The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1909, Image 1

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    A A
NO 55
rannTinre mai
Democrats and Republicans Se
lect Delegates to Their State
In accordance with a call issued
by Chairman J. S. Livingston of the
Democratic county central commit
tee for a mass convention of the
Democrats of the county, to be held
in this city on Saturday, July 21, to
choose eight delegates to the state
convention, to be held In Lincoln to
morrow (Tuesday) July 27, quite a
large number of Democrats repre
senting a number of the precincts
of the county gathered at the coun
cil chamber. The meeting was re
markable for the harmony which
existed and the optimistic feeling
which prevailed.
It was called to order by Chair
man Livingston, and D. C. Morgan
was made temporary secretary, the
temporary organization being made
permanent. Speeches were Indulged
In by several of the members pres
ent, including II. L. Oldham of Mur
ray and W. F. Gillespie of Mynard.
All the speakers gave enthusiastic
talks upon the bright outlook for
the party In this county this fall,
and especially for the prospects for
the election of the county ticket,
which all considered almost a sure
thing. Dr. Livingston . also ad
dressed the meeting and roused
great enthusiasm by his optimistic
remarks and his statement of a be
lief that victory this fall was prac
tically assured even now.
The work of choosing delegates
to the state convention was quickly
disposed of and the following named
gentlemen were elected by accla
mation: L. F. Langhorst of Elm
wood, S. 0. Pitman of Murray, M.
A. Eates of Plattsmouth. W. E.
Palling of -Greenwood, M. G. Kime
of Nehawka, W. F. Gillespie of My
nard, O. E. Metzger of Cedar
Creek and Dr. J. S. Livingston of
Plattsmouth. Each one of the gen
tlemen signified 4his intention of at
tending the meeting at Lincoln.
On motion, It was voted that the
present county central committee
be elected to hold over for one more
year, which insures the retention of
Dr. Livingston as chairman.
It was also moved and seconded
that, the chairman and secretary of
the county central committee be
empowered to fill any vacancies
which might occur on the state dele
Ration. The delegates present at
the state convention were also em
powered to cast the full vote of the
The convention adjourned after a
eooulnri rf nKnnt rrn Kin ..11 '
confidence and enthusiasm over theU'08t of the delegates got hack Sat-
prospects for the coming campaign,
Republican Convent ion.
The Republican county conven-
Carload of Heating Plant.
Preparations for winter are much
in evidence around the hardware es
tablishment of John Bauer. Yester
day this enterprising firm unloaded
a carload of hot water heating
plants, all of which are sold already
and which John Bauer, Jr., will pro
ceed to install. They are what Is
know as the American Radiator com
pany's Ideal plant, several of which
are installed in this city now, and
which, have given the utmost satis
faction. The plants were contracted
for by Charles C. Parmele for his
palatial residence on North Sixth
street, the Bank of Cass County for
Its building at the corner of Fourth
and Main streets, Falter & Thlerolf,
the clothiers, for their store build
ing on Main street; L. J. Marquardt,
the enterprising merchant of Avoca,
and Martin of South Bend's
moM enterprising citizens. The firm
of Bauer & Son have been making
strenuous efforts to get a good, big
share of the heating plant business
In this county and the above Indi
cates that they are meeting with
success. The plants they Install are
fine ours and strictly up-to-date and
workmanship they put into them is
also (.f the very highest ord r. It
might he remarked that unloading
tin's" plants yesterday caused John
Bamr a lot of good, hard work.
i i... t ... . ..... ....
.loan u . lenc o or i.iKht Mile
Grove pre.lnrt U In the Hi today
lucking after business mailers,
tion, held last Saturday at Weeping
Water, was an enthusiastic and
quite well, attended convention.
There was a much better attend
ance than had been anticipated and
nearly all precincts in the county
were represented. There was the
usual slate making before the con
vention and considerable skirmish
ing for delegates to the state con
vention, to meet at Lincoln tomor
row (Tuesday) July 27.
The honor of presiding at the
convention was bestowed upon ex
Governor George L. Sheldon, Just
back from' Mississippi, and he made
a felieitious and happy speech upon
taking the chair. Henry A. Schnei
der of this city was unanimously
chosen chairman. ,A number of
speeches were made by various dele
gates, all speaking in an optimistic
vein over prospects for success this
The convention got down to busi
ness and chose the sixteen delegates
without delay. ex-Congressman Pol
lard being the dominating figure In
the convention. Those chosen as
delegates are ex-Governor Sheldon,
who i3 elected delegate at large; ex
Congressrufln Pollard, J. M. Gard
ner. D. T. Talcott, C. D. Clapp,
William Wollen, Emil Palmer, H.
G. Wellensiek, J. 0. Ward, Dan
Lynn, W. E. Dull, M. M. Butler, W.
H. Pool, George Stoner, R. D. Wind
ham, R. 0. Watters, Byron Clark.
No resolutions were adopted nor
was any action taken in regard to
a county central committee.
Henry A. Schneider was re-elected
state central committeeman unan
imously. The convention adjourned after a
session. It is current report that
the delegation may present the
name of former Governor Sheldon
as chairman of the state convention,
but nothing is known definitely as
to this. There is also a possibility
that former Congressman Pollard
may be named for this position.
Those -?.tt ending the convention
from this city profess to have been
delighted with the attendance and
the highly encouraging reports
which were given In from the coun
try precincts and seem to really be
lieve they will save part of their
county ticket this fall. They admit,
however, that several of their can
didates are already as good as de
feated, but they hope to pull
through enough to leave a nucleus
fnr fl T1PVV fVtm nI-7oHrn nrtvt sin
'""day evening, having made the
trip on the M. P. The delegates
who used the automobile returned
Clarence Admitted to Bail.
In the supremo court yesterday
the application of John C. Clarence
for admission to bail pending the ap
peal of his case to the supreme
court, came up for hearing. Byron
Clark, attorney for Clarence, was
present and made the argument to
have the court fix the amount of the
bond and admit the defendant to
ball. County Attorney Ramsey was
present and argued in opposition to
the motion. The arguments were
quite extensive and the question
was thoroughly threshed out.
At the conclusion of the hearing
and after deliberation, the supreme
court decided to sustain the applica
tion and fixed Clarence's bond at
the sum of $15,000, this being the
sum which the lower court had fixed
when he was out pending trial. This
bond will have to be approved by
Clerk Robertson of the district court
when Clarence will be released from
Jail where he has been confined
since his sentence and permitted to
return home pending the hearing of
his appeal.
iieorge . Maislnnnn, veteran
Democrat of Avoca, and Mrs. C
Royal of t ho same place, came In
last evening to attend to business
mm tors here. Mr. llarslminn met
'many of his old friends In this city
; a II or whom were more than pleased
to find Mm looking so well and
heart v.
Hack From Vullfornia.
Thaddeus S. Clifford, the repre
sentative of B. P. O. E lodge No.
739 of this city to the grand lodge
at Los Angeles, Cal., returned to
the city yesterday morning. Mr.
Clifford reports that the grand lodge
was the largest and best ever held
held by the Elks, delegations from
remote parts of the couutry attend
ing and a graud total of upwards of
40,000 visiting Elks being present
in the city. The sessions of the
grand lodge were of unusual inter
est, and much work for the good of
the order was transacted. As has
been stated heretofore, Mr. Clifford
was an enthusiastic Sammia man.
and labored hard for his election as
grand exalted ruler. He describes
the scene when the election of Sam-
mis was announced as a great one,
and he took quite a part in the dem
onstration himself. He thinks Los
Angeles an ideal convention city,
and describes the arrangements
made for the entertainment of the
visiting delegates as being the best
possible. There were entertainments
for every day and night some where
In the city or Its vicinity. The
greatest thing he saw was the
chariot races at Pasadenn. Thor
oughbred horses harnessed to char-
lots, four abreast, tore about a race
track in real thrilling races. A
burro race on the same order also
furnished much amusement.
Barbacues and many other sports,
Including a marathon race, were
given also, and each event had its
cheering thousands as spectators.
Mr. Clifford took a ride in the cele
brated glass bottom boats across
the ocean to Santa Catallna Island,
and described the trip as a remark
able one. Looking through the glass
bottom of the boat he could see fish
swimming about in the water lifty
feet below the boat, everything be
ing clear and distinct. When the
boat passed over water 200 feet in
depth only the rocks and pebbles
on the bottom were visible, the
change being quite noticeable. Santa
Catalina Island he regards as a won
derfully beautiful spot and well
worth a trip across the continent to
see. ......
Los Angeles is described as a
handsome, modern up-to-date city
with towering, lofty buildings and a
world of business on every hand.
He visited many of the suburbs, in
cluding Long Beach, where so many
of former Plattsmouth people re
side. This is described as a hand
some suburb of, residences. It Is
totally dry, something quite unusual
on the coast, as the smaller suburbs
and the big city are decidedly wet.
While at Long Beach he met
many former Plattsmouth people,
including H. J. and Arthur Helps,
who showed him the city and treat
ed him to the best In the land with
genuine California hospitality, also
Mrs. M. Waybrlght, Captain Ben
nett, Walter L. Thomas and family
and others too numerous to mention.
Mr. Clifford's brother Thomas and
his family reside in Los Angeles,
and he made his stop with them.
Naturally they were pleased to have
him stop nnd urged him to stay
longer. He found them quite well
and left them the same way.
On his way home, Mr. Clifford
made a short stop In San Francisco,
but was glad to get away. He found
people walking about the streets
clothed in ulsters and the ladles
wearing furs. The climate van cold
and raw and he did not tarry long,
spending but a few hours there. Hp
describes the trip to California as
being exceedingly dreary nnd lone
some across Utah, the Salt Lake
line running over the desert from
Salt Lake and through the famous
Death Valley. Coming back he
came over the Union Tactile from
San Francisco and was better satis
fled with the trip. Taking the trip
as a whole he was highly delighted
with it.
Had a Family Kciinlon.
Mrs. Frank Jensen of Newman
Grove, Neb., who has been visiting
In the city for several weeks past,
the guest of her parents, L. B. Bat-
ton and wife, departed this morning
for her home. Her sister, Miss Jen
nie Batton, accompanies her for a
visit. Miss Nora Batton also no.
companled her as far as Omaha,
where she will spend the day. Mrs
C. W. Grnsstnan nnd family of Al
liance, a sinter of Mrs. Jensen, have
been visiting at Mr. Button's, mak
ing quite a family reunion. Mrs
Grassninn e peris to return to her
homo some time the lulter part of
the week. Slo has not been having
very good health for some time
past, nnd made the trip hero hoping
for Improvement, but without much
Death of Jacob Stenner.
DIED Stenner, Jacob S., at bis
home In Plattsmouth, Neb., on
July 24, 1909. aged 46 years 7
months and 2 days, of heart
trouble. Funeral on Monday,
July 26, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m.,
Rev. Luther Moore officiating.
Interment at Oak Hill cemetery.
After a lingering illness, Jacob
S. Stenner, on Saturday night last,
passed into the great beyond. At
the time of his demise all his chil
dren were present with the excep
tion of one a son Jesse being in
the navy and stationed in far off
Vladivostock, Russia, and unable to
get here. Mr. Stenner's death had
been expected for some time, the
nature of his Illness rendering It al
most certain that relief could not
be given him and that the end was
Inevitable. In his passing there
goes a fond husband, a loving and
kind father and a good friend and
neighbor. Well known throughout
this community, Mr. Stenner was
the proud possessor of a host of
friends who share with the sorrow
ing widow and children their grief.
From those who had known him in
his lifetime comes only the kindliest
of words and a full meed of praise
for the many noble acts which had
endeared him to all.
Deceased was born in Germany
on December 22, 1862, and, there
fore, was in the prime of life when
stricken down. At the early age of
5 years he came to America with his
parents, who settled in Iowa, where
they lived for a 6hort time. Later
they removed to Indlanola, Neb.,
Where the young man grew into
manhood and where, with the ex
ception of a very brief period, he
had lived until his removal to this
city some five years ago. It was
while living in Indlanola that he
met and won Miss Inez Cowles, they
being married In the year 1885 at
MeCook, Neb. To this union there
was born eight children, all of
whom, as stated above with one ex
ception, were in this city and pres
ent when the final summons came.
These children are Misses Gertrude,
Myra and Aleta. daughters, and
Messrs. Jesse, A Ernest, Clarence,
Leon and Joseph, sons.
In addition there is surviving four
brothers, of whom three are in the
city for the funeral, and who re
side in Omaha, and four. sisters, one
of whom resides at North Platte,
and who Is now In this city.
During his lifetime, Mr. Stenner
was an earnest and consistent Chris
tian, having embraced the Christian
faith some twelve years since nnd
was a faithful member of that
church. In addition he was a mem
ber of the Modern Woodmen, this
being the only lodge of which he
was connected.
The funeral of this most estimable
citizen will be held this afternoon
at 3 o'clock from the Christian
church, Rev. Luther Moore conduct
ing the services, and Interment be
ing at Oak Hill cemetery.
Married Her, Anyway.
Charles Amlck, one of our citi
zens for years and an employe of
the clay pits on the north side of
the river, went to Papllllon Monday
to secure a marriage license to wed
Miss Shanklin of Sarpy county, but
met with opposition from the girl's
pnrents. A dispatch from Papllllon
tells fully of the difficulty which the
couple encountered:
"Sheriff Spearman halted Charles
Amlck, aged 35, and Miss Shanklin,
aged 19, on a telephone message
from the young woman's father to
the effect that the paper were elop
ing. Tom Shanklin, father of the
young woman, who, with all parties
concerned, reside near the clay pits
on the Platte north of Louisville,
followed the message with a hurried
drive to the county seat.
As the girl was of age and the
man was still older, the only ques
tion which the elder Shanklin
wanted solved was the eligibility of
the groom to a marriage ceremony
with his daughter, as It was ascer
tained the groom had been divorced
but two months ago.
After a grand palaver the couple
was allowed to depart for lown,
where n wedding Is expected to fol
The rou phi have since been mar
rled inn! relumed to LoulsHlle, and
the Courier wishes them a long and
happy married life. Louisville
James A Walker nnd wife of Mur
ray were In the illy today, coming
up from tliHr home to look after
Home business matters.
Cass County V. C. T. l Convention.
The Cass county convention of
the W. C. T. U. was held in the
Christian church Wednesday, July
21. The president. Mrs. L. A.
Moore, conducted the meeting and
opened the session by reading the
146th Psalm, which was followed
by prayer by Mrs. A. A. Randall and
singing by the audience, "Lead,
Kindly Light." Roll call and greet
ing of welcome by Mrs. J. E. Van
dercook, which was responded to by
Mrs. Belle Miles of Louisville. Let
ters from the absent secretary and
president were read by Mrs. George
Dodge, secretary pro tern. Mrs.
Moore read a very beautiful poem
urging the members to wear the
white ribbon badge on all occasions.
Encouraging reports were read by
Mrst Miles of the Louisville union.
The report of the Nehawka union
was read by Mrs. O. A. Klrkpatrick
of the promising condition of Ne
hawka union. Report of the Platts
mouth union read by the secretary,
Mrs. J. E. Vandercook. The Louis
ville L. T. L. was read by the su
perintendent of that department.
Mrs. A. H. Knee presented her re
port on her department mercy and
relief and Mrs. Vandercook read
her report on prison work, and the
encouraging and successful results
among the prisoners in tho Jail and
would report more In the afternoon
session from a legal point of view
concerning a new jail, so much
needed In Cass county.
Mrs. Moore then introduced Miss
Oldham with a suggestion that we
Induce her to assist by coaching the
aspirants In the next medal contest.
Mrs. Covell was asked to lead In
the noon-tide prayer. Adjourned
to 2:30 p. m.
The afternoon session was opened
by the president, led In prayer by
Rev. L. Moore and by singing "Rock
of Ages."
Reports of county superintend
ents were continued.
Mothers Meetings' Literature
Mrs. Strlbllng, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs.
Ollle Klrkpatrick, Mrs. J. M. Hall.
The Rev. 'Randall exhibited a
chart, painted by himself, illustrat
ing the evil contained in a glass of
wine. Mrs. Judge Beeson gave a
dramatic and thrilling reading,
"Pledge Me In Wine," which
brought tears to the eyes of many.
Mrs. Grace Morgan Bang a solo
with her usual good voice and ease,
and grace of manner.
The address of Rev. Moore on
what women can do for temperance
was just such a forcible and prac
tical talk as was expected of him.
The president asked the local
presidents to state what was their
greatest difficulty In promoting
temperance? Their several answers
were, tho Indifference of the peopls
Mrs. Vandercook was again called
upon to give her additional report
obtained since the morning session
of a county Judge as to our best
mode of procedure towards the
building of a new Jail. Action de
ferred to some future time.
The convention as a whole gave a
standing vote of thanks to our re
tiring president for the very able
manner In which she has conducted
the county work, and our gratitude
for her untiring efforts toward pro
moting the cause of temperance
While gracefully acknowledging
our compliments our local secretary
for her successful work among the
prisoners at the Jail, Mrs. Vander
cook said she could only claim half
of the praise, the larger half being
due ot her very able assistant. Mrs.
C. P. Richards.
Mrs. Covell gave us a talk In the
Interest of the national convention
to take place In October at Omaha.
The convention then proceeded to
elect officers for the coming year,
as follows:
President. Mrs. Belle Miles of
Vice president, Mrs. George
Dodge of rialtsmouth.
Secretary, Mrs. Harmon, Avoca.
Treasurer, Mrs. Ollle Klrkpat
rick, Nehawka.
The president's hour was ocu
pled by Mrs. L. A. Moore In giving
many useful nnd encouraging words
fo the coming year. Owing to the
extreme warm weather the business
was rushed through In one day. We
wish to make especial mention of
the helpful Services of Master
Stuart ltnudnll In decorating the
churches with linns' ntxl flowers
and lu ndmliilsiterliig to our com
fort the entire day. The evening
session nt the M. II. Hum h was of
much Interest to those concerned
nnd Hose, the convent Ion of the W
Knows How It's Done.
Mayor Burrell yesterday threw
light upon a dark subject in the
local railroad employment situation.
He declared the Union Paciflo and
Burlington railroads and farmers
through out this section are appar
ently In league to steal all the good
workmen they can get from the
Northwestern railroad. He cited
the instance of one of the two rail
roads getting a foreman and eight
carpenters from the Northwestern
last week, and declared It was a
onimon occurence for men to
mysteriously drift away from tho
Northwestern payrolls and become
nllsted on those of the other rail
roads or of farmers.
It has been observed, he said,
that frequently a stranger will ap
ply for work declaring he has had
xperlence on other roads, and upon
being employed will work for sev
eral days and then disappear with
half dozen other men. The ex
planation was, according to the
mayor, that these strangers were the
agents from other roads sent to pick
out the best men from the North
western and lure them away at a
bigger salary.
The farmers, It Is said, pay vis
its to the outlying Junctions and
choose their men In the same way,
being able to offer $3 a clay to
them. Fremont Herald.
Making fjreat Progress.
The committee having In chargo
the raising of the funds for tho fall
festival report great success so far
as they have gone. They have found
practically every one In town united
and enthusiastic over tho proposed'
week of festivities, the only excep
tion being the saloon keepers who
have made a vigorous roar about
contributing, as they claim tho 8
o'clock law has practically wrecked
their business, and they do not caro
to build it up by contributing to the
carnival. Outside of this no kick of
importance has been registered, and
It is believed that they will con
tribute when they see the advan
tages of the five big clays to them.
The unanimity of the merchants
and business men on the subject is
a gratifying feature of tho affair
to the committee, and they are sure
they will raise all the required sum
and be able to make the week tho
biggest and best ever given In south
east Nebraska, or, In fact, In the
state outside of Omaha and Lincoln,
and give the latter point a run for
the money.
Dentil of Willie Moore.
Willie Moore, or Gardner as ho
as better known, died this morning
nt 7:30 a. m. from tetanus. The
young man had been a sufferer for
stlrne time from the dread com
plaint and little home hnd been en
tertained of his recovery, although
every possible precaution was taken
to Insure it. The tetanus nntl-toxln
was administered, but the malady
had taken too firm a hold on hint
and death ensued.
Deceased was a son of Mrs. Wal
ker of this city nnd was 17 years
of age. He had been a resident of
this city for some time past and had
a great many friends who will hear
of his untimely death with the deep
est regret. Besides his mother and
stepfather he Is survived by a
brother, Jesse Moore, and a step
brother, Albert Gardner.
Fanners Take (lie rialtsmouth
Tho farmers living southeast of
Plattsmouth, who have been hold
ing meetings to consider the advis
ability of building their own lines,
met at the farm of Hans Kemp last
Saturday night and voted to take
tho Plattsmouth telephone.
The Plattsmouth Telephono com
pany completed the lines yesterday
and Installed telephones for Hans
Kemp, August Belns, Peter Mumm
and Charles Miller, and will immed
iately build to a number of other
farmers in that vicinity.
The Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany Is also Installing telephones on
the farms of Henry Slander, John
Albert, Adam Fornhoff. . O. Mels
Inger, Dovey & Lincoln, west of
Mr. IIcNcI'm Condition.
Very little change Is reported to
day In the condition of Mr. C.
Ilelscl. He Is holding his own quite
well and making a bravo light
against his disease. The ninny
friends of this aged and highly re
spected cltl.eti are Indulging In tho
hope that ho may continue to Im
prove it 1 1 1 1 eventually be among
once more.