The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 27, 1909, Image 4
The - Plattsmouth - Journal t Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska CZZD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE It wasn't the name that made the fame of It appears from reports in Lincoln papers that the police in that city are. having "a time" in making a dry town of it. The students at the University can buy beer by the case much easier than they could buy it 'by the glass before the sa loons went out of business. Prohibition never prohibits in a city like Lincoln, and there is not a particle of use trying to make it stick in the capital city. ''Weed Day" has been suggested by C. II. Gillespie of Madison in a letter to Governor Shallenberger. Mr. Gillespie states that he is a good roads man, and declares that he thinks that the state would be much benefitted if a day should be set aside in July or August for the pulling, cutting or general destruction of weeds. The suggestion is a good one if the pe ple will heed the proclamation, if issued by the governor. It wouldn't hurt to try it one season, anyhow. Senator Tanner, of the South Omaha Daily Democrat, gives Edward Howard of the Columbus Telegram the follow ing deserved rap: "The harangue that Edgar Howard put up about the recent legislature has proven to be nuts for the republ.'can press. Howard may be proud of this disreputable pice of literature, but in doing so he has changed Hie opin ion of many good men who had always held him in high es teem in the past." Hon. "William Jennings 1'rynn will deliver the graduating address at the commencement exercises of the Plattsmouth .high school at the Parmele theater on Friday night, May L'8. This address will be frpe from politics and will be on a sub ject in the interest and relating to education. There are many of Mr. I'ryan's friends throughout Cass County who no doubt will be here to hear the Great Commoner. They will be doubly repaid for their trouble in ccming many miles to hear Ne braska's great favorite. It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name School Teacher's Graft. Kveryone with an ounce of brain knows that the school leacher is poorly paid in accordance with those who follow rtl'.er trades and professions. Some people speak of school teaching as an outrageous graft. The following from the Arapahoe Pioneer lets in a little light on the subject as fol lows: "It is not unusual to hear people, who perhaps have never taken the trouble to think on the subject, complaining of 'he high wages being paid to teachers. To hear these people talk one would think a teacher would have no trouble what ever to become wealthy in a very few years. How different are the real facts. A teacher in this section is probably em ployed in the profession of teaching eight months out of the year at the princely salary of forty dollars per month, hence she receives for her year's salary $.'5-0. Out of this she pays 10 for board, and at least 50 for clothes, leaving her at the end of her term $150 for her work. Then she is required to attend institute and summer school which takes from $75 to $100 more so then when the next school year begins, she is in luck if she has enough cash to pay the first month's board. That such is the condition is not right. Those who have by study and pcrspverence fitted themselves to be instructors of cur children should receive pay commensurate with their work and the dignity of their profession. Only competent teachers should be employed and such teachers are entitled to a salary that will at least leave something after the necessary expendi tures for board and clothes'. How to Rid Your Lawns of Them. Extermination of dandelions is the price of a lawn. Every where over the city the light is being waged by tho tidy housc holder. It may be interesting to note that killing dandelions on bluegrass lawns by means of chemical sprays is no longer an experiment. An agronomist has to say: As a result of three years' of successful work, the follow ing facts will prove of great interest to every owner of a blue grass lawn. Young dandelion plants are killed by spraying with a twenty per cent solution of sulphate of iron. Old plants are badly injured, the foliage being being wholly destroyed, but the growing bud is not killed and the old root seuds up now foliage. Applying dry sulphate of iron to the heart (growing bud) of tho old plant produced death. Repeated spraying of Middle aged and old plants result as in their death. To destroy young dandelion plants by spraying, disolve two pounds of sulphate of iron in a gallon of water, stirring with a stick to hasten solution, and supply with a hand sprayer Use a gallon of solution to one square rod plot. If the tits application is not completely successful, spray a second time Repented spraying will be rewarded by the eradication of tho plant. The grass and clover will 1k blackened and appear killed ut this need not cause no alarm, they are not mortally injure and in a few days recover and grow with increase! vigor. The solution ran he made- and snrnved over a souare rod o grass in less than half an hour. Freshly cut lawn grass leaves are verv susceptable to niiury bv spraying with sulphate o iron solutions; therefore do not spray a lawn to kill dande lions for several days before or after cutting. Sulphate of iron mav be applied in large quantities (5 Mounds to a square rod) to a lawn without permaiiet:t injury to Nue grass. Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY The Consumer's Burden. Yoni the New York World. In the whole tariff system there is no one duty that more for cibly proves the iniquity of the present protectionist policy of taxation than that on sugar. To the American consumer it almost doubles the price of one of the prime necessities of ite. It is an "infamous tax," as nyne Mac eagh said, be cause "it extorts from the laboring man an actual sum often in excess of the sum the same tax extorts from the richest multi-millionaire." It taxes poverty in proportion to its needs and the more poverty pays the more wealth gains unjust exemption. In the last twelve years, as Senator Clay showed yester day, for every dollar that the government has collected in sugar duties the sugar trust lias exacted more than a dollar in profits from the consumers. The tariff on refined sugar, which tho consumer uses, is so high as to be prohibitory. In 907 only 219 tons were imported, in 1908 only 430 tons. Uare- y one-fourth of the sugar consumed in the United States is pro duced by the cane and sugar beet growers, and the sugar trust in recent years lias acquired control ot a number ot the best sugar refineries. The tariff not only insures it absolutely l if ?i m?i e i'.i'. 1... ..!.,..! against me possiuiuiy oi coiupeuwun, uui u.v u wiuiui muu- opoly of the refining industry and by trade agreements it i i i , ii i i' i'. i'. ms exungiusneu me uomesuc competition. Yet the sucrar trust has not been content with the bene fits conferred upon it by the government nt the expense of millions of consumers. For years it has derived the secret benefits nt the expense of the government from wholesale weighing frauds committed on the decks of its own refinery. The $2,000,000 refunded to the government rep- resents probably only a small part oi the proms oi crime. Senator Clnv did well to insist that it is wrong for the gov irnmcnt to double the cost of a daily necessity of life like sugar to the consumer when the same amount ot revenue could be easily supplied by an income tax. The cost of living is ex cessively high for the poor. The people of this country are entitled to relief not only Irom an unreasoname tax nut irom ilm pvnetinns of a criminal trust. Merelv as a revenue measure there is no better substitute fnr urnhihitnrv suirar duties than an income tax. Senator De pew's objection that New York will pay r..' 1-3 per cent of the income tnx is a t rival argument. If it should that shows that ur eent. of the hiir incomes are in New York. They are 1 . . i i ii 1. e .. 1 1 ..,,.1., f not made here exclusively, mu are unnwi inmi mi nn tho country. The ravne-Aldrich bill will be judged by the results ach- ii.viwl in ..miiiliz'mi? the burdens of taxation. I hey will not l,i. ..moilm..! if eonirross persists in retaining duties framed in fi.vr.1 n f tlm snenr trust and defers the adoption of an in come tax that would compel wealth to bear a fairer share of the load now borne by poverty. no doubt about the guilt of the man, it would appear, but he gets another trial because the indictment is declared defec tive. We are bound to suppose that something mighty seri ous had been discovered, and pray what is it? "Warner's of fense, as set forth, was "against the dignity of the state," and that because the last "the" was omitted this unfaithful lawmaker had been improperly convicted! Great is the crim inal law and its amazing technicalities, and mighty helpful to rascals.. Nothing better calculated than this case to arouse popular contempt for the courts could be conceived. In this connection it is interesting to note that the "ab surdities of the criminal 'law' " are frankly admitted by Jus tice Robert Mayes of the Mississippi supreme court. He tells by way of illustration of a murder case in his state which had been appealed. The defendant was charged with killing his man, and the indictment alleged that the victim "did then and there languish for a period of twenty hours and then died." The supreme court reversed the case because it was only al leged that the victim "did then die." If it had been set forth in the indictment that he "did then and there die," no second trial would have been required. In another case the man who drew the indictment alleged that the defendant 'Mid then and there wilfully and feloniously set fire to nnd burn," a barn. The supreme court ordered a new trial because the indictment failed to charge that the burning was "malicious." When Jus tice Mayes, in his address at a recent meeting of the Mississip pi Rar association, said that "I condemn in unequivocal terms a law that makes such decissions necessary nnd makes a farce Criminal Law Grossly Fails. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Tim nt tout inn of manv readers must have been arrestc bv the statement in recent news that the two years' penitcn- tilar sentence of Ferd Warner, formerly a member of the St houis house of delegates, convicted for bribery, had been re ... . . i i MM ! crscd and remanded by llie .Missouri supreme conn Spring - Millinery!; 325 PER CENTc 3 There is YOU WILL FIND Belter Styles Better Goods Better Work and 25 per cent less than any other Millinery in this part of the country. Call and see MISS MYERS I;