The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1909, Image 8

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Short Items of Interest From Mon
day's Evening Journal
Miss Mary Propst was a l.assonger
this morning for Omaha where she
will upend the day with friends.
Mrs. Jos Droego is upending the
day in Omaha being a passenger for
that point this morning tn the early
Ed. Schulhof came over Saturday
afternoon from his duties at Glen
wood, returning thin morning after
Visiting with his folks.
C. O. Richards spent Sunday In the
city visiting with friends, ret iming
to his duties with the Union Pacific
at Omaha this morning.
France Ballance came over last
Saturday afternoon from Glenwood
to spend Sunday with his folks, re
turning to his work this morning.
Philip Andres and wife of Council
Bluffs came in Saturday evening to
epend Sunday with E. A. Wurl and
wife, returning home this morning.
James Nlday came up this morning
from Union to appear as a witness In
the Thacker will contest spending the
day In the city and paying the Jour
nal a very pleasant call.
Former Mayqr Henry R; Gerlng
came down Saturday night to spend
Sunday with his folks, returning to
Omaha last evening.
Mrs. Jas. M. Jiroushek and son are
upending the day with friends In
Omaha being passengers for that city
on the morning train.
Ed. Polln returned to his work at
South Omaha this morning after
pending the end of the week with
bis family in this city.
Mrs. J. M. Leek came down Satur
day night from Ralston to attend
lodge meeting, returning to that
point on the morning train.
Will White, Jay McCaffrey, Leo
Byrnes, Oscar Irwin and Ray Travis
of Omaha were In the city Saturday
evening attending the dance at
Coates Hall.
Charles L. Graves, the urbane and
gentlemanly editor of the Union Led
ger, Is spending the day in the city,
having come up on matters connected
with the Thacker will contest. Mr.
Graves paid the Journal a plensnnt
call and Is very welcome.
Matt McQuInn, one of the best cit
izens In Liberty precinct, Is in the
city today looking after matters In
connection with the Thacker case.
Mr. McQuInn Is one of the best people
of the southeast end of the county
and 1h never neglects to call on the
Journal when he Is In town. Ills
visits Bre always appreciated by the
force on tho paper.
L. D. lllatt departed this morning
for Ralston where ho will figure
with the stove foundry at. that point
for some (listings for the new mn-
fhine which the Olson Photogrnph
Company Is putting on the market.
Carl Neumun came down Satur
day night to spend Sunday with his
folks In this city returning to Oma
ha Sunday afternoon on the two
o'clock train. Carl Is now employed
In a contract shop In that city and Is
doing quite well.
Miss Patton of Omaha spent Sun
day in the city with Miss Florence
tra Jnhn rtnettor w nt to Omiih.'l
this morning to visit her daughter, j ft,r that c,t 011 the mail train
who is very Kick.
It is a real pleasure to go over
Cass and note how anxious the peo
ple are to ubsribfe for the Journal.
Chas S. Duke is looking after bus
iness In Omaha this afternoon being
p(tarucf for that city oii the mail
Thos. Sherwood who spent Sunday
In the city with relatives, returned
to Omaha this noon on the mail
Oscar Larson was a passenger this
noon on the mail train for Rellevue
where he will resume his school
H. E. Rand Is looking after busi
ness matters In Omaha being a pas-
Miss Epenetter of Omaha was in
the city Sunday making a visit with
Miss Catherine Dovey.
M. H. Hank came down several
days since to make a visit with
friends for a few days.
Carl Kunsman Is spending the af
ternoon In South Omaha, going to
that city on the noon train.
MIss'Mlnnie McKay Is spending the
afternoon in Omaha, going to that
city on the mall train at no.n.
H. H. Kuhney Is spending the af
ternoon In Omaha being a passenger
for that city on the mall train.
The weather Is very delightful a'
the present writing, but how long It
will favor us, no one can tell.
Miss Minnie Will was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha where she will spend the day
with friends.
Mrs. Jacob Helnrlch and daughter
Katie were passengers this morning
for Omalm where they will spend the
day with friends.
Miss Lucille Randall who has been
visiting with her folks In the city
for several days, departed this morn
ing for Fremont.
A. J. Trilllty was a passenger this
morning for Ralston where he will
look the field over with a view of
making Investments. ,
David L. Amlck, the prominent
stock buyer Is spending the day In
Lincoln, being a passenger for that
city on the morning train.
Canon Burgess of the Episcopal
church was a passenger this morning
for Lincoln where he will make a
visit with M. C. Dlmone, a sick
friend. He expects to return this
Frank Gobelman returned this
morning from the hospital where he
has been confined so long as the re
sult of an operation. It Is pleasing to
say that Mr. Gobleman has unite re
covered and Is now able to he about
again. The operation which was per
formed was a bad one and he will bo
under the necessity of using crutches
for some time but eventually he will
recover and be himself once more.
Mrs. Elsa Wood formerly Miss Elsa
Strelt welser, who has been visiting
In this city with her parents Herman
Streltwelser and wife departed this
morning for her home at Centervllle,
la. Mrs. Wood was only recently mar
ried In Omaha to John Wood who
had gone Into business at Cen'.ervllle,
to which place Mrs. Wood departed.
She was accompanied by her sister,
Hattle Close who will make her future
home at that place. Her husband is
employed at that point nnd she goes
over to Join him. This leaves Her
man and his wife without the girls
and they are quite lonesome.
A pure, wholesome,
reliable Grape Cream of
Tartar Baking Powder
The cream of tartar ased In Dr. Price's Baking
Powder Is In the exact form and composition in
which It occurs In the luscious, healthful grape.
Improves the flavor
and adds to the health
fulness of the food
ffo Atum ffo Itmt
lTSv Yho-tphaU
at noon.
Fred Waugh of Lincoln, spent
Saturday night and Sunday in the
city, the guest cf Mr. J. Livingston
Mrs. L. A. Shaw departed this noon
on the mall train for Frlmi. Neb.,
where she will visit with her parents
for a few days.
Mrs. George Wall, of LaPlatte,
came over this morning to do some
shopping, returning to her home on
the mail train at noon.
C. Uengen, the prominent citizen
from the Mynard neighborhood,
came in this morning to attend to
business matters In the city.
Sam. Long, the prominent South
Bend contractor, was In the city this
morning being a passenger on the
mail train at noon for Omaha.
S. H. Shumaker, the well known
pump man, is looking after business
In Omaha this afternoon, going to
that city on the mail train at noon.
Al. Leslie, the popular Nebraska
City traveling man, came In this
noon on the mall train for a visit
with his many customers in this city
Mrs. Joe Fitzgerald was a visitor
in Omaha this afternoon being taken
there by some business matters of
Mr. Fitzgerald which needed atten
A. L Anderson departed this morn
ing on the early train for Malvern
where he hopes to make an Impres
sion on the merchants of that city
with his goods.
Sam Waugh, Jr. who came down
from Lincoln on Saturday In con
nection with stock taking at the Bur
lington storehouse, returned to that
city yesterday afternon.
Herman (Skeets) Martens came
down Saturday evening from Omaha
where he Is employed to spend Sun
day with his folks, returning on the
mall train at noon.
J. S. Miller, wife and family who
have been spending several ' days
with Charles Miller and family, were
passengers this noon for Omaha
w here they will make their home
Claude Everett, the prominent Lib
erty precinct farmer, came up this
morning to give In some testimony
In the Thacker will case, returning
to his home northeast of Union this
Peter Smith came In today from
his home near Murray and Is attend
Ing to business matters. Mr. Smith
Is of the opinion that tho peach crop
this year will be rather short, the
recent frost having killed most, of
the buds, He will return home to
night. P. H. Mack nnd wife departed this
noon for Belle vue where Mr. Mack
acts as extra agent and operator for
the Burlington for neveral weeks.
Mr. Mack has been acting as opera
tor at this point for the past month
during the absence of Agent Pick
Charles N. Sulllvnn nnd wife came
In last Saturday night frcn t!"Ir
ho-e st St .Ii'eph,' Mo., for a visit
vrr the parent?, cf tho former. Mr.
Sullivan Is l'-nklng fine and stems
to hnv profited by the Missouri cli
mate as he Is quite fat and hearty.
"Sub" Is the same old boy and his
many friends to this city nre glad
to see him and happy to know that
things have been so well with him.
Mrs. Edwin Shoemaker and the
children arrived from Omaha yester
terday, and Mr. Shoemaker will be
here soon with their shipment of
household goods. They have been In
Omtiha Rtverp yer, where Mr.
Shoe maker was connected with one
of the banks, but they concluded that
farm liffe would suit them and they
will assist in the management of the
farms southwest of here.
Miss Grace Mougey, who was taken
to a hospital In Lincoln last week to
be treated for appendicitis, is report
ed to be getting along very nicely.
The surgeons performed the opera
tion Saturday morning, and the pa
tient's condition thereafter was satis
factory In every respect. Her re
covery is assured but it will be neces
sary for her to remain in the hos
pital for some time.
from the Courier.
Mrs. George Waldron and family
left Tuesday for Knife River, Minn.,
where they will make their future
John Ossenkop returned from Lin
coln yesterday, where he had been to
visit with Henry - Lehnoff who is
very sick, as the effect of a large
The stone is being placed on the
ground for the new building to be
erected where , the , old Gold Dust
saloon building stood, and work will
be commenced at once.
The editor of the Eagle Beacon
has returned to resume his duties.
Not long since he left town between
two days, as mysteriously as did the
late Col. Scaggs of the Beaver Cross
ing Times. The way of the average
country editor is Indeed hard.
Frank Dunlop, the man who It Is
said fleeced several Louisville peo
ple out of their hard earned cash,
and was chief promoter of the famous
oil well at this place a few years ago,
Is now confined In a Colorado peni
tentiary, being placed there on the
charge of forgery.
Last wek's Courier stated that the
applications of the Misses Mills and
Carlson, for positions In the Louis
ville schools, were rejected. This
was a mistake on our part, as they
had not made applications for the
school, and we gladly make the cor
rectlon In Justice to these ladies.
Ed. Taylor met with a painful ac
cident at the Calhoun Construction
company's works Thursday. He was
riding on a lond of dirt which was
being conveyed to the dump and
when he Jumped off the hind wheel
of the wagon ran over his left foot
smashing It quite badly and breaking
the third and fourth meta tarsels.
tiri' mae from Rya Grape
- " f Cream of Tartar
ri X Absolutely
I'nlon. '
From the Ledger.
The report reaches us (via the elat
ed Grandpa Standlshl that Bert Han
sell and wife of near Murray are the
parents of a tine daughter born April
22. and that Bert thinks ho Is the big
gest man on earth.
A marriage license was Issued In
Omaha a few days ago to Peter Herst
opoulor and Ashln Paraskovopou-.
Ion. We'd like to hear Rev. Lake or
or Judge Foster "rnssle' with that
pair of names In performing tho mar
riage ceremony.
movp layiors son Ahin, who was
In an Omaha hospital several weeks
where an operation was performed,
has been getting along very nicely
and they brought him home last Sat
urday; He continues Improving and
In due time his health will no doubt
be completely restored.
W. F. Tracy nnd wife who have
been enjoying themselves visiting In
several states Klnco leaving here, ar
rived on Tuesday to spend a few days
with numerous friends. Mr. Tracy
Informs nB that he has not yet de
cided upon a location and Is In no
hurry to do so.
Floyd Wooloott and Miss Ella
Bryan drove over to Ashland Sun
A handsome baby girl was born tn
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Backemeyer, of
near Louisville yesterday.
Rernice Mendenhall is rapidly re
covering from her recent attack of
pneumonia. The nurse, Miss Edith
Perry, returned to Elmwood Tues
Frank and Joe Stokes, who have
been very low with pneumonia, are
now much Improved. The nurse
Miss Ssther Anderson, has returned
to Omaha.
County Attorney Howard Saxton
of Pender, Thurston county, thi
state, came In Sunday morning for
visit with his parents and to accom
pnny his wife nnd bnby on thel
way home, the family leaving Elm
wood Monday.
J. C. Hayes arrived Tuesday from jSouth Dend t0 aUend to buglneM
rasudena, Cali. We met him at the
denot and carried his suit ense up
town. He says Mrs. Hayes doesn't
thrive as well as he In the Pacific
coast state.
Messrs R. W. Green nnd L. A.
Tyson have their respective plnces
very nicely decorated for the soda
season. Too much can not be said of
the cleanly appearance of both places.
See ndvertlsments elsewhere In this
John Bnlrd went to Omaha Tues
day morning where we understand
he has undewent a surgical opera
tion. He was accompanied by his
niece. Miss Grant. A nice bouquet
was ordered sent to him by his Elm
wood friends, and we hear he Is do
ing nicely at this writing.
V Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evening's Daily Journal
Clarence Tefft, the Weeping Wa
ter attorney, is looking after business
matters In the city today.
Mrs. Geo. Sayles came down this
morning from Cedar Creek to visit
with her son George for the day.
Steve Orton, the well known drug
gist of Weeping Water, Is In the city
today attending to business matters.
Herman Pankonln came In this
morning from Louisville to look
after some business matters In the
Mrs. D. Ames of Mynard who Is
employed at Glenwood was a passen
ger for that city on the early morn
ing train.
Miss Kaufman of Cedar Creek Is
spending the day In the city, having
come down on the Schuyler this
Wm. Stohlman came down this
morning from his home near Manley
to look after some business matters,
returning this afternoon on the
Schuyler train.
Mrs. August Anderson was a pas
senger on the early train this morn
ing for Council Bluffs where she will
spend the day with friends.
L. B. Brown, mayor of Kenosha,
and general factorum of that parti
cular end of the universe, was In the
city today attending to business mat
ters. George Thacker who has been In
the city for several days, attending
to business In connection with the
Thacker will contest, returned to his
home at Homer, Neb., on the mail
Geo. A. B Hicks came In today
from his home In Eight Mile Grove
precinct to look after some business
matters, returning this afternoon to
his home.
B. P. Rice and wife departed this
noon on the mail train for Therm
opoli8, Wyo., where they now live,
after a visit of several days In the
city with relatives.
Dr. E. W. Cook and Dr. E. D.
Jacob Schneider came down this i Cummins were passengers this noon
morning from Cedar Creek to look on the mail train for Omaha where
after some business matters and to they will attend the meeting of the
spend the day with his brother, the state medical society this afternoon.
register of deeds.
Word reaches the city that Andrew
Adam Fornoff, one of the best men
in Cjihu Countv. rnmo rtnwn thin mnrn.
Jackson McNatt, police Judge of Ken- . . ' ,,
. . . ing from Eight Mile Grove Dree net
osna, has purchased a new red pump. . ,. , . . .
. ,, T j kt t. i , , ; t0 attend to business matters. re
It is said Judge McNatt is a mighty . . . . . .
'turning to Cedar Creek on the
proud man over that pump. , . . . ...
1 Schuyler train this afternoon.
Mrs. Harold of Pekln. 111., came In
this morning for a visit with heri Wm' Stohlman came down this
mother and her sister Mrs. John P. ! mornlnK trom his home near Manley
Battler. Mrs. Herold has been vis- and looked after business in the city,
itlng several weeks in Omaha with He 18 one of Ca88 County's good men
relatives and came down here on her;and a Kod cltlzen and furthermore
way home for a visit with her folks. jhe ,8 Bome democrat and is proud
Auto Party From Avocn.
An automobile party consisting of
H. 0. Wellenslek, cashier of the Bank
Peter Campbell, chief of police of
Kenosha, was In the city today at
tending to business. Mr. Campbell
Is a three time winner In Kenosha,
having recently been elected for his
third term as chief of police. Pete
is a terror to evil doers.
Fred Holka and wife and daugh
ter rnma rtrtwn tMi mfirntnir fpnm !
ters. They paid the Journal a very
pleasant call and they are cordially
Invited to return. Mr. Holka Is one
of the best citizens of South Bend
precinct and a good friend of the
J H. Melslnger came, down this
morning from his home at Cedar
Creek to atend to some business mat
ters. Mr. Melslnger Is one of Cass
County's best people and he Is well
liker by the citizens of Plattsmouth
who hope he can always find It con
venient to the county seat and let
the people here meet him.
Con Miller who has been visiting
several days In the city with Henry
Stelnhauer and family departed this
morning for his home at Ord, Neb.
Mr. Miller has been making an ex
tended trip to points In Missouri,
Iowa and South Dakota and stop
ped off here to visit with his rela-
of it.
Henry Snoke, Jr., came In last
evening from Eagle, turning in his
books as assessor of Tipton precinct.
Mr. Snook Is the first to finish his
work nnd Countv Assessor Soen
nlchs; n was st'a.1 to have him a- near.
He Is oe of tV be' precinct as
sessors tbp county boasts of.
George Mldklff. one of the best
farmers from tho new country avound
Homer, returned to that point today
after spending several e"ays the
city In attendance on the TMcker
contest. Mr. Mldklff paid the Jour
nal a pleasant visit ani was cue of
the best visitors the paper hai had
In some time. It is to bo hoped he
comes again and often. i
Mrs. J. F. Cook and daughter
Gladys of Beaver City, who have been
visiting In the city with the Gcrdors
and Belns families, returned to her
home tills noon on the moll train.
Mrs. Cook had a verv enlovaSl- time
and her departure was hrnrtllv re
gretted by her many friends In this,
Cioorge Everett nnd wife cn"e up
from his farm east of I'nlon to'ay to
look after some business mttc nnd
Incidentally to act as n witnsr 'n the
T'tacker will wp, vref s one
of Avoca, Gus Buss, one of the prom-! Vilas P. Sheldon came un this after- j the bfs' 'Itlzens cf C-"" -r -nty
Inent tmsliipsa men of the citv nn noon from hln home at Nehawka inia''d ! Is always a welcome Mtor
Gus. ami Ben Mohr. two of tho best , his bin Oldsmoblle bringing with hlmlt the Journal office. He came In
young men of the city. Invaded the a fine crowd of Nehawka men. The
Jonrnnl office this afternoon nn i party consisted of Henry Heebner, J.
made themselves at home. It Is nod. A. Hansen and E. O. Young, an I tbey
had a very pleasant trip. Mr. Shel
don Is the Cnss County ngi'nt for the
Oldsmoblle and be certainly has a
fine machine. The machine Is not
alone a fine looking one but It Is
the goods. Mr. Sheldon has picked
out a machine which Is warranted to
less to say that they were receive!
with ope arms and w re made to
know that they were In the house of
their friends. These gntlcmen can al
ways depend on the latch string of
the Journal being on the outside for
them. They came over tn Mr. Wel-
thls afternoon and was a guest for
some time.
Rev. J. 11. Salsbury was a pnon
ger this noon on the mail trnln for
Omaha where ho will nt'oti 1 n m-of.
Ing of the trustees of the Omaha t'nl
verslty. The university contemplates
the erection of several building and
other Investments of considerable mo
ment and Rev. Salsbury Is quite
lenslek'a fine ato and made fast do everything an automobile can do sanguine they can make It one of
time. They expect to return this and those wanting to buy a machine
evening. j will do well to talk with him.
the gratest educational Institutions
In the west In a short time.