Ir rranTrorww'ww " -'"'c- """"" "" J " "sa.a-ji R3 g ON OTP C3AV LV n For Particulars Address Members of the Committee as Follows: O. A. DAVIS, Chairman. W. G. BOEDEKER, Secretary-Treasurer, JAMES W. HOLMES, Concessions. Murray Department PREPARED IN TIIE INTERESTS OF TIIE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. If any of the readen of the Journal know of asocial event or an item of interest in Oiis vicinity and un'Jl matt same to this office it trill appear under this heading. Wt icant ail items of interest. Editor Journal. r DC DC WHAT DANK SERVICE MEANS Each customer's business receives the at tention of our officers. These men of exper ience can make your matters more exact. Whatever part of your business that comes through this bank is carefully inspected. This is safeguard for you; the chances of error are lessened. Your business success is reflected on the welfare of the bank. Our officers are interest ed in th bank's customers. We invite you to become one of our num ber of satisfied cu;t mes, and we seek the op portunity to explain i"ir service in detail. Murray State Bank Q W. G. BOEDEKICK, n V3 M '2Z3C. r?CX 0 Sum Pitman was looking after business In Omuha Monday. II. L. Oldham was In Omaha Tuesday attending the creamery convention. Henry Rocs, from south cf Ne hawka, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs Nick Klaurens. Don't fall to attend the band Ao rtal Saturday night. There will be plenty of amuHemcnt, fine music and plenty of Ice cream and cake. Misses Oertlo and Ilertha Pitman, who came In from California a few weeks since, are visiting relatives and friends In Murray and vicinity this week. MIhhch Edna Petersen and Leona llrady of Plattsmouth were Sunday KiieBts of Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Lough rldgo and also of Mr. and Mrs, James Loughrldge. "A Cheerful Liar," In three ats will bo rendered by the home talent young peoplo on Saturday night July 3. Itear this In mind, and watch for further particulars next week. Mrs. Addlo StokeH spent Satur day evening and part of Sunday with Mr and Mrs. S. I Long In Plattsmouth. She was brought home by Mr. an Mrs. Long Sunday even In K. D. J. Pitman was kicked on the leg and hip three times by ono ofi his horses Tuesday, and has been I confined to his homo since. While nothing serious, the wounds have been very painful. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jameson, of Weeping Water, and daughter, Miss Mary, and Miss Dorothy Murty, tlrovo over and spent Sunday with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rrendcl. While in Murray this week the Journal srrlbo had the pleasure of meeting Dr. H. K Simpson, of Omaha, who is looking after Dr. Gllmore's praetlco during the absence of the Doctor and Mrs. Gllmore, who de parted Tuesday night for Oklahoma to visit friends and take a view of tho country. We find Dr. Simpson to bo a very pleasing gentleman W. K. Loughrldge is again on the sick list. Chas? C. Pnrmele was a brief call er In Murray Tuesday. Henry Umber of Nehawka spent Sunday with Ms sister, Mrs. Nick Klauitnt.. Col. Seybolt, A. L. Daker and J. C. Snavely automoblled to Nebras ka City Monday. D. C. Rhoden and Cashier Doe deker were business callers in Plutsmouth Saturday evening. , G. E. Young and wife, from near Nehawka, wore In Murray Friday visiting Dr. J. E. Drendel and wife. Chas. H. T.oedeker took the early train for Plattsmouth Monday where he had business matters to look after. Mrs. Wm. Drown, sr., has been on the sick list the past week, but has been very much improved the past day or two. The front of the Murray State Dank received a coat of paint lust week, which Improves the looks of the building very much. W. D. Roedeker and wife, ("has. 1 1. and Ma Dodeker and Wilhvrd Lampe drove to Plattsmouth Tues day evening In Glen's new auto. Mrs. W P. Hutchison and daugh ter, Miss Ora. from Rock Uluffs took tho ten o'clock train for Union Tues day, where they spent the day visit ing relatives Pert Thllpot and Fred Hild drove through Murray Tuesday evening in his new Maxwell auto. Pert had sold the machine to Mr. Hlld and was giving him a few lessons on driving the machine. The Max well Is a good car and no doubt but what Mr. Hlld will be well satisfied with It. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Minor, of California, who have been visiting former neighbors and friends In this vicinity for the past two weeks de parted thin week Mr. Minor go ing to Ohio to visit the scenes of his early boyhood days and Mrs. Minor Is going to Kenasaw. Neb., to visit her brother and family until .they return home. D. A. Ammlck, of Plattsmouth, was in Murray a few hours Mondcy Miss Maude Rusterholtz Is report ed on the sick list, but nothing of a serious nature. George Stones has a little daugh ter quite ill with remittant fever, but nothing serious. Miss Grace Jameson of Weeping Water, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Brendel, this week. We regret to learn that our old friend, C. Bengen is on the sick list, and we hope nothing serious will result. Tommy Nix, whom we reported last week as being down with a serious case of rheumatism Is Im proving. Come and bring all the family to Murray to celebrate this year. Here you can enjoy a regular old-fashioned reunion. Ccme to Murray Saturday night and enjoy yourself by attending the band Ice crenm social. You will re gret it if you fall to be hero. Help tho Murray band by unend ing the ice cream social Saturday night. You are guaranteed a good time; so bring your girl with you. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker enter tained Misses Gertie and Bertha Pitman at dinner Tuesday. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis. Arrangements are perfected to en tertain an Immense crowd in Mur ray July 3. Don't fall to be here. The celebration will be held In on? of the most beautiful groves In Cass county. Dr. J. J. Lamp, father of the young pastor of the Presbyterian church, will occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Dr., Lamp is said t be r most eloquent speaker. Don't fall to hear him.. Mrs. B.. A. Root and son, Carl, of York, Neb., came In Monday for a week's visit with Dr. Root's par ents., On account of business mut ters Dr. Root was unable to come at this time.. Col. J. B. Seybolt and A. L. Baker went to Plattsmouth Tuesday even ing and brought home Mrs. Baker and Ophla, who had gone up on tho evening train to do some shopping. Everybody Is coming to Murray to celebrate this year. Why? Be cause they can bring their dinners and sit under the beautiful shade trees and enjoy a regular old-fashioned time Saturday, July 3. A number of the friends of Miss Ona Lowey received announcements this week of her marriage, which oc curred at her home In Chillleothe, Mo., Juno 12. She was the guci-t of the Misses Oldham last summer, and Is a niece of A. M. Holmes. Tho many friends she made hero dining her visit extend congrntulnHor.s. An Knjoyable Afternoon. The Presbyterian Aid Society met with Mrs. A. V. Kennedy list Friday afternoon. There was an ex ceedingly large attendance and nine new members were added to the roll. After all business was trans acted and a social hour enjoyably spent, a two course luncheon was served. One who was there says It was not only a great meeting, b it that the refreshments were the fin est ever served by any member. PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN &CORY. Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska To Visit in Oklahoma. Dr. George II. Gllmore of Murray, came down from Omaha this after noon where he had been to visit some of his patients In the hospital there. Dr. Gllmore brought the cheering information that Mrs. Mark White Is steadily Improving and 13 In much better shape than for some time past. He also Informs us that Mrs. I. S. White at her home in Murray Is als some better. Both of these Items will be received with pleasure by the many friends of the two ladies. Dr. Gllmore and wife leave tomorrow night for Mlnco and Chlckasha, Okla., where they will visit with relatives for several days and where the doctor will take a brief vocation. In his absence Dr. Simpson of Omaha will look after his practice going to Murray for that purpose. A. A. Peak Dead. A. A. Peak, whom we mentioned last week ns being very 111 at his home at Franklin, Neb., died last Saturday. Mr. A. M. Holmes, who was called to his bedside, remained until after the funeral, and then went to Kearney to attend the State Sunday School Convention. From there he will go to Dallas. S. D., to visit his son, Arthur, before re turning to Murray. Mr. reaK uvea in t'ass county uoui imny years ago, an.t was quite well known as a settler of Rock Bluffs precinct at that lime. The cause of his death was Bright disease. ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? ? RATES $1.00 PER DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade i and Guarantee Satisfaction, f " " WHEN IN THE CITY GIVE US A CALL The Perkins Hotel ? f ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? f T To Head of Horses for Sale. The undersigned has 20 head of good young horses to dispose of at private sale, in any number de sired. They are large-boned, in good shape, and none of the branco order. They can be found at my six miles southeast of Mur Come and see thera for your Prlces reasonable. Frank Vallery. ' Murray, Neb. place, ray. selves. Seeks Rc-Ktectlon. , County Superintendent Jklary E. Foster Is today W;ln,g her, petltlou for county superintendent under tho new non-partisan Jaw, circulated and It Is receiving the signatures of all who have seen It. Miss Foster dur ing her term ns superintendent hns made an excellent record In that po sltlon and Is thoroughly and cordial ly endorsed by all for re-election She Is perhaps, the most popular as well as the most efficient superin tendent the county has had in years and deserves an unanimous re-elec tion. Barber and Telephone Woinnn Mix. The village of Nehawka presided over by the irrespresslble Col. O'Day got out from under his watchful care on Friday and something was doing for a short time and the vil lagers will have something to dis cuss for some time to come. William Tinker runs a barber shop, and being a cripple from tho effects of rheumatism has to move about with canes. He has bien do ing very well until some time ago an opposition shop was started, and a good deal of the new trade went to the new shop. Tinker put in a stock of ice cream and was doing a land office business, when tho tele phone central, Mrs. Ruthford, a wid ow woman with eighty acres of land determined to also handle Ice cream, and asked the barber as to what he would do. He replied In a letter, and Btated that he would cat the price and' see who would profit by the deal, and it was this letter that made things hum. "Central" posted the letter In the front window and the populace was having a good time making fun of the barber, and this hurt his feelings and he pro ceeded to the central office and going in tore the letter from the window, and as he was turning the corner "Central" who is a very large woman lit on him and tore hU shirt off, and of course the barber ran and for a cripple made a good race. Peace was restored, but the town Is taking sides and the end is not yet. Nebraska City News. Sheriff's Sale. BV VIKTITE OF AN ORTiEU OK SALK. Is sued by James Koliertson, clerk of tlie District Court wllliln anil for Cass county, Ne braska, and to me directed, I will on Die 24th Day of July, A. D.,1909 at ten o'clock a. m., of said day at the south door of the court house. In said countv. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate to-wlt; Lot No. fourteen. (H) In block four (4) In the vlllatre of Murray, Cass county, Nebraska. The same belnif levied uihui and taken as the uro Iierty of Leila F. Queen and Allert Queen, de fendants, to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by I'eler Caniilell. administrator of the estate of Tboma L. Camilell, deceased plalntllf, atralnst said defendants. I'lttltsmouth. Nebraska. June Istb, A. P., HDM. C. I). Ql'INTUN. Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. Ladies Extend Their Thanks. The Ladles of the Christian Aid Society desire through the Journal VanHorn for the use of his store room in which to hold their bazaar, and also for his other aid during the progress of the same. They desire to have the public known that they very much appreciation the potron age given them and extend their thanks for the same. Maple Grove. Messrs Chas. Henen and wife and Harmon Beck and wife were coun ty seat visitors Saturday. Mrs. Will Troop left Saturday for a few days visit with relatives at Lincoln. Ed. Gansemer made a business trip to Murray Saturday. Fritz Lutz and Mata Puis spent Sunday at the home of Alfred Gans emer. Fred Engelkemeler and family of Plattsmouth, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Puis Sunday. Where are you going to celebrate? Murray, of course. There Is where everybody goes July 3rd., for a good time. Miss Laura Puis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis. Miss Maude Rusterholtz is on the such list this week. J. B. Seybolt of Murray passed trough our city Saturday with his auto. Messrs Teakotter & Smith began Monday to build P. A. Mlld'a new barn. Fred Hlld purchased a new auto mobile of Bert Phllpot this week. Myniird Items. W. T. Richardson was attending to business In Omnha Monday. ' Mrs. James Gruber of Union 's visiting friends near Mynnrd ilils week. Mrs. Will Stokes and daughter Elsa and Miss Anna Snyder spoit Sunday nt J. II. Adams'. Miss Flora Otto of Denver, Col., visited Wednesday with George Melslnger, sr., and wife Mrs. Frank Prlece and daughter MUs Florence of Omaha was visiting the fnmlly of W. T. Richardson Sun day. Misses Mayelo and Ednah Propst and Harriet Adams returned from York, Neb., Wednesday. Frank Richardson and family of South Omaha are visiting a few days this week with relatives In Mynard and vicinity. G. W. Snyder wa . visitor In Plattsmouth Wednesday- For Sale. 5,000 acres of good farming, hay and grazing land In Kdth county, Ne braska, all prairie. On account of the proximity of the two Platte rivers plenty of rainfall Is assure.. Handy to get to, being six to twelve miles from a good town on the U. P. R. R. Trice $10.00 to $13.00 per acre. Terms Is desired. Address to owner, John M. Livingston. Nebraska City. Nebraska. For Sale. A good, well Improved seventy acre farm, Ave miles southeast of Murray. For particulars see James Chalfant. Remember the band social Sat urday night, June 19. Ilugglc! . IliiKgit! I have several new up-to-date bug gies that I want to sell right away, and I am going to cut the prices to bed rock, in order to do so. Come quick, w hlle you can get one of these fine buggies at almost cost. I mean Just what I say, John H. Cook. Murray, Neb. Stock Wanted. I have 250 acres of pastur and will take a limited number of cattle and horses for the season. Frank Vallery, Murray. To Enjoy the full confidence of the Well-Informed of the World and tho Commendation of the most eminent physicians it was essen tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figi and Elixir of Senn.i should be known to and approved by them; there fore, the California I'ig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. Tho perfect purit; and uniformity of pro duct, which they d:.unl in a laxativo remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to tho Company only. The figs of California are used in tho production of Syrup of Figj ami Elixir of Senna to promote tho pleavint taste, but the medicinal principle are obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To g"t its beneficial effect always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for so by all leading druggist. i