The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 01, 1909, Image 2

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1 1
1 n
Burlington Officials Pleased
Showing of Local Shops
The excursion to Lincoln yesterday Ival dJegaMun
to attend the Rngiaoors reunion was impress:, n
a grand suoce.-s In c.ry particular '" -u!H-
lv eemrl;."
!! who attended had a great
mauO ail Ct
Some (lrrr AVctrk.
County Judge Person who issued
the marriage to Mr. W. A.
Stek c-f South Oiuaua and Miss
Yelinek of this city, was paid for
the license by the groom with n
unique chock something far and
away out f the ordinary. Mr.
Swatek who employes several work-
Oae cf the prettiest weddings of mon ,a ?ou,h 0waha as pres:eDt
the season was that of Miss EH 'el by them with the amount of the
Julia Rusmussen to Mr. Homer A. ; lnse, cue of the who Is an
bander, occurred yeMerday. June "!- par evvlhnee. drawing a check
at Ligh noon, at the home of
bride's mother, Mrs. Julia Has-
fuss Ella JJij and Mr. Arthur Sanders Married
i . ..
and 21! wr.o attenoea caa a great aRd yM.ors ia Unvoti whj
tine. The total attendance from this Ctarj their music. One cf the small
city is stated by those who should features of the affair was the utter
know to have been $57. The train ' failure of Liiuidu papers to mention
made time both v;s to and the band or its music. It looked like
from Lincoln Engineer fnead taking a studied effort en the part of Lin
the boys to the capital city in one olu to lake away any credit which
hour and thirty minutes and making might attach to having a r.iee dele
the return trip in one hour and for- .cation and a pood band from the
minutes, both god runs. side. This way may be one way to
Those who attended were especial- gt t del. gallons for the capital city
ly wvll pleased with Vice President but from what the men said it did
Willard'a address whiih seems to ; not suit them. It would appear that
hate met universal approval among ; anything from Plattsmouth is be
the men in the local shops. Consider- i neath the notice of the prohibi
able dissatisfaction is said to have j tior.ists of Lincoln. The hide bound
been t vpressod by some of the en-; capital hasn't a band in it which is
gineers over portions of the address j better than the Woodman band and
but the shop men here certainly j their railroad men failed to any
thought it all right. Other address-! where near come np in loyalty to
were made byproml nont labor j their employers as the men do here,
leaders which generally met with ap-The only thing that the capital seems
rroval with the exception of Mr. j to execll In is narrow-mindedness
Ftones address. His pronounced 'and pettiness and it surely has a
iews cn unionism were dissented to j world of that.
by many cf the men although some j Te train returned to the city at
stoutly upheld him and endorsed all j S : 3 last evening and the men
he said. 'marched up Main street to Sixth
Plattsmouth had the largest dele-, street where they disbanded. They
gallon In line Jn the parade before! were headed by Grand Marshal Bur
tap meeting and took the rriie for ; kol and the Woodman band and the
large attendance distancing Have- j boys got the applause at home which
Jock and other Burlington towns, i the Lincoln rapers could not hear in
The Woodman land which headed the that city.
' for the sum. The check is a wonder
iful piee of work and is so artistical
ly done that it can hardly be told
The house was a bower of'frca finished print unless subjected
and cave some mighty
The rr.e mb. rs wort' hi::h.
ed ly Burlington t f-J b l:'.v P-rPrs K ing decorated : to a critical examination. The check
ia asparagus tern, smiiax. payable to Mr. Swatok. Miss Yeli
and white roM's. making a green nek and County Judge Beeson, the
cud white tffoct. The- dining room j mo former having endorsed it over
v us i:: rod and white, carnations aad ; to Judge F-.vsom He has had the
res; s bc'.r
us.d. A large In 11 of ,ihek taken to the studio of Mrs. M.
hung oer the table with ; Howland and his endorsement which
Married in Council Bluff. 111k' Move to We.-t.
At Council Bluffs last evening oe-, Exalted rulers, past exalted rulers
currcd the double wedding of Thes.!al"! t-r the position of
... exalted ruler of the Elks wi:h hun-
r. Bates and Miss Kitt.e May m:th , ..
J dreds of Klks will pass through Om-
ar.d Robert A. Pate and Miss Martha fcv,a during the text few days ea route
Rupley. The marriage was entirely to Los Angc-hs to attend the annual and conducted with only ' meeting there during the s.-eend
w:tr.os(S present by Justice Coop- v.e..k in July.
tr cf that :ty. The two grooms The f.rst train will be that of th?
a-e too vtil known la this city and . Yot.kers Elks cf 100, scheduled to
xMnily to r.ced an introduction hav- arrle owr the Milwaukee at 9
ir g resided h. re for some seven o'doi k this morning. The party will
er past. Together th-y luxe p .v! c or the Union Facif.c and
worked and built up he Journal to make a si Jo trip throve a YeKcw
i'.s i roser.; cxrtl'er.t condition aod re i.-.rh.
th-. if work speaks for itself. N.v. ZYLi. kscwa is the
'.r?. Thos. It. Bates is the csaugh-, xaltei rule r's party, ate scheduled
tt r cf ytT. and Mrs. J. J. Smith . to reach Omaha Jijly 6, at 3:ir. f..
cf OiiuVj. Mr. ?s.;!h V:-ing the ; m. in a special train ever the North
trttary of the Bruit Crow-or r..-soii.v v tstcrts.
lica i f that city and hating torn ton-! Carry Herrmann vi'.l make a
cea.d st different times with many night call in Omaha. July 6, and will
cf the b ndir.c wholesale houses of te accompanied by l.'O Elks in two
lh;.t :ty. Mr. Bhtes w&s born in s;c:r.l trains, trriviae over the 11
Or.aha and is a graduate of the Om- lir.ois Central and leating ever the
hr pubhr KtMR H-r fn.;iv has.l':.icn ra-i'c. Mr. Herrmann is dis-
or.n.itJ with the history cf tir.suh.d in r. .any line? .f activitv.
s milax drappod from it to the corners
of the talle. The cards were
a ten.binatinu of a red and a white
card fastened together wp.h white
ribbon, from whih hung two tiny
wedding bolls. The shades were
drawn and a beautiful effect obtain
ed by the use of numerous inean-des-cent
Just before the ceremony Miss X.
Rose Rasmussen, a sister of the
bride, sang most effectively, "O, Pro
mise Me," by DeKoven, after which
Miss Margaret Willard played the
beautiful Lohengrin wedding march,
to the strains of which the bride
and groom entered the parlors, tak
ing their places under a canopy of
w hite roses and syringas which hung
from a large, white arch in the
Rev. S. D. Harkness, pastor of the
Presbyterian church, cf this city, read
the beautiful ring ceremony which
united the happy couple in the sa
cred bond of wedlock. The bride
wore an exquisite gown of sheer,
w hite Swiss, trimmed with the daint
iest of Swiss embroidery and French
va,lencicnnes lace, and carried a
bouquet of white roses and lilies
of the valley. The gift from the
groom was a handsome gold band
bracelet. Following congratulations
a four-course luncheon was served
and later ia the aft -.moon Mr. end
Mrs. Sanders left for Flattsmouth,
where they will visit the groom's
relatives for about a wtek, or two
when they will procevi to their
future heme in Edgemor.:, South Da
kota. Miss Rasmussen is a daugh
ter of Mrs. Julia Rasmussen. cf this
is being put on the back is in keep
ing with the rest of the check the
signature being in ihe form of a jay
bird signifying A. J.. and a honey
bee and a rising sun making the
word Beeson. The check is on exhi
bition at Mrs. Howlands and will
well repay examination.
Evtra (lan Trans.f erred.
The large gang of Italians who
have been engaged for several
months past in this city in rebuild
ing the shop tracks and straighten
ing out the tracks through the yards,
were last night removed to Have
lock where they have some track
work to look after. They did a
great deal of work during their stay
here tnd almost, entirely rebuilt the
local yards, putting them in shape
to stand the heaviest traffic. There
still remains much to be done but
owin? to the pressure for repairs at
other points it was found necessary
to move them away for a while.
Ditching around the yards has just
been started and this will take sev
eral trams quite a while as there is
considerable work cf this character
When it is all ever and done this
city will have yards in good shape
and capable of handling all the
trarTie which may be sent in here.
It is hoped that these improvements
are but forerunners of many others
to follow and that both yards and
shops will see grcr.t Improvements in
tV' inmct'.iate future.
EXCU3S10N RATES EAST: Daily low round trip rates, with thirty
davs limit, in effect early in June to New York, Jersey Coast Resorts
Boston, Montreal, Portland, Me., and other prominent eastern resorts.
Somewhat higher round trip rates daily, with all Summer limits, to
New Knpland, St. L-wrence River, Atlantic Coast and New England
Resorts Also desirable round trip rates to Wisconsin, Michigan, etc.,
including Lake Journeys from Chicago to Buffalo and return. Rates,
details, destinations, etc., nay be had of your nearest ticket agent.
EXCURSION RATES WEST: Seattle Exposition, California, Pacific
Coast Tours, Denver and Colorado Resorts, Elack Hills, Rig Horn
mountains, Utah, Yellowstone Park circuit through scenic Colorado
and Yellowstone and Gardiner gateways. Homeseekers rates first and
third Tuesdays. You can reach all western Summer resorts on very
desirable rates this Summer. Call on nearest ticket agent for special
WV!?,s--'r! V3 publications covering any western tour.
t!iBl;M! W. L. PICKETT, 1
ifi 1 1 ' ' L w' kim1, 6-r M-
Ticket Agent.
N'o. 19H fear lest the continued rain will pro-
REPORT OF THE CONDITION duce rust in the wheat while weeds
-or tux ' are growing rapidly in the corn and
CIDCT tlATIfitlAI DAIIIIfield3 canDft be cultivated for the
rind I (IAI IUiIMLDAIiIV same reason. Dry weather for a
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne-I wh!le Is now wanted-
biaska, at the close of business !
June 23rd, 1909. j Patterson Tries Case.
RESOURCES ! Something over a month ago, Mr.
Loans mi discounts... ...Si' ! C. V. Baylor, the coal and fuel mer-
Ovu-urafts. stvured and u red.. MritLVi ! . . ' '
5-umi.oo ' cnani, scia uiauae liutier, before
Judge Archer, for a balance of $15.50
H'.;:u..jd j due on account, and garnished Mr.
"''"j Butler's w ages in the hands of the
'vj? railroad company. Mr. Bntler era-
40T.:-i7 , ployed Judge Sullivan to contest the
VWM j mutter and a charge of alleged bias
"''land prejudice was taken and the
cause transferred to Justice Fred
S. .iT.n.'.s to smir
Premiums on 1'. s. bonds
Bonds, securities, etc
Hanking house, furniture, fixtures...
ther real estate owned
Iue from national tanks (not re
serve acenls)
Tue from nppmved rvvrve scents .
Cheeks and other ra-sli Items
Notes of oilier national banks
Kraetlon&l pajter currency, nickels
and cents
Lawful money reserve In bank, viz:
S'.k'CIi-.. V7 (Cf.Oi
Orrrhs since i.. h.r crt ;.t-gr.i-.d-
c f hii h is as p:
'ent of the
fi.thir, Tajlr C cod will hain been Cin ir.natl las-- I all club. He was
a mr..Vir cf the f.rst city of pre-WieT-.t of the Powl-
Oz ala. She is a LhT 'o- e, rc 5r.3 ir e assc-clation. No he is after
ir.J a.ccn-; ihed out g woman ar.d the job cf ci sited ruler of the Elks.
w.l ar.d faxrrablj known '.a her city, with ti e sil'.d bicklrg cf h's se-ctien
A Surprise Party.
city, and is a most estimable young j a cenutiui rar-wei: surprise party
lady with a large circle cf acquaint-j "s given Mi.-s Frnncs Grebe on
ancfs, having hed a cleriral position Mcnday last by a t:.rc numb.-r of
fcr some time in two c-r oar large 'iter your.; frit-r e's th" ce.v: ir. be
business hcuscs. and is also promi.n- i;:g 'i Grebe's i; -.:r v.rc ::i ih
crt in ihunh circl-s being en active r.oar future for a vi-it a: R'.-.o, Nev.
member cf the Presbyterian church, 'viith her br:-t: ;r George. She wi'l
y.r. Sanders wras fcrmerly a resident a-ccmrrit.Ird by her father and
well known ilTcth--r, C:r.:Ed and John. !.!r.
I't'iloniptlim funi it!i l.S. trcaMirvr j Patterson of Rock Bluffs.
(3 ir-nu,i circulation) - i-oo Yesterday the cause was' held be-
Tot:i1 fore Judge Patterson on its merits
I and also on a motion of Butler to dis-
t .vi.rv.'.fo : solve the attachments and discharge
Cai'ital stiK-k paid In
nXhied 'pin u;;'eVpen;:;ami 'M' Barnishment. Judge Sullivan re-
NaAonallnoniMandi:::: l" BUU" CM
Hue to other National hanks w 43 Attorney Ramsey, appearing for Mr.
1,U UOkt ,r:y,e.'.,.a,.,.ks..,.nJ 9.i4 1 Da',or- !t ,s S3id tfae hills and dales
Individual deposit suh.wt to ehrrk inwiVw 1 around old Rock Bluffs, echoed and
.-. in., mi i l . i .in-- li 1 1, - KIM l I .".I., i .
Time cert. hcato of ;;iii;n.u7
Stiteiif Nehvaska '
cf Columbus, ttir.?
ar.:cr.g our best pec; having K-c-n j Jhri Grebe ar.d daughter Agnes ti
ter, netted with the Park Parber k mahe part of the party,
shep until rec t t.t'v w hen he turchas- ; Th" aft rr.v n was deiitht fv'lv
ed a
business cf the
wnere ht
V.T. and
1 e-t wishes of a
whom the
About thirtr-fve
hind in fp'-t:t In ruiie and games, the f;r-r
. ibeir.e beth ir.strt
imer.tal s-
fc:t tf f-iends. cf
n;.os a ;
'is have
the plensinj.
: make tie eveuing c;
i r.t et the we
where he h.-. a he-t of frl n Is.
V-s ert A. P.-t.'S has 1 c: n a
f the country,
j.'r. p.v.-.t. is
out-c-f-tcv.n t'eir.g Mr. and Yrs. Wm.
Kennedy and Yrs. NVIs liassrlbalvk
through and son, Rcy. all if St. Pdwsrd,
siect:cEs ra f which were very
A luncheon s rved to
e long to be
recalled. At a late h'-ur the d light
ed puesis retired to th-ir hom-s af-
those-e from ;ter wishing Miss Crcle a harpy tr'p
an! the best of times.
Tl.os tttf n'it.g included Misses j
Ti'.'ie P!
res:.:- r.t cf th: !ty for many years Omaha on the afternoon f July
sr.j for r.trmbi r cf j;s- prst, h:?
ts i cer.r.ett. J v!:h The orrsl as '
i' b.vk-Vei ti r. She I a jtu: g
w. i f rr. h t.r.'.iiy 6rd rc ftt-
w.-.h s:ty p r?oc from fic-vx City Ifrtsh
cr the speilal. Mr. Sam-use.
Mr. ind :rs.
. cf Omaha.-
M.El-'Hess. Lrn'sa H;-s.
fhla. Rmma
us TriVllic-'cn
riac r. Katie
Mary Svehla.
?ei",ii:i Victoria
s is fSo a candidate for the ros!
' r. c f osltod ruler. The South Pa
ir r.
a 1.
tl e
i: .
cf h
r. .
s .
r't e
t '.
wi'h a gr. r.t t -rr frills vlo
..:..l,t: rs r. .d b
5 f ' d lap; y mar:
: !':- :.. th.
! to tl !s ci-y 1af
v '.'.J r. :.Ve t'.- ir
.' r tf arm
c.tcTid their
;t wi.-hc? f.r
e above fc:.r.? wi;h interest ly ti
V.-:. d. lecetion with If. will arrive j f; i.-n is cf lie cc-trat;r.
oer the Nrrtistvoit.-ra st S:r.O a. n., loth of whom have l-en
t h Pnle,:
t.t will bei'shVa. iry l.radev il.
' t e O '. e :
w : i
1 1-
3 V '
VdtS Fot'th.'sv.
Pa- i'.n
The .!.vau',
e. :. i Ti c f d v.Iy
'rut P'As. If.
time, a:.J 1 .-.e f'-..'-t:
a th- Vr.ion Pa. : c.
Chir;.i:o Plhs to the r
e PlVs ler.'. the af
T, a-.i l the Connect i
strcrc, at the same
e sh:'tlv r f'.erw r.r li
'.'ar 'a. Ella N.r.nan, Henrietta Kc;-
mar.y hVa rr.d Sophia Neuman: Messrs
pattiv, 'Tim Kahoudek. James Relr.l. George
refide-ts :rroImr.r. Henry Pi e. rrr.n'.: Mick. The'v.'iil CrV. Corral Grebe.
his city)
and t f
. ec, : t.
.'. . w..s ; .ss
ii bir.huay an
t her !a ccc-
N hsj sit
: u 1 the rf. r-
s V y
k. J.
.1 .:
T C f K.J
at i:.:r. o'.io.k.
Elk r,t fj::-i
c r the Xv r:hw -
t the r:-' -. Pa.i-
c f this city ar.J its
brid was a r sider.t cf
many years tgo when a sn.11 girl ;
and wi'l be wei! rcmemb r. d ly a:
gn at many friinds who t. ill le
t!.d t. t h.r after the vesrs an!
ret. 'x' .Id a-;u-:-t:::.-. '.r-J :.
The pro.!:! is a s n c f the w'.I I via C.:r
kmown cot-trttetor. J. R. Sar.:er ,C; rr f r:
:..:; r:v c: t..;s v, n tea
re-echoed the eloquence of opposing
counsel as they advocated the cause
of their respective clients and ex-
( .unity of t'a-s ( 1. 11. . IViv. r. r . nnunrlerl the lnu- fnootiincr frnnti.tni.
of tl,eaU,ve-,,an1..dl,l,ik.dos..ler;,nly ,r. A
iiai i:ie aoove siati-ii.ent i, true to Ihe Ust of p"7'"". a1"'1 uuirin uiiu gui liisumeni.
Judge Patterson gove Baylor judg
ment for full amount and held the
attachment and garnishment o. k.
ir.y M.owledir.' aim t l . f.
( li. N. I Ca-sMer.
Correvt -Attest: Ceo. F !..r.-
1. llik-wo:th
... Ixri iiip, l'lrei'toi i
:. 1 .. ' . . . . . ... i
u --'in. ii iM'inre nie tins
eav, f .tui.e. It. t. Iiwver.
"J Notary l'i:li!c.
.; ev.;i.!i,:iv'i ( ).:;i-s Aut'iist 1'.'. l'.'!4.
Happily l"n:t--.l ir; M.-.rt:;.;.-.
Covr.Ty Jud-e P r? n this r..nh
r.z u:.i'-. d in marrpge st l.'s c":.
in the curt hru- Mr. pi : rlv Clymer.
f C.r. . r.v rod. rr.d M:;
rr- d !' f f Eir.:s Mi: -
:lv r::-i i
River Almost Stationary.
The Missouri River for the twenty
fcur hours ending this morning at
? o'clrtk shew ed a rise cf .2 of a foot
er tr o r.rd cr.c-l:a!f inches.
This is a very s'cw rise and to
daTThTindicatir.ns are that the river
will commence to fall again tonight.
The weather reports show the river
to be falling at Pismark but still
rising flov-ly r.t Sotiix City, Flair and
Omaha. The rise at this time seems
to be due ur.e;u"s:ior.aby to the
havy rains which have Venn
ir? over the st-te cf Iowa ntid viol
ent storms wcr fef.turos in several
In this t;. weath. r bur
eau rij-v.ts that the weather will
cr.tir.tte hct tr.J unsettled with
thvnd-r shower r.-.d Farm- w rc?ir.c considerable
wtll and pv-pularly Pr. H,-,:
i . t c:
i j j - h
v! r. t
'111 . id
re .1 i. ti
: e .
S' 1 . :!.:;.-;
'. at. 1 c. -t-
.t. hour the .ittle
. tie t'f.hl'.y s,.:-'
iv e r -en and '
lie ; -r tet".ptlr.C
;1 .1 . :A. whi, h
t r t f t. tvlle.
a e
m the of the Pr
". ah.i P e.
i in.'M win i. ti-.v
now t . e pro" n t
,i:.-hed lr.rbe-r lv
nt. S. P.. vh-Te if. fir future
the c
a w 11 i
in Edgs.
;1- will
-,- s
1 U'.C
y ,
tl." we.
l :.r :
nd i
d :.:
lo-turiied Home Siif.
Guy White and Ernest Wurl, who
have bepn taking a vacation of rc
oral weeks at a ranch near Grarey,
N'tb., came in last night. The boys
had a lot of fun during their trip
and had many wild and startling ad
ventures, among them the sacrifice
of a wagonload of game. That con
stant crackling, popping noise which
was heard in the northwest was
merely the report of their guns as
they butchered wild beasts and other
things. They propose to go to Af
ri. a next year and get all the game
r.erseveU leaves.
Double Hall Game.
Arrangements have been made for
a double ball game in Plattsmouth
next Monday, duly e. Many of our
eitiens will meet in the park In
the afternoon, and the band will fur
nish inusio throughout the day. Conic
in. If you are not busy, nnd enjoy
yourselves with us.
I & - IK
m - m
. f 1 - rv f U 0
m PI.
. ; e.
: ",0-nh l.c ;e No. :r and
to 1 r. . 1 re on duly S
'r. c:.r. :d h.-.s v.t . t d v.d. a
'V.r le wi.l -.t $.,.; tie ar.J
:. r .'':: n r 1.. t. lio w :.l. hew-
r. v., s:i Ft a a.' s o.
Sell". I'anr.liti
Ho l.:hs C. .i:;,! ..
P. County Alton., y Rials
;t J wif , w:e pa-s.'r rs cn th
meri.irc train f.-r Omaha. Mr
RawI ho is r.:w 1. ated r,t C,r.u
a la. Cel. and he Is an enthusiastic
C 1, -5,!jti !t.- s:a .
Jr.ras r.lley in which he i si: ::l d
i 1 this year le bless.-d a r..-
V r-r Car'
r. cf y.r.
S T li
...r rr"'
; , : ' y i
t( r :r. r- r.e r..
t the rr
t.' j t ..;
Tr.M tIo
s th.- r. I; t of seme
.''-. !.'. h w ..! a;.
:. tire tl'c 1 a, ; r cr.t.
: they !', rded the
t fl w r.t tv Va'.'S'lo
V. Sharp re tv rued .-stcrdav 1 1
".. rt.irc from l. s l-t.slr trip to I c
I-.t'rvs Wis. where he took a
laig" r.umb. r c f orders f. r marhin
i ry fe his patent cars. Mr. Sharpe
report that hi buvlnes is b.vmirg
in Omaha and that be is r ow rm-1 'vK ler
jloy.rg sewnleen m n li his tlar.t.j"
lie found PaCrosso to be a liv. lv II. .v t a
were .".
ll'"a C
AJ- s rd Pi:U? Pc.
'.. d tl cvvf.f5.--n
' ri't-'s-a, 1'.! :h P.irr r. odera city wi;h the canning busi---.iin
Sf.-!cht. ' t tes a spo laity. Great charities of
ecrtal le re raised in that local
ity r.d the canr.irg cf item give
cmplejmrnt to many p.vple. Ai
wa' rr. srtvsi-e ard up-to-date pA
pl.. th' cf ljiCrv-sse aw in
men cut the advantage of Mr.
:..--?. a p.:i d.'pMj thi f-
tcrjo.r cn N. Z' fcr !: reuth " d
Ivttv't ltd rtb.r jv rt !n ViM
icxs. t ): t there t tVe a ro-i.s1
.:. rt P. lis l-en ' '
yer r
?-l th
arpr patent ar.d he tad
at crop, the Urge rr
I-ar.J i c-r.; any e f n !
- - ' s
y f w
. i. r.t w
the Cas
. o is new actiu; r.-aus.
!..o hundred ar--s of f
ll tt vist comm. no. ia a a
days. In add;ti-n to the f.-.e
k -.::-. ;
: o. I.
11. CI; :
e f r - r - v
:sl v.
a r.
iy : 1 c. !
U-t will .:'--.
.l' - n -rrled
r cf 'r j.:.d
r :": i t'-"'
- ci)- - :
. r
d iBw-i HeikT.
- .- . . -
rcp. Mr. Hi-.!
is c ve r in at:
line of . 1 s trie
Int. :c ; that torri c x;
court ;-y will
1 is. . t ine that :t w si
.-f garden tc o
j. r. i
F. Re '.:-. n
cf the T..::V.'z- : 't
f.r . rr :: r i. -t . In
rct'cratuT. d w 11 f;t
short tir e f r Or- " :
r.k P f It.- ?
w; e-- cf the - ;
, i c, f reran jrl a w -Vr sr.
- js.'ual aV.l.ty r 1 tl - '-r;ary
.f M r .s r-' . t-i-.r-n w..- r i
r d f
a v 'y
he will
Rc I'n-
jUSt on thcout piilo, for a few
tlays putting in our new cop
per store front, ami we will
show our appreciation on the
inside for any inconvenience
to which our customers, and
the public, nipuht he put duriiu'. this period.
Don't pass u !'V because we're a little dis
figured or utra'd anything iniht drop on
yen - v Cspt the continuation of the drop-pln-ci
GOOD VAl.UliS in
wis ex j t r .-i
cn Frid. n -t
f nnus
y ; t-
;)-. U-a a f.thf-l. r i -. nc
1 worVer ir i t a r. n f ti p. s'.-
t:.--5 cf fcrratj ly is co rrn
;rou r.rts l: i t t ?. d-f.t.
' knew a who I f a.."--'-s.. r 11 l
Trm Vetrd.
We eta us- about a talf a i
J. C. Ycrk
1 Vice r-r
e m Vt- asd te will troal lt d;pc.rt cf a uny tf j
oei'r'T a pVwrt ere. rulivry.
tear. at o -f
r kaa Set.
Apr'y t MN'tr.age tu-.rst .a v..-
thfrr tn tte afternoon tr!n
Ladies Oxfords l.c!5 to.
.Men's " 2.00 to
Infant's Slippers 55c to. .
. -1.00
Children's Buster Hrown Slippers! C2