The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1909, Image 6

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For Particulars Address Members of the Committee as Follows:
O. A. DAVIS, Chairman.
W. G. BOEDEKER, Secretary-Treasurer.
JAMES W. HOLMES, Concessions.
Murray Department
If any of tlie readeri of the Journal know of a social ennt or an
We want all items of Merest Editor Journal.)
item of interest in this vicinity and trill mail game to this office it will appear undir this heading.
GUTHM AN & CORY. Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
Each customer's business receives the at
tention of our officers. These men of exper
ience can make your matters more exact.
Whatever part of your business that comes
through this bank is carefully inspected. This
U is safeguard for you; the chances ot error are
0 lessened. '
Your business success is reflected on the
welfare of the bank. Our officers are interest
ed in the bank's customers.
We invite you to become one of our num
ber of satisfied cust:nes, and we seek the op
portunity to explain uiir service in detail.
Murray State Bank
VV. G. BOEDER ICR, Caster.
Miss Jessie Gllmour Is the guest of
Mrs. W. C. Brown this -Reck.
You are coming to Murray on
the 4th, ain't you? Sure thlug.
Mrs. Ada Stokes was In Platts-
mouth yesterday evening doing some
Mrs. J. C. Suavely and Mrs.
Copenhaver were Omaha shoppers
Chas. II. Iloedeker made a bus
busineB trip to Omaha Wednes
day. Tho Kensington enjoyed a picnic
nt tho home of Warren Wiley last
Mis Paulino Oldham attended the
itraduatlng exercises of the Platts
mouth high Bchool Friday night.
County Attorney Ramsey has
been engaged to deliver one of tho
orations hero on the 4th of July.
Dr. and Mrs. Gilmoro and Mrs. J.
A. Walker attended the graduating
ixerclses In Plattsmouth Friday
Allen Land and wife aro the
proud poHxeHHors of a brand new
bnby which came to brighten their
home on Saturday, May 29.
I .en Oldham, who never mlnxen
rn opportunity to hear Hon. W. J.
llryan, attended the graduating ex
orcises at Platesmouth Friday night.
Miss Paulino Oldham returned
homo from Itennett and Lincoln
Tuesday evening, where she bid
been In tho Interest of the lecture
' Dr. (illmore, who accompanied
Mra. Mark White to Omaha Tues
day, went to that city again thU
morning whero Mrs. W hlto was
operated upon for appendicitis to-
Seven car loads of stock was
fchlpped out of Murray Monday.
Two cars belonging to J. L. Young,
two cars belonging to U. A. Young,
two cars belonging to C. M. Chrls
wlssor, and one car of hogs belong
ing to Z. W. Shrnder All of this
Mock being consigned to Wood
Pros, South Omaha.
MIhs Virginia Nye and ulster.
Kdno, wrlto from their homo In tho
xint of Washington, that they ex
pect to visit their old Murray friends
about the middle of June. They will
be enroute to visit their grnndpar
I'nts In Indiana, and will remain
horn several days. Thin was the
home of the Nye family about
years ago.
Grandma Fleming Is seriously 111
with a complication of diseases, and
her recovery Is In doubt.
Anvhodv wishing space on the
celebration grounds will please cor
respond with J. W. Holmes.
Everybody Is talking about the
grand Fourth of July celebration to
be held in Murray this year.
John Cook made a flying trip to
Omaha this morning, going up on
the early train and returning at 10
a. in.
Don't forget tho Children's Day
exercises at tho Christian church
Sunday evening. They will be Inter
Mr. and Mrs. J. A., Fake came
down from Omaha this morning to
spend tho day at the home of F. M.
Youna In the country. They were
met at tho train by Mr. Young.
Mrs. Martin Fleming was taken
to the St. Joseph Hospital, Omaha,
where he was operated upon for
appendicitis. At last reports she
was getting along as well as could
be expected.
Holmes & Smith carry Heinz'
Line G7. This line of goods consists
of all kinds of catsups for table use.
Auk them to show you what they
have In this lln. and you will get
the beHt. Always ask for Hlnz's
Line 57.
Extensive arrangements have been
made for the District Sunday School
Convention to be held In Murray,
Wednesday, June 9. Everybody In
terested In Sunday school work Is
Invited to attend and participate In
the exercises.
Mrs. Imle Simons, who recently
had an operation performed for ap
pendtcltls at the Immanuel Hospital,
Omaha, returned home this morn
Ing after a confinement of thirteen
days. Sho bids fair for an early
and full recovery.
Great preparations are being
made for the Children's Day cxer
clses at the Christian church In
Murray next Sunday evening. An
excellent program Is being arranged
for the occasion, and a most Inter
ettlng event enn be expected.
A big time in Murray on
Glorious Fuorth. Make up
mind to be here. I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young and
Mrs. Lloyd Gapln went to Omaha
this morning to do some shopping.
Mrs. Vm. Soper and Mrs. Alba
Long spent Decoration Day In
Weeping Water, where they have
friends buried.
The medicine show took its de
parture Tuesday morning for Pal
myra, since which date Murray has
been very quirt. 1
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carroll went
to Plattsmouth last evening to visit
'her sister and remain over today to
hear the Clarence murded case.
The District Sunday School Con
vention will be held m Murray on
Wednesday. June 9 Instead of the
10th. Don't forget the change in
the date.
Mrs. Jas. Brown and daughter,
Leora, went to Omaha this morning
to visit her husband, who is In the
hospital there. He Is not doing as
well as expected.
Children's Day exercises will take
place at the Presbyterian church In
Murray next Sunday at 11 o'clock
a. m. A splendid program will be
rendered, and all are welcome,
Sidney Miner came In from Cali
fornia last week to visit friends of
former years. Mr. Miner was a rest
dent of Cass county twenty years
ago, and has many friends In this
vicinity who extend a cordial greet
lng to this former neighbor.
Jimmle Loughrldge, John Cook,
and Scott the agent for the M. I
went to the Platte river today on a
fiBhlng excursion and on taking their
departure, they had on their list
162V4 pounds of fish promised to
their neighbors. Will they fill the
The beautiful grove southeast of
town has been secured for the
Fourth of July celebration In Mur
ray. It la an Ideal epot for such an
occasion. Plenty of shade and is
carpeted with the finest of green
green grass. The committees are
working like beavers to make this
one of tho best celebrations in the
history of Cass county. Already
parties from-out In the state are
writing for concessions.
or the
Murray Sta.te Bxnk
Of Murray, Nebraska,
Charter No. 578
Incorporated In the State of Nebraska, at tlie
close of business May 2i IWX
Loans and discounts Ji2.51 77
Overdrafts, secured anil unsecured... i43 33
Hanklnir house, furniture and fixtures 2.7H.) IM
Current expenses and taxes paid 113 W)
luo from national, state and private
banks and bankers IW- 03
Cash -VkW -1
Total WWW 34
Capital stock paid In ilO.noo 00
Surplus fund l.t"W W)
Individed profits -11 HI
Individual deposits subject tocheck.. 44.177 s4
Demand eertiticatesof deposit Il'iU 50
Time certificates of deposit 9.1W 4
line tn ntiiional. state and private
banks and bankers Sit! 50
Total 5OJ.10S 34
Stat or N'emiAsKA. I
Count v of Cass, ( I. W. (i. Moedeker.
cashier of the aliove named bank, do hereby
swear that the alsive statement is a correct
and true copy of the report make to tiie Mate
banklntr hoard. w. u. hoedkkkk. tasnier.
.. ... H has. U. 1'aiimki.e, tnrecior.
ilLbtrab. ( Vofc'i. T. Wriuiv. II Iw'lnr.
SubscrllM'd and sworn to Iftore me this 2th
day of May, IM.
ISEALI ! riinian.
Notary I'ubllc.
My commission expires April 14, lull
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
t and Guarantee Satisfaction, t
The Perkins Hotel
Notice to Tux Payers.
The County Board of Equalization
will sit for the purpose of equaliz
ing the assessment of Coss county
for the year 1909, In the Commis
sioners chamber at the court house
in Plattsmouth, Neb., beginning
Mrs. Joseph Tubbs returned to
her home Monday after visiting a
few days with her daughter, Mrs.
Clifford Jones in Peru, Neb.
Alice Domingo of Weeping Water
spent Sunday with Pearl Schlot
man. Miss Nora Henton is visiting with
friends in Omaha.
Edgar Barker and wife of Perry,
Oklahoma, are visiting relatives near
Miss Blanch Barker and Iva
Swindell are spending the week with
Mrs. John Lewis.
Mrs. Will Stokes attended the
graduating exercises in Nebraska
City Friday.
Miss Wlnfred Hutchison of Rock
Bluff spent Sunday with Miss Eva
Miss Marie Faulkaber and brother
Albert of Bellevue, Neb., were visit
ing with the Wtenkamp's Satur-
District Court.
The jury In the case of the State
vs. John A. Fleishner which was on
trial Tuesday in district court.went
out at noon and reached a verdict
at about five o'clock In the after
noon, finding Fleishner guilty as
charged in the information. Tlv
prisoner with his counsel, A. N. Sul
livan was present in court, while
County Attorney Ramsey represent
ed the state. After the verdict was
read Fleisher was taken back to Jail
to remain until he receives his sentence.
Ptak & Bajeck manufacture the
Acorns." That means they are the
best amoke for the money on the
Tuesday. June 15th at 10 o'clock a
m onH rnntlniio frnm rlav to dav UD W an- Unaay,
June, ne aay ,ast weeK ine "er
saw three of Mynard s popular young
All claims for equalization must ladles wending their way to Four
ho Mile on a nsnmg excursion, uiey
to and
Including Monday,
be filed on or before Saturday
19th day of June, 1909.
W. E. Rosencrans,
County Clerk
Ruggics! . Ituggit!
I have Beveral new up-to-date bug
gies that I want to sell right away,
and I am going to cut the prices to
bed rock, In order to do so. Come
quick, while you can get one of
these fine buggits at almost cost.
I mean Just
llov Social.
The Ladles Aid society of Eight
Mile Grove will give a box and Ice
cream social at atson Long s on
Friday evening, June 11. All are
Our new gloves Just arrived
Thirty-five kinds. We can please
you; 50c to 3.00. Holmes &
what I eay,
John H. Cook,
Murray, Neb.
Look out for a good time in Mur
ray on the third of July. The com
mittees are well organized and are
working like Turks.
Seed Potatoes.
An extra flno quality of the pop
ular Early Ohio variety at ) 1.50 per
bushel. Get them now while 'tliey
Holmes & Smith, Murray.
stock Wanted.
I have 2.10 acres of pasture and
will take a limited number of cattle
and horses for the season.
Frank Vallery, Murray.
Mllll l .K.
Notion Is hereby Blven that lv vlr
tu of chattel mortgairft dated flep-
temher 30th, 1907, to necur Uifl pay
ment or I tin autn or i.'mi.tig wim in
terest thereon at the rate of H per
cent from unld date, huld tnortKaKe Iih v
In h'-en filed In the offlie of tho
County Court of Cnsa County. Neliras
ka. and executed by Hurry Tinner lo
I'erry Mnrnh and by or Id Miirxh nnd
by Kald Marsh transferred to tlm First
National Hank of I'lnttsmotith, Nebras
ka. That otxin ald mortuuiin that
there Is due ami unpaid the sum of :'JU
with Interest thereto, at tlm rate
of M per cent from date. Iiefault hav
I n v been made In the payment of aald
sum and Interest thereon nnd no stilt
or other prnreeillnK liavlriK been In-
stltuteii to recover siH'l debt or any
part thereof, therefore tlm unoerslKn
ed will sell the property In said Inort
KHKft described vlx: line hav horse
mule X years old weliibt 1 000 lbs
one horse mule three years old welKbt
1.000 ihs., I.iiv, nt public auction lo
lo the hluhest bidder for rnsli at the
bsrn on the Imvey lots at the corner
of Oak and Heventi' streets In the
said City of I'lHttsmoiit li on the 2Mli
ilav or June, 1U0U, at tlm hour of I
o elocK P. m of said day.
First National Hunk of I'I'il tinoutli,
rsenmnKa. AnsiKtiee or mhiiuiiiiii
i I. O. Iwyer,
Druggist Permit.
Nnllre Is hereby len that Wevrlel
llaMralm. tinve flint their petlflon
as reiiiirii ,v the slntiiles of tl
stilt of Nel.liosit Willi the illv i Ii-i k
of the rltv of I'IiiIIkiiimiiI Ii, Nebinnks,
iimiiii'i i ii if a i in 1 1 in sHi limit
Niili ll uniis and vinous lhonta fur Inedl-
nli iil, mei I nnli ill hh'l i I, mil, ill ,
inr inr me ruirinv niuiiii n si i nr
In the 1 1 .1 1 n w ,,,) I).,, H,t
lull f I W . I - 7 t of lot llnee 111 Ut 1,1m. U
tlilrl--n-e (ir.l. Ill the Illy i,f I'IhII
mouth, Ni-biai'ks
W eill. I, A lln.1n.U
Jlllle 3, 11IIII A flil I I
made a big catch and In trying to
land what they supposed was a
monster big fish they broke their
line had an Interesting experience for
a short time, when they finely land
ed their big catch which proved to
be a large turtle, and we imagine
thev all dined on turtle soup for
Will Truelson and wife of Omaha
spent Sunday at W. R. Murray 8.
Mr. Samuel Barker arrived In My
nard Saturday after spending the
winter with his son nt Terry, Okla
C. F. Vallery was tending to bus!
noss m Murray luesaay.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Snyder spent
Sunday with G. W. Snyder s.
Jacob Trltsch. Jr. shipped a car
of fat catt e to tho South Omaha
market Monday.
or in c
Plattsmouth State Bank
of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
Charter No. 71
IniiiiKrated In the stale of Nebraska, at the
close or business, .nay iws.
1i,ii. sod discount SlliT.Mrt?!
I Iverilrafts. secured and uiims'ioviI . i.M 4l
ttiiiwl. tm'k. securlt I'S. Illlllf HII'lllS,
claims, el. J.IM W
Hanklnir hoiise.f limit ure and flutures !..
Current epcnc and taxes paid... S.:tm ju
Cash Hems s ,C
li.i In, in nai l aisle anil or Iv ale hank
ami liaiikl'T .. U..t i'l
('.I. ft.-IS
i.i a iii i.n i k.x
Capital at.s k paid In W
It vli i nils iiiumld "
indlirldual ili'iamlls subject
to che. k tiw.""' li
N insnd ceitltlcales of lie
i.mU l.rtH
Tluieci rtlll. aiesof di sll U-14 .
Inl.X-U S3
i.v..lii w
TTa nr Sunn". .... ,
t hi srrurt I I.. I. M. Ilols-ris.
cxhler or the tout e naiino onus.
ssi'srlhst Hie alune at sieineiil la a nimn
and It pi of the retail t inane i "'"'
lla iklntf lloanl. ." .'I. l""r 1
... . ) W II Vltll I. IHnclcr.
A""'' I I. P. I l1Ht. Illlvclnr. ills i mid srtuin t" iM-fom ice this n
It. v of .lime, Hi U- " U,"."1M,;
., olir I'llldlC
Mj ci iilss'i'ii rxiiliia 1s t. in. H
j;o BUY
Out of the large number of men who
have gone with us on our first two
excursions to look at
Only FIVE have not bought. Our
total sales for the two trips are
3000 acres, for a total consideration
of 1228,000. That's the "proof of
the pudding.'
Good Irrigaied Land
Cannot be Bought
For Less
This Is the best Irrigated land in
tho West It Is under one of the
largest and most complete Irrigation
systems In the United States. None
better. The water supply Is simply
Inexhaustible. The price Is no higher
than your Eastern Nebraska or Iowa
farm, and Irrigated land will bring
you three times as much per acre.
Our terms are easy only one-fifth
cash, balance one to ten years.
Next Excursion June I
Windham Investment
Plattsmouth. Neb.
Associate Agents with
Payne Investment Company