t THE PLATTSMOUTH JOURNAL THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION. '. IT . '.feS RESIDENCE OF LOUIS W. ROETTGEH tinued tho business until 1903, when i always kept In stock and every piece of Keen Kutter goods la fully guar anteed to give satisfaction or money II. Green, the eldest son took charge of It. Young Mr. Green graduated in pharmacy at the Crelgh-1 will be returned, ton College and was given the degree J A complete line of the famous of l'h. O. The store contains a Rochester nickel plate goods, In oof fine class of all kinds of drugs, paints, j fee and tea pots and fancy goods may oils, wall papers, and goods appertain- bo found In the store. A view Is lug to the trade, and makes a spe- given Mr. Itoettger's home which Is laity of compounding prescriptions, j one of the finest in Klmwood. All I of Kim wood's best citsens are friends " of Mr. Roettger and his standing Is Louis V. i:oetl(ier. This gentleman was born lr. Shel by County, Ohio, and came to Nebras- j ka In 1881, first locating In Nebras ka City. After living there for a time he removed to Syracuse, where he clerked In a general merchandise store for 9 years. He derided to lo cate In Elmwood and In 1891 he went to that town and entered in business as a general merchant. Then tho llrm becamo Roettger & Arends gen eral merchants, and so remained for 14 years. Four years ago Mr. Uoettger bought out tho hardware business of J. A. Wright and has since c onducted it as tho leading hardware store of Elmwood. He handles a full line of shelf and general hardware, stoves and furnaces, lie employes at all times a competent tinner and furnace man and all work Is done on short notice and with accuracy, at lowest prices. The Round Oak furnaces, for which Mr. Roettger Is agent In Elmwood, rank among tho best in the United States. A number of them have been put into Elmwood homes and have given tho greatest satisfaction. Mr. Roettger handles Riverside ranges of which It Is Justly said there are "none better." Keen Kutter knives, scissors, raz ors, cutlery, tools and steel goods are of the highest In the business world. of D. William 1. Skeen. The leading man In his lino business harness Is V.'llliam Skeen lie was born In Nemaha county, Nebraska, September 13th, 1871. lie. was brought up on a farm win re he lived until he was thirteen years old when the family moved to Kansas. Mr. Skeen came to Elm wood 13 years ago last August, in 18!tj. Ho took up the trado of har ness maker and worked at it nearly three and a half years. He then moved to Eskrldge, Kas., and went to work at his' trade. Three years ago on February 1st, 1906, he came back to Elmwood and opened a har ness shop which he has ever since continued to operate. The business has gained In volume year. by year and his goods are favorably known all over the county. From a small j beginning the business has steadily ' grown y ar by year until its present healthy proportions. Mr. Skeen manufactures harness and his product Is the best in every grade that ran be produced in his 1!'". Mr. Skeen Invites all to call and see him, his goods are ready and will bear inspection, and you will be made welcome whether you buy or not. Dr. I. C. Mungtr. The doctor was bora in Elkador, Iowa, thirty-five years ago and after receiving a rudimentary education in the schools of his native town, took a scientific course at Lenox College. Determining to become a physician he took up the study of medicine at the Illinois Medical College at Chi cago, and later took one year at Itarnes' Uuiversity at St. Louis. Re turning to the 111. Med. college from which institution he graduated in 1900 with the highest class honors. After graduating the doctor took up the practice of his chosen profession In Wisconsin and for a period of six years made that state his home. He came to Elmwood llnee yeuia ago last January, and from the start was very successful. At this time Dr. Munger probably has the largest practice of any physician In Cass County, and his practice extends to nearly all parts of the county. Two years ago this spring, In 1907, the doc tor seeing the necessity for a hospi tal where patients could be given the care which Is so much needed In a great many cases, built a hospital at Elmwood, which is now one of the in stitutions of the town. It became nec essary to enlarge the buildingi in 1908. Patients have been received at the hospital from all over Nebraska and many places In Iowa. The place is open for all medical and surgical cases and unusual success has fol lowed the treatment of different surgical and other critical illnesses. Dr. Munger is county physician for district No. 6 In Cass County and also president of the Cass County Medical Society. He Is Mayor of Elm wood at the present time, and stands foremost as a citizen and nflghbor in the town. Mueller Brothers. William Mueller was born in Ger- j many, Province Pomeranla, Jan. 21, 1862, and came to this country with his parents, landing October 18th, 1876. His parents settled in Tripoli, Breemer County, Iowa, and he stayed with his parents ten years. In 18S6 he moved to Omaha where he stayed two months, moving thence to Spring field and then to Elmwood in July 1886. William Mueller soon after ward opened a blacksmith shop there and prospered steadily. In the spring of 1900 he added a large warehouse to his business and stock ed It with agricultural implements of all kinds. In the fall of 1900 Mr. Adolph Mueller, a brother, was ad mitted to the firm which has since been known as Mueller Brothers. Adolph was born in Germany on the 6th of March, 1831, and came to this country with one of his broth ers in 1870. After various trips he finally located at Dundee, Kane Coun ty, Illinois, thence to Tripoli, Iowa. From there he moved to Lancaster County, Nebraska, and lived there un til he went Into partnership with his brother, William. Both the Mueller brothers are widely known In Cass County and esteemed by all. Their business methods are always in keep ing with their business character and their word is as good as their bond. The business is keeping abreast of the town's progress and Is satisfac tory In every way. L. A. Tyson, Drugget. Mr. Tyson was born In DeKalb county, Illinois, In iS38, and came to Nebraska In 18C6 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Abiathar Tyson, who homestcaded 160 acres one mile and a quarter northeast cf Elmwood, lonfij 0a! o ' . tt te- -1 I.? - xk t I IMPLEMENT HOUSE OF MUELLER BROTHERS; I " 'W'" v "V -pA 1 ,L t .. " before the town was laid out or before there were any railroads thought of In that section of Nebraska. L. A. grew to manhood here, and in 1882 succeeded L. V. Logan in the drug business, which he has carried on since, giving it his direct atten tion, except the four years he served as county clerk, to which position he was elected in 1901, and again in 1903. During his Incumbency he resided In Plattsmouth, and moved back to Elmwood In the spring of 1896, where he has since given his undivided attention to the drug busi ness. His establishment is up-to-date In Its equipments, and carries every thing in his line of business, such as paints, oils, wall paper, notions, toilet articles, stationery, cigars.etc. A few -weeks since Mr. Tyson In stalled In his store at a cost of $673.00, one of the finest soda foun tains In the state. Elmwood being an up-to-date town, Mr. Tyson put in this magnificent equipment in order to keep up with the many other live enterprises of this wide-awake town. Mr. Tyson was united In marriage with Miss Jennie Alton, March 30, 1874, and to this union was born five boys and three girls, all living ex ept the first child, which passed away In Infancy. Mr. Tyson also served two terms as constable of Stove Creek precinct, and is a gentleman who re tains hosts cf friends. Elmwood and assisted his brother, L. A., in the drug business for two years. During which time (in 1896) he was united in marriage with Miss Dottie Coon, and went back to the farm. There he remained until he went Into the real estate business, and again removed to Elmwood. This was in 1903, and has continu ed in the business with great activ ity, with the exception of the several months he was laid up with a frac tured lower limb, which was caused ELMWOOD HOSPITAL I M. If. Tjxrn, Heal Kstute Healer. Mr. Tyson was born on the same section of land upon which Elmwood Is located, on the 13th day of October, 1871. He attended the district schools and also the village school, receiving a common school educa tion. He followed farming until six years ago, when he removed to by running Into a ditch along the roadside, while out with his motor cycle. Mr. Tyson is now engaged in selling lands in Sunny Southern Al berta, Canada, representing the O. W. Kerr Company, of Minneapolis, Minn., who have many thousands of acres of good farming land in the Al berta country to dispose of at from $12.00 to $25.00 per acre. This company runs a special train out of Minneapolis every Tuesday, and con veys many who are eager to take advantage of the crop-payment plan Opportaoaty of Llfetlmn! A 1 ONE CROP PAYS FOR THE LAND! and tired of giving tho other man, who does nothing, one-third to one-half the results of your labor? Do you own a farm of your own the soil of which is perhaps becoming ex hausted, and from which you are not receiving returns in proportion to the amount of work you are compel- I! :i3;fr nan .,:j 71 II 7 11 .. led to perform. ? and up for selected land! Harvesting 1908 Crop Winter Wheat which yielded 54 bushels per acre. Have You a Little Honey That You Would Like to Invest Where if Would be Absolutely Safe and at the Same Time Give You a Large Return on the Investment? Learn more about this wonderful land and the Opportunities in Store for You. Send for full information or join one of our Landseekers Excursions which leave Minne apolis at 1 1 :1 5 a. m. every Tuesday. Call on or write M. H. TYSON, Elmwood, Neb. This Is Why Thirty Pounds of Sted'per Acre Is all that Is Required. THE O. W. KERR CO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. DC ir" - t r