The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 26, 1909, Image 4

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Short Items of Interest From Fri-
day's Evening Journal
Mrs. S. 11. Atwood was a pas
senger on the early train this morn
ing for the north.
llrs. Thomas E. Parmele Is spend
ing the day In Omaha, being a pas
senger for that city on the early
Mrs. T. Frank Johnson and sister,
Mrs. Williams and daughter of St.
Louis, Mo., who are her guests,
Mrs. John Busche and son Clar
ence were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will spent,
the day.
Mrs. W. V. Coates Is among those
who are spending the day i i Om
aha, going there on the early morn
ing train.
Colonel Henry C. McMaken was a
passenger this morning on the early
train for Omaha, where he will look
after business matters.
Mrs. J. H. Goodrough and baby,
from the Iowa side, came over this
morning and were passengers for
Omaha, where they will spend the
Robert Fropst Is In Council Bluffs,
la., today looking after some ma
chinery repair parts, finding It
quicker and handier to go and get
them himself than tf depend upon
the mails.
Mesdames George and Don Rho-
den, from near Murray, came Into
the city this morning In time to take
the Burlington train for Omaha,
here they will spend the day. They
drove up from their lionise.
Ray Campbell, from near Rock
Bluffs, came In this morning nnd
was a passenger on the early Bur
lington train for Wausa, Neb., where
he will make an extended visit with
his cousins, located near there.
W. II. Stenner of Omaha, who
has been visiting with his brother In
this city for several days, called here
by the latter'g severe Illness, was a
jtasRenger for the metropolis this
inornlng. He experts to return this
Colonel M. A. Bates departed yes
terday afternoon for a trip through
the county on business for this great
and progressive Journal. He will
be gone the remainder of the week
and In his absence Charles Grimes
will nil the editorial columns with
gems of thought and other effusions.
Mrs. J. L. Thompson's many
friends will be glad to bear that she
has so far recovered as to bo able
to do nway with her crutches and to
get about the house In fairly good
shape. She hnd quite a good deal
of trouble with her knee, but has
hnpplly conquered It.
August I'autHch nnd wife, two of
the best people and well liked rltl
rens from near Wabash, and Mrs.
Ernest I'autsch nnd daughter, Miss
Lydla of Louisville, also two of Cass
county's most esteemed ladles, were
all in the city today, coming down
from their respective homes this
morning. Whllo here Mr. l'autsih
called at the Journal office and once
more renewed his subscription,
something much appreciated here.
Henry Hell, Jr., and Freddie
Hell, his brother, were in the city
this morning looking after business
matters, and while here they called
upon the Journnl and paid for the
subscription of George Young of
Plensantdale, Neb. The Messrs.
Hell are two of the best and finest
young men In Cass county, and they
are always welcome visitors at the
Journal whether they come on
strictly business matters or to make
a social call. v
August Gorder, the machinery
man, mado a trip to Omaha this
morning, taking with him Peter
Campbell and William Splltt, two of
tho prominent cltUens or Rock
Bluffs precinct. The gentlemen con
template Investing In a' gasoline en
gine for various kinds of work, such
a sawing wood, running feed mills
and the like, and Mr. Gorder Is tak
ing them up to show them the work
ings of tho engines, of which he Is
agent. Messrs. Campbell and Splltt
drove to the city this morning In
time to take the train.
John A. Murray, an old-time
riaUsmonth boy, no.w located at
Clarkson, Neb., dropped Into the
city today to make a short visit, re
turning to Clarkson this evening on
the M. p. train. John states that
he has been making big money
xlix-e he located nt Clarkson, being
kept busy contracting for buildings,
find be was compelled to return
quickly on that nccount. He ex
pects to start soon for Twin Falls.
Idaho, where he has been promised
a gnat deal of work, jj ordered
the Journal to follow htm to Clark
'foii and later to Twin Falls.
John Hetsel was a passenger this
afternoon for Omaha, going up to
the hospital again.
Mrs. Gertrude Morgan and her
mother, Mrs. Swift, are visiting to
day with friends at Mynard.
John Boetel of Omaha is visiting
with relatives and friends In the
city, coming down this afternoon.
Canon Burgess is spending the
afternoon In Omaha, going there on
train No. 23 to visit with J. V.
Arthur Sullivan, the well known
farmer from south of the city, is
In the city today transuding busi
ness with our merchants.
Misses Bertha and Anna NoLwor
thy of Dixon, 111., are visiting In the
dty, the guests of Mrs. Sarah E.
,Kerr and daughters.
Mrs. A. L. Jackson of Omaha, who
was down making a Tisjt with her
father, H. J. Streight, departed this
morning for her home.
Frank Marler, Myuard's well
know citizen, Is in the city this
afternoon doing some trading and
looking after business matters.
Fritz Frlcke la spending the
afternoon In Omaha looking after
business matters, being a passenger
for that city on the afternoon train.
8. Furlong, the well known Rock
Bluffs citizen, Is spending the after
noon In the city, coming up from
his home to look nfter some busi
ness matters.
MIms Isabel Wiles Is spending to
day In Omaha, being a passenger
for that city on the morning train.
Julius Pepperberg, the Lincoln
cigar manufacturer, Is In the city,
coming In last evening to look after
business Interests.
C. H. Valiery, the well known
farmer of the precinct, is looking
after business matters In Omaha to
day, going to that city on tho morn
ing train.
Miss Pearl Mum ui and Mrs. G. It
Mumm of Spokane, Wash., are
spending today In Omaha, having
been passengers for mat city on the
morning train.
W. K. Shepherdson and wife are
spending today In Omaha, having
driven In from their home this morn
lng In time to take the early train
for that city.
Mesdames Philip and John
Trletscli are spending today In Om
aha, driving in from their homes In
tho country to take tho morning
train for tho metropolis.
Silas Breckenrldgo and Rex Wll
son were passengers this nomine
for Omaha, where they go to do
some painting upon the residence of
Anthony J. Trllllty In that city.
W. C. llayden, state sales agent
of the Gund Brewing company, Is In
the city today looking over the im
provements which the company hns
been making on their building here.
Frank Brlnkmnn and wife, Mrs. J.
H. Becker, Mrs. C. Welnhelnier and
her daughter, Mrs. Link of Tekln,
HI., composed a pnrty which de
parted today for Klmwood, where
they will spend several days visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Oliver Edmunds came over this
morning from iilenwood and was a
welcome visitor nt the Journal sanc
tum. Oliver is one of the Journal's
friends and a well liked and popu
lar gentleman. May he make
many calls.
Mrs. J. C. Cummins and Mrs. Z.
Kennedy of Plattsmouth were en
tertained Thursday f this week by
Mrs. V. T. Richardson.
Miss Eva Porter Is spending a
few day this week at Auburn, Neb.
Miss Anna and I.eona Snyder
and master Andrew Snyder visited
Thursday with Miss Villa Gapen of
Murray, Neb.
Nolen Manners of Alvo, Neb.,
was calling on his many friends in
Mynard Wednesday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Meisinger,
sr., spent Sunday with their Bon and
family, George Meisinger, Jr.
Miss Vilas and son Arthur, who
have been visiting at W. B. Porter's,
returned to their home at Albank,
N. Y., Friday.
Miss Elsa Stokes and guest, Miss
Olive Long of Murdock, were spend
ing Sunday In Murray.
Mrs. William Wetenkamp and
son Willie spent Sunday at D. P.
Jim Gruber of Union is boarding
In Mynard this week
A. A. Wetenkamp was a business
visitor in Omaha Tuesday, going to
Plattsmouth to take the early morn
ing train.
Mrs. Will Stokes and son Roy
visited Sunday with Mrs. Long at
Mrs. J. W. Johnson of Platts
mouth was spending Thursday at W.
F. Gilllsple's.
i,k;i, noticf:.
BRASKA. In the matter of the estate of John
H. Bauer, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing
Upon llio petition or John Albeit
Bauer, administrator, with will an
nexed of the estate of John H. Bauer.
deceased, prsyln for a license to sell
the following described real estate be
longing to snld estate, and situated
In Cass county, State of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Tho northwest onarter and the
southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of .section thirty (30), In
quarter of section thirty (30), In town
ship eleven (11) of range eleven (111,
east of the fith P. M., for the purpose
of paying all debts allowed against
said estate for which upon proper no
tice may be allowed against said
estate, and the cost of administration,
there not being sufficient personal
property belonging to said estate to
pay said debts and expenses.
That all persons Interested In sain
estate appear before me at the office
of the Clerk of the District Court at
rlaitHtnouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on
the 6th day of September, 190, at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause why license should not be
granted said administrator as prayed
In said petition.
a copy of this notice Tie published for
four successive weeks prior to the
time fixed for said hearing In the
Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly news
paper published at I'lattsmouth, Ne
braska, and of general circulation
said county.
Dated this 17th day of July, 1909.
IIarvkt I). Travis
Judge District Court.
Y Short Items of Interest From Sat-
urday Evening's Daily Journal
W. S. Norris of Nehawka was a
visitor In the city yesterday attend
ing to business matters.
A. Ibsen, roadmaster of the Bur
lington, spent last evening In the
city looking after county business.
Miss Cora M. Walker is spending
today In Omaha on business mat
ters, going up on the morning train.
Will A. Sharpe Is looking after
business matters today In Omaha,
going to that city on the early train.
Ben Brooks departed this morn
ing on No. 6 for Shenandoah, la.,
wheer he has obtained employment
and where he expects to make his
residence for some time to come.
Mrs. Thomas Ruby and baby
came in this morning from her
home at Oberlln, Kas., to make a
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Bengen of Mynard. for several
An automobile party for Weeping
Water this morning consisted of
Messrs. Byron Clark, W. II. Newell,
James Robertson and . J. H. Becker.
Ed. Barker piloted tne party over
land to that city, wnere they will
put the finishing touches to the g.
o. p. slate.
Mrs. S. Klnkaid was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
will spend the day with friends.
Mrs. KIncald states that her son
James, well known In this city, has
changed his place of employment
and is now employed as an linotype
operator on a Sioux City paper,
quitting his place on the Council
Bluffs paper on which he was em
John Busche Is among those trav
eling to Weeping Water today to
keep an eye on Sheriff Qulnton.
Alex Graves and son, from near
Murray, are attending to business In
the city today, driving up from their
home this morning.
William R. Murray, the good citi
zen of Mynard, is among those hav
ing business In the city to attend to,
coming in this morning.
Charles Cook, the popular and
Jovial farmer from south of the
city, is among those looking after
business In the city today.
Adam Kaffenberger and wife,
two of the best people of this sec
tion, are spending today in the city,
driving In this morning from their
John and Peter Campbell and
wife are attending the sale of the
Queen property at the court house
today, driving up from their homes
in Rock Bluffs precinct.
John P. Kell, one of the best
known and most popular citizens of
the county, is In the city today
looking after business matters at
the court house, driving In from his
farm near Cullom.
Philip II. Meisinger, one of the
well known family and one of Eight
Mile Grove precinct's best farmers,
Is looking after business matters in
the city. Jacob Meisinger, another
well known member of this grand
family, Is among those coming in
from his fine farm In Eight Mile
Grove precinct to look after busi
ness matters today.
August Nolting. the well known
and popular farmer, is In the city
today transacting business with our
merchants and visiting friends.
E. E. Hilton is In Weeping Water
today, hoping to corral ye festlvy'
voter at ye primary, also acting as
a delegate to the county convention.
Conrad F. Valiery, one of the live
ones of the precinct, is In the city
this afternoon looking after busi
ness matters and meeting old
Lee Oldham, the popular citizen
and strong Democrat of Murray, Is
in the city today attending to busi
ness matters and meeting his many
T. Wr. Valiery, the well known
farmer and lightning rod man of
Murray, is In the city today looking
after business matters, driving up
this morning from hl3 home.
Conrad II. Valiery, candidate for
road overseer in his district and a
good Democrat, Is In the city this
afternoon shaking hands with old
friends and looking after business
i J. M. Meisinger, tbe veteran of
the Meisinger family and a fine citi
zen of Eight Mile Grove precinct?'
is looking after business matters in
the city this afternoon, driving In
from the farm.
A. L. Tldd, owner of the rest of
the Republican party, outside of ex
Congressman Pollard, Is in Weep
ing Water today telling the conven
tion what to do and how he did it
In Plattsmouth.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, who has been
spending several days with her
mother, Mrs. Hinton, and her sis
ters, Mrs. William Gillespie and
Joseph Adams at Mynard, returned
to her home this morning.
Jay E. Worley, foreman of the
New Century Printing company of
Lincoln, and a popular gentleman,
is In the city, coming down to Join
his wife and family over Sunday, all
visiting with V. V. Leonard and
By virtue of an order of snie, Is
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court, within and for the
County of Cass, State of Nebraska,
and to me directed, I will on the 2Sth
day of August, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock
a. m., of said day, at the south door
of the Court House, In said county nnd
stnte, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follownlg
described real estate, towlt: Lots five
(f.l and six (6), block four (1). In
Monger's First addition to the Vil
lage of Alvo, In the County of Cass.
Stale of Nebraska, the same having
been ordered a docrehrdluet Rnlareg
been ordered sold under decree of
foreclosure, by said court, o satisfy a
decree and judgment In the sum of
$7!ii.4 ami costs recovered by Mell
clulh V. Stone, executrix of the last
will nnd testament of Isno tSone, de
ceased, Bi'alnt Helle Bennett. Roy
Bennett. Wlllnrd T,. Clltrs (or Clytei,
Eva Evolene elites (or Clvtei, a
minor, and Wlllnrd Ti. Clltes (or
f'lyte). her natural guardian, Elmer
Bennett nnd Maude Bennett. Ms wife,
Ar.llla Foreman (nee Bennett), and
fieorge 1'. Foreman, Jr., her husband:
l-'nrlo Bennett, a minor, and Belle
Bennett, his natural guardian, defend
ants. Dnted at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska,
Jily 19. 1909.
Bnmsev & Ramsey, Attorneys for
George Horn of Cedar Creek U
among the good citizens of that sec
tion In the city today on business.
George is pleased to say that the
Woodman Accident asslclatlon, of
which ho Is agent, Is doing a fine
business In this section and hns
thoroughly established Itself as a
strong, reliable arganlzatlon.
The management of the Parmele
picture show are well pleased at the
reception accorded their pictures by
the peoplo of Plattsmouth and vlcln
Hy. Almost every night their excel
lent programs have been greeted
with good crowds and that they
havo pleased them Is certain, as they
came agnln and again. For tonight
they are putting on a fine lot of
films, covering every kind of subject,
some laughahle in the extreme, some
pathetic and warranted to make the
strongest minded feel their eyes
grow moist, others will be educa
tional and Instructive; In fait, any
class of pictures you want tr will
be there. In addition there will be
other attractions, for tho manage
ment Is determined mn t ),0 out
done by nny picture and vaudeville
show In the state, in tho quantity
and high class of their programs. It
pays to visit their theater, which Is
one of the best and one of the finest
In the Mu to.
(iiti)F.n to snow cu m:.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
The cause comes on for hearing up
on tho petition of J. V. Egenberger,
administrator of the estate of Begina
Wolf, deceased, praying for llcensu to
sell :
Beginning nt a point Forty-ona (41)
ro.ts North of the center ' of Section
Thirteen (13) In Township Twelve
1 1 - Komi. itnnge Thirteen (U
East, running thence West Eighty
(K01 rods: thence North Eleven (111
rods; thence east Eighty (SO) rods:
thence south Eleven (11) rods
to the place of beginning, being
the North Half of Lots Thirteen (U)
and Fifty-three (53) In said section,
Township and Range, as now shown
on the plats of Irregular tracts of
aid Count v.
The undivided on. half M.
Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (il In
Block Thirteen (13) In Duke's addi
tion to the City of Plattsmouth, Cass
County. Nebraska, riwni iij riirhi
of way of the Omaha Southern Bull-
over ana across said Lots.
The undivided one-half (1-2) of the
following tract of land towlt:
Beginning at a point Thirty tSO)
rods North of the center of Section
Thirteen (13) TownshlD Twelve Mil
North, Range Thirteen (13) F.sst;
hence running west Eighty (80) rods,
thence north Eleven (li rods; thence
Kast Eighty (80) rods; thence Houth
Eleven (ll) rods to the place
of beginning. being the south
V" of,.V.,u. Thirteen (IS) and Flftr.
three (S3) n said Section, Township
nd Range, as shown by the Irregular
tracts In said Countv, except the
right of way of the Omaha Southern
Knllway across the same,
or sufficient amount thereof to
bring the sum of $;l50.00 for the pnv
TV"1 "f.rt,,,,, allowed against said e.
I.1! rf..V'" I'L"1 pf 'ministration and
In addition thereto the rota ef this
proceedings there not being nny pr
Property to pay the said' debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered Mint nil per
sons Interested In snld eMnte appear
before in., nt Chambers nt my oitl.-e In
1" "tirt Rouse In the dly ,,f
I Inttsinnuth. en the 84th
or snld tin v to show rmuo why a li
cet,,.,, should not be granted to snld
administrator tn sell the above rent
elste pr ,, deceased or so much
.lV , ,! m"f ,'n ne.-e.ssry to pay
s'Hil debts nnd expenses
Dated this 'id dav of June, linn.
. . ITarvy D. Travis.
.ntiige or the District Court.
O. Dwer.
YOU can't buy old clothes here, we sell them be
fore they get to that stage. That's our chief rea
son for making such ridiculously low prices at our
clearance sale to open
next Saturday morn-
ing, July 24th, at 8
1 M
Copyright I90Q br
Mart bcbaifner it Mul
a. m.
Every sale article will be
marked with a green tag, giv
ing the original and the sale
price. All men's suits, includ
ing Hart, SchafTner & Marx
All suits selling
from $22.50 to
All suits selling
from $18.00 to
All suits selling
fro m $13.50 to
All suits selling fron $10.00 to $13.50.
In the Boy's Suit Department we're going to do something that will be of
interest to economical parents. All suits made by Ederheimer, Stein & Co.,
absolutely guaranteed, as far as wearing qualities are concerned.
All boy's suits from $6.50 to $8.50.
All boy's suits from $4.50 to $6.50.
All boy's suits from $3.50 to $4.50.
We have one line of Soft Collar Shirts made of a silky material, worth $1.25,
sale price 75c six shades, all sizes.
Make hay while the sun shines; it won't shine long
sale. Come Saturday morning, July 24th, S a. m.
:l our "value giving"