c3 sJU' -1 J I 10 Years Ago . Jf U jFA ThmiMnHc Hnurfht .' 7,f AA The Plattsmouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly it Plattsmouth, Nebraska R. A. BATES, Publisher. E.iterjJ at tha PastD.The t Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Tn rnrlv davs a fanner could buv a new wagon with or without'a sp'ring teat, the price of the scat being $3, and many who bought wagons in mat uay eeonomizeu tr wnrtli nnii nut .a bn.ird across the waeon box to sit on. Now a farmer buys an automobile that costs more than his farm was worth at the time he thought he could not afford the luxurv of a $5 spring seat. Times and other things have changed. Jioisture Troof Packages iscuit About two hundred and fifty of the Kansas state banks have applied to the bank commissioner thus far for permis sion to participate in the new Kansas hank deposit guaranty law. Included in this are live of the largest banks in the state of Kansas. Onlv one of the big state banks with de posits in excess of $1,000,000 has not tiled its application or announced its intention ot doing so. U lien tlie guaranty law was passed the opponents said that only the little and weak banks would want to participate in the guaranty. because they wondered what they were. Prof. Starr fails miserably in his oflorts to make women appear unlovely in the eyes of men by attributing to them a savage ingenuity in gaining their ends through strategy, ruse, tactics and clever deception. Starr forgets 1'arnum's maxim: "The public likes to be humbugged." The women seem to 1-iiow that it is the rougher halt ot humanity in which tins weakness is most strongly developed. The fair "savages" of the dependent sex know with whom they have to deal, and they are not at all ignorant of the power which coaxing and cajoling have over blunt, dull-witted man. It is assumed that labor is available only in connection with capital: that nohodv labors unless somebody else, own ing capital, somehow bv the use of it, induces him to labor. Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could not have exited if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital and de serves much higher consideration. I bid the laboring people which if surrendered, will surelv be used to close the door of advancement against such as they, and fix new disabilities and burdens upon them until all of liberty be lost. Abra ham Lincoln. N3!v I M71MF 1 Jmt$rJ -day vn i j I ii . -v , v t i i ii we are not mistaken mere are near .sun state hanks in Nebraska yet onlv about 50 of that number have designated a desire to see the guaranty law made inoperative. Of course the greater number of national banks oppose the measure, but some of the strongest, or rather the best managed, are seri ously considering a surrender of their national charters and becoming real state institutions. Some bankers sav we do not need a bank guaranty law in Nebraska. e are willing to ac knowledge that Nebraska has been extremely fortunate sev eral years in her banking interests, but the new law will be a safeguard when times get pmchy again, and crooked men be gin to take advantage of their opportunities as bankers. It is an out but true saying that "in tunes ot peace prepare lor Jy in a prime necessity oi lite lor all workers, ihey are a war" and that is what the late Nebraska legislature attempted good authority as to the way the tariff affects wage earners, to do in the interests of the people in general, when they and such testimony as the above shows that the effect is passed the new guarantv law. shamefully oppressive. The whole tariff structure is built up on the pretext that it is for the good of the wage-earners, and No Difference in Oninion. when it robs and cheats these it surely ought to be reiormed. Px'low we ouote a few extracts from lending western ro. If President Taft makes a simple calculation as to the number publican papers, anent the tariff bill now being prepared by of American citizens hurt by Mr. Aldricli's tariff scheme, it Aldrich. Payne ct al. The 1oh Moines, Iowa, Capital, edited ount to aid him greatly in dealing with it when it reaches vy voi. ijhu loung: i no American people want to know IU1U how it would work. They are of the opinion that the tariff is ... a - .- a i rni nil w u iniu i oi i.eginn.ng to enu ine majority o the big papers Has Aldrich Gone Mad? i juicuie me tana ana win continue to uo so. I hese being lacts and the duties remaining there will be no opportunity to dem- Minneapolis Journal onstrate anything. The American people are tired of being The highly protected industries of the east have Senator '""""t- i.iiirirM Tnr n mnmimiopp no nm m v tfi'his wiiii worn liiu Tlie Chicago hecord Herald: "The new tariff must con- tariff protests of the middle west, but he is openly insultin tain substantial reductions of unnecessary duties: the revision about it. He is sowinr the wind. must in the main be a revision downward; any other revision For a generation the people have borne the burden of win oc amocKery and an insult and the people will not accept high protection. And they have done so irom patriotic me nus even a temporary settlement ot the problem." tives. It was important that our industries should be de hansasCity Times: "The Payne-Aldrich tariff bill as it veloped and that by this method labor should have employ- norw sianas is a suam. as a tantt reduction measure the kind ment at livinc wages. To Millions use them because they know them to be The World's Best Soda Cracker NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY The farmers of Nebraska ar ft homing that in union there is strength, and therefore they are banding themselves together for the purpose of fixing the prices of grain. The industries have been developed and we need high protection no longer. Indeed, we are in as much danger of business paralysis from over protection, as England is from under protection. The United Slates has reached the middle ground of plain protection. That is all she needs. And with this plain protection there should go free raw material. We should have free lumber, free coal, free ore, free hides and tree oil We cannot have free lumber apparently because the south and far west have united with the east against it. Very well. Let us have instead a duty of one dollar straight on lumber, and free oil, coal, ore and hides, and we of the middle west will consent to protection which will equalize wage differences at home and abroad. The republican party is on trial. If it neglects to enact If you want to celebrate in one of the coolest spots in Cass county, where the ravs of Old Sol can't touch you, and on a high noli where the breezes waft through on all sides, take yourself to Murray next Saturday. Generally speaking, people cannot afford two celebrations and they must take their choice whether they will celebrate on Saturday or Monday. You pay your money and take your choice. Louisville and Murray celebrate on Saturday, and Union and Elmwood will give the boys an opportunity to come and have a good time with them. To save all this mix-up there should be some way of deciding the day on which to celebrate hereafter when the Fourth comes on Sunday, and not make the boys spend all their money and go barefooted the balance of the summer. oi a measure promised by both parties it is worse than a sham; it is nothing less than a fraud." "ix. The Wage-Earner's Share. New York Times. " It does not seem right that we should make thft ! wage earner bear the expense of the government by paying him larger wages and then taking it away from him in the shape of taxation on what he wears. ' Surely clothing is a necessity. This quotation is from a statement in the current nam- lll'T Of TlW Clidllioi' mill li'iiriii vlmr nf Mr Wnv Sli I Itoi-lwirir " " - .... '.i.i. ,. . in iiii'ih r, 41,,. IMIl'VII'l!, a manufacturer of clothing in Cincinnati a fit v which stands third in the United States in the extent of that industry. Mr. iSilherherg is a republican and a protectionist, but he is heart- a broad and just tariff bill, the people will speak at the next ny opposed to the way Ins party is cheating the people at election with a voice that will rend the loundations. Jt a Washington, and is especially disgusted with the pretext that congress of wild men shall be elected, Senator Aldrich can 1111 nil i.i ..... . ... -. . ji is an uoue lor me good ot the wage-earner. look at Ins insulting bearing lor the cause. We want no It is not merely in the high prices of clothing, the fruit congress of wild men. We want the men who are in congress of the high tariff, that the working man suffers. It is still to regard the tariff from a patriotic standpoint, to discharge more in the wretched quality of the stuff that is palmed off their duties as representatives of the people, to act as men. upon him. On this point the same authority savs: not tools and not with pure selfishness. If this course is not As a manufacturer of clothing for a period of al- followed, the day of reckoning will come. Reckoning days most lilty years, I can trutluiilly state, I have never are not pleasant, usually. handled cloth oi so interior a quality for the price as T do now. The masses, consisting of laborers, mechan ics and fanners, the real users of ready-made cloth ing, are receiving practically no value for their money. - The qualities and coloring are so poor that in many iustances the colorings fade and cockle and in the manufacture of garments give positively no satis faction to the wearer. It will be said that the clothing manufacturers have no foreign competition and cannot have the same interest as th maker of cloths in a protective tariff tax on such competition, lint they are a very important element in American industry, Omaha business men are kicking hard and long against the ocupation tax, provided for by the last session of the legislature. And when the matter is looked at in the proper light no one can blame them very much. Some mem bers of the legislature had a pick at Omaha from the time they landed in Lincoln until they went home after adjournment, and there was nothing too mean for them to do against Omaha. The mplov'a very great number of workers, and deal very large- the state. same with the 8 o'clock closing law many voted for it be cause thev thouirht such n buv would spite Omaha. And vet Omaha is the only real metropolitan city and market town in seicntiou or indefatigable worker in congress than Mr. Ma- l,n ' miirn " John A. Maguire a Busy Man. ' The special correspondent of the Omaha World-IIerald at Washington, has the following to say in reference to Hon. J. A. Maguire, the able congressman from the fourth Nebraska district: "John A. Maguire of Nebraska is acquiring the rep uattion of being one of the busiest congressmen about the cap itol. During the long and laborous debate in the senate on the tariff, the income and incorporation tax, members of the lower house as a rule find the time hanging heavy on their hands, as the house meets only once in three days, and then only for sessions of a few minutes duration. Most of the mem bers spend considerable time in the senate chamber listening to the debate there, but perhaps more time in seeking shady nooks and trying to keep cool and playing the guessing game of "When will we adjourn!" Mr. Maguire, however, goes to the senate only when some noted orator is scheduled to speak, and at all other times he can be found in his office at work. Seated at the big mahogany desk with which Uncle Sam has provided each congressman and his secretary and with an electric lan ran by government power cooling his brow with the imitation of balmy Nebraska breezes, the desire to work seems ever upon him, and even the warmest evenings find him there, where he stays far into the night. Each member of con gress finds literally bushels of literature on various questions of legislation, and when Mr. Maguire is not attending to wants of individual constituents at home in the way of pensions or public documents or mailing out garden seeds to the farmers, he is reading this literature or studying up on public ques tions. His secretary, Mr. Whelan, has returned to Lincoln to revise his mailing lists for garden seeds and attend to business at that end of the line. Mr. Maguire says he intends to un dertake to classify his constituents according to occupation, in order that he may be able to send out the vast amount of government literature now going to wate in storerooms, and place each document in the hands of the person to whom it ...Ml t i I ll t . 1 win w most yaiuanie. It is i ouht u if there s n mum nnn- guire.