The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 24, 1909, Image 7

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The Avoca (Department! ---"
News Item Gathered Eash Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
Mrs. J. J. O'Leary was in Oniaba
Oman Coon purchase J a nice driv-
Prof Zink Is taking the school cen
sus. Mis Edna Marquardt was at Oma
ha Tuesday.
Mrs. F. W. Ruhge were at Ohama
one day last week.
Katie Eichel Is attending summer
normal at Peru.
Mrs. Henry Franzen was a Lincoln
passenger Thursday.
E. R, Straub was a business visit
or at Omaha Monday.
Miss Opal Lew ton is attending
summer school at Peru.
Ralph Graham spent a few day?
at the state capital last week.
Henry Wellenslek was here from
Lorton Monday visiting his son Her
man. Mrs. Fred McGrady is enjoying
a visit from her sister, Mrs. Can-
Walter Nutzman went to Omsi
to have a small tumor removed from
his lip.
The Avoca Supply Co. has had
a cement floor laid iu their new base
ment this week. The Avoca Paving
Company did the work.
M. G. Keedy and wife and Pearl
(Special Correspondence.)
Fay Parsell was in Greenwood Sat-
and Audrey Harmon drove to Elm- urday.
wood Sunday to attend a family re
union at the home of Mr. Ward.
Miss Clara Marquardt is in Oma
ha this week where she has been
having an operation for the removal
of an obstructing bone in the nasal
Word has been received here of
C. B. Jacobson was in town Sat
urday. Dave Sheesley was an Omaha pas
senger Monday.
Mrs. Will Casey went to Lincoln
Sunday evening.
Chas. Ingwerson is entertaining
i lng tam this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaublitz wore Oma-
pass ngers Tuesday.
Miss Thresa was transacting bus
iness in Omaha Monday.
Dr. Nagelman was transacting
business in Omaha Tuesday.
Charles Gerlaeh shipped a car of
hogs to South Omaha Saturday.
John Wilkinson losing his team by his sister this week.
drowning and came very near losing Mrs. R. C. Moore is entertaining
his own life, while fording a river a brother this week.
near his home in South Dakota.
Saturday evening Edward and
Willie Wulf invited about sixty of
their friends to a pleasant social
dance at their home south of tomn.
A very enjoyable time was had by
everyone present. '
Ora E. Copes, the enterprising
Dr. L. Muir and family visited at
Greenwood Saturday
A brother of Carlton Gullion is
vslting him this week.
Comimssloner C. R. Jordan re
turned home Saturday.
Mrs. KIrkpatrIck came homo- from
. The Misses Pearl Rockwell and lyoung druggist of Avoca, is now Lincoln Saturday noon.
Emma Spencer spent Sunday in
Clyde Bogard who is amputating
whiskers In Omaha spent Sunday in
A number from town attended a
birthday dance at Rolft Saturday
B. J. Coates has added to the ap
pearance of his residence property by
painting it.
Prof. Zink and Ralph Graham at
tended Masonic lodge at Weeping
Water Monday evening.
Claude Durham is laying off this
wek on acount of a nail which he
had the misfortune to step on.
The noise of the fire cracker in
the land reminds us that the glori
ous Fourth Is not far distant.
Mrs. Dr. Brendel was at Omaha
several days last week to visit her
sister, Miss Selma Marquardt.
John Peckham cut his hand with
a chisel Wednesday while working
on the L. J. Marquardt house.
The C. E. of the Christian church
gave a strawberry and ice cream
social at the hall Wednesday even
ing.. Souvenir spoons at Copes'.
F. W. Ruhge purchased a fine new
buggy of Henry Kuhnhenn last
Louis Carsten arrived home from
Lincoln Saturday, where he has been
taking treatment at the Sanitarium,
O. Tefft while helping to lift a
box of mortar Wednesday let it drop
cn his foot mashing It badly but
breaking no bones.
nicely settled in his new building.
This store with its up-to-date fur
nishings is a great credit to the
town Omaha Druggist.
Miss Emma Marquardt .went to
Omaha Friday to attend the wed
ding of her friend, Miss Horn. Miss
Emma and a number of other ladles,
who were clasmates of Miss Horn
at Peru, sang the bridal chorus.
Freddie Dunkak, the six year old
Local Eyenis.
Fred Leidig and Jno Yaeger, went
to Engle Saturday evening.
John Casey went to Lincoln Sat
urday via the local freight.
Bom to Mr. and Mrs. E. Hulflsh
on Sunday, June 20, a girl.
Ed Stone and Ed Klyver went to
Lincoln Saturday afternoon in Ed.'s
Mr and Mrs. C. F. Rosenow went
Jamt-fl So.hor, the tailor, has so
far recovered that he is able to look
after his business again.
Keep your eye on E. A. Wurl's
r.d in this paper. He offers you a
genuine bargain for Saturday.
Richard Bilstein Is visiting in the
city having come in from Alliance
where he 13 working at present.
Alf. Nickels, came in this morn
ing from his farm near Murray be-
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert '"S called to the city by business mat-
Neuman a 9 pound girl June 20. ters.
ueo. Kau or itlea, Neb., Is vis- Wra. Griffin formerly a resident of
lting his brother Will for two weeks, this city is in the city today making
The Kensington ladies met at the short vslt with friends and rela-
home of Mrs. S. S. Keckler Thurs- tiveB
.lair I
Wm. Heeney went to Omaha Mon- ness In Omaha today going to that
aay to see fits son who Is in the hos- city this morning on the early Bur-
PaI- llatton train
ine .Nehawka and Manley teams . .Moving pictures and Prof. Austin
will meet on the Manley grounds with the 'Mlaiulelero tonight at the
Sunday. Pmnicle.. The bluest and best iiro.
Miss Virginia Harnesburger was Rrani in the city.
,. 1
uown rrom Llmwood Sunday visit- J. C. York Is attending to busi-
ing friends. n,,S3 todav in Omaha belntr a nas-
Mrs. Keedy, accompanied by her 1 8l'"Kc-r for that city tTiis morning on
daughter Elsie, came home Wednes- the early train.
Aldrlch Commutes Wins by De
cisive Vote in Senate.
day evening.
Mr. and Mis. II
Council Bluffs are visiting
Thos. Keckler this week.
Mrs. Frank Stander and three
daughters were Omaha passengers
Monday returning In the evening.
Miss Agnes TIghe returned Mon
day evening from Wisconsin where
son of Louis Dunkak, stepped on a to Lincoln Saturday afternoon via
scythe Tuesday afternoon and cut Eagle.
his foot quite badly. Dr. Brendel Mrs. John Mullen left Wednesday
dressed the foot and reported him for Syracuse to visit her sister Mrs.
doing finely. Joe Bird.
Miss Selma Marquardt returned to Miss Josle Hite was a passenger
her home from Omaha, where she Saturday noon to Murdock to visit
has been In a hlspltal recovering from ner sister.
the effects of an operation. Her
Mrs. Nevvln Knott Is spacing n
many friends will be glad to welcome k dayg wh her nlppe EJ
ner nome.
Chas. Hulfi6h from Lincoln spent
one day last week visiting his uncle
Jno. Aaron.
C. F. Rosenow and family spent
Sunday with Mr. Rosenow's parents
near Elmwood.
Chas. Bobbitt and family of Lin
A. 1). S. Peroxide of Ilvdrosien in me aown &auiruay 10 visu
Strong, Stable and Pure, relatives a few days
A. 1. S. Peroxide Cream Golden, a nelce of Mrs. Jno
Whitens, Softens and Heals the Aaron who has been with her aunt
Mrs. Gus Ruhge and three child
ren returned from South Dakota last
week, where she has been visiting
her father, John Wilkinson. She
was accompanied home by her sis
ter, Florence Wilkinson, who ex
pects to stay until fall.
Wm. Hendrickson is spending the
I 1..-. 1 1 1,11 ...
Christensen of y menus uiui relatives in
Senate Votet Down McCumber'i
Amendment Changing Duty by Vote
of 24 to 44 Duty on Pineapples Is
Reduced New Amendment to Coal
Schedule Offered by Aldrlch, Reduc
ing the Duty, Is Adopted. ,
Washington, June 24. In unexpect
edly short order the senate took up
and disposed of the lumber schedule
and then, entering upon the discussion
of pineapples, put behind it the pro
vision reducing the rates of duty ou
that article.
Aldrlch asked that the lumber
schedule should receive first atten
tion. He had no Booner taken hjs seat
than Senator McCumber, who in tho
interest of the treeless northwest has
been a persisteut advocate of free lum
ber, arose and presented an amend
ment reducing the financo committee's
rate of $1.50 per thousand' on sawed
sha ha;; r. ! i .. n m i r Dl.iinni I . . . -
' """. " tne guest of Lorenz Bros., return-
u.ep.easeu 10 see Agnes nome again. Ing to nl8 home this niornlnK.
A. 1). 8. Teroxidc Soap
Absolutely the best Toilet Soap.
A. H. S Peroxide Tooth Powder
The King of Dentifrices.
Recommended and guaranteed by
Paint that Pays
That's Patton'a Sun Proof Taint. Why? Because it covers
more surface, wears longer and looks better than any other
high grade paint on the market.
It adds greatly to the beauty and attractiveness of a pro
perty, and often helps to Bell it at a profit much greater than
the cost of painting.
Get our free booklet and color card.
W W J Avoca. . Nebraska..
for some time, expects to return to
her home in Idaho this week.
Mrs. Jacob Karnes died Sunday
morning at her home northwest of
town. She was 70 years old. She
left a husband and eight children to
mourn her loss. They have the sym
pathy 0 ftheir many friends.
Mis. Mont Baldwin and children
who have been visiting relatives re
turned to their home In University
Place Tuesday evening. Grandr.rt
Stone accompanied them home.
Word was received Sunday from
Syracuse that a little boy had come
to rtuy with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bird
of that place. Mrs. Kate Hardknock
went Monday to spend a few days
with them. She returned Wednrs-
J. C. Aaron, aged C3 years, died
1 early Sunday morning, after a lin
gering UlnesR. He was buried Tups-
day at 10 o'clock a. m. at Belmont
cemetery. He leaves a wife and mar
ried pon who have the sympathy of
many friends.
Omaha going to that city this morn
ing on the early train
A. W. White Is looking after bus!
ness matters today in Omaha being lumber to the house rate of $1.00 per
a passenger for that city this morn- thousand. This was generally recog
Ing op the early Burlington train. nzel as a test proposition, as sawed
A. J. Hovzlcka of Beaver Crossing, lumber has been the bone of contcn-
I l 1 1. . 1 1 ant. . . i
Neb., spent last night in the city, "u" Iri"u lU0 uB""""- i"B "n
jjuhuiu senator did noi nnu n worm
while to enter Into any argument. The
The fiermnn T.nthnron A,,1 t.... .. , ,lBU11 wua ''. &"U "
..o u.D.,nt-u ,u, u. Bu1R.r vnca- ness matters toaay in umana nnving vote Btandlng 24 in favor of nnd 41
nun max. rnuay. icacner u. A. been a passenger for that city this aenlnRt th re.inee.t rate
o.-l.i ........ I I
nitniKraus win go to ins nome at morning on the early Burlington Another test came on the proposl-
uouge, iet)., to spend his vacation, train. tion to make a rate of $1.25 per thou
The attendance at the ball eame A. R. Young, the prominent farmer sand on lumber, with a general change
was good and everybody was well from near Musray, Is in tho city this ln tDe differentials, and on this voto
pleased with the entertainment. This afternoon, looking after business ine nnance committee was aiso uuer-
wn flomnnctrn,! ,,. mnftnra uuj Bujiporu-u. I lie enure woou BClieu-
.... uvuaiLltll.ll l T tun rill Illini- I v t ut I , . . . .
- - 1 I 11 a n n If 1 n nn.lnnl lv,i a nlmit 1 i
cent from the present rates, nnd in-
ternoon having come in from Omaha creasing the houso rates of the pend
Leo TIghe and Herman Aauth re- on the train this afternon to look nf- ,nK hill to about the same extent, was
turned home Friday night from St. ter buslnesi. then agreed to.
Marys, Kas., where they Tiave been . . The sajllng was not so smooth when
II II 171IA rrtArst1lftstlnnslakla. . .
attending college tho past nine " , , Z 1 7 11 cnmo 10 PlneaPPcs- I tie c0,1,en
months PvprvWlv 1 inj tn ""'" Ul ' '"""'J nun in uns connection was ior nign
thee hnvo in mil i w today interviewing the handlers of his er rates, and came from Democratic
-.. .i,ui , i uuh were Senators Taliaferro and Fletcher
game Sunday, he being an old mem- Mrs. Emily Dickson who hns been m . Th h h , - . . .
brr of the team. living in Omaha for sometime past nr R rentu ner mhie f,,nt on t.ino.nnina
The many firends of Mr. and Mrs. has onco more m0VPtl to tllls fi,y oni1 ln barrels and of $8 per thousand, but
A. N. Sneer were shocked to learn 13 now at ner 0,11 home. the senate committee on finance re
of the accident which occurred to
astlc applauee and cheering from both
,1 . . ,1 4 n - mi
John Kaffenberger, one of the uul 1,1 l" ' ? . . "
Mrs. Sneer last Alonrt.iv h hnin. i,B( b ,i i n,mM BPwe,y ln"s rcsioring me pro-
thrnu-n frnn, o l,.. 1, - . ..... '"V UIO 1MIKIVy 1.1W.
: " " u"-jr .rum near u.e cny, is iookiiiS ai- Tftnf,rro prPHCnted an amod'nmrnt
team. It was at first reported she ter business affairs here today. rcstorine the house rate, but chaneln
u.iiii ruusiy nun Dili we nave i,.9 if A Rphnolrtor nn,l rhll,l. the other nnrtlnna nf th nrnvlslnna r.
nee learned sne was badly bruised , Kba h(1Vfi hpon vlsltlmr In Ce- as to require the payment of V, cent a
i . . I "
mi ner icit arm oroKen. sno was (lar qtw wtn relatives came In this rnd for plnenpplrn ln bulk. The con
lsiung at Lancaster, Kas., whero mnmlne on the ehnvler trnln tent Ion was bet woen tho Florida sena
the accident occurred. tors, representing a ltneapplo nrodtic
To show you how loyal Manley , Arfh "" h popn,nr tv,'J- ,n ton Smlth
ttlvnna Dra rt , 1. 1 M 4 iiifi nuiii ui inuninnu luj, nna unni- nujliri .wu., Ill Wllimo Mail'n IIII'IM
.v...v..r, -.v v w..l U..O..U.UI Ulllll l,.4 I.. .U. 1 l 1 .-I.II..V.
, . . . , umiui uiui iiikui in ino my, uie nue- piiitiii'i"" hiiiiiiiib i-m.iiiimi
.... w. lllu u, ,u .,,ii.y, ,.,.... . n,ent nisnvnwlnir nil rhnninlmwhln
harles Gerloeh nnd James Carper . U,f the canners. the Marvlan.t senators
ho were in the western part of the! Jnn '''i'". a well known citizen m(1 ft Btrcnuou9 ,. on Rl,nprn,
stare about Edgar, Neb., boarded a r ' ' ,n """'" principles agalnnt the increase of tho
Rock Island train and came to Mur- mnue18 lcuny in ,nf n,y ('ominR duty. Rayner charged tho Republican
ock drove from there home and ao"n xms morning on tne eariy trnin. party with bad faith in promising to
got here a few minutes before the George B. Smith, the prominent lower tariff duties,
game without waiting for dinner, citizen of Rock Bluffs, drove In this A new ntienument to the conl sched-
If this Isn't true loyalty I don't know morning from his home having bind-M110- onorc ny Airmen, reducing tno
Mrs. M. Howland is spending the
day in Omaha having been a pas
senger this morning on the early
Miss Helen Ptak departed this
morning for Orleans, Neb., where
she will visit for several days with
her aunt.
Mrs. Leist was a passenger on
the early train this morning for
Omaha where she will spend the day
with friends.
Mrs. Charles Henesek and family
were passengers this morning for
Omaha where they will spend the
day with friends.
Tailoring and repairing done by
James Sochor who has gotten well
enough now to work again.
P. A. McCrary, wife and baby
with friends.
Plattsmouth, Neb., June 21st, 1909
Board of Equalization met on June
15th, 190!), as per notice published
in all newspapers In Cass county, and
remained ln session from day to day
up to and Including Monday, June
21st, with all members present, M.
J. II. Adams, personal In Plattsmouth precinct.
Lots 9 to 12, block 9, Carter's Add. to Avooa. . .
E. 4 lot .1. block 18, Tefffa Add. to Avoca...
Lots 1 to 16, block 10, Carter's Add to Avoca. . .
Maple (irove.
William Puis made a business trip
to Plattsmouth Saturday.
Raymond Pollard of Nehawka
were passengers this morning for passed through our city Saturday en
Omaha where they will spend the day route for Plattsmouth with his fine
Mrs. Alfred Gansemer and Miss
Mata Puis spent Friday In the county
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herren spent
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis.
Have you made up your mind
where to celebrate the 3rd of July
Yes! At the city of Murray, where
everybody ran have n good old fash
loned time.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Murray and
family spent Saturday at Murray
Quite a number spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas
Engelkemelr near Weeping Water
Wllllnm Thllpot Rhlpppd fat cat
tie to South Omaha market Tims
Henry Prosser,
Contracting, Plastering, Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb
L. Filediich, C. It. Jordan, L. 1).
Swltzer, 11. M. Soennlchsen and W.
K. Rosencrnns.
The following protests came on for ''ny"
hearing and disposition of them as
1.200. oo
1,4. ".0.00
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred HIM and Mr
and Mrs. Jake lllld visited Sunda
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wulf nen
Avoca, going over In Fred's nuto
what It is.
Tell some deserving rheumatic
suffer, that there Is yet one simple
way to certain relief. Get Dr.
Shoop's book on rheumatism and a
free trial test. This book will make
it entirely dep.r how rheumatic pains
are quickly killed by Dr. Shoop's
rheumatic remedy liquid or tablets.
Fend no money, the test Is free.
Surprise some disheartened sufferer
by first getting for him the book
from Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wis.
ess matters to look after In this
William Starkjohn, one of the
precinct's best citizens and good
farmers, came In this morning from
is farm to attend to business mnt-
ters In the city.
Milling Spwlnt.
From now until after pny day I
will mnke a great reduction on all
my new and up-to-date millinery.
Opposite postofflce,
Mrs. Julia Dwyer.
President Instructs MacVeagh to Let
Matter Rest for Preeent.
Wnshlnston. June 24. President
Mrs. J. llatt and children who Taft has takcn a ham, ,n kllllnK oft
hnve been visiting with reltatves nnd efforts to reduce the tax unon colored
rlends near Ashland, returned to cleomargarine from 10 to 2 cents a
their home In this city this morning I pound. Responding to urglngs front
on the Schuyler train. members of congress representing ag
ricultural districts he hns Instructed
Secretary MacVeagh to withhold any
ftirt hrr rnnnntmonilnt Inn. lrwil.'lnr irt
Ing ln to remain until after tho wed- tJ)e rprpa, of tl)1 prepent oUnn,argnr.
ding of Miss Ella Margaret Dovey ,ne law ,t , a,H0 asrpr,nInPa t!mt
and Mr. Geo. Falter In July. r.enntor Lorlmer of Illinois, who mora
The Fraternal Union team of Om- than any other mnn In congress repre-
aha Ih one of the strongest nmnMur ''iits the beef packers, has decided
tennis in hnt ritv nn.i thev ninv th.i that this Is not a good time to make
....... - .. J f'"J .....
Stung by IndlgeHliin Pangs.
by indigestion pnngs trying many
doctors and $200.00 worth of medi
cine In vain, B. F. Ayschuno of In
Rleslde, N. C.,( at last used Dr.
Kink's New Life Pills and writes
tliey wholly cured him. They cure
cotiRllpntlon, bllllousness, sick head
ache, stomach , liver, kidney nnd
bowel troubles. 2'ie at Gerlng &
1 . r. I 1 O i.l i. ii i ft a
11 :i' ,.f a u- w p.m 7 i-.n nn r.V.A n.J """'" r " " passenc
North If, lots i-2-3. block 123, 'plattsmouth '. '.'100.00 ' 40.00 p1'1 ""'"il" "n the early train f..r
S. E. S. V. Sec. 10-013 670.00 No change Omaha where he expects to meet Ms
SE. SW. Sec. 10-10-13 gT.O.OO No change son Will, coming In from pt. Lnul
l.or 4 sv. .NK. See. 3.1-11-1 I
M NE. See. .Vi-11-11
N. 'i NV. 30-12-12. V. part NW. NE. 30-12-12...
Lot 7, block 37, Plattsmouth
N. 82 fet lots 12, block 29, Plattsmouth
Lots .1-6-7-8-9. 10-, blk. 21, Duke's Add Plattsmouth.,
Lots 10 to 13. blk. 1, Thompson's Add Plattsmouth..
For abstract of title, examination
of titles, and till matters pertaining
to your land transfers, se John M
Leyda, abstractor an 1 real estate
dealer. In the Gund building, en
trance nn Fourth street.
rn!!?, n!! v" ""H . "n th" Wabash.
3,000.00 No change
H.Knn.OO No diange J. J. c.ilson and wife and Mrs.
HVA r.,,nn?" Hobson, her mother, were pas-
, , w. .... . iii.ii 5: No chnne
sengers this morning m llm nrlv
goo. oo No change train for Colorado Spring", Col.
W. '4 lot 1, blk. 3.'i. Plattsmouth .6,250 No change where they will Fpend several week
Tn 'I l.ll, ? IllnM.miiiilk A ft AAA V
..... ... .a. ., . .... n,,.,.,.. . ...... y .u.vv iiihiiko taking a summer vnm'lnn nnd en-
joying an outing.
Board adjonrne l to meet subject to rail of county clerk.
W.E Rosncrans, County Clerk.
Heavy, Impure Mood makes'
muddy, pimply complexion, headache,
nausea, Indigestion.- Thin blood
makes you weak, pal sickly. Bur
dock Blood Bitters makes tbe blood
rich, red, pure restores perfer
A. Ba'h Is attending to IhisIdck
matters today In Omaha going to tha
I X this morning on the nrly Bur
llngtnn train.
duty on bituminous coal from 67 to
60 cents a ton and culminating the
reciprocity (lanso, was adopted.
Miss Phyllis Tetts of Lincoln, is
Isltlng In the city with friends, com-
Plattsmouth team next Snturday,
June 2C at the Chicago Avenue park.
tho fight proposed by Secretary Mac
Veagh and that Jt had therefore better
be dropped for the present.
M. nybrlght Is among those hav
ing business matters ln Omnha to- Rtnaud Given Life Sentence.
day to attend to being a passenger Versailles, Juno 24. Amid a violent
for that city this morning on the the second trial of ltenau.l.
enrly train. t,lC B,ewnr(1 (jf tl,? lal August Romy,
I wno was iouuu guiny nisi renrunry oi
neniv'B murder, the court of cassation
nro among those spending the day jatPr ordering a new trial, ended In a
In Omaha being n passenger for that vert,lct of "guilty of homicide without
city this morning on the enrly train premeditation." Uennud was sentenced
on the Burlington. to Imprisonment for life at hard labor.
jonn Minui wno is now employed FoP Monument to Carmack.
by the C. N. V. Ry., out of Om- frasbvllle, Tenn., June 24. The com-
aha stopped over night In this city mission authorized by (hp legislature
with his parents, returning to Om- to select a f ile for the monument t
aha this morning on the early morn- Henntor Edward Ward Carmiuk, who
ling train. was killed on th'? streets here last No
veinber. has decide 1 on a location i
Jos. Pesek of Schuyler, Neb. cnnie Bt)()Vfl thp H(lh ,.lltrnnrp t0 ,h,, ut.
down last evening to make a short I cnplto grounds. It la proposed t
visit with his brother John, who rieet a memorial costing t25,ooo
14 retinlrlnir his hoiiRehnnt hero for
. , v..-. M-t Bankers' nMitute Elects Officers.
j., ., ... ,,- nftl y Jinin 2,T1)p Aln.,r.
Ing to his homo this morning. lean Institute or Banking decided to
Mrs. F. n. Ilawkenberry nccom- n0, next wear's convention In Chat-
panted by her mother, Mrs. Philip tatioogn. Th following officer we;
Balser who has been her guest for fleeted: President, Newton I). A11M
several days, were passengers this of New York; vice president. Oeou ;
morning for Ralston, Neb., where Jackson of Chlcngo; secretary,- II. c
they will fpend several days with Proctor of Richmond. Va.; treasure.,
relatives and friends. ,u T' Mo" of New Or!oan,,