The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1909, Image 2

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Col. Dave Wallengren and "Din
key" Came Quickly to Rescue
There was a series of sensations
at the depot yesterday afternoon
when three separate and distinct
fires took place. The entire depot
force and the yardmen were kept
busy for a few minutes, in subduing
the flames which threatened to sweep
away all that section of the city. The
first fire started in the board fence
north of the station. Some brush and
dead grass was being burned by part
ies living on the hill north of the
depot and the fire got away and
caught the high board fence an din a
few minutes that structure was In
the grasp of the flames. An alarm
was Immediately given and Agent
Pickett, Telegrapher Clement and the
entire office and yard force rushed
out and subdued the raging flames
without any material loss.
The second fire took place when
a car of cinders standing In the yards
was found to be on fire. The flames
had spread to the frame work of the
car and H was burning fiercely when
noticed. An alarm was Immediately
telephoned to the shops and Col. Dave
Wallengren with the "dinky ' was
hurried down to the yards and the
tar was started for the Bhops where
the fire was extinguished.
The third car was caused by the
frantic efforts to save the cinder
car. The "dinky" In hauling the car
to the shops went tearing down the
track scattering cinders In Its wake
and some of them Ignited the switch
shanty, north of the station. George
Dwyer, employed In the Burlington
office, discovered the raging flames
and turned In another alarm to the
office. Again Agent I'lckett, , Tele
grapher Clement and the office and
yard force dashed out and with the
aid of a few buckets of water put out
the devouring element. In this case
also there was no loss to anything
save the nervs of Messrs. Pickett and
Clement, both of whom vow that Col
Wallengren Is altogether too ambir
tlous when it comes to putting out
fires. They claim he worked the
"dinky" overtime in an effort to save
company property and In the future
they would prefer to see the fire rage
rather than destroy their nerves
Col. Dave says he hasn't time to look
around when he Is sent on a fire mis
sion. The whole affair was a very
funny one.
Fithcf M. Shine Talks to the Younj
Men's Bible Class.
The members of the Young Men's
Bible Class of the Methodist church
last evening were entertained by Rev.
Father Shine with a discourse upon
"Man and Ills Education." Rev.
Shine was at his best and delivered a
brilliant and eloquent address upon
what constitutes a man and also
what are the component parts of his
education. Those who were fortu
nate enough to attend the lecturo
wore moro than well pleased and It
was considered one of the finest ad
dresses ever delivered in the city.
Taking up first the topic of what
constitutes a man, Father Shine pro
ceeded to dwell upon the three ele
ments which enter Into the human.
First, ho spoke of the physical make
up of the innn. Following this he
touched upon the Intellectual devel
opment and then the sprltual. In
each of these three grand divisions
of man he found much which was
worth speaking of. He gloried In the
magnificent development of man
along physical lines. Ills splendid
animal characteristics were especially
subject of comment by Father Shine.
Taking up the development of Man's
Intellectuality, Father Shine spoke
of the highly Important essentials of
a good education and dwelt quite ex
tensively on the absolute necessity for
man attaining a good education In
every line. In this particular he
spoke of the small benefit a man
derived from mere book lenrnlng
and cited the fact that a man must
have a general knowledge of things
outside of the books. Touching up
on the splrltunl education of the true
man, he declared that a man was
wholly a man who had the animal
characteristics and the education If
he lacked the spiritual development.
Speaking of the soul. Father Shine
was particularly effective and his
description of what the soul was
Is considered by all who heard it as
a masterly analysis.
The whole speech was, In fact, a
splendidand brilliant one and It is
to be regretted that the attendance
was not far larger than It was. One
of the things that Impressed his
hearers particularly , was Father
Shine's defense of the Roman Cath
ollc church on the question of the
public schools. He advanced the Idea
that the church did not oppose the
public schools as many generally sup
posed but It did advocate the preach
Ing of religion and the bible In the
schools. This was a diversion from
the general text of his address and it
was a significant one. Considering
that he was addressing the members
of a church opposed to his In many
beliefs, and it was especially startling
but it certainly Impressed his many
hearers. Tnken nroifcho it the ad
dress was one well wor'hy of atten
Hon and the members of the class are
Justly pleased that so able and bril
llnnt a speaker Is at hand to dls
course for their benefit. The several
numbers the class has had have been
such that they are quite enthusiastic
over them and those which will be
secured In the future can be relied
upon to be up to the high stand
ard set by the past.
Neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Todd
Give Them Reception Wednesday
roiniti Senator fc. L. Thomas and
wife, t.ounty Treasurer Frank E.
cLlaur anil wife and Chauffeui
Clare Thomas were passengers in thu
big touring car of Senator Thomas for
the plesant home of Louis Todd near
Xehawka, going down to pay a visit
to Mr. Todd and his bride, formerly
Miss Alice Ferguson. The party had
splendid time and enjoyed them
selves hugely during thtir stay. The
many frelnds and neighbors of Mr.
Mrs. Todd came In oh them shortly
after the arrival of Senator Thomas
and party and gave them a surprise
charivari, making the evening merii
with their friendly attentions. LaUr
in the evening Senator Thomas,. and
party returned, making the trip home
through one of the worst wind and
dust storms which has prevaded
this section In many years. At times
the wind blew so hard and fierce and
the dust was so heavy and thick that
the lights on the big car could hardly
show the road. However the party
succeeded In getting back without accident.
Mr. Todd is one of the best known
citizens in Cass County. He was born
near where he now lives and during
his lifetime he has made himself a
name greatly thought of . by his
friends and neighbors and he has also
added largely to his world's goods.
He Is the owner of many acres of the
best farming land In the county and
Is also the head of a big herd of cat
tle which Is one of the prides of the
The bride was formerly Miss Alice
Ferguson, , a, .daughter of the late
John D. Ferguson, of Lincoln,. and a
Cass County girl. . Mrs. Todd for
merly lived near Louisville and, has
a' great host of friends In that .lo
cality. ' She Is a lady of unexcelled
qualities an din choosing her as his
bride Mr. Todd made no mistake.
Let Ma Cure You
I Will Send You
Free Treatment.
I bars a standing of
fer la this P4ir 10
end a free treatment
to any sufferer from
kidney trouble, blad
der troubleor rheuma
tism w no will send me
tbeir name and ad
dress. If yoa Deed It I
urge you to take ad
vantage of tbe Oder.
These disease are my
specially. I bare been
successful with old
sod vounr. Man bed-
wetting children owe their present good
health to me; many old people who bad en
larged Prostate and bad to get up as many as
ten times a night are now cured of too
frequent desire to urinate; many men and
women no longer suffer from pain In the back,
terrible rheumatism, etc, since taking my
remedies. .
If you suffer from any form of kidney or
bladder trouble or rheumatism, no matter
how old you are or how long and severe you
bare had It. write me today describing your
condition and let me send you a free treat
ment to show you I can cure you In your own
home. I want to show you and your neighbor
that I can and do cure these diseases. Address
M. T. null ITIOTf.R-M OccMssttl KiiflMttts.
Local Events.
Smashes all Record.
As an all-round laxntlve tonic and
health builder no other pills can
compare with Dr. King's New Life
Tills. They tone and regulate the
stomach, liver and kidneys, purify
the blood, strengthen the nerves;
cure constipation, dyspepsia, bullous
ness, Jaundice, headache, chills and
malnrla. Try them. 25c at F. 0.
Frlcke & Co.
Wm. Puis, sr., the vctran farmer
from Maple Grove was In the city to-
nnt day attending to business and In-
cldentaliy visiting wnn menus. .u.
puis Is getting well along In years
but he does not show any symptoms
of It. Apparently ho will be Just as
young a long time since as he I"
Sound Talk.
In a late Issue of th Farm Journal
appears the paragraph below quoted:
"It seems lncreditable that. there
are millions of sane men and women
who had rather live a cramped and
often squalid and half-starved life
than to live a wholesome and, ample
existence on a few acres of their own
in the country." ,
"Massachusetts figures thatjBtone
roads ran be kept in good repair for
$60 per mile per year. These Yan
kees always seem to have more horse
sense than most other folks."
The number of people who would
not endorse the statement In the first
paragraph Is so small as to be negli
gible and the natural Impulse of the
man who reacts it Is to look around
for an opportunity to acquire the
necessary land. There are few who
cannot do this. If you doubt this,
see J. E. narwlck In the Dovey block
and he can convince you.
The second paragraph fits a lo
cal condition to a nicety. There Is a
stretch of country on the Missouri
river bank between the C. I). & Q
bridge and Rock Bluffs that Is admir
ably adapted to raising all kind of
fruit trees and garden truck. The
chief object In the way of the devel
opment of this tract Is Its Inaccessi
bility. For the people of Platsmouth
to derive the benefits of this most
natural tributary territory they must
aid In procuring the read to tan It
and It seems to be calling upon them
to do so for there Is most excellent
road material underlying It In the
shore of a llr-'e Hencslt ""ally worked.
If t''j money spent In ferules and pon-
trcn brllgfs to attract to the city
Jrvn trade hud been ex
pended In good roads around
and adjacent to the city we should by
this time have been reaping some of
the benefits. ..... -
All that's new and
alio your selections
while the line is
now ft
Mlsn Minnie fititliinmi 1iitertln.
One of "the finest "parties to. be
given In this city-In ninny days was
that given last night at the homr!
of Miss Minnie Guthmnnn. -There
was an attendance of some thirty
couple and a most, dellghtfnl affair
was participated In. The party was
a masquerade and' there were many
striking and unique costumes and the
entire assemblage was one to delight
the spectator. Prise -wire given fur
the best costumes and these were rar
rled away by Emll Droege and Miss
Katie Shields who were dressed to re
present a German couple of old people
To say, that they were true to na
ture la to tell the truth of them as
their makeup was practically perfect.
Judges for the contest were Messrs.
J. V. Egenberger. Edwin Thrall,
and P. F. Goo and they readily de
cided that of all the fine costumes In
the house. Mr. Droege. and Mls
Shields had the best. The music for
the affair was furnished by several
members of the City band and Miss
Mary Jaiula and It was very excellent.
During the progress of the mnsqtirnde
lemonade and cakes were served.
re affair was a delightful
he many guests were most
VS j The entlr
tV one aid t
santly entertained.
llyron Clark is attending to busi
ness In Lincoln being a passenger
for that city on the noon train.
You will regret it If you don't take
advantage of our Friday "Special" on
sugar tomorrow. K. G. Dovey & Son.
Sheriff Quinton is looking after
business In Greenwood, being a pas
senger on the noon train for that
Miss Ellen Pollock Is spending the
afternoon In Omaha with friends, be
ing a passenger for that city on the
mail train.
Mrs. I. T. Koontx departed this
noon on the mail train for Lincoln
where she will visit with her folks
for. several days.
Mrs, a. j. Kiepser rronv near
Union who has been visiting with
friends in the city, was a passenger
this morning for Omaha.
C. W. Haffke Is attending to bus!
ness In South Omaha today being a
passenger on the early train this
morning for that city.
.Mrs. A, L. Anderson Is spending
the day In Omaha with her mother
being a passenger for that city on the
early train this morning.
L. A. Moore is spending the day
In Omaha attending to business mat
ters being a passenger for that city
on the early train this morning.
Mrs. Brt Dyers and baby "who
have been visiting In the city with
her mother Mrs. Jos Martin, depart
ed for their home in Omaha this
morning. "'
Miss Anna Rotter was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
South Omaha where she will visit
with her Bister for several days.
Mrs. Highland who has been visit
lng with her sister Mrs. M. Karth In
the city for several days, departel
this morning for her home at Salt
Lake, Utah.
Hon. R. B. Windham departed this
morning for Omaha where he will at
tend the meeting of the board of
trustees of the Nebraska School for
the Deaf. " Mr. Windham expects this
meeting to be a very Important one
Governer Shallenberger will be pres
eht at the meeting and will address
the trustees.
Fred Harrison, wife and small son
departed this morning for Glenwood
where Mr. Harrison will give an ex
hlbltlon of trick bicycle rHIng. Mr
Harrison Is an accomplished trick
rider, and yesterday he gave sever
al exhibitions on the streets here to
large and delighted crowds.
w. i . inn ana John nation ar
rived in the city last evening for a
visit with a brother of the latter L,
P.. Button. They came from Central
Station. Ind, Mr. Hill Is an old
school mate of Mr. Datton's and the
gentlemen were quite delighted to
get together again and have a real
good visit. As Mr. Dntton's brother
JJohn .has not seen him for several
years It .Is needless to say they also
had a fine time.
. Mayor Snttler Is making a deter
mined effort to secure the collection
oj the occupation tax from the mer
chants, ..He states that this tax Is
usm! for paying the sprinkling cart
and Jt is going to be Impossible t
keep the cart going unless this tax I
paid. The merchants and others wh
owe It should see that their percent
age Is looked after at once or the
sprinkler will have to be pulled off.
County Clerk Rossencrana and wife
who were visiting In Omaha yester
day with J. H. Ilalrd, returned lnt
evening. Mr. Rossencrans Is delist-:
ed to be able to report that Mr. Ralr' (
has Improved Immensely and Is nc
well on the highway to recovery. He
has astonished the physician with
prcgress and will be a well man In
a very short time. Mr. Rossencrans
was much affected by the kindly feel
ing which Mr. Palrd showed toward
him and the evident rmMtttde h"
felt for his services. As thev are
o'd friends. Mr. Rosenerans rejoices
at the good outlook for him.
I jpnng - En i 1 1 i n er v H
Better Styles
Better Goods
Better Work i
and 25 per cent less than
any other Millinery in this . t
part of the country.
Call and see
George Polsall, jr., Is looking after
business in Omaha this afternoon be
ing a passenger for that city on the
mail train at noon.
Quartls Parmele is looking after
business matters In South Omaha
this afternoon being a passenger on
the mall train at noon for that city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seybert drove in
from their home this morning to do a
little trading and while here called a'
the Journal headquarters and re
newed for the same another year
F. M. Rlchey, former mayor, Is
spending the afternoon In South
Omaha, being a passenger for that
city on the mail train at noon.
Mrs. J. R. Lee and daughters
Gladys and Mildred departed on the
mall train at noon for Missouri Val
ley where they. wjjlyjs.fpr, some
Mrs. Chas. Herold, of, Pekln," 111.,
who has been In the city for several
days visiting with her sister Mrs.
John P. Sattler); departed for her
home on the mall train at noon. '"'Hrs.
Herold is accompanied ' by' fier' niece
Miss Amanda Sattler who will spend
the summer with her.
V. C. Ahlstrand was . In the' city
over night, departing for 'Blair on
the mail train at , noon! . Mr. Ahls
trand Is now traveling on the road for
an advertising firmy from- the' east
and seems to have , been making a
good amount of money In his . new
employment. V ' , ,' ,
, Scratch Tablets. ,
The Journal has just completed an
other large quantity of the favorite
scratch tablet for school work. Call
for them now. , ... ... ...
No. 1914
or THE
At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne
braska, at the close of business
April 28th, 1909.
Loans and discounts... i?t tes7.580.(i
overdraft, secured and unsecured.. 0.41. 42
I". H. honds to secure circulation 5O.0UO.0O
Premiums on IT. 8. Iionds 1.500.00
Howls, securities, tic.. 10.352.W
Kanklntr house, furniture, fixtures. .. 10,"0i.7
Other real exist owned;. ll.So.70
Due from national banks (not re
serve aifents) 41 iiWM
Due from approved reserve agents... T7,7M).T
Checks and other cash Items 404.S3
Notes of other national banks 4,000.00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents 17V.I1
Lawful money reserve In bank, viz:
Specie 121.274.00
Ieiral-tender notes 6,473.00 29,747.00
Redemption fund with U.S. treasurer
(5 per cent of circulation) 1500.00
Total $133,724.18
Capital stork paid ln..'... 50.000.00
Hurplus fund..... 25.000.00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
taxes paid '. ... 5.506.95
National bank notesoutstandlng.... 50,000.00
Due to state banks and hankers.. .. 3.1 74.04
Individual deposits subject to check HV.Ki.7i
Demand certificates of deposit. ii.l.Tii.Htt .
Time certificates of deposit 2S7.7NO.SJ
Total '.. ..t533.724.lS
St ate of Nebraska tM
County of Cass f I. H. N. Dovey. cashier
of the alxve-named bank, do solemnly swear
that the aliove statement is true to the best of
my knowledire and belief.
H.N. Dovey. Cashier.
Correct Attest: Geo. E. Dovey
V. E. Sc.hlater
. . (1. Knapu, Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
3 day of May, ItHW. J. II. Thrasher.
, iKeal) , Notary i'uhllc.
11 My commission expires May It IHI2.
Ed. Vroman departed this noon on
the mall train for Logan, la., where
he is now situated, after spending
several days In this city with rela
tives and firends.
Each store has a personality of its
own as pronounced as that of indi
"Good on promises, but poor
on carrying them out," you say
of one; "Full of tricks worth
watching," is the comment about
another; "Conservative, but pret
ty high priced," is the estimate
of a third. "A fair store and ;t
careful one," that's what we want
you to say about us in years to
Fairness in its broadest sense
mav be expected here. Fairness
which makes your satisfaction as
sured on every purchase. . Fair
ness which stands' for low prices
on worthy goods. . .
, i, We're careful to see that - all
promi.-ee. are carried out: to the letter. Careful' to see
that only. dependable ..goods enter our . stock, . , . We.
stand for fairness and carefuUSsJjhA.prtice if.
such principles we expect to. win the confidence of
Cas county -people.'1 ' . ..-
Oqr spring stock if full and fresh., . Come io and
'buy as little or as much as you like or jut. ltok.
We'll be to welcome you.
One-Button Novelty
Sack, No. 536
The Jmi of ltni N7iim rtf Mnvx (7ofi
Miinhnllnn Shirt Stitmm
i u
I '
M M m m m Mr j
i iii f