The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1909, Image 1

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    Ilattsmoutb Journal.
Through Freight Collides With
Swith Engine and Much
Damage Dono
a bail late but without Mr. Rawles
who remains in this city until No. 2
Eight o'clock closing law victim No.
And the end is not yet.
Back to the brimstone and sulphur
heat of bizzoner's court for Harry
Cronwell. Chief of the Bulls Ralney
this afternoon found Harry traveling
about the yards of the great Bur-
Tourists Indulge Too Freely in the
Flowing Bowl
The effects of the eight o'clock
closing law became plainly manifest llngton road with Walsh's coat and
in this city at once on the law go- he was promptly squeezed. Haled
ine into effect. The first disaster Defore bizzoner Judge Archer to ex
iV . i . .i. Plain why be was yet troubling the
was the unfortunate wreck of the . ' . . , .
bulls when thirty minutes was bis
Burlington In the west yards. This a,lotted Mme ,n the vl
was a real disaster and many hesl- could not elucidate any cause for his
From Friday's Dally. .switcher 3001 was raisea irom me tated to accuse the eight o'clock dallying In the town and the Judge
One of those Inexplicable and ap- rails on its drivers by the Impact closing law of being responsible. The ordered his Incarceration along with
parently unexplalnable accidents
which mark railroading, took place
last night near midnight at the west
end of the local yards,' by which Fire
man Earl R. Blish lost bis left 1-i
and a number of cars of merchan
dise were scattered over the yard3.
The accident happened at about
11:40 p. m. and was" caused by No.
74's extra colliding with the
switcher No. 3001. The extra, as Its
number indicates, was east bound
and came into the yards over the
fast bound Mala line, rounding th
curve at the water works and at the
west end of the yards at the usual
rate of speed which these trains use
in making a run for the grade 'to the
bridge. Switcher 3001 had been
working in the west end of the yards
Hiid Just at the extra dashed around
the curve it pulled out on the east
bound main with several cars. The
switcher was backing up with the
cars attached to the front end of the
engine. It is believed the crews of
the two engines saw the collision
coming at the same time and all
'Tied to Jump. Engineer Davis and
s fireman on the extra with engine
j 073 made the leap in safety and
nere not Injured in the teriffic com
i act of the big engines. Engineer
Neilson of the switcher also made
his leap in safety and escaped with
out injury, but Fireman Blish was
not so fortunate and Just as he tried
to Jump the two engines came to
gether. The force with which they
struck drove the tank of the switcher
into the cab and against the boiler.
BIsh was 'in the gangway between
the engine and the tank trying to
'leap, but his left heel and foot was
caught between tbe two and this
held him like a vice. As soon as the
two engines came together they Jam
med and the unfortunate man was
so tightly held that it was evident a
Jack would have to be used and the
switcher Jacked up before the mashed
member could be released. The train
men and enginemen at once seat
word to the station of the wreck and
section men were ordered out. Phy
sicians were also summoned for Blish
whose sufferings were Intense. As
soon as possible a Jack was secured
and work commenced to release the
sufferer. This was not accomplished
until he had been a prisoner for an
hour and a half. In all this time his
appeals for help were heart-rending.
He pleaded and begged tbe men at
work to take an ax and cut off his
crushed foot so that he might be
released and his pathetic appeals
brought tears to the eyes of all who
heard him. Immediately after his
release, he was hurried to the office
of the company surgeon where it was
decided to operate upon him im
mediately and his left foot was taken
oil Just above the ankle. He was
then removed to the Perkins house
where he is now resting. Anesthetics
were administered pending the oper
ation and It was seven o'clock this
morning before he came out of their
Influence. He is resting easily today
and will recover, tbe surgeon states,
beyond a doubt. ,
The wreck caused the demolition
of four box cars of merchandise In
the freight and two eraptly box cads
which the switcher was pulling. The
yards around the wreck immediately
following presented a sight In the
shape of a Jumble of merchandise
including red paint, sardines, or
anges, canned soup, and everything
else almost good for man or beast.
Most of the merchandise can be
saved and the loss to the company in
this respect Is comparatively small,
being estimated at $600 or $700.
The cars were completely demol
ished several of 1 hem being avnllablo
for toothpicks, were one numbers
nnd had mostly long since passed the
Age of consent. They will probably
represent a loss ot the outside of
12.000 as the iron work ran be
saved and put to good use. One car,
a refrigerator, next to engine 1973
of the extra was merely derailed
and apparently was not injured.
Tbe two engines were somewhat
demoralized but not Dearly so badly
Saloon Men in This City Close
Promptly at Eight O'clock
and more or less Jammed together, 8econd untoward event as you might H. Walsh In the donjon keep. This
the back end of the tank being. dent- sayf vaa a conflict between the Is charge againBt the eight o'clock
ed where the engine of the extra night bull and two gentlemen tour- closing law No. 4.
struck it and the steps and draw sts,Harry Conwell and H. Walsh, But hist! The plot deepens. El
bars knocked off but otherwise the flrBt and rea names unknown. The Toro Del Yardo Dizantz tbis after
repairs to be made will be nominal, bull, Henry Tout by name, essayed noon found two young boys named
The engine on extra No. 1973 was 0 convince .the aforesaid two tour- Maybee and Verhule prowling about
also Jameed up considerable and the j8t8 tnat they were Boused and fit the wrecked merchandls cars of the
pilot knocked off and the other ac- dunjon keep. Aforesaid tourists then Burlington and ordered them to cut
cessorles of the engine broken up. anj tnere beDg did dissent from the out for the grassy headlands or the
One cylinder head was broken in bull'c contentions and avcred they watery bottoms or somewhere else
but the general run of the damages were really the pink of propriety than the right-of-way of the Burllng
were small. This also remained on and tnat gajd Duu tnen and there ton and they heeded him not but
the rails., Considering all the circum- wr0nged them grievously and much, stayed and when his back was turn
stances of the wreck the remarkable Sajd bull produced the retort dls- ed deftly abstracted some fine, rich
feature is that both engines remained courteous and sloughed said tour- old cigars soaked in red paint and
on the rails and suffered compara- 8t8 ar0uslng the goal-keeper and keresene and hid them about their
tlvely small damage. m. helo by casting them into the person. Hereon and herein did they
The wreck blocked the two main I darkest dunjon. Anon ithey were err for the Toro did sight them and
lines and the wrecker was sent for at haled before hlzzoner Judge Archer I and they were cast into a noisome
once. It arrived here at four o'clock "ho heard all about the troubles cell, later to taste the bitter sweets
in charge of conductor Safford and herein related and doled out Justice of Justice as It were. The lads were
with Trainmaster Austin on board, to each of them for being D. & D. to tlll there when ye scribe left the
Work was rushed and every possible the tune of one plunk and the trim- court room but Judge Archer has a
efofrt made to get the track cleared mlngs estimated to be in the neigh mass in pickle for them if they be
for No. 1 west hut this could sot he I borhood of three more simoleons. I baled before him.
done and that train as well as No. 10 All this was did by the Jedge upon This constitutes charge No. 5
east bound was detoured via Omaha the word of aforesaid bull, Henry against the elgth o'clock closing law.
and the Bluffs. The track was clear, Trout who lustily averred they were
however, by seven o'clock and No. 6 In Bald state of intoxication and had
for the east and No. 15 for the west sought to argue the matter with him. I One O'clock Luncheon.
. . I I J .4 il a 1 I
departed on time. a cousiuerauon oi me geauemamy An e)aborately appointed 1 o'clock
The extra was In charge of Con- behaivor of said Conwell, the Jedge luncheon waa .ven at the DonneiiT
ductor Allen with Engineer Davis conciuaea to give me com or mem home ,.eBterday by Miss Gretchen
on 1873 while the switch crew was ft chance Tor their white alley and Donnelly, in honor of Miss Ella Mar
under Foreman Crissinger and En- suspended sentence for thirty min- aret Dovey. to which the bridal nor
gineer Nellison and Fireman Blish ut unU1 they fly the C00D- ty of the Dovey-Falter wedding and
of the 3001. The exact cause of the wnereat onweu wun exceeding ana a few friend8 were Invited
I A. 1 A Jl I A A. I
disaster cannot now be told and an Kre na8ie Ul- BV1Bie ai cnce out. The table decoratlons were beau
Investigation will be necessary to de- a!as and alackaday, Walsh, capital tful and conBlBted or a eake. Cov
terralne who or what was to blame. ot firBt name H- lingered until after ered wItn mlnature flags and red tor.
There was all kinds of stories afloat he had imbibed sundry liquors of pedoo-8 aa a centerpiece, Burround-
as to the cause as is always the case maic spiruous ana vinous sons ed by the rod r0BeB( blue Jaipur
and only close Investigation will mosuy spiruous, ana men nied mm and whJte dn8e8 , carrying out
disclose what the difficulty was. lo me uuningion varus wnere ne color scheme of red. white and blue
One thing which will largely enter fe" athwart the eagle eye of El Toro At each placo wag , be found ft
Into the matter is the fact that the ae yarao' Ale wxant, otherwise Uny fla, and rd torDedo. The
accident occurred at the point where known as the bull of the yards. El danty flve course luncheon was de-
George H. Polsall's teams are engag- r ae -ara promptly suRpicionea I ltclous. the hostess belns: assisted In
ed in doing some ditching for the that said Welsh had bug Juice un- 8ervng by MlBgeB Adeline Minor,
company. Along the road at this er 1118 corsiet ana neraea mm into Giady8 Sullivan and Marie Donnelly,
point the usual yard boards were tak- corral. Herein he found ample evl- The co,or Bcheme ot red, white and
en down and bulletins were Issued dencc by smell that his suspicions blue wag uged jn jthe service.
warning engineers and trainmen of wre eu muuueu ana ue sianeu Following the luncheon came de
this. It Is said the engineer of the BaI(- waisn oacK ,to me city not-root ijchtful music both vocal and in
extra disclaims any knowledge of to ar8ue the caso before hlzzoner Ltrumental, was given, Interspersed
these bulletins. He entered the yard Jeage Arcner. baia waisn wasted BOC,al conversation
. . . I u t 1 . I I
at his usual speed and. according to cunsiuemuie mry persiuuge upon Thoe .ho cloved this occasion
one story, before the switchmen or BaIl bH and moved to return and were Ml8Be8 Caroline Barkalow of
one story, before the switching crew Investigate further Into Bald Walsh s Qmaha, Alice Dovey, Emma Falter
expected or understood the train antecedents. aia duu Demg agree- rblias Petts of Lincoln Helen Do
was to be here. In consequence of abie. said investigation was made
this, the crew was operat- antl herein and hereabouts was said
lug on the main line with a Walsh undone. He was then started
flagman and relying on the bulletin, by Eltoro to the donjon keep for
The Investigation will bo held very the second time in twenty-four hours
shortly and prompt action will be Dt when near said keep, said Walsh
taken by the company officials to demurred and after argument said
prevent any more accidents of the demurrer was sustained and El Toro
kind so far as human Ingenuity and hurried Bald Walsh before hlzzoner
regulation can do so. Such accld- Jedge Archer. Here they met up
ents as the one of last night though with El Toro Del Delva, the bull of
seem to be almost impossible to pre- the woods, as he is known, Sheriff
vent. Qulnton. Haled before hlzzoner by
From Saturday ! Ial)y. i
The enforcement of the e Ight
o'clock closing law In this city would
not appear to be a hard task Judging
from the promptitude with which It
has been obeyed. So far as heard
tvery one of the saloons closed
Thursday night promptly on time
under the old law and opened
yesterday morning at seven o'clock
under the new law. No saloon Is
reported to have opened ahead of
time and there Is every disposition
on the part of the saloon men to
men to obey the law until It has been
tested and held unconstitutional.
There was a large number on the
streets Thursday night anticipating
that there would be some trouble In
closing up and looking for some
symptoms of disorder and tumult.
Such were surprised and disappointed
for nothing of the kind took place.
At eleven o'clock the saloons closed
and there was no more drunkenness
than 1b usual none. A number were
disappointed this morning when
they called for early morning drinks
and were met with doors which re
fused to open. A Joke on one man
who had strongly advocated the new
law, was the fact that he was one
of Its first victims. Being sick, and
really so. at that, he thought be
would throw a shot of John Barley
corn unto himself. Sothlnklnghehur
riea to tnirst aispensary at & a. m.
and was stung by finding the doors
closed tighter than those to the
promised land. Consequently he re
turned to the assault at 6 a. m. and
through a screen door he Implored
vey, Crotbers of St. Paul, Minn.
Catherine Dbvey, Jeanette Paln-er of
Lincoln, Mesdames Frederick Trues
dell and R. F. Patterson.
Still Itislng.
One feature of the wreck was the two BUCh "'doubtable bulls as he of
fact that there were no engines in
the local yards available for helping
to clear the tracks and one had to
the yards and he of the timbers,
Walsh hod small show and was com
mitted by hlzzonor. When It dawn-
be called over from Pacific JTTnctlon ed Up" h'8 8C0lt('rel, Intellect that
the vendor of red-eye to Jar loose
with a small drink. His only reward
was a hollow laugh like unto that of
a spirit departed and a request to
call after seven. Now, strangely
enough, fellow citizens, this man was
sore. But be waited until after
Tbe saloons all closed promptly
at eight o'clock at night, emptying
their crowds on the street at the
tap of the bell, There was no place
which even attempted to keep open
and the several proprietors were pre
pared for the lynx-eyed gentlemen
who constituted themselves private
defectives to learn if the law was
being violated. And there were sev
eral In the business, too. They hur
ried from saloon to saloon and peer
ed into them to see whether
anyone was in but the result showed
no patrons on hand although In sev
eral cases the bartenders and por
ters were engaged in cleaning up.
Most of the saloons have decided to
clean up at night Instead of in the
morning as was formerly the cus
tom. There was no unusual drunkenness
although several "plants" were in
evidence containing malt liquors
purchased before closing hours.
These were always private arrange
ments, however, and not for the use
of the public.
On tbe whole the public seems dis
posed to put up with the plan and
buy what they want before closing
time. As to lessening the consump
tion of liquor it is more than doubt
ful If it so operates.
Delightful Kitchen Shower.
From Raturday's Pally.
Miss Helen Dovey yesterday after
noon entertained a large number of
guests, the occasion being a kitchen
shower in honor of Miss Ella Mar
garet Dovey. The principal amuse
ment of the afternoon was the mak
ing of an immense quilt. As each
guest arrived she was presented with
a piece of white cloth, a thimble and
a needle threaded with red thread.
The object was to work a design on
the cloth including the name or the
Initial of the sewer. The pieces were
later pieced together and formed the
quilt. There were many unique and
novel pieces worked out. The Judges
decided after all the pleceB were fin
ished that Misses Ellen Windham
and Ruth Johnson had carried
- Mr. r.lish Improves.
From Saturday's Dally.
Earl , Blish ,the fireman Injured
In the Burlington wreck, Is getting
along finely at the Perkins House
and there Is small doubt but that he
will soon be well. He has been
looked after by several friends wbi
came down from Omaha and For'.
Crook and every possible care Is !!
lng given him. A trained nurse
came down this morning from Oma
ha and has taken charge of his care.
The Information which reached the
Journal that his home was In Lin
coln turns out to have been Incorrect
as It Is In Pennsylvania. Blish Is
said to be connected with a promi
nent family In that state and is a
young man of refinement and breed
ing. He has taken his injuries very
philosophically and is quite resfgneH
to the Iosb he has suffered. A large-
away the prizes. Later when the.number of railroad men have been
quilt was completed It was placed 'among his callers and they are un
to drag the cars away before the un
fortunate Blish could bo released
Blish, the man Injured In the
wreck, had been here but about a
week, having come here from Lin
coin where it Is understood his home
is. He Is a young man nnd has not
been In the company service a great
1'lcHKuntly Entertained.
Miss Verna Leonard yesterday en-
he was to be 6loughed said Walsb
announced In trumpet tones what
he would do to the bull when he
was sprung and Intimated said bull
would suffer from a loss of block
and would be string-halted and oth
erwise unmarketable when said
Walsh had finished his alterations.
However, said Walsh now reposes In
durance vile and the eight o'clock
closing law has victim No. 2 to Its
The Missouri river this morning
was still rising and Is now at the
highest point of the year. It topped
tho 11.1 mark this morning which
hrd been Its previous record for th
year and has been slowly crawling
above all day. As stated befcrt
there Is not much Mklibood of thl
mark being much exceeded and ll
fitf in the stream will not be lon
ofmed. The water now cove-i
lare part of the Band bar In front
of the Burlington station and yaids
e.'.d row boats can land near the dor-tit.
?t Is not believed the river will
(iet out of Its banks on the Iowa side
as the rise comes too late. If It does
not there Is every prospect that the
people over there will have the larg
est crops they have had In years.
Everything Is reported to be In fine
shape there nnd the farmers are
Jubilant over the outlook. There
was no rain last night or yesterday
Yet conies the end not. The Bur
A a I i l If ft i - t I 1 1 a . i. a m . I
u iium. u ai unlike wiiisi a nuciuer i jiiikiiui um iiuwuk uriei cuuuKii "" anywhere In this vlclnltv and It Is
of guests, the affair belugjn honor Its hands this morning had a freight thought the wet season Is nt on end
Detroit, irsin pun out a coupling wniio stui-K for . nt i,.nHt
up by the air on the bill coming Into
town and all this happened ns many
folks of much business (minding ex
work of excavating this train from
the cut took Borne one hour nnd tlilr
ty minutes and ln united efforts of lt!i home folks, lie Is a brother of
was Superintendent Flynn, Trainmaster Frank Novotney, who has been farm
Austin, Mnster Mechanic Andrews, lng there for some time vMi ev
of Mesdames Wilson of
Mich., and Woodruff of Falrbuult,
Minn. Fruit punch wan served
throughout the game. Mrs. Carl C
Frlike was the, wlnnwr of the firnt
prize, two beauty pins of Grcau
design. At the conclusion of lh nf
ternoon n diilnty luncheon
l' I rom Oklahoma.
John Novotny came In last night
foni Chlckasha, Ind. Tit., , for a visit
injured as might le Imagined. Tie Barbara G'-rirg, riulr Dovry.
Those attending was Mesdames 1 1 nrdmnster Johnson nnd all his celelnt results. John U greatly lak
Woodruff of Fulrvuult. Minn., 11. N. crew, Engineer Krlsky and fireman, en with that rountry,( uni snys all
Dovey, T. P. Livingston, Phkett, the crew of train No. 4, and an Im- the Cass county colony Is, wc II
Gasij Strelght, H. S. Austin, llerold, mens" roncoursn of thl.. citizen v. ho Crops look well generally and wheat
i . it. rriKe, uritf, A. w. White, and I wasted much sound reasoning harvest excelled all prediction
MIbsps Lena Frlck", Florence Dovey, powers In figuring out how to did It. 'John expects to return on completltn
No. 4 finally departed one hour and 'of hi visit nt bis tb old homo
on exhibition
Miss Dovey was presented by her
guests with an Immense clothes
hamper nnd was told to commence
with the rolling pin and take the
articles out. Ench article was
wrapped In white tissue paper and
prettily tied together, one of the
laughable and odd features was Miss
Dove's efforts to guess the Identity
of each article before she had open
ed It. As an Illustration of her 111
luck, she guessed a strainer for a
soup holder and a spoon appeared
to her like an, egg beater. Her
friend were determined she should
keep things clean for he received a
broom, dlshpan and a package of
Dutch Cleanser.
A large punch bowl filled with
fruit punch, was kept very, very busy
during the afternoon and was duly
appreciated owing to the warm
weather. Dainty refreshments mark
ed the close of the occasion which
was one of the prettiest and most at
tractive affairs of te kind ever given
In the city.
The guests Included Mesdames
Walker, J. P. Falter, Fox, Wilson of
Detroit, Woodruff of Falrvbnult,
Knapp, Dwyer, George E. Dovey, E.
G. Dovey, Balor, T. P. Livingston.
W. W. Windham, Austin, It. F. Pat
terson, Frederick Truesdell, C. G.
Frlcke, Misses Lena Frlcke, Ellen
Wlndhnm, Ruth Johnson, Frances
Weldman, Madeline Minor, Margery
Walker, Murphy Gerlng, Leonard,
Hullle Parmele, Lucille Gass, Marl"
Donnelly, Cntherlne Dovey, Alice
Dovey, Margaret Dovey, Phyllis Petts
of Lincoln, Jeanette Palmer of Lin
coln, Carolyn Barkalow of Omaha,
Lillian Crowthers of St. Paul, nnd
Minnie Guthmon.
remitting in their efforts to see that
be gets every possible attention. The
investigation Into the circumstances!
surrounding the wreck in which he
received his Injuries Is now in pro
gress and will soon be completed'
when the official findings of the au
thorities will be announced.
EloKiinent is Surprise,
MIsb Clara Brown, the oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Brown of G64 H street, was married
in Lob Angeles yesterday to Mr. E.
C. Weficott, an electrician of Platts
mouth, Neb
The marriage wa quite a surprise
to Miss Brown's parents, as they
knew nothing concerning her plans
until they received a telegram from
the young lady saying sho was mar
ried and would write later. The lust
they had seen of her wo when she
left yesterday morning for Sunday
rchool. The charming bride Is a
very lovenble girl nnd has won many
worm friends during her short stay
In San Bernardino who wish her
much hnpplness. For many month
sho hns been head bookkeeper at
Harris' store. Ron Bernardino
(Cal.) Evening Index.
John Weathorly who has been
working hero for several months past
In the employ of tho Nebraska Tele
phono Compnny, depurted yesterday
for Omaha and I)e Moines, nuerc
he v.111 take up his work again. Mr.
Weut herly Is one of tho kind or men
whom It Is n pleosuro to meet and
during his short Btay hero ho made
himself many friends. It Is to bo
hoped be returns to the city at some
future time for a further sojourn.