The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1909, Image 8

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X Short Items of Interest From Tues
day s Lvening Journal
Miss Mary Fropst la sepndlng the
day In Omaha being a passenger for
that city this rooming on the early
Prof. Asch came up last evening
from Murray and was a passenger
this morning for Omaha where he
will spend the day.
Mrs. Roy Dodge of Omaha came
down last evening for a visit In the
city for several days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ruffner. j
Mrs. M. B. Hauk of Omaha came
down last evening to spend today
In the city with friends, returning
to her home on the evening train.
Eugene Tlghe of Omaha spent
Sunday in the city, visiting Conrad
Kchlater and family and County
Treasurer, Frank Schlater and fam
ily. A. S. Will departed this morning
for Omaha from which point he ex
pects to start for old Mexico on a
business trip to be gone several
Mrs.John JIoekstraRscr and daugh
ter, Miss Hannah, were passengers
this morning for Omaha where they
will spend the day with friends and
Mrs. O.C. Hudson with her mother
Mrs. Reynolds, departed this morn
ing on the early train for Lincoln
where she will spend several days
with relatives.
Mrs.Hans Tarns and her daugh
ters Misses Anna and Bertha, were
passengers this morning for Syra
cuse, Neb., whero they will make a
visit of severnl days with relatives
and friends.
Conrad Schlater Is In receipt of a
letter from Father Nugut so well
known and popular In this vicinity
In which he remembers all Ms old
Cass county friends nnd expresses
the warmest appreciation of their
nany kindly wishes. Tne letter Is
written from St. Thomas' monastery
Erdlngton, nirmlngton, England. Th
health of tho Reverend Father Is ex
cellent nnd his letter Is optimistic in
nil ways. Mr. Kchlarer was niti'h
pleased at the letter which he highly
T. H. Pollock and Polloi K Par
mele automobiled to LouIsnII!-; today
on telephone business.
E. T. Richards of South Rend, is
in the city today looking after busi
ness matters coming down this morn
ing on the Schuyler.
Fred Ramge departed last night
for Leroy, Kas., where he has prop
erty interests to attend to. He will
be gone for several days.
John Gauer and James Terryuerry
from near Louisville were in tl.e city
today, coming downin the Mitch
ell car belonging to Mr. Gauer.
C. S. Wortman of South Bend is
In the city today attending ti busi
ness coming 'down t.ils morning on
the Schuyler and returning tMs afternoon.
Miss Josephine Johnson of Lin
coln, was a guest of her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson
Sunday, returning to the capital
city Sunday evening.
Mrs. Swlke of Maysvllle, Mo., a
cousin of Mrs. Dr. Roy Dodge, came
down last evening with her from Om
aha for a visit of several days in
this city with P. E. Ruffner and
In County Court today the last will
and testament of tho late, Johanna
Kennedy was admitted to probata.
Her husband, James Kennedy was
made executor of the will and filed
his bond.
County Treasurer Schlater departs
this evening for El Paso, Tex., and
other points in the southwest, go
ing down there on business matters
and expecting to be gone for sev
eral days. He will be acompanled by
A. S. Will and tho two gentlemen
expect to drop across the linn Into
Mexico before their return.
A party consisting of J. E. Me
Daniel, H. M. Soennlchsen, W. C.
Ramsey, Hans Kemp nnd J. II. Tarns
depart this evening for Oardendale,
Tex., where they go to inspect the
land recently purchased by a num
her of people from this city nnd
vicinity. They will be gone for about
one week or ten days. Mr. Me
Dnnlel expects to make a short visit
to his old homo at Salina, Kas.,
and at other points on tno road.
I vmui: tit r.i.i.t tio.n.
' I'.i !"l r l!" li.Sld ul LOJIll Coin-
! m I vt r-ajtideis Cojny, Je-
,.n . . i: MKTfLi: T!u: 'i.M.M-
. V i i"N ! A.-HLA.l lliAi.S.Ajf-
j r.i..ant u mi oroer uf lite lii.ard
j ef vui.i I'lUiumniii'iii'i'l of tSuuinlem
' i .imu, .Ntbrisk, made ami entered
I ii u ji..u i. I'.usi, and hy virme of tin
, a.itlioi'iiv vtste.i Ml iih ly the Klatute
. ... tin- State ot Nebraska hereinafter
' oescrilied, 1, A. N. Kltiielumi, County
CriK 'f Saunders County, .Nebraska,
I i.o lu'iri'V Kive notice tliat ou May Zl.
Is A I 'el It. ruller, kelson iMieuei,
11 t"i. Coleman. C. Kettle, K. K.. Hays,
C l Kittle. Chan. Miller, A. J. banner,
.uaiiiuirl Wollen. Mary K. Jesperfen.
j it. (iiatiKir and K. W. ln did file
In the ufflrt of Hie County Clerk of
Saunders County, Nebraska, their peti
tion in wrtluiK and also their bond
V.UI1 suretv tnereon, an in
and foim as ly
law reuulred. and
..ill said bond and the surety there
on .s on saiu oaie uy mo iui
prayer or. saiu pen
lias Wat in Time.
W. Kelly Fox, deputy treasurer
came near being incinerated this
morning through some Inndvertence.
He was busily engaged In the offlco
when he detected the odor of burn
ing cloth which presently develop
ed Into the road of raging flames and
caused him to look about to dis
cover the cause of the disturbance.
He found it to bo a small nre which
was raging on the Inside of his coat
pocket nnd threatneed to reduco
-blm to ashes In short order. At first
it was believed It would bo necessary
to call out the (Ire department but
later It was decided to stamp out the
devouring element without their aid.
'After a desperate fight the flames
were subdued but at the cost of one
side of bis coat which was badly
burned. It is stated that the flames
were started either by matches In the
pocket, a pipe full of fire or the
Black Hand. It any event Mr. Fox
feels that he had a narow escape
from emulating the example of tho
late Mr. Elijah and going up In a
chariot of fire. Some neonln nnmnv
them some of his friends sity ho Is ac.
climating himself for tho future but
this Is not generally believed.
Sunday Sciiooi Convention,
The State Sunday School Conven
tion meets in Kearney on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday of this1
week. Fully 1500 delegates nro ex
pected to be In attendance. An ex
celknt program lias been prepared,
Vlth a stupendous parade of D0O
men, composed of representatives of
the Bible, classes of the state. 0.
H. Weseott departed ns a delop,n
for that city last evening. Mr. MM
Morgan went this moniln ia an
tdectcd delegate from tho Christian
Sunday School of this city.
Will .Many in Onmliu.
Aug. Bach, Jr., accompanied by his
sister, Mrs. Peter Welch wero pas
sengers this morning for Omaha
where Mr Bach will bo united in
marriage tomorrow with Miss Agnes
Barry, a charming and accomplished
young lady of that city. It Is quite
needless for The Journal to say any
thing commendatory of Mr. Bach as
he Is so well known in this city that
a mention of his excellent qualities
would be superfluous. He is one of
the most prominent of the younger
business men of the clty.a young man
who has spent all his life here and
one whose whole history Is without a
blemish. In business he has been
thoroughly successful and Is a hard
working and painstaking gentleman
He Is deservedly popular and en
joys the friendship of a host of
friends who can not but vMi him
the greatest good fortune in his mat
rimonial venture. . j - i .-.
Miss Barry whom ho marries is a
young lady of much worth and talent
with friends by the score. She has
visited In this city a number of times
and all with whom sho camo in con
tact have been charmed with her
pleasing personality. That her mar
ried life will be only sunshine Is
tho slncero wish of nil who have
met this handsome and accomplice 1
young lady.
i.a iihisi'l arttl
Hon belnK for III oruaniiaiion ui
Aahiand 1'ralnaRo District, and said
petition being Med under the pro
visions of an Act of the Legislature of
the Stat of Nebraska, approved fcy
the Governor thereof on Marcu Ii'.
lo7. entitled:
"An act to provide for drainage
district to drain wet land: and land
subject to overflow; and any land which
will be Improved by drainage to build
dykes and levies, to construct, straight
en, widen, deepen or altar any ditch,
drain, stream or watercourse; to rip
rap or otherwise protect the bank of
any stream or ditch, to construct, en
larK?, extend. Improve or malntuin
any drainage synem; to construct,
enlarge, extend, improve or maintain
any system of control of surface wa
ter or running- WHter; and the rights,
obligations and powers of such cor
porations inciuiung ine power ui emi
nent domain, the creation of debts,
Issuing of negotiable bonds, and the
levying of special assessments on
such real estate and the easements
therein as may be benefitted by such
public work, and defining the duties
and powers of public officials" and the
amendments thereto.
Thnt the boundaries or sain propos
ed Ashland Drainage District as tixeil
and determined by suid Board of
County Commissioners by said order
entered on June 7, 190'J, are ns fol
lows, to-wit:
(All sections referred to below nre
In Township No. 1! North, Kunge No.
Nine K.ast of the Sixth I'. M., sections
one to twelve both Inclusive are in
Saunders County, Nebraska. All other
sections referred to ure in Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.)
Uommpncir.K at xr.c runicr ui
the Intersection of Third and Dey
streets in the City of Ashland, Ne
braska, thence west three blocks
along the center line of Dey street to
the center of the Intersection of Dey
and Sixth streets In snld city; thence
north one block along the center line
of Sixth street to the center of tho in
tersection of Sixth ana Silver streets
In said City; thence west three blocks
along the center line of Silver street
to the center of the Intersection of
Silver and Ninth streets In said City;
thence soutli two blocks along the
center line of said Ninth street In
said City to the east and west center
line of Section Two; thence west
along the east and west center line of
Sections 2 and 3 to the southeast
coiner of the west half of the north
west (imrtr of said section 3; thenco
north one-half mile fo the north line
of said section S; thence west along
the north line of said section 3 and also
section 4; to the northwest coiner of
section 4; thence south to the center
of the west line of snld section 4;
thence west to the center of
seel Ion f; thence south to the
center of the south line of an id
section fi; thence west along the
south line of said section it to the
northeast coiner of the west lmlf of
the northwest quarter of section S;
thence south one mile to the south
east coiner of the west one-half of
the southwest quorter of said section
s; thence east along the south line of
said section 8 to the northeast cor
ner of the west half of the north
east quarter of section 17; thenco
south o the southeast coiner of the
west half of the northeast quailer of
snld section 17: thence west to the
center of the west line of paid sec
tion 17; thence south along the west
line or snld section 17 and section L'rt
to the center of the west boundary
line of snld section 20; thence east
nlong the east nnd west center line of
said section 20 nnd section 21 to the
center of the east boundary line of
s;tld section 21: thence north nlonir
the east boundary line of said sec
tion 21 nnd section it; to the north
enst corner of said section 1; thence
east along the north line of sections
i.i nini 14 to the center of the north
boundary line of said section 14;
thence north to the nnrlliu'ai ..,n-,r
of the southwest quarter of the soulh-
rusi quiii'ier or section 11; thence east
to the northeast corner of the south
east quarter of the southeast (.oar
er Of said Section II! f hence nnvtli in
the ticrtheuMt cornel of .;,d i-ocllon
11; tlll'llie Wt'si IllimJ the nnrtli llr.a
of said section 11 lo n point where the
same Intersects the southeast boiind-
ury line or mo nRi,t 0r wav of the
t hlcngo, lJiii llugloii Ai Oiilncv llnll-
roiul t ohinanv: lliom o uin i
southeast boundary line of the light
or way and depot grounds of the said
. lih'itgo, . Iturlington & Qulncy Itaii
.".i.i uoipuny in a northeasterly dl
rectlon to a point where said south
V ii i intersects the cen
llKi:il TO MIMW f.UHi
j In the District Court of Cs COUn
; tv. Nebraska. ,. ,
iF KKul.NA WOl-r. iirAr..'u'.
'Cue taune comes on i"r hearing up
on the petition of J. V. Eeniierger,
administrator of the estate of lie-in
Wolf, deceased, piayinb' lor license to
Beginning at a point Forty-one (41)
roils Norm of the center of ."-ection
Thirteen 1 13) In Township Twelve
tl2 North, liange Thirteen (13)
Kast, running thence West Eighty
(&v rods; thence North Eleven (Ul
roils; thence east E'ghty !) rods;
thence south Eleven (11) rods
to the place of beginning, being
the North Half of Lots Thirteen (13
and Fifty-three S3 in said section.
Township and flange, as now shown
on the plats of Irregular tracts of
laid County. .....
The undivided one-half (1-2) of
Lots Ten (10 and Eleven (11) in
Block Thirteen (13) In Dukes addi
tion to the City of Piattsmouth, Casa
County, Nebraska, except the right
of way of the Omaha Southern Rail
way over and across said Lots.
The undivided one-half (1-2) of the
following tract of land towlt:
Beginning at a point Thirty (30)
rods North of the center of Section
Thirteen (13) Township Twelve (12)
North, Bange Thirteen (13) East;
hence running west Eighty (80) rods,
thence north Eleven (11) rods; thence
East Eighty (b0 rods; thence South
Eleven (11) rods to the place
of beginning, being the south
half of Lota Thirteen (13) and Fifty
three (53) In said Section, Township
and Bange, as shown by the Irregular
tracts In said County, except the
right of way of the Omaha Southern
Bailway across the same.
Or sufficient amount thereof to
bring the sum of 1350.00 for the pay
ment of debts allowed against said es
tate of the cost of administration and
In addition thereto tne costs of this
proceedings there not being any per
sonal property to pay the said debts
and expenses.
It Is therefore ordered that all per
sons Interested In said estate appear
before me at Chambers at my oflico In
the Court House In the City of
l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 24th
day of July, 1J09, at 10 o'clock a. nt.
of said day to show cause why a li
cense should not be granted to said
administrator to sell the above real
estate of said deceased or so much
thereof ns mnv be necessary to pay
suld debts and expenses.
listed tills 7th dav of June, moil.
Harvy I). Travis,
Judge of the District Court.
D. O. Dwyer,
Local Events.
' Public Much Dissatisfied.
1 The statement printed a few davs
! since in The Journal of the diati-
Dr. I. D. Jones of Murdock, is ' faction existing among the business
spending the day in the city, com-, men and the residents of the city
ing down on the Schuyler train this , over the action of the Nebraska
morning. ' j Telephone Company in shamlv ad-
Jacob Schneider of Cedar Creek Is I vaacing their rates in this city,
in the city today looking after busi- seems to have been the general feel-
ress matters coming down this morniln8 01 tne public over the increase.
Unexpected Itise.
After having fallen quite a bit, the
Missouri rive is again on the rise hav
ing started In night before last.
That night it raised about four inches
and yesterday and last night it added
a foot and two inches to the scale.
It is now about ns high as It has
been at any time this year and is
still rising. Reports from up the
river Indicate that the end is not in
Right a3 it is rising all along the
line. The rivers tributary to the
stream are also coming up rapidly,
the Platte and Yellowstone both be
ing at flood stage. The north Platte
is reported as being out of its banks
and flooding all the bottom lands in
Western Nebraska. If this flood
would catch the Missouri when it is
on the rise, it will have an appre-1
victim n iii-ii uil ll.. J lie IfllUttSLUIie IS I
ing on the Schuyler train.
C. D. Clapp one of Elmwood's
most enterprising and prominent
citizens, came down this morning for
a day's business in the county
Oscar Gapen came In this morn
ing from his farm near Murray and
wan a business visitor in Council
Bluffs going to that city on the
morning train.
Philip H. Meisinger, the popular
Eight Mile Grove precinct farmer,
was attending to business matters In
the city yesterdayt driving in from
his farm during the aftkernoon.
The county commissioners yester
day transacted little business aside
from passing on bills. They opened
the several bids for the contructlon
of concrete bridges but had made no
award up to noon today.
Mrs. Nelson Jones departed last
evening for a visit with relatives at
Silver City, Iowa, for several days.
She was accompanied by Miss Trua
South who will also visit there for
several days.
The commissioners of insanity this
morning heard the case of Mrs.
Bertha Oehlerking charged with in
sanity. After an examination they
found her insane and she will be
taken to the asylum at Lincoln. The
unfortunate woman has been In the
asylum before.
Mrs. Charles C. Parmele, Mrs. Dr.
J. B. Martin and Mrs. J. H Sals
bury were a party for Beatrice, Neb.
yesterday, going overland In an auto
mobile where they will spend sev
eral days in attendance upon the
state convention of the P. E. O.
which opens its sessions there today.
The automobile is in charge of Ed.
Barker as chauffeur.
A. Bach and 'wife were passen
gers this morning for Omaha where
they will be present at the wedding
of their son, Aug. jr., to Miss Agnes
Berry. The wedding takes place
this morning at half past nine
o'clock. Following the wedding tho
happy couple depart for an extended
bridal tour in the west visiting at
said to be swollen with water fromDc"Ver ,ther Plnts
the melting snow and to tie one of'
i George Becker has returned from
the principal causes for the Missouri
a week's visit with John Woods at
lAlvo. George reports crops in that
section as being very fine especially
wheat which has made a good stand
riwe. u is now ueuevea tne river i
may cover the bar opposite the city. !
The stream is nlsn rpnnrip l In lio !
cutting through the bar and heading 1 a"(! , vh g've a very heavy
for this side ef the banks again.
This may result In the river coming
back dose to the city..
ter line of Moln street In sni.l ru
Ash i.n.i- ti...n... .I..-
-nui .if nil grOlinilS to tho
vi iniru
to flm lntm.i.i.
and Main streets in Paid
(ilrl Wanted.
A Rood glii for general work at
Barclay's restaurant.
Seriously 111, --rt.
The Tnflny friends In this city of
Mrs. Allen Towlo of South Omaha
will bo shocked to learn that she Is
Very seriously 111 at her home. Her
condition last ninht was such that
her folks were much alumu'd and
the physicians held out slight hope
for her recovery. An operation was
performed last evening nnd this
morning she Is reported a much I in
proved. MVs. Towlo was formerly
Mlns Alice Sullivan of this city.
llne 'nr -?Prei n'."',h. alon,f tn" center
oln. nl'l'."''1 "e ,,o,k f the
point of beginning; the largest por-
"i-u 01 me lunil nc uded within snld
boiindar es i .V "a. "
ders County; NebrasKa. "UUn'
rtu iiinii owners within the
boundaries of said proposed Ashland
Oral nag IUstrlct and all others con.
eTecV;: bry , ,no1 iiw"1 "t 2
9 J ,,e ,le,,, on Friday, July
2, I9'!. between the hours of eight
oelock a. in. and six o'clock p. m at
the oil ce of the County Clerk if Snun
ders County. Nebraska. In the Co"
of' tl, f".f .r'V;1 i,,,Vlon " 'Hiestlon
or the formation of snld Ashlnml
in1'n.UBi" ,".trl:t ",,nU ,,n 'irm Ine
S-W,ntt on Uw a
iihir.?it -"r"" "r bnv hereunto
oinTiii' hr'mV """ nd attoche.l my
... r,v4 vuiimy mis .nine s. ii09
iSriM)) i.iincmiiii,
County Clerk of
Weak Throat Weak Lungs
Cokl after coM; couuh aflcr ctuivih! TiouMcJ villi this
taking-cold haml? Heller bre?.: it u; We r.ave
confidence in Avers Cherry IVcloral fir lr.i: work. No
medicine like it for .:u'a lliroaU rind wak litres. A:-!:
your doctor for his opinion. Ho knows a'l ado'it il.
His approval is valunMe. Lv;l!,v hi.- aKice tt .- :! lir.v. '.
No alcohol In this oh -!::i.v:. r. r l'f:, -,;. ' ... ,
Alvvav.M.'i;ie'ii ill. x.i'ivi mi'
Is tS. tut I f .r ilv
. . f
.1 C ..O '. .' ' i
1 1 "'
i '. hi :
.Saunders County
For t'ie CJolden AVest.
A party of Piattsmouth people do
part this afternoon for an extended
tour of the west, expecting to be
gone for some three or four months.
The party consists of Mrs. John
Ilohlshuh, .Mrs. Rout. Troop and
Misses Anna Egenberger and Rosa
Vorndrnn. They go from here to
Denver, Col., where they will visit for
several days with a son of J. V.
Egenberger who Is located there, af
ter which they will go to Salt Lake
City where they will stop off for
several days for a visit with relatives
anj friends. They will then go to
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Fortland
and Seattle, Wash., where they will
take in the Yukon-Alaska exposition.
They will later return home by the
northern route coming down through
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Ne
braska. They will doubtless have a
highly enjoyable time during their
trip as well as get an opportunity to
see Borne mighty fine country.
yield this year. Prospects for good
! returns for the farmers of western
( Cass county were never better. There
i has also been plenty of rain in that
Vicinity this year which has help
jed matters considerably.
! State Fish Commissioner W. J.
I O'Brien of Sout h Bend was in the
city yesiemay trying to locate a
boat stolen several nights ago from
the state fisheries. The boat Is a
fine metallic boat of considerable
value. It was taken in the night
and Mr. O'Brien Immediately on
discovering the loss started down the
river in search of It. He had found
no trace of It up to last evening
when he returned to South Bend on
the Schuyler train.
A great deal of indignation Is ex
pressed over the company's action
especially when it is taken Into con
sideration that the city had been
very lenient with the company and
had permitted It to operate here for
years In direct violation of the rates
as fixed by ordinance. The compe
tition of the Piattsmouth Telephone
Company had compelled the Bell
line to make rates which were fair
and reasonable bo little attention
had been paid to their violation of
the established rates. Now, how
ever, since the Company seems to be
disposed to Ignore competition and
fix rates to suit themselves, many of
their patrons are disposed to let the
company have its own way and fix
rates as high as they like. The
way the patrons intend to meet this
Is said to be by ordering the phones
taken out. In view of the fact that
the rates charged after July 1st,
are higher than the independent
company is charging and that the
latter company has many times a3
many phones in the city as the form
er, most of those who are having
their phones ordered out, arc instal
ling the Independent phone In place
of the Bell. Many others who did
not appreciate the benefit the In
dependent company had been to tele
phone users, now realize that this
company by establishing living rates
has made It possible for everyone
to have a phone In the house. Be
fore it entered the field only the
wealthiest people could afford phones
but when it came into competition
the Bell people promptly put the
rates down to where the phone
ceased to be a luxury. All this was
brought about by the Piattsmouth
Telephone Company who still stand
where they sta detrolvugt ewv.v
where they started out giving good
service at reasonable rates. These
things are all being taken Into con
sideration by the people whom the
Bell lines seek to raise the rates
on, with the result that the Tlatts
mouth Telephone Company Is now
getting its just share of the business
and everyday is adding new sub
scribers to their list. As the Piatts
mouth Telephone Company is a local
institution, the stock being held In
this city and vicinity, it has every
Inducement to give the people the
besi jf service and this it has been
conselenciously trying to do. It has
not advanced rates nor will it do so
until it becomes a matter of neces
sity which is not at all likely In the
Immediate future. It Is not a party
to any trust agreement or combi
nation and deserves the support of
every citizen who wants fair treat
ment In his business dealings.
For Sale
A six room house on Elm street,
two blocks east of M. P. depot, city
water, good barn and outhouses, one
half block of ground, fruit trees and
cellars, wash room and basement.
Inquire at Kroehler Bros, hardware
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Waterman and
daughter, Elizabeth, leavo Thursday
for Atlantic City, where Mr. Wa
terman goes to attend a master car
builders' convention. From there
they go to Philadelphia, New York
and other points, after which Mrs.
Waterman and daughter will spend
two months in Albany, New York.
State Journal.
Remember the big platform danco
at the old Pitcher farm near the
Taylor school house , on Saturday
evening, June 19th. Good music
nnd a good time assured. Given by
Will Vallery.
A stripper
cigar factory.
at once, at Budlg's
Fine Strawberries.
v vv ,
nun m i;,
Notice Is helvliV iilvim 11,,. t I,,.
tne of iliiittej mot I it n k iluip.i b.,.
niher Hot Ii. Im? i.. u .... ......
inept of Uie sum of $.".io.uo wiih in
teiet (line. in ;it the rale f a t...r
enl from snld dale. Snld mortaite lmv
"K 1'"en tiled In the offl.j ..r nn
'oiititv Court of Cass County, Xrhrni.
mi. nil, i I'MM'uteii nv iiuir) Tiirner to
erry Marsh and ly said M,i,Hi ond
I'V said Maish trnn'rerrnl to the Tlrvt
.t.iu.iiini iiuiik tn rinttsiiioiilh, Nehrns
kn. Tlutt iii'i'ii snld mmuiim. thnl
them N due nnd ininld the sum of t::0
llll l.ltili-M thereto, ,,, ,.(
nf per cent from ditto. Di.fnull lmv.
I hit lueti made In the pnvtnent of said
inn it n.i interest thriven nnd no soil
"i .im,. i pi ." ee.llnus liitvlnit lieell hl-
himhi-.i in recover s;ti, , ,. ,l ny
I'.iii inerooi. llirlel.'li. tli.i luvlerslmi-
'I will nell Hie pioperlv In snld mort-
iiiiki. iicteriiicii vlx: line , v horse
iiiiii" .t veins n il we u it I mm in.
one lior-oi mule Hiiro venrs old u..lirl.
1 v. ill ii 1.1 to
I-1 the hU'hest for cnsli nt )!,,.
' .in nit inn ioev lots nt the eornrr
"i no, i !evenlii streets In the
-u i i nv or riiiMHtoniitii on lh,. j.;ti
H.n ui .nine, run, nt the hour of
" ' lock p in of sal. I dnv.
I' ll it N.itlonnl H;uik of ri.ittsntotith
.Nel.i k:l. Assltfl if MorUilC'V
IV . hwyer.
The Journal was very pleasantly
surprised this morning by the re
ceipt of a fine box of strawberries
and gooseberries from Frultdale, the
fine fruit farm of J. C. Petersen, Just
southwest of the city. The berries
are the finest It has been the pleas
ure of the writer to ever see. .Thy
are large, and luscious and beat the
fnmous strawberries of southern
Texas, Arkansas or Missouri both for
size and flavor. Mr. and Mrs. Peter
sen take great pride In their berries
and well may they as they are cer
tainly extraordinary ones. The box
which sat on the editor's desk at
tracted the notice of everyuno who
called and they were the Bubjeet of
great praise. Certainly no finer or
better berries have been seen in the
local market this year or any other
year, for thnt matter. Our thanks
nre extended to Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter
son for their roinni"l)rn;ice.
1 .
i ,
, -! ,ll
V -r ' 7 .
Try "Acorns" when you want a real
snuiko. ptnk R I'.aJ.'.k Guarantee
petuN and workmanship.
In County Court yrrterday two
else were contlmn',1. The case of
the Ftato vs. Kntne was continued
until July 12. Attorney T. J. Poylo
of Lincoln who represented the de
fendant, wa unable to bo present
yesterday. The inse. cf K 11 vs.
Siko which was aNo set for hear
ing was continued until July 12.
This Is n d.unaro cns for nnult.
Chocolate Bon-Bons. W
& CO.