X A Minneapolis judge has sent a millionaire auto-seeder - . . . il ..UHA 4 to iail for five davs. The world is growing better. te - fiausmouin uuuruai ? - I T-k T . a fP .. Pa. t 1, ! . 1. . .,,.41. Till- c i n i t. 1. A 1 41. of 1 3.iVitftmii . w..tl. .4 DI.Htmnnth Uphruku f 1 I ITCSlueill Hill, III uis roiuiu ui u. rrv, .u tll II I till rnuum u- uuviiiu v ... ... v - n n mtrrc ..MIcIiai' 1 U onder it lie liaa Uie lanu in ins nulla uuniii,' iiiee remain i ... i t -i ill i V 1 1 1 ... Al. - . 3 Flow Shoes! j "Wind Jammer Burkett will certainly possess the gall of a government mule if he asks the people of Nebraska to return him to the United States Senate. The republicans have plenty of abler men who will stand by them. i EUiral a', tY3 Pjstaffice at PlatUrmuth, Nebraska, as second-cla33 niHtt'.T. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 'n,o T inr-nln hankers are at sea to know what action oov- innv i)fi that Governor Shallenberrer will call a special ernor Khalierborgor will take in rclcrencc to me uaniv K-"-Lession 0f the legislature, but if lie concludes to do so, it will !!?,MSjrfflffiSh ''one in the intent, of .ho poo,..,, and bcoe their right, l,,.',,!,,! lfnnUr lik-P himself are bound to respect. Whatever have been trampled upon. And they will bear him out in his action Governor Shallcnbcrger takes in reference to the mat- actions. ter. that action will be in the direct interests ot the people oi Nebraska. Wo nave been telling the rank and hie ot our Republican f rlorwl-i tlinf Ihn ilrnrnrmf ino- ?nf1nnnrn in flint nnrf - trfirn limin. Mayor L. J. Jackson of Nebraska City has adopted a new , , , ... , , " T1 . f . , , hOicuic for timing the opening and closing the saloons in inai - - . ,ifv o.-u-h .h.v In the moniiii" seven taps are struck on the always denied. A c are wondering now what they think about f,.-,. l.i.ll niul in the even in 2 oirht tans are struck for closing, the Republican majority in congress since Mr. Aid rich has This is a good idea and should be followed by all well regu- taken up the tariff business. lated cities and towns, 'lliore will Do no misiaie men. While the matter of cuttimr weeds is on. we would like to The second letter threatening the dovernor does not help r(,,narc that vou can take anv section but that risht in the .i - l i l . . : i i ... -i i mailers any lor the side irom wii.cn sucu cp.sue . vorv wavt of t10 city, and vou will find cleaner alleys and sal.l to or innate. Of course we do not believe these threats I , . , , , . , , 3 ,.,.. r,v4, wl,i.,-o ll,iv are ..entll v supposed to come, but mni(?l (loor imis llian r111 re it is needed tne worst. innocent parties are liable to get the blame from the prohibi- The business section needs more attention in this t ion element just, the same. DOC We're ready for Spring plowing with a splendid line of Plow Shoes the best that's made We are showing several good styles and we guarantee every pair of Tlow Shoes we sell. The leathers are tan, raw hide and Kanganoo calf. Half, double or single soles, bellows tongue, nailed shank. t ALL SIZES! $2,00, $2,50 $3,00 to $3.50 If you are interested in good Plow Shoes, Sir, you'll be in terested in ours, for Plow Shoes could not be made better. ' r etzer's Shoe Store. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. direction than the residence sections of the citv. Congressman Norris will probably oppose iiurkett for United States Senator. Mr. Norris has a pretty cloar record on the tariff question, while Burkett was with his Nebraska constituents one day and the next day voting with the Rhode Island boss. Here is a caustic comment on the present tariff situation, There is evidently more money in baseball than there is in including a sharp thrust at President Taft: "It is a strange politics. After Don C. Dosplain was fired from office, he went situation, surely, when a tight to retain the Dingley schedules jnto t)0 njovi idure klsin nml now j d Lf) H p lion. It is a strange situation when the president, after him- iier have purchased the baseball franchise of Guy . Green self makin'"- the demand for a reduction from the Dingley at Lincoln, and the transfer was made yesterday. Doii always iiooled to steal a railroad or loot a uanic, wunoui raising a was a sorter oi a baseball crank lrom early bovhood. -creases to be voted by as bloodless a combination as ever poojed to steal a railroad or loot a bank, without raising a The Lincoln Journal persistently mentions the name of drawing, to take place at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, beginning schedules, will sit back and allow the senate committee in- -William Dayward in their column 'of political gossip as a on the morning of August 0. The properties include 1,200,000 XtoTwtft;W rf ' .r. Whi.0 l,iS frio,,s her, w.ld acre, in tl, Flathoad reservation, 01d,000in ll.e Coeur d'Aiene J:.. " if mioi.f i, t,,nvw,o.l flint 11m forea-oin? is taken from 1,0 ff'nd to have him get anything he wants in a political wav. ancMd.,000 in the Spokane reservation. The size of the tracts 1 1 ti Over a million and a half acres of land iii "Washington, Idaho and Montana are to be disposed of by Government land inn " Tt inio-ht be sunnosed that the forecrointr isiaken from 1,0 'ln(l to have him get anything he wants in a political way, r a rinpant Democratic iaper, but it is not. It is an editorial they nevertheless are looking at the job now held by one Elmer vaiT from to acres. The methods used at the drawing in from the leading Republican paper in Iowa, the Des Moines J. Burkett as a more feasible position for a man of Mr. Hay- 1'onesteel, South Dakota, will be adopted. A huge tent will Kegisler and Leader. ward's attainments. Nebraska Citv Pre be erected, and in it will be deposited tons of certificates, each in a sealed envelnno Pliildrnn will tlirn lm fnrnn.l lnnun nt tlm rl he demand lor a sale and sane observance oi tne r ourin T) , - v,llir!1,n h,. r,u t,M. .i miohtv bean, and will dir thp PPrtifipnto out nf tl, mnw V. r TK. ww c i w vi.-w n ' or ., 10 nmajrn bas been . . 1 -4 - , ...vv. u --. - ... V " r,., ... i .. i i'i.'i .... i ... 4i.: :, bank guaranty law. and the Democratic Le-i sin turn W win. istration for the drawing will continue until August 5. As (lOllC. X lie lCCOni JOl KHUMI ami wouihh-u nun h-ul in ruiui ........ . ------- , - wbat m-eater tlian ever. In Nebraska the next celebration of u'r' Rratiiiea their wishes. Alter lobbying all winter against iid naturally be supposed, tins distribution has awakened the natal dav will be more sane because the law restricts the the measure, and failing to defeat it, Banker Burnham and his t intense interest in every part of the Union. Our people are sale of explosives to the small crackers and the toy pistol and little coterie of assistants are now attempting to defeat the will Mana" hungry. Vast as the tracts to be disposed of are, they are loaded cane is a iinnsm me ihim m uu u-. i iK ,.., of tho ,e ,n tl0 fejoral court wm tl , j ir, small compared with the quantitv which has been lost to the I' ill II! 1 N III? I II J li'ri t ,M M I L l itl b n un v i him uii u mi'i ( 1 I X 1 - - II T 1 11 nil . . , I 111 T 1j i l ii'. i-i nil, .'t . 7 i hrn W L"f1 tV Will linrnlmm n n , l Int Vl I HM.iJ.. ikiih in ti-mil ennnn UiiAn rrsx, 1 1.,. 41... .......no nf n in-nr mnrp i,foi, o ban nnv other one '"" " "", " " iUI,ui''8' xuui iw: r"""l lv q.unuu.uu ,iu ,u-..-u. i m 1 1 iin. mil v' ",("' '"n ' i - 9, ..... , , explosive. Fifteen persons were killed outright in St. Louis Question. alone this 4th, and over one hundred injured. The dead throughout the United States this year will reach up into the hundreds, while the injured will be numbered by the thous ands. It seems the people, and especially the boys, are get ting more reckless each year. BOASTFUL BURNHAM. S. II. I'urhain is president of the First National bank of l.Mwoln and iiir of llii i jif'iwitl i !i 1 brwuiw nf llw rri .ulilipnn il'll.k i,iir,ii,i-.liii. W. i.w.i.lw... 1... ....... ,,P Mnndlwullinn I VAll to nsk for credit, you can go nnce it throws a light on a circular letter Mr. Burnham lias ad- you ask it of a mail order house i dresseil to the banks of the state jubilating over the ande- Why You Should Trade at Home Vou examine your purchase and are assured satisfaction before investing your money. Your home merchant is always ready and willing to make . . . i i i i .: right any error or deiective article puicuaseu oi mm. tl0 raajority rulcs in the Republican partv in this state and When you are sick, or tor any leasou n i ms - nintfonn rmint to the loca 1 merchant, tomu - . IU lliv- "- Iwitll nt'lfln tf tllO Wnrl.- nf tlin llmff llV Inn- Ad -n-n nnlnfc-tnnl Danger Signs. The question arises, "What will the Bepublicans of Iowa do in regard to the new tariff law? Thousands of Iowa Bepub licans are free traders. Thousands more are in favor of a tariff for revenue only. A few are in favor of protection. But As we understand venter iujuction of the Nebraska guaranty law. In the con cluding paragraph of his letter Mr. Ihirnham says: "So far as 1 am concerned I have no further fear regard ing the outcome of the entire proposition. We have knocked them out in the first round, and we will give them a body blow in illfk Wfwifttwl 4lmt tl'ill itnf 4lwt litmtnc'iiwii tit clonn C twri iiiii rvwu iiifii imii j'Ufc lllU I'lV'I'wniliwil ll ? 1 1. v J ' llUHlt By "them" Mr. Burnham doubtless mean the majority tatives vote against the tariff bill which shall be agreed upon by the conference committee. Iowa State Capital (Rep). ask it of a mail order oust it tbcnj h ms .Je ,eft fof lhe y , even If the merchant is ihik i - . are in favor of mnkinc phnnvoa in i i i i lit nt vn r rau iiiuic. 0 SllOUlU gne mm mc- w.i., - w H W 41,,- ,ol -iVT.t :n Ynnr borne merchant pays locai iu.l-, wi-iw v...... - " v ,,x.Uk v,.v to build up and better your marKet, inus iui-imu ri-ui-iu uu iw ui iu uu men luumj uIpm uieapen . .1... nmniirv I Nothinir has been done to cheanen farm urodncts. and farm vaiue vi cnj iuiiu. , " -- - - i --- i , The mail order merchant does nothing tor tne benent o1 1 proilucts are the source of our general distress. In connection market or real estate values. with all these schemes, what will the harvest be? Will it IP rnn rt-lvn vnnr llOlllft merchant an opportunity to com- , 41,r.f 41. 1 in", ii iuu kiiv j - - .... i iitn ' Til iiidL 1 1 ii" itriMiinirnn wnii iiiiiiiii t in iimiiiiiim i m ui u,e I.eup , i,e, um. wuo ue.ua meu, ana e.eciea a .eg.s.a- j10te by bringing your oiueis iu . -- rr""" iproVl he tariff fht be the raan nominated! What will happen in 1 11 1'n t ft in u t (i blur i it I ia cut T oirno f.lini rf lmn It ,1vOl i f c I i n i 1. 1 ,1mAnotintA thflt mini 1 I V POllSKlPri'U. IIU I . uin, iu mm u a uni iwi int nun ii iiuiuuiu L I '(ill IV ui "niin I ftllT ni TflWTl III Will UflUUllnli ii vf v- - - , r . i A -i in That Mr. Il.im1.nin nnd Lis nsocinte ,15,1 M1pmn,l in 1 ' nl,n Tr,,fel bit. Iowa if one or two of our senators and several of our represen "knocking them out in the first round" may be admitted. This .. . . is not due to anv virtue or strenirth in the nosition of those bankers and politicians who, for selfish reasons, oppose the Under the Lash. guaranty law. It is due simply to an extraordinary and vicious 110r1v a half centurv the Des Moines Register has !r:f.r uJZi v-MM and stalwart Republican news- in.- 1 1.. i i.i ..i.i-.Mi uiu IH.VUIIHJU n n Mint- nu joi tin in- fl4., n 4l,o inrtv CaUSO Will UOt nOW be qiU'S raier. us ieuu iu i"- rij - i.i. i.:. tip llieir minds whether it is constitutional or not only to judicial despotism. It is a denial of the of representative government, and the establishme !...... ....... ..:i.i r i. in ui ii ir.iiiiiiMii i i ii in i ii ii iir:iri'i i iv ii lit ..-v.--r - i . - . . . m. , . 1,. . ,, ,i ..... n :.. 4i c.4 lu.Wnx- r,f KitfWnr A . rich and his colleagues iiu iur. Kiin.iiam s noasi inai ne win soon "give mem a m i'iv.-vhi, rv..v.. body blow that will put the proposition to sleep forever" mav The Register says: , well be taken with a grain of allowance. ' "The Republican party cannot remain in power It is a nrettv diflieult thin?, oven for the creat and miirhtv Aldrich leadership. Perhaps it is much more to tlu bankers of the state of Nebraska, to put the people, and any say that the Republican party ought not to remain in power proposition to which 1 nv :m i'otnniitti.l. "In s oon rut-over. " under sue t leadership. .1 here must be MUliewneie a piugn-- Thev will find it h:ird to ncootiiplish ovon with tho iissistiinceklvo nn,1 upltoss'ivo republicanism of another sort. The dele .of the supreme court. lotion from Iowa has assumed that leadership and its only TJi" slave power was as stiff-necked and defiant in its day alternative is to surrender or ticht. We believe we voice the as Mr. Burnham is now. For the most part it had possession sentiment of the state when we say that in this contingency of the machinery of government. It dominated the supreme Iowa is not for surrender. court, even, and when it got the infamous Bred Scot decision "For itself the Register and Leader has become thor- i i ;t ,.o,1j n ontnro to i no lireseiu n-iiucic-mi' Tt mnouuts tionen, nim wnni n n ..-. i e i 11 tiiiioniiiN . i,m,c.iti,u nf jiifliorents to pnnciples ot the icopuunonn mii, i fft , , nt instead that party in tne state oi jowu, uil- hm-.j w v. ...... . nt, in.ua.i, . Rosrister's plea for a radical change it thought, just as this arrogant Lincoln banker thinks now, ollli,v ou 0f nutionce with the notion of political conformity that it had "put them to sleep forever.' But the American wnm, tl,0 independent and fearless and honest leadership of people proved themselves greater than the slave power, ami ,',0 liartv is expected to alwavs knuckle down to a combination taught the world, in the end, that it is possible for an en- ,(f intor,;sts that holds the reasonable expectation of the peo- lighleneU public sentiment to no neuer uiw nun nciu-r in--um u ven than a decision of the supreme court. Let Mr. Burnham and his political and banking nsso ciates have their little day of triumph. Let them swell and exult nnd strut around in the peacock plumage that Judge Vandeventer has furnished them. The idea of a guaranty of bank deposits is sound ami just, conditions uenuuiu u up- going to "put it to sleep for ever," nor "give n body blow be is pb i.r- ' wtiV I MOWS. UlU I to lind bow bard blow an aroused and indignant poo m f-trike.-Wuld lhrnld. I N these hot Summer days you need a shirt almost every day in the week. We have soft collar shirts in a soft thin silky ma terial, in six shades, white, tan, cream, pray, blueand pink. $1.25 and $1.50 Values for $1.00 In neckband shirts we have the famous Fergu-son-McKinney and Wilson Bros, brands at Sl.00 and S1.25. ,.i;,..ition. and the people are for it. That means it is going to ...i.,.,,;! Mr. Rurnham is neither going to "put it to sleep Mi - - . . ., ... ., , ,. .1., ,1 ' .1 I.r 1. .." tA 1 in IIAA I ,1 III, ntl 1' 1 III.L' 1101 glVO II .."'U.I IIIVI11 tw ". ''.. ..v- ui'-mi-. Ami the time may come when he will find that the poo iX".S : . , i ...i. .... :.. it.: . i:n . r as well as he and ins inn-;, can i n,: e in mis nine ;une u ',.r-' i.U- blows." and if it - "r does come he will bo sur- pie and the partv pledges equally in contempt. "We went through all that here in Iowa in the old days. We have escaped because there were men who read their party duty along broader lines. "The Iowa delegation mav find it wis, . vote for the tariff bill. They mav find it wise to vote again-' 'he tariff bill, The vote one way or the other h incidental. Tl.o lr.r'n thing is having thrown the eauntlet to the Aldrichos of V ;l'"in loaderslr 'hit every vote be with re fen "e to strcng their pc ' . For there are to be sessions of ooiigrsos a Ibis on d there are to be tariff fights rfter this one. And tho Rep. bliean pari., is to have ' .Jorsbip such as Towa has offered in this contest or the president who succeeds President 'nft will not bear the same party designation." Manhattans at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Glad to show yon: we know you'll buy if you once look. The 11 iic nt Hurt, Srhnffntr cf .S'f.-fjii 7'tto .V'OV f'tothrt M'tnhnUun 7n'rfn 9