The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1909, Image 6

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For Particulars Address embers of the Committee as Follows:
0. A. DAVIS, Chairman. W. G. DOEDEKER, Secretary-Treasurer.
JAMES W. HOLMES, Concessions.
Murray Department.
If any of the reader of the Journal know of a nodal went or an item of intercut in this vicinity and will mail same to this office it mil appear under this heading,
tyt want all items of interest. Editor Journal.
what nnnrr cEmrinc u
ICach customer's business receives the at
tention of our officers. These men of exper- fi
ience can make your matters more exact.
Whatever part tf vour bunness that comes
through this bank i carefully inspected. This
is safeguard for sou; t he chances of error are
1 Your business success is rtllected on the'
1 Wtliare OI Hie u;tnK. win uuilu.- aii: iijicit:i
I ed in the bank's customers.
We invite yon to become one of our num
ber of satisfied cu.-t.nnes. and we seek the op
portunity to explain ir service in detail.
Murray State Bank
rt W. (i. BOEDEKICR. n
y- it c -irV
Levi Slagle was a Plattsmouth
visitor Monday.
Miles Standinh was a county seat
visiter Monday.
Mrs. A. L. Baker was In Platts
mouth last Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Rhotlen was a Platts
mouth visitor Monday.
Miss Ida Boed' ker was a Platts
mouth visitor, last Friday.
Miss Young was In Plattsmouth
last Saturday afternoon.
F. M. Young, sr, was a Platts
mouth visitor Wednesday of this
Mrs. (ieorgla ('reamer was an visitor on Monday of this
The Journal in Error.
While In Murray Wednesday, and
In conversation with M. G. Churchill,
who was in Plattsmouth with Col.
Jenkins Saturday, and was in the
auto at the time the Lelner horse
j ran away he said the Journal greatly
tried in in its report of the affair.
Mr. Churchill says the auto had
stopped and the horse did not at
tempt to run until the hitch strap by
which it was tied to a ring In the
walk gt;t wound around its leg,
which also helped to frleghten the
animal. It did not jump as though
frightened, hut walked several steps
and could have been caught by
some men on the' sidewalk before it
began to run. Of course this is
the other side of the story, and we
GUTHMAN & CORY. Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
j and Guarantee Satisfaction, t 1
The Perkins Hotel
j W. II. and O. V. Virgin were ! am sorry that any misstatement was
j transacting business in Plattsmouth made in giving what the Journal
I Monday. I thought a correc t ac count of the in-
W. T. Flouncing was looking af- j ' 1,U'nt'
! ter some business mailers In Platts-
inoiitli Thursday.
Mrs. J. A. Walker and daughter
Vi Marjorle were in Platts
liioiiih Thursday of this wtek.
A Letter of Thanks.
"I take the liberty of sending
you a few words about myself. For
a whole year I was suffering with
my stomach and medicine did not do
me much cnrwl until I fnnnit tha
Dr. Alex Walker and Miss Jessie .best remey which cured me, that i
Gilmour United in Marriage ,K'r"s Au'( 'i1 E"xir a Bitter
nine. I wish to thank you very
Nebraska City, Neb.,June 9. (Spec- j ruueh. William Miller, 11. F. D. No
ial to The Journal.) Dr. Alexander h Okalona, O. This letter came in
E. Walker and Miss Jessie M. Gil-I many persons are sufaovbgkqv.yptao
Mrs. Bamlstor, living t,n the Good
Todd farm, is very sick.
Mrs Guy Burton, of West Plains.
Neb., Is here visiting friends for a
few days.
Sum Pltniau and wife are as hap
us two lurks In the spring time.
They are now occupying their new
home, recently completed to their
The many frfeuds of Mrs. Mark
White in this vicinity are phased
to learn of the improved condition
of that lady. All reports IndltTte
her speedy recovery.
A. M. Holmes was railed to
Franklin, Nib., last Friday on ac
count of the Illness of Gus Peak, a
.former resident, of this vicinity and
u relative of the Holmes family.
Dr. P. F. Prendil accompanied
Grundiuu Fleming to Omaha Wednes
day morning for un operation for
necrosis of the ribs where she Is
t-t 111 at St. Joseph's hospital doing
Mrs. L( u Adams, accidentally run
a neddle through her left huJ a
Tew days ago, and It became so vciy
painful that Dr. ltrendel was (ailed,
who immediately gave the suffering
lady relief.
The district Sunday school con
vention which was to have taken
plue on Wednesday of this In Mur-
p'.ace on Wednesday of this week!
1n Murray, has been postponed to
liome date In August.
Children' Day was very fittingly
observed at both chtirche IuhIi
Sunday. In the morning at the
Christian church ami In the even
ing at the Presbyterian church.
Large audience attended both
plates and the program waH admir
ably rendered.
Mr. Robert F. (lilder. of Omnhn,
was a guest of Dr. Gllmore over
Wednesday, coming down from the
metropolis Tuesday night. Mr. Gild
er 1 an orcheologlst of national re
putation and has discovered Home
very Interesting relic of a prohl
torlc people living along the Mis
souri river bluffs, noar Hock IUuff.
Mr. Glider Ik a very pleasing gentle
man, and we were pleased to meet
Remember the band social Sat
urday night, June 19.
Mrs. Alf Nlckles was In Nebraska
City Monday doing some shopping.
Chas. Carroll and wife spent a
couple of days In Plattsmouth last
week, visiting friends
Jim llolmts was in Omaha last
Monday, but it is sulj he just went
to take Ralph to see the circus.
Mrs. Will Oliver and daughter,
Mrs. Chas. Countryman attended the
graduating exercises ut Peru last
Will Hamilton and firee have
been engaged the past few days in
doing some work at the Walker
place, west of town.
Prof. Crandell was over frcm Ne
hawka Tuesday night, Instructing
the band and reports the band get
ting along very nicely.
Don't fall to attend the Ice
cream social for the benefit of the
band, one week from Saturday
night. A good time Is guaranteed to
all who come.
P. 13. Smith and J. L. Smith were
looking after some business matters
in the county seat last Monday.
Nick Klaurens and (1. M. Minford
are still buying all the marketable
cattle and hogs in this vicinity, and
shipping consignments to South
Omaha every day or two.
Mrs. Lucy Root, of Weeping Wa
ter, and her daughter, Mrs Nellie
Faught, and son Vance, of Plain-
view, Neb., are lure visiting rela
tives, the guests of II E. Long and
wife and William Sporer and wife.
James Brown's many friends will
be pleased to learn that he has im
proved very much in the past wtek.
and frcm present indications he will
be able to return from Omaha in a
few days, where he has been in the
hospital for several wet k.
Mrs. M. C, Churchill and little
daughter were in Plattsmouth last
Friday, going up on the early pas
senger train, being in the small
wreck that occurred near the county
seat Fortunately no one was in
jured, but the news reached Mur
ray that a serious wreck had taken
place, and M. G. was not long In
getting to Plattsmouth when lie
heard the news, and he was a pret
ty happy man when he learned the
new was false, and neither hi
wife or baby were Injured In the
Band Social.
Murray has a band composed of
twenty of the young men of this vi
cinity. The boys are doing their
level best to come to the front as a
musical organization. They have
employed an Instructor and this is j
a big expense. In order to help
them out In this undertaking they
will give an ice cream social on
Saturday night, June 10, and ex
pect all who are interested in the
welfare of the band to patronize
them on this occasion. If the
weather will permit the social will
be held on a lawn, and if not it will
take place in the hall. Remember
the date boys, and don't forget to
bring your best girls. Older men, of
course, can bring their wives and
children. All are guaranteed a
nice, social time, with plenty of ice
cream and cake, interspersed with
plenty of music.
The farmers of the vicinity are dls
couraged on account of the washout
of hundreds of acres of corn. Evi
dently this community has received
more than Its share of moisture,
this spring.
Mrs. Edmunds entertained a few-
relatives at dinner Wednesday In
honor of Mrs. Lucy Root, of Weep
ing Water, and Mr. Nellie Fraught,
of Plulnvlew, Neb., who are visiting
friends In Murray and vicinity.
The Kensington met with Mrs.
Arthur Baker Wednesday afternoon.
Besides spending a few hours most
enjoyably, a two course luncheon
wa spread which wa pronounced
by all the best number of the pro
gram. AVe noticed at the depot Wed
nesday morning in a vessel about
two hundred small minnows Bailing
around in the water. Now this
mean that Agent Scott, John Cook,
and Jtmmle Loughridge Intend do
lug some fishing ere the lapse of
many day. The boy alway re
turn with something better that the
usual "fisherman luck."
The lioYx Walked Home.
Roy and Sherman Cole came to
town Tuesday evening to attend
band practice. They It ft their team
and buggy hitched In front of the
postotTlce. About H o'clock the
Ice cream sign of Postmaster Baker
moved In such a manner as to scare
the horses, and they broke loose and
started In the direction of home,
winre lite boy supposed they had
gone. The boys "lit out" and walk
ed home. But it seems the tenm
had no Idep of going homo and, in-
stend, turned into one of the back-
lot and remained all night. The
next morning after daybreak, they
perhaps concluded they would go
home to feed, and they were seen
emerging from the lot In a homeward
direction. No injury whatever was
(oiiic Some.
A week ago last Sunday Charley
M ili L ill. wife and three chlldiv)
came over from Shenandoah, la., to
visit his uncle, II. C. Long. They
enme over In an auto, leaving home
at 7 o'clock In the morning. After
spending three hours very pleasantl
with Mr. Long and family, they im
parted for Shenandoah, where they
arrived at C o'clock In the evening
Shenaudonh Is about C.I miles from
Murray, and we consider that Is
was going some, considering the
roads were nearly Impassable, and
that it took quite a little time to
I firry across the river at Tlatts
I mouth.
mour were married by Rev. J. M.
Sisson, Methodist church, this after
noon. Leave for Seattle this even
ing. M. D. Marnell.
The above special dispatch from
Mr. Mariull of The News of Nebras
ka City, was the first Intimation the
many friends of these popular young
people In this city had of their im
pending marriage, and The Journal
In common with all others hastens
to extend congratulations and wishes
for a long, happy and, prosperous
married life.
The bride is the charming and ac
complished daughter of William Gil
mour and his wife, and a native born
Cass county girl. She is a young wo
man of rare attainments and great
personal attractiveness. For some
time past she has been teaching
school at Nehawka where her mani
fest ability has won her a high place
in the esteem and affections of all.
She enjoys the proud distinction of
having a very wide acquaintance
and everyone whom she knew, knew
her but to love her. Dr. Walker is
Indeed a fortunate man to secure a
prize for his trip through life.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. A. Walker of Murray, and
a practicing physician with a lucra
tive practice at Nehawka. He Is like
his bride a native cf Cass county
where all his days have been spent
and where he enjoys the acquaint
ance of a host of friends. He has
been practicing his profession for
many years and each year has wit
nessed the adding of new laurels to
his crown of success. He Is such a
man as will make his charming wife
a most excellent husband and a
faithful helpmate through life.
To llenil of HorscN for Sale.
The undersigned has 20 head of
good young horses to dispose of at
private sale, in any number dc
slrj'd. They are large-boned, In
good shape, and none of the branco
order. They can be found at my
six miles southeast of Mur
Come and see them for your
Prices reasonable.
Frank Vnllery,
Murray, Neb.
tne right time, because just now
many persons are suffering from
stomach troubles. If they will, at
the first symptoms, use Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine, the
trouble will usually disappear with
in a very short time. Such symp
toms are: Less of appetite, heavi
ness in the stomach after meals,
flatulency, nausea, coated tongue,
paleness, disturbed sleep, weakness.
But even In an ad.vanced state of
sickness, Triner's American Elixir
of Bittter Wine will bring relief. At
drug stores. Jos. Triner, 61C-622
S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111.
Another Happy Couple.
Two prominent and popular young
people of this county were united In
marriage last Saturday afternoon at
the County Court house, when Judge
Beeson joined Cecil L. Thomas, aged
21, and Miss Minnie Stohlman, aged
21, in holy matrimony. The wed
ding took place in the court room,
with only a few spectators prtsent
and it was quite an informal affair.
Mr. Thomas, the groom is well and
favorably known throughout this sec-
jtlon where he has lived -for many
years. He Is now a resident of Long
Beach, Cal., where his father, Wal
ter L. Thomas, Is part owner of a
large garage and where he Is em
ployed as superintendent. The young
man is one of the best and most i
popular young men this se.-tion has
produced and a young man cf mark
ed ability in many lines. For a long
time he was a mall carrier on one of
the rural routes out of this city
and I'ls many former pntrons will b3
delighted to learn that he tame back
to old Cass for a bride. He is a
grandson of former Senator S. L.
Thomas, and comes from one of the
leading families of the county.
The bride Is n daughter of the late
Aug. Stohlman. and a young lady of
rare attainments in all ways. She is
Titos. Mx HI.
Thos, Nix, who for a number of
years filled the position of rural
mall carrier on the Murray route,
arrived In Plattsmouth yesterday
evening. Buffering with a severe at-! handsome and gifted young woman
tack of rheumalsm. tie las for I t""1 ''o enjoys the acquaintance
the past few months been working
out near Waverly and was' enrou'e
to the home of P. B. Smith, near
Murray, where he will remain for
Stock Wantcit.
I have 2 SO acre of pasture and
will take a limited number of cattle
and horse for the eason.
Frank Vallery. Murray.
Attention ljttliei!
Dou you want hnlr goods, such
as switches, pompadore. puffs and
rats? If you do. give me your or
der, and I will get them on short
notice. Notify Plattsmouth phone
No. 43.1, and I w ill bring my sample
to your home, that you may see what
you want. Mr. J. A. Murray.
North Eighth St.
A. C. Tullne came In thl morning
on the early train from a trip to the
north and wpt.
lluggio! . Btiguli!
I have several new up-to-date bug
gies that I want to sell right away,
and I am going to cut the price to
bed rot k. in order to do so. Come
quick, while you can get one of
these fine buggb at almet cost.
I mean Just what I ay,
John II. Cook.
Murray, Neb.
Smoke "Acorns" the cigar with a
reputation. Made by Ptak t Bajeck.
of a wide circle of good friends.
The many acquaintances and friends
Join with The Journal in wishing this
young couple under the sunniest
skies and the happiest w inds on their
voyag upon the matrimonial seas.
They will make their heme at Long
Beach. Cal.
For Sale
A lx room house on Elm street,
two blocks east of M. P. depot, city
water, good barn and outhouses, one
half block of ground, fruit trees and
cellars, wash room and basement.
Inquire at Kroehler Bros, hardware
Latest fountain p ns at Gertng'.