? DAILY PERSONAL NEWS I Items of Interest From Sat- i c ! T V x urnnv s r.vr i' .iimiiii a UIUUJ - . -w . . . --j I E. Backstrom was a passenger this morning for Lincoln where he will spend several days. Miss Hazel Cowles wag a passeng er for Omaha this morning, going up to visit during the day with relatives and friends. Miss Adeline Darrough and broth r Elmer are spending the day in Om aha being paBseugers for that city on the early train. Henry Horn has business matters In the city to attend to today, com ing In from his home west of the city today. Mrs. J. Nellson Is visiting for sev eral days in Omaha and Council Bluffs, going there this morning on the early train. ' Jos. Wiles and wife were pas sengers on the early train this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day. Bert Pllsbry was a passenger this morning on the early train for Om aha where he will spend several days with friends. John Krager, one of Cass County's best citizens. Is spending the day In the city looking after business mat ters. Frank Hawksworth spent last night In the city with his parents, returning to Lincoln this morning on the early train. Jacob Meisinger, the well known and popular farmer from near Ce dar Creek, was in the city today on business. Miss Claire Dovey who has been spending several days with her par ents In the city, returned to Lin coln this morning on the early Bur lington train. J. V. Newell, auditor of freight and ticket accounts for the Burling ton lines west of the Missouri river, Isattendinga meeting of the account ants of all railroads In Cincinnati this week. He departed last Sunday evening and Is expected back tomor row morning. Phillip H. Meisinger came in this morning from his tine home in Eight Mile Grove precinct, to look after Some business matters. Mr. Mels Inger Is of the opinion that the dam age done last night by the hard freeze was more disasterous and far reach lng that many suppose. He states that ho believes peaches are ruined by the freeze nnd that he saw a number of fields of spring wheat on the roud to (hit city which were turning black from It. Mr. Mel Inger is an observant fanner and usu ally knows whereof he speaks and It Is to be believed that he Is right In his opinion. Joe Kahoutek and wife were pas sengers for Omaha on the morning train where the lady Is receiving mtdical treatment. Paul Wohlfarth is spending the at teinoo: in Omaha halng taken a brief vscation to make a visit to the bl:; city George Horn came down this morn ing from his home at Cedar Creek and Is looking after the business of the Woodman Accident Association of which he is a hustling agent. George I. (Meisinger, the rell able and up-to-date armej from Eight Mile Grove precinct, is at tending to business matters in the city today, coming in this morning. Albert A. Wetenkamp, the well known farmer from the precinct was a the city this morning for a few hours being a passenger at noon for Omaha. Julius Pepperberg, manufacturer of "Buds" and other brands of cigars spent last night In the city inter viewing the local cigar men and mer chants, returning to Lincoln this morning on No. 19. Frank Knofliecek and family who have been living for several years past in Illinois where he Is employed by the Rock Island road as a ma chinist and who came In several days since for a visit with relatives, de parted this noon on the mall train for their home. C. E. Helm of Louisville, one of the best farmers in that section, is spending the day in the cty and was among those who called at this office and renewed his subscription to the old reliable. Mr. Helm is one of the sort of men whom we are all proud of and we are glad to have him call on us. Wm. KlelBer one of the most prominent citizens of South Bend, was In the city today attending to business matters and while here he took occasion to give the Journal a pleasant call and renew his alleg iance to the best county paper. Mr. Klelser Is quite well known In this city and vicinity and is one of the very best men the county affords. R. A. Talbott of South Bend was among those coming down to this city this morning on business mat ters, making this office one of his pleasant calls. Mr. Talbott Is a friend of whom the Journal Is Justly proud as he Is ohe of the best men the northern ptart of CnKS County af fords. His visits are always welcome and he will always find the Journal force glad to meet him. He returned to his home this noon on the mall by the way of Omaha. Carl Hanesek and daughter were! passengers this morning on the early train for Omaha. Mrs. Thos. E. Parmele departed this morning for Denver, Col., to be gone for several days. Mrs. Emma Travis and'childrenare spending the afternoon in Oniaiia where they will visit with friends. Mrs. Wm. Wetenkamp is spending the afternoon In Omaha having been called there on business matters. Mrs. Harry S. James who has been pndlng several days in the city with her folks, departed for her home at Lincoln this noon. Jesse Helner, wife and family were passengers this noon for Omaha where they will make a visit for a few days with friends. C. L. Carlson was a passenger this noon on the mall train for Omaha where he will Yisit-iWlth friends during the day. .' Geo. Bogel of South Bend was In the city this morning attending to business matters, returning to his home this noon by the way of Omaha. Mrs. Emma McCarey of LaPlatte spent several hours In the city this morning doing some shopping, re turning to her home on the noon train. J. C. Spangler who Is one of the sterling citizens of Cass County, came In this morning on business with the local merchants and took occasion to call at the Journal of fice and meet his friends. Mr Spang ler Is one of the many good people In this county who are always. wel come visitors and the only regret the Journal has Is that he doesn't call oftencr. Miss Juliette Atwood passed through this city Thursday even ing for New York city to spend a few days with her brothers before sailing for Europe next Tuesday In company with Miss Ruth Holmes and Mrs. Howard Baldridge of Omaha, who will chaperon the young ladies. Miss Atwood and Miss Holmes will remain abroad for an Indefinite period to study music. W. H. Lohne who Is a fine man and one of the best farmers of the Cedar Creek neighborhool, came In this morning and paid this office a pleasant visitor as well aslooked after business matters at other places. He finds the Journal to his liking and he renewed his subscription for an other year. He Is always welcome and is a man who is assured of an open door at this office whenever he chooses to come In. HAVE FINE DISPLAY ! DAILY PERSONAL NEWS f Able to lie Out. J. Q. Rlchey, mention of whose serious Illness and his subsequent progress has been made from time to time in the Journal, is no wgetting along famously and with the return of warm weather It Is believed he will soon be able to get down town and meet his many friends. Mr. Richey's progress has been really marvelous and he has made several little trips out of doors In the last ten days walking some distance. The con tlnued bad weather has had an 111 effect upon him as on everyone else but he is able to be up and about and gaining strength fast. You'll appreciate when you come to us the pleas ure of doing business. We believe it can be made a pleasure; it is to us. We pet a lot of real satisfaction in providing our customers with clothes as these; its all a friendly transaction; you can always bring back you don't want; we don't want your money don't want our goods. Glad to have you in and try on some of our one, two and three button models some have regular pants, some medium pegs and others extreme peg tops. For the old, middleaged and the young. Shades air leaning toward gray a few browns, out very few. We know you'll be pleased if you see them. w5im come . V Plattsmouth's large and Up-to Date Shoe Starts The near approach of spring and the turning of one's thoughts to proper apparel for the season natur ally causes one to look about and see what Is presented In the line of wearing apparel. It is hardly necessary right now to talk of cloth ing for there are four well stocked stores In the city, all of them up to the minute In style and quality of clothes. There are the splendid clothing stocks of Messrs Falter & Thlerolf, Weseott's Sons, .Wm. Holly and M. Fanger. These four enterpris ing merchants have everything a man can want in their lines and In ad dition, they have the prices. But when it comes to foot wear, it is a proud thing to say that Platts- mouth has two of the best and most up-to-date stores In Nebraska. A number of other stores handle shoes and they are selling them at the prices fixed by fierce competition. They all sell for what the shoes are worth and no more. If cheap shoes are wanted they can supply it and If you want goods of standard make and goods which sell at fixed prices the world over they can supply you and their price will be the same you will pay In Omaha or Chicago. The two exclusive shoe houses In the city are showing their spring lines now and they are beauties and they are sold at prices which warrant you in buying here. The firm of R. Sherwood & Son are featuring some of the finest makes in the market among them the Julia Marlowe, the White Ribbon and the Cross shoes for ladles and these shoes cannot be beaten at any price by any firm. They sell the world over. If any lady contemplates buying shoes all she has to do Is to look in Sherwood's west window and see what they have on display. Dainty and tasteful footwear for the ladles Is one of the things they feature. For smaller members of tbe family, the celebrated "Buster Brown" lines of shoes are in stock and they are Just what every mother wants and they prices. In fact, the Messrs Sherwood have an elegant line of goods. For men they have many standard makes and every one is a leader of fashion. The Dr. A. Reed Cushion sole is a feature of this line but there are so many other fine lines that the most fastidious can call and be suit ed. And the beauty of all this is that you can call upon this firm and buy their standard goods and if they are not as represented you can have them changed. With firms from other cities this cannot be done. The other r xclusle shoe store In the city, that of Joseph Fetzer presents to their many customers two fine dis play windows filled with the latest and most handsome designs In foot wear 1 1 Y Short Items of Interest From Frj- V X t X day Evening's Daily Journal X Mrs. W. F. Scotten and daughter Miss Nora, were passengers on the mail train this noon. Geo. E. Dovey Is attending to bus iness in Omaha this afternoon going up to that city on the noon train,. Mrs. Nora Farris Is 'spending the day in Omaha being a passenger for that point on the early' train this morning. Mrs. J. D. Parker and baby are spending the day In Omaha being pas sengers this morning on the early train. Mrs. H. E. Wilson was among those traveling to Omaha this morning hav ing business to look after In that city. Wade Windham is spending the afternoon in Omaha being a passen ger for that city on the- mail train at noon. Mrs. Bettie Copenhaver was a pas senger this morning for Omaha where she will spend the day visiting with friends. Mrs. W. T. Smith and daughter Miss Kittle were passengers this morning for Omaha where they will spend the day. Mrs. I. D. Dalton and adughter Miss Grace, are among those visit ing In Omaha today, going this morn ing on the early train. T. H. Pollock is spending the day in Omaha having business in con neitlon with his telephone company to attend to. A. C. Tulene was among those looking after business matters in Omaha this morning, going up on the early train. Mrs. Harry Messersmith and Mrs. Albert Thomas were passengers oa the early morning train for Omaha where they will spend the day. Harry Hlrx, the well known farmer of the precinct, is spending the af ternoon In Omaha, having business In the metropolis to look after and going up on tbe fast mall at noon. Mrs. W. B. Elster and son are spending the day with her sister Mrs. Harriet Becker at the hospital la Omaha being passengers on tbe early morntng train for that city. F. A. Murphy and wife departed this morning for Omaha where they will make thetr future home, Mr. Murphy returning to his duties In the army headquarters at that city In about a week. A. Mitchell, a prominent real es tate man of Burwell, Neb., was In the city overnight looking after bus iness matters and visiting with R. B. Windham, returning to his home this morning. Mrs. O. L. Creamer and children Miss Minnio Will was a passenger who have been visttlng in the city this morning on the early train for for some time past with her folks and. Omaha where she will visit with relatives departed this noon on the friends during the day. , fast mail for thetr home at San Jose, J. Ed. Barwick Is spending the af- Cal- She expects to find better It X I X 1 I 1 ternoon In Omaha looking after bus- weamer mere man sne was D1e6sea lness matters, going up on the mail wlth nere and hPe8 t0 tln cher traln at noon. r,es r.,pe and 'ru,t of 8,1 klnd8 'a abundance. During her stay here she had a very pleasant time and took her departure with real regret. J. W. Grassman departed this noon on the mail train for Colorado i Springs, Col., where he will enter the M. W. A. sanitarium at that point. Wesley is the first occupant of the new tent recently ordered by the lo- Wm. Budlg, manager of the Paul ca, camp of Woodmen and It Is to be Budlg cigar factory, departed this hoped that hc , a fortunate one and noon on the Denver Special for a returns In a short time In good visit with her daughter Mrs. Green health He ,s assured by the phy8,. at Mella, Neb. . clans who have examined him that Mrs. Harry S. James who has been he stands far more than a good visiting with her parents Dr. - and chance for complete and early re Mrs. C. A. Marshall, took her mother covery and that Inside of a very short to Omaha this noon on the mall train time, he will come back to his home H. E. Rand is looking after busi ness matters this afternoon In Oma ha, going to that city on the mail , train at noon. Byron Clark Is attending to various business matters this afternoon in Omaha being a passenger on the mall train at noon for that city. for an afternoon's outing. a man hearty and well. Joe Fitzgerald Very 111. Word was received in this city this morning of the very severe condi tion of Joseph Fitzgerald, formerly chief of police In this city. Mr. This store makes every possl- j Fitzgerald who has been in the west- ble effort to please their patrons and !ern part o fthe state since his reslg- Suits from $7.50 to $30.00 THE HOME OF Copyrlbt 1909 if H.fl kkiffn.t ic Marl Hart Schafner & Marx Clothes Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts SOLE AGENTS FOR CARHARTT'S GLOVES AND WORKING CLOTHES ca they present the most approved pat terns of goods at prices which are reasoable. ' Like all competlors In this city, they can sell you cheap goods and thpy ask the standard price for standard goods for every firm which handles the same stock must ask the same prices as they. In the line of ladles' shoes they present a long line of fine goods, just as good as you can buy anywhere and at prices which are as cheap as the cheapest. They have the "Frances" a shoe which Is high grade and ranks with the best, they have the Utz & Dunn, another shoe which the ladles all admire. In addition there . are all kinds of standard makes. For tho children they have a shoe equal lo any In the market. For men they have the Florshelm, known the world over a shoe without a superior. They have the Ralston healtTl shoe, slso known where shoes are worn. Lnstly . they carry the Douglas than 'vhlch ro better shoo for. the money can be found. This then Is a summary of the ihoq conditions In Plattsmouth. You can't beat It In Omaha or anywhere else nr-J in addition remember that every dollar of yours spent with our local shoo people means, money to Platts mouth. Patronize them and help your neighbor and yourself. nation o fhis place In this city, was Belzed last Monday with a very se vere hemmorhage and his condition has become so bad that he was ppeedily brought into Omaha and his family summoned tp his bedside. They departed this noon on the mail train in response to a telephone message this morning whjch urgent ly requested their presence. Mr., Fitzgerald had been failing in health for some years but had man fully fought against the Inroads of hia disease. His friends In this city and vicinity trust that the attack may prove temporary and that a change of climate as soon as he has recov ered his strength will prove of great benefit to him. Further news of his condition will be awaited with the greatest hope for his recovery. Attention Farmers. If you have anything In the sec ond hand line to sell bring It In, I want It. Pay the highest price. If you want to buy a thing In second hand or new goods, see me. I will make my prices right to you. . Messrs Nels Petersen and son, James and P. Jensen of South Om aha spent last night in the city, re turning to their homes this morn ing on the early Burlington train. BIG REDUCTION ON PLUMBING -:- GOODS AIR PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS! New Xly at Wutinsli. Washington dispatches today an nounce the appointment of LcRoy Stanley ns postmaster at Wabssh. this county, to succeed Chrrlrs Brann, resigned . Mr. Stanley Is quite a well known citizen of Wabash and will doubtless make a very efficient official. During his term Mr. Brann administered the office to the ap parent satlHfactlon of the patrons and Is a very popular man. Mrs. J. T. Evans and children who have been visiting In the city, the guests of her mother Mrs. Jennie Wells and Mrs. H. J. StreUht were passeiiK rs on the noon train for their home at Lincoln. Withiu the last sixty days we have made some, extraordinary low purchases on Plumbing Goods, and have the largest line ot Bath Tubs, Closets. Lavatories and Sinks ever shown in Plattsmouth at remarkable reduction in price: Bath Tubs, white enameled $15.00 and Up Lavatories, " " .... 6.75 and Op One-Piece, white enameled Sink and back 9.75 and Up Low-Down Closets 14.50 and Up 18x30 flat rim Sinks, whiteenam- cled ... . 3.00 and Up We can also make Kewaunee Air Pressure Water Systems at a big reduction over former prices. Re member you can see what you get when purchasing from us. ns we have six styles of tubs, six styles of lavatories and three styles of closets in stock and on display. "JOHWlSAtUIER , 1 ' Plattsmouth, 9 Nebraska.