-J Idaily personal news I Short Items of Interest FromMon X day's Evening Journal Y ? t B. A. McEIwaln came in this morn ing from the north having spent Sunday in Omaha. L. W. Lorenx ia spending the day In Omaha going to that city on the larly morning train. Attorney Maxwell of Omaha spent Miss Leona Brady was among those who were passengers this morning for Omaha. Gus Swansea is spending the day in Omaha being a passenger for that city on the early train. .NOTICK OP fcLIVCTlO.V. Before the Hoard of County Com missioners of Haundeia County, r.s"Ti"K MATTE It OF THE ORGANI ZATION OF ASH LAN U UKAlNAUk. TO ALli'SvHOM IT MAY CONCERN: i'uisuanl to tn oruer of tne lioaid of County Commissioners of tjaunders County. Nebraska, made and entered on June 7. HU!, and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the statute of the Utate of Nebraska hereinafter described, I, A. N. Elraelund. County Clerk of Saunders County, Nebraska, do hereby give notice that on May 21, lituit, Abel ii. Fuller. Nelson Sheffer, II l Coleman. C. Kettle. K. K. Hays, O. l. Kettle. Chas. Miller, A. J. Sanger, Margaret Wollen, alary jMpcrifii, J it. tiranner and it. w. Dean uia mm in the cilice of the County Clerk of Kaunders County, Nebraska, their peti tion In writing and also their bond with surely thereon, all in manner aiid form aa by law required, ana ...ch said bond and tne aureiy ineie- on was on saia uai vy myyivr. the object and prayer oi saiu peti tion being- for the organisation of Ashland iralnure District, and said petition being- Med under the pro visions of an Act of the Legislature of Pnl Aultu'lth nt fho Mnannlf hnitip Attorney Maxwell 01 oniaua eoc... "7 Z , 7 the TaTe of Nebraska, approved ky Sunday In this city and vicinity visit- business today, being a passenger for Governor thereof on March if, . .... - LDUL uuihl oil me muiiiiuK iram. i inr win rhiiii ivt'B. i - - - cum T.nnf nnd wife were DaiaS- ,1.1. -ni fnr timsha where for the O'Neill line where he will win be improved by drainage to build gcio ium """"! . . , . .v dykes andlevies.tocon8iruci.Bira kiii- they will spend the day. D. F. Eichelberger was in the city yesterday holding Holiness meet ings, returning to Tabor, la., this morning. Mrs. J. W. Johnson was a passen ger this morning for Lincoln where attend to carpenter work for the wlden deepen or altar any ditch, uurungton. , i""r- rVeVt bank bf Matthpw fierlnir la look ne after ny stream or mien, m i-.i.h Aiattnew oering is iuukiiib H1(-er I i!,rr extend, improve or maintain professional business In -Omaha to- any drainage system; to construct, day, going to that city on the early Bnv ytem of control of surface wa- ..i iter or running waier, unu . m II cin lino uiuiutiig. nl.llvutlnna mill OOWerB Of SUCh COT' B. W. IHatt and wife of Klsing lnciuinK rL"J; lnir of negotiable bonds, and the nent domain, the creation ot oeois ritv. Nnh.. urn In th oltv mnkln? (Hxulne of negotiable bonds, and in fine Will maao a t""i """ - i, t nondal assessments on fnr several davs a vl811 ",in Alr- parents, wr, Former County Attorney Rawls. and Mr8 M' Hlatt now located at Granada, Col., re- France Ballance visited over Sun turned to the city this morning for a day In the cty with his parents, re visit with his family. turning to Glenwood, la., this morn- Mrs. W. II. Russell and sister ot ln on lbe carly traln Ashland. BDent Sunday in the city the A. Searle is among those having guests of Mrs. Harmon, returning to their home this morning. W. H. Lair and wife of Havclock spent Sunday in the city, the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Charles business in Omaha to look after day, being a passenger for that point Ion the morning train. Messrs Tcrcy Willams and Frost Walker of Omaha were over Sunday such real emaie anu me f""""1" therein as may he uenenttea oy such wnrk knil defining the duties and powers of public officials" and the amendments thereto. That the boundaries or saia pru us- ed Ashland Drainage District as nxeu and determined by said Board of County Commissioners Dy saiu oruer entered on Juno 7, 1900, are as fol lows, to-wit: (All sections rererrea 10 neiow nm In Township No. 12 North, Itange ino. Nine East of the Sixth I'. M., sections one to twelve both inclusive are in Suunders County, Nebraska. All other sections referred to are in Cass Coun ty, Nebraska.) Commencing ai ine cenier ijiwi m the Intersection of Third and. iey streets In the City of Ashland, Ne Gus Olson, of the Olson Photo- J- , Oltroegge departed this graph Company, departed this mora- morning for Ashland and other for Valley. Neb., where he will points west, after spending Sunday take some vlewi for th good people in the city with his family. of that comunlty. " A. C. Tulent and wife are spending fhlo ninrn. I etiPstH of Karl Travis, returntne l hrmkn. thence west three blocks I,tW "J" - , along the center line of Dey street to Ing. their homes last evening. the center of the intersection" of Dey ana olxin sireeio m saiu vny, iiitnv north one block along the center line of Sixth street to the center of the in tersection or Klxtn ana Oliver sireeis in sld Cltv: thence west three blocks lnir (ha renter lln of Silver street to the center ot tne intersection m Hllver and Ninth streets In said City thence south two blocks along the Mis. Catherine and Edith Dovey the afternoon in Omaha going to that dcit'yto the east nd west center .nd Mr. Walter Spotford, of Ban city on the afternoon train. "eAiVtonarwest iSSter" line of Francisco, were passengers this Mrs. C. A. Marshall Is spend ng Sections 2 and 3 to the southeast ' . . .. ... ,, , . . , corner of the west half of the north- morning for Omaha where they will the afternoon In Omaha being a pas- west quarter or said section 3; thence spend the day with friends. senger on No. 23 for that city. HamtSniifn "S:' hnc'eVeVong W. J. Lorenz, now located at Mrs. Dr. Elster Is spending the af- JX"" to"" hS"orfhwe.t cSrnef of Odell. Wb.. cime In Saturday nleht ternnnn with relntlvpn In Omaha irn. I section 4; thence south to the center for a visit with bis brothers, going Ing to that city on No. 23 this af- to Omaha this morning. Mr. Lorenz ternoon. is erecting a new brick building at I a t. i.nnlnskv. sale- aent for the Odell and bis mission to Omaha to-1 Va 111 at i Brewing Company, Is In .day la to invest in materials for its the clty loday looklnK after bu8,. tompletloi. ncss matters. Mils Mattie Rand of Alccster, 8 D., a sister of H. E. Rand of this city, and Mr. Earl Holt of Worlding, Wyo., a nephew of Mr. Rand, who have been visiting him In this city, departed this morning for Holdrege, Neb., where they will make a visit before returning home. Mrs. John Maurer departed thU noon on No. 23 for Omaha from which city she will go to Central City, N. M., where her husband and son have a claim. She expects to remain for some time making them a visit. i i .,. Master William Kyle of the Ma sonic home departed this noon for Omaha from which point he will like ly go west with a prominent of fleer of the Masons who Is looking after his education and caring for btm. "County Attorney Ramsey returned home from Ban Antonio, Tex., Satur day night only to find It necessary to nt the west Una of said section 4 thence west to the center of section S; thence south to the center of the south line of said section 5; thence west along the south line or said section b to tne northeast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter of section k; thence south one mile to the south east corner of the west one-half of the southwest quarter of said section 8: thence east along the south line of said section 8 to the northeast cor ner of the west half of the north east quarter of section 17: thence Omaha where they wll spend the af- uth to the southeast corner of the , . . , west half of the northeast quarter of temoon With friends. said section 17; thence west to the r.l v,.i,sn,n. I. i,.,in i.ii .. center of the west line of said sec Carl KunBman is buying fatter cat- t0n ,7. thence south along the west tie and hogs and steers and things !ine.lof "a,d "ection IT and section 20 . . B Ito the center of the west boundary Misses Julia and Gretchen Donnel ly were passengers on No. 23 for tracts In said County, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern Kailway across the same. or sufficient amount thereof to bring the sum of t3o0.00 for the pay ment of debts allowed against said es tate of the cost of administration and in addition thereto tne costs of this proceedings there not being any per sonal property to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all per sons interested !n said estate appear before me at Chambers at my offlce in the Court House In the City of i'lattxmouth, Nebraska, on the 24th day of July, 190S. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day to show cause why a li cense should not be granted to said administrator to sell the above real estate of said deceased or so much thereof as mav be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. Dated this 7th dav of June, 190. Harvy I). Travis. Judge of the District Court. D. O. Dwyer, Attorney. Havelock. From the Times. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeLong of Plattsmouth are visiting at the home of George DeLong and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Schlater of Platts mouth, parents of Mrs. Joseph Tighe, arrved in town Wednesday and will visit a week at the Tigbe resid ence. The Citizens State bank, which opened a couple of weeks since in the new Blddlecom block on Jackson street, has been doing a satisfactory business, considering the short time It has been In business. Mrs. W. F. Ackerman met with a painful accident one day this week. She wa washing a pantry shelf and ran a large splinter under her finger nail. Being unable to remove the splinter herself she called a doctor and it was necessary to remove part of the nail before the splinter could be reached. Last Saturday Mrs. V. F. Hoffman, Past Worthy matron and Mrs. R.J. Jones of the Martha Washington chapter, 0. E. S., by specia invita tion from Electa chapter of Lincoln, visited the Masonic home at Platts mouth. The visiting party, aside from Mesdames Hoffman and Jones, consisted of ten from Lincoln, two from Wahoo and one from Council Bluffs. The party was met at the de pot In Plattsmouth by Assist Grand Conductress Gamble and the worthy motron ' of the Plattsmouth odge with automobiles and taken to the home, where they inspected the building and grounds, took dinner and were shown a good time generally. The home, they say, is an anchantlng spot, with mammoth trees, velvety lawn and courteous attendants. Idaily personal news ! 1 Y Short Items of Interest From Tues- V Y T X day Evening's Daily Journal DOUDT DISAPPEARS In that city on No. 23. II. S. Austin and wife were pas Bengera this afternoon on the Bur llngton train for Omaha where they will spend the afternoon. Mrs. Peter Turn departed this af ternoon for Oniuha where she will take up her residence, going there to consult a specialist for her eyes. iMss Anna Taylor and little daugh Omaha this afternoon going to I line of said section 20; thence east along inn earn ana wesi cenier line oi said section 20 and section 21 to the center of the east boundary line of said section 21; thence north along the east boundary line of said sec tion 21 and section 16 to the north east corner of said section 16; thence east along the north line of sections i and 14 to the center of the north boundary line of said section 14; thence north to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the south east quarter or section 11 ; thence east to the northeast corner of the south east quarter of the southeast Quar ter of said section 11; thence north to the northeast cornel of va'd heel Ion II Ihlll,,' Wvt Itl.,!.. tl,. MAII, 11-,- ter of LaPlatte made a brief trip to or said section u to if point where u,e the city this afternoon to do some v""!.?'' V.'rr"!, Ml ClilcaKo. lturllngton & Qulnuy Rail ma ti Cnmnunv 4 lianna ultnif H a John Martin, telephone lineman I southeast boundary line ot the right PTlranrdlnnrv la Innlrlnir aria- l" wm n" ep grounds 01 the SSld extraorainary, is looking after some Chicago, iiuriington ft Quincy iuii unfinished business In Omaha th Is af-P0. "P"" northeasterly di- .... rectlon to i point where said sonth ternoon, going to that City on No. 23. ""t boundary line Intersects the ten- iter line vi main sreei in Slid City or Saturday afternoon Judge Beesonl Ashland: thence due west along the cenier une oi main street and across to the intersec tn streets in said ftlnnr th ... nt.. and Miss Anna Swanson, aged 20, of I Hne of Third street one block to the in, i in, oi ut-Kinning, me largest por- Miss Blanche Waters of Gran , , , I boundaries being located in Saun- and. Neb., is visiting In the city, I . u "n.. u . Ty" . " """a our,N: .v. 1ha rnrat r,f hor hrctW Ti O . ln lno ln n" I01K re- boundaries of aahl nrnnn..i' " a.i,ih u-.tf. mi., w.i or. i. . inai.i,, I turning to her music classes In Oma-1 Drainage District and all others con WBtert. Miss Waters IS a teacher Of " .win cerned are hereby notified that an music both instrumental and vocal 8 l"c lY'ViSS TV-ST- th. ? FrWV' ?u y. II nvtnn train I 'i iu between the hours of eight and a young lady of much ability. K 0 1 al ' e,oc.k. m- and six o'clock p, m. at o at oncn to Lincoln wher he waa called by professional business. He unlleJ marriage at his ofrie John said depot grounds wrcnt up yesterday morning expecting D,,uuu"' K,U 41 01 Atlantic, ia , city; thence nortn i ... nnii m as snr to return today. " 4vui;i', iun, young lady of much ability The Journnl understands that she mediates opening classes ot both kinds In the city and living here, Robt. W. Sherwood Is In Omaha today purchasing the tiling, trim nilngs and the like for the new store front which la being put ln the build log. When it Is completed the Sher wood building will be one of the handsomest and best In the city Mr. Sherwood necessarily finds It Inconvenient to have the store torn up and littered with rubbish from Ttennrla frnm thn lioituMa nt kn.V I the Office of the Count v rierlr of u.n. QvM nV- .;. . 7fc r . h V ,v ST .Clunty' Nebraska'. In the County Svoboda are to the effect that the Court House at Wahoo, In said Coun- patlent rested very easy all day jit-Vo? uT tl 7l0B.. a" W'S terday, and his many friends will I "r5,n,r1? i'"tri t shall be determined, . . . . , fnd , board of seven directors shall uu 5111U iu ivaru oi vue improve-1 eieciro, sain pnard to take office roniinnpnuy on tne formation of VHIIl oisirici. In witness whereof t have hereunto ments. Philip H. Melnlnger, one of the popular and well known MeUtnger brothers and one of Cass county's best citizens Is spending today In the city looking after business mat ters, driving ln this morning. Fred Hess was down from Have- No One in Plattsmouth Who Itas a Bad Back Can Ignore This Double Proof. Does your back ever ache? Have you suspected your kidneys? Backache is kidney ache, With it comes dizzy spells, Sleepless nights, Dlstreslng urinary disorders. Cure the kidneys to cure it all. Doan's Kldnek Pill will bring quick relief. Bring thorough, lasting cures. You have read Plattsmouth proof. Read now the Platsmouth sequel. Renewed testimony; tested by time. Herman Herod, corner First and Rock streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "My back was very lame and painful and unfitted me for work If I stooped sharp pains added to my suffering and I waa also annoyed by the Irregular passages of the kidney secretions. I had headaches and was In a miserable condition when my attention was called to Doan's Kid ney Pills. I procured a box from Gerlng & Co.'s drug store and I was so pleased with the great benefit they brought that I publicly endors ed them. Although almost three years have since passed, I still recommend the remedy highly and advlBe Its use to other kidney suf ferers." subscribed my name and attached my official seal as County Clerk of 8aun ders County. Nebraska, at my ofnee n the County Court House at Wahoo in said county this June S. 1909 (SKAt.)l Mmelunfl. County Cletk of Saunders Nebraska. County, I r- . . J . ... . ... the work, but has the satisfaction un" 10 pma tne aay wun of vnn.in. th.t mhm, i u nve tt. ni" nioiner ana lamuy. red was " ...... , ... - .. . ., .. OHDKIl TO SHOW CAl K. In the District Court of Cass Coun i-iriiravaa. will have a store to be proud of. " vnc un,e on ino Jrnai rorce ana in tub matter op tub rutatb Fred Kovar of Schuyler, one of the aUa- hsnk" to "pe the J"" The mrr. young men who are trying to make to ntl n" ua a r"' SSmtKioVSf Vhe'VaTit.rffi the trip from Schuyler lo Nen Or- ,p""r- C. Ramsey. II. A. Wnir, deceased, praying for license to r. 1. . . 1 . 1 . ir 1- a . sell. iinns rvemn anu j. 11.1 l..n. In . hmunliniil o il I. r..!ln I lul 1 nonir. waa a niiRKcnccr for Omaha 18 this morning, anlng tin to obtain I Tp,tH8 inme renlra for th iiisrhlnerv of I holilors the boat. It was mxesHary to wall thl returned home last here until the repairs could h ob- 8t"ay night. J. K. McDunlel who tamed which lias delayed them nil ft,so wna tt n,,,n,h,,r of the committee, this week Beginning at a point Forty-one (41) who have been to Gardendalo, r0,'!". N,,r,!'..ot .u,e '"ter i.f Action . as a committee from the land luVslrti." nmnrMn'ui rs of the Bermuda colony la Rft rXnM'y Prof. Ed. Srhulhof spent Sunday In the city wlth hls folks, rcturtilng to (ilonwood this morning. Mr, Schulhof KlHtes that Glenwood In stopped off to visit nt his former home nt Snllna, Kns.. before return ing to this city. Herman Smith dun rod Rurh a Jig us ho never dnnced before yesterday rods; thence east Klghty (K0 rods; thence south Kleven nit ,n,i. I.. . !" Thirteen (13) Township and Hange. as now shown .ii i"..1"." ,,r lr"'Kulr tracts of V.1MIH1 f, The iimllvlilnfl . r, , ,-, IV I P nil Hlock Thirteen (13) In County Court. Miss Rosa Cogdlll was this morn Ing appointed guardian of Emma, Mllla, Effa Cogdlll,. minor heirs of Robt. Cogdlll," deceased, by County Judge Beeeon. Her petition asking the appointment was filed by Rem sey L Ramsey, she being the mother of the minors. They are heirs to reality In Sheridan County, Kos. valu ed at $6,500. In the matter of the Estate of John A. Clements, deceased, Mrs. Edith Clements, widow of deceased, was today appointed administratrix by the County Court. Mrs. W. M. Hinton is spending the day in Omaha, being a passenger for that city this morning. J. H. Haldeman was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he has business to look after during the day. Mrs. A. W. Dawson pas a passen ger this morning for Lincoln where she will make a visit of a few days with friends. Mrs. W. D. Wheeler and daughter Miss Lilian were passengers this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day. Mrs. Jos Maresek was a passen ger this morning for Omaha where she will visit today with her sister Mrs. John Skoumal. Mrs. F. L. Granger of Lincoln who has ben spending several days in the city, returned to her home this morn ing on the early train. W. J. Lorenz of Odell, Neb., who has been visiting with his brothers in the city for several days, departed this morning for his home. James W. Newell, auditor of ac counts for the Burlington at Omaha, is making a business trip to Chi cago, going there Sunday evening. Arch L. Coleman is making a visit in the city with his parents having come in yesterday morning from Chi cago, 111., where he is now located. Ed. Lutz and Dick Osborn depart ed this afternoon on the Schuyler for Cedar Creek where they will spend several days and enjoy a fishing trip. Mrs. Hans Seivers and daughter Miss Anna and Miss Sophia are spending the day in Omaha going to that city on the morning Burlington train. The postoffice department recog nized Monday, July 5, as the proper date to celebrate this year. The Burlington shop employes also rec ognize that day, and accordingly will shut down Monday. M. H. Tartsch and wife of Okla homa City, Okla., after spending yes terday in the city with their parents departed this morning for Sioux City, la., where they will make a visit with Mr. Ttrtsch's sister for several days. Jacob Tritsch, wife and wife'a mother departed this morning for Pierce, Neb., where they will make an extended visit with relatives. They were passengers on the M. P. road as far a Omaha where they made con nections for the north. Former Congressman E. M. Pol lard Is in the city today looking af ter business matters. In a conversa tion with ye editor he states he Is out of politics. Just the same it will pay the other congressional candi dates to watch Pollard. Thomas Jefferson O'Day, editor ln chief of the Nebawka Register, Is In the city today, ostensibly to raid the county judge for publication fees due, but also watching out for new lines of business. T. J. is now assist ed on the Register by Victor Sturm who provides meaty editorials for the people. Mrs. John Wurdeman and baby of Lehigh, Neb., who have been visiting with her parents R. R. Nickles and famly near Murray, returned to their home this morning, Miss Etta Nickles accompanied them as far as Omaha where she will spend the day. Ed McMaken and family of Sher Idan, Wyo., came In yesterday for a visit with his father Col. If. C McMaken and other relatives for i few days. Ed. Is well satisfied with matters at Sheridan and thinks it about the best town in the west. He will remain for several days to vis It with his folk 8 and meet old a I I menus. Louis Miller came down last even ing from rilger, Neb., to attend to tatting his fatherln-law, Thos. Bryan, bark with him this morning. Mr. Bryan Is a sufferer from heart trou ble and Is In a very bad shape and Mr. Miller Is taking him to Pllger In order that he may receive proper medical attention. Jack Denson and several of the aged gentleman's neighbors had been looking after him. Otto Ilerold and family are spend ing the afternoon ln Omaha going to that city on No. 23. Miss Nellie Clifton of South Bend was in the city today, returning to her home this afternoon. F. G. Egenberger and family are spending the afternoon ln Omaha, going to that city on No. 23." Murray has a splendid program for the celebration next Saturday. Don't fall to be there to enjoy it. C. E. Hartford is spending the af ternoon with friends in Omaha golng up on the late afternoon Burlington train. Miss Violet Dodge Is among those spending the afternoon in Omaha be ing a apssenger for that city on the afternoon train. P. C. Petersen and Miss Myrtle Petersen are spending the afternoon in Omaha going to that city on the afternoon train. Former Sheriff W. D. Wheeler came in yesterday afternoon to look after business matters. Wm. Rex Young of Murray spent last evening in the city, coming up on the evening M. P. train. H. C. Vanhorn Is in Omaha today laying in a supply of new phono graph records for his trade. S. II. Atwood came ln yesterday from an extended visit in the east and was looking after business mat ters. William Gilmour, the well known farmer south of the city, was attend ing to business matters in the city yesterday. D. M. Johnson, a prominent citi zen of Weeping Water, spent last night in the city, looking after busi ness matters. Prof. J. Asch of Murray Is in the city today attending to business matters, coming up last evening on the M. P. Mark Furlong was among those from Rock Bluffs who were in the city yesterday looking after busi ness matterB. Carl Hildebraud of Omaha Is in the city making a visit with Mrs. A. Beeson and family. Mr. I Hide- brand is a relatfve of Mrs. Beeson. Warren Wiley and wife came in this morning from their home in the country and were pssengers for Omaha on the early train this morning. Sol Adamson and wife came in yesterday morning for a short trip to Chicago, III., having gone there on Friday evening and spending Satur day and Sunday in the windy city. Deputy County Clerk Morgan is pending the day in Lincoln with the shop boys, being a passenger for that city on the excursion train. Harold Anderson of Chicago, 111., nd Eluvia Anderson of Sheldahl, la., brother and sister of A. L. Ander son of this city, are In the city making him a visit, expecting to re main several days. Lqulsville people are preparing to entertain a big crowd at their cele bration next Saturday. They always have a good time at Louisville. The people are made of the material to have It that way or not at all. George W. Berge, the prominent attorney and democratic politician of Lincoln, who is interested In le gal matters In court here, was in the city this morning for a few hours, departing for Lincoln on the excur sion train. Kleven (11) in in Duke's adrfl- tounty. Nebraska, except the right of way of the Omaha Southern lull- tends to hove a monster celebration when he was apprized of the fart w"v. over and across Mid Lots. Of the Fourth next Saturday and that he was the daddy of a bouncing following", r."t of lami tow,,'- that the new Glenwood park and ln'Y loy. The two younger sisters .n.VJNr' 'i10 lake will bo formerly thrown open to or Mrs. Smith went down to Nehaw- N.r,,,rfn,t,rJ!,J, I";"""1" Twelve M? the public, It Is anticipated a num- yesterday to see their lltte Jhen,-; running wesV'nght'yVso) SSV ber of people will drive from this city nephew, and report the mother and KaT'h!.! uor?ool!Kn" Xk'nr,i to that place for their celebration i"y doing well and Herman still JV v7Kln,nllnV rbVi Xo "" ,'r which will be a large and enjoyable nrlng around like a crazy man half of i.ots Thirteen" ni)'.,. trfiVi I when they left UJ in aiMliI Ua.iii.i. sm . Return From Trll. J. H. Waterman returned ycRter day from ten dnys trip through the east. Mrs. Waterman and daugh ter remained In Albany, N. Y., where they will visit with reliitlves. They visited Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New York City, and master car build ers' convention as one of a commit tee from the railroad storekeepers' association. Mrs. Watermon will ls It In the taut for some weeks before returning to Lincoln. State Jour nal. . After Thirty-Two Years. Mrs. Amanda Brown and son Roy of Taylorvllle, 111., arrived in the city yesterday morning for an extend ed visit of several months with her niece, Mrs. John Cory and her broth er, L. B. Brown of Kenosha. 'It has been thirty-two years since Mrs. Brown had met either her brother or her niece and she was more than pleased to see them once more. Mr. Brown came up this morning from Kenosha and a Jolly reunion waa had between the long seperated brother and sister. Alcohol to Children Ask your doctor how often he prescribes an alcoholic stimulant for children. He will probably say, "Very, very rarely. Children do not need stimulating." Ask him how often he prcscr.'v; ? t-Miic for them. He will prcl ably answer, "Yeiv " .' .Vcqutntly." Then ask lun about Avers i. on-;.-.oi in. : S i' saparilla ?s n tonic for tt c young. Follow h:s;J": ' ' -vr. J. C..-LrC;J l tic fitt great nil o Lcilth -" iy-ily tin wiotnt l the !otU." At4i vui ilu.ix u 1W is not to. Then k him about Ajct s Tills. Sold (r nurly sixty erv i 1 - I A iyi T t ! ; and n.nss. a. shown ty", VrT,".).?