MISS HANNAH BLACK HAPPILY ANSWERS SUMMONS WEDDED After Weeks of Suffering She Peacefully Passes Away ; Mr. Don York and Miss Mabel Freese United in Wedlock DIED Black. Hannah Coreen, In Omaha, on Tuesday, July 27, 1909, at 9 o'clock p. m., of ty phoid fever, aged 23 years 9 months and 21 days. Funeral Thursday afternoon, July 29, at 5 o'clock p. m., from the resi dence of C. II. Smith, In this city, Rev. J. T. Balrd and Rev. J. ri. Salsbury officiating. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. The worst fears of the many friends of Miss Hannah Black were realized last night when the news was received here of her death In a hospital ward in Omaha. Taken to that city several weeks ago when her illness made itself manifest, she had failed to Improve, even though the best of treatment and the great est of care was exercised, and all efforts possible were made to save her life. She steadily sank under ber affliction and for several days before the final summons came hope bad been abandoned. Despite all this and despite the knowledge that the end was Inevit able her friends, who are myriad In this city and vicinity .were greatly shocked when the sad news was re ceived. Hoping against hope, vain ly wishing that a change would oc cur In the course of the disease which would save her young life and bring her back to them, these friends could not realize that she had passed away. Grief has stricken them with Its terrible hand and their sorrow at this last parting Is most profound. All her life had Hannah Black rpent In this city and Its Immedate vicinity. Born amid the pretty hills of the city on October 6, 1885, she had learned to love It and its beautiful environs. A daughter of Charles W. Black and wife, two of Plattsmouth's best known and most popular citizens In their day, this young woman had grown up here and every one knew her to love and respect ber. One by one she had seen the members of her fam ily pass from this earth to the bet ter land, until she alone of all re mained. After the passing of her parents and sister she had made her home with friends, her later years being spent in the family of Her man Spies, she taking a place of that of a daughter. She was also a niece of Mrs. C. H. Smith and Fred H. Black of this city. To all of these she had endeared herself dur ing her young and short life, and to them the news of her death came as a terrible blow. During her lifetime Miss Black was a most lovable young lady, and especially was she popular with the young ladles of ber own age, all of whom are bowed In sorrow at her untimely death. When her illness came upon her each of these young ladies did all In their power to avert the final calamity, and during her confinement In the hospital they wre most solicitous for her welfare and united In prayers for her re covery. The funeral or this beloved young Indy will take , place tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 5 o'clock from the home of C. H. Smith and wife, the services being conducted by Revs. J. T. Baird and J. H. Sals bury of the Presbyterian church, both of whom she had so delighted to listen to when In life. Interment will be had at Oak Hill cemetery west of the city. Had a Glorious Trip. County Clerk Rosencrans return ed this morning from an extended trip to Colorado points and to west ern Nebraska. Mr. Rosencrans re turns very enthusiastic over the portion of Colorado, which he vis ited. He was at Ft. Collins, Boul der, Loveland, Greeley and other points In that immediate vicinity, and saw the great fields of sugar beets which are being raised there and also witnessed the big beet sugar refineries In full operation. All the land in that immediate vicinity Is under irrigation, and It presents a uniform surface of fields of various crops, yielding almost beyond the dreams of ninn. Such a thing as a crop failure In this sec tion Is unheard of, and Mr. Rosen crans describes the several crops with nn enthusiasm which Is genu ine, lie found the several cities which he visited ,us growing and prosperous communities. F. Col lins has developed Into a real city with street cars, electric, lights and every evidence of modern civiliza tion. One thing which particularly struck him was the pronounced cleanliness of the dies. Not a weed, nor any of the usual dirt and grime Incident to city life was to be seen but everything on the contrary, wss cleaned up and handsome. In Den ver he met Robert L. Mnuzy who was, as Is always the case, enthusi astic over meeting a Flattsmouth friend and the two nad a fine visit. Returning home, Mr. Rosencriins Ktopped at points In western Ne braska visiting In Chnse find Per kins counties. He found the out look for great crops in this part of what used to be the desert, simply grand. Corn seems to have taken a firm hold on western Nebraska this year and he believes that the greatest crop ever raised of that ferial Is In sight. Taking his trip all the way through Mr. Rosencrans states he had a magnificent time. Mrs. Rosen crans accompanied him and thoroughly enjoyed the trip also. While In Denver Mr. and Mrs. Rosencrans In company with nparty of tourlsU had their photograph taken and In the automobile seat Immediately In front of Mrs. Rosen crans was a lady whose resembl ance to Mrs. D. C. Morgan of this city, the wife of Mr. Rosen crans' deputy, was so marked that Rosey had hard work convinc ing thnt gentleman it was not his wife. He suBplcioned Rosey of hav ing eloped with his wife as well as taking his own along. Has to Import Ice. Colonel Henry C. McMaken this morning received the first carload of Ice from Omnha this season. Colonel McMaken, It will be recalled by Journal renders, last winter put too much faith in predictions of freez ing weather, with the disastrous consequence that he fell down on his supply of Ice for this season. In consequence of this he found him self the oilier da In the position, as the poet has eloquently described It, of "being up against It," and to cany out his contracts with the people) he had to hie himself to Oin 'aha and talk long and earnestly with a man who mnkes artificial ice. I'nllke Joseph A. Rortcnlangcr, who Is still hanging around looking for a lighting contract from the citv, Mr. McMaken and his sons did not repudiate their contracts, but they went after the ice and today are filling all contracts. The Ice Is of fine quality, and the consumers are well pleased with It. Cars, will be received regularly after this and the market will be kept supplied. The Methodist Episcopal church was the scene of a very pretty wed ding last evening at 8 o'clock, when Miss Mabel Freese and Mr. Don York were united In the holy bonds of wedlock. The church was beau tifully decorated for the occasion by generous use of asparagus, pink and white sweet peas and potted palms and ferns. Many friends and relatives of the contracting parties were In attendance. At the hour appointed, Mr. E. H. Weseott took his place at the organ and as he played, Mrs. Mae Morgan and Mrs. E. H. Weseott Btepped to the choir loft and sang very sweetly a duet entitled "J Would That My Love," by Campanl. Scarcely was the voices of the singers hushed when the familiar straina of Loh ringen's wedding march was sound ed, to which the bridal party enter ed. The ushers, Messrs. Charles Freese and Jesse York, followed by the groom, who was accompanied by Russel York as best man, came down the south aisle. The brides maids, Miss Zelma Tuey and Carrie Becker, followed by little Mabel Lee Copenhaver, who proudly bore the ring upon a sliver plate, came down the north aisle, while the bride, ao companled by Miss Lena Larrmer of Peru, Neb., as maid of honor, came down the center aisle. At the alter they were met by Rev. A. A. Randall, who performed the cere- money, the pretty Eplscopalean ring service being used. The bride appeared very charm ing In dainty white, while a misty tulle veil and a large shower bou quet of brides roses completed her costume. The maid of honor wore light blue satin and carried pink roses, the bridesmaids were attired In white and wore black picture hats and the little ring bearer was attractively dressed In white. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William freese and hav ing resided In our city for a number of years, has a large circle of friends whose best wishes will erer attend her. She was a member of the graC uating class of 1901 of the Platts mouth high school and for a number of years taught In our county and city schools. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. York and Is a young man of sterling worth. He holds a lucrative position in the planning mills of the Burlington local shops. Having resided on our city for a number of years, he also has many friends who will join the Journal In wishing him and his esti mable wife a happy and prosperous future. This happy young couple was the recelptent of many pretty and cost ly gifts, attesting the esteem In which this young couple Is held in the community. Mr. and Mrs. York departed over the Burlington this morning for Seattle, Wash., and other points on the Pacific coast. On their return, they will be at home to their ninny friends after September 1,1th, at 612 south Eighth St., where the groom has a cozy homo in' readi ness for his bride. The bride entertained the mem bers of the bridal party at her home on Monday evening. The principal amusement wns derived from music, interspersed with social conversa tion. The pleasures of the evening were further augmented when de licious refreshments were served. Ijiil to Rest. The funeral cf J. F. Stenner was i conducted yesterday afternoon from his late residence in this city In the j presence oi a large concourse oi sor rowing neighbors and friends. The services at the home were conducted by Rev. Luther Moore, pastor of the Christian church, of which church the deceased had been a faithful and consistent member for more than twelve years. The text of the dis course was,. "Wherefore, comfort one another with these words," upon which the pastor spoke of the com fort which the religion of Christ brings into this sorrowing world its faith based upon the facts of the gospel and its hope based upon the promises of the gospel. The quar tet, consisting of Mrs. Mae Morgan, Miss Minnie McKay and Messrs. Mc Elwaln and Farley did the singing. Many beautiful floral designs rested upon the casket, which were gifts from religious and fraternal organi zations as well as individuals. The Woodmen had charge of the services at the grave and furnished pall bearers, who laid the body ten derly in Its last resting place to await the final summons of the Judge of all the earth. Mr. Stenner fell asleep in the faith of the Son of God. During his long sickness re frequently spoke of his readiness to depart. On one oc casion he said to Rev. Moore, "I have always been a very careful man In my walk. I have lived conscientious ly before God and now rejoice in it. I am ready and anxious to go." do not know what It is to be rich In this world's goods, but I believe that the triumph of such a faith in the hour when earthly things are ready to vanish is greater riches than all the gold of aristocracy, and greater glory than all the crowns of mor tal royalty. It Is a great thing for a man to pass into God's presence with riches death cannot destroy and treasures eternity cannot tar nish. PIONEER CITIZEN PASSES AWAY Conrad Hcisel After Long Ill ness Finally Succumbs A Quiet Home Wedding. A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mc Kay when Mr. W. II. Bunch and Mrs. Maude E. Hurley were united n marriage by Rev. Moore of the Christian church, only a few of the relatives and friends being present. The out-of-town guests were Miss Emma Bergdorf and Mr. Ed. Levi, the bridesmaid and groomsman, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Whltmer of South Omaha, and Mrs W. E. Maxon of Pedro Miguel, Canal Zone, Isthmus of Panama. Mr. and Msr. Bunch will be at home to all their friends after September 1 at Bellevne, Neb. Hire's Root Beer at Geri Ayer's Hair Vigor STOPS FALLING HAIR DLSTROYS DANDRUFF AN FLtGANT DRESSING MAKES 'HAIR GROW Intrrrdipnl Sulphur. Clvrrrln. Qulnln, Sodium Chlnrlct. lupxium. :. Akohol, Wutcr. I'trluma. Ask your doctor if there Is anything Injurious here. Ask him also if there is not genuine merit here. Does not Color kh Gil .1 I . Arm 4 iimi'ih. PUT An Appreciative Curd. The editor and publisher of the Journal begs to acknowledge receipt of the following letter which Is self explanatory and which is duly ap preciated: Editor and Publisher of the Even Ing Journal, City. Plattsmouth, Neb., July 23, 1909 Dear Sir In the absence of the county secretary, It becomes my pleasure to extend to you the thanks of Cass county W. C. T. IT. convention for your courtesy In giv ing notice of the meetings and space to the program of each session. Sincerely, MRS. OLIVE MOORE. Ex-County President. Buggies!. Ituggtt! 1 have several new up-to-date bug gies that I want to sell right away and I am going to cut the prices to bed rock, In order to do so. Come quick, while, you can get one of these fine bugglct at almost cost I menu Jut what I say, John H. Cook. Murray, NYb, The undersigned has about 40 acres of good grass to rent for pas Hiring norscs only. Cood running water and plenty of shade. One dollar per month per head. C. Pongcn, 'i miles sooth of Plattsmouth. Wedded t Itipe Age. A wedding a bit out of the or dinary and one that had several unique features was that of Mrs Alwilda Knee of Plattsmouth, Neb and Mr. David Knee of Alturas Cal., which took place Monday at the home of a nephew of 'the con tracting parties, Mr. Floyd Knee of 3440 Sahler street. The bride was a widow of the groom's brother and was a lifelong friend of the groom. In this case lifelong friends means something, for the bride Is aged 67 and the groom 76. Prior to the marriage ceremony Mrs. S. E. Kerr of Plattsmouth, who has been a coworker with the bride for a half a century In both W. C T. U. and church work, read ex cerpts from the scriptures on th desirability and dignity of the holy state of matrimony. Following this was an address b Mrs. George Covell, president of the Douglas county W. C. T. U., who has also been a coworker with the bride. This was followed by the wedding ceremony, performed by Rev. Chas. W. Savage. Rev. Savage says this was the oldest couple he ever has united In marriage, and proves that It is never too late to do a good act. The bride has resided In Flatts mouth for a number of years and has been a prominent worker, both n the church and the local W. T. U. The groom is In the mining busi ness in California, and has recently sold a mine for a considerable sum. The br'de and groom left T'.es- day morning for Alturas, Cal., where they will reside. World-Herald. The above funilh- Interest lug reading for the many friends of the bride, who formerly lived In this city. Considerable attention wns at tracted to the wedding by reason of the age of the parties and their relationship. DIED Heisel, Conrad, at his home In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Wednes day, July 28, 1909, of gangrene, aged 79 years 3 months and 4 days. Funeral from the residence on Friday, July 30, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m. Interment at Oak Hill cemetery. In the full ripeness of years Con rad Heisel, one of the city's most re spected men, sank Into the last deep sleep last evening. A sufferer for some time past from gangrene pois oning in the foot, the result of an old injury, he had been making a noble fight against the Inroads of his disease for many days. The end was long foreseen by the attending physician, who had informed his family of It and they were in a measure prepared when the sum mons came. In his lifetime Conrad Heisel was one of the best known and most highly respected of citizens. Com ing to this city more than a half cen tury ago, he had taken an active part In its upbuilding and had given of his time and labor unsparingly to that end. A business man for near fifty years in the city, he lays down life's burden with the deep and sin cere esteem of his fellow men. In all the many transactions of a long life, Mr. Heisel had made no ene mies, a most rare record. A man of unimpeachable honesty and of a high and upright character, he can illy be spared from the, community and, although of late years, his ill ness and age had Incapacitated him for much active business, his death will leave a distinct gap in the busi ness world of the city. A man of most pleasing person ality, he numbered his friends by the score, and they one and all unite In extending sympathy to the sor rowing family, feeling that the loss falls not alone upon them, but that each who had known him suffers the Iosr of a close personal friend and companion. Conrad Heisel was a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, being born In that county on April 24, 1830. His earlier years were spent In Germany, where he learned the trade of wheelwright. Coming to American he located in Illinois at Peoria. Here he met with Henry Boeck and a warm friendship des tined to last for better than a half a century, sprang up. Together these two old friends Journeyed across Iowa and located In this city In Au gust of 1856. They bunked In what was then the blacksmith shop of Fred Stull, standing on the spot now occupied by the Journal office. Mr. Boeck did not remain long in this city at that time, but in the late fall he departed for Peoria, leaving Mr. Heisel here. The latter at once took up his trade as wheelwright, ont of his earliest jobs being the erection of a thirty foot water wheel. just south of this city.' This wheel was to operate a com cracker mill. Later Mr. Heisel helped to build a saw mill where the present rollert mills now stand. In the following year Mr. Heisel made a trip by boat to St. Louis, where he met Miss Amelia Rubau men, and was united in marriage to her. The newly wedded couple came to this city Immediately after the ceremony and made their home in the wild frontier settlement, which then nestled in the vales of these hills. Here they lived a happy life. Six of their children now liv ing here are Misses Tillle, Amelia and Anna, daughters, and Messrs! George, Fred and John, sons. In the year 1858 Mr. Heisel traded a quarter section of land now com prising part of this city to the owner of the saw mill, which he had helped to build, and fitted this mill up with burrs and other machinery neces sary for making flour, converting It into a grist mill. For many years this ml? jtood be side the creek which waCs down Washington avenue, grlndftg out as good a quality of flour as such prim itive machinery would permit, but some time during the 80's it was destroyed by fire. When this misfortunte came upon Mr. Heisel, the old friends and neighbors came to his rescue. Such men as Nick Halmes, Philip Horn and many others who had known him for so long came to him and urged him to accept financial aid, and to rebuild his mill, making it a roller mill and bringing it up to date. At last he reluctantly ac cepted this aid and constructed the present Plattsmouth roller mills, which have since proven so great a success. From this time his success In life dates. The money he had borrowed was soon paid back with Interest and the mills, turning out a fine grade of flour, prospered and flourished. His sons growing up, were taken Into the mill and learned the busi ness, and during their father's de clining years they have taken the burden from his shoulders and are all millers, fitting successors of their venerable sire. This brief sketch serves to illus trate how the friends and neighbors of Mr. Heisel regard him, and also to show that the Borrow they feel over his passing Is deep and sincere. The funeral will take place tomor row (Friday) afternoon from his late residence at 2 o'clock, services being conducted by a German min ister of Omaha, who wns a close per sonal friend of deceased In his life time. Interment will take place at Oak Hill cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Quite 111. The condition of O. W, Osborne, who has been 111 for some time, is practically unchanged. The gentle man la quite 111, but his condition Is not regarded as immediately dan gerous. As he is pretty well along In years, his illness has had quite an effect on him, but he Is still re garded as In hopeful shape, and his many friends entertain every hope that he will take a more favorable turn and eventually recover Mrs. Osborne Is also reported as being quite 111, although not In a danger ous condition. The many friends of this estimable couple unite In wish ing them a speedy recovery. The Journal acknowledges receipt of a fine bouquet of touch-me-nots, dahlias and other beautiful flowers nil of the old-fashioned, homo-like kinds. The bouquet Is t he gift of Mrs. Peter Mndsoit, and It Is quite needless to say It Is greatly appro dated by the entire office force and the lady has their sincere thanks for them. Very Narrow Ksrnpe. John Seagraves of this city had a narrow escape from a horrible and Instant death day before yesterday. Mr. Seagraves Is employed In the Swift packing plant at South Om aha and one of his duties Is to draw the boxes of cooked meats from the largo ovens. These are dosed with large, heavy Iron fire doors mounted on rollers and running on a track above the top. On this occasion Mr. Seagraves had a box to draw from the oven and the fire door having stuck at the top, he picked up a stick to pry the door back. Insert ing it between the door and the wall he lifted up on the stick, when the door was suddenly pried off the track at the top and toppled over, catch ing him beneath Its ponderous weight. Seeing the door coming down he leaped to one side and threw up his hands to hold off the heavy weight, but was only partially successful, as the descending door struck him a glancing blow on the head and also struck him upon one of the legs, badly bruising and skin ning It. The blow on the head was sufficient to Inflict ' a scalp wound, and knocked him to the floor. Fel low employes rushed to his assist ance and he was helped up, his In juries being attended to later by a surgeon. Ho was very fortunate In not being cnught beneath the door, as It would hnve crushed him to death without doubt, lie came to his home in this city yesterday morning. Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, Neighbor Jacob Sten ner has departed this life and there by removed from our camp fire; and, Whereas, Cass camp No. 332, Modern Woodmen of America, bows Its heaJ in sorrow and sympathy for the family of our departed neigh bor. Resolved, That In the death of Neighbor Stenner this camp has lost one of its most esteemed members, the community a good citizen and his family a kind and affectionate father. Resolved, That this ramp tender the widow and children of our de parted neighbor our sincere sym pathy. Resolved, That the charter of this camp be draped In mourning for thirty days; that a copy of these resolutions be spread at length upon the records of this camp, and that a copy thereof be furnished the local newspapers and the family of our late neighbor. B. A. MrELWAIN. M. L. FRIEDRICH, ALLEN" J. BEESON, Committee. Miss M. Kaufman, the postmis tress at Cedar Creek and also one of the brightest business women of Cass county, Is In the city today looking after business matters, com ing down this morning on the Schuyler. Mr. Xewlnnd Stricken. Mrs. Lydia Newland was stricken yesterday with heart trouble and for a long time her life was despaired of. Several attacks took place and her son Emory and wife of Kansas City, Mo., were hurriedly summoned to her bedside, arriving here last night. This morning she Buffered another attack and Is now In n ser ious condition. Owing to her ago the attack has boon unusually se vere. Her many friends hope that she will some safely through the trouble and soon be herself again.