The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 17, 1909, Image 7

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    The voce
News Items Gstinred Easii Week by a Special Reporter lor This Department of the Seml Weekly Journal
Croquette sets and hammocks at
Copes'. I
H. G. Wellenselk was at Lorton
Try the flavoring extracts that
Copes sells.
Gus Kegley was down from Weep
ing Water Monday,
John Neumelster is working for
Contractor Smoots.
D. M. Johnson was down from
Weeping Water Monday evening.
The Rebekahs were busy Tuesday
evening initiating two candidates.
Mrs. Gus Mohr spent several days
this week with Syracuse relatives.
Louis Carsten is taking treat
ment at the sanitarium, at Llncoln
One of the heaviest rains of the
season fell here Wednesday afternoon.
L. J.,Marquards and eon, Freddie
were at Omaha the first of the
week. ' .
I. S. Ferls was up from near Ne
hawka Tuesday trading with our
merchants.' ' '
John Henry Busch was transact
ing business at the state metropolis
Wednesday. .
Misses Pearl Harmon and May
Bogard spent Sunday with friends
near Talmage.
J. C. Zimmerer and sister Mary
went o Omaha Wednesday via the
Buick route.
The Avoca Paving Company Is
putting in the new concrete cross
ings this week.
H. M. Townsley was here from
Union this week painting and pa
pering the interior of W. H. Betts,
Jr., residence.
Sheriff Qulnton, wife and daugh-l
ter, w ere over from Plattsmouth
Sunday, visiting at the Qulnton
home east of town.
Mrs. F. E. Brlckta and daughters
were down from Weeping Water sev
eral days last week visiting at the
home of Henry Franzen.
The Congregational Sunday 6chool
pupils observed Children's Day last
Sunday by giving a program In the
evening at the church. The children
reflected credit- on those who had
trained them for the occasion. The
decorations were tasteful and art
istic, flowers, plants and vines be
ing used. A collection for home
missions was taken at the close of
the exercises. "
Local Evenls.
J, G. Yanlloin is looking after
buIiuss la Onalia todav going to
h it city this M'.' in ius on th- early
Mrs. Silas Loiij; and daughter
were passengers this taoruing - for
Omaha where they will attend a
lecture on Christian Science to be
given today.
Mrs. George E. Povey and d:i uc li
ters Mrs. Rea Pu'terson and Miss
.John Albert was a passenger this Catherine Dovey were pasr,pcrs on
ties siiVE
State Commission Promulgates
Schedule of Rates.
An Enjoyable Event,
LastTriday, June"" 11th, Miss
Judith gtraub -of , district No. 77.
closed a iery successful term of
nine moths' ,se,haol, A large. crowd
was in ,attejadfvnce.and .'a long pro
gram enjoyed.
.The . parents pf the scholars pro
vided a bountiful dinner for the
visitors as well as scholars. Thei'e
were about thirty visitors whleli
made-;" In all, seventy, who partook
of the enjoyable dinner.
The song of 'welcome was given by
the school. Five of the scholars re
ceived honor prizes, which was a
certificate from the County Super
intendent, for perfect attendance for
six months. . They are Viola, Lu
cretia and Nora Harshman, Gladys
August and Francis' Straub.
' . , .ne Who Was There.
Pairrt that Pays
That's Patton's Sun Proof Paint. Why? Because it covers
' more surface, wears longer and looks better than any other
high grade paint on the market.
It adds greatly to the beauty and attractiveness of a pro
perty, and often helps to sell it at a profit much greater than
the cost of painting.
Get our free booklet and color card.
(Special Correspondence.)
morning for Omaha going up to at
tend to business matters In that
Wm. Holly, the clothing man, is
spending the day in Omaha being
a passenger for that city this morn
lag. ' ...
Thos. Wiles departed this morning
for Soulx City, la., where he has
some business matters of importance
to look after.
Ed. Donat was among those go
ing to Omaha on'. business matters
this morning, having gone on the
early train. .
A. W. White Is looking after
business matters today In Omaha be
ing a passenger for that city on the
early train.
Mrs. Frank Buttery and daughter
are spending the day In Omaha with
friends, going to that city on the
early train.
Charles II. Bailey is spending the
day in Omaha having been a pas
senger for that city this morning
on the early train.
Mrs. uobt. ward ana sons are
spending the day in ' Omaha being
passengers for that city this morn
ing on the early Burlington train
Mrs. Jos. Wales Is among those
spending the day In Omaha having
been a passenger for that city on
the early Burlington train this morn
?'. J. Svovney, the Oii.r,! monu
ment man, Is attending to business
matters In the city today, coming
down on the early train this morn
W. H. Venner and daughter De-
Ella,' are attending the Christian
Science lecture today In Omaha, go
ing to that city Tin the early morn
ing train.
Miss Frances Thomas is spending
the day at Fort Omaha with re
latives and friends, going to the city
this morning on the early Burling
ton train.
Charles L. Martin and wife were
passengers this morning on the early
Burlington train for Omaha where
they will spend the day visiting with
M. Weybright Is among those
looking after business matters to-
the morning train for Omaha wlure
they will spend the day visiting with
:P.P. Meislnger .was..'A-.paisoiger
this morning for Omaha where he
will visit with his wife lit th;bisi-
tal In that city. Mrs. Meislnger is
getting along nicely and 6ooa will
be able to' returu i to tr home,
something which everyone will be
pleased to note. . i
1 The condition of II." J. Strelght re-
Congress Likely to Accept Cor
poration Tax Provision.
Reports Show Bonding Companies
Last Year Collected $575,000 In Ne.
bratka and Paid $95,000 In Losses in
Three Years Oniverslty Athletic
Board Will Atk Rockefeller for Gift
of $50,000 Pharmacists In Session.
Cummins, LaFollette and Others Want
Income Tax Senate Adopts Finance
Committee's Recommendation Re
garding Admission of Philippine
Products Substitute for House Zinc
Schedule It Adopted. "H
Washington, June 17. The message
Lincoln, June 17. The Btate corn-
mains about the same and he does mission to fix the rates to be charged
not rally as fast as his friends might by bonding and surety' companies' la lot President Taft recommending the
hope for. Mr. Strelght's right side Nebraska promulgated its schedule. In Incorporation of a prov;slon In tho tar
Is baralvzed and his Benaralcniidl- many Instances the proposed rates of iff bill for the taxation of the earn
a.-.. i V- t ;. V th rnmnnnlen u'ern rpWteil onH Mia I lnes of rornoratlons and the adoption
nun is poor, n is to oe nopeu mat a ' " ..... . ,
a k...t I uuuru in uiesu uisiuuces uuouieu me ui icnumuuu iuuiwuk v u uu.vuu-
. u M nn v 11 I vl rail's. I illllJl Ul lilt! tuuniliuuuil du ua i jti-
uuu iuc ficuiiriuau may euun u HUH! d .. . ,.,.,,, n, a irn,na tnv uth.
Ul, lUUUlJT LlVilOUlllS UIUJJUDCU 1U1V .lie Jlllg V, ...vw.... ......
e cost' the counties', a tout Interference from the courts was
311.50, but the board I generally regarded by senators as of
a severe paralytic stroke sonie time adopted' a rate which will cost tho sich importance as to place In tho
ago has so far improved that he is counties $30,870. This was tho 1907 shade all quesUns pertaining strictly
able to be out and about, again, and rate- 1 Lincoln county the board re- to the schedules of the tariff bill. It
thlq mnrnlmr hp win n v!ltnr Wn auced. tno rate Horn I4U0 lor tho two was reicrreu to me nuance coiinmiu-i-.
town." Mr." Wilson U "still quite 'oars t0 230 toT tne snme Vo,. - In his messago the president speaks
Ul'pOllS KIIOW lll.ll lllU UUlUllllg COlll- I Ul Ul'l'anui hiuuiihj ui imiljino
panics last year collected $373,000 In to agree to nn Inheritance tax, ami as
Nebraska, paying $93,000 losses In regard:! nn Income tax he refers to the
three years. decisions of the supreme court In the
Want Rockefeller Coin.- '- case of Pollock vs. the Fanners' Loan
The University of Nebraska, through and Trust company, in which the court
to be out and abo.nt .e jpw...-- ratesVould hav
;.. U. E Wilson, who suftd 'such total of $35,311
weak and cannot, get around, yet
with his old time agility but still
he has improved so rapidly and so
well thnt it Is not believed It will
be long before he Is able to look
after his business. This Is the hope its athletic hoard, will make a fornful I held' that tax to be unconstitutional
of his many friends at least.
An annular eclipse of toe sun
takes place this evening visible in
this city If the weather continues
clear and the sky Is not obscured by
clouds. The eclipse will commence
in this city about 6:15 tonight. The
request to John D. Rockefeller for a unless apportioned to population. "It
gift of $30,000 to equip Its new athletic Js," says the president, "undoubtedly
Held'. ...... I n power which the government ought
If the oil king answers .the request fc have. It might be indispensable to
he will be honored by having tho field the nation's life In great crises."
named after him, the title proposed The amendment, therefore, he de-
bejng "Rockefeller Field." clares, was the only proper course.
The scheme of raising the money for Such an amendment to the constltu-
sun will probably set obscured. The fixing up the field has lust material- tlon, ho contends, wns preferable, to
eclipse Is visible to all that part of Ized and has the support of Chancellor the one proposed of reviving a law
the United States lying north of a Avery and C.overnor Shallcnberger. A Judicially declared unconstitutional,
line drawn from San Francisco petition that will be sent to Mr. Rocke- A Tax on Privilege,
through Tucson, Arizona to Corpus ft'lll,r ,,il8 bcpn drafted and the men In The aim,minient which be aya
Christl, Texas. South of that line contro1 of athletics at the university BhoulJ ,,e mnito to tho tar.irc bill, pro-
the eclipse is invisible. The ccllpso nre gttt,ng signatures of several vdes for the Imposition on all corpora
ls total in the Artie regions and "l '""" Ul "a "u tions and joint stock companies for
profit, except national banks (other
wise taxed), savings hanks and build
ing and loan associations of an excise
Dmnhn tn It.
in portions of Alaska. As Is known Creamery Workers Examined.
mis hum oi nn ecnpse is cnusea uy Fo0(, ,, nnlry Commissioner Majns
the moon passing between the sun held an examination in representative
Intending concrete work east of town
for the county last week.
II. S. Ough went to South Bend day In Omaha having been a pas-
Mrs. Will Casey went to Lincoln
Thursday, returning Friday.
James Friend and wife came down
from University Place Saturday to
visit relatives a few days. ,
Chas. Ayres came home Saturday
from Lincoln.
Miss Bertha Bucknell went to Lin
coln to visit with relatives Thurs
day. Uncle George Foster came in Sun
day to visit his sister, Mrs. A. Linen,
a few days.
Miss Pearl Driehause Is visiting
ber sister, Mrs. Lee Brillhart.
E. M. Stone and family went to
Lincoln Wednesday In their auto
Mrs. Kitzel and Mrs. C. R. Jor
dan went to Lincoln Wednesday.
Will Rosenow and family visited
a few hours Sunday with C. T.
Rosenow and family.
Mrs. Haller, ' mother of Mrs.
Isaac Toland and Mrs. M. Hard
knock, died Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Toland. She was burieil
Saturday at Grenwood.
Miss Pearl Clites went to Lincoln
Miss Delia Sutton left Monday
evening for Kearney to attend th-3
State Sunday School Convention as
a delegate from Alvo M. E. Sunday
Mrs. Georgo Oliver and children
nre visiting her folks at Elmwood
this week.
J. A. Shaffer went to Lincoln
Tuesday evening, returning Wednes
day noon.
Art Bird and family visited at
Wesley Bird's Sunday.
Miss Elsie Stout wns taken sud
denly 111 early Wednesday morning,
but Is some better at this writing.
Henry Rog arrived Tuosdaw from
Seward and spent the day with n
lathes. He went to Elmwood to
visit Herman Kopge nnd family n
few days.'
W. E. Newklrk spent a few days
at home the first part of the week.
Stephen Hulllih and wife, of Wa
bash; wen'Msithis Jno. Aaron's Sun
day. Mr. Aaron was much vovti
Sunday morning, but I. resting b"t
ter at present. .
P.av I.lnoh nf Omftlm wa In
tnyn .Monday.
Ed. Cney .went to Lincoln Sat
Commissioner Jordan was sup- r
Tuesday evening to attend thetaofao
S. V. Boyles went to Lincoln Tues
day evenlnge to attend the stat
Bankers' convention.
Mrs T. W. Berry and daughter,
Mrs. Carl Johnson, drove to Green
wood Wednesday to take the B. &
M. to Omaha.
Stroemer Lumber and Grain Co.
shipped hogs to South Omaha Wed
senger for that city on the early
Mrs. S. E. Carrigan of Havolock
who has been spending several days
in the city with friends, departed
this morning on the early train for
her home.
Mrs. M. W. Morgan accompanied
by Mrs. F. J. Morgan anJ son Paul,
departed this morning for Osceola,
la., where they will, visit with Mrs.
Morgan's brother for severnl days.
Osceola is Mrs. Morgan's old home
and as she had not been there for
many years, she will doubtless have
a very pleasant visit with her brcth-
and the earth, darkening a portion
of the surface of the former and In
some sections totally obscuring It
1 T.i iti lI-t on la ii Horse for Sale.
A throughbred Hamlbletonlan
Kentucky Whip horse for sale. Has
tax of 2 per cent on the net Income of
said corporations. This, jt Is esti
mated by him, will bring an annual
revenue of $25,000,000.
'This Is a tax on privilege and not
on property," he says, "and Is within '
hnll for those persons who desire a
permit, which will entitle them to
sample nnd test cream. All the per
mlts which have been Issued by tho
department expire June 30 and n or
tier that no ono will he kept out of ..,.,., ..,. ..lnollt nnDortlon
1 1 1 ..! II . 1
worn uecuuse ui naving no license nir. n,et nrror(iing to population
wains nas neen conuueune exanuna- ti,,, nPnui.i,,t ,.iia iimi n
been' tracked for about two weeks, tloI19 m varIou9 pnrt9 of ,he Blat0 (Iur. rrm.rntl,,n
nnd has made 2:28, after a few nK the, entire month. ,..ii ..ii
i IB u c uutiui D ii.niniuii niiau niu
days of tracking. A picture and The Nebraska State Pharmaceutical glvo t0 tho government, tho sinckhold-
pHdigree ot tnis norse may ne seen at association is noiuing us annual meei- .,. nn i tne mii.ic knowledge of the
the Journal office, and should you '"K here, with moro than 300 druggists rcnj business transactions and' the
desire to see the animal and test his ,n attendance. Mayor Love welconud gan3 an(1 pi.0fit8 )f eVery corporation
speed you may do so by calling at Ule an,pB,s,s 10 "in, nnu u.e re- , the 0Olmtry,
the J. It. Vallery farm near Mynard.
Call on James Sage, In the city of
Plattsmouth, and he will drive you to
the Vallery farm.
6-28-4t L. C. W. Murray.
sponse was made by Ban J. Klllen,
chairman of the executive committee.
Fort Omaha Aviators Are Mending
Balloons Wrecked In Last Flight.
Omaha, June 17. Ballooning " at
Gore's Motion Voted Down.
Senator Gore attempted to have tho
cbnimitteo Instructed to report on tho
Income tax feature of the message to
morrow, when, under general hgree
ment, the Income tax question Is ngajn
to be taken up for consideration. Ills
motion was, however, voted down,
and for the first time In many weeks
L. D. Mullen is at home agpiu
after serving on the Jury at Platts
mouth a couple of weeks.
A large number o" Austrlans and er and early friends.
greens are repairing me u u. l. A wedding party consisting of Mr,
& f. u. u. iracKs east or. town. F L. Grainger, the prospective
O. W. Fisher east of town is en- groom, Miss Louise Klssllng, the
tertalnlne his uncle. nrosDectlve bride. Miss Elizabeth
Dr. Mulr'and family went to Hrasky arid Mr. It'.' 'e! Mayfield
Greenwood Thursday.- friends,' departed this 'morning for
Walter Ford and Miss Highberger Omaha where .the wedding will take
of Lincoln visited friends In Alvo place today. Mr. and Mrs. Grainger
Sunday. will make' their future home la Lln-
Chester and Violet Ough went to coin out of which place Mr. Grainger
South Bend Sunday to visit with runs on the Burlington road
friends for a week. R. R. Nlckles drove In from li Is
R. A. Stone was a passenger for home near Murray to do some bus-
Omaha Monday. Iness with our merchants. Mr. Nick
Andrew Chrlstensen went to Om
River on tho Rise.
The Missouri river , last night rot-e Fort Omnha Is tak'ng a rest on ac
an additional five Inches and this count of the unfavorable weather. Re- the division was stric tly along pnrty
morning stood at eleven feet, the pairs to tho damaged dirigible balloon llncB, all the Republicans voting to lay
highest of the year but still scv- have not yet been completed. Parts on the table, while all the Democram
eral feet below the high mark of 01 ine ,,,nrni''ry supplant hiobg voted against that proposition
nkt venr Tho wntep i unw nnr nn Pul 0,11 01 commission in me wrecK oi Senator Ballcy gave notice thnt he
the bar in front of the .. city 1 and luV ,V" , , , .1 I . a emilI1"ml provision ue
.,. .,.. .. . !, i. ,. such a delicate nature they will have for a graduation of any income lax
Biiuuiu ii luiiiuiuc ii use nmi-u 10 in,, ,.r.., a i .. ...- . . , . ,
i i uc nn- iuii; iiiiiuuiawi.uii.-u uun urn i nnu niiKiii uo pruviuuii nir unu mil-
ndlcated for several days nt least Fcrt 0mahft au,horltk,8 are awaiting mated that much time would be nec-
X- I 1 1. M ll. . 1 I
Here is u goou prospeci ior ine "n i melr arrival dally. ersary to get through a provision
tire bar being covered to the depth Captain Charles DeForest Chandler, which did not carry that qualification.
of several Inches. The cows which who has been assigned to duty as I The senate ndotited the finance com-
i - i
have been pastured on the bar for chief disbursing officer of the signal mlttee's recommendation regarding
several weeks past are now' com- corps, left for Washington. The actual the admission of Philippine products,
nelled to foraee for their food as balloon work will be left in thnrge of but not until after two or three
the pasture Is threatened with over- Lieutenants It. S. Bamberger, J. G. amendments hnd been voted down.
flnw nnv iimo Tim riupr a ctin "inter, u. a. incKinson ami j., b. Senator Aldrlch presented tli
cutting above the city nnd the rur-
aha Tuesday.
Wm. Boyles of Lincoln Is painting
his house south of town this week.
P.oo.e in Lincoln.
It would be seen from the follow-
les found the heavy rains did quite
a good deal of damage to his farm
during his absence and yesterday he
got another soaker multiplying his
troubles. Ho will return hlme this
J. G. Richey, wife and son Liv
ing from the Lincoln News that pro- lngston drove down to the home of
hlbltlon falls to prohibit In our cap- Claude Everett near Union where
Ital city: "Although it is the gener- they wil spend several days. Mr.
al understanding that Lincoln voted Riehey has quite recovered from his
at the last election to prohibit the illness although still very weak and
sale of Intoxicating liquors, there there Is small doubt but that he will
are wagons going atiout the city K,t along nicely hereafter. He has
every day making house to house had a long and hard nolge of It
deliveries of bottled beer In crates, hut with the return of warm weath
It must be beer for a big sign on rr, he has Inproved a great deal.
each wagon heralds the name of the Mrs. J. E. Hndley and daughter
commodity so dispensed. The police Bessie, came In this morning from
department Is taking cognizance of Tubor, lown. where they have been
this business ami has started nn In- visit I nir. Tln-v will snend tho dav
vesication to find out where the Wth her sister, Mrs. If. K. Wilson
liquor comes from, but so far noth- nnd family nnd continue their Jour
ing nas neen uoii". i acre nre some n,,y homeward to Cedar Falls lo-
penpl,. who believe that since the Inn-ow morning. Mrs. Hndley nnd
suioon Keepers lino palil licenses daughter visited here several davs
have been compelled to quit liusl- n short time since, hi 'fori' trilna t(
ties lt Is not exactly n sciuare d-al
to I.-t somebody else come In and sell
booze without paying a rent for the
privelege. It also Ft liken n good
many folks tis Inconsistent to be ar
resting bootleggers while permitting
other non-licensed persons to vend
thlr ponds In the broad light of
Henry Prosser,
Contracting", riastcrinp. Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
rent is filled with trees and rubbish
rut from the banks. The Indica
tions this morning were that the
stream had commenced to fall as
there were marks Indicating higher
water during the night than thw
gauge showed. ,
The fall however, Is not due here
for several days as It was station
ary at Soulx City night before Inst
and still rising at Blair. It Is pos
sible the Platte water may be tho
cause of the apparent fall.
At noon today the river Is appar
ently nt a standstill and there are
some signs which would indicate It
Is slowly receding. These are off
set however, by an Increase In the
quantity of surface on the sand bar
covered by water which Is slowly ex
tending nlong the city wnter front.
It was reported that the river was
flowing over the top of tho rip-rap
on the Iowa side Just below Henton's
nnd If this is the rase It. probably ac
counts for the apparent fall In the
river on this side. If the water
commencing to go through on tin
Iowa bottom It would probably lower
tin- lu iulit on Hie wind bur In front
of the ity.
From tile I'OMlt house. Iiowevi r
no water was n ip;i r-n t hi the bot
tom and It Is thought .the rumor I
probably without foundation. Tli-r
Is little llk'iihood of n much higher
stage oi i no nver tins spring ns
It Is falling nbove Blair while th
water In the trlhutarl" In nlso sub
Veare. finance committee's substitute for the
As soon as the dirigible Is again put house xlnc schedule. The committee
Jn repair, another detail of officer stn- amendment provides for a graduated
dents will come to Fort Omaha from scale of duty on the sine In sine ore
Fort Iavenworth for Instruction In In place of the fixed rate of the house
tho art of ballooning.
Senator Burton spoke ngajnst anj
duty on rlnc ore, while Senators Hey
bnr, Guggenheim nnd others advo
cated even a stlffer rate than was pro
posed by the committee.
All the financo committee's recom
mendations as amended wero finally
adopted. Tho committee's suggestion
Breaks Arm In Card Game.
Ponca, Neb., June 17. A gang of
men and boys assembled at Nelson's
brick yard to play cards. In the course
of a gnme the excitement ran high,
seme words were passed and Charles
Matson phked up a brick and threw
It. striking Earl Johnson In the .rm.Lf Ul(J c)UnK(lg , , k chl(luU
mcniving me nones aimt.i mree inrw? , woru a(loptod.
IH, I II UIU Wlini. I Di.p..eluee a rAli. CIU
rvyivniits v vviiiiuuu r imh
Rlverton Man Whirled to Death. "ve progressive uepuoucan senu'
Rlverton. Neh.. Juno 17,-Hls cloth- i"r". llonl". nnsiow, cummins, ii
Ing cntchlng In tho main drive belt of Follette nnd Clapp, conferred to detor-
the Rlverton roller mill. Frank Mor- ln-' wnl l,1(,,r numuie is to no in
nn nn nmninvei. nf Mm m nt relation to me mcottio lax auientimeiu
hurled round nnd round the shafting o tho tariff bill In the face of Presl
until his Life was crushed out and his dent Tuffs special message to con- reduced almost to a tmtn. He Is W favoring tne sunmission or tne
a son of Charles Morgan, the town l'i'stlon " t'1" fr ronstltu-
Train Accident or Suicide.
Omnha, June 17. A note found In
tho pocket of John Ilrakefleld. who
was fatally Injured In the M.'ssourl
Pacific yards and died nt tho General
hospital, luilliiiies that he might have
taken bis own life In a fit of despondency.
. Sheridan SmaEho Record.
Pittsburg, June 17. Martin J. Slier
Man,, champion all around athleto of
the world, wearing the Insignia of the
Irish-American Athletic dull, lowered
his own record In the standing hop,
skip and Jump, hurljng himself 32 feet
Ci Inches.
tlonal nmetidment.
They decided that the president's
plan Is not Inconsistent with their ib
inaiuls for the adoption of an amend,
ment taxing Incomes and that both
may be adopted l harmony. They
assume that the president's plan, In
dorsed by lending Republicans on the
financo committee. Is designed to
"chloroform" the Jnconio tax amend
li'cnt, but nevertheless they will con
tinue to fight for Its adoption.
Great Western Delayed.
Benton, la., June 17. A big washout
occurred between Benton nnd Atlu 1
Han, delaying Great Western traffic
for six hours. The heavy rain wrecked
three sections of truck
1 I
i'hono 107, Elmwood, Neb.