Is on the "Bad
Order" li.-t suffeilnn from a broken
collar hone vhldi he accumulated
In t r lug to t hie an untamed bri in o.
He jumped on the animal In n
pasture without n saddle mid the
bronco addressed Hh If to vetting
rid of I. ha and It did with the ahow
results. Jaiaes I, M;Merlt.,' mme
I'Ut in a We. I; c r m. v ill he ready
'"' me lie r utt, n:.. ),,,
I Kef is! . r.
A M-ht Hbler's Bald.
Tli" mr'. nlrht riders are calo
im I cinion idl or allien pills. They
raid Jour bed to rob Jim cf rest.
Not so with In-. KlimV New- i,f,.
Pills. They newr (listless of Itlcoll
Vetlielne, but lllwnys chose the pyn.
teni, curing colds, headache, Consti
pation. Malaria. O at F. (i. F"li ke
Miol'lliortiH for Stle,
Three good registered Shorthorn
yearling bulls for sale. Also good
fresh milk cows. Mark White.
could arrange to get water, for
sprinkling in place of water for
flushing the streets, as the contract
provided. Neuman thought this in
fringed on the powers of the Water
committee, but the Dwyer motion
prevailed. President Stelmker then
raised laughter by appointing as the
committee Councllmen Neuman.
Dovey and Rezner.
The finance committee then re
ported the following claims, which
they recommended be allowed:
W. R. Rishel, sprinkling $34.80
Walter Breen, rent 18.75
I. Cummins, burying dogs... .50
Ben Ralney, salary 32.60
J. Hickson, labor 3.50
J. llarkins, labor 21.00
11. E. Miller, labor 21.00
Frank Kalasek, labor 1.25
J. Mattaon, labor 2.45
G. F. Scott', team 42.00
V. Silzman, labor 3.50
W. M. Elliott, labor 5.25
V II. Scott.' labor 24.00
W. 'Fitzgerald, labor 3.05
W. Carter, labor 21.00
James Ptacek, salary 8.00
The following claim was referred
to the police Judge:
Bert Eledge, labor $ 1.57
The claim of William Hassler for
labor amounting to $11.55 was re
ferred to the claims committer
Under the head of street repairs,
Kurtz had the culvert on Twenty
second street, north of E. E. Hil
ton's, ordered repaired. President
Stelmker severoly criticised the
street commissioner, as, did Council
man Neuman, for grading dirt onto
the sidewalks and crossings where
he was doing work nnd leaving it
so that mud formed In wet weather.
The commissioner was caustically
treated by both these councllmen
and warned to be more careful of
doing this work in the future. Presi
dent Stelmker also hnd repairs or
dered on the Btreets at Rock, from
Seventh to Chicago avenue, Hold
rege from Lincoln avenue to Bill
ings' property, South Sixth street,
and called attention to a bad gutter
on the rond between Chicago ave
nue and the Charles Cummins place.
Neuman crented laughter by
wanting his desk repaired, which
was ordered done. He also wanted
a washout on Rock and Fourth
Btreets repaired. Schulhof again
called attention of the council to
the condition of the walk of the
Burlington right-of-way leading to
Wlntersteen hill, and wanted It re
paired. He also asked to have grad
ing done at A. J. Trinity's place for
a permanent sidewalk.
Weber roared on having to do alt
the street committee work himself,
and wanted the remainder of the
committee to help out, which Presi
dent Stelmker agreed on.
Mendenhall wanted some tiling
on Bryant and Chicago covered up
where it had washed out, and Rei
ner started something when he
wanted the weeds mowed on Lin
coin avenue. The celebrated weed
day proclamation of the mayor
came up, nnd nt the conclusion Rez
ner dropped his fight nnd the weeds
are still growing.
President stelmker had the clerk
road the Itemized list of repnlrs to
crossings, showing whnt each had
cost and warned the council of ih
expense attached to this work.
.Dwyer called attention to the
next meeting being the one at which
the estimate for the coining year
miiHt be made nnd the council then
I I arm for Sale.
j lfiO ams 6 miles northwest of ks, Neb.; 110 acres under culti
vation, io acris alfalfa, bnlanco In
; meadow and pasture. Good house,
ham and granary, nibs, ratthi
shed, pood !
at the hoie-
ado and running spring
. No trade.
Ceo. A. Aitmw,
Central city, N'el.
A. J. SlIMlef, OI.e (.f t1(. .(
ouiiif men In t'a.j countv nml Iiem.
derails candidate for rec sier r.f
rails candidate for register of
deeds. Is in tjie city today looking
Ilflel' 1 it! w i li nuu i. ii. I I... I.I ....
' ii.ii. I ' in nii'i nniticill-
ally mietiiin ,u many frleniU. Mr.
Snyder Is not aleti n bustling
! farmer but be l a bright and brainy
(business man and he will make a
, most e.X( ell, l,t register of deeds.
F. W. Marsh of Cleveland, O..
who has been Alsltlug In the city,
the ruost of George E. Dovey and
family, departed yesterday after
noon for Seattle, Wash. Mr. Dovey
and Miss Catherine wero passengers
with HI tu as far as Omaha.