The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1909, Image 7

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Tlhe AvoGa:pepair6meni
Nw Item Gathered Each Week by a. Special Reporter for TMe Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
Louis Ehlers 6ports a brand new
Wm. Thlel was up from Berlin
Emil Amanda was over from Syra
cuse Sunday.
Geo. Cotton, of Auburn, was in
town Monday.
Theron Malcolm made a trip to
Cook Sunday.
Z. C. Zimmerer was at Omaha one
day last week. " "
Go to Copes' drug, store for paint
and wall paper.
,D. G. McAlester was' here from
Dunbar Saturday.
H. G'Wellenselk spent Sunday
in Osage precinct. ' -
. L. U. Hupp transacted business at
Council Bluffs Monday. , ,
R. 0 Hutchins and family were
visiting in Avoca Sunday.
Peter Jorgensen was a business vis
itor at Omaha Monday.
Roy Malcolm was up from Tange-
man a few days this week.
Prof. Gamble was over from Platts-
mouth Saturday on business.
L. J. Marquardt had a well bored
on his residence lots last week.
Sheriff Quinton was a business vis
. ltor here the first of the week.
Mrs Iona Johnson spend Saturday
: and Sunday with friends at Dunbar.
Miss Marie Malcolm, of near Tal
mage, Is visting relatives west of
John Bauer of Plattsmouth was a
business visitor here several days laBt
;MIss Hattie Pittman of Nehawka
spent Sunday in Avoca visiting her
parents. . .. . ;
Miss 'Mamie Hlllman of Weeping
Water spent Sunday at the home of
F. W. Ruhge.
Mesdames Henry 1 Franzen . and
W. I. Smoots were at Weeping Wa
ter Friday.
L. F. Fahnestock .is the champion
chicken raiser, as he has over 800
young peepers
Mathlas Meyers, E. H Norrls, and
A. Sheldon were at Omaha with
stock Tuesday ...-'-' V '
Mr. Wallace and wife of Omaha
were .visiting attr home' of -A, -T.
Harmon the first of the week.
Mrs. Owen McGrady, of Weep-
Water, was the guest of Fred Mc
Grady and wife several days this
week. . , .
Edward Hensley was here from
. Eerlin this week plastering at the
home of Edward Morley, south of
Henry Straub has recently deco
rated tho Interior of his residence
with wall paper purchased at Copes'
drug store.
. Henry Straub and family and the
Misses Kobe spent . Sunday with
friends near Perclval, Iowa. They
made the trip in Mr. Straub's auto.
Hugh Townsley, of Union, was here
this week papering the new drug
store, also at B. C Marquardt's,
Samuel Johnson's and George West
lake's. A bronco buster was in town Sat
urday and after having filled up on
laughing water, proceeded to enter
tain those on the streets, until Mayor
Thlel told him to sklddo.
Last week Edward Shockley moved
Into the residence near the moat mar
ket, formerly occupied by George
Shackley. George . moved to the
property which he recently purchased
of Miss Clara Peters.
" Whllo playing "hear" the frame
work: ot Louts MarquardtV new
house Wednesday evening'. Elsie
Trook was sliding down one of the
rough timbers and a splinter pierced
her left side to nuito a depth. Dr.
Brendel was called and removed it.
The.Rebekah lodge was doing bus
iness until ajnte hour Tuesday even
ing, conferring the degree on two
candidates, Mr. and Mrs. Sam John
son. Sam was a match for the goat
and came out little the worse for
wear. Refreshments of punch, fruit
salad and cake were served by some
of the members.'
- AUT0:.:031LES -
(Special Correspondence.) J
Mr. Perry ot Lincoln was here Fri-.
day looking after his father's Inter-:
Did your garden get nipped?
Wm. Gillen "trained" to Omaha
Harry Marquardt automobiled to
Omaha Monday.
Wm. Knabe and wife were up from
Burlln Wednesday.
John Benecke and wife were at
Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Mary Zimmerer was at Omaha
several days this week. v
Col. Robert Wilkinson, of Dunbar,
was. greeting Avoca friends Monday.
Mrs. Graham and daughter Gladys
and Beth . were at Weeping Water
Gus Mohr, Ben Mohr, Gus Buss and
H.; G. Wellenslek automobiled to
Plattsmouth Tuesday
Morris Pollard, manager of the
Nehawka mill, was' attending to bus
iness in our burg Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Deberg, of Tal
mage, were VBlting at the home of
Ernest Nutzman, sr., the first of the
School Notes.
We forgot to mention last week
that Arbor day the afternoon was
spent by the children in planting
flowers and seeds.
The Intermediate and high school
departments have earned another
star day and will go to the woods
this evening for a picnic.
Imo Johnson . visited with Miss
Pmnrio Ot tha tinma nf tha latter In
Dunbar Saturday and Rundav Her P Inveaton.!
Our classes which took the eighth A few odds and ends ln land ' '
a axa .n r great discount. 160 acres two miles
(,iauv CAaiuiuoiiuu uiu veil ncn, no I
feel proud of them. They are now
u i i u
.. r
Farm Implem-nts and n
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
f Afoca,
putting forth their best efforts to
prepare on those subjects in which
they failed. '
From a Plattsmouth Citizen
Is your back lame and painful?
Does It. ache especially after exer
cise? '
Is there a soreness In the kidney
region? ..,
. These symptoms indicate weak kid-
ne'8: ,...
There' Is danger ln delay.
Weak k'idneys fast get weaker
Give your kidneys prompt atten
tion. ' '
Doan '8 Kidney Pills act quickly,
They strengthen the weak kidneys.
Read, this Plattsmouth testimony.
Soren Anderson, 1322 Lincoln ave.
nue, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "Sev
eral years ago we procured Doan's
Kidney Pills at Gering & Co.'s dr.ig
store and used them for kidney dis
orders. The results were gratifying
and there has been no return of the
difficulty since. We publicly recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills in 1906
and at the present time, take pleas-
ure In confirming every word of that
For Bale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agent for the United
Remember the name Doan's
id take no other.
from Burr Neb., with fair Improve'
ments, $100.00 per acre, worth $120
240 acres, seven miles from Council
Bluffs; all bottom land; $35.00 per
acre, would consider mercnanaise as
part payment on the 240. Some other
bargains. If interested call on or
write. v
L. U. Hupp,
The Real Estate Hustler,
Avoca, Neb
Proposition to Abolish Saloons Carrie
by Decisive Majority. '
Lincoln, May 5. A "dry" capital
city for the next year was the verdict
rendered in the municipul election
The proposition to abolish the saloon
tarried by a majority of 600 in a total
vote of . nearly 9,000. The vote Is a
marked reversal of that of a year ago,
when license carriod by a majority of
about 300. After next Tuesday, when
the municipal year expires, there will
be no more saloons in Lincoln. The
result is surprir'ng only ln the size of
the majority piled up by the temper
ance. lorces. The outcome throughuu
lias been regarded as doubtful, with
the chantes favoring the no-license
side, but it was everywhere expected
the result would be dose. The pro'
til lilt ion forces have conducted an ag
gressive campaign, importing speakers
from other states, while the liquor
forces have been on the defensive.
The Republicans succeeded in sect
ing control of the municipal govern
ment by electing Don L. Ive, mayor,
over Rust Malone (Dem.) by a major
ity of 300, and with the mayor most
of the other city officers, aldermen and
conncllmen. For four yer.s the city
has had a Democratic mayor.
you would en
8) joy comfort in
a corset that con
forms to the prevail
ing mode and gives
"smart" and graceful
lines to your gowns,
i mi'ou ...
Geo. Hall departed on the Saturday
noon train for Chamberlain, S. D., -to
atend to his interests there. '
Frank Vptegrove left last Thurs-,
day for Chamberlain, S. D., to be
gone about a week.
Mrs. Al. Stotler of Lincoln visited
at the home of oe Parsell, return
ing home Sunday evening.
Miss Vyra Wolf spent last week
visiting her folks at Ashland. She
returned to her duties at Dreamer
ft Cashner's general store Saturday
Miss Josie Hlte and Miss Elsie
Stout visited Mrs. Gladys Amzwert at
Murdock last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rr.bbitt of Lin-
col spent Sunday with Mr. Bobbitt's
Joe Soplin of Omaha came down
Saturday evening to visit his aunt
Mrs Wm. Yeager and cousin Mrs. C.
C. Bucknell for a short time . He
returned to Omaha, where he Is em
ployed by the White Lead Works,
Roy Bennett of University Place
pent Sunday in town.
Mrs. Jacob Kamm, sr., is reported
very ill.
Joe Foreman spent Saturday and
Sunday with his parents.
John Foreman came down from
Lincoln Sunday
A. H. Klyver and C. M. Jordan
went to Lincoln Saturday evening, re
turning Sunday
Miss Alta Story accompanied her
brother Rev. B. L.. Story from Uni
versity Place Saturday. Miss Story
visited Miss Marie Stroemer while
In town.
Miss Marie Stroemer spent Satur
day and Sunday at home.
Hubert Strong, John Yeager and
Will . Foreman were Omaha passen
gers Sunday.
Wayne Thurston went to Omaha
Sunday morning to vlHlt.hls folks.
M. L. Keefer visited his parents
Lemuel Foreman BDent Sundav
with his parents. . m ottering this nosierv to our customets we wish to say
carieton Guiiion went to Green- that we issue for each sale a guarantee ticket which guar-
wood Wednesday. , ,,'1:intppR hp.irinir thf Half of Ralp nnrl if thp Vinciprv rlrvne nnt
Misses Stella Sheesley and Lucille i ,. . , , . , t
Stout and Messrs. Fay Parsell and "' " v", '" . ' . ' " 7
Bert Kitzel went to Murdock Sat- pain5 as ine case may oe. i ne conuuion oemg tnat . tne six
urday evening to attend the
talent play given there.
Miss Grace Bucknell went to Lin
coln Friday evening to vMt her aunt
Mrs, . Clyde Boyles. She .returned
Monday. t . i
County Assessor , Soennlchsen of
Plattsmouth was In town Tuesday
Mrs. Font De Vore la .quite sick.
Mrs ohn Elliott returned from
Lincoln Friday.
S. C. Boyles shipped a car of hop;?
and one of cattle to South Omaha
Thursday. W. O. Boyles and I).
B. Williams accompanied them.
County Attorney Ramsey was in
town Friday on business
A I. Bird and family drove to
Waverly Sunday to visit Mrs. Bird's
Mrs. Nervla Knott end sons Geo
and Irwin drove to Ashland Mon
Grandma Stone went to University
The model designed
ioxyour figure is cor
rectly proportioned
and rightly made.
Ask for the G-D Justrite
that is just-right for YOU
Famous "Wear for Ever" Guaranteed Hosiery
home pairs be worn in rotation dunngthat time. Ve have them
in Men's, Ladies', Misses and Boys. !l " '
Use Linoleum Lustre on your Oil Cloth or Linoleum if
you want it to look nice and wear well.
Oovey &
& Mohr
Omaha Chaoses Covvbcy Mayor
as Executive tor AnotherTerm.
Avoca, Neb.
In Police Court.
Judge Archer had an unusually
busy morning, hnvlng two cases of
drunks before him. One Wm. Lattl
mer was arraigned and given $10 and
Place Saturday and visited her daugh- COKts worlh of tne Celebrated Archer
ter Mrs Mont rinl.lwln until Wed- Urand Of Justice, having been caught
about usinsr a skin food on account of the oil wh'ch it is sup
posed to contain.
Is not of a greasy nature. A pleasant characteristic of this is
that it mitv be applied at any time during the day without fear
of producing a shiny condition. , It sinks Into the pores until en
tirely absorbed. Cures tan. sunburn,, roughness and chaps.
The Ideal pteparation for gentlemen after shaving.
It is Kood for "littld shBvers," too. Keeps their skin in
condition and prevents chafing. PRICE 2So.
7 Avocft, . Nebr&k&.
Omaha, May 5. This city went
Democratic in the municipal election
by safe majorities for the leading can
ilidates on the ticket, Mayor James C
Dahlman leading with not less than
4,000. . I
With tills tremendoiiB lead It Is ap
parent that the entire Democratic
ticket has been elected, with posslbly
one or two exceptions. The campaign
has been a bitter one, during which
Mayor Dahlman has been assailed by
two of the leading dally pa pern. He
has, however, accepted the criticisms
with good grace and met the opposi
tion with an Invitation to search bis
record. He has made a personal lib
erty campaign throughout and
apparent that his platform bus In
creased his plurality over tbrea yean
ago by l.Otm.
' The position of city engineer la ln
doubt, with the chaaces , favoring
Craig (Hep.). ,
Missouri Hiver Steamooat Line.
Pierre, S. D., May 6. A representa
tive of a Kansas City company filed
In this state articles of incorporation
of the MUwiurl Itiver Navigation com
pany, with 1.. j'lqunrters at Pierre and
a rapltal of Sj.ood.Ooo. The line Is to
o crate hetwien Kaunas City and
Pierre with ireinht and passenger
l)i tuts, It Is said.
Fire Loss of $30,000 at Sioux City. .
Bloux City, May 5 Fire of unknown
origin lcstro)ed the plant of the Sioux
City Brick and Tile works., ju.-000.
II. S. Ongh and son Chester spent
Sunday in South Oend.
The dance held Tuesday evening in
Alvo hall was not as well attended as
usual although the weather was fine.
Dr. J G. Mulr and wife of Mllford
came Tuesday to vlHlt his brother
Dr. Ionard Mulr and family for a
few days.
Drs. L and J. 0. Mulr drove to
Greenwood Wednesday morning.
Wood Uainey went to Plattsmouth
Vedoesday morning.
Miss Ethel Yaeger went to Lincoln
Tuesday forenoon vln the locnl
'freight .to visit Mrs. Clyde Iloylos for
a few days.
l)OVT Ills MALI).
If there Is any vitality In, thir tfJr
oots Uexnll "93" Hair fofile wll Iioh-
lvely grow new hnlr and euro bald
esp. We want you ip uy-vthl prep
ration as our risk. Xe will re
urn the money you paid If you are
by the police with the goods on him.
Albert Collins also accumulated too
many loads of bug Juice and fell Into
the hands of the authorities. As Al
bert has been before his honor pre
viously, he drew $25 and costs with a
further proviso to work it out on the
streets. Lnttlmer's fine was paid
while Collins was returned to the
"dunjon'' keep and the public way
to wt rk It out.
The monthly report of Poller
Tndpe Archer for April was made
out yesterday and It shows an rn-
usually larpe number of arreRts.
There was a total of sixteen arrests
for the month. Seven pnld fines,
ne fine was suspended and eight
were- committed to Jail. A total of
J33 was collected.
because he is one of the family, but
because he has been a clcae stu'.ent
and deserves to come to the front.
The Journal, together with Mllfoi'd'
mn.iy frlen'u lure, exteti 1 c?.n;'"ttu
lnllnus. The graduating exercise
occur Thursday, May 20.
An Kdiicittionnl Treat.
Under the auspices of the Brother
hood of the Presbyterian church Prof,
U. G. Graff, principal of the Omaha
city high school will give an nddrcsn
at the church Sunday night ut 8
o'clock on the subject "The Moral
Training of the Child in the Sc hool."
This add reus will he along the Hue
Child Study" which the Brother
hood hns been following throughout
the year. Prof. Graff is said to be a
mnn of exceptional qualifications for
the presentation of such a thevie and
should bo greeted by a large audience.
Will (riiduntc.
The Journal family Is In receipt of
an invitation and program of the
graduating exercises of the Iexlhgton
high school for 1A09. and among the hue
ot entirely satisfied. I wp sues, i.oc , h, fh , rni!iint nnnenr1Hi.. ,f . rhriutin
the name of Mllford Tinted, son of spare no pains jo look after matters
T. II. Bates of this and grndson i of this kind and the bazaar will have
nd $1.00,. The Rexnll Store.
Itlg llitiiiir nnil Ice ('mini. ,
. The Ladles Aid,, Sen lety of tint
Christian church Intend to give n big
bazaar and ice cream festival at Vnn
horn'i music stoio on the first Wed
neslay in June. This Is to be one of
the b st festivals ever given In this
city and It will be well worth attend-
As Is always the case, th" La-
church will
The Journal Is In receipt' of a
very -handsome folder Issued, by the
Burlington .route describing the Ainu-
kft'Yo'ukou "Pacific lOxposltlon. The
foldop contains a wealth of Informa
tion about Seattle, Portland, Tncomn
and the pacific northwest well
worthy of attention. Incidentally the
schedule, of rates In effect to the ex
position Is given. Also the different
routes to the coast aro printed In full.
It" Is ft folder of much merit and can
be obtained from Agent Pickett.
Henry Prosser,
Contracting. Plastering. Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
of Hon. M. A. Bates. Mllford Is well
known In thlH rltyfwypnolfwyolnfwy
known In Plattsmouth, having attend
ed school here for several years. It
Is with considerable pride that we
note the young man's graduation, not
every thing which may be necessary
for sue h occasions. ' The general pub
lic Is Invited to attend and they are
assured of a splendid time. Further
not to of this event will be given In
the Journal. 1
Impossible to be Well
It is impossible to be well, simply impossible, if the
bowels are constipated. You must pay attention to the
laws of nature, or suffer the consequences. Undigested
material, waste products, poisonous substances, must be
removed from the body at least once each day, or there
will be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an
immense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask
your doctor about Aycr's Pills. He knowsvhy they act
directly on the liver. Trust him. TT.'ArTWKKI'.
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb