The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 26, 1909, Image 4

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X Short Items of Interest From
day's Daily Journal
Miss Hannah Hlack was a passen
ger on tin- mail train at nomi for
Th. W. C. T. U. will meet at
the Mil lu ilint Church Friday after
noon, A nil
A. W. White Is looking af"r 1ms
iness in 0:..u! a this morning going up
on the f;. t mail.
Mrs. ("lias. C'linc was a passeng. r
this noi u mi tin- mall train for Oma
ha where t-h-' will visit f ir several
dnys wi h ti 1 itives,
Mrs. Fauuie Can ison ami daughter
Miss Lena, were passengers on the
fast mail fur Omaha where tiny will
spend the afternoon.
Mrs. A. .1. Kanka and baity and
Miss Maggie Jens were passenger
this noon on tie' mail train for Omaha
where they will spend the afternoon.
A. Wes'-he, the shoemaker, was
a passenger this noun on the fast mall
train fir Omaha where he had im
portant hi siuess matters to look af
ter. Mrs. Marry S. James of Lincoln,
who has hern visiting with her par-l"K-
i Mrs. Clayman and sou of Omaha
who have bet n visitin:; in the i t
with .1. I!, iin 1 family depart
ed this morulas for their home.
li. Itr.iris is .spending th" day in
Lincoln having come up fruin I'nioii
last ovining in company with John
Van horn.
Mrs Geo I'ei ry was a passenger this
morn In on the early train for Lin
coln where she will lsit with friends
for S"o;al davs
Mrs. Chailis T roop an 1 Mrs. Ui n
N'in-11 were pa.-.sciin.'i s this morning
f' r Omaha where they will spend the
: day with friends. .
Frank Kdolek d parted this morn-
; lug on the early train for Lincoln in
tending to return to work for tin
' Uurllngton at llavehtck.
C. F. Moran und wife were passeii
Kers I his morning on the early train
for Ashland where they will upend
the (lay visiting with friends.
Mrs. A. L. Anderson Is spending the
F. G. Fricke, mention of whose se
vere Injury was made in the ournal
several days ago, has so far recovered
as to be able to be down to his store
once more and look after business.
He Is still painfully sore from the
effects of his fall but doubtless will
be himself again within a few days.
F. A. Murphy Is looking after a
shipment of good he made from Cuba
this afternoon in Omaha. He had
foigotten that these goods would
have to pass through the custom
house at Omaha and several days as?')
w hen in that city he had bicn una'il
to locate them. lie now think- that
an inquiry at the custom lious" will
likely result Iii locating the n issintr
Pith les. These thlllts he so ms to
believe are ncossary before he (an
properly go to housekeeping.
W. C. Irwin who ha-; disposed of his
store In this city to J. V. Lai kin
and who intends to settlo later in
Montana, left this noon on the mail
train for Omaha from whit h point
he will go to Chicago whither Mrs.
Irwin has preceded liim, for a visit
of sev( ral days before leaving for
his ri"w location. While Mr. and
Mrs. Irwin were not hmg in the city
they had made a great many friends
who were sincerely sorry to have
them leave, and whose best wlshi s
follow thern wherever they may go.
Keturus to Colorado. . j A Splendid Success.
What threatened to be protracted The biggest and best dauce given
legal proceedings over the custody . yet by tne improved Order of Ked-
the expense of their count nances aad
everything moveable on their persons.
It is surmised that the ring was ex-
A Pleasant Social Affair.
One of the most pleasant social
affairs given In this city for a Ion;.;
'day in Omaha being a passenger for time past was that of the Loyal Mys-
that city on the early train this mom
cuts In this city for several days,
departed or. the mail train at !!"0!. f"r
her home.
Mrs. Fred W. llawksworth who
has been spending several days In
tho city, the guest of Mrs. 1). Hawks
worth, departed this noon on the
mall train for her homo at Nor
folk. Monte freight spent several hours
In the city this morning between
trains making a visit with his parents
and little son, returning to Omaha
to take up his run on the mall train
at noon.
M. Walker of the Majestic theater
and his brother A. Walker were pas
sengers on the fast mall at noon
for Omaha from which point Mr.
A. Walker expects to return to his
home at Atlantic, la.
Mrs. J. 11. Hlgley and her daugh
Mrg. George Parr, were passegers on
,the mall train at noon for Council
Bluffs, la., where they will visit with
Mrs. lllgley's son Haywood Eledge
who lives at that point.
W. S. Soper made a short visit Iri
the city last night, running down
from Omaha, and returning this
morning on tho noon train. Mr.
Soper states that he Is getting along
famously In his new location In the
Oliver C. t'ovey accompanied by
Miss Florence Dovey were passengers
this morning on the oar'y train for
Omaha and later Ihey will go to Lin
coln. Miss Claire Dovey Is expected
to accompany them on (heir return
to this city, coming down from the
A. H. Jackson of Louisville accom
panied by his agtd father came down
yest?rday morning for the purpose
of consulting a physician In regard to
the old gentleman's health. They
spent the day In the city returning
to their home on tho Schuyler train
In the afternoon.
Quart Is I'armele departed this
morning for the west In search of
horses, going to select some fancy
Hock which he hopes to dispose of
In this section. He will make stops
at several of the large horse markets
In this section and look the stock
Asa McCullough, who has ! en
making his home In KansnsCity.Kan
ns, for the past few months, .eturn
fd to riattsmouth last evening where
he will remain for the summer.
J. Ci. Rlclicy Is now well enough to
be able to sit up and (o walk about
the house a little, riu! Is rspidty ro
Raining Ms strength. He has mad
marvolcus strides toward recovYry I
the last ten days nnd will be aide to
hn out and nhout within a short I line
It Is thought.
Messrs. Ilarrett andUathenhui ir of,
Oninha who have been sp-ndlng
a Utile vacation f M'venl t'ays with
Fred raters-en near Hock Uluffs. re
turned to the mot ropo'ls this noon
on the mull train. Tiny came down
to woo the finny trl' e nnd suci ceded
In catthlnir some nice tlrinu of fish
hut the vveath'r prove.! to he against
them and they finally handout-. the
trip as a failure. Mr. Patterson
brought them t this city from his
home this morning.
A. II. Pratt, the nged comrade of
Judge Jus. W. Johnson departed
this morning; for Ttcuniseh, Neb.,
where he will make a vl-lt with his
brother for several davs before de
parting f r Malu" where he will
spend the summer. Mr. Pratt was a
Sergeant In the same company with
Judce Johnson and passed thioiigh
all the thrilling encounters and ad
Ventures which the latter went
through. The comrades had n very
rd"nt vl l together.
11. 0. Long, the prominent citizen
of Murray and good deniocrpt( is in
the city today attending to business
ni utters.
Mrs. Win. Ilalrd and little son
wero passengers on the mall train for
Lincoln where they will visit for sev
eral days.
T. M. Paterson Is looking after
business this afternoon in tho me
tropolis, being n' passenger for that
city this noon on the mall train.
Miss Mary linker departed this
morning on the early train for Mas-
tie Legion which gave a very fine
mask ball last evening at Contca
Hall. The masquerade was attend
ed by some twenty-five couples, all
members of the order who turned out
to have a thoroughly enjoyable eve
ning and all those whowerefurtunate
enough to have the privilege of tak
ing In the nffair Join in saying it was
one of the most pleasant they had
ever had the honor to participate In.
The costumes of the members cov
ered every phase of character and
ranged from the highly humorous to
the elegant costume of wealth and
r( flnenient.
Prises were awarded the two best
of Otto Feydlitz came to an unex
pected termination this noon when
Seydlitz decided to return to Canyon
City, Col., and face the music, ac
companying Sheriff Joseph fcs
ser to that point on the mail train.
'1 his determination on Seydlitz part
was brought about by his coiisi Jering
the ti'fett this fight would have upon
his chances for leniency in case he
was convh iod and on the advice ot
his father. His father con
. i lering it ttu best thing for him to
do to stop the litigation and return
and face trial.
The couit proceed in,"-, this morn-
jiu to which time the court ad
journed from itsterday ctioi-'ed of i
J tho prjdiution of the pi i.-., .e.r in
court by Shi i iff Quiulon and ar
'gunieiit upon the motion f County
Attorney Kama1 y to quash the writ
of habeas coipuy and pen. .it Sheriff
Ts.- t r to take his prison r. Argu
lot nt was heard b C'-unty Judge
Iieesou on the iKOuon, A. N. hullivan
opposing it and County Allot ni
ltaiiiSey appc.wliig t' r the motion.
At the close of the ai c'aii.i at. wait I.
was chiefly distinguished by Mr.
Sullivan's argument that the sheriff
was bound to proli ne the piisoner
no matter by whom t..e writ was
served, Judge Hi esuli leek l ie mat
ter tinier advisement lor several
hours. At 11 o'clock he reconvene..
lourt and announced his decision
which Wiis to sustain the motion aim
quash the alleged seivi e of. the wrii
upon the sheriff. Attorney iltillivan
wanted permission to take the case
to the district court on eiror or ap
peal and Judge lieesun fixed a su
persedeas bond at the s.nn of fit, out
men was held last evening at Coates 1 traded from one of these men du.--
what Is commonly known as a riot.
Another theory is that the ring waa
swallowed by some patient bovine
who grazed upon the herbage of the
pasture and In the course of time it
returned again to earth. Anyway
Herman doesn't care where it came
from. Neither will the lucky younj
woman who will wear it sooner or
Hall. The preliminary announce
ments of the dance which were to
the effect that the Uedmen Intended
to make this the best affair or the
kind ever given in the city, were more
than fulfilled. To start with there
was a big attendance, the hall being
crowded and the floor filled with
dancers all evening. One of the
pleasing features of the event waai'il'er for everyone agrees that
the musio which was Itner's Uedmen where it will go eventually.
Orchestra, a fine collection of musi- -
clans. The lodge has been very for- Knapu is looking after busi-
tunate in their dances and this one ' rit,ss matters today in Omaha going to
realized good net results.
the that city on the early morning train.
clearing a
j lod
very excellent and or a
high standard and everyone partici
pating In them were enthusiastic over
tho fine spread furnished.
On behalf of the lodge thanks wero
extended to the committee on ur-!
raiigements w hich consisted of j
Messrs. Hach, Nemetz, New ton,. Rich-1
ards and KouKk, nil hustling mem-'
bCra of the order. The ladies on the I
refreshment committee were also!
thanked for th'ir services these be
ing Mesdanies A. C. Godwin and M.
E. Ilrantner.
cot, Neb,, where she will spend the prizes were awarded for the two best
summer, expecting to return In the costumes In the house, the one cos
fall I tutne representing the finest and
Philip H. Meislnger. the well "lc('8t wlliIe the 0,fu'r8 representing
known Eight Mile Grove precinct
farmer, is attending to business In
the city this afternoon, driving in
from his farm.
L. W. Lorcnz is looking after busi
ness In connection with their up-to
date grocery store, in Omaha today
being a passenger for that city on the
morning train.
Mrs. O'Dell of KansnH City, Mo.,
came In this morning on the early
train for a visit with Mrs. F. Lath-
am for several days. Miss O'Dell Is
niece of the late Fred Latham.
the best character. The former prize
was taken by Mrs. Marousek and
the latter prize went to Mrs. Martha
Petersen. Both awards met with pop.
ular approval.
At ten o'clock refreshments con
sisting of coffee, cake and the like
were served and this aided to make
the evening one of unalloyed pleas
A Rich l iinl.
Talg about people having luck!
Several days ago since Herman Hohl
slnih was engaged in the pleasant
past line of removing some fertilizer
from the vicinity of his bnrn to a
field which he intended to revive,
nnd in the process of loading a wag
on he heaved a large forkful of the
mixture Into the wagon, and doiiu'
which he crdertd the relator Seydliu so revealed what lookul to him like a
to produte by Saturday evening or glittering diamond. He paused and
he would be turned over to the Colo- proceeded to explore and see what
rado authorities. The amount of he could uncover, bringing to light
the supersedeas fixed by the court a ring. The ring was a gold one with
was practically prohibitory and a diamond set. At first Herman was
simply meant to delay the return oi disposed to believe he was dreaming
the prisoner only until the time foi and actually pinched himself several
filing the bond had expired. Undei times to make sure that he was work
these conditions both Seydlitz ant Ing all right. Becoming convinced
his father and mother considered ii that he had all his senses about him
best for him to abandon the fight at and that the find was real, he made a
this point and return with Sherift more careful examination of it. Af
Esser. ter the examination he decided
In vesterdav's nnner the nsme of he would take it to a Jeweler and
the party assaulted by Seydlitz was
ascertain whether or not the gem
given as Burklin when it should have was real or mere,y a 8taEe MmonA nr Ap-i,n tinrkmiin h0 i J He took It to B. A. McEIwain, the
the French consul at Denver. Col.. Jeweler, who gave it an examination
and Is a man of much wealth and and flally pronounced It a genulm-
On April 18 Andrew Bloom was ar
rested on a charge of forgery and
John Albert, tho prominent citizen grand larceny committed at Green-
and farmer from near Cedar Creeek 1 wood, and complaint therefor filed
ame down this mornln on the Schuy- before Judge Archer by County At-
ler returning in the evening on theltorney Ramsey. On April 20th, the
Will Ramsey's Fine Record.
same train.
A. L. Anderson depnrted this
morning for Pacific Junction for a
business trip and this afternoon de
parts on a tin days trip through
Iowa points In tho Interest of his
John Bajeck of Ptak & Rajeck
manufacturers of the celebrated
Acorn" and other fine brands of ci
gars, is spending the day In Pacific
Junction and Glenwood talking the
superior quality of his goods.
Wm. F. Gillespie of Mynard, mayor i,oy county attorney Is fast redeeming
and general good fellow, spent the the predictions made for him last
holiday In the city coming In thl fni when R pnnrtldate for the office.
day In this city coming In this morn- Thla one ,.nKO hn9 BnV((, the tax
lug nnd remaining for several hours pnyprg of Cns8 0OUIlty tho biggest end
loosing aner uusmess mailers. of tino almost mio third of tho
County Judge Beeson, who has yearly salary of tho county attorney
been suffering for several days with WHy a four months of office work
an attack of the lagrlppe, was bo "hows that no mistake was made
far recovered as to he down to his hen ho wns elected county attor
office this morning, although he still ny
looks bad. He was quite ill Tuesday
accused waived preliminary hearing
before Judge Archer, who Immediate
ly held hi in to the district court with
bond of $1,000.
On April 23rd County Attorney
Ramsey filed an Information In dis
trict court charging Bloom substan
tially as charged In the lower court.
Bloorn entered a plea of guilty, as
charged, whereupon Judge Travis
pronounced sentence of four years In
the penitentiary.
This Is certainly swift and ef
fective criminal prosecution, and our
high standing In that section. Hi
Is a large cattle raiser and ranel
owner and Is the employer of t
number of men. His condition wat
reported to be very critical whei.
Sheriff Esser left owing to the in
juries which Seydlitz had infllctei
upon him.
This probably ends the matter tin
til Seydlitz is brought to trial at Can
yon City when the full details' of th
affair will be brought out and aired
According to Sheriff Esser there I
very small probably that Seydlitz can
escape a heavy punishment as lu
seems to think the offense was en
tirely without1 warrant and deserv
lug of severe punishment. Seydlitv.
will arrive In Canyon City tomor
row night, the sheriff and his pris
oner leaving Omaha this afternoon
and getting into Denver in the mom
diamond weighing about one carat.
This would make its value in the
neighborhood of one hundred and
fifty dollars. Submitted to people
who wore diamonds like the editor, It
was pronounced of fabulous worth.
As a matter of fact the stone Is
worth about $150 and it was a most
fortunate find. There Is considerable
speculation as to how the stone camt
where It was. Years ago there used
to be picnics held about the place
where the stone was found and one
theory that It was lost by some of the
the numerous sports from Omaha who
attended them and who frequently
'nduliretl In fisticuffs and the like at
Herman Spies spent several hours
were yesterday" morning in Pacific Junction
going over to si ll fhe merchants cf
that city several thousand of hi3
"F.xquisito" and other brands of ci
gars. Mrs. Henry Stelnhauer and daugh
ter Gladys, departed this morning vii
the early train for Lincoln where they
will visit for several days with Mis.
Wesley Campbell. Mrs. Campbell h.ul
ine nusioi t une some time ago to
badly sprain her ai.kl; and dox-s not
ecover very readily.
Frank .land a while working at thj
shops yesterday had the misfortune
to strain the muscles of his back so
ifully that he Is compelled to take an
enforced layoff of a few days, and is
getting about town today with the aid
of a cane. "
Claud Everett and wife from near
Cnion were In the city today making
a call upon J. G. Richey whose
condition Is so rapidly improving.
Mr. Everett drove back to their home
this afternoon, Mrs. Everett remain
ing for a visit.
M. Q. McQuin and wife drove up
this morning from their farm near
Union, to lock after some business
in the city, returning to their" home
this evening. Mr. McQuin made the
Journal one of his pleasant and much.
appreciated calls during his stay in.
the city.
Harry Smith and family who re
cently moved upon the Stohlman
place, west of the city, from Glen
wood, la. departeJ this morning on
No. 4, being called there by the sad
intelligence of the death of Mr.
Smith's mother. The funeral of this
estimable lady will take place, it is
understood today. Further particul
ars of her death will apper later in
this paper.
Frank Rauen has received several'
letters from Sergeant John Doyles of
the 91st Coast Artillery, Tiattery D,.
informing him that Sergeant Doyle
expects soon to be transferred to Ft
Crook, and he Is looking forward
every day to the time when the trans
fer takes place. Sergeant Doyle will
be quite well remembered by many
Plattsmouth people, having lived here
a number of years ago. He has been
In the army for the past twenty
years and has served In both army
and navy. John is a fine fellow and
his many friends here will be glad to
see him on his return.
night, suffering much pain lu hi
11 E Weldman and wiro who have
been visiting In the city for Severn'
days with Mr W Mil an's parents
and brothers and sisters. iVien ted n'" ,,1,M""1 of cfflcers' by
this morning for ChP-ngo where thev
go on n biish'ss ami plcisure trip
expecting to be gone several days.
Hold Banquet.
The forty-first annual banquet of
Burlington operating officials war
held In Chicago last night, fallowing
th - asso
ciation In the afternoon. At this
lng E. Blgnell, superintendent
of the Lincoln division, retired as
'..lirn r ii cf the association, having
served during the past year. The
yiar before II. E. Hyram, general sup-
"liiteiident was chairman. The ban
iit t h'dd annually Is one of the swell
iff ills lu the life of the updating
man, and Is cujoved greatly.
It Is snld that the attendance of
opt rating officials from the lin-s
west was general 11 11 1 that this Is the
one event the (initials do not nils:
wle re It Is possible for them to at-
Nlght Policeman Anton NUka who
nas necn lant up tor several t'.avs
with an attatk of appendicitis, wm
far recovered yesti idav as to h" uhle
to be down town and about, and h
hopes to be n'de to resume his tlutle-.
toi'Uht. H'.iilng bis Illness .lames
Plrd has been acting as night pi
llct man.
Consl !erat !t complaint is being
made by citizens of North Fifth
st ret t tf the depredations cniuinltte I tend.
by dtigH on their gardens and flower! This year the tariff men were call-
beds, as well as the Infernal racket P'd In to discuss tniitti rs of Interest to
which Is always prevailing over their "iterating officials which als bor
In Love With Canada.
Geo. H. Wood and wife depart
ed several weeks ago for their home
at Louisville for a trip to the north.
Mr Woods going to Alberta, Can
ada on land business and Mrs. Woodi-
golng to Minneapolis, Minn, to visit
relatives. Mr. Woods came back this
morning more In love with Canada
than eyer reporting spring work
much further advanced In that coun
try than here. Farmers have their
fields plowed and most cases planted.
The winter has been mild, farmers
being able to work in their Ileitis up
to Christmas almost, while February
and March were Ideal months. Tree;-
are in hud and spring is well ad
vanced. Mr. Wood accounts for
this by the prevalence of the ciiinoek
'.wind which -blows In that country
througiioiit the winter mouths, lie
says it Is an Ideal spot to live In
Mrs. Woods had tho misfortune to
run into a bud case of dlptherl.
while In Minneapolis and Is nuaran
tincd as a result which detained them
for a short time.
We have just taken up a new line of rien's hose which are
becoming famous throughout the whole country because of their
marvelous wearing qualities. We have investigated this hosiery
and know it has unusual merit, and so we are asking each per
son who has trouble with holes coming in the toes of his socks,
to come and buy just one pair of half-hose made with the
fightings and snarling", and the wl-di
Is ferwiitlv iv mV'-Hi'd Iloit the ihlif
of peine or the pound inastt r c
some equally efficient member of th
city administration take his cannon
and rnnnnnlr- a few of the nnlnial i
The entire city seems to be overrun I
"ti traffic department proMem J.
I. Cox, tlhblon freight ngeiit of Lin
coln, was on the program for a ia-
Tl'.e meetings are said to be prof
itable affairs for the employes of the
read who direct lis opt rations, us
with these niilnial't mil they shmill I 'e, is gathered from every dlv IsP nrre
be either kept lip or llli lr numbi r clfeed at these ses.-hins Slate
thinned out. . i .Journal.
Peter II. ilmcs tame In this morn
ing from bis heme In the coiinlrv
and was a passeneer for Llmoln on
the eai'.y train gning up to get hi
sou. l'eier. who hits iiceii In tie- ksiii-
lruiill',1 lle-ie for an otcratlmi. Tin
young man has he. n sutfiiliig for
several e:irs from ostaiiuliMs of the
hope tui I thl t Is the secon 1 operation
he has undergone. It Is to he hoped
that the operation proves a mien ss
and that he will soon entirely recov-
e: :!i' lo. ( r I'ls leg vvnicii nave neon
so bally aff ile). Mr. Ilalines says
that lie has been assured that by can-,
fill attention un.l th" dis
ease will seen h' con uere. I nnd he
., - ! , i fill that this last opt r-1
,iien nay be the starting point
toward complete recovery.
This will cost you just 25c.
Then, after you have given them a thorough,
fair test, if yon don't say they arc Hie best wrar
ing socf:s yen hive ever uvni, coin-; airain, bring
the piir back and we'll tcOniti your monry.
If yon think vou minht not like the looks of these new socks,
come and see- Yon don't need to buy them. Just come and
see them first.
WHY DO VE MAKE THIS OFFcS? IJec iuse we ktmw.this is
the gie itcst wearing bsi- ry ever made We have tried them,
nnd all to whom we h ive sold them siy they are the best thing
thev i'M r s:i'v. We k-t vv a siv1e trial pair wiT convince the
UU'.-.t particular pe'M"i. in show VOU.
We have blacks, tans, old rose, pearl, (itay, new metal
shades, taupe, rec-n, ox blood:!, navy blue and otheM. All 2c
a pair. You've been buying socks at J5o and then didn't get as
much for your money.
mif of Hurt S' (m1h ti- .l.ii.r I'lnln
,Sf,.m ,.