The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 01, 1909, Image 6

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    fourth f july
If any of Hit readers of the Journal know of a social irni or an Hera of interest in this vicinity and vUl mail mme to this office it mil appear under this heading.
Fe want all itoiw of interest. Editor Journal
Murray Department
U A PtioU Anrnnnl Prevent Ihff LfiSS U
. . i
of Money by Then, Careless
ness or Accident.
THIS method demands that you keep your money in
the bank where we employ every means to make it
secure. We are responsible for loss when fund3 are
in our care. We give you safety.
With your money in the bank, you may issue a check
against It. Your checks are good only when properly
signed, and can be cashed only by the party to whom
you gave it, who must endorse it.
This is an absolute safe convenience which the
bank furnishes without charge.
Murray State
. t w
John Cook was a business visi
tor in Omaha Wednesday evening,
returning on the midnight train.
Be sure and see Miss Margie
Walker as "Dill Boomer," In the
"Cheerful Liar" Saturday night, July
F. M. Young, sr., and Isaac White
were In Omaha Wednesday, going up
on the early train and staying all
Mack Churchill made a quick bus
iness trip to Omaha Wednesday
morning going up at 6 and returning
at 10 a. in.
Miss Pauline Oldham was at
Plattsmouth Wednesday on business
connected with the Fourth of July
Mesdames A. L. Baker and E. A.
Barton were in Plattsmonth Tues
day evening, returning home on the
midnight train.
Grandma Flemming came home
from Omaha Monday, where she had
been receiving treatment for a cancer
on her breast.
Admission 25 and 33 cents to see
The Cheerful Liar" at Jenkins'
Hall Saturday. Secure your tickets
before the rush.
Sheriff's Sale.
by JuiiM'S KuU'riwui. clerk of the
IHstrW'l Court witliln nd fur Cimi county, Ne
branka. and to nit- tinvU'l. 1 will on the
24lh Day of July, A. D., 1909
at ten o'clock a. m., of said dn.v at the smith
elixir of the court house. In said county, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the folloHiiit' real esiaie to-wlt; Lot No.
fourti-en. H) In Mock four (4) In the vlllaco of
Mum ay. Cass county. ISebraska. Tne same
bcliitr levied upon and taken as the pro
IK'ity of Leila K. Queen ami Albert Queen, de
fendants, to satisfy a judgment or said court
recovered by 1'eter Carnnbell. administrator
of the estalo of Thomas L. Camplpell, deceased
plaintiff, against said defendants.
riattsiuouth, Nebraska, June 1Mb, A. 1)
sheriff Cass County. Nebraska.
See the "Cheerful Liar" at Jen
kin's Hall Saturday night.
Mrs. W. C. Brown and Miss Car
rie Allison were Omaha visitors Sat
urday night, going up on the even
ing train, returning at midnight.
The band was out Tuesday night
and favored the citizens with sev
eral pieces of very choice nvuslc.
They marched up and down the Htreet
and received the plandlts of all who
heard them.
Wm. Lough ridge, we regret to
learn, has been very low. Tuesday
night Dr. Hrendel was with the old
gentleman during the . night. Mr.
Loughrldge Is growing weaker every
day and the Impression Is he can
not Lift much longer.
You will miss thd richest treat of
our lifo if you fail to see "The
Cheerful Liar" at Jenkins' Hall
Saturday night, July 3.
Mrs. L. A. Itoot is visiting friends
In the western part of the state, prin
cipally at Big Springs, whoro she has
a son and family living.
Corn Is looking remarkably heal
thy In this vicinity. Some fields are
a little weedy, but most of the fields
have a cleanly appearance.
Everybody should make arrange
ments to celebrate In Murray Satur
day. Bring your entire family and
show the boys and girls a good time
In commemorating the day which
should ever bo loved and cherished
by every American citizen.
Jeiraklmis' MB
afiurday Evensn
JULY 3, 1909!
You have heard of a Cheerful Liar
of course. Then see him acted out to
perfection at Jenkin's hall, Saturday
Ight, July 3.
Dr. Simpson, who had Dr. GU-
more's practice while he was away
returned to Omaha Wednesday via
Lincoln, his home.
Mr. and Mrs. McAlester, relatives
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker came
own from Omaha Wednesday to
pond a few days.
Dr. B. F. Brendel accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farris to Omaha
Wednesday evening, where Mrs
Ferris' tonsils were operated upon.
The only thing now that will pre
vent a prosperous wheat harvest Is
too much rain from now on. Har
vest will begin In earnest next week.
Will Smith made a quick trip
to Omaha Wednesday morning for
some Fourth of July paraphernalia,
going up on the six o'clock train and
back at 10.
Mrs. Don C. and Mrs. T. J. Rho-
den and daughter were In Plats-
mouth Wednesday, the hitter to re-
celvo 'medical treatment from Dr.
Will Hamilton was a visitor In
Omaha Tuesday, and on returning
stopped with his brother-in-law at
LaPIntte over night, returning homo
the next morning.
We understand that Will llamll-
aturday, July 3, '09
Unique Bible Class at Mynard.
The Methodist church at Mynard
under the leadership of its new pas
tor, Rev. W. B. Cornish, is planning
an aggressive Bible study campaign
among the boys of the village. An
out door Bible class has been organ
ized to be known as the "Order of
the White Rag." The program of
this class calls for out-door Bible
study, long tramps, swims, and other
athletic sports. Each boy who walks
ten milesten miles with the club
lowed to wear a blue handkerchief
about his neck on its weekly outings.
A red handkerchief indicates a rec
ord of twenty-five miles and a white
oue, fifty miles. Much interest is
being manifested in this unique
method of promoting Bible study
among the boys.
Life 100,000 Years Ago.
Scientists have found In a cave in
Switzerland bones of men, who lived
100,000 years ago, when life was in
constant danger of wild beasts. To
day the danger as shown by A. W.
Brown of Alexander, Me., Is largely
from deadly disease. "If it had not
been for Dr. King's New Discovery,
which cured me, I could not have
lived," he writes, "suffering as I
did from a severe lung trouble and
stubborn cough to cure sore
lungs, colds, obstinate, coughs, and
prevent neumonia, It is the best
medicine on earth. 50c and $1.00
Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Trial bottles free.
To Head of Horses for Sale.
The undersigned has 20 head of
good young horses to dispose of at
private sale, in any number de-
sltfcd. They are large-boned, in
good shape, and none of the branco
order. They can be found at my
place, six miles southeast of Mur
ray. Come and see them for your
selves. Trices reasonable.
Frank Vallery,
Band at Depot.
March to the Grounds.
10:45 Band.
Prayer Rev. Lamp.
Song, "America" By the Children.
"Recitation, "American Flag Morris Lloyd.
11:15 Address Hon. D. W. Livingston.
1:45 Band.
Cornet Solo Prof. Crandall.
Flag Drill.
Reading Marie Douglas.
2:15 Sports! Tug-of-War, Greased Pole, 50 Yard Race
for Boy&, 50 Yard Race for Girls, 100 Yard Race for
all, 3 Leg Race, Shetland Pony Race, High Jump,
Standing Broad Jump, Running Broad Jump, Sad
dle Contest.
2:00 Band.
2:30 Address Hon. YV. C. Ramsey.
Song, "Star Spangled Banner" By the Children.
Address Rev. Lamp.
3:45 Ball Game.
7:30 Band Concert in Murray.
8:00 Home Talent Play in Jenkins' Hall.
usray Leetyre
bourse Committee
The time is coming when all who
can afford it, leave the city to spend
ton has receive,! the contract fr the a ,art of tlu"ir va(,atl ,n tlie cou
erection of a $3,000 residence in try nnd even the rountry l'000 aro
South On.alu. As a contractor Will waiting Impatiently for the beauti
Isi becoming famous. ful refreshing summer. One thing
should be kent n mind, tnat uur-
l! 11 T-. . . .1
ui. jj. i. i.ienuei was over to nc the 8uninu,r tt,e bodv cannot di
rt voea Wednesday, looking after Dr. Rwst as mU(h h(,aVy food as during
Will's practice, while, the latter wns .1i,. winter nn.l flint itHnldne of ire
I e i. - ...i i ... I
m wmmia wnere ne toon a patient cM beverages ruins the digestive
Tuesday to the hospital, lie re- 8yBtem. Have always on hand Trin
turned Wednesday evening. ...i mivi. mt. wtn
' ill n mil it mi i j ii a ii in i JiLiri u nit:
Evidently the farmers in this sec- ""d use it as suoii as you will notice
Urn are arranging to harvest In the slightest irregularity. This
rops of small grain. Davis & Pit- remedy gives strength to ench organ
man sold machines to the following P' 11,0 digestive system and stlmu
parties this week: John Stones Mates It to the natural activity. It is
therefore! benolldal in all dis
eases of the stomach, the intestines
and the blood. At drug stores. Jos.
Trlner, (516-622 S. Ashland Ave.,
Chicago., 111.
;ilastlnff Husscl. J. P., "The Chccriul Liar" 0. A. Davis
- - o
Randolnh Dearborn .... V. C. Brown
"Rev." KzraStiggins, "A Gold Cure Practitioner"
- - W. D. Smith
Guy McGuflin, a Country Constable - W. G. Bocdekcr
Flora Boomer Margie Walker
Birdie Swectlovc, Housekeeper at the Gold Cure
Establishment Mrs. Brown
Lucrctia Sprigging, a Hoosier Schoolma'rm
Fay Margaret Oldham
Act I. Sitting Room in the Cheerful Liar's Home.
Act 11. (Detection) Scene Same as Act I.
Act HI. (Destruction) Living room in Gen. Boomer's
Country Home.
Specialties by Miss Polly Oldham and Mrs.,James Holmes.
Xnrrow Escape.
What might have resulted In in
stant death to A. Baxter Smith and
Herman Tlekotter, the well known
contractors of this city, wero provl-
dentlly -averted yesterday afternoon
by the gentlemen quitting the work
they were engaged in, a few minutes
before a bolt of lightning struck the
building. They were engaged in
shingling the large new building of
Phillip llild west of this city when
the heavy thunder storm came up.
Rather than get a good wetting, the
gentlemen descended from the roof
and went into the house. Hardly
had they reached that building when
a bolt of lightning struck the roof,
knocking shingles In every direc
tion but fortunately not setting l)re
to the building. Aside from un
shlnsling tlie roof, which will take
several hours to repair, no damage
was done, but the men cannot but
feel It was a stroke of Providence
which caused them to leave in time.
Uugies!. l.iifcgios!
I have several new up-to-date bug
gies that I want to sell right away,
and I am going to cut the prices to
bed rock, In order to do so. Come
quick, while you can get one of
these fine buggies at almost cost.
I mean just what I say,
John II. Cock,
Murray, Neb.
It Tastes Good and
Creates Strength
George S. Hay, the prominent
Murray citizen was in tho city to
day attending to business matters,'
driving up from his home. Mr. Rny
reports that Murray and Itock Muffs
precinct was visited by a terrible
rain storm yesterday afternoon about
four o'clock. Corn was badly wash-
Tom Hansen, Peter nnd Tom Smith.
In our mention last week of the
ilpment of stock to the South Oma
ha market, we. stated that C. If
Iloedeker sniped a carload, when it
hould have read that "J. L. Young
shipped n carload ot fat cattle Wed
nesday to tho South Omaha market,
and C. H. Itoedeker accompanied
them." Ily Mr. Iloedeker going with
tho load gave us the IdeR that Char
ley was shipping them.
While washing windows at her
home one and a half mllia south of ed In places and the fields were made
town last Monday, ono of the win- far too muddy for plowing. When
dows fell on her left band. frnm he left homo this liiornlne ho had
which position she was unable to four horses hitched to tho wagon
extract It until her husband, who on account of the mnddv roads. A
was at tho barn, heard her cries. She few miles north of Murray the mud
remained In tho position 10 or 15 ceased and right up to tho edgo of
minutes, and when she was released the city tho roads wero In good shape
she fainted. It was discovered that and fields wero being plowed. Mr
several or tne fingers wero very bad- Ray ' thinks there has been rain
ly lacerated, but no bones were enough now to last for some time
broken. Sho Is getting alone nlci-lv and believes tho month of Julv could
Ir. and Mrs. C.llmoro n.r.! (,ry virtually all month without
from Mlnco. Okla., Wednesday morn- hnrm,"K (T0,19 Bl,,,0Mh raln m bo
Ing. They report a very pleasant
trip. , Whllo thero tho doctor met
many old Cass county people who
aro now making that ther home. El
Us Danllas and Mike Swartzflshcr
both hnve flno farms and aro well
plensed with Oklahoma.
needed In August, lie returned to
his home this afternoon.
Farm for Sale,
J 60 acres 6 miles northwest of
Clarks, Neb.; 110 acres under cultl
Tho most vatlon, 10 acres alfalfa, balance In
diversified crops can be raised lu this meadow and pasture. Oood house,
state. Doc says that everything up barn nnd granary, cribs, cattle
to a disturbance can bo raised In shed, good shado nnd running spring
Oklamoha nnd that peoplo aro doing at tho house. No trade.
so well that there is no necessity tof Geo. A. Agnew,
raise tho lnttcr. ' Central City, Neb,
Charles Guthman today received n
letter from his brother-in-law II. R.
N'eitzel at Murdock conveying tho
cheering Information that Mrs. Nit-
N'eltzels here will bo pleased to know
was very much better and getting
along finely now, and that her re
covery was only a question of a
short time. The little son, Fran
cis, is still quite sick although some
better than a while back. Tho little
fellow also wrote Mr. Guthmnn prom
ising him a visit just as soon as ho
got well. The many friends of the
Neltzels hero will bep leased to know
of their advanced state of health.
the famous cod liver andj
iron medicine, without oil. ;
Vinol is much better than!
cod liver oil and emulsions, ;
oecause, wnne it contains an
the medicinal value they do,
it disagrees with no one.
As a body builder and
strength creator for old
people, delicate children,
after sickness, and for stub
born coughs and colds Vinol
is unequaled.
CERING & CO. Druggists
Plattsmouth, Neb
GUTHMAN & CORY, Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
1 and Guarantee Satisfaction.
The Perkins Hotel