The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1909, Image 7

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Now. Items Gathered Eash WeeK t a Special Keprur :or ms uepar.mem . on-o wU.....
a Sep
m 1
Wall paper at Copes.
Miss Clara Mohr of Syracuse la vis
iting relatives here.
Walter Xutzruan Is quite ill with
pneumonia at present.
Harry Marquardt who attends
business college at Lincoln Sundayed
at home.
F. Beekford of Utlca, Neb., visited
his daughter. Mrs. L. J. Marquardt
a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruhge of Mur
dock visited with Avoca relatives a
few days last week.
The new Congregational minister
. arrived Saturday and Is busy mov
ing Into the parsonage.
L. J. Marquardt, wife and little
daughter were at Lincoln and Beth
amy a few days this week.
Mrs. Wm. Betts, 6r., was at Lin
coln this week with her daughter
Mrs. Emmet Carter who is In a hos
pital there.
The Rebekahs were busy Tues
day evening with a candidate. A
pleasant social time and refreshments
finished the evening.
If you need wall paper paints,
Btains, varnishes, etc., it will pay
you to see Copes the druggist. Ho
will appreciate your patronage and
guarantee prices.
Miss Francis spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home in Dunbar.
Mrs. C. Zlnk was a Weeping Wa
ter visitor Saturday.
Chas Everett has again returned
to school.
Anna Weber and Cay Conner have
quit school. Anna Is going to Ne
braska City to finish her education
at the convent.
To Tut On Switch Knglne.
The Missouri Pacific has decided to
put on a switch engine between this
city and Union, Nehawka and Weep
ing Water The train will run about
the same as the one which was run
by Conductor James Atwell, several
years ago. It will leave here in the
morning after the local switching
has been done, the crew going to
work at 8 a. m. and run to Union and
from there it will go to Nehawka,
where it will do the switching in the
At Nehawka a new quarry has been
opened and it has been claimed they
will load not less than forty cars of
crushed stone each day. It means by
the putting on of this train that it
will bring to this city not less than
five families.
There is one feature about the
train, which will not greatly benefit
this city in many ways ,lt will not
carry passengers and will have no
Farm Implements and n
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
Hall ths Saloons, it Is Estimat
ed, Will 60 Out of Bastes.
w. . . , I
The members of the Christian 1 regular time for leaving here and w ill i
f Avoca, -
Nebraska Q
church will give an Easter program
Sunday morning, April 11th, at 11
return in the evening after their
work is done. They connect with no
o'clock. Everyone cordially invited. I train and therefore it would not be
Miss Stella Opp was here from Peru
the first of the week.
Ben Mohr is tending bar for his
brother Gus.
Miss Anna Lyman of Weeping Wa
ter came down Monday evening to
continue her music lessons with her
Avoca pupils.
Martin Beckord who attended
any use for Omaha passengers to
try and get up in that way, because
at every station the switching must
be done before they go to the next
and so on until the day's work is
done. Nebraska City News.
Amend a
& Mohr
Car Remains Another Week.
The Giant Construction Company
school at Lincoln spent Saturday and car, containing the Texas exhibit, Is
Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Mar-
A. B. Lewton and wife were Berlin
visitors Tuesday.
Prof. J. E. Opp who is teaching
school at Cordovia spent the first of
the week in Avoca.
Miss Fern Ralston, of Peru, was
here the last of the week visiting.
Nicholas is enjoying a visit from
his cousin Hadsel Trook of Lincoln.
H. C. Wellensiek was a business
visitor at Omaha Thursday.
L. J. Marquardt has purchased the
Dick Koster lots and blacksmith shop.
He expects to erect a house on the
east lots.
Mrs. George Brazil was at Rock
port, Mo., last week.
Saturday evening, April 3, Miss
Julia Nutzman gave a Somerset party
in honor of Miss Fern Ralston who
was her guest for a few days. A
large crowd of young people were
present. Dainty refreshments were
served during the evening and a
delightful time as reported by all
0. Tefft has commenced to build a
kitchen on his farm house occupied
by Edward Morley.
At the village election, Dr. J. W.
Brendel and O. Tefft were elected as
wet members of the board.
Mrs. Hanger of Lincoln Is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Sam Johnson.
Miss Frances spent Saturday and
Sunday with her parents at Dunbar
There was no preaching at the
Christian church Sunday as Rev
Oterhout was 111.
Easter programs will be rendered
at both churches.
Miss May Bogard gave a song
recital at Weeping Water Tuesday
afternoon, April 6. MIbb Bogard Is
a pupil of Miss Helfenstein of the
Miss Lola Malcolm visited her
parents at Tangeman Sunday.
Miss Rost Peters who is nursing
in Dr. Munger'8 hospital at Elmwood
was greeting Avoca friends Sunday
to remain in Plaltsmouth for another
week. Hundreds have visited this
car to see the excellent fruit raised
In Anderson County, Texas, and have
been impressed with the splendid pos
sibilities for Investment there. They
realize that land bought at $19 an
acre in that section of the state can
hardly be anything but a money
maker. It is a particularly good
proposition for the man or woman of
small means, as the tract purchased
may be paid for at so much per
land S rDtc
Plant Being Made to Serve Wet Goods I
After the Theaters Ice Boxes Di
vided Into Individual Lockers Like
Postoftice Boxes.
Omaha, April 8. Brewers will make
more temperance or "Lincoln" beer,
as it Is commonly known, since the
daylight saloon bill has been signed
by Governor Shallenberger, and tula
may be sold to the real late ones.
Estimates vary as to how many sa
loons in Omaha will close now that
the bill Is signed, but saloou men be-
lieve about half the saloons will go
out of business that is, they will
change their business.
The brewers long ago solved the
prohibition problem. lliey make a
beer without sufficient alcohol in it to
intoxicate, sort of a beeriue. Thosa
who really want to wet their whistles
with a drink which has several inches
of foam on each schooner may be sat
isfied with the temperance beer.
Lincoln's experience was that a
large number of saloons went out of
business rather, changed their busl
ness. Over the big mahogany bars t
saloon keepers began to serve beer
ine, pop, ginger ale and lemonade.
Another scheme has dawned on
OmahaiiH, and It Is much discussed.
Plans are being mane to get wet goods
to serve after the theaters. The ques
tlon is, "Can these wet goods be or
dered with the dinner befere the sa
loons close end served at 11 or 12
o'clock at night?"
egelablcPrcparaitouiof As
similating ihcroodandRegula
ting the Stomachs and Dowels of
ncssaruiRcst.Contalrts neither
OprurruMoi-nhine nor Mineral.
Not Naiicotic.
Alx Stnnm
W SJn -
77 UVI.'nWMM v
A nrrfect Remedy forConsfiM-
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarihoca,
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
new SronK.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
txACT copy or wbappeb.
Mrs. .lames Kennedy Dies.
Death this morning claimed Mrs.
On this point attorneys disagree, panics Kennedy living several miles
south or the city. Mrs. Kennedy
had been 111 for sometime and only
recently had been operated upon.
unless the man ordering the goods
takes them with him.
One hotel keeper thinks this will re
suit In Installing a big refrigerator, she was well known and popular and
divided into 100 small ice boxes. When a I110St entlmable lady. The funeral
a dinner is ordered at 6 o'clock in the u.m . . n nnvt Vp,,,nv A ..,
evening and' the order for wet goods
Avoca, Neb,
Admitted to Hall.
Yesterday in the Supreme Court
Attorney Matthew Goring represent
ing Fred Ossenkop made an applica
tion for bail for his client. The court
after hearing the matter allowed the
pplication and fixed bail at $20,000
o be approved by Clerk of the Court
Kobertson. This morning the formal
notice reached the Clerk and he noti
fied the sheriff who brought Os
senkop before him with his suritles
John Ossenkop and Edward Doran
and the bond was signed and Im
mediately approved by the Clerk. Mr.
Ossenkop was then allowed his liber
ty and departed for his home near
Walton on the mail train this noon.
account of her life will be published
given, the goods will be placed in an
In,!!,.!,!,,! nnA Iho nup m-rlertnirl
the dinner given thu key. When he
returns with his friends after the the- Air- m. iwsenKop is reported as
ater, he will give tho waiter tha key Retting along very nicely at the hos-
and the goods will be served. pital and there Is every reason to be-
The clubs will make some such an lieve that she will soon be all right
arrangement. again and In good health. Her ninny
Restaurant dealers do not believe friends sincerely hone that this Is
temperance beer will ever be very pop. tnlQ and thfll (.a(I B()()n l)Q w(th
mar wnn meir irao. u niiiy e un ,1....
main drink In tne saloons wnicn uo
come billiard parlors with a soft drink
buffet In connection. It looks like
beer and the signs uspd to advertise
It look Just like real beer signs. It
also costs the same as beer.
More than nine out of every ten
cases of rheumatism are simply rheu
matism of the muscles, due to cold or
damp weather or chronic rheuma
tism, n Hiich enses no Internal
treatment Is required. The free ap
plication of Chamberlain's liniment
Is all that Is needed and It Is certain
to give quick relief, (live It a trial
and see for yourself how quh kly It
relieves the pain nnd soreness. IMeo
25 cents; large size 50 cents. Sold
by F. G. Frh ke & Co.
THIS IS CERTAIN Nebraska gameIailed cff
School Notes.
Four pupils, Gladys Coatman
Genevieve MIckle, John Dankleff and
Nellie Dates were In from the coun
try Monday and Tuesday taking the
eighth grade examination with th
other pupils. They did fine wrok.
Miss Mary Chrlstensen visited the
school Monday.
The Proof of Plattsmouth Readers
Cannot Deny
What could furnish stronger evi
dence of the efficiency of any rem
edy than the test of time? Thousands
of people testify that Doan's Kid
ney Pills cure permanently.
Home endorsement should prove
undoubtedly the merit of this rem
edy. Years ago your friends and
neighbors testified to the relief they
had derived from the use of Doan's
Kidney Pills. They now confirm their
Ames Will Not Meet Cornhuskers on
Gridiron This Coming Season.
Lincoln, April 8. Nebraska and
Ames will not play football next full.
The Nebraska athletic board voted to
drop the Iowa Aggies from the Corn
husker schedule for 1909 and to accept
the list of games arranged by Manager
Eager. The game with Denver univer
sity for Nov. 13 was approved. This
contest was scheduled by Mannger Ea
ger In place of the annual Ames game,
The break between Ames and Ne
braska resulted from the failure of ths
two schools to agree on a satisfactory
Up Before the liar.
N. H. Brown, an attorney of Pitts
burg, Vt., writes: "We have used
Dr. King's New Life Pills for years
and And them such a good family
medicine we wouldn't be without
them." For chills, constipation, bll
liousness or sick headache they work
wonders. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co.
lota fir a frintlifili irnmfl next season
testimonials. They say time has com- Th(j AKgleg accepted nnd ,hen turned
oown one date offered them by the
Cornhuskers and this action left only
Valued Patron.
Our excellent friend J. L. Shrader,
and two sons Leslie and George, from
near Nehawka, were In the city today,
and paid this office a pleasant call.
While here he renewed his subscrip
tion for the Journal. Mr. Shrader Is
one of Cass County's most prosperous
farmers and a good patron of the
Journal. Come again Joe.
. 1 - . - a
Henry Prosser,
Contracting:. Plastering", Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb.
pleted the test.
J. W. Partridge, Eighth street,
Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I suffered
almost constantly from pains across
my loins and kidneys and at times
I was In a bad way. On several oc
casions I was so badly crippled that
I could only get about with the aid
of canes. The first box of Doan's
Kidney Pills, procured from Gerlnf
& Co's drug store, helped me so
greatly that I continued taking the
remedy and It brought me entire
relief. It would be Impossible to
speak too highly of Doan's Kidney
The abvoe statement was given In
June 1906, and on December 29,
1908, Mr. Partridge said: "I stil
endorse Doan's Kidney Pills highly,
I willingly renew the statement 1
gave over two years ago In their fa
vor." For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
one date on the Neurasna acneauif
that would allow a meeting between
the two schools. This day was Nov
20, but since Ames Is booked to tnee
Drake on Nov. 25 and feared to play
the Cornhuskers so near the. Thanks
giving game, the Cornhuskers coutd
not get the Aggies to accept that date.
Want Potato Warehouse in Omaha.
Omaha, April 8. Potato warehouses
will be erected In Omaha If the de
mands of western farmers continue.
They are In communication with the
Commercial club and say the grpwers
In western Nebraska are not securing
what they should for potatoes because
they cannot store them in houses
where they will be safe from spoiling.
Frank Schlater and wife were pas
sengers this noon on the mall train
Tor Omaha where they will visit wilh
Mrs. Wm. Ossenkop at the hospital.
E. G. Dovey & Son
Easter Offering
Some items needed to complete and
to harmonize with your
Easter costume
Hosiery in Tans, 15c to 60c pair
Champagne and
A full line of Black Hosiery from 12c up in
plain, also in embroidered and lace effects
Newest and
Shades in
Arguments Ended In Haskell Case.
Tulsa, Okla., April 8. Argument
were concluded In the motion to quast
the Indictments against Governor Has
kell and the five co-defendams or
New York, sole agent for tho United ,fln(I fraud Purges Rowing out of th
Causing i
Remember the name Doan's -
and take no other.
W. II. Newell a:d S. 11. Atwood
came In this noon on the mail train
from St. Joseph, Mo., where they
have large property Interests to look
We are stirring the people in tbe way of giving full
value nnd getting their friendship.
We nre1 pushing our business and extending our
trade, nnd are anxious that you should ! e one of our
rust inters.
Why don't you respond ?
Judge Trals Is reported as being
111 nt his home with a cold or grip.
lie has been under the wentht r for
several days and Is compelled to re
miilii at home to escape a spell of
Avoca., . Nrbtaiiko.,
For Sale.
A number of fine Whit Plymouth
Hock roosters at 75c eac h. They are
good ones and rhenp nt the price.
Mrs. H. C. Long. Murray.
acquirement of townlots In Muskogee
The motion was tnken under advise
ment by United States District Judg
John A. Marshall of Utah, who Is try
Ing the ence.
Illinois Solons Honor Scott.
Springfield. 111., April 8. The sea
slons of the two houses of tho Illinois
general assembly were adjourned out
of respect to the memory of Adjutant
General Thomas W. Scott, who died
suddenly at Ms home town of Pair
field on Tuesday morning. The liousr
nnil senate each tuoiieil a oiunitte
to represent II nt the funt rnl.
Minnesota Kills Dry BUI.
S'. Paul. April 8. --Minnesota's lew
pr home lv 1 1 1 -I tempernncn
measure Vy voting ihe Indefinite post
poiu'inent of iT' A'lriii' bill gnutlufl
local opt Inn to t-'i-'" of It .h t!:an 10
000 InhnhiHintH
The Celebrated Virginia Kid Gloves
In new shades. Also the Kayser Silk Gloves, to
which we call special attention
New Dutch Collars and Jabots
Bur-ties in Ribbon and Lace
Stocks and Ruchings
Splendid Assortment Bells and Beltings
With a nice line of licit Hucklcs & Pins
All the New Shades in Ribbons
Satin Taffeta Ribbons in Checks, Plaids it Fancies
Black und Colored Veilings