Hi JIT RED GATE 3ByC MEREDITH NICHOLSON llluttratlona by RAY WALTERS LIU 1L Capjnabi. iwi, ki oktINmil On tears flashed Into Miss Pat's eyes as ehe confronted me in the woodland path. "Oh, no! It's not so bad as that!" I pleaded. "I tell you she has no soul! You will find it out to your cost. She Is made for nothing but mischief In this world!" "I am your humble servant, Miss Holbrook." "Then," she began, doubtfully, and meeting my eyes with careful scrutiny, "I am going to ask you to do one thing more for me, that we may settle all this disagreeable affair. I am going to pay Henry his money; but before I do so I must find my brother Arthur, if he is still alive. That may have some difficulties.' She looked at me as though for ap proval; then weut on: "I have been thinking of all these matters carefully since I came hero Henry has forfeited his right to further Inheritance by his con temptlble, cowardly treatment of me; tut I am willing to forgive all that he has done. He was greatly provoked; It would not be fair for me to hold those things against him. As between him and Arthur; as between him and Arthu . Her gaze lay across the twinkling lake, and her voice was tremulous. She spoke softly as though to herself, find I caught phrases of the paragraph of her father's will that Gillespie had Tead to me: "Dishonor as It Is known, accounted and reckoned among men; and she bowed her head and on the veranda rail a moment; then she rose suddenly and smiled bravely through her tears. "Why cant you find Arthur for met Ah, if you could only find him there night ho peace between us all; for I am very old, Larry. Age without peace Is like life without hope. I cannot believe that Arthur is dead. I must see him again. Larry, If he Is alive find him and tell him to come to me. "Yes," I said; "I know where he is!" She started in amazement and, com Ing close, her hands closed upon my arm eagerly "It can't be possible! You know where ae Is and you will bring him to me She was pitifully eager and the tears were bright In her eyes. "Be assared of it. Miss Holbrook. He is near by and well; but you must not trouble abont him or about anything. And now I am going to take you home Come! There is much to do, and 1 must be off. But you will keep a good heart; you are near the end of your difficulties.1 She was quite herself again when we reach St. Agatha's, but at the door the detained ma a moment "I like you, Larry!" she said, taking my hand; and my awn mother had not given me sweeter benediction. "1 never intended that Helen should play with you. She may serve me as likes, bat I dont want her to sings your wings, Larry." "I have been shot at In three lan guages, and half drowned in others and rewards have been offered for me Do you think I'm going down before mere matter of beaux yeuz! Thin better of me than that!" "But she is treacherous; she will de liver you to the Philistines without losing a heart beat." "She could, Miss Patricia, but she won't! "She has every Intention of marry ing Gillespie; he's the richest man she knows!" "I swear to you that she shall not marry Gillespie!" "She would do It to annoy me If for nothing else." I took both her hands they were like rose-leaves, those dear slightly tremulous hands! "Now, Miss Pat I'm going to call you Miss Pat because we're such old friends, and we're Just contemporaries, anyhow now, Miss Pat, Helen is not half so wicked as she thinks she Is. Gillespie and I are on the b.'st ol terms. He's a thoroughly good fellow and not halt the fool he looks. And he will never marry Helen!" "I should like to know what's going to prevent hvr from marrying him!" she demanded as I stepped back and turned to go. "Oh, I am, if you must know! I have every Intention of mnrrylng her myself!" I ran away from the protest that was faltering upon her lips, and strode through the garden. I had just reached Glenarm gate on my way back to the boathouse when a woman's voice called softly and 8lster Marga ret hurried round a turn of the garden path. "Mr. Donovan!" There was anxiety In the voire, and mora anxious still was Sister Marga ret's face aa she rame toward me hi k ..u v.. v...... i..m(i .kneel before her. She had evldentlv been watching for me, and drew back from the gate into a quiet recess o' the garden. Her usual repose was gone and her face, under Its white coif, showed plainly her distress. "I have bad news Miss Helen has gone! I'm afraid amuething has hap pened to her." "She can't have gone far. Sister Margaret. When did you miss her?" I asked, quietly; but I confess that I was badly shaken. My confident talk about the girl with Miss Pat but a moment before echoed Ironically In my memory. "She did not come down for break fast with her aunt or me, but I thought nothing of It, as I have urged both of them to breakfast upstairs. Miss Pa tricia went out for a walk. An hour ago I tried Helen's door and found It unlocked and her room empty. When or how she left I don't know. She seems to have taken nothing wlia her.". Can you tell a He, Sister Mar garet?" She stared at me with so shocked an air that I laughed. "A He in a good cause, I mean? Miss Pat must not know that her niece has gone If she has gone! She has probably taken one of the canoes for a morning pad die; or, we will assume that she has borrowed one of the Glenarm horses. as she has every right to do, for a morning gallop, and that she has lost her way or gone farther than she In tended. There are a thousand expla nations!" "But they hardly touch the fact that she was gone all night; or that a strange man brought a note addressed in Helen's handwriting to her aunt only an hour ago." "Kidnaped!" and I laughed aloud as the meaning of her disappearance flashed upon me! I don't like your way of treating this matter!" said Sister Margaret lei ly. "The girl may die before she can be brought back." "No, she won't my word for It, Sis ter Margaret. Please give me the letter!" "But it Is not for you!" "Oh. yes, it is! You wouldn't have Miss Pat subjected to the shock of a demand for ransom. Worse than that. Miss Pat has little enough faith In Helen as it Is; and such a more, as this would be final. This kidnaping Is partly designed as a punishment for me, and I propose to take care of It without letting Ml 3 Pat know. She shall never know!" Sister Margaret, only half convinced, drew an envelope from her girdle and gave it to me doubtfully. I glanced at the superscription and then tore it across, repeating the process until it was a mass of tiny particles, which I poured into Sister Margaret's hands. "Burn them! Now Miss Pat will un doubtedly ask for her niece at once. I suggest that you take care that she Is not distressed by Helen's absence. ir it is necessary to reward your house maid for her discretion " I said with hesitation. "Oh, I disarranged Helen's bed so that the maid wouldn't know!" and Sister Margaret blushed. "Splendid! I can teach you nothing, 3Ister Margaret! Please help me this .much further: get one of Miss Helen's dresses that blue one she -plays ten nls In, perhaps and put it in a bag of some kind and give It to my Jap when he calls for It in ten minutes. Now listen to me carefully. Sister Mar garet; I shall meet you here at 12 o'clock with a girl who shall be, to all Intents and purposes, Helen Holbrook. In fact, she will be some one else. Now I expect you to carry off the situation through luncheon and until nightfall, when I expect to bring Helen the real Helen back here. Meanwhile, tell Miss Pat anything you like, quot Ing me! Good by!" I left her abruptly and was running toward Glenarm House to rouse IJIma, when I bumped Into Gillespie, who had oeen told at i. . i somewhere In the g.v u'!3. "What's doing, Irishman?" h (. manded. "Nothing, Buttons; I'm just excrcla Ing." His white flannels were as fresh as the morning, and he wore a little bluo cap perched saucily on the aide ot his head. "I was pondering," he began, "the futility of man's effort to be helpful toward his fellows." He leaned upon his stick and eyed me with solemn vacuity "I suppose I'll have to hear it; go on.' "I was always told in my youth that when an opportunity to do good of fered one should seize upon it at once. No hesitation, no trifling! Only a few years aeo I wandered Into a little church In a hill town of Massachu soils where I waited for the Boston express. It was a beautiful Sunday evening I shall never forget It!" he sighed. "I am uncertain whether I was led" thither by good impulse, or only because the pews were more com fortable than the benches at the rail way station. I arrived early and an usher Beated me up front near a win dow and gave iue an armful of books and a pamphlet on foreign missions Other people began to come In pretty soon; and then I heard a lot of gig gling and a couple of church pillars began chasing a stray dog up and down the aisles. I was placing my money on the taller pillar; he had the best reach of leg. and, besides, the other chap had side whiskers, which are not good for sprinting they of fer hist so much more resistance to the wind. The unseemliness of the thing offended my sense of propriety The sound of the chase broke In harsh ly upon my study of Congo missions, After much pursuing the dog sought refuge between my legs. I picked hlra ! no tenderly in my arms and dropped j him. gentH, Donovan Btly, from the window. Now wasnl ha( setting an opportunity when you fouui it, so to speak, underfoot?" "No dubt of it at all. Hurry with the rest of It. Buttons!" "Well, that pup fell with a sicken ing Veil) linGuu ayi&ut iuto tud basement where the choir was vesting tuelf. and hit a bishop actually struck a young and promising bishop who bad never done anything to me. They got the constable and made a horrible row, and besides paying for the skylight I had to give the church a new organ to square myself with the bishop, who was a friend of mine in Kentucky who once gave me a Up on the Derby. Since then the very thought of foreign missions makes me ill. I always hear that dog It was the usual village mongrel of evil ancestry crashing through the skylight. Whafa doing this morning. Irishman?". I linked my arm In his and led U way toward Glenarm House. There was much to be done before I could bring together the warring members of the house of Holbrook, and Gillespie could. I felt, be relied on In emer gencies. He broke forth at once. "I want to see her I've got to see her!" "Who Helen? Then you'll have to wait a while, for she's gone for a pad dle or a gallop, I'm not sure which, and won't be back for a couple of hours. But you have grown too dar ing. Miss Pat Is still here, and you can't expect me to arrange meetings for you every day In the year. "I've got to see her," he repeated, and his tone was utterly joyless. "I don't understand her, Donovan." "Man Is not expected to understand woman, my dear Buttons. At the ca sino last night everything was as gay as an octogenarian's birthday cake." He stormed in the shadow of the house and seized my arm. "You told her something about me last night. She was all right until you took her away and talked with her at the casino. On the way home she was moody and queer a different girl al together. You are not on the square; you are playing on too many sides of this game." "You're in love, that's all. Thesa suspicions and apprehensions are lead ing symptoms. Up there at the casino, wlth"the water washing beneath and the stars overhead and. the band play Ing waltzes, a spell was upon you both Even a hardened old sinner like me could feel It. I've had palpitations all day! Cheer up! In your own happy phrase, everything points to plus." "I tell you she turned on me, and that you are responsible for it!" and he glared at me, angrily. Now, Buttons! You're not going to take that attitude toward me, after all I have done for you! I really took some trouble to arrange that little meeting last night; and here you come with sad eye and mournful voice and rebuke me!" "I tell you she was different. She had never, been so kind to me as she was there at the casino; but as we came back she changed, and was ready to fling me aside. I asked her to leave this place and marry me to day, and she only laughed at me!" "Now, Buttons, you are letting your imagination get the better of your common sense. . If you're going to take your lady's moods so hard you'd better give up trying to understand the ways of woman. It's wholly possible that Helen was tired and didn't want to be made love to. It seems to me that you are singularly lacking in consider atlon. But I can't talk to you all morning; I have other things to do but If you will find a eool corner ot the house and look at picture-books until I'm free I'll promise to ba best man tor you when you're married; and I predict your marriage before Christ mas a happy union of the ancient houses of Holbrook and Gillespie. Run along like a good boy and don't let Miss Pat catch sight of you." "Do you keep a goat, a donkey or . ." i-.e iiSlx-d. . o.i iron. "T. j rc k kers there'.; a (ioukiy in tun s." ii.j sadtli'Si a rrirrot. si c:iu of the pus "Cood. Are his powers of vocallxn tlon unimpaired?" "First rate. I occasionally hear his vesper hymn. He's In good voice." "Then I may speak to him, soul to soul, if I And that I bore myself.' We climbed the steps to the cool shadows of the terrace. As w stood a moment looking out on the hike we saw, far away toward the northern shore, the Stiletto, that seemed just to have slipped out from the lower lake. The humor of the situation pleased me; Helen was off there in the sloop playing at being kidnaped to harass her aunt Into coming to terms with Henry Holbrook, and she was doubtless rejoicing In the fact that she had effected a combination of event that would make her father's case ir resistible. But there was no time to lose. I made Gillespie comfortable Indoors and sent IJIma to get the bag I had asked for; and a few minutes later the launch was skimming over the water toward the canoe-maker's house at Red Gate. CHAPTER XXIII. The Rocket Signal. Rosalind was cutting sweet peas In the garden where they climbed high upon a fllmy net, humming softly to herself. "A penny for your thoughts!" I challenged. She snipped an Imaginary flower from the air In my direction. "Keep your money! I was not thin Ing of you! You wear, sir, an Intent commercial air; have you thread an needles In your park?" "It la oilalne,1 .that we. continue th and dark bpre. coloi : Ooat THIS IS l.K(il. M1TKK. State of NeUiuHHH, Lii,.ij of Cans, i's. In County Court: In the mutter of the Kstate of John Axmaker, deceased. TO ALL, PKItSO.VS INTHIt HSTKI): lou are hereby notified Unit there 1H8 hoe n filed In thin court petition of tiigetta AxniaKec, alleging among other hlngs that said John I Axmuker de parted thin life Interstate In Cass Conn s'. iseiXHKKH, ana ai hhiu lime ax an nnnhltntit of suid routitv. ImhvIiiit nn estate to be administered. The prayer of said petition Is that .ettero of Adminlxtratlon be krimited to Koaetta Axmuker. You are further notified that a hearing will be had on said petition before thin court In the County Court room at I'lattKinouth, In said Countv on he Kin day or May, iu, at lu o clock i. m. and ail objections if any. must tie filed on or before Maid day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of xald County, tlila 21st day of April, 1909. (SEAL) vy me court, Allen J. Beeson County Judge. OIIDKH TO SHOW CAISK. In the District Court of Cass Countv. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Telltha walling, Deceased. This cause coming on to be heard on the petition of V. K Hand, admlnlxtra- tor or the estate of Telltha Walling, deceased, to sell the real estate belong ing to the xald estate, to-wlt: The Southwest Quarter (S. W. 1-41 of me moriiiwesi uuarter (N. W. 1-4) and the Northwest Quarter (N. V. 1-4) of the Southwest (S. V. 1-4 of Section Twelve (12) Township Kleven (11). Hange Klght (8), In Lancaster County, Nebraska, subject to a mortgage there on ot f ifteen Hundred Dollars (11500) now due to pay the debts allowed against said estate and costs of admin Ixtratlnn, It Is ordered: That all parties Interested In said estate he and appear before the un dersigned Judge of the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska, at chambers In the Court House at l'lnttsmnnth In said Tass County, on the Twentv- fourth day of May, 1909, to show cause, if any. and why license should not he granted to the said W. 10. Hand r such administrator to sell the above described property. And It Is further ordered that this order be publisher for four weeks In the Plattsmouth Journal, a newspaper published and of general circulation In said Cass County, Nebraska. In testimony whereof I have hereun to set my hand this 12th day of April, Harvey D. Travla. Judge of the District Court. Notlre of reiltlnn to Qalt Title. Charles Haffke, Atty. 212 8. 14th Ht., Omaha. In the District Court of Cass Countv. Nebraska Carl Wlltietm Haffke. Plaintiff, vs. Jeremiah Keeliker, Administrator of the estate of John P. Kinney, deceas ed, and the unknown legatees heirs and devisees of the said John P. Kin ney, deceased, Defendants. The above named defendants and each of them will take notice that or. the 24th day of February, 1909, the above named plaintiff nied his petition in me msirici ouri or l ass t ounty. Nebraska against them and each nf them, the object and prayer of which Is to quiet title in said plaintiff aa against said defendants, to the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: i.oi iwenty-uiree (23) in the North Kast quarter (N. K. r.) of the North West quarter (N. W. qr.) of Section Nineteen (19) Township Twelve (12, Hange Fourteen (14). Kast of the Sixth Principal Meridian In the Cltyof I'latts moiith. In the Countv of C HNS and State of Nebraska, and to further en join said defendants and each of them from having or claiming any right, title or Interest therein and for cost of suit. "u ann eacn or you are required to answer said petition on or before May 24th, 1909. or the prayer of said petition Will be taken irn. . Judgment rendered accordingly against juu ami eacn or you. . j, . .. rrl w"tielm Haffke. Dated April 6, 1909. Charles Haffke, Atty. for Plaintiff OTICK OF APPLICATION KOIl uq. i iiirn.isr. Notice Is hereby given to all per sons Interested and to the public, that the undersigned C. S. Triimble has filed his petition and aniillcal im in .- . '.'"V t,ie V"'K clerk of the village or Kagle, Cass County, Nebraska, as required by law. signed by a majority or the resident freeholders of Kagle setting forth that the applicant Is a man or respectable character and stand ing and a resident of the state of Ne- nraxKa. and pravlng that a llcenxe be Issued to the said C. 8. Trumble for the sine or malt, spirltous and vinous liq uors for the period of one year from the date of the hearing of said applica tion In a building on lote five (r.i ami six t mock nineteen (II) In the vtl luge or Kagle, Cass Countv. Nnlirnska C. 8. Trumble. Applicant JSOTK'K OF PPI.ICTI FOII l.l. ii i.m r. ?:. Matter of the application of flus K Mhr for Liquor License. Mitli-e Is hereby Klven that on the um uny or April. 1909. (Ins K Mobr filed his application with the Village Clerk and the Hoard of Trustees nf the inage or Avoca. Cuss County. Nel.rns ka, for license to sell malt, splrltmix niui villous nquors at pis place or bus. Iness on west two-thirds nf lit R MineK n, fronting on House Street In ssmi yiunge, ror the nionlclpnl year mim on inr ,irn nav or nisv. iin, an'' that he will anulv fur such license at a meeting or the said board of trus tees to bo held on nr after May 4. 1909 or as soon thereafter as he ran be heard. I s led t.u 1M dav of April, 1909 at Avoca, Nebraska. Ous F. Mohr, Applicant Mrs. John HorkstrnxHor and dnugh ter Miss Hannah, are spending the flay In Omaha being passengers for that city on the esrly morning train. CD 0 This has always been headquarters for Shirts of all kinds and still rema.ns so. We have every pood kind of a Shirt from a 2 - year who wears 20 inches neck size. We have them with soft collar attached and without collars. With cuffs attached and detached. Price 50c to $3.00. Eht style and otherwise. You'll THE BIRTHPLACE OF THE MANHATTAN "Where Quality Counts." A VERY IMPORT ANT DECISION In tho Mattor of J. H. Tcasdalo Co. vs. Keckier of Hartley Among the Important cases to be decided by the supreme court at their last Hitting was that of the Teaadale Commission Co. vs, Keckier, a case which went on appeal from this county. The case which was won by Keckier In the lower court was re versed and remanded for a new trial. Byron Clark appeared for the Teasdale Company who secured the reversal while Matthew Gerlng rep resented the defendant Keckier. The case Is regarded as a very Important one especially affecting grain deal dealers and their contracts, and has attracted wide attention throughout the state. It la tho only caso of the kind the attorneys or the court have been able to find and establishes a new principle and application of the law. It applies the law to these grain cases In effect that they are taken out of the statute of frauds by the partial fulfillment of flie contract of sale and further that ft Is necessary for the dealer selling grain to the commission company to take notice any errors In the letter of confirma tion of the company at the time and not endeavor to take advantage of any disagreement which may arise between them over the terms of the sale. This Is said to be the first time this Issue has been brought to square test between the commis sion men and the grain dealers and It resulted In a clear victory for the former. Mr. Clark Is naturally much pleased at his success In winning the case. The syllabus of the case Is as follows, It setting out the facts brief ly and distinctly: J. II. Teasdale Commission Co. vs. Keckier. Appeal, Cass. Reversed and remanded. Duffle, C. Commis sioners' department ATTACHMENT NOTICK. U R. Ousley, will take notice, that on the nth day of April. l09. M. Archer, a Justice of the Peace of Cass County, Nebraska. Issued an order of attachment for the sum of 15.N!i In an action pending before him, wherein Joseph Fetxer Is plaintiff, and L. K. Ousley Is defendant, that property of the defendant, consisting of money has neen aiiacnea unner said order, m i DIG REDUCTION ON PLUMBING -:-GOODS AIR PRESSURE WATER SYSTEMS! Within the last sixty days we have made some extraordinary low purchases on Plumbing Goods, and have the largest line ol Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories and Sinks ever shewn in Plattstnouth at remarkable reduction in price: Bath Tubs, white enameled $15.00 and Dp Lavatories, ' .... 6.75 and Up One-Piece, white enameled Sink and back 9.75 and Up Low-Down Closets.... 14.50 and Up 18x30 Hat rim Sinks, white enam eled 3.00 and Up We can also make Kewaunee Air Pressure Water Systems at a big reduction over former prices. Ke memlicr you can sec what you get when purchasing from us. as we have six styles of tubs, six styles of lavatories and three styles of closets in stock and on display. Plattimouth, t T SI - old boys waist to a man find the Shirt ou want n I ODDS 1. The defendant, a resident of Manley, sold ten thousand bushels of corn to the plaintiff, the sale being made through a broker residing la Omaha, communnicatlon being mad between them by telephone. On th next day the broker wrote the de fendant stating the terms of the sale, and that confirmation thereof would, be received by the defendant from the plaintiff. Plaintiff wrote the de fendant from St. Louis, where It was located and where the corn was to be delivered, confirming the sale and stating fully the terms thereof. ThU letter was headed In bold type as fol lows: "Report Immediately, anv Er. rors In This Confirmation." Defend and did not reply to either of thesa letters, but on a later date shipped one car of corn upon the contract, but failed and refused to ship the remainder. In an action brought by the plain tiff to recover the damago suffered from a failure to deliver all the corn, the defendant alleged as one ground of defense, that his contract to fur nish corn was conditioned on hla ability to get cars to make the ship ment, and that cars could not be pro cured. He alHO pleaded the statute of fraud as a defense. Held, first, that the agreement was taken out of the statute of frauds by shipping part of the corn, and second, that, If the plaintiff's letter of clnflrmatlort did not properly state the terms of sale, It was the duty of the defend ant to observe the directions of the letter and report any error therein, rdatlng to the terms of the agree ment, and that the rule that he who Is silent when It Is tils duty to speak shall not be heard when he should be silent should be applied. cause was continued to the 28th day of May, 1909, at 9 o'clock a. m. Joseph Fetxer. Plaintiff. Ctrl wanted at tho Hotel Riley at once. . vVtK!IE : : Nebraska.