The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1909, Image 8

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Y Shor Items of Interest From Mon
day's Daily Journal
Ed. Miller was a passenger for
Murdoek last Saturday noon on the
nail train.
Mr. Oscar Gapen spent Saturday
In Omnha being a visitor In that city
on the noon train.
Harry White departed Saturday for
Sioux City, la., where he will make
a visit for several days.
Henry Donat Is looking after busi
ness matters lri Omaha today be
ing n passenger on the early trshv
Wm. Crissman of the Burlington's
engineering department was in the
city Saturday looking after business.
Charles C. Parmele and son Pol
lock are spending the day in Omaha,
being passengers on the early for that
Ed. rolln returned to his work nt
South Omaha this morning after
spending Sunday in the city with his
L. M. Orr, the South Dakota land
man, was a visitor In Fremont on
Saturday last, going there on the
mall train.
Wash Young came in this morning
from his home In the country and
ves a passenger for Omaha on the
early train.
C. W. Ilaffke Is attending to bus
iness matters In Omaha, having been
a passenger for that city on the
morning train.
Superintendent of Shops Balrd wtu
an over Sunday visitor in Lincoln
going up on the fast mall train Sat
urday afternoon.
Hans Tarns departed this morning
on the early train; for Omaha and
Lincoln where he goes to attend to
company business.
F. C. Weber and wife were passen
gers this morning on the early train
for Omaha where they will spend
the day with friends.
Mrs. George E. Dovey and daugh
ter Miss Catherine, spent Saturday
In Omaha being passengers on the
noon train for that city,
Mrs. Mae Morgan and daughter
Clara Mae, spent Saturday afternoon
In the metropolis being passengers
for that city on the mail train at
Mrs. Frank Dickson and smnll son
and Miss Bertha Richey are spending
the day In Omaha being passengers
for that city on the early morning
Mrs. Jos Hiber Is visiting with
friends In Omaha today going up on
the morning train.
Ed. Schulhof returned to his duties
at Glenwood this morning after
spending Sunday in the city with
his folks.
E. L. Miller with headquarters at
Omaha, was in the city Saturday In
tervlewlng the implement dealers of
the city.
Miss Anna Jartda Is among those
spending the (lay In Omaha with
friends, going up on the train this
Mrs. J. W. Bookmeyer and son
Raymond, are spending the day in
Omaha going to that city on the
morning train.
Misses Nellie and Alice lirinkman
are spending the day in Omaha be
ing passengers for that city on the
morning train.
Miss Mathilda Soennlchsen Is spend
ing the day In Omaha with friends
being a passenger for that city on
the morning train.
Miss Ethel Ballance who has been
visiting In the city with her parents,
returned this morning to her studies
at the normal school at Peru.
Miss Olive Jones and Miss Stan-
field Jones are spending the day In
Omaha being passengers for that city
on the early morning train.
Miss Catherine Shrack departed
this morning on the early train for
Lincoln where she goes to make an
extended visit with Mrs. Hallam.
Misses Alta and" Nellie Goodell of
Glenwood, la., who have been visit
ing in the city with Miss Olive Gass,
returned to their home this morning.
France Ballance who spent Sun
day in the city with his
parents returned to Glenwood this
morning to have his arm dressed and
To feel strong, have good appe
tite and digestion, sleep Boundly and
Mrs. Ed. Bussler returned to her
home in Grand Island this nooon on
the the mail train after spending sev
eral days in the city visiting friends.
Mr. C. M. Seybert, of Louisville.
was In the city a few days last week,
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John McNurlin. She returned home
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Grace Thomas who has been
visiting with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Taylor near Rock Bluffs,
was a passenger this noon on the
mail train for Omaha where she will
sped the afternoon.
P. II. Klnnamon, who for some time
has been employed In the B. & M.
shops here, will try his hand at
farming for the coming season, and
moved with his family to Joseph
Wiles place, south of town. Mr.
Klnnamon Is a very steady and Indus
trlous man and will "make good any
Democrats Generally Pleased With
the Laws Enacted.
Lincoln, Neb., April 6. (Special
Correspondence.) Now that the leg
islature has adjourned It
well to inquire whether or not some
of the strictures sought to be placed
upon It by republican newspapers Is
Justified. AVe venture the statement
without fear of successful contradic
tion that no legislature that has
ever met In Nebraska has placed so
many merltorous and wise laws upon
the statute bopks, and that no legls
lature has passed measures that so
little fault can be found with. It has
absolutely kept the faith, and has
enacted into law the pledges made to
the people at the election last fall
The two great things demanded were
the passage of a bank guarantee law
and restoration of the precinct asses
sors. While these two things have
been done, many other remedial
measures have been passed. The
bank guarantee law Is conceded by
bankers to be the best that could
be framed. President Black, who
for some time was the president of
the bankers association In this state
made this statement to the commit
tee before which he appeared at Lin
coin. The objections that have been
Miss Blanche Murray, of Omaha,
pent Sunday In Plattsmouth with her
mother. . , u
Mrs. John Dnnelan was a passen
ger for the north this noon on the
fast mall.
Miss Winifred Shea Is spending the
afternoon In Omaha going to that
city on the mall train at noon.
John Cory Is spending the after
noon In Omaha being a passenger for
that city on the mall train this noon.
flirs. j, n. Wise was a passenger
this noon on the mall train for Lin
coln where she goes on business mat
Wm. Cook is looking after busl
ness matters In Omaha thin after
noon going up on the mail train at
Banker T. E. Parmele, of Louis
VUlo, was an over Sunday visitor In
Plattsmouth. He returned to Louis
ville this morning.
Mrs. Wm. Schmidtman was a pas
senger this noon on the fast mall for
Omaha where she will spend the day
visiting with friends.
J. V. Wulff. the merchant of Ce
dar Creek, came down this morning
to attend to business matters In tho
city and was a passenger for Omaha
on the mall train at noon going up
to look after matters In that city
before returning home.
Mrs. Chester Birch, who has been
In the city over Sunday with her hus
band, the evangelist, departed this
morning on No. 6 for Otumwa, la.
where she will await Mr. Birch's
coming on Wednesday and then go
with him to Chicago for his next
Geo. Welty and wife, who ha?e
been the guests of Rev. Birch over
Sunday returned to Omaha his morn
Ing on No. 19. Mr. We:lty Is
brother-in-law of Mr. Birch and la the
chief clerk In the ticket department
of the Burlington with offices In
Mr. Powell of Omaha who hns been
visiting In the city with the family
Of George E. Dovey, returned to hi
home this noon on the mall train.
Mrs J. W. Newell who has been vis
King with her parents A. W. Atwood
and wife, returned to her home In
made as Inspired by interests that are
enjoy life, use Burdock Blood Bit- controlled by Belfish reasons, and by
ters, the great system tonic and men who do not concede that other
builder. I men ri'k titled tn tho enma nnnnr
Bert Pollock, general manager of r 'lnltles as themselves. The precinct
the Plattsmouth Telephone Company, assessors will have charge of the as
is attending to business matters. In sessment schedules hereafter and will
Omaha today, going up on the morn- be elected by the people themselvs.
Ing train. In addition to this the right of the
Matthew Gerlng who has been ill B,ato boar(1 of equalization to raise
for several days had bo far recovered 1,10 t0,a,s of t,le unty issessment
this morning that he was able to go alul valuation has been ';en away
to Omaha being a passenger for that Tnls naa bpon a R,arl"K evl an?1 one
city on the early morning train. of hl(h the people bitterly com
Thomas Walling was a passenger
Saturday for Omaha going up to at
tend to some business matters.
prlatlng money for the benefit of
our educational interest. The bill
providing for the purchase of the
Wayne Normal sihool buildings and
appropriating $90,000 to pay for the
ame has pabsed. It Is conceded that
hese bv'.ldings the worth a sum grey
ly in excess of this amount and that
the state has done a wise thing in
making the purchase.
One of the best measures passed
by this legislature from the stand
point of right and Justice Is the bill
preventing the taking of soldiers
pensions at the different soldiers
homes. It has been the practice of
the last administration to take these
pensions, or a certain per cent of
them and utilize the funds In running
the home. The soldiers themselves
bitterly complained of this and ef
forts were made by their friends to
obtain injunctions preventing the
state board from mulciting the old
veterans. The more serious thnt thf
soldiers injuries were and the great
er the pension he obtained the moiv
the board took from him. All this
will be prevented by the new law, and
these men who guarded the nation
will be permitted to utilize the few
dollars the government gives them
as they see proper.
The bill providing that no more
drinking will be permitted on trains
will become a law. In speak'rg of
legislation along temperance lines H
may be said that the Slocum law us
it now stands has not been charged
n any respect. Strong efforts weic
made by the brewery Interests .to
amend this law, and thereby open up
the gates for a more liberal construe
tion, but these efforts were nipped
in the bud. Every measure that had
that purpose in view has mot with in
stant death. It has been the sense of
this legislature that the liquor ques
tion was not an Issue In the campaign
last fall except locally, and that tbere
was no mandate from the people to
change existing laws and in conse
quence no radical laws upon this
question have been placed upon the
statute books.
It must not be forgotten that th
new oil law Is of vast importance to
the people of this state. It reduce
the rate on Kansas oil and It will now
be possible to get this oil here for
fuel purposes. It changes tho test so
that the quality of the oil may be
tested as well as its Inflammability
It is coiceded by everyone who has
Investigated this matter that the hew
law will be the means of saving
large sum to the people of the state
liasoiine is two and three cents
per gallon cheaper than It was one
week ago.
Governor Shallenberger has signed
a bill providing that hereafter It will
be the duty of the road overseers tc
see that carcasses of deal hogs are
burled within twenty-four hours after
the hog Is dead.
X Short Items of Interest From Tues-!:!
day's Evening Journal
Mrs. Lettie Burke was a passen
ger this morning on the early train
for Oamaha where she will spend
the day with friends.
Mrs. F. E. Hawkenberry and baby
Eugene, are spending the day with
friends in Omaha going to that city
on the early train.
Miss Claire Coleman departed last
evening via Burlington for Kansas
City, where she will visit her sister,
Mrs. O. A. Brown and family for two
A. N. Shade and wife cf Woodbine,
la., who have been visiting in the
city with Hugh Irving and family
Frank Young of Murray was a vis
itor in the city last night being reg
istered at the Perkins House.
Mrs. George Goodman is spending
the day in Omaha being a passenger
for that city this morning on t he
early train.
Anthony J. Trilllty Is attending to
business today in Omaha being a pas
senger for that city on the mail train.
R. V. Eidenmiller of Alvo was
among those spending the night in
the city, being a guest at the Hotel
Mrs. Jos. L. Thompson and daugh
ter Miss Lillian who have been vis-
departed this morning on the early itinK for several davs in Omaha re
train for their home. turned to their Home last evening.
A. J. Lushinskl, sales agent' Mrs- Frcd'Munsman and daugh-
for the Iilatz Brewing Company, was j ter Elizabeth were passengers this
In the city today in connection with ' noou 011 lhe mail train for 0maha
The primary law hns been changed
so that platforms will be written
hereafter before the primary elec-
airs. jos. fetzer Is spending the tion.
a flnfii.mi I rt v l n Iwil -- I
,U1 l,,ul " u,e ma" lralt been ulaced unon a salary hnsU nrt
Ol I1UUII. ., , , . .. , ... .
I ii is min i-ui'u mm me tutue win ue
0. A. Davis, the well known citl- richer each year by more than 110,
ien oi Murray, was in me city a few 600. A tax has been Placed unon
hours last Saturday going to Omaha corporations providing for the pay-
on me mail train. ment of fee for flllnir srHcleq nf In
Carl L. Herder, the baker, was a I corporations that will net the atate
passenger for Omaha on the mall treasury 1300,000
train for Omaha where he had busl- The Pwlal bill of Governor Shall-
ness matters to attend to. enberger has been passed which pro
Henry Likewise of Cedar Creek
came down thla morning to look after
vldes that no stocks or bonds can be
Issued by corporations without first
some business matters, returning to btB,nln the con8ent f'e state
his home by way of Omaha.
Mrs. W. T, Scotten and dangh-
railway commission, thus protecting
the Investor, and at the same time
preventing the loading up of a corpo
ter Miss Nora were passengers for ., ,.,,. . .
, . . , . . . ration with watered stock thus ncecs-
ijiuruin mm aiuuruay going up for
a few days' with friends.
Carl Wohlfarth and wife of Mo-
sltatlng the charging of exorbitant
rates to pay the interest.
The physical valuation of rail-
line, 111., who spent several days In roads has been provided for making It
the city vlsltlngfi with relatives re- possible to get at the real value of
turned to their home last Saturday, these properties. Hereafter it will
Rev. John Swanson returned to his not be necessary to take the word of
home at Wahoo this noon on the mall lhe company as to the value of Its
train after preaching yesterday at the property. This will be done by the
Swedish Mission church In this city, state ltaelf, and will forever settle the
8. G. Unland and family who have rBte QUPI,t'n: ,t'. ?,n b basod
been visiting near the city with Peter upon lne v,,ue nt tbe Property and
Perry and family, returned to their NUB"P done to everybody.
A new oil law by which Kansas
oil may be shipped here for fuel, and
other provisions that will save the
people of this state 1250.000 In the
next year.
The Ollls warehouse law will be In
force by which cereals can be stored
Vance and baby of certificates Issued against It and these
home at Arlington, Neb., this noon
Mrs, Hester Jones of Omaha who
has been making a visit with her
sister Mrs. Davis In the city returned
to her home this noon on the mall
Mrs. J. W
Omaha this noon on the mall train. It with her.
Lincoln wno nave oeen spending sev- made negotiable, thus preventing the
era! days In the city with her mother farmer from being compelled to sell
Mrs. J. Ramge departed this noon his grain at any price that Is offered
tor meir nome. xne appropriations have been kept
itcn, itch. Itch, scratch, scratch, within the revenues of the state
scratch? The more you scratch the treasury
the worse the Itch Try Doan's Olnt- No legislature that has ever met In
ment. It cures piles, ecr.ema. and Nebraska hns ever Riven as much at
skin diHcnscfwtyaolnfwypaolnmfwyp Mention to educational matters as has
skin Itching. All druggists sell It. this one. Every bill has had for
Mrs. J. F. Wulff who hns been vis- "s object the promotion of the edu
letlng with her sister at t'tlca, Neb., eatlonnl Interests of the state hns re
hns returned to her home In Cedar reived earnest attention and enthu
Creek. Mrs. Wulff was accompnn- slnstlo support. The members of thi
led on her return by her sister and body hnve taken the position that
niece who will make an extended vis- there Is not a tax payer In the stat
A Biitlidny Part.
Saturday being the birthday nnnl-
ersary of Master Emil Hlld, Mrs.
Hlld permitted him to invite a num
ber of his school mates and friends
to the Hild home In the afternoon to
assist him In celebrating the event.
The principal amusement was de
rived from various outdoor and In
door games which were thoroughly
enjoyed and which occasioned much
The pleasures of the afternoon
were further augmented when the
little guests were Invited to the din-
ng room where a delicious birthday
supper was enjoyed. Master Emil
was the recipient of many pretty gifts
which will cause him to remember
this particular occasion.
Late In the afternoon the guests
dispersed after wishing the host many
returns of the day and pronouncing
him a splendid entertainer.
Those present were Nora Rosen-
crans, Waldtmar Soennlchsen, Willie
Frledrlch, Amelia Frledrlch. Hllllard
Grassman, Mabel Brown, Vera Brown
Edith Ballance, Blanch Clark. Grace
Clark, Edith Grassman. Raymond
Larson, Mary Rosencrans, Blythe
Rosencrans. La Vaughn Lehnhoff of
Omaha, Wallace Hunter, Gladys
Stelnhauer, Sophia Hlld. Joe Eaton.
Sever Connection With Firm.
The many friends of Emil Weyrlck
the popular pharmacist at Gerlng 4
Co.'a, will regret toiearn that he has
severed his connection with that firm.
Mr. Weyrlck is generally recognised
as one of the best pharmacists In the
city, a young man of much more than
ordinary ability and one who has the
happy knack of making many friends
He has not yet selected a position al
though several have been offered him
and It Is a safe thing to say that he
will make hlniBclf one of the best
of men with any good drug firm
which seea fit to secure his services
His long years of experience with
Gerlng & Co. served to make him
finished pharmacist and a man whose
knowledge of the drug business Is
ovond to none.
I who would seriously object to appro
business matters, returning to Omaha
on the mail train at noon.
Mrs. Louise Kline who had been
spending several days in the city
with her mother Mrs. Ben Hempel,
and her daughter Miss Helen Kline,
returned to Omaha this morning on
the early train.
Oscar Larson, son of L. G. Larson
and wife, and a well known and pop
ular young man in the city, is lying
quite ill at his home In the western
part of the city with pneumonia. Mr.
Larson has been very ill for the past
week but today shows distinct signs
of improvement. It is the hope of
hla many friends that he will be able
to be out and about in a very few
Wm. Stohlman, one of the pre
cinct's best citizens and a democrat
of sterling character, spent today in
the city, having business matters to
attend to with the county commis
sioners. Mr. Stohlman was elected
road overseer of his district last fall
by the good people of Center precinct
and he will make good In his Job.
He paid the Journal a pleasant call
during his stay.
Sunday afternoon J. E. McDaniel
received the unexpected and sad In
telligence of the sudden death of his
sister-in-law, Mrs. C. E. McDaniel, at
Ottumwa, la. It is only a few days
since that Mrs. McDaniel received a
letter from Mrs. C. E. McDaniel ask
Ing arrangements for a visit of the
latter to this city during the next
month and the news of her demise
was received with much regret. Mrs.
J. E. McDaniel departed last evening
for Ottumwa for the funeral and Mr
McDaniel expects to follow today.
John H. Smith of Kansas City, men.
tion of whose visit to the city was
made several days ago in the Jour
nal, returned to his home this
morninng on the early Burlington
train. Mr. Smith will depart next
week for Texas where he goes to
Investigate the railroad land situated
with a view to locating there. Dur
Ing his stay in this cty he was the
guest of Wm. Howland and family
He has several offers under consld
eration regarding entering the rail
way service In the engineering de
partment of different roads, but
does not know yet Just what course
he will take. During his stay here
he met many old friends who were
delighted to meet him and renew the
acquaintance of many years ago
For Sale or Kent.
Forty acres three miles east of
Murray, and six miles south o
Plattsmouth. Four room house, wind
mill and good out buildings. For
John Campbell,
I'nlon, Neb
where they will spend the afternoon
Mrs. Jos Hadraba and daughters
Blanche and Helen are spending the
day In Omaha having been passen
gers on the mail train at noon for
that city.
Deputy Sheriff M. E. Manspeaker
was a passenger this noon on the
mail train for Alvo where he has
papers to serve in connection with
the sheriff's office.
Mr. Perry of Orange, Cal., who has
been in the city for several days
visiting with his father Peter Perry
departed for his home this noon on
the mail train. Mr. Perry made but
a brief trip to his old home this time-
but hopes to return very soon and
enjoy a longer Visit with his old
friends and acquaintances.
Mrs. L. B. Schultz and htr mother
Mrs. Pendarvls of Friend, Neb., who
s here visiting with her, the spend
ing the day In Omaha being passen
gers for that city on the early train
this morning. They expect to mr.kfr
a visit of several days In the metrop
olis with friends.
Mrs. Thayer Propst was a passen
ger this noon on the mall train for
Omaha where she will visit her sis-
ter Mrs. Grace Thomas who was
operated upon this morning at St.
Joseph's hospital. Mrs. Thomas is
reported as having withstood the op
tration exceedingly well and her
early recovery is predicted.
Charles Haffke, a prominent Oma
ha attorney with offices at 212 South'
14th street, was in the city this
morning looking after matters in
connection vith a land suit brought
by Charles W. Haffke, a prominent
citizen of this city. Mr. Haffke is
a brother of our porminent citizen
and Is a distinguished attorney of the
Omaha hor T-fa nnlrl tha .Trmrnal
office a pleasant call during his brief
stop In the city.
Attorney W. C. Ramsey left thi3
morning for Mommouth, III., on legal
business connected with the estate of
Benjamin Scull, deceased, In which
the firm of Ramsey & Ramsey repre
sent a number of the heirs. , Mr.
Scull was a barber and left an estate
variously estimated at from $100,000
tq $150,000. Thomas and James
McCulloch residing south of town are
two of the heirs. The estate Is In
process of settlement in the county
court of Warren county, 111., of which'
Mommouth is the county seat. It
is likely that County Attorney Ram
sey will not return until Saturday.
Within the last sixty days we have made some
extraordinary low purchases on Plumbing Goods, and
have the largest line of Bath Tubs, Closets, Lavatories
and Sinks ever shown in Plattsmouth at remarkable
reduction in price:
Rath Tubs, white enameled... . $15.0 and Op
Lavatories, ' .... 6.7S and Op
One-Piece, white enameled Sink
and back 9.75 and Up
Low-Down Closets : 14.50 and lip
18x30 flat rim Sinks, whiteenam
cled 3.09 and Bp
We can also make Kewaiiee Air Pressure Water
Systems at a big reduction over former prices. Re
member you can see what you get when purchasing:
trom us, as we have six styles of tubs, six styles of
lavatories and three styles of closets in stock and on
Plattsmouth, : : :