The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1909, Image 1
Neb. SUtt Historical Sai, be . IMait0tit0tttb Soucna SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION- EIGHT PAGES PLATTSMOUTI1, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY (5, 1909 VOLUME XXVI11 M). 214 UNION CITIZEN SUDDENLY DECAMPS No Cause Whatever for Flight of Edward Stanton Union can be depended upon in dull times to supply news for the country as that enterprising little city always has a fresh sensation on tap. This time It is Ed. Stanton, the restaurant man, who is the chief act or in the day's news. Stanton and his wife were the proprietors of a res taurant on the north side of Main street in the first block east of the depot. Last night they ept the res taurant open as usual until eleven o'clock when Mrs. Stanton retired. She expected Edward to follow soon but the hours wore on and no Ed ward came to share the couch. As the hours wore on Mrs. Stanton be came worneu and finally dressed and went down to the restaurant where she found the lights burning but the doors locked . Fearing that that the worst had come, she .hur riedly aroused a male relative and the door was broken in, resulting in finding the Btore vacant but a let ter awaiting the lady from her hus band. He told her briefly but to the point that he was going hence with out delay and she need not look for him to return. In addition to this curt notice of his departure Ed. ventured no fur ther reason for his conduct. He also left his wife a check for a small amount of money and had made out In a Critical Condition. From Monday's I a 1 1 y . Former Chief of Police Jos. Fitz gerald came in last evening from Omaha. Mr. Fitzgerald Is in a very critical condition and his family are quite worried over the probable out come of his complaint. He is a suf ferer from tuberculosis and does not seem to make headway against the disease. Last Monday he took a vio lent hemorrhage and was so low that he was hurried to Omaha where the PLEASING ADDRESS Sermon of Rev. A. A. Randall at the Methodist Church. bills against all his customers which he also left her. There were a num ber of citizens present when the big uncovering took place and consider able excitement was aroused as to why he adopted such tactics. So far as knewn there was nothing which should have caused Edward to act thusly and his wife Insists that there were no Jars in the household which should have caused his unseemingly departure. It is generally supposed that Edward was seized with the wan derlust and hied him away to green fields and pastures new as the poet has well phrased it. Anyway Edward Is gone where the woodbine twineth and the place that kenw him yester day knews him no more. Mrs. Stanton will continue to run the restaurant business and things will move on the same as If Edward existed not. This Is the second time the gentleman has developed erratic tendencies, a former wife having been left to mourn his disappearance as witnesses from Union say. He seems to have a mania for changing his habitat without notice to his family and apparantly tires of the monotony of life very easily. He is thought to have flown further south and it Is barely possible that the weather is responsible for his sudden departure. The ournal Is pleased to submit to its readers a brief resume of the sermon delivered last evening at the Methodist church by Rev. Randall. physicians treating him entertained i Thl8 the ,lrst ot four Ninons that small hopes of his recovery. His family were summoned at once and hurried to his bedside. Last night he had so far recovered that he was able tocometothiscityandhe was brought down on No. 14 His many friends trust that his rally will be perma nent and that he is now on the way toward recovery. ENTERTAINS THE P. E. O. HENRY LEHNHOFF PASSES AWAY Old Resident of County at Home in Lincoln Dies Granite Shower. Last Saturday evening a granite shower was given Frank Steppat by a number of his friends. They gath ered at his home by pre-arrangement and surprised him in royal style. Al though taken quite unawares he man agd to see that his many guests were made comfortable and that the even ing was most pleasantly spent. Danc ing was the principal entertainment and the evening was one thoroughly enjoyed by all attending. At mid night a splendid luncheon was placed upon the table and everyone thor oughly enjoyed it. As is always the case at the Steppnt home, the eat ables were the finest to be had and were such that a stone man would Relic of, the Iong Ago. While workmen were tearing down the old Gold Dust saloon this week they found soma very peculiar things hid away In the walls.' The first find was a receipt to make two gal lons of whiskey out of one, aid If we are to Judge from the amount of "squirrel" whiskey that has been sold at different times at this old saloon, the receipt was probably used to a good advantage. The next day a red ribbon pledge was found and signed by Anna Saylos in 1878. Anna lived In the building when it was used as a residence The most important find, however, was a counterfeltter's outfit which was tucked away between the walls have ben compelled to eat them. The;Th,3 con8lptP(1 of two moulds, of five guests brought with them a magnl ficent number of granite articles as presents and Mr. Steppat was quite overwhelmed with their kindness. Those present were: Lena Hirz, Ida Egenberger, Bertha Noltlng, Eleanor Todd, Katie Kaffen- and twenty-five cent denominations. They also found one nickel and one quarter that were made In the moulds. This was probably the prop erty of Frank Greek, who lived In Louisville about thirty years ago, and since has served a long sentence in Many things transnlred In the old building In days gone by that would not look nice in print. Many heart. acses and sorrows have been occa stoned because this hellhole existed within our city limits, but now it is eonp and gone forever. Louisville Courier. ' berger, Anna Sterppt Maggie Kaffen-, the Little Rock. Arkansas, nenlten- berger, Mary Kaffenberger, Louise Marx for Bteallng several thousand Kehne, Sophronla Pelton, Isabelle dollars worth of cotton Todd. Ethel Dentley, Tillle Ploeger, I Alice Trillty, Helen Trility, Marie Novotony, Anna Deutsch, Grace Nolt lng. Ella Noltlng, Mildred Stohr, Will Melslnger, Ed. Melslnger, Leonard Melslnger, Emil Melslnger, George Kaffenberger, Charles Miller, 'John Holmes, George Holmes, Henry Nolt Ing, August Kehne, Willie Kehne, Willie Propst, Willie Noltlng Nick Baumgart, August Hach, Tom Muck,' Albert Tlmmls, Frank Lorenz, Frank Petrlet, Fritz Slemonlet, Eddie Step pat. Fredolph Nord. Chester Todd, Lester Gansmer, Frank Steppat,, Messrs and Mesdamcs Philip Melslng er, Henry Hirz, Jr., John Herman Gansmer, Adam Stohr Runs Todd, Fred Noltlng. A. L. Todd, and Mrs. E. R. Todd. They departed at a late Admits Will to Probate. County Judge Bceson today over ruled the objections to the will of the lute Dnbner Thacker and admitted the will to probate. The will has been under fire for several days, a vast array of witnesses being heard who testified both for and against the will. Weighing the evidence Judge Beeson concluded that he would ad mit til a U'lll In nrnlinto a hp Hid lint hour and all reported a glorious .. , ,,,. ,,,, ,,, Travis Home Scene of Delightful Time of the Sisterhood and Friends During the tventy years that have elapsed since the formation of chap ter F, of P. E. 0. in the city, many and varied have been the social affairs in which the P. E. O.'s and their friends have participated, none how ever, more thoroughly enjoyable than a gathering of the clan, last Friday evening. For three consecutive years chap ter F has been reading Shakespeare, under the supervision and leadership of Mrs. H. D. Travis, and when in vitations were issued by that estima ble lady for Friday evening, April 30th, to celebrate the birth of the Bard of Avon at her home, each mem ber being requested to come accom panied by husband or escort, it was generally understood that a time was before us. In order that the gentlemen guests of the evening might feel perfectly at home. It was decided to initiate them that evening Into the mysteries of M. M. hood, and before the cere monies were complete each married martyr and maiden martyr fully real- j lzed the Import of the sidesteps which they had taken and the onlookers had enjoyed a bushel of fun at their expense. Mrs. Travis as presiding of ficer of the Initiatory staff, wns most successful In exhorting oaths and promises from the candidates, the fulfillment of which will go far toward making wholly perfect crea ture of them, even though thev are accorded the privilege of smcking smoking here rather than hereafter by the Indulgent sisterhood. Delightful refreshments were serv ed during the evening, Mrs. Travis being assisted In the dining room by the young oh, pardon by the un married ladles (all are young.) The presence of Mrs. Gen. Oilman, formerly a member of chapter F, now of Auburn, Neb., and her daugh ter, Miss Gwendolyn, guests In the Travis home, added greatly to the pleasure of the evening. Prominent among the guests of the evening were: J. M. Roberts. J. II Salsbury, H. II. Herold, W. 0. Brooks Will Ramsey, Jno. Crablll, E II. Wescott. II. D. Travis, W. J Strelght. Glenn Rawls, Earl Travis, Ralph White and Dr. E. W. Cook. Should suggestions of a halo be ob served nbout the heads of aforesaid men, know ye that it is the direct result of Friday evening's "at home' with Mrs. Travis. Journalist Chapter F, P. E. O. time. Conic A Kill ii, Gentlemen. a sufficiently strong rase. There was a mass of testimony to the effect that the late Mr. Thacker wns of unsound mind at the time of the execution The Journal was favored this af- of the will and was not capable of ternoon with a call from a number knowing what be did say and how he of citizens from the vicinity of Mur- disposed of his property. On the ray and Union and they were quit other hand there were a large num welcome. The party Included Dr. ber of witnesses who testified that he George H. Gllmore, the prominent was of sound and disposing memory phyBlclnn. Lutle Crawford, the well nnd capable of knowing what he was known and popular young man from billing away. After considering the that section, George Saxton. one of testimony and hearing the argument the best citizens of Cass County and of counsel Judge Reeson decided to James Nldav, than whom no better sustain the will and he so ordered man exists. The Journnl only re grets that these gentlemen cannot call oftener. The latch string Is al ways no the otitsll for any or nil of them. this morning. Doubtless, the case will go to a higher court and possibly mav go to the supreme court. It Is a very Interesting matter. Shorthorn fr Nil. Three good registered Shorthorn yearling bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. TliriT Keiiiml I'lrcM. There wi re three separate and dls Mint fires this afternoon at the Bur lington station and vlclnltv. Tim damage was not great and full par tlculars will be printed tomorrow. The Soulless Mim. The following beautiful sentiment Is from the pen of that gifted editor and present United Stntes senutor Bob Taylor: "I would rather fill my purse with money and keep Its gates ajar to my happy girls while yet they linger under my roof than to clutch it with a miser's hand until all the harpst rings of youth are broken and all Its music forever fled. I would rather spend my last nickel for bag of striped marbles to gladden the hearts of my bare-footed boy than to deny them their childish pleasures, and leave them a bag of gold to quarrel over when I am dead I abhor the pitiless hawk that ir circles In the air only to swoop down and strangle Its talons In the heart of a dove. I dlsplse the roulh'ss man whose gree.l for gold Impels him to strangle the laughter and song of hi family." will be delivered. The young people are especially Invited to attend and hear these. A number of special musical numbers are being arranged for also in connection with these meetings. The sermon of last night was a powerful and moving one, full of fine sentiments. In part Rev. Ran dall said: "The Psalmist seems to be speaking disparagingly of men. He has been viewing the works of God and comparing men with these he says: . 'When consider the heavens the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast or dained, what Is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou vlsltest him?' Then com pared to the angels he says: 'Thou has made him a little lower than the angels. "But the New Testament teaching gives us a better estimate of man. In that Paul says: 'We are the children of God, and If children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.' Heirship comes to those who are akin, and we being Joint heirs with Christ makes us akin to him; it stands us side by side with Jesus Christ. "So what a man Is depends on what we compare him to. I don't know but that might be said of everything. It is great or small accorning to the standard with which we measure It. Take a man, measure him with the kitten and he Is a giant, meas ure him with the universe and he Is Insignificant. What is the matter? You are measuring man by the phy sical. That is his smallest possl bllity. It has been permissible of very few men In the world to say of them individually 'He Is a Giant.' And even then with his physical force of a giant he Is Insignificant as compared with the ox or the horse or the elephant. "Take a man and stand him out here on the earth. The spnee he oc cupies on that earth Is only about a foot square. Pretty small as com pared with this house, pretty small compared with a state or a nation; pretty small when compared with the world on which ho stands. Now leave your man standing hero nnd climb to the sun, where the old earth has lost its form, where mountains and countinents and seas have disap peared, where there Is nothing t.f the earth left but an outline. Now tell me where In that outline Is that In significant creature we left standing here called a man?. The greatest tel escope ever made, If It were a million times greater that It Is, couldn't find him. There Isn't a mote In all the air small enough to compnre him to. That lord of creation Is lost to view swallowed up In the Jumble of things. Compared to the physical and innn Is an Insignificant creature. But meas ured by the Intellect and the soul, the Immortal breath of God that Is In him, he Is grenter thnn kingdoms or empires or angels. Then what a man Is depends not alone on what you compare him to but on how you view him. If you look at him out of a heart of love and sympathy or as a friend or loved one then he is the greatest of all crea tures of God. But If you look at him from the standpoint of infidelity and shut out the Bible and heaven and salvation and redemption and eternal life, see him without any fu ture, any destiny, see him as Voltaire saw him, then he is a mere brute that lives and breathes and dies, Do you not know that it is the truths of the Bible and the things of Christianity and the church that makes a man? Where did you men come from who have touched the heart of the world and lifted men Into moral heights and up to God? Not from Ildla or China or Africa but from the land of Bibles and churches and Christian Influence." From Tuesday's Dallv. Word was received in this city this morning of the death at Lincoln of Henry Lesnhoff. an old time resi dent of this county and mention of whose critical Illness was made In the Journal several days since. Mr. Lehnhoff had been ill for some time past and quite a while ago hope of his life was abandoned. He suffered from a tumor which had affected his spine and from which death was In evitable. His good friend Conrad Schlater had received word several days since that his condition was very serious and he was not surprised when the sad Intelligence reached him this morning. Mr Schlater and wife and son County Treasurer Frank Schlater will attend the funeral at Louisville on Thursday. Mr. Lehnhoff was a Nebraska pio neer and practically all his life was spent In this fine prairie state he had reached the age of seventy-five years when death took him away. Born In Germany, he came to America In an early day In company with his brother Fred. He Immigrated to Nebraska from Wisconsin In the year 1859. But Nebraska did not suit his roving and ambltiuos spirit. He was seized with a desire to visit Pike's Peak and ex plore the rich gold mines of that region. With his brother he took an ox-eam and together they started across the arid and trackless wasto for the Eldorado of the west. Drlv- house was erected on the farm and a start made toward prosperity which was to come to him later In llfo. Henry Lehnhoff was married, his wife living in Wisconsin. She came to Ne braska In the next year, arriving In the spring. Then commenced farm ing in real earnest and for twenty-five years they tolled and saved and every year saw a little stock of world's goods accumulate. At the end of this time they con cluded that there was no lender use In making the fight for wealth as they were well fixed and they moved to the city of Lincoln. In that city they purchased a home which Is the most beautiful in that city of handsome homes. Their residence was on E street and It was there that the Angel of Death came upon him and closed his eyelids. His disease approached Insldously and before he knew what was coming he was stricken and the end came. A further sketch of the life of this estimable citizen will appear in the Journal In the future. His funeral will take place on Thursday morning at the German Luthern church three and a half miles southwest of Louisville, Rev. F. Hartman delivering the sermon which will be In German. Interment will be In that quiet little cemetery by the church which he so well lov ed. Services In English will be held also In Lincoln on Wednesday and Ing acres the land they were caught i the body will be brought to Louisville at Elm Creek by the great stampede on the Schuyler train Thursday morn which took nlnce In this country at ! In. A great number of old friends that time and turned back. ' Plattsmouth was their objective point and here they located. They fell In love with Nebraska and Its green prairies and Mr. Lehnoff filed will be prespnt tq pay a Inst token of respect to a fine man. There are no better men Minn the late Henry Lehnhoff. He wns n ran In every way In which ho could he on a quarter section of land south tnkrn. cOnlnl, lovrble, thoroughly of the present town of Louisville, 1 upright nnd a man of the strictest In- at the Nebraska City land office Itegrlty, he stood among the peop'o of and he Immediately commenced to Cass County na a mighty onk. tewcr- break It up and plant It. As wns the Ing erect In the full grnndeer of case will all the early settlers he 'sturdy manhood, nnd his misflrr; Is plnnted sod corn so ns to have food that of one of nature's noblemen, for his animals and he found the There Is little more to be said of virgin soil well suited for Its cult I- thin speleivlld citizen. He wns all a vntlon. From this the fnmlly made true man should be and one can be no their living durln gthe year. A frame more. THACKER WILLCASE Heirs Attempt to Break Will and Se cure Division of Estate From Tuesday's Imlly. The henrlng In the Thacker will contest yesterday was very long drawn out today an the same mat ter Is before the, court. Judgn Beea on kept the attorneys In the case busy last night, an evening session being held, nnd they being kept be fore him until eleven o'clock. There Is a great mass of conflicting evi dence before the court and the contest Is a warm one. The attempt of the contestants to prove that Mr. Thack er wns of unsound mind has result ed In many Interesting pieces of testi mony and the whole personal history of the deceased hns been gone Into quite extensively. The Journal In Its last evening's Issue, was In error In regard , to the distribution of the es tate. It was stated that the bulk of ter Aloy Ilammon. The will furl'ier provides thrt Wr't-r's srrr sh?M be credited upon a note from him to his father, and that no legacies be paid until this note Is cnncelled. The will wns drawn by Judge Jesse L. Root who signed the snnu at the request of Mr. Thacker. There Is a great deal of Interest taken In are case and considerable curiosity manifested ns to the probable outcome. Mrs. Frank Sheeley am daughter came In this morning from their home at Omaha for a visit with her parents. Wm. Weber and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Shioley were robbed last nlifht by burglars, they securing small booty however, owing to most of the valuables being In the room The Tribute of a Fiieml. It Is with sorrow and regret I nnd my family heard of the death of our friend and neighbor Mr. Henry Ix'hiihofr. Little did we think when we were with him some Mine ago In Lincoln and bid hi in farewell that It. was to be our last farewell lu this vale of tears . Standing mar his grave, surrounded by bis family nnd his many friends and neighbors, my parting xsnlute was: "Dear frleni. rest In pence. My wish and prayer Is to he soon with you again and to gether with our other departed nclgh ors we will Sing a loud To Deum, In the estate went to his son Walter, jthe blessed land where sorrow and This Is not exactly correct as he re- tears are unknown nnd where we celves but one-fifth the residue of the estate after certain bequests are paid, Tlie will makes provision for all the heirs. "it provides first, that the debts of the decensed are to be paid and that the deceased shall be laid to rest be side his wife In Cass County. It further provides for the appointment of his son. Waller as executor of the will. To George Thinker 1s left the sum of $100 In full of his share. The same amount Is left to the late John P. Thacker and the (I mil-liter Millie Mldklff pnrt no more, ' To the bereaved wife and children I express my heart felt sympathy, for he was a good husband and father and to me nnd others a faithful friend. Conrad Schlater. Injured In Runaway. Ben Hoffman was quite badly In jured In a runaway the lattr part of the week, lie was Just having town and was passing the lumber yard when his horses became fright ened and ran at a rnpld rate on past To another 1 the depot and up the south bill, nt daughter Rachel Morgan is left the jthe summit of which and near the sum of 2.0. A number of grand-1 Eltnwoud dairy. Mr. Hoffman was children are left the sum of $2!i each. The remainder of the estate C. H. Wortman of South Bend I spending the day In the city, having come In this morning on Mm Sehuy 'er to look after business matters. where the couple slept and which Is divided Into five equal parts wns not Invaded by the robbers, which go to his son Walter, daughter Mrs. Sheeley will likely visit lii the ' Myrtle Preston, son Dabtier T. Thai k- It y several days with her parents. er, Min Kldrege Thacker, and daugh- thrown out. alighting on one t-liouM-er, Although considerable pain was experienced, he did not consult n phy sician for a day or two He Is now doing nicely. The team escaped ser ious Injury. Klmwood Leader Echo.