The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1909, Image 1

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attsmoutb Journal
NO. 231
Large Crowd Attends Exercises
at Parmele Theater
The closing exercises of St. John's
Parochial School were held last
night at the Parmele, the exercises
being attended by a monster audi
ence which packed the handsomij
theatre to the doors and which was
well repaid for their attendance.
For the occasion the stage had
been handsomely decorated, the foot
lights showing through a heavy bank
of flowers and green bushes and
shrubs while the sides of the pros
cenium were surmounted with trail
ing vines in the luxuriance of the
early summer. The whole formed a
handsome setting for the stage and
the exercises.
The program as prepared was a
very excellent one and highly enter
taining. To select any particular
number or any one participant as
worthy of special mention would not
be possible as all did finely and re
flected great credit upon the good
Sisters who had charge of their train
ing and Instruction.
The opening number was a piano
duet excellently given considering
the tender years of the musicians
and Indicates much musical talent
which time and practice will bring
to the forefront. The Mother Goose
reception and drill was excellently
given by tho little folks, the scene
opening with Mother Goose entsrlng
the stage and after reciting her lines
taking a seat at deep center, the sev
eral characters which are drawn
from the tales of childhood, enter
ing in couples and making the ac
qualntance of the audience with
lines indicative of their names. The
little people as is always the case oc
casioned borne little laughter by Hie
extreme care they displayed In tak
ing their positions at the right and
left of Mother Goose. But their
work on the whole was excellent
and pleased the audience.
A vocal duct "Oh, Tell Us Merry
Birds," served as a vehicle for show
ing the beauty of two childish voices
which training will develop Into fin
ished and sweet voices.
A dainty little operetta In four
acts "The Adventures of Little Red
Riding Hood," was also well given,
the several parts being splendidly
taken particularly those of Llttlo
Red Riding Hood, the little lady
playing that having a fine voice and
one which will be heard of later.
Anthony, her playmate who also had
a clear, resenant voice and who read
his lines excellently, the Town Crier
a droll conception given quite nicely
and with a strict fidelity to the
author's Idea. The High Sheriff, the
Huntsmen who formed an unique
brigade and the Bandits who exhibit
ed due feocvlty. All these charac
ters were well taken and excellently
sustained and received their share
of applause from the enthusiastic
The conferring of the diplomas
upon the graduating class then fol
lowed, this being done by Father M
A. Shine. The class of 1909 Is com
posed of Misses Caroline Schuldice,
Ruth Hetherlngton, May Fllbin, Al-
11 n a Jlrousek and Messrs. Joseph
Skoumal, Raymond Welch, John
JlrouBek, Edward Ftlzgerald.
They were assembled upon the
Btage and Rev. Father Shine after
reading one of the diplomas which
recited that the recipient had finished
the course prescribed in the schools,
Following the presentation of the
diplomas the remainder of the pro
gram was given:. A vocal solo "Un
forgotten Days" was nicely sung by
a little lady whose only falling was
nervousness a falling quite natur
al and one which many older people
are subject to.
One of the best numbers on the
program was a vlolinsolo with plana
accompaniment. The two little girls
who furnished this number did ex
cellently and drew well merited ap
plause, uoth tne little artists witn
the violin and the accompanist are
real musicians.
A chorus "Tis Our Festal Day" al
so furnished some fine music, a num
ber of good voices being heard to
advantage the expression of the piece
was also well handled.
"Jigamaree" a nantical operetta i
two acts given by a number of the
boys of the school, was a little piece
In which they showed to much ad
vantage and won merited applause,
then presented each of them with a
copy. After so doing he addressed
the members of the class briefly ad
monishing them to remember In their
travel through life the lessons of re
ligion and morality which had been
Inculcated In them during theircourse
through the school and to relie upon
them when things looked dark and
sorrow and frlef lowered. Turning
to the audience Father Shine ex
plained briefly the reason for St
John's and other Catholic schools,
dwelling upon wherein they supple
mented other schools by teaching
the principles of religion and mor
ality In addition to the usual courses
A Jolly FWiing Parly.
The pond of ChMs Metzger last
Sunday morning was the scene of a
jolly fishing party which put In the
day at that point wooing the scaly
denizens of the lake with hook and
bait. The party gathered early in
the morning at the home of Henry
Sander, one of the best and most
jovial citizens of that section and at
once repaired to the pond where
they were soon seated on the banks
with lines In the water and floats
bobbing up and down. By noon the
party had landed a big supply of fish
and then commenced the struggle
over dinner. Those of the party to
whom had been assigned the task of
cleaning the fish rebelled and declar
ed there would be no dinner unless
the others fell to and helped clean
them up. This they would not do
until they got so hungry they had to.
Then a blazing fire was started and
soon the savory odor of frying fish
filled the air. A fire was had with
all kinds of refreshments, the dinner
being served under ,the shade of
monster trees, a table cloth being
spread on the grass. The dinner was
a fine one and the appetites of the
diners whetted by the outdoor at
mosphere, did It full justice all eat
ing as heartily as the fish had bitten
In the morning. After eating their
fill the party divided up, a part keep
ing on fishing and the rest going to
Cedar Creek to see the ball game be
tween Cedar Creek and "The Royal
Tramps. Those who attended the
ball game came back sorry to say
their team, "The Royal Tramps,"
lost but by a few scores. This done,
the party then returned to Mr. San
ders' where a fine supper was soon
had after which all repaired to their
several homes having enjoyed one of
the finest days they had ever had.
Those who made up this fine party
were Mr.and Mrs. Ferdinand Hen
nlngs, Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Bur
melster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sander,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Albert, Misses
Dorothea and Anna Sander; Louise
and Helen Hennlngs, Alma Bur-
melster; Margaret and Emma Al
bert, Henry, Andrew and Edwin
Sander, Otto Wohlfarth, Henry Soen-
nichsen. Max, Otto and Carl Buer-
Mor About Huette.
Tne Journal recently printed an
account of the arrest In Lincoln of
H. H. Huette with selling a bottle
of whiskey to one'V. C. Cook on
June 10, last. Huette had his hear
ing on Tuesday last before Police
Judge Risser of Lincoln and was
held for trial to the district court In
the sum of $300. Huette before his
preliminary hearing was commenced
asked for a change of venue filing
the usual affaldavlt alleging he
could not get a fair trial before
Judge Risser or either of the jus
tices of tho peace in Lincoln or one
WhythePlattsmouth Telephone
Co. Should Be Favored.
1T . having 6poudM telephonic counec-
whom he could get a fair hearing uuu uu luw "0U8 lowna 01 tIie
was Justice A. J. Baker of Havelock. l""nty, Cass county having perhaps,
Judge Risser overruled the motion, the best local telephone system of
The testimony at the hearing devel- any county in the country. There
oped that Cook was. given a dollar is not a town in the county but
by Officer Wright and sent to what Is reached quickly and efficient
Huette to get some whiskey. He ly through tho splendid service of
nsked Huette for the whiskey and the Plattsmouth Telephone Com-
the latter told him he thought he pany. In addition to reaching the
could get him some. He gave him towns, this company has also grid-
the dollar and Huette went away re- Ironed the county with farmer lines
turning later and meeting Cook In which brings the farm house right
the water closet of the Capital hotel to the door of tho business man and
where he produced a bottle of whls- the dweller In the cities. And Platts-
kcy and both took a drink, Cook mouth people do not have to be told
putting the bottle In his pocket, what has done 'all this. In the old
Cook was tangled up In his testl- days of high rates and Inadequate
mony as to the time of the occur- service before the Independent peo
rences. After he lert Huette, Cook pie entered the field, tho Bell Corn
met Officer Wright and Lenz and pany reached a few of the county
all three roceeded to Cook's, room towns with a toll service which was
where they all three took a drinlc. poor and which was charged for at
Later the two officers placed Huette rates higher than was reasonably
under arrest for selling the whls- fair, while the farm lino was some
key. Cook denied that Tie knew he thing which could not be had for love
was being used as i tool by the of- or money. Tho theory seemed to be
fleers. The two police officers tes- to make the people take what thev
tifled In corroboration of Cook, could get and say ihey liked It. The
Huette's attorney made a motion to advent of the Independent Company
dismiss tne case alleging the state changed all this. Rates tumbled
had utterly failed to make a case or I with lightning-like swiftness. In the
to prove anything except that Huette city this was impressed upon the
was acting ror Cook. Judge Risser, people quickly. The arrogant mon
however, held otherwise and held only In the twlnklinc of nn eve 1,...
Plattsmouth is very fortunate in tan exchange in everv town and vil
lage In the county. In addition mu-
Huette for trial In the district court
as above stated.
of Instruction and speaking of the melster Albert and erman Hen
benefits which such a course was in . ...
after years in greater morality and
restraining the passions. '
In the commencement of his ad
dress Father Shine had taken occas
ion to thank the sisters for' the
great amount of labor they had spent
In training the several pupils In the
exercises, and to thank the parents
and friends for their patronage on
this occasion. He also commented
briefly upon the excellence of the
work performed by the pupils and
the participants In the exercises. The
address of Father Shine while brief
was a very able one and was dis
passionate and non-sectarian to a
degree. There was absolutely no
suggestion In it which could ofTend
and the address was well worth hearing.
The trio "At the School Festival"
was also good and the pantomlne
"Nearer My God to Thee" was a
finely executed Bacred piece and
closed a program of real excellence
and one which reflects great credit
upon both pupils and the Sisters
who plainly spared no pains In their
Other excellent features were
piano solos by a young boy who has
marked musical talent and who has
every Indication of becoming a fin
Ishcd musician in later years, and
the work of Mrs. H. J. Oltroegge as
accompanist. To her excellent play
ing much of the success of the pro
gram is due.
Taken altogether the exercises
were well up to the standard of pre
vious years which was everyone
known, Is very highly, and reflects
much credit upon all participating.
came the subservient slave of tho
people. For homo service residence
phones were contracted for at the
rate of fifty cents per month. It
was anything to get the business nnd
Burlington Speed Record.
Sliced records now used oh rnnnv
railroad engines, rjakes It difficult prevent the l"''Pdent Peole. who
fnr engineer fn mnko nhennn.ennl were Residents of this City and coun
ty, getting a foothold. Farmer lines
A Pleasant Gathering.
From Friday's Pally.
The Frauen verein of the German
Presbyterian church held Its monthly
meeting at the pleasant home of Mrs.
Joseph Warga yesterday afternoon.
The weather being appropriate
quite a number were In attendance.
Instrumental music was furnished
by Misses Hattle Hoffman, Flora
Otto and Anna Warga and Ella Sat-tler.
Those present were: Mrs. Gor-
der, Mrs. Wohlfarth, Mrs. Hoffman,
Mrs. Zuckweller, Mrs. Ed. Lutz,
Mrs. J. Lutz, Mrs. Ohm, Mrs. Vallery,
Mrs. Gooding, Mrs. HIber, Mrs. Svo-
boda, Mrs. Bookmeyer, Mrs. H. Don-
at, Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Prettlg, Mrs.
Guenther, Mrs. Wurtzel, Mrs. Had
raba, Mrs. Morrison, Miss Edna Mor
rison, Miss Louisa Gorder, Miss Wehr
beln, Miss Flora Otto, Denver, Miss
Annie Kopla, Miss Ella Sattler, Miss
Hattle Hoffmann, Miss Maggie Hod-
Marvelous Growth.
Former Senator S. L. Thomas has
Just concluded the sale of forty acres
of his fine farm Just west of the
city. George Born la the lucky
buyer, paying the senator $r,000 for
the forty or at the rate of $ 1 2 T
per acre. This Is n line piece of
ground and Mr. Born believes it to
be well worth the price he paid.
It Immediately adjoins the fine farm
of Henry Born and Is rich, luxuriant
soil. The price is generally re
garded ns low for so well lying a
piece of ground. In 18." 8 Senator
Thomas was offered this forty acres
and the forty acres whero the coun
ty farm now stands for breaking out
the eighty acres adjoining. This Is
some Illustration of the marvelous
growth of land values In old Cans,
the garden spot of Nebraska.
Looking up Evidence.
Several Missouri Pacific men were
here yesterday looking up the evi
dence In the case wherein John
Rakes, Jr., lost his limb by reason of
falling under a moving train on the
Missouri Pacific railway, at the pas
senger depot a week ago Sunday.
Rakes gave the officials a list of the
names of those who were with him
nnd the full particulars of the acci
dent, lie claimed that two local
characters were with him and "five
Ruys" from Union. The officers went
from here to Union to look us the
"guys." Nebraska City News.
Recovery Despaired f.
From Frldny's Pally.
The many friends of Mrs. Fred
Horn of Beaver City, Neb., will be
shocked to learn that she Is critically
111 at that point and her recovery Is
despaired of. Mr.and Mrs. Horn are
very well known throughout this sec.
tlon of tho county having been resi
dents of this locality up to four years
ago when they removed to their pres
ent home In Furnas county. It Is
hoped that the reports of the Illness
of this most estimable lady are ex
aggerated and that the next report
which will be received will be that
she has fully recovered. A great
many of her relatives are now at
Beaver City called there by messages
announcing her critical condition,
for engineers to make phenomenal
hnrnta of Rneed with 1nr tr.ilns nnd
escane detection. For Instance, the lo,,,a De na" ri,ntlly "ODI the Bell
Burlington has a limit on most of -on,J,nny just as soon as the Indep
ita mnin lino division., nf fif mi,B P(,ldent Company went into business
I nn.l n..... ... I. I 1- .
an hour for passenger trains. The "K,f Blt" """" lou,tI 00 lnKen
running time Is usually thirty and wns taken to c,,(1 n"y """petition
forty-five miles an hour over dlvl- w"1,n misnt rome- mt tne movo
slons. That schedule Includes stops, c"me to Iate' Tho Independent's
so that It Is necessary to keep the n,,n(,e Bod nnd tlu'lr l,hont'fl
engine speeded up to near the rule 1lnre(1 ln tho 1,on,e9 ot tne dwellers
limit even when a train Is on time. n lown nna f 0,,ntry ,n ev,r ,nrre
Several days Burlington No. l.was lnR numbPrB- T,le cnuB0 of tn'8
delayed bv landslides In Iowa so l" ' e independent
much that It reached Lincoln about 'H"nr8 wn sought to cover the
p. m. instead of 7:20 a. m. The C0Unty vnh tholr ,Int8 aml who put
company made a great effort to
gei mis train tnrougn 10 mo west- District Court
em terminal as nearly on time as From Friday' Daily
possible, and during 1908 a six Judge H. D. Travis expects to be
months record of time every day able to hold the adjourned session
at Denver was made. When the of the district court, commencing
train Is late every effort Is made to Tuesday, July 6th, when the Jury
get It through without further loss will report for service at nine o'clock
of time. The train left Lincoln In a. m. At present the Judge Is biiT
charge of Engineer Young, and the ferlng severely from a large boll or
run of ninety-seven miles to Hast- carbunclo upon his neck but In spite
Ings was made In two hours flat, of this he hopes to hold the term In
and this Included the stop at Fair- Otoe county and follow It up with
mont. This was a gain of thirty- the July term here. A list of the
seven minutes over regular time. To esses set for trial has been prepared
do this It was necessary to cover al- which Is as follows:
most every mile of the distance at Henry Herold vs. William W
fifty mile an hour rate, and yet Coates. Trial July 6, 9 a. m.
those who saw the tape from the Ethel Clark vs. Jacob Fleishman
speed record says that In no place et al. Trial July 8, 1:30 p. m.
was the limit exceeded. Railroad Hugh H. Carroll vs. Edwin Jeary
men say It was one of the most re- Trial July 9.
Alfalfa liny.
I have a number of tons of Al
falfa hay for sale
J. C. Van Dorn,
Itlvcr Going Down.
The Missouri river today Is slowly
receding. Tho drop Is very small
but will probably Increase tonight
and tomorrow. The Platte river Is
also falling and there Is little or no
probabilities of a flood. Neither river
Is cutting the banks any more than for
several days past although It Is pos
slble they may crumble away as the
water goes down. The report of wa
ter being over the rip-rap nnd In the
the bottoms Is dlsputedbysevernlwh
went over to the Iowa side to lnves
tlgate the matter and It Is believed
tho farmers In the bottom will bit
able this year to raise a crp.
Smoke "Acorns" the cigar with
reputation. Made by Ptak St Bajeck
tual phones were put In and connect
ed up with the Independent lines
and before many years had passed,
the merchants and the resident of
Plattsmouth could call the In
dependent long distance service nnd
ln a moment talk to his customer or
his friend ln far-off Eagle, Green
wood, Murdock, Alvo, Weeping Wa
ter Avocn, Nehawka or Union.
Stations were also established ln
Louisville, where tho Independent,
Company has a large and growing
list, ln South Bend, in Cedar Creek,
In Murray where another big list of
subscribers tako their phone, and
from all theso points lines radiate
to all points. This service was a
godsend to the people nnd one they
needed, The Independent reached
out and soon had a line ln South
Omaha and Council Bluffs. Then
camo Lincoln and finally Omaha nnd
then tho Independents were In
trenched in tho strongholds of tho
Bell Company. And all this was be
cause tho Independent furnished
good service at a reasonable price.
This became so evident to the Bell
Company that the light against rea
sonable rates by cutting below them
was abandoned and In this city the
old company returned to lilcher
rates. By a recent decision of the
state railroad commission the Bell
Company Is permitted to wipe out
Its fifty cent and one dollar phones
and put the residence phones on a
bnsls of one dollar and a half. Un
der these conditions the decision of
many peopl here to cut out their
Bell phones and Install the Indepen
dent ln Its place, Is a wise one. They
should patronize the people who
made decent phono rates possible
and wno now furnish tho service
which tho merchants nnd the people
want. They have many more phones
In active service at present that the
other people and their numbers are
Increasing every day. The merchant
who wants to reach the people has
to have the Independent phono while
tho other serves him very llttlo. Ad
vanced rntes were not necessary and
tho merchant nnd home builder
knows this now.
marKame runs recorded here for a
long time. State Journal.
Otto F. Lau vs. Charles Hall.
Trial July 12.
Smith, McCord-Townsend Co. vs. nni.ln T-Inl 1 . . .. . ri n
i lit' i 'ui 111 et j i
aii tne arrangements now nave The Jurv -.., .,..,., ,, pm
hmin f mIIm trm rat aA t - l t i1iV xa I
pioyea some ten days or possibly two
non hi .Murray on Miiuruay, juiy a. weeks.
The committee on speakers have been
waiting for some time to hear from
Governor Sheldon, whom they desir
ed for one of the orators of tho
day, but It seems that their letters
have failed to reach lilm. He ban
been on his plantation In Mississippi,
for somo time, and It seems tho com
mittee could not reach him, and
they have engaged Hon. I). W. Liv
ingston of Nebraska City. W. C.
Ramsey, of this city will bo one of
tho orators. These two county at
torneys ought to be able to make the
eagle scream loud enough on the
grent nntlonnl day.
My Destroy the- Crop.
From Frldny's Imllv.
W. T. Smith reports tho appear
ance of a pest In his gooseberry
bushes which threaten to destroy tho
entire crop unless Its ravages are
speedily checked. Mr. Smith had a
number of bushes which promised to
yield an abundant crop of berries
up to a few days ago when tho pest
which Is a worm resembling the old
army worm In appearance save that
It Is shorter, appeared. It attack
ed the bushes a'nd In a short tlmo
had stripped them of their fruit.
The first method of attack consisted
of the worm cutting the berry from
the bush causing It to drop to ttm
ground where It was devoured. Af
ter cleaning the bush of tho berrleB
the worm attacked the leaves and
stripped the bush leaving It n bar
ren shrub. Out of what promised
to be a yield of three to four bushels
he was fortunnte In saving a half
bushel. There Is considerable curios
ity ns to what the pest Is.
He W'uh From N elm w kit
An unknown person who claimed
to have como from Nehawka this
morning went down to the M. P
yards for tho purpose of enjoying n
rest. Ho had squandered his money
for liquor nnd was willing to sleep
In the shade of a car with his head
resting on the Iron rail of the tracks
There was a switch engine at work
In the yards nnd It would hnvo been
but a short time before Coroner
Karstens would hnvo had a Job had
not Officer McOuIn happened along
and taken tho drunken man to Jail.
Somo people seem fo rn?oy sleeping
George A. B. Hlks came down on rnllrond tracks Nebraska City
i nis morning from Cedar C reek on News
the Srhuyler train to consult tho
trricers. Mr. Kicks suffered loss Philip Melslnger tho well known
last night by thieves and came down farmer from Eight Mile Grove pre-
ror tne purpose of having action dnet, Is In the city today looklnir
taiten in the matter. after business.
Means Defeat.
The Aldrlch taunt thnt the Insur
gent senators are not following repub
llenn principles does not square with
the declaration of President Mc
Klnley, made a few weeks before his
death, thnt the tlmo for trndo ex
clusion wns past and that the time
for trade expansion through more
mndernte tariffs was nt hand. Neith
er does It fit In with tho well known
stand taken by James (1. Blaine when
he was at the height of his popular
ity. The Aldrlch position Is not and
cannot be the nttltude of the repub
lican party. To Insist upon forcing
the party to such a degree of Bour
bonlsm menns defeat west of the
Alleganles at the next general elec
tion. In fighting sgalnst the Aldrlch
program tho Insurgent senators aro
bnttllng not only for the good of tho
country but for tho continued sue
cess of their own party. Lincoln
State Journal.