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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1909)
ft SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXVI11 rLATTSMOUTIl, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1009 NO. 215 a LAW RE GARDING DIVORCES Numerous Changes Made the Last Legislature by There seems to be some Interest sonal notice duly proved and appear felt in reference to the new divorce K of record, if out of this state, or unless tne aerenaani snail nave enter- law, and as quite a few have asked as THE LAST SAD RITES Paid to One of the Truest Men in Ne braskaPioneer of Cass County (Louisville Courier) Heury Lehnhoff, one of the early pioneers of Cass county, died at the home of his son, Dr. H. J. Lehn hoff, in Lincoln, aged 73 years. He was born In Provluce of Hanover, Germany, and came to America with his parents at the age of eleven years, and settled on a farm in Jefferson ed an appearance in the case; but If I county. Wisconsin. In reference to the matter, we publish u (.hal, appear t0 the satisfaction of the law as it appears in the Senate file the court by the affidavit of the pe- for the benefit of those who are Inter- tltioner or his or her attorney that ested. the petitioner does not know the Be it enacted by the Legislature of j address or residence of the defendant. . the State of Nebraska: 3"d nas not be,n able t0 . . ,. I either, after reasonable and due in- Sectlon 1. That section eight j , , . . , .. twenty-five (25)' " ' " Z'" . iV , (8) of chapter Compiled Statutes of Nebraska, 1907, be amended to read as fol lows: Section 8. No person shall be en titled to a divorce for any cause aris ing in the state who has not had act ual residence in the state at least one year next before beginning suit for divorce with a bona fide Inten tion of making this state his or her permanent home, unless the marriage was solemnized in this state and the applicant shall have resided therein from the time of the marriage to the ime of filing the petition. No per son Bhall be entitled to a divorce for anv cause arising out of this state unless the petitioner or defendant shall have resided within this state for at least two years next before bringing suit for divorce, with a bona flde Intention of making this state his or her permanent home. Section 2. That section 10. of chapter ?5, Comniled Statutes of Ne braska. 1907, be amended to read as follows: Section 10. A petition or bill of divorce, alimony and maintenance may be exhibited by a wife in her own name, as well as by a husband, and In all cases, the respondent mav an swer such petition or bill without oath. No person shall he entitled to a divorce unless the defendant shall have been nersonallv served with pro cess If within this state, or with per- months, after the filing of the petl tlon, the court or Judge in vacation shall authorize notice by publication of the pendency of the suit for di vorce, to be given In manner as pro vided In other cases under code of civil procedure. Section 3. That chapter 25, Com piled Statutes of Nebraska, 1907, be amended by adding thereto, section forty-seven (47) as follows: A decree of divorce shall not be come final or operative until six In 1857 he married to Miss Caro lina Ossenkop, and of this union six children were born,' all of whom are living except the eldest daughter. ThoBe who survive him are his faith ful wife and five children, namely: iMr. C. C. McPherson, Mrs. V. C. Frampton, Miss Minnie, William and H. J. Lehnhoff, all living in Lin coln. Mr. Lehnhoff came to Nebraska and settled In Cass county in the year 1860, settling on a claim of 160 acres in Center precinct where he erected a home and remained there until about two years ago, when he moved with his wife to Lincoln to spend the remainder of his days. He took a prominent part In the develop ment of the country, was an honor able and trustworthy citizen and had scores of old-time friends who grlev- months after trial and decision except ed t0 learn o( hl(J dem,Be ror me purpose or review, in prow- He was a (.harter member of the lngs in error or by appeal and ror flrgt German Lutheran church la such purpose only, the decree shall CaB8 county, and assisted In erect- not become final until said proceed- lng the flrgt and gecond churche8 ings are finally determined. If no 80Uth-we8t of Louisville. He took such proceeding have been Instituted, an actlve -part ln cnurcn work at Small Maze. From Friday's Daily. A fire originating from an over heated metal smoke Jacket which ran through the roof of the kitchen at the home of Mrs. A. C. Frye on West Pearl street, created considerable ex citement and caused the department to make a lively run to the location. The department was not called Into active service, however, except to work with buckets and the flames were put out without any heavy loss. The roof of the kitchen was burned off and the inside of the kitchen bad ly charred up. It Is likely the total loss will be about $100 which is cov ered by Insurance. JOHN GUND ICE HOUSE BURNED Fire Threatened For a Time to Sweep Down on Shops SCHOOL BOARD From Saturday' Dally. A spectacular tire this morning virtually destroyed the lee vaults of the John Guiul Brewing Company and threatened for sometime to sweep through the southeastern part of the city, destroying many residences and the Burlington shops. The blaze was first discovered at about 10 o'clock by George Tartsch who was working j around the yard at his residence Just Selects Entire 'jorps of Teachers southwest of the vault, ne states , ft y 1 1 "HI me uiuze lieu ne uibi tu rn it lor Ensuing Tear waa in tne roof of the building and From Friday' Dally. was a paten or name no larger man The school board last evening held a man's hand. He rushed Into the an extended and important meeting house and 'phoned the Burlington at which a great deal of busings shops, telling them of the fire and was transacted. The board organ- also notified the department. For ized, certificates of election granted some reason as yet unexplained no to Dr. C. A. Marshall and II. N. alarm was given for fully fifteen Dovey who were re-elected at the last minutes after the fire was discovered city election. Dr. C. A. Marshall was and by this time the flames had chosen president and H. N. Dovey as eaten through the roof and had vice-president and D. C. Morgan sec- spread until a large section of the retary. rorf was ln flamrs. The election of teachers for the Just north of the vault Is the coming school year was taken up storage xtanks of the btandard un and the following were chosen unanl- Company and these were threatened mously: MiBses Anna Helsel, by the Intense heat which the fire Blanche Bell, Clee Applegate, Joule Quickly developed. There was no Yellnek, Miss Petersen, Misses Re- danger of fire from the tanks as they becca Haines, Mabel Freese, Verna are or sieei construction out ii was Cole, Martha Goehry, Amelia Mar- feared for a while that the heat This the district court may. at any time T .ipi Dnj i .h t,, tens. Nettie Hawksworth. Estelle wouia cause mem to expiooe with n said sx months, vacate or ufa ovnnA tha .,,, KnMMu BardJ Nellie Whalen. Nellie Wil- '"' "Ul lu iwi modify said decree, but if said de- Bay Dut that Henry Lehnhoff was an sn Lettle Smltn' Gertrude Stenner. 'e BU "u"Dl' " l" -fcall Voo Un vonoloH . , L. M.,w1 MoUnn Puorl einnta Inng " inniieiiHB UMIUUIIl 01 ileal i-icc Diiow .oviv,v. nonesi, uprigni citizen anu a gooa -.-j..j j. .u !.. ui .i.i i ...i. Knnkn tl iln Tlarw ck. Frances ul'ule ' nn.c.iy uiouuieu uiiieBH piueeuing nic iiien i laiuei , aim ins lading tin is icil ", - pending with that end In view, the by many. Hiber and Mrs. Mae S. Morgan. Miss Short services were held at the neien i ravis was amo neieeieu me home Wednesday aafternoon at two English teacher In the high school o'clock and the remains were brought original decree shall at the expira tion of six months become final with out any further action. t to Louisville Thursday morning for of the high school building and Wm Section 4. Said original sections interment. H. Freese Janitor of the Columbian s pnrt in nH BPetions 4S and 46 of Rev. Hartman preached the ser- schools. said chapter 25, Compiled Statutes They were tilled with uotn gasoline anu petroleum and had they blown up the fire would have unquestionably V. M. Mullls was chosen janitor "i'"7"" l" """ or i ue city. mon in German at 10 o'clock and The teachers were required to file the remains were laid to rest In the their ncceptnnce of the positions to of Nebraska 1907, and all other acts Lutneran bllrylng ground, where which they were chosen by May 20th, and parts of acts Inconsistent here with are hereby repealed. At the Mitwnlc Home. Mrs. FWence Llnnlnger Ilaller, ac companied by Miss Branedios of Oma ha, visltc 1 the Masonic Home yester day to make estimates for furnish ing the White Rest Room, which Is the latest idea of medical experts for the recuperation of neurasthemlc pa tients. The rest room Is to be op posite the guest chamber which Mrs. Haller's mother, Mrs. Geo. W. Llnnln ger, furnished when the home' was first dedicated and now situated In the new annex. Mrs. Haller on her several trips to the Orient has been quite an extensive collector of sou venirs and curios, "and on each visit to the home she brings an arm load of her treasures to decorate "Mothers' Room,'' until It Is an amatuer mus eum. The waifs and furniture are literally covered with pictures and embroideries from her first school days' effort In art. to fine oil paint ings from the old masters, among which It a real Titian. The dresser and tablps are supplied with every sort of toilet supplies so the most dainty visitors will find everything required for her make-up. anH no doubt the white rest room will be complete In Its details. J. E. V. A Good Tiling. J. C. York the barber has recently perfected a new massage cream which he Intends to enter Into the nianu numbers of his early friends have and they are required to enter Into a i gone before. contract with the hoard for their ser- A funeral party of twenty-five Ye- vices. The fall term will commence latives and friends came down from on Monday, Sept. 6, Lincoln in a special car. The board has been very fortunate In the selection of teachers, having We wish through the columns of an exceptionally fine corps. The new the Courier to express our sincere teachers all come to the schols with racture or ana dispose or an tne mar- thanks to our many old-time friends fine recommendations and are un ket. Air. lorK taKes no nestltaney in and neighbors for so klnrtlv nnlHt- nnr kMi nnhlv nliln ndnrntfirs. Miss guaranteeing the cream to be a uu- ng U8, and offering words of sym- Jcsle Yellnek was elected by the perior article ana Deiier man any pathy, during our bereavement, in the board as a teacher but declined to other on the market. He has demon- 10rb of our husband and father. areent for nemom! renMnnH. Miss strafed the cream 'to a number of Plattsmouth peoplelncludlngthe Jour nal representative and It certainly seems to fill the bill Just as he recom mends It. Tried upon the hands, It loaves them as Mrs. Henry Lhnhoff snd family. Peterson, now of Blnlr, was chosen In her Rtend. Yukon Imposition. The Journal Is ln receipt of a let- soft and delicate ter from Slrs- Jennie Neltzel. a for- There was a high wind blowing when the fire broke out and this caused the air to the southwest of the vault to be filled with flying embers. The gale was probably 25 miles an hour In speed. It was this wind which threatened to destroy the houses and the shops. The fire presented a thrilling sight Just before water was gotten on it, the flames leaping high In the gale and the black smoke rolling up In clouds. There was considerable dif ficulty In getting water on the flames owing to the distance from the hydr- mts. The white cart arrived first and atached to the hydrant at the corner of Third and Rock street. Thin hy drant is some ."ioO feet from the fire and the entire hose on the cart barely reached within playing distance of the fire. The red cart aMached to the hydvui'. at Third :ind Main streets and this also wa nearly Returns 1-Voiii Chlcniro. From Friday's Dally. Jus. A. Whit . a uroininent and or a woman's removln all dirt and her resident of this state, now located I influential citizen of the vlelnltv of "ve hundred feet away. It took some secretions In the pores and healing at Tncoma, Wash., which Is of Inter- jgimwood. rnnie lmt evening from tlmo ,0 Btretched to j representing the Anheuser Bnsch pen- any cuts or the like. It Is an antl- et to Nebraskans Intending to visit Chicago. t.n route home. Mr. through and It spedily had an effect in saving adjacent property by stop ping the flying sparks and embers. Immediately adjoining the vault In the west are the coal sheds of J. V. Egenberger and these, It was feared, would Inevitably go. The good work of the firemen however, saved them with the stock of coal which they contained. Too much praise cannot be paid the firemen for their excel lent work aa soon as they had the water. They fought the flames like a paid crew and took desperate chances to get where they could put them out. It would not bo. Just to mention any individual members of the department for especially good work as they all responded nobly and did finely. A number of them after the flames had been goften undor control and confined to the Bawdust ' mounted the roof which still remain ed and turned the hose down upon the blazing sawdust. This was the most difficult part of the fire to Bub- due, catching and burning with great stubbornesB. From those who were In the neigh borhood of the fire when It started, the opinion Is gained that It start ed from a spark from the switcher, 1672, which had been operating In that vicinity a few moments be fore. The location of the fire carries out this theory. The Iosb is placed roughly at $1,000, the bulk of which falls upon Edward Donat, agent for the company here, the Ice ln the building being a total loss and Its value running up into the hundreds of dollars. An other bad feature of this part of the loss Is the virtual Impossibility ot replacing it at this season. .Mr, Donnt will have to use artificial Ice throughout the summer In all pro babilities The beer stored In the vault was nearly all saved as the lire men succeeded In getting in androl llng the kegs and barrels out. Tho Iohm to the Gund Company on tho building will he probably not less than 1,000 dollars covered by In surance. Mr. Donat had no Insur ance. It Is a inntter of general congratu lation that the fire was confine1! to the one building as there was every chance for Its spread over the city. The fro wis finally tuibdued at about n'i.on. the (Ire boys pumping vater upon tho burning siiWdust until the lust vestige of flame was gone. ' Mr. Donat, as soon as possible, be gan the task of removing tho beer which had been saved from the firo to the Ice vaults of J. E. McDunlcl where It could play upon the flames pie, and Ed. Egenberger who repp septic and contains no poisonous mat- the Alaska Yukon exposition this white Is the gentleman who WttH '"t t was finally done and water I sents thf use of their vaults until he turned on. The pressure was esped ally go';d considering the 1 ngth t f hose and two streams !i;ul to io ters. For blackh?ads and the like it summer, it is given neiow in run l bitten several weeks since by a dog Is unexcelled and It ranks far ahead for the benefit of our renders: which had developed symptoms of of most of the creams now on the Taconia, Wash, May 3, 1909. hydraphobia. The anlmnl had been market. He Is retalnlng theaoiwypoi To 1 lattsmouth Dally Journal: acting strangely for several days and market. He Is retailing the cream at fnR a former Nebrnskan I do- Mr. White meditated killing It. As 50 cents for a large bottle and it Is s,ro 'ou to 8tate in your valuable his family did not wnnt the animal his Intention to perfect all Is plans me i 'ei.u i-uuiuy, mih- killed but preferred to have it stint HeeniH to get the worst of It, not mnt- and open up the manufacture on an n """""""',u l""u'iUil,in ni up nnd die, he tried to get the nniiuai t(.r wi,t j,e d,.H, jf tj,o publisher elaborate scale. As It Is a Platts- the Park hotel, corner of Eighth and nt0 a corn crib. The dog being Lf a ,Uuiitrv tinner, after fUMInir the mouth product Is should receive lib- can nave his own re-hullt. It wnR found that there would bo practical ly no loss on the beer. The rmnriiMicil Truth. The poor country printer always what there Is should be given to the country printer. Nebraska City News. eral treatment from Plattsmouth peo ple. A Welcome Visitor. Col. Frank Ever Green, the sterl ing young grandpa of the Lincoln Evening News force, came down this morning for a visit over Sunday with Henry C. Miller, ye newspaper force I of the Journal and others. Col. Green ts as blithesome and gay as In the years gone by and does not seem the trip as he In sure lay Visit the Old Home. Wm. Holly, the clothing merchant Is In receipt of a letter from the Racine (Wis.) Home Coming Associa tion, extending him an lnvltatlontoat- tend the home coming celebration which Is to be held n that city on streets, where all .Nebraska peo- pnrnlyzed In th hind quarters and i,Hi... of i,u imrtv evrv d.,v l, n, pie will be made welcome. You can unal,lo to lift Itself. Mr. White took veUr. asnlres for the i.ost.nastershln attend the fair at Seattle more cheap- hol(, of the anmi f0 nrt t the he Is ruthlessly turned down. If he ly from Taconia than any place on the crlb whPM lll0 anm(,, fH,Pn..(i t:, flKks for favors from tboso he has be. In.Hiut 1),w tnw.n unnn.l t O T i flsv I. ... ... I iwnni. nuiu mir iviiiiu ui i km. 1 1"-i fp,th in dim Arm un hiirripii n i.. u. 1.. 1 u " - 11111111 ' u lit in uriin'u, iir in uwiikiii ic.s u.e oes,; a numuer ot me asso- Pn1niyra where Dr. Campbell ex- competition with every one. even ciation present, no come. amlned the wound and pronounced , nPnn,ni An.i ko in .... v .......,.., 1.. . . " " " "7 .uu. M-n...iiimijr, tne ,jog mad. lo advised Mr. white ninn i, in. n.u,.n Mrs. Jennie Neltzel, o hurrv to Chleairo nnd take the r,.,i,iirn. o,iminiu(,i .1 ' " puuir un tt iiiiiiiiiu anon nn lunpj Tacoma. Wash. pHteur treatment. Dr. Neely of Elm- aa m, Taft wcnles the ureslden- wood also examined tho wound. Tak. 1 tlitl chair. A number of the country Death or Mri. Manchester. lng the advices of the physicians. M r. I prlnterH sent a protest to Washing Mrs. Kate Manchester, until a year wnite hurried to the hospital at I hi- ton, asking that the government go ago a resident of this city, died M'hkii wnero ne was pronounced 10 iw 0ut of the printing business, so far as Thursday In St. Paul. Minn., and will threatened with rabbles. He took a Unvelopea are concerned, as It was be burrled here today. Mrs. Man- course of trentment with excellent doing the printing at a price with cheater was the mother of C. 8. Man- results, having proceeded In time to Uhlch the small office could not com- chester, night yardman for the Bur- stop the complaint. He returned pPtP, Tne printing of the envelopes llngton In this city. She wns the home last night feeling fine and In h not a money making scheme on widow of Edwin Manchester, for good shape, being completely cured the nart of the eovernment. In many years baggage agent for the of the disease. His many friends are raUK they do the work at actual same road In this city. She had been very glad to note his progress. Mr. r0H rlce or less so. In fact, and the a resident of Lincoln for many years white Is a son of the late Capt. white whole people are called upon to con prior to ner removal to tt. raui in ot r.imwooa. tribute toward the simnort of the isus. t anrer caused .Mrs. .Mancnes- government printing office. The pro- ters denth. She had been ailing for i.'., u rj.,.,.t i'i,n. (n.t una nt 1ii.i.,ih tmen nun "h it lift nunnxT or yonrtt. htntp Journal. I a wnii pnnniini ttiii fnnuiuiinir nf rnin f kh i1u' liftl'n turn ttfjtl fift Mrs. Manchester had visited In this sketches, song productions, acrobatic asking the government to continue . i... - .i i I I iiy b numuer ot times during tne monologues, dancing, etc.. will be the work of printing envelopes. The they have had a good laugh and goltv n tho south nart rf Plattsmouth, ,,,nP c- R- Manchester was yardmast- presented at the Parmele Thursday News has Its opinion of a man who home feeling happy. A wonderful j Neb. under penalty of the law. The r nPn' nm' hRfl B ""mber friends evening. Mav nth. Popular prices, will send to Washington to have his bill Is promised. Popular prices, j renting of theso nrenlses is In the "t"1 acquaintances here . Tickets on a1o now at the Hotel envelope printed rather than pay a Get one of the best seats now be- hnnds of Wm. Pltr.msn who mav be Riley, Frl ke's drug storf and with few cents more and have thorn print . i ... I I I tore mry are gone. on sale at seen for this pnrpone. A. E. B Girl wanted t tho Hotel Riley it Mr. Austin. The best seats are go- ed at home. There Is little or no Frb ke's Drug store. Nellth. I once. Ins fast. 'monet In m Inline rnvelones. but have let the fact that he Is grand pa makes him a day older. He Is ene of the prlcesses of the universe and he Is assurred of a royal wel come by the many people who knew him when he was on the Journal several years since. July 5 and 6. If It Is possible Mr. Holly Intends to take his family and of a royal welcome. Racine Is known as the Bell city and It Is a cltv of on terprlslng people. It Is probable that there will be an attendance of sev ers! thousand people from abroad, all old tmers and former residents and the occasion will be a delight ful one. Mr. Holly certainly appre' elated the Invitation and will devote all his efforts to accept. Prof. Austin to Sing. Prof. Austin has a number where with the special scenery and his tremendous voice, will awake every one. no matter how sound a sleep Tresmm" Notice. they are. Hesides the funny sketches AH persons sre hereby warned which will cause every one to feel aralnst trespassing upon my proper Autos Bring In Revenue, The Lincoln Journal says that the state ngistratlon fees paid by the owners of automobiles during the month of April amounted to $879.30, the largest amount collected slnce the passage of a new law requiring registration and tho payment of on annual license fee of $1. The total fees collected by the secretary of state during the month was $3,072.28 Of this total $2. r. 11.28 was for filing articles of Incorporation, $7f for no tary commissions, $879.30 for motor vehicles, $156 for brands, $134.40 for certificates and transcripts and $4 for other sources. Iowcr I. inih Fractured. From Saturday's Pally. Mrs. L. A. Newland yesterday af ternoon suffered a very painful In Jury to her right foot. The lady acrldently slipped and fell catching her foot benenth her In such a man ner as to break the small bono In her ankle. Her daughter was pres ent at tho time of the accident and liHuiilv scmnioned a physician dressed the Injured member and sho Is resting quite comfortably fodav. Her friends hope that she will Ret plong nicely and soo.i be able to bo out and about. The Injury fortu nately Is not so very serious In Its nature although decidedly painful.