The Avoca Department News Iterns Githirad Each Wok by Harve Marsuardt went to Omaha Wednesday. J. R. Peckhara was a visitor at Omaha Mouday. Wm. Morley was an Omaha visi tor Friday. A. B. Lewtcn was a Syracuse vis itor Tiiosdav John and Dick Xeumeister were at Omtiha Tuesday. H. G. Wellonseik was a Lorton visitor Tuesday. Addison Johnson spent Sunday with Union relatives. Our implement dealers have been busy the past week. Fred Hillman and Dr. Schall wevo here from Berlin Tuesday. Geo. Cotton was here from Au burn several days this week. Dr. B. F. Brendel was over from Murray the first of the week. J. II. Schmidt, of Bridgeport, wvs in town several days this week. Mr. Shackley, sr., left the first of the week for his home at Denver. Dr. Tuck was down from Weeping Water Wednesday on business. Louis Carsten Is at Lincoln tak ing the baths at a sanitarium. J. II. Busch was a business visitor at Omaha tho first of the week. J. M. Dunbar and family', spent Sunday with Nehawka relatives. Carl Schroeder has been very much under the weather this week, C. E. Tefft and family were down from Weeping Water Tuesday even ing. Dr. J. W. Brendel was attending to business matters at Omaha Tues day. Sam Johnson and family went to Lincoln Sunday via the gasoline route. Fred McGrady and wife entertain ed relatives from Weeping Water Sunday. The Avoca Supply Co. are hating their new implement building painted. Prof Zink and wife entertained a few friends at Somerset Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chas Woods of Talmage vis ited at the Dunbar home a few days last week. A merry crowd gathered at Fred Bookman's Tuesday for a birthday celebration. Miss Julia Nutzman has been vis iting with her sister, Mrs. Jno. Ruhge at Murdock. Roy Fahnestock loft this week for Farnarn this state to work, for Jo seph Latimer. The entertainment at the hall by Mr. Davis, was post-poned until a future date. Supt. Mary E. Foster was here Wednesday taking the report of the school directors. Straub Bros, are having a larg3 cattle barn erected on their farm southeast of town. O. Baicr is having his residence painted of town. Jeff Weleher is doing the work. Mrs. Sam Johnson returned Tuois day from Lincoln, where sho had been visiting since Sunday. The Misses Wilma and Mabel Hanger of Lincoln are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Samuel Johnson. Orin Grafe's home was the scone of a Jolly company last Sunday, who were gathered to celebrate his birth day. Hush Tcwnley of Union was here this week painting and papering the residence of J. II. Itehrns, east of town. At the school meeting held Tues day evening it was voted to have eleven rmdoH tuul cr.iplry four teach er -i next year. Coo. liri'c.ele and Edward Hons ley were hero from Berlin several days this week lathing L. J. M.vr quardt's new residence. Ward Pitt man was operated on fnr nppendicltios at Omaha lust week. Ills father was up to see him and reports him as doing well. Everything in the paint line at Copes' drug store. If you are going to paint your house and barn come and see us. We can save you money. .Mrs. George Wanderer went to Omaha Tuesday, accompanied by Dr. Brendel, where she will undergo n Forious operation at one of the hospitals. S4a)e illA.MSlaMM1MMA44.4llMtiai!iMA j ' - - -- -- That's Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Why? Pecaue it covers more surface, wears longer and looks better than any other high (rrade paint on the market. It adds preatly to the beauty and attractiveness of a pro perty, and often helps to sell it at a profit much greater than the cost of painting. Get our free booklet and color car l. ORA E. OOPES, JB&mL 7 Avoc&, . Nbra.ik&, a Spscial Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa Edward Shultz gave a birthday dance last Saturday evening at the home of his brother-in-law, Chris Nutzman. A large company was present and report a fine time. Mrs. Wolf and Miss Eva Munu were at Omaha Tuesday to take lit tle Gladys to an occulist. He pro nounced the right eye sightless. She was kicked by a horse several weeks ago. Rev. Cokjer left Monday for Crete to attend the commencement exercises at Doane college. His little daughters are visiting Mrs. Oliver Harmon during his absence. A few of the fi lends of Joseph ZImmerer and wife gave them a pleasant surprise on their seventh wedding anniversary, which was Fri day, June 25. They were presented with a silver gravy ladel as a little remembrance. Ice cream and cake was served before the uninvited guests departed. Miss Philippine Opp of Nehawka, visited relatives at Avoca from Sat urday until Monday. Mrs. Gus Mohr and Mrs Henry Franzen drove to Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon. Mesdames B. C. Marquardt and F. W. Ruhge were at Omaha Tues day. Union services are to be held at the Christian Church Sunday morn ing, July 4, at eleven o'clock. Rev. Osterhout of University Place will deliver the sermon. Special music by the choire of the two churches. John Op has a position as travel ing salesman for a new account sys tem. The little son of Thos. Christian died Tuesday, June 29, aged six months. The little one has had a struggle for life since Its birth, and at last the feeble breath was stilled. Paul was one of a "pair of twins and the girl survives. Tho funeral ser vices were held at tho Christian church at 1 p. ni., Rev. W. Contman conducting the services. A. 1). S. Peroxide of Hydrogen Strong, Stable' and Pure. A. 1. S. Peroxide ("renin Whitens, Softens and Heals the Skin. A. 1). S. Peroxide Son Absolutely the best Toilet Soap. .A. 1). S Peroxide Tooth Powder The King of Dentifrice. Recommended and guaranteed by oka v.. COPES In sickness, If a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the orau that that nerve eontrorls will also surely fail. It may be a stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and supoprt to the heart or kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoep's restorative was not made to dose the stomach or to temporarily stimulate the heart or kidneys. That old fashioned method Is all wrong. Dr Shop's Restorative goes direct ly to those failing inside nerves. The remarkable sucess of this prescrip tion demonstrates the wisdom of treating tho actual cause of tho fall ing organs. And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple live or ten days' test will surely tell. Tsy It at once, and see! Hold by all dealers. For Sale. r,000 acres of good farming, hay and grazing land In Keith county, Ne braska, nil prairie. On account of the - proximity cf the two Platte rivers plenty of rainfall'' U assure. Handy to get to, being ilx to twelve miles from a good town on the U. V. R. R. Pri.-e 51 0.00 to Ji:,.no per acre. Terms in desired. Address to owner, J(,lm M. Livingston, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Tailoring and repairing done by lames Sochor who has gotten well enough now to work again. Henry Presses-, Contracting, Plasterinp. I'.riek and Stone Work, Concrete Foundation! and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I bono 107, mwoori, Neb - --www-.' W W r Alvo (Special Correspondence.) A. I. Bird and family took dinner with Walter Hardknoek and fam ily at their home south cf town Suu day. Peter Bates of Plattsmouth visit ed his neice Mrs. W. Hardknoek Sunday. Claudia Compton went to Lincoln Monday. Mrs.' Fred Prouty and Miss Pearl Clltes drove t6 Greenwood Tuesday morning to take the Burlington train to Omaha to meet Paul Prouty who came home on a brief visit. He is in the U. S. navy at San Francisco, Cal. Miss Pearl Reefer went to David City , Neb., to spend a week at the home of her uncle Charles Kiles and family. Jno Clltes returned frni Lincoln Saturday where he has been tak ing treatment for rheumatism. Andrew Parsell and daughter Aletha of Lincoln spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. rarsell. Mrs. Sarah Parsell left Thursday for Denver to visit her daughters Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Peters. She will be gone indefinitely. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner enter tained Elton Snoke and family Sun day. ( Mrs. Elmer Bennett went to Lin coln Friday evening returning hime Saturday with her father. Mrs. N. Knott spent a few days with Mrs. Ed. Hulbert last week. Miss Bessie Prouty is the proud possessor of a new piano, which she received Tuesday. The Misses Alta Linch and Emma Jordan took their Sunday school classes out to J. R. Earl's Tuesday afternoon for a picnic. Mrs. J. II. Stroomer and daughter Marie drove to Elmwood last Thurs day. Mrs. Lou Keefer and daughters went to Lincoln Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Allen who have been visiting tho home folks re turned to their homo nt Ulysses Sat urday. Paul Frolleh of Lincoln came to visit his daughter Mrs. C. C. I!ush- neil Saturday. Frank Cook went to Omaha Mon day. Mrs. Minnie Bobliitt who has been visiting relatives returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Grove of Cedar Rapids, Neb., are visiting Mrs. Chas. Ayers and other relatives. Chas. KIrkpatrick and family left the 21th ult for Denver, Col., on a visit. F. E. Davis went to Omaha Thurs day. Mrs. J. H .St roomer and daugh ter Marie drove to Lincoln Wed nesday. Joe Knhou;ek Is In Omaha today consulting Dr. Clifford for n throat affection which has been troubling him considerably of late. It Is to be hoped that tho trouble Is nothing serious and that Is the general belief of his friends but It was thought best to have un examination made at once before the trouble became serious. Don't I'.hk ivi u a ix'Miiy i.utiJ l.ri.U'i r.-tunu And I ini'iiq Ju-t oiuHly ll nt. mil tt it i Mitt plivMriiin tui jy to tin1 !rk. "I will, mil of in v own iMx l.i t, .i fur ) u.wli -ilia if It full'. In I r i ii if on In !! " . aim fuf '.'0 y.!,M It. M.imiiii ii. . ';.-!:, linvt-1 iO is n n P mi Pi (r t i ai m 'ii'i n n-i 0 niicl ivn ni. i In ivrv rliy mu liiimlft in Anu rii'ii. 'l in y un n-;ti ly taml iM in i vny tumimiiiily uml i vi i j w Wir n:n why .iy ll rn-li. ni:! pt ymir ri-k, In: itli.r liav.;ir;,iiii .1 nn. i 1 : eiin n ; 1 1 irn . Iiiilivilnl ll "II I Mm nli: Ii.mi In ti n i.u.i irrt-.v-iiilly ti- t I r .iii;. s !i .Ininlivi. JB n ii in Ii it rvt'i lll'll lll"Mll. r lilt Il.;trt itrvr. fil. .1. hi wi f i ier K iiln ik now ,tiv I U a l J fi 'inn U It torntmt wli tnoiip i i -riuK ll,. in I'm k In li.'itllli ti iii in Mill l-t i if nil ilu y I'ti-iliM l) tiil.' it minify il-k w li.ilrw, fluty In. . w 1 1 n hi .i'i'i full to r. tiirn Iir liiip mil It II kIii.; .i iltr ilr.iot lm Iml Ii .1 it. I lm lli..l . A u lull uJ i.j lout ii. nt i- lit'.'!) Kl.llil.-I. Hut wriit in Ilr-t fur ii n o:.l. r. I'll! Mill jim il. !uy ui:1 illsi; imlt.l::i..;t. UIiIhtv! 'i. 'I tr Humi 'i It.'.inr.u.v.i niu' Hr. Mu mu, - m?-M ( ( In ii in m ii ifin.H i.t.t m pi. LiD S3 D"..M!'n..".;'' Hi! W ii '"'I'tii 'iiMti. iiiltinii.'.i .i lay Ii -I Ni . i . s .- inr I - lim. iiinii l nn In i i -i niM ri'-.inili!i' itrni'itM innlm-i. vt ry -i ! 1 1 1 1 it i ti 1 1 i . ,. . ry w I r, In i-t i iny "in Vli, lm 111)'." Iii.-in ih. n Hi.. u Ic. Ml imr ii Ui wlili It x'. ynu n,... rii" imit l ln 'U ,iir. !) (.i i iti r. w inn' 'i.'iilul .i. n in pr ilin... tiin an ml ilt. Ilt.lii. EJJ t tnti un .fr(.H I y fr.fl1111111.11H 57 -i V? m . ji,.t H ym. 11 ii r Jfl EJ W It. mi.. .)i)vr un. Sty mlMit) " mi l tl, ui 'h Imr am yniir-iiinl wlilii.t i r..-t. wnr.lor ln fomi m- will tlmrni -ttlllt h..rill1l HillMi'M. I I'lIM .'kHi lH,tHt.- iipoil tlinll-iui.l .v iny i.rhiitH in ii ut Kin n IhtxiiiiiI ii.hliit 1'lu ti . .Vly l -t i lTiiit i. mn l) Afterwards wnrtli T'mrliiiiip rini-t. wrlv now lill. mil linvi It fr'h In mlii'l, li.iiitirrnw liwi r hih. ir. Ml.i, III ! 1J, I'.IK Idf, Vii. Wblck BmI Ibtll I lk t..t No. 1 On t) p pl No. 4 Knr Wi 'inrn Sn. J lm tlm ll.urt No i Fi r Mm Sn. IOn Hi KliltifTi N.v fm Rlit-iiiiitlm Weeping Water. From the Republican. Mr. and Mrs, Hiatt of Plattsmouth pent Sunday visiting the Misses Dates. Mrs. Hiatt Is their neice. We hear it said that J. W. Col bert will move to Lincoln In tlnio for school this fall, and while they expect to educate their children there, Mr. Colbert contemplates en gaging in the real estate business. Pool & Colbert sold a half section of land belonging to Peter Olson, lo cated in Chase county to Mrs. Wm. Erhart. Mrs. Erhart has secured a bargain and will find that tho pur chased price is only half its worth bo fore many months have rdlcd around. Messrs Hageman & Lee have dis continued further exhibition?' of tho moving picture show.the last moving dure we noticed was the departure '. Mr. Hageman for Omaha, or some other point. The engine is here and we understand efforts have been made to dispose of the same. W. J. Philpot took 34 head of cat tle to Omaha Friday. They were his own raising, Short horn and Here- fords, and brought him SG.Iol per hundred. Mr. Philpot says he fed them exclusively on alfalfa and corn and put on 256 pounds in 5 months. The average weight was 1616 pounds and each ateer netted him over $100. fi. H. Dennis with his force of car penters are getting alons fine with ne house of Wallace Philpot. It Is 2fi.32 two stories coiKRlnimr nine rooms, besides bath room and closet. lie will have a gas engia u pump water. Wallace was going to bulla on to the old house anrj then con cluded to move it away and do the hing right, and In a fjw weeks will he living right, in a comtno.llou i and hnrdsome residence. Tain cny where stopped In 20 min utes sure with one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Tablets. The formula Is on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about the formula! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains any where. Write Dr. Shoop. Racine Wis. for free trial to prove value. All dealers. Hard on Outside Laborers. One of tho linemen of the Platts mouth telephone company Is report ed to have been overcome with the heat this morning while working on Chicago avenue. It Is said medical attention was necoBsar to restore him to his normal condition. His con dition Is not regarded as serious. The two telephone companies are hav ing a great deal of trouble In keep ing men during the hot spell, several of the men having quit and and left for cooler climates. The work Is particularly hard on the men owing to their having to be out in tho sun for so long. In a number of In stances where It was possible can opies are erected under which the men work. These servo to break the sun's force and make the work at least bearable. The thermometer today hovers around the 100 mark as It has been doing tho past four days and there seems small prob ability of a change soon. Another thing to make the heat particularly oppressive is the great amount of humidity In the air. Owing to the excessive rainfall of the past week or ten days, the air Is full of moisture and this makes the heat appear worst til'-" the thermometer, shows Weather Indications as given by the weather bureau are for generally fair today and tomorrow. K.tin Yesterday. Then? was a teriffic rain yester day afternoon across the rl.or in Mills county, (Monwood, Tabor, Hartlett ami Tliurnian ropoiiln,? an excessive ruin amounting nlinoiil u. a (ii)iidb;ir;;t. It is reported th it IV rainfall nt tiloiiwood iimoiiulcl to five Inches and that the croc;:, ,n ',. bottom are out of their banks. One or two vlsjtorrt from acrosn the rivr report that the rain was teriffie. hi this city there was a short r:.ln storm Tor fifteen nilnut's tlurnM n which was iulte heavy while It l::sl I'd and caused n heavy flow of water down Main street. This storm wont straight west from this city and for several miles fleld.t were deluged. South of the city lo Hoik Illuffs no rain foil but from Itock lllulTs south there was another violent storm and crooks won very high. Thin storm also went west and extended iuifo a ways Into the country. Col. II. C. McMukoii last evening was ngreenbly surprised by n vlnlt from the quartette composed of (iar erne Stunt. Joniilnr.H Solvers, Ceorge Falter mnl (;en Scott who treated the Invalid to a line serenade. The boys are all excellent singers and they nil sung a groat number of i harming melodic which the Colo nel greatly appreciated, lie has Jut been able to he out after U Severe attack of pneumonia and their little tribute to hi,,,, touched him deeply. Coming us It was entirely unexpected and unheralded, It was doubly wel come and ho appreciate, It all the more. III. d. HIVE QUSD MlflllTV AND Hot Weather calls for Cool Clothing and Cool Footwear We are showing a nice line of Pumps and Oxfords at reasonable prices for first quality goods. New Tan pumps at S3 00 New Tan pumps Col. tie 3 00 Premict Bluchcr Oxfords pat 3 00 Castilian Bluchcr Oxfords pat 3 00 Grecian Bluchcr Oxfords tan 3 00 6th Avenue Blucher Oxfords pat 3 50 Piccadilly Button Oxfords 3 00 All the above are high grade and usually sold at $4.00 to 4.50. Black and Tan Blucher Ox fords, $2.00, 2.25, $2.50 nnucw N B Oil F.'J IT' U JMrfBT The Old Missouri. 'lie Missouri river, contrary to : I tt'ttlons, is still on the rlie, reg- isieilnp quite a rise yesterday morn ing with Indications that it wil go still higher and possibly 1:1 alio the high mark for the year ald'oiiiih will be but a little In excessof 11 feit. The highest mark regslcred so far this year is 11. 1 fe;t. The liver yesterday stood 10.3 and the rise since has been .2 inakin;; it in the neighborhood of 10.5 feet with water still coining up at Slou.: Jity. niair and Omaha and almost s!ni bin ary at Hismnrk after a small decline. Continued rains on the Missouri watershed are responsible for I lie rise and unless they nt. once there Is every probability of a higher stage tomorrow and Saturday. Hip-rapping has commenced in earnest today at the big bend op posite the city, the bridge forces uu dor Master Carpenter Iledengren bending every energy to save the riprapping put In there several years since. At that time 1.500 carloads of willows vvl 400 carloads or rock were deposited (here making what I !e ream Soda ! $ Made of Best HaSerials And You Get Your Money's Worth! H iS As fn flypast wc give tho g g BEST and the MOST for t Money. If you have never & tried our service you aro g losing money. : : : : & H inn was thought to bo an empentrable mut. Tho river has now covered this mat completely and has eaten Its way under and behind It. It Is Impossible to tell what damngo will be dono this spring as tho water Is still rising and will not rocedo for several days. As soon as It commences to go down, It Is fenred It will commence to cut nnd If this is the case serious trouble may result. Kvery possi ble effort a being ut forth to stop the stream by tne company whoso big million dollar bridgo Is Imperiled. A work train Is now at work hauling willows and rock and these are being woven into mats nnd placed In n posi tion to stop the ravnges of the stream. V"-- V.. If. Woscott who has been In att liilaiice of the Epworth League convention at Tecumseh, has return-' ed home. Mr. Woscott reports this convention ns one of the most suc cessful In the history of tho league in this district with a very largo and enthusiastic ntt-mlance. The session nt Ticiinifeli was held In a largo now church eliHce, one r ( (lit to Tecumseh riul Its people. v & m U Mil WI r