1Y PERSONAL NEWS I .ort Items of Interest From Fn day's Evening Journal Continues to ! The Missouri rhvr coiuiuurs rise, It bavin? gone, up two and a 1 half iachrs last Lich and )Werday. ! The rise e'.so continues up the river - v. i the ren-irta art that the trfnu ! rui.-s art" s. ill rising. The riattfl is still on the up- Mrs. M. B. Hauk of Omaha is visiting with friends in the city. A. Petstrup is spending today in Omaha, having gone to that city this morning on the early train. Gus Olson made a flying business trip to Omaha today, going up on the morning train and returning at noon. Mrs. Will Smith and sons are spending the day in Omaha, going to that city on the morning train. V. V. Leonard is looking after business matters today in Omaha, go ing to that city this morning on the early train. Miss Emma Myers Is looking nfter business matters today In Omaha, going to that city this morning on the Burlington. Mrs. V. E. Sherwood U spending the day with friends in Omaha, haA' ing been a passenger for that city on the morning train. Mrs. Will Vallery and Miss Jose phine Vallery were passengers this morning for Omaha, going to that city on the early Burlington train. Mrs. M. E. Manspeaker is among those spending today in Omaha with friends, having been a passenger for that city on the early Burlington train. Miss Elizabeth Schumacher of Arlington, Neb., who has been vl Bit ing in the city with John Iverson and family, returned to her home this morning. William Holly, gents' furnishings and clothing man of looking Omaha today, going there on morning train. The condition of Frank Svoboda, who has been so Herlously 111 for a S. H. At wood of Lincoln came down this morning from his home to attend to business matters. Louis Rotter Is looking after bus iness matters In Omaha today, going to that city on the morning train. Ed. Baker is spending the day in and Kansas to have easily passed the Omaha on business matters con- million dollar mark, with many thou nected with ihe automobile business, sands of peopie homeless and a num County Clerk Rosecrans is spend- ber of lives lost. The worst of the ing today In Omaha, going to that flood is over, however, on the upper city on the early train this morning, rivers and is now passing through rade and the in- .ll.:ittnn.i are that tlie river will reach the highest stage of the year within the next few days. It Is not thought that the Iowa bottoms will be overflowed, however, as this would take a rise of two feet or more. There will likely be high water in the river for some days to come. The morning papers report the flood damage over Iowa, Missouri i I.Uf . rowing. ta Tile i'liiow i:S is h iisi vi iue. ut subscribers a Id-d to the l'LATTS MOl'TH KXl llANf.K of the Tlatts nio'ith Ttlt phone Company during tho ri.tst two months. N-.'w subs-Til-er.-s i.r. 'H'ii:g a 1 1-1 daily and tlo.e wauling telephones should place their orders nt once, as the lower stages Into the Mississippi. Many towns in Missouri and Kansas have been devastated and suffered great loss. There Is a probability that the wet weather which has caused all this loss is now drawing to a close and that a period of fair, hot wenther Is In sight. This Is badly needed, ns crops are suffering from the cuiitinued ruin uud coolness. W. 8. Shera, the well-known fruit grower of Rock Bluffs, Is in the city today looking after business mat ters. William W. Wolfe nud daughter of Union are in the city today, com ing up this morning on the M. T. train., Mrs. John Albert, who has been visiting at her old home in Cedar 1. i. l i i t i.reeK, reuirneu nome mis morning ,.a,.tlfyinK His Store Room. on meMiiajier. Louis B. EgenbergT is making Frank Shopp and family are some improvements and alterations spending the day in Omaha, being in his store building which will mnke passengers for that city this morn- it a much pretty one than it has Ing on the early train. , been. He has been having the chil- Herman Spies made a flying trip to ,n8 papered w ith a pretty light col Pacific Junction today, going over In ore(1 Paper, which serves to make the Interest of his Exqulsito cigars tnl"B8 mueh lighter and more easily and retumln on No. 23. discerned. He is also going to have ' ivniinm vlvin ,i .f the entire interior painted with a ii iiiiuiii u; ioi unit n n i v tj- he Flattsrcouth Telephone Company s prepared to install telephones any place ia town on short notice: ohn Albert, residence. John Albert, farm. Miles M. Allen, residence. ames Andrus, residence. W. A. Brlssey," residence. Barker & Parmele, garage. George Bruhle, residence. W. M. Barclay, restaurant. !. L. Carlson, residence, ames Cahall, residence. Frsnk Curt'8, rea!dence. Lee Cotner, residence. C. Despaln, residence. Dovey & Lincoln, farm. W. F. Fisher, residence. C. S. Forbes, residence. Adam Fornhoff, farm. Mrs. Ida Gilbert, residence. V. II. Gochenour, residence. Carrie Greenwald, photo gallery. L. D. Hlatt, residence. Miss Freda Herald, residence. William Holly, residence. Fred M. Hesse, residence. engers this morning for Watson, Mo., where they will make a short visit with relatives and friends. C. S. Lusk, the popular represen tative of the National Cash Register light colored paint and this will also aid In giving the store a brighter appearance. The work Is being pushed to a finish and when it is com pleted the store will be a handsome one. It not alone nresents a nleas- this city, is company' came ,n thla momlnK to ai))earance. but lveB the 8tock 1'iair ii' i r n ma monv tiicrsimna in h i nfter business matters In Ha much better appearance. The im the y" provementa will cost him quite i Edwin Jenry, the prominent bank-1 sum of money and take some time er and attorney of Lincoln, came to complete. He is having a great down this morning from hla home to deal of grief Just now on account of ing time, is reported this morning atten41 to some professional business having to keep his stock on the move as more favorable, he having spent a good night. It is hoped his rally will continue and that he will soon be himself again. Henry Donat, tthe liquor salesman, depnrted this morning for a trip over part of his territory, going to the northwest, where he will spend sev eral weeks. Lnter ho makes his southwestern territory, goln south ns the const. Mrs. A. L. Jackson returned to her home In Oninha this morning, after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Strelght. Mr. Strelght, men tion of whoso Illness has been mnde In this city. Mrs. John V. Dutton and children who have been visiting in the city with her mother, Mrs. S. E. McEI- waln, departed this morning for their home In Lincoln. Miss Hllrna Erickson Is visiting with friends in Omaha this morning, going to that city on the early Bur ns far Ungton train. Clarence E. T.efft, .the Weeping constantly to avoid the workmen. They Were Friends. Two men came here from Nehaw ka yesterday and loaded up with In toxicants and about noon they were down near Fifth street and got into an altercation. One man beat the other up In a shameful manner, cut ting several gashes in his face and bursting his nose open. They fought until they were tired and non bothered them. After It was all over victor took his vanquished Water attorney was In the city to Hnv Innlftnir nftor nrrifrtaulnnti 1 l.nal- . " ' me nnaa .it 41... a....-, 1. I v "e. frpn(j an(, wafihed h,m U)) Lf)UIul up Mrs. J. M. Ruby, of Eagle, came his wounds and then went into a in last night iTrom lu home t thirst palace, where they slaked their from time to time, Is reported ns Englo to visit during the dny and at- thirst and seemed as friendly ns he- progressing ns favorably c could be tend to some business matters. fore they had any trouble, and last expected, and In due senson will be Carl Darrow of Rock Mountain,. N. evening they went to the depot arm himself once more. c Is expected in the city today for a In arm and left for their home. They Mrs. John Bajeck and Onughter visit with W. J. White and family, were friends, It was remarked, and Elizabeth were passengers thla morn- Mr. Darrow Is related to the Whites, lout for a good time. Nebraska City Ins for Omaha, where thev eo to being a cousin. I News. have the young lady's eyes examined. Charles Huffke, a prominent Om- She has been suffering with her eyes aha nttorney, was in the city today ror some time ana It wns determined looking nfter business In district to call in Dr. Glfford, the Omaha court and making a visit with his specialist, for consultation. folks in this city. Mrs. M. A. Root of Mendota. 111.. T. H. Pollock. N. Harmon, residence. Herold & Fitt, garage. N. Jordan, residence. G. Johnson, residence. (Jus Johnson, residence. Jones Grain Company, elevator. J. F. Karvanek, residence. Andy Kroehler, residence. H. F. Leppert, residence. Mrs. Jno. Murray, residence. Mrs. Lena Maurer, residence. G. Melslnger, farm. Hugh Norton, residence. Henry Offe, residence. R. A. Osborn, residence. Jesse Perry, barber shop. L. H. Petersen, residence. W. T. Russel, residence. Mrs. Mary Roberts, residence. A. C. Rodgers, residence. Wiliam D. Smith, residence. Wlllam Shea, residence. Mrs. Jno. Sharp, residence. Mrs. Mary Svehla, residence. David S. .Taylor, residence. L. P. Thomas, residence. J. Terhune, residence. Mrs. Mattie Williams, residence. Michael Whelan, residence. Wade Windham, residence. C. C. Wescott, residence. E. H. Wescott, residence.' R. B. Windham, Jr., residence. Frank Warren, residence. Mrs. Stephen Wiles, residence. Weyrlch & Hadroba, drug store. Emll Weyrlch, residence. Mrs. L. E. Van Dorn, residence. T. C. Vroman, residence. J. C. Yost, residence. i DAILY PERSONAL NEWS j v : Short Items of Interest From Satur. day Evening's Daily Journal X Big Wages for Harvest Hands. me Omaha world-Herald says Nebraska farmers want harvest nanas and want them bndly. The extent of that desire ninv hn nieiiRiirwl hv ffenprm m.innper I ' '. who has been in the city for seevral of the Plnttsmouth Telephone com- the waK,'s wh,ch they re .willing to I 1 .1...- 1. 1 l I l days making a visit with Mrs. W. L. pany, who has been out In the state Street, was a passenger this morn- on business for several duys. came ing for Omaha, Mrs. Street neeom- In this morning on No. 4 panylng her for a day's sightseeing In the Nebraska metropolis. Mrs. J. J. Svoboda who has been spending several days with relatives and friends at Prague, Neb., return ed to her home this morning. Albert Scuttjer.was a passenger this morning on the early train for Omaha, where he w ill spend the day with friends. George Horn came down this morning from Cedar Creek to spend the day In the city looking after bus iness matters. Emmons Rlchey came in this morning from Louisville where he has been for several days on busi ness matters. Mrs. Emily Dickson departed this morning for Ashland and Grand Island, where she will spend several days visiting with friends. C. M. Freeman and family of Om aha, who have been spending severnl days in the city with William Budig and family, returned to their home this morning on the early train. Mrs. R. Hetherlngton and baby were passengers this morning fo. Ralston, Neb., where Mr. Hetherlng ton is employed. They expect to make a visit with him over Sunday. Mrs. Frank Eaton and daughter Florence of Colorado City, Colo., are here visiting her mother, Mrs. Rheln ackle. Mrs. George Stamm of Have lock, another daughter, is also visit ing her mother. Messrs. M. and A. Walker of the Majes ic theater, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Reld of Illinois, who are their guests, are visiting in Om aha today, having gone to that city on the morning train. In county court this morning the first hearing on claims against the John Gordon estate was held. Wil liam H. Pool administrator of the estate was present and all claims were examined and allowed. Robert Hunter leaves this after noon for Nehawka, where he ex pects to take employment in the grocery store of John Swartz. Bobby is well known In this city as a hust ler and a good grocery clerk, and he will doubtless make good with Mr. Swartz. It surely pays to advertise. Col. H. C. McMaken a few days since lost a pair of spectacles and last night he saw the advertisement of a pair Will Your Xanie lie F.nterod There? being found In the Journal. He called Today Is "Weed Day" and Mayor at the office this morning, identl- Sattler's proclamation has set people fled the glasses and paid for the ad- t work all over the city cleaning I vertlsement, going on his way rejolc- ut the weeds. Reports from every I ing. it pays to advertise. part of town indicate that the com- Frank Svoboda is renorted this mltteQ which will go out tomorrow morning' as continuing to gain and will find the streets and property B8 feeling quite well. He passed a clean and free from the pest. In the K00d night and rested well. He has First ward many people are reported commenced to take on flesh and Is to have started In several days ago now In better condition than for ... i nd to have been at weed cutting in 80me time past. His many friends an energetic manner. Today the am nlcnseri tn note his nrocreRs nnd force at work wns much larger. The trust he will continue to Improve Gus Roman was a passenger this morning for Lincoln, where he bad business matters to look after. Mrs. AV. P Speck and baby were passengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day. John C. Clarence of Union came up from his honie this morning to look after business matters in the city. Fred A. Murphy and wife came down this noon on the train from Omaha to visit over Sunday with relatives. alter L. Propst, the hustling young farmer from near Mynard, was In the city yesterday looking after business matters. Incidentally he was looking for a man to helplu the hay field. W. H. Pool, a member of the fl-m of Pool & Colbert at Weeping Water and ex-register of deeds, came down last evening to attend to business matters in county court this morn ing. While here he paid the Jour nal a pleasant and appreciated call. John and Ernst Black, sons of Robert Black, who have been making their home In Los Angeles, Cal., for the past five years, have been visit ing in the city for several weeks, the ucsts of Mrs. E. R. Todd and P. E. Ruffner and wife. They returned to their home in California this morning. hoe Mierwoou, who lias been en gaged In painting at Pacific Junction Charles Murphy, ono of the best for several weeks past, came over pay $3 a day and board which Just about reaches the maximum of fered anywhere. i Since corn Is Nebraska's staple product, reaching many times over the annual harvest of wheat, oats n ll.l tt.n IIia tin. .... Vnn.t. known and most prominent citizens last evening for a visit with his folks, ,,0,n.t comB wh th(J Bamo y . ,.e,uer P ecu, . , v ng near fl,an- returning to h.a work this morning. pnre nH from th ley, was In the city today In ronnec r. H. Field, formerly of the Quaker ., , 1 linn HI, T.O.- n O..I .... t, J.. . I .w.noi v ,.c u s wilful ....I ....I, tu.7 uuuii v.. Valium vmiuo iii-uicuy eoiiiiniiy, who nas neen in In county court. He came down on the city for somo time visiting the Schuyler and returned this after- friends, departed this morning for noon to Uulsvllle. Omaha, where he will Join a summer In county court today the matter theater company which Fitzgerald, of the administration of the estate forn,,'rl' Qunkers, Is organlz of John C. Qulnn was heard. Charles ,nK- Murphy, a prominent citizen of Man- Frank Iloetel, who has been llv loy, was the witness In the case lK In Omaha for soma time pnst, and wns appointed administrator of departed for that city this morning the estate, Mr. Murphy was also to make arrangements to move his named ns gunrdlan of the minor family back here, where he has se- rniniren or me deceased. cureu employment. The many Peter Eveland. the prominent c-lt-1 'rl Mr. and Mrs. Boetel will tie glad to welcome them back to their old homo In this city. Izen, who hns been spending several days In the city on business matters, depnrted this mottling for his home, going by way of Omaha. Mr. Eve- land Is contemplating the purchase It Hum Some Hoy. Wlutcrsteen Hill is the scene of . n m .. I..n. ..1.1 1 .. . .1... I - I .... . ... . vi nil ii ii 1, ii 1 1 ii i ii? mi im- iiMin-iiuMicv lesuvity aim rejoicing today over of his family and for business use, the advent of the stork, who jester nnd while here took occasion to ex- day visited the home of Will Graves amino nnd test the several mukei of nnd delighted that gentleman nnd machines In use here. Wfe w,h n i,ran,j IH,Wf bouncing Mrs. J. L. Thompson, who had the baby boy. It Is some boy according misfortune to sprnln her kneo sev- to the proud father and the fond ernl days since. Is reported this mother, and the neighbors all agree morning ns no better. She Is able they have a right to feel pretty gay to get about the lioui with the aid over the youngster. Mr. Graves is of crutches, but It Is tiresome and a sedate person, but on this occasion cxceedlimly painful. It Is hoped that he Is Justified In getting foxy and ihe will soon receive relief and cutting him some capers. Ho is speedy p-covery r.nd be able to he quite a dlffeient man from what he out among her many friends. n yeMcrday morning. raisers of Minnesota nnd the Da kotas. The need for harvest hands. however, Is none the less acute. "I could place 500 men in the har vest fields right now," said W. M Maupln, state labor commissioner 'I have stack of letters from farm- era on file In my office asking for harvest hands. But I haven't the men to Bend them. "It isn't harvest hands alone that farmers of Nebraska are needing, either. They want men for reeular all the year around work, and they are willing to pay attractive wages A good farm hand can get $3! month, a house to live in, a good sized garden plot, a cow and plenty of feed for it, by making Inquiry at almost any farming community In the state," says Mr. Maupln. Second ward reports a similar condl- Mrs. J. L. Thompson is reported lion of affairs, while the big Third todav .,, D1.fla!tav no bett, s pusning u.e wee.i cumng loaay ghe flnd8 u quUe imp08Blble t0 get I with great vigor and hopes to make the best showing of the city. The Fourth ward citizens are also out in force nnd are doing their best to establish the fact thnt they are the real hustlers. The Fifth Is not be hind and will have as dean streets and premises as any. Taken all around, when tomorrow dawns the ha noes are good that Plattsmouth will have the cleanest streets and less weeds tharf any city in Ne braska. This is as it should be, and bespeaks a splendid civic feeling and one which makes for a better Platts mouth. The committee will have its report in the Journal on Monday evening and your name should re reive honorable mention. about, even with crutches, and has concluded not to try to do so until she is quite well and the weak knee fully recovered. It will likely be several days before she will be In shape o be about. Chicago Robert L. Mauzy, who has been visiting his parents, M. Mauzy and wife, for several weeks, departed this morning for his home In Denver, Col. Bob 'is employed in the Union depot news stand and will always be at home to his Plattsmouth friends. He expects to meet T. S. Clifford on his return and take care of him while in the mountatn city. Mrs. A. J. Janda and baby and Eddie Kanka returned this morning from a trip of several weeks In the east. Mrs. Kanka was a visitor with relatives and friends In. New York, and on her return home met Eddl , Kanka at Chicago. He had bed visiting with relatives In Racine Milwaukee, Wis., and at They all made the trip home to-Sy gether. W. C. Bartlett, assessor for Stove Creek precinct with his home In Elm- wood, was in the city last evening coming down from Omaha. After spending the night here with Coun- tv Clerk UnRoncrnna nnil frtonrla ha departed for his home this morning. 1 1 T"l i . . . i . a . i . , . . . ,1 . ci ais vi nia ncciiuii ol uie counry and a mighty fine gentleman in every way. He is a welcome visitor In this city and is quite well known here. For three or four days Silas Breck enrldge has been attracting atten tion by his curious actions and the secret and whyfore has Just come to the surface. Several days since the stork in his rounds left with Mr. and Mrs. Breckenrldge a fine, bouncing baby girl. Silas really thinks she is Just a little the best ever, and Mrs. Breckenrldge is a very proud mother and fully agrees with him. This ex plains why he has that wide-open and pleasing smile on his face. Both the mother and child are doing finely. A. I HeckT, one of the best farm ers and stock raisers in Cass county iuoiic(i over in mo cny a few mln men nisi evening en route from Om nhah to his home near t'nlon. M Decker has one of the finest farm I Cass county, nnd Is also the possess sor of a grent deal of fine stock nnd Iioks. He has his crop In good shape despite the wet weather nnd hopes a dry spill will now come on for awhile until he gets nil his work done. Ho drove to and from the rltv. Killed by the Cars. A special from Weeping Water under date of yesterday, sayB: "One man was killed and one seriously In jured at 1 p. m. today by the Mis souri Pacific freight train, Conductor Klepser In charge. The train was coming north and about two miles from Avocn two men who work In the quarry near town nnd hnd been to Avoca, were sitting on the end of cross ties resting. The engineer sup posed they would move, but they did not seem to realize the danger. Robert Haswell. nn Englishman about C.'i years old, was Instantly killed and his companion, Hugh Rone, about 37 years old, was struck on the side of the hend nnd a deep hole made in his skull. He may live. The coroner hns been notified. ATTENTION I FARMER!' Let us show you our line of Hay Tools. We are sole agents for Star, Louden and Ney Hay Tools and can compete with anybody, no matter where located, on prices. Let us show you the London Hay Fork Returner and snatch pully , which saves you almost half the time nnd labor necessary in unloading hay in a barn at an expense of less then $5 00. Once used it will never be discarded. Alsonover sickley and sections of all standard makes. Oeorge Sheldon, the prominent capitalist of Lincoln, spent the night In this city looking after business matters, returning to the capital this morning. ER. Plattsmouth, : Nebraska.