The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 27, 1909, Image 5

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    The Last Voyage
of lohe
Donna Isabel
By Randall Parrish
Author of Bob Hampton ot Placer. .
Illustrations bv Deaborn Melvill
realized the desperate nature ol tnis
adventure upon which I wai so reck
lessly embarked. Could we once at
tain the yacht's deck unobserved and
make our attack with sufficient swift
ness to prevent the discharge ot fire
arms, the rest might be accomplished
without great risk of discovery, bar
ring some unexpected" mishap.' The
very audacity of such an attempt was
strongly in our favor. If we succeeded
in silently warping the Esmeralda be
yond range ot the guns ot the shore
hatterles all real and Immediate dan
ger would be over. Probably not a
war vessel In the harbor had steam
up, and, If they did, no Chilean war
ship could hope to overhaul us when
once fairly at sea.
I gave the personnel of the crew
Tuttle had collected brief considera
tion. They were no rougher than I
should naturally expect men to be
who were volunteering for such a task.
Besides, Jack ashore and Jack at sea
are two widely differing personalities;
once sobered and on shipboard,
steadied somewhat by the perils of
their position, and exhilarated by the
promised reward, they would doubtless
prove efficient enough. Tuttle might
require a lesBon in sea etiquette, and,
1f he did, I felt perfectly confident of
my ability to administer it promptly
and forcibly. As for De Nova, I had
no doubt that he would prove himself
a good man. So, altogether, my spirits
rose as I thus contemplated a definite
plan of action.
The movement on the water was
only the merest ripple, with the riding
Hunts of the various ships at anchor
reflected back as from a plant mir
ror. Two vessels, a full-rlgged ship
and a small schooner, lay close In
shore, apparently deserted, their decks
gloomy wastes, their bare spars stick
ing up skeleton-like and ghostly.
Farther out, and somewhat to the left,
a yellow lantern, perhaps in the bow
of a guardboat, bobbed about, zig zag
ging here and there like some erratic
star. It was some time before I could
locate with any certainty the partic
ular vessel I sought. The harbor was
littered with sea craft of every de
scription, and my knowledge regarding
the Esmeralda was most meager, be
ing merely her point of anchorage, and
that she was a large steam-yacht,
schooner rigged.
Finally, Into the focus of the leveled
glasses there crept indistinctly the
delicate tracery of her bow, rendered
more plainly visible beneath the green
radiance ot her riding lamp. Lights
were showing faintly through several
portholes amidships, certain proof that
she was not entirely deserted; yet
the cabins aft were dark, and the only
moving figure I could distinguish with
certainty was slowly pacing back and
forth along the lee rail of the poop.
Suddenly, out from the enveloping
smudge, came a shower of sparks
and a red glare, and, a moment later,
I traced the outlines of a steam launch
cleaving the black water. It quickly
vanished behind the fog wreaths hang
ing to seaward, the faint sound ot Its
churning dying away, leaving the si
lent loneliness behind more solemnly
Impressive than ever. Only from off
the land came echoing the noises of
men the loud vivas, the reiterated
boom of explosives, the ceaseless
blare of bands.
The scene became oppressive In Its
barrenness, and I folt the need of
movement to overcome Its weakening
effect upon the nerves. This was to
he a night ot action, not of dreams, so
I groped my uncertain path back
along the littered wharf and around
the curve of the shore line, beneath
the gloomy shadows of coal sheds. Of
lights there were comparatively none.
If I except the uncertain glimmer of
rockets along the water's surface, and
I was consequently compelled to feel
my way from object to object like a
blinded man. Still, the course was
sufficiently familiar so that I success
fully maintained both footing and di
rection, finally emerging safely close
beside the spot appointed for our ren
deivous. There was considerable open
space here, the Mercantile Company s
sheds standing some 30 feet back of
the shore line, and their wharf for
the unloading of barges extending
more than 60 feet out into the harbor
1 could dimly perceive a great crane
at the farther extremity, with dan
gllng buckets, outlined against the
sky. The night was too dark for me
to decipher the face of my watch, yet
It could not now be long before tho
arrival of the men. I crouched down
beside a post to await their coming.
once again searching the harbor with
my night glasses.
The company at lat arrived by twos
from out the enveloping gloom, silent
ly grouping themselves amid the shad
ows. I could distinguish an occasional
gruff cough, and the shuffling of fee.,
but there was no sound of conversa
tion or hilarity. Evidently De Nova
had sufficiently sobered them to Ihelr
duty. At last one man detached
himself from among tli. crowd
and moved stealthily forward. 1 met
him at the rhore end of the wharf,
pvrrrjj 'n hH face, half con ?!:'
beneath the visor ot hts cap, until I
recognised the fellow.
"Crew all here. Mr. Tuttle?"
"Yes. sir." he answered, startled by
my sudden appearance Into courteous
response, "but mighty uneasy to be
"They shall not be delayed. Get the
boats out at once. You are to take
charge of the whaleboat and I will
accompany De Nova In the cutter. Pull
silently to the end of the wharf and
He by there to await Instructions. Do
your men understand the boats they
are assigned to?"
"Ay. ay, sir."
"Very well, then; get the boats out.
and the crews aboard. Not a sound,
remember, for there are guards patrol
ling the harbor."
I must confess this preparatory work
was well and smartly accomplished,
the men the merest silent shadows as
they hauled the two hidden boats
forth from concealment and quietly
took their assigned places at the oars
Turtle's crew was first afloat. . De
Nova experiencing some difficulty from
attempting to load too near shore, in
somewhat shallow water.
"Drop overboard, to of you. and
shove off," I ordered, finally. "Lively
now, lads, but no splashing."
The two fellows In the stern low
ered themselves Into the shallow wa
ter, bending down so as to put their
shoulders against the planks for a
heave. Suddenly, not three feet dis
tant, a smudge of shadow uplifted, and
I became conscious of a pallid human
face gleaming faintly through the
dark. Instantly I leaped toward it,
with such force as to send the heavily
laden boat swirling forward, the heav
ing men plunging face downward Into
the water. There was a startled ex
clamation In Spanish, a short-arm
blow shot into a dimly revealed, half
fanilllar face, a fierce grip at the
throat, and the two of us were on the
sand, grappling like wild cats. Out
of tho water, dripping from their
bath, the two Beamcn came to my aid,
and, between us, we pinned the fellow
to helpless fcilence.
"Toss him into the boat," I said,
panting from exertion. . "He will be
safer with us than left ashore."
It appeared even darker out on the j
water than when we looked off upon It
from the land, but, with a few cau
tious strokes, we discovered the
smudge which represented Tuttle's
whaleboat, and drew up within an
oar's length ot where he lay waiting.
"Mr. Tuttle," I began, speaking
slowly and concisely so that the men
in both boats could hear, "this is going
to be no boy's play to-night, and I ex
pect implicit obedience to my orders.
Do exactly what I tell you and no
more. You know the situation ot the
Esmeralda, and I want you to put your
whaleboat In under her bow. If you
keep a potnt east of north you can
scarcely miss it There Is a lumping
big brlgantlne anchored 100 feet be
yond, with only a single light showing
on her foremast It you come up un
der her shadow you are not likely to
be seen before you drift down against
the Esmeralda's cutwater. Make use
of the anchor-chain, and get half a
dozen men quietly over the forecastle
rail. Don't move from there until you
receive some signal from me. Then
clap down the forecastle scuttle, and
make straight for the engine room.
That will comprise the entire duty of
your crew; and, above all things, let
it be accomplished silently. Don't per
mit one of your men to carry a loaded
firearm. Use belaying pins, it you
need to, or a marllnsplke, but no guns.
De Nova and I will go In by way of
the stern, and we will be responsible
for the after-deck and the bridge. Has
any one a question to ask?"
There was no response, the only
sounds audible being the soft lapping
of the water and the deep breathing
The Two of Us Were on the Sand,
Grappling Like Wild Cats.
of the men. I could distinguish them
leaning eagerly forward, but the faces
were undecjpherable In the gloom.
"You understand clearly?"
"A, ay, Mr. Stephens," and Tuttle's
nasal voice had completely lost all its
former trace of insolence.
"Then pull away slowly and noise
lessly; don't hurry; we'll give you
plenty of time to get In. Good by, and
good luck to you."
The balanced oars dipped gently
into the water, scarcely rippling it.
and the sharp-stemmed whaleboat
glided away Into the surrounding
blackness like a ghost.
"All right now. De Nova." I whis
pered. "I'll go forward into the bow.
Keep her head off about a point and
watch out for signals." ,
We slipped through the water si
lently, the sound of the dipping oar.
blades little more audible than the
suppressed breathing ot the oarsmen.
Confident that if any eyes were watch
ing from the deck they were not like
ly to be directed astern, we made wide
detour, creeping cautiously In beneath
the slight bulge of the yacht's side,
until the fellow behind me fastened
his boatbook firmly into the after
chains. Breathlessly we waited
listening, but no sound reached us
other than the slight hiss of escaping
"Hold hard!" I whispered, the word
passing back from man to roan. "Two
remain with the boat, the rest follow
I crept silently up into the chains
and peered cautiously over onto the
open deck. It was wrapped in dark
ness and silence, the sole gleam ot
revealing light coming from out the
open main-hatch, and that only the
merest glimmer Bllghtly Illuminating
the ship amidships. There was a lamp
alight in the after-cabin, but the
shades were drawn so closely I could
scarcely perceive its presence. I be
came aware that De Nova stood be-
e.'ae m.
"There is certainly no watchman
aft," I announced, softly, "unless he be
found upon the other side of the cabin
Batten down the companionway while
I examine the deck. Two of you men
come with me,"
We dropped over the low rail to
gether, moving silently in our stocking-feet.
The roof of the cabin, form
ing the quarter deck, extended clear
to the rail. We groped over this shad
owed space as though exploring a
cave, encountering nothing except a
few camp stools, although my fingers
discovered a goodly sized boat swing
ing from davits across the stern. From
the opposite side we could peer for
ward toward the dim light streaming
from out the hatch, the deck being
thus fairly revealed as far as tbe fun
nel. Beyond all remained black and
Impenetrable. A man sat upon a bench
against the side of the galley, a dull
red showing from his pipe bowl. His
earliest knowledge of our presence
was when the two men closed on his
windpipe, and I pressed a revolver
muzzle against his cheek.
"Not a sound, Jack," I muttered
sternly In Spanish, "or else your life
pays for it."
The pipe fell with a click to the
deck, the fellow's eyes staring up at
us, his opened mouth showing oddly
amid a surrounding gray beard. A
moment later, securely gagged and
bound, we rolled his body close In
against the rail.
"I thought I heard a bit of a blow
and a yelp on the fo'castle Just now,
sir," said one of the men, pointing
eagerly forward. I stood still, intent
ly listening, staring Into the gloom.
"Quiet enough there at present
Probably Mr. Tuttle has been attend
ing to the for'ard watch. Come on,
lads, and we'll join forces with him."
Beyond all doubt the main deck was
clear as far as the bridge, and, provid
ing Tuttle's crew had attended to
their share of the work, as far as the
fo'castle head as well. We advanced
cautiously, keeping close within the
denser shade along the weather rail,
pausing a moment to peer over the
edge of the open hatchway Into the
illuminated space below. Two Ka
nakas, naked to the waist, their slim,
brown bodies glistening, each grasp
ing the handle of a coal scoop, were
backed up against a bulkhead con
versing, while on a low stool, tipped
back to a comfortable angle, his feet
on the rounded crossplece, a pipe In
his mouth, his hands burled deep In
his pockets, sat a white man, with
red face and long, sandy mustaches.
His brown overalls and pink under
shirt told nothing distinctive, but the
uniform cap, pushed well back on his
bristling stock of hair, proclaimed htm
the vessel's engineer. As I drew back
from this swift survey, Mr. Tuttle
suddenly rounded the end of the chart
house, and, with whispered word of
Inquiry to one ot the men, advanced to
meet me.
"Well," I said as soon as certain of
his Identity, "the after-deck Is ours
without a blow; what have you dls
covered forward?"
"Two men were posted on the fo'
castle, sir," ho returned, the disagree
able nasal tone apparent even In his
subdued voice. "We got thorn both,
but Mason was pricked with a knife
during the scuffle."
"Did you close the fo'castle?" I
questioned briefly.
"All fast, sir, but I doubt it any ot
the crew are below."
"Well, there are somo down In the
engine room, and the fellow in charge
looks as if he might fight on occasion.
Take half a dozen men with you, and
Jump below. The Kanakas won't make
any serious trouble, but you had bet
ter clap a gun to the englnuer."
I watched them as they swarmed
like rats over the hatch-combing and
dropped down Into the light. There
was a scurrying of bodies, a shnrp ex
change of blows, a yelp of alarm from
tho startled Kanakns, a stout volley
of English oaths, and, when the tangle
partially cleared away, the engineer
was lying flat on his brck, the kn
(To be Continued)
From the Loader-Echo.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Brauchman last week.
We are glad to report that Mrs.
MiLaughlin is steadily Improving,
being able to sit up at times.
F. A. Raker went to Lincoln yes
terday to look at automobiles. He
expects to make the purchase of a
fine Maxwell car in the near fu
ture. Mrs. John Hayes arrived last week
from Pasadena. Calif. She does
not enjoy good health on the coast
and expresses a desire to return to
Cass county to live.
Herman Engleklng who had the
misfortune to lose the tip ot his
finger and came near losing the tip
of another in a mlxup with a corn
planter two weeks ago, la doing nice
ly, and will soon be able to use
his hand.
On Tuesday afternoon a kitchen
shower was given Miss Ella Bryan
at the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Clapp. A goodly number
of friends were present and an en
joyable time was had by all. Punch
and wafers were served after the
bride elect had unwrapped her many
beautiful and useful presents.
Gust Taubenhelm, wife and daugh
ter, of Amherst, Neb., arrived Wed
nesday for a visit with William Schick
and family. Mrs. Taubenlelm and
Mrs. Schick were schoolmates In
Germany, and the two ladles had
not seen each other for twenty-eight
years. Their meeting was doubtless
a Joyous one and their visit will bo
one of much pleasure.
Carl Klersey Jumped In a puddle
of water Friday evening, and whpn
he crawled out found that he had
amputated tho fourth toe of his
right foot at the second joint. ' Maybe
he found out before, but however
that may have been he wasn't long
In making the fact known, and one
of our doctors sewed the toe back
on. It was hanging by a thin layer
of skin on the upper part of the
From the Ledger.
MIks Etta IjuUoI.s lias been very
ill for several days, but Is reported
to be Improving.
Mrs. Will Cllncburg arrived on
Sunday from Tecumseh, and is visit
Ing her mother, Mrs. Allison, n few
miles north of here.
Roy Stine had his left hand very
bndly Injured last Friday while
manipulating the loading apparatus
at the railroad coal chutes.
liny Finns departed on Monday
for Burlington Junrtlon, Mo., to
spend several days at the mlnernl
springs for benefit of his health.
Mrs. G. S. Upton and Mrs. J. T.
Reynolds departed last Saturday for
Craig, Mo., having been notified of
the very serious illness of Joseph
Reynolds at that place.
A. D. Hathaway went to Lincoln
Sunday morning to see his brother
Syl, who was injured by explosion
of a cartridge while he was on duty
as guard at the penitentiary.
Artie McKean departed Saturday
night for Hamburg, Iowa, having
received a message stating that his
father's death might be expected at
any moment. He arrived there too
late to see his father alive.
Charles Relnhart of Dlller, Neb.
was here last week to spend a few
days with his friend, Myron Lynde
and family. Mr. Relnhart resided
In this vicinity about twenty years
ago, and enjoyed meeting many of
his old acquaintances.
The railroad grading crew that
has been working near here several
weeks, with A. H. Mllby as fore
man and A. E. Whitlow as time
keeper, moved to Auburn on Tuesday,
where a large amount of work has to
be done immediately.
Stull Get Verdict.
The Jury In the case of Henry Stull
vs. the M. P. Railroad Company
was out but a short time last even
ing when they returned a verdict In
favor of the plaintiff for $147.98.
The plaintiff sued for $150 loss for
destruction of hay by fire set by loco
motives of the defendant. Evidently
the Jury considered his case well
brought as they gave him virtually
all he asked for, without much dis
sent. The Lndlis Al dSoclety of Eight
Mile Grove will have an Ice cream
and box social on Wotson Long's
Lawn. Saturday evening. May 2!.
Everyone Invited.
I.Mltl. Mirio;.
A. Iiynnrt; a nnn-rmluVnt
You are IktpIiv notlflcil that nn the
Ik! lny of Mnv, A HMtH, Ilelpna A.
livBHrt filoil a petition HKdlnxt you In
th lilHtrlct Court of Ch County. Ne.
Iirankn. the oliject nnl pravpr of which
ar, Klri. To oMiiln a divorce from
you on tln Krourel t lint you hnv wll
fullv ohnmloneil tho plnlntlfT without
kooiI rniiH for more than two yi-nrn
liiat, ami rWoiut. that you hnv urnmily
ami wantonly fnlW-il ami nrnlirlol to
Kiinport lit filiilntirr, ami Third. To
iulet tlii tlili ti Hip Norlhwi'Kt
iiunrtr IN. V. 1-4 I of Kortlon tin
Township ten Itfli, llnnm twnlvn
fl'Ji ennt. In the County of Can, Hint
of Ni'l'i iimKii. In unlit plnlntllT n aitalnxt
you. Vou nm ruulm! to miik" niiKwrr
to nahl iii-tltloii nn or lipfori" tlift 14th
Ony of Juno, A. I . 1 !'!.
Ili'lnnii A. ivnr,.
II v l'.ni ipV Ar !!nni"i'y.
1 1 r Attornevn
The modern rain coat is now
looked upon as an indispensable
part of a well equipped ward
robe. Our handsome Quality
coats are models of style .-.nd
comfort. We guarantee every
one of them. $20 to $35.
For the man
who must have a
good coat tor a
small price we of
fer an extra special value
in plain black, all wool;
also gray and fancy aja
mixtures at will
We could say these are
$20 coats at price, but
they are not. We will
say however that they
are under priced at $10
and a bargain for the
man who buys them.
Ask for the advertised coat.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
"Where Quality Counts."
Nebraska City Man Suffers For
Two Hours Fear of Death
E. I). Tlbbets and Earl Dickson,
two Nebraska City decorators and
painters had an experience ono night
last wtek which they will not forget
as long as they live. Neither of them
want to pass through a similar ex
It seems after their days's work
at a farm house they had gone to
Nehawka to secure some things they
needed for their next day's work.
They secured the snme and started
back to the place where they were
stopping and thinking It the nearest
way they walked down the railway
track. They were some distance
from town and started to cross a
steel cattle guard on the Missouri
Pacific railway and when halt way
over E. D. Tlbbltts got one of his
feet fast between one of the pieces of
steel and In surging around to get
the Imprisoned foot loose he got the
other foot caught and here he was
fast In a cattle guard In the middle
of the track and nothing could re
lease his friend but all In vain
and the harder he worked the
firmer seemed the grip of the steel
guards and the limbs of the Impris
oned man begun to swell and this
not only made It more difficult to re
lease him, but exceedingly painful.
They both worked and talked
over the situation and ever now and
then they stopped to listen for any
train that might be approaching.
They had both taken off their coats
and laid them down on the track
and by them set a can of oil they
were carrying and Mr. Dickson was
to go up the track end after pouring
oil on the two coats was to set them
on fire In hopes that the engineer
might seo the signal In time to stop
and then they coul'd secure tools
the trainmen tot release the Impris
oned mnn. They had nothing with
which to work and both worked
with their hands until they were
cut and bleeding. It was a horrible
position to bo In for It was near time
for tho regular train to come down
from Lincoln and besides there was
To liny Hall.
Tho local bnHeball tiam will play
their opening game next Saturday
afternoon at thu Chicago avenue
park. Cedar Creek will be their op
ponents and a red hot game. Is as
sured. The local teom Iihs been
proctlclng ngularly and will make
a desperate effort to win the gnme.
Cedar Creek tins got a good tenm.
one of the best of the country teams
and will make a game fight to win.
Manager Warn n Is sanguine that the
Incnls will be able to down the coun
try boys but they will hnvo to go
sonic to do it and It need surprise no
one to have Cedar Creek walk off
with the laurrelK.' The game wl'l
repay everyone attending and as u
matter of encouragement (o the local
tntn, n big crowd should be out. It
must not be thought (lint Cedar
Creek In a weak team n It is far
w mi m
no telling when a freight train might
put in appearance. Mr. Dickson did
not dare leave his friend because of
this to go to a farm house which
was some distance nwny fearing that
a train might come. and Its coming
without any warning monnt Instant
dentil. They did everything that
was poHsible for two men to do In
such a trying position, praying and
many other things.
Tho labored and tugged away for
over one and a half hours and finally
by loosening the shoes of the Impris
oned man one limb was released
and then the other one was released
by cutting away the clothing and the
shoes and In so doing In the dark
cut the flesh In several places. The
night was pitch dark and despite
the fact that both men yelled them
selves hoarse they cold not at-tract
the attention of anyone. f : ,
WTien Mr. Tlbblts was Anally re
leased they both were so exhausted
they lay down on the wet cold
ground for some time before they
could regain sufficient strength to
get up and resume their journey.
Mr. Tlbbets was In such bad shape
that he had to be assisted to the
place where he was stopping and
there received medical attention. He
secured his shoes the next day.
The gentlemen both say that they
never want to go through such a
thrilling experience again in their
lives and they will not forget the two
hours of horror they spent, one
dreading to see a train dash up
and grind his friend to pieces and
tho other facing a sure death In case
a train did put In appaeraace. The.
horror of such a condition can only
be realized by one who has been
there. It was two long hours and
seemed like days to the two gentle
men. Strange that It may seem the
train was late that night and to
Mils Mr. Tlbbltts partly owes his
life and to the untiring efforts ot
his friend, who worked him free
from the death trap, Nebraska
City News.
from that. In fact, It Is one of the
strongest country teams In this sec
tion of the state and fully capable
of sustaining Itself against metropol
itan teams. Do not fall to lend your
pn sence and encourage the freat
American game to Its fullest extent.
licit School Superintendent.
Louisville, Neb., May 25. Walter
Plybon of t'nlvt rslty Place was elect
ed superintendent of the Louisville,
schools at a meeting of the board of
education held here today. MIsh
Agnes Kennedy of Murray was elect
ed Instructor In the seventh and
eighth grades. Superintendent Ply
bon will receive $83 a month. He
Is a graduate of the Nebraska Wes
leyan university, having graduated
with the class of 1 0 8 . During the
last ymr he was superintendent of
the schools nt IUlvldere.