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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1909)
The. - Plattsmouth - Journal. Published Seml-Weeklj at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. P A PATCC C1..UIII . UMIISIICr Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. . $1.30 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Again, when will Taft reform the weather bureau, need the weather. We For a city of its size Plattsmouth lias less crime and is bet ter governed than any in the state. This is because its officials are the right kind and because the people do not need to be governed by an iron hand. Not such a long time ago the public was promised the ex posure of an immense graft which was to be worked on the jH'ople of this city and Cass County. Has anyone seen it- The season of the year when the fool rocks the boat is upon us. Yesterday at Oakland, Cal., he made his initial appearance for this season and several lives paid the penalty. The work of the foolkiller seems to never end. It would seem that a man depending upon the business and public of PlattMiiouth, would have decency enough about him to refrain from slandering and maligning the place which gives him his bread and butter. It is hard enough to stand the com petition of other cities and townsfrom without than to have to stand the treacherous stabbing and knifing from alleged "boomers" within. One way not to secure factories for your town is to put the price of proerty which is wanted for sites so high that they ean't consider buying it. That helps some town with more enterprise and vim but it is hard on your own town. Don't do it. The city of Plattsmouth wants the people of Cass County to understand that the attempt being made in certain quar ters to injure its reputation as a peaceable, law-abiding and decent city, are simply a tissue of lies and emanate from a sore and disgruntled politician. Some men who enter the newspaper profession seem to believe that if a merchant does not advertise, he can be made to by the judicious method of going to some competing town and securing advertising there. The same sort of men always profess to be anxious to build u pthe place they live in and Jvhere they print their paper. If you keep vour eve open you Ml 111. . .. win prooauiy see a case in point very shortly. The erection of several good sized factories in this citv 1C CiTYinill 1 r at tt' 1 1 1 ill Al'nrlr Knclnno n . ,3 . . . ! i . ci .-.uiiiv. uuijt niiivii vivij uusiiicm iiiuu turn ever cuizhii should encourage. Esnoeinllv should nrnrwrK nwnoro Trl- Talk about advertising a town. The Weeping "Water Re- for this end. Kvervthinir which comp int tho oitv ami i,;v, publican is engaged in reprinting the vile attacks made upon employs labor is worth money to you in advanced values of this city by certain persons who regard libel as not worth con- vour real estate. This is nn ineontrovprtihlp fW nnrJ rmn rrhlnh sidering speak of the town where they have their habitant. The every property owner knows. Therefore it is a part of his duty v...,, u.Uu uic uu n uri-uiuiiuu mc utuiK im cuiuieu iu iuium'u io turn out ana oo ins Dest to secure tnese neneiits. broadcast by those who have it in for the city and, unfortu When he can contribute something, no matter how little, to nuieiy, uiey are ueing aiaea Dy some m me city. secure a tactorv, lie should take a pride in doing so. uur ancient mend John Bu sppms in o lm wuuu.e ui laiMiig xunas to Keep ins government on the go. has not yet built the Plattsmouth postoffice. Has anvbodv promised to vote for Cannon if Republican. Mr. Maguire has done . He has been busy on committee tariff was highly commended. It address," but he was frequently JMaguire will prove all right. Plattsmouth merchants and business men ought to annre- rinfo wbnt U l.oinfr dono for their trf wi,on tW fin.l Lir i V.."1" ".ldhl.,,hca year snowed a heavy deficiency neardot Alaguire since he town blazoned fourth to the world as a hotbed of crime with .. , 1 ' V"? 1 ar"lent to the budget eloeted.-Weeqing Water wideoncn gambling dens running bouses of b-id re . ' '"" 1J1.Iirav) increased income taxes, estate and very well tor a new member lTefend1 h t7IS'of im ,s a? I cold " S atcs. Does'it pay to talk "boom the town" in' one column and Z 3? 121 t XX - Zl iol stab the business men in the other. The Journal stands up for 0 iia ii nn U U Iamuy nave Vr , , " V 7 Vie ,eI,uu'lcans . iNeurasKa L,ny iNews. Plattsmouth and it wants the world to know there is no better town in Nebraska than this. It is the best place to trade and everyone who visits it knows this to be so. ear- Put r few years i.go the proposal to put a tax on income brought down on the democrats a storm of denunciation and derision. Now it is found that a large section of the repub lican party joins with tl-f democrats in demanding this most just method of taxation. The various planks of the famous Chicago platform of 180G are thus being one after the other vindicated and the wisdom of the framers of that document i? bearing the test of time. That the income tax looms large in the future is plain lo be seen and the republicans listening to the voice of the people, are compelled to bow and say that Mr. Pryan and the democrat y were right when they demanded the passage of such a measure. The Young Turk party seems to have been ronllv in nest and they have supplanted Abdul-Hamid the despot, with a new man who is said to be progressive and in favor of lib erty ior his people. All the courts in the world even thoe who have helped the "unspeakable Turk" to hold hi nnt . in- , . . - - ? joice in mis triumph ol constitutional liberty. It is one of the greatest steps ionvard the world has ever known to see the uuoman empire Mivance into civilization and it mav mean within a very few years, a marvelous chnnrp m tlm ,w.i ment of hurope. Notice is now p-'vm bv President Winchell of the Rock Island railroad that Nebraska is next on the list of states where the 2-cent fare litigation will be pushed to a conclusion. For the information ot lnchell and all other railroad officials, it may be said iNebraska is ready tor them, the easy victory of the carriers in Missouri is not likely to be duplicated here. There is nothing sacred about the McPherson ruling which re quires other courts to follow it. The federal judges of this state have never formed the habit of issuing injunctions when ever corporation attorneys demanded them. Also Nebraska has an anti-pass law which prevents the railroads hauling their favorites free and charging the expense up to the general public, as they still do in Missouri. Lincoln News. One of the most ridiculous productions of the present campaign in Omaha for the mayorality is the editorial printed in the Omaha News anent Mayor Dahlman and prohibition. The editorial writer wades through several sticks of stuff to prove Dahlhian's election means prohibition in Nebraska in two years. It is hardly considered reasonable or probable that the mere fact of Jim Dahlman being elected as mavor of a disinterested outsider, it would appear that the forces back of Preen are pretty hard up for campaign material when they put iorth such nonsense as that article contained. Senator Norris Brown yesterday spoke at length in the senate upon his proposed amendment to the constitution pro viding tor the levying ot an income tax. In the west everyone will agree with the Nebraskan in a desire to have such a tax levied and they will all agree that this amendment should be It is to be hoped the work in wlnVh flip is now engaged that of securing several factories for the citv bears prompt and generous fruit. The city needs these and i't is a duty every citizen owes to see that they are obtained V hen everyone remembers that the value of his property de pends upon securing something to emnlov 1 abor nnrl Virinfr noft. pie into town, he will see that every dollar put into securing uiese lactones is money well invested. And one thing to be thought of is not to put the price of your property too high so it can i ne purchased lor sites. carried. But is is not at all likelv this will be done. The nowers , . that be in the east, have too complete control in the senate to Dispatches announce that proof has been soenrpfl tW h- Omaha would cause the rest of the state to vote prohibition (lul Hamid, the deposed Sultan of Turkey, deliberately ordered clear around Robin Hood's barn to get to the object desired. If on themselves to get even with Omaha for his election. To 'J10 massacres of Christians in his empire in order to produce it should pass it would bring the income tax to the front sev- I Vnn, i.: tip i 1 1 i , .l 1 - (' - . eral years from now and there is small doubt but this question will be reached in a very few years any way by means of a law which-nublic sentiment will force through congress. The in come tx was started on the road by the democrats and it will become a law sooner or later. Is it the right way to help a town to describe it as a sink hole of iniquity when such is known absolutely to be without warrant of truth! Plattsmouth merchants are well aware that his town is not overrun with six or seven gambling joints and they know that the various societies that maintain bars cannot -vel H I v Mrvor Nattier md 'e council nor compelled tc close as they are run for the benefit of the members of the sev- m-u' ,.Mj,.s. lastly they are fair enough to wait and give Join P. Sattler a chance, lie received the largest maiontv given a mayor in years and is the man in whom the people have confidence. Should a prurient sheet be allowed to malign and lie 'hort your city and vour business. Mr. Merchant, and in so doing hurt you and your prospects? Do you think falseness of this character tends to help you build up your trade? loreign intervention and deleat the plan to overthrow his power, it this is true and the proof exists that he is respon- w.v, n iiimt- i-i mien, nc MioiiKi no immediate v exe r '-ted as a warning to -ny coming despot that the world will not tolerate such awtul methods of protecting' a totterino- throne. He has been accused of this method several times be- lore hut no direct evidence was ever produced to show tW he was actually guilty. Being now down and out he has little 'how to conceal any participation in this series of crimes and the evidence should be easy to obtain. 1 T . i Ml i a Mccent Characterized bv nronrietv manners, or dress: becoming: depnrmiu rncimniL i IV 4 ' ijaiiuuic. OIUIIU- mu wu-iiuiiury., I 1.- il t - ... il 7.l,ie al)0ve detinition taken in connection with some ot the things whi ell arp llPlTUr snirl in nnpfnin ..nn4n..n about I lattsmouth and its people and coupled with the profes sions of the parties making them, serves to cause some wonder Here's the Answer. "Prohibition doesn't prohibit." Neither does the law against murders prevent them being committed. The highest code of law ever enacted, and by the highest authority, namely, the ten commandments, were insufficient to make a morality. Detroit News. Slander and Libel. Justice William J. Gaylor of the appellate division of the snnremp rnnrr. lirnnklvn. in n Wtnrp on ''T.ihel" bpfnrp flip as to whether the parties knew what decency is or whether the journalism class of the" Bedford Young Men's Christian asso- ini.M'iM ot me dictionary made a mistake. For persons who de- ciation said in part: Sire deCCney, Some mightv curious Pvnmnloa lmin , TP AVmca ia crnnA fnr Tinfliinrr Tt Iniria -nn nna lint fho nonor The first official manifestation that the news lid is being 'whood, slander and libel is part of decency, then it must ho that uses it. and I am glad to say that nowadays vou seldom gradually closed on government information under the new ad- foneeded the dictionary makers do not understand their bnsiJfind a paper addicted to this. ministration comes from the department of justice. The fol- nMs and do not know the nroper definition of the word. Slander is when vou say anything false of another which Press Censorship. lowing order, addressed to Meads ot Departments and Hureau " le msi and supplementary decision of Judge Smith accuses him of a-crime. Slander is never a criminal offense. Cniefs," has just been issued: Mel herson can be read aright it is the opinion of the learned You never arrest anybody for slander. All you do is bring suit. "It is the direction of the attorney general that all mat- court that a railroad which does not pay under anv rate of Slander exists when a man says something about another man's ters relating to the department of justice, which are proper charges is justified in raising the rates to a noint to whiMi tW business or accuse him of a crime. Anything vou write which for publication in the daily pros5' ho noted in memorandum form and be transmitted to the private secretary to the attor ney general; and all such news items shall emanate from the at tornev general's office onlv. Anv matter arising in any bureau or division of the department which affects it in general, or its policy, and any explanation of such makers which it is desired tc make to the press, should 1k prepared in accordance with the foregoing "Co operation with the attorney generaVs office on the part jvouid pay, regardless of what these rates are. The public is holds a man up for public ridicule, belittles him or lowers him thUS reOUl Ted to make nnvl JmYVrnvJlrmflv nntiLifnioLJ I !n iha net im o4 inn rf flin pmrtTniiTn f v pvpn tlininrli 5t rlnoQ Tint accuse him of a crime, is a libel. Libel laws protect you from having anything said against you which detracts from your reputation. In conclusion Judge uaynor said it seemed improbable that any fairminded man would sanction the attempt of the government to conduct the trials of newspaper officials in Henry Watterwson, we believe, is inclined to lav too much d'cte m connection with the Panama canal story in districts oilier iiiau inufsu ju which iub ueuuuuta uvru uuu nuiwu. pay dividends. This may be good law biit it sounds verv mm ous reasoning. The sacred rights of the railroads seem to La X I . I I . I 1 uiorougniy vindicated by such reasoning. Prohibition That nnn't Prftfcihif w w. rrom the Jolinston (Pa.) Democrat. of the respective bureaus and subdivisions of the department stress on the fact that prohibition "annihilates millions of prop is requested in connection with the ? W. erty income and revenue." This loss could be afforded if the Ssncd) "(leo. VT. .ckervlinm. drink habit under the operation of prohibition should cease. "Attorev Oonernl." If those millions of men nnd This order was circulated just in time to reach tho offioo ter the enactment of prohibition thev ronbl nffor.l tn mill a . lilt 1 i "vi v IVIiltMUlCC of the solicitor general just Bowers of Chicago reached from representing the attorney general at the hearing at Chicago, was enabled to scan this among matters that received his attention. The president is said to have expressed surprise that nn impression existed that there was to be a press consorslun He attributed the impression to the fact that a maiority of his cabinet members were new to the work nnd their time was be ing .occupied in, familiarizing themselves with their complex duties.' ? The newspaper correspondents, although rot it'clind to indi'c the president and his cabiret harsHv. sms tho Ivl'tov and Publisher, are firm in the conviction that wln'o tho enlmt members may have had no experience in ofiical life in Wah- i 1 li lt t 1 lit A mMop, the president has; mat no understands me news heids here thoroughly from long personal contact and that a word of v' lMrrtion to Ins omcial lamily would set things right in n moment. One of the humorous features of the railway notes from Omaha appeared the other day when the visit of a federal judge to that city, was chronicled. It was doubly so when taken vU)) flip rplin'rs t'mcIi this same mdge has made in several railway cases which have been tried before him. as the new nimointee. ,0Xt jl,c hquor dealers put out of business and still have a balance'. " '" t'i". urc i m nuuit m imi I nw IHllP 1 wnil 1 Ita net in iii-imi- I A. 1 i ii. . l .. i ..... " - .. . . in 1'ivfii t pooer inivt eny, income and revenue," but whether prohibition is correct II long the first in principle. If it is, the Anti-Saloon league is justified in its It cuisaoe, no mauer how much it may destroy. The contention of the Democrat is that prohibition is not only wrong in principle, but is an impossibility, nnd will be an mipossiniiiiy so long as (iod decrees that trees shall bear fruit and the fields yield grains. For every man has n natural right to grow fruit and grain." and if from part of these he shall elect to make fermented wines and Honors it is a privilege imrn no one can deny, or, it denied, which none can sucrcss full.. riM II... 11 1 ! flu,- ,. . '"" i'ivi-ui. i hum hip mist so ui on or i no moor nnestinn i the full 'recognition of personal liberty not lihertv to defv public decency, but liberty for each mail to regulate his habit" according to the dictates of his conscience. If in the exercise of his personal liberty he offends his neighbor, that is another question. Prohibition is inevitably a blunder. As Mr. Watterson well says prohibition does not prohibit. It simply breeds new vices. In place of the saloon it gives the accursed speak-easy the brothel, the haymow bottle, the bootleg outlaw. In lieu of prohibition we get lawless dispensation of rank poison, a .J l! A it 1 1 i inuraerous oncuon 01 me very aevii mmseii. Spring - Millinery. 25 PER CENT ) t YOU WILL FIND Better Styles Better Goods' Belief Work and 25 per cent less than any other Millinery in this part of the country. Call and fee 5s MISS MYERS