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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1909)
Neb. State Historical Soc 3 J SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION- EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XX VIII PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 127, 1909 NO. 220 ANNUAL CORN HUSKER FOR 1909 One of the Best Ever Issued William A. Robertson of This City Editor-in-Chief As stated on its title page the Cornhusker is "published annually by the upper classes of the Univer sity of Nebraska, volume three be ing a partial record of the happen ings during the college year 1908 90D." To make this record there are 432 pages of bright, snappy matter, including photographs, drawings and cartoons. Two hundred pages of the book are devoted to a history of each of the classes with individual para graphs and photographs for each of the upper classmen. This matter Is arranged by colleges, each depart ment of the university having Its graduates and juniors grouped to gether. Athletics claim forty-nine pages and the millitary events are given fifteen pages. Sixty pages are given over to the fraternities and sororities, fifty pages are taken up by other societies, and the rest of the book Is devoted to literary composi tion, roasts and Jokes. The 1909 Cornhusker Is more than a catalogue of the university. It gives a resume of the school as would a catalogue, but it goes further than that in embodying something of the Nebraska spirit In book form, bo that the university student and alumnus feels the Influence of the school about him as he looks at the publication of its upper classes There has been an attempt every where on the part of the editors to gain for thet; book this "Nebraska spirit." It Is manifested on the de 'ftlc&tlon page In the words with which the work Is dedicated to Dr. George Evert Condra, professor of geology, who has been conspicious among the faculty as a champion of school loyalty. It is manifest In the verse of the university song, composed by ex-Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews, and It shows elsewhere in the book wherever there has been a chance to bring the "Nebraska spirit" to the front. The Cornhusker staff 13 itself composed of students who are gen erally recognized as having the spirit which they have striven to give their book. W. A. Robertson, law 1909, Is editor-in-chief of the publication. He Is a member of the law fraternity Phi Delta Fhl, and of the Masonic college organization known as Ac acia. He has been president of the university republican club and a member of the junior prom, com mittee. His home Is at Plattsmouth. O. Bentley, business manager of the a junior engineer. He Is a member of Phi Kappa Psl and of the engineering society. He has been manager of several class athle tic teams. He Is a graduate of Lin coln high school. As managing editor the Cornhusk er has E. W. Hills, 1909. R. S. Moseley, 1910. C. P. Peterson, law 1909, and L. B. Studevant, medical 1909. Associate editors are named as follows: Helen Gray. 1909, Ger trude Nellson, 1909, Bessie Hol comb, 1909, O. W. Peters, 1909. Ethel Perkins, 1910, Florence Rid del, 1910, Bessie Deming. 1910, Val lery White, 1910. There are some forty other assistants on the staff who have had a part In getting to gether the material which makes up the book. Probably the most notable feature of the 1909 Cornhusker, wherein It differs from the publications of pre vious years Is in the artistic effect obtained In grouping the Individual photographs. In the arrangement of the junior and senior pictures a standard form has been followed throughout the book, but in the fra ternity, sorority and society depart ments there Is displayed some ex ceedingly neat work In pngo designs which Rerve as a background for the Individual photographs. In most of the sorority pictures, for Instance, the pictures have been arranged In a form symbolical of the sorority pin or some other emblem peculiar to the organization concerned. The idea has never been tried before In a Cornhusker or other university an nual and It will probably meet with the full approval of the students. Not only are the pictures arrnnged artistically, but the general art work in the publication is above the aver age cf university books. A number of full page drawings by P. K. Fred ericks, 1911, are worthy of note and headings by "Deacon" are well exe cuted. The one noticable deficiency of the book is in fun. The 1909 Cornhusk er will probably rank as the most serious annual ever yet published by the university students. There are plenty of roasts, but downright fun is lucking. The first pages of the book are de voted to the dedicatory expressions and to a statement and picture of the staff. Immediately following the full page photographs of Former Chancellor Andrews and the present acting Chancellor, Dr. Samuel Avery. Between these pictures and the class histories is a photograph and description of the battleship "Ne braska." The class history of the senior class occupies two pages wherein are set forth briefly the principal events during the four years' course of the class through the university. The history of the Juniors is told at great length and is cleverly ar ranged In the form of letters from a member of the class to a friend "at home." This Is the work of Miss Grace KImmer. One page each suffices for the his tories of the sophomore and fresh man classes. In each the historian confined himself to a mere statement of fact. Following the class hfstorles there Is an extended resume of the various colleges of the university. This sec tion, including the individual men tion of the Juniors and seniors, com prises the major part of the book. The college of literature, science and arts comes first, prefaced with a pho tograph of Dean W. Davis and a statement, and then are thirty-five pages of the individual material. Pictures and write-ups are given on alterate pages, the latter being con fined to a statement of honors won, society memberships, and to a short quotation suposed to fit the charac ter of one to whom It Is addressed. Seniors are given first place and the Junior paragraphs follow. The teachers college, reposing with dignity In the Cornhusker as the "College of Pedagogy," follows the academic college departments the picture of the dean prefacing the rest of the material. The system followed In the college of literature is pursued In the teachers' depart ments sixten pages being given over to indiidual paragraphs. The same plan of treatment which was followed In the preceding col lege departments Is held to In the In dustrial college section, and also that of 'of the engineers, medical students, dentists and law. For the first time In the history of university annals the sae farm Is given a department of It,s own. A history of the school of agriculture by Principal A. E. Davlsson consti tutes the preface to this part of the Cornhusker, and the standard scheme of Individual pictures and wrlteups la followed for the rest of the department space Succeeding the departmentmental part of the Cornhusker Is the athlet ic section, Introduced by a picture of Coach "King" Cole, who has for two years superintended the making of Nebraska's foot ball team. Foot ball leads off the athletic material with the pictures of several of last fall's big games and with a history of the sport of the year by W. N. Johnson. Pictures of class teams follow and then com In turn pages describing the university work In basket ball, track work, cross coun try running, gymnastics, tennis, baseball and girl's athletics. The military department of the Cornhusker presents a pleasing ap pearanee with Its numerous photo graphs of companies officers, band and special drill clubs. Cnpt. J. O. Worklzer holds the plnce of onor with a photograph on the first page of the section. I The coll' go organizations which are given space following the mili tary section speak well for the var led activities of the university, cities the Y. M C. A., the English club, the German club, the medical society, the Latin club, the Catholic students' club, the engineering so ciety, the university branch of the American Institute of electrical en gineers, the Komensky club, the col lege equal suffrage league, the dra matic club, the Dally Nebraskan, the students' debating club, the debating squad, the luterclass debating teams, and the class societies, Including the Innocents, Black Masque, Silver Serpent, Vikings, XI Delta, Iron Sphinx, and Spikes. Tho eleven fraternities of the uni versity and the nine sororities the each represented by photographs and a roll of members The masonic or ganization of Arcadia and the var ious professional fraternities are likewise exhibited. The remaining fifty pages of tho book are devoted to literary verses and jokes. The latter are listed as "Roasting Ears'' and it is presumed they are spicy enough to cause some merriment and perhaps a little else among uni versity student?. State Journal, Give Linen Shower. From Tuesday uauy. Mrs. L. V. Copenhaver and Miss Freese last evening entertained a number of guests with a linen show er In honor of Miss Nellye Whelan whose engagement to Charles L. Carlson Is announced. For the occa sion the house was very handsome ly decorated with cut flowers In great profusion. The evening was delightfully spent with various games and social pastimes, one of the most unique and original of which was the writing of recipes for a cook book for Miss Whelan. It can be safely said that some of the recipes were certainly wonders In their way. The evening was brought to a close with refreshments of dif ferent kinds which the guests great ly appreciated and which were In keeping with this superb social event. There were many very hand some and costly gifts made to the young lady. The Invited guests were Mrs. Frank Dalton, Cal., Misses Nettle Hawksworth, Nellye Wilson, Estelle and Carrie Baird, Mrs. Chas. Freese, Misses Mabel Carlyle, Omaha, Hil da Barwick, Gertrude, Beeson, Her mia Windham. Lettie Smith, Julia Kerr, Alma Larson, Goodie Peter sen, Grace York, Carrie Becker,, Frances Illber, Rebecca Haines, Jo sephine Yelinek, Bessie Edwards, Lillie and Belle Martin, Cal., Frances Mitchell, Omaha, Helen Travis. Have it Tine Picnic. A fine picnic was given last Fri day, May 21, by the teacher and pupils of school district No. 28, the scene of the affair being the Stull pasture northwest of the city. The afternoon was delightfully spent In various ways by the pupils, games of all kinds being Indulged In and a general good time had. Those who attended were Misses Julia Koukal, Slrena Stull, Nell Fltz- patrlck, Dorse Jordan, Bertha Smith, Velma Elliott, Mabel Jordan, Zella Elliott, Sylvia Stander, Viola Stan- der, and the teacher of District 28, Miss Frances Kanka, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. A. J. Kanka and son LcRoy, Messrs. John Stander, Russell Stan der, Emil Stull, Fred Stull, Frank Karvonek, Maurice Stander, Henry Stull, Alvln Stull, Aug. Koukal, Louis Koukal, Raymond Koukal, Floyd Elliot, Raymond Stull, Forest Smith. Had ft Car Off. From Tuesday' Dally. A wild eyed rumor was afloat In the city this morning to tho effect that a passenger train had been wrecked between Union and Mur ray and that several people had been killed or Injured. Another report put the wreck as occurring on the Platte River bridge. Both reports were canards. The morning M. P. train for the south was detoured via Louisville and Weeping Water on account of a freight car being dr railed near Union Mocking tho track ho that tho pnssenger could not get iy. No one was hurt and tho wreck If It could be dignified by that name was cleared up by noon. Owing to tho detourlng o ft ho train tho telegraph plates of tho Journal did not arrive from Des Moines. Atlvt-rtlscd Letter LM. Tho following letters remain ni lie postofflco at Plattsmouth, Neb. for the week ending May 24, 1909 Persons Inquiring for same pleasi say "advertised." Ladles Lnrrell Mrs. Chas. Gentlemen Carpenter C. ; Sampson, Stanley, D, M. C. If. Smith. I'oiitmnster ("lose a Successful Season. From Tuesday's Ual'ly. Miss Ella Margaret Dovey depart ed lust evening for Chicago, 111., where she will join her sisters Miss Alice Dovey and Mrs. Frederick Truesdell for a brief visit. Miss Alice Dovey closed her theatrical season last Saturday night In Boston where "A Stubborn Cinderella" repeated its great triumph of Chicago and New York. As is usual in the Other cities Miss Dovey leaves Bos ton a great favorite and received the highest praise from the dra matic critics of the hub. Mrs. Trues dell (Miss Ethel Dovey) closed her season several days since at Racine, Wis., "A Stubborn Cinderella" hav ing captured the west completely as it did the east and Mrs. Truesdell making a great hit with the company From reports in the dramatic papers this company captured the western cities especially Mrs. Truesdell' acting. Mr. and Mrs. Dovey expect both their daughters home during the first week In June for a brief va cation stay with them, Miss Ella Margaret Dovey accompanying them home. A nether Good Render. One of the Journal's staunch friends, Geo. Cook, from near Alvo, In Sunday, and after spending the Sabbath day with his brother Chas. Cook, Immediately south of the city, he came to Plattsmouth to day, where he Is a member of the Jury. This morning, in company with his brother Charley, he called at this office where he left the wherewith to pay for a year's sub scription for his brother W. A., at Elmwood. Any newspaper can well bo proud of such readers as the Cook brothers, and we are only too glad to add another one to our list, and If we do not make a good strong democrat out of the new addition It won't be our fault. At any rate we shall endeavor to give him all the news of Cass County, which is our specialty all the time. Dance 11 Big Siiccchs. The dance given last Saturday night by the T. J. Sokol society for the benefit of the fire department was a signal success. There was a very large attendance and everyone participating had an enjoyable time. The entire affair was one to bo proud of and the members of the society an well as the members of the fire department were more than pleased at the outcome. The several committees having the affair In charge discharged their duties In an excellent manner and made the oc casion one long to be remembered. It was a late hour before the last dancer left after spending a fine evening. The net results were quite hoandsome and go largely toward aiding in equipping the new hose rart. District Court In Session. From Tuesday's Dally. District Court opened this after noon in real good shape, all the members of the Jury reporting for duty and being prepared for their work which will last several weeks. As Is always the case there wero a number of members asking to be excused. The full membership of Jury Is as follows: From Platts mouth, John Bajeck, C. C. Dovey, Mat Jerousek, Q. K. Parmele, Geo. W. Snyder, Win, Starkjohn. From the country outside of Plattsmouth and Plattsmouth precinct: George Barton, Wm A. Cleghorn, John Col bert, Goorgo Cook, Wesley DavlH, John Edmunds, Charles Gerlach, Geo. Horn, Lyman James, S. R. James, E. F. Marshall, I). A. Miller, L. 1). Mullen, sr., J. R. Noyes, Wm Pankonln, J. W. Rugha, Max Straub, Jimii Turk. Ulcliardson's House Burns. Tho house of John Rchardson near tho Burlington brldgo on the Iowa sldo caught flro last Saturday afternoon about three o'clock In the Afternoon and was totally destroyed The cause of the flro Is unknown The structure was new one having been built about two years ago and represented an Investment of Home tl.r.00. It Is understood that It was insured for a good amount which will help toward reducing the amount of the loss. Mr. Richard son hns been very unfortunate nnd the general sympathy of the public la ext'iided to him In his misfortune A. S. Will In attending to buslinM. matters In Omahn today being a pns senger for that fit y on tho early tain this morning. GREAT NORTHERN OFFERS REWARD Railroad Will Give $60,000 for Men Who Held Up Train Agent Pickett of the Bur llngton, is in receipt of a poster from the Great Northern Railroad offer- ng $C0,000 reward for the arrest and convitticn of tho parties bolti ng up the Great Northern train No. 3 at Morse, siding, four and one-half miles east of Hlllyard, Wash., on the night of May 15th. Tho reward Is at the rate of $10000 per head for the men, there being six of them concerned In tho raid. In addition tho United States government offers a reward of $1,000 for the arrest and oiivlotlon of an person in any United States Court on the charge of robbing the mnlls whllo being con veyed In any mall car attached to a railroad train. In this case the mail car was robbed of registered mail. It Is stated that there were two men n the engine, two on tho tank and wo waiting at the spot where tho robbery took place. The following Is the description of the two men on the engine who can be Identified by the engineer and fireman: No. 1, six feet tall, dark Wedded at Elnmootl. 4 pretty wedding occurred at the Catholic church Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock when Rev. Father Bounts of Palmyra pronounced the words which united the lives of August Stander, a prominent far mer, and Miss Mary Brown, former ly of Burr, Neb., and a sister of Mrs. Wm. Brown of this city. The bridesmaid was Miss Lena Stander, niece of the groom, and the grooms man, Mr. A. L. Brown, of Lincoln, brother of the bride. 4.8 the beautiful strains of the wedding march, rendered by Miss Mary Zlmniereer, floated through the auditorium, tho bridal party took their places at tho marriage al tar. The ceremony was beautiful and Impressive, being witnessed by only the Immediate relatives of the contracting parties. After the ceremony tho bridal party and the Invited guests went to the home of Ambrose BIckert where a delightful wnddlng breakfast was enjoyed.. The happy couple depart ed In tho evening for their future home near Louisville. It Is a pleasure to chronicle the marriage of such worthy people and this paper wafts to them Its warmest congratulations. Elm wood Leader Echo. Shipped Cur to California. Former Senator 8. L. Thomas has thlpped hla fine Jackon touring car to his son Walter L., at Long Beach, Cal. Owing to tho demand on the manufacturers for these fine cars, they have been unablo to supply tho trade with the consequent result that their agents are left handl ed ped with lack of demonstrating machines. Mr. Thomas wrote his father a few days since to the effect that he needed tho car very badly for demonstrating purposes with tho result that the senntor at onco load ed It and shipped It to Mm. The Jackson has proven a very popular and well liked car and there Is no loubt It will make fully as good a ecord on the coast as It has here. Whllo tho Senator regrettedlettlnglt go, he thought It best from a busi ness viewpoint, having every desire to help his son make the business at Ixing Beach a grent success. I'm. m South Miikotii Paper. The Northwest Post Is In receipt of a program of tho commencement exercises of the Pliitsmouth (Neb.,) (light school and among the twenty- four graduates Is tho name of Clnr- enco E. Ileal, brother of Mrs. B. L. Klrkmnn of this city. Clarence will bo remembered iih having spent lust Hummer hero as n member of tho Hello Fourcho baseball team, and his young friends hero will cong ntnlato Mm upon successfully completing a four years course In one of tho most excellent high sdiools In tho stnto of Nebraska. At tho exercises Hon. Jennings Bryan will deliver his fa mou nddress, "Tho Price of a Soul.' Belle Fourcho (8. D.) Nnrthwott Post.. hair and smooth shaven, wore white slouch hat with small brim, dark coat and trousers, about 33 or 4 0 years old. face wrinkled, weight 190 pounds. No. 2, five feet eight inches tall, weight about 1C0 or 170 pounds,, dark complexion, black slouch hat with brim turned down and hat split up in the back, were dark coat and light checked trousers, henvy tan shoes, This man under stood how to handle an engine. In case tho guilty parties are kill ed resisting arrest, tho Great North ern Railway Company will pay tho reward upon proof that tho parties killed participated In the robbery. Upon arrest tho following officers should be wired: E. L. Brown, gen eral superintendent, Spokane, Wash., D. Allnian, chief special agent, St. Paul, Minn., or G. D. Linn, postofflco Inspector In charge, Spokane, Wash. The Great Northern nlso makes a standing offer on the nbovo terms for the capture and conviction of any person or persons guilty of holding up and robbing any of Its trains In tho future. "Passion Piny'' lit Majestic. At the Majestic theater last night Manager Walker presented tho great "Passion Play" pictures to a large and appreciative audience. In addition to the "Passion Play" pic tures he also presented a large num ber of steroptlcan views of tho Prin cipal characters In the play. Tho en Ulnment was as fine a sacred pre sentation as was ever given In the city and the audience wbb highly pleased. Should It bo found that these sacred entertainments pay, others will be given In the future. Mr. Walker having arranged to se cure "The Star of Bethlehem' a magnificent moving picture for pre sentation at an early date. This en te talnment Is secured at great ex pense and good patronage must bo had to make them a success. As tho pictures are only shown 0110 time nnd are separate and distinct from th week day program, tho outlay Is quite considerable. One fenture last evening was the absence of noise and disturbance, no music being played outside. Last night's performnnco was of much merit and Is to bo com mended. Very Pleasant Time. The pleasant farm homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Porter, four miles. southwest of Mynard presented a scene of much joy and happlnci Sunday, at which tlmo a number of friends and relatives gathered in to spend tho day. Mrs. Porter had spared no pains In preparing for tho comfort and enjoyment of her guests, and from one who was pres ent we are Informed that It was one of the most pleasant occasion of all their lives. Tho dinner served by Mrs. Porter was one of tho most en joyable number of the day, In fact the visitors wero unablo to partake of all tho many good things placed bo foro them. Following wero thoso present: T. W. Vallery and wife, Glen Vallery and wife, C. E. Cook and family, Joe Kellogg, Fremont Petty, Leola Vallery, Margery allery, Chns. Vallery. Mrs. W. I). Wheeler and daughter Lillian. Hold llaiMpiet. Last Friday night tho members of Mystic Encampment, No. .11, I. O. O. F. held the election of officers nnd also a big banquet following. Tho entire meeting nnd social ses lon which followed was n fine 0110 nnd tho members thoroughly en joyed themselves. Th officer elected are ns fol lows: fast Chief patriarch. Wm. Holly. Past Chief. J. E. Jones. Senior Wnrdcn, Win. Wohlfarth. Junior Warden, Wave Wahlen greti. Tho remaining officers of tho or ganization nro nppolntlvo and hav not yet been made. Mystic encamp ment has nttnlnod a reputation for nnvlng most enjoynblo meetings and tho members nro enthusiastic and Igoromf workers for the rnuso of Odd Fellowship