The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1909, Image 6

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If unti ofthtrttukrt of tht Journal know of a wciul went or an ikrn of intercut in
i4 icant all iit-ina of inltrtjit. Etlilitr Jounml.
convenience; in business
The assistance of our bank force aids every
customer. Our clerical work includes accuracy
neatness and promptness.
Our up-to-date methods give material ben
fits to all. These methods have been improv
ed until we are able to give each patron exact
ness and individual attention.
Our banking experience enables us to antici
pate our customers' needs. And our services
n are well suited for unexpected demands,
A jersonal talk with one of our officeis will
reveal many conveniences which you never expected.
Murray State Bank
Albert Young was a I'lattsniouth
vlHltor Tuesday.
Mrs. John Lloyd was "In Omaha
thin week on business.
Mrs. Carrie Allison Bpent several
days In Nehawka last week.
Mrs. Will Rrown went to Vallsea,
Iowa, Thursday evening to visit her
Mrs. John Edmunds visited her
brother, Robert Ferguson, In Ne
braska City this week.
Miss Leona llrady Ih performing
her duties at the Murray State Bank
In a most creditable manner.
I. S. White Is reported quite 111,
with but little improvement In his
condition at the present writing.
Mrs. Hassenyager and sou, Robert,
went to Tecumseh Tuesday morn
Ing to visit her sister, Mrs. Clineburg.
Memlflmes Brown, Smith, Lough
ridge and Itoedcker attended the
church In Plattsmouth Wednesday
Charley Stone let the light of hla
good-natured countenance beam
In upon the many friends he has In
Murray last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis, Miss
Margie Walker and Miss Pauline Old
ham attended the "White Sister" at
the Poyd theater In Omaha Satur
day night.
There seems to be considerable
sickness in the Philpot neighbor
hood . Dr. Gilmore was called to that
section yesterday and had not re
turned Thursday evening.
Will Hamilton's little daughter,
Ella, fell from a box last Sunday
and dislocated her collar bone, and is
getting along in the way of re
covery as well could be expected.
Mrs. Joe Cook, who went to Oma
ha some time since to be operated
upon, Is getting along nicely, which
will be pleasing Intellgence to her
many friends In and around Murray.
Mrs. John McCurdy Is a guest at
the home of her nephew, James Hat
rhett and family. Mrs. McCurdy
lives Id Indiana, and Is en route home
from Los Angeles, California, where
the has been visiting.
Mrs. H. L. Oldham received the
sad intelligence Saturday of the
death of her sister, Mrs. Anna Cole,
who died of paralysis at her homo,
In Cincinnati, Ohio, on Friday,
March 26, at the age of 71 years.
The deceased was a former resi
dent of this vicinity, and was well
Mrs. James Loughrldge entertain
ed last Friday In honor of Mrs. Alice
Barger, of Davenport, Iowa. Those
present were Mcsdames O. A. Davis
0. W. Boedeker, Hasenyager, George
(illmore, Misses Ida Boedeker, Fay
and Pauline Oldham. A very en
Joyable afternoon was spent, and all
went home feeling "that It was good
to be there."
The walls of the Murray State
Bank have been adorned with the
head and horns of a large elk, sent to
Glen Boedeker, the cashier, by his
cousin, Kl titer Boedeker, of Lander,
Wyoming, who killed the animal
lust October. This beautiful present
arrived hint Tuesday and Glen Is
very proud of this mark of esteem
from tils rousin. it is indeed an
well worthy to be proud
Murray Department.
Mrs. H. L. Oldham was an Omaha
visitor Friday.
Miss Ida Boedeker was In Platts
mouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Ada Stokes was an Omaha
visitor Wednesday.
Seed potatoes $1.50 per bushel at
Holmes & Smith's.
P. B. Smith and wife were' in
Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Mrs. Dr. Gilmore was In Omaha
Friday doing some shopping.
Mrs. Alba Young is very ill, anl
will perhaps have to be operated up
on for relief.
Ox-blood, patent
Oxfords for ladles
mul Gun Metal
and gents at
Holmes & Smith's.
Mrs. Alice Burner, who hi's been
visiting at James Loughrldge's re
turned to Plattsmouth Saturday.
Frank Young, Jr., was In Omaha
Tuesday to visit his daughter, Mrs.
Joseph Cook, who Is In the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of South Oma-
I ha, came down Sunday to see their
grand father, Mr. J. 8. White, who Is
Stylish, up-to-date spring hats,
In green, black, brown, and gray for
gents, $2.00 and $2.50. At Holmes
& Smith's.
Our new gloves Just arrived.
Thirty-five kinds. We can please
you; 50c to $3.00. Holmes, &
Misses Pauline, and . Fay Oldham
entertained about twenty-five of
their lady friends on Thursday af
ternoon. Mrs. II. Long came home Thurs
day from Furnas county where she
was called on account of the sick
ness of two grandchildren.
Dr. Theo Livingston came down
from Plattsmouth Tuesday and took
Mrs. Will Troop to Omaha for the
purpose of an operation at one of
the hospitals.
Harmon Beck hands the Journal
man $1.50 this week In payment for
copy of the Journal he sends to
Mrs. Beck's mother, Mrs. C. U. Cor-
bltt, of Elmwood.
A deal has been made between F.
M. Young. Jr., and a man from Min
nesota, whereby Mr. Young trades
one of the farms east of town for
a large farm In Minnesota.
Mrs. James Allison entertained the
following friends at 12 o'clock din
ner Tuesday: Mead antes J. W. Ed
munds. W. C. Brown, sr., W. C
Brown, Jr., H. E. Dull. 8 I Baker,
James Loughrldge, and MIos JexMc
Todd, Pauline Oldham and 1 y
The last number of the lecture
course on Wednesday night, April
21. when the Lyceum Stars will ap
pear. No one should miss this, the
rarest musical concert that ever or
curreu in .Murray. lie sure you
are one among the number to at
MIhh Villa Gspen lelibrsle.l h.
anniversary Saturday nlrl.t In h"ii
or of the cunt a nurttur of ht
young rriemis were ln-. In to
assist In celebrating th- wiit. i
Is said that the gucsti huNit-r Vi
ne cream and take r"l.
the exerting enJ.,)Mr !"'.
i M,B" Vl,,a ,h" "-lpl.t f
leral valuable pfMiU.
this vicinity and vxll mail ame to ttii
Lee Nickles was a county seat vis
itor last Saturday.
Mrs. Jas. Loughridge has been on
the sick list for the past few days.
Mrs. Wm. Troop who has been sick
for the past two weeks is still very
Dr. Gilmore made a professional
call to hospitals iu Omaha last Fri
day. Will Smith, of the firm of Holmes
& Smith, was a county seat visitor
Burt Philpot and wife drove over
to Murray last Saturday In their new
Maxwell auto.
John Hobschldt's daughter, Mary,
Is very ill, with but little hopes for
her recovery.
Misses Etta Nickles and Jesse
Dorst were Plattsmouth visitors
Thursday evening.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore was in Platts
mouth last Saturday evening, return
ing home from Omaha.
Leonard Murray's little daughter
has been very ill but. la much Im
proved at this writing.
Mrs. Glenn Perry, who has been
very HI for some time is reported
much better at this time.
Miss Elvina Robinson from near
Weeping Water took the train for
Omaha Wednesday morning.
The Shaffer Bros., from West of
town, shipped a car load of hogs to
South Omaha market Tuesday.
Mr. Wilson of the Jones Grain
Company and Mont Robb of Union
spent Tuesday evening with J. A.
W. K. Loughrldge, who has been
HI for some time is gaining slowly,
and hla many friends hope to see him
on the streets again soon.
J. B. Seybolt went to South Oma
ha this (Thursday) morning to be
present at the sale of some stock
which he shipped yesterday.
George Oldham and sister, Mrs.
Dora Moore, came down from Platts
mouth this morning for a visit with
their brother, Lee Oldham and fam
Here Is the train call heard at the
Union Station Omaha: "Northwest
ern two hours late on account of
wreck. Union Pacific one hour late
on account of washout. Missouri Pa
cific on time, no excuse given."
Mrs. Jos Cook, who has been In
the hospital In Omaha for the past
few weeks, Is gaining strength very
rapidly, and we understand that she
will be able to return , home this
week. The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Cook will be please! to learn of
Mrs. G. W. Rhoden went to Omaha
Thursday morning to see Mrs. Wm.
Troop, who is In the hospital in that
city, JuBt recovering from a ssvere
illness and Is now stricken with an
attack of pneumonia fever. It Is
hoped she may soon recover. Mrs.
Rhoden was driven to Platsmouth
by her son Galen.
D. A. Young was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday, paying the Journal
office a brief call. In conversation
with Mr. Young he Informs us that
hts son, D. C. Young, who for some
time has made his home near Capa,
S. D.t has accepted a good position
with the government surveying crew,
and his duties have called him Into
the western country.
W. W. Hamilton has the contract
for the erection of the new farm
homo of Coon Vallery, to replace the
structure that burned some time ago.
The work has already commenced,
and the foundation Is being laid
this week. The new house will be
32x32, two story, with a wing and
porch. Mr. Vallery knows where to
get a good man for the carpenter
work and made no mistake when he
secured the services of "BUllo" Ham-
Hton do It
Tent for tale.
Complete, ready to set up, 8x10,
ten ounce three foot walls, $8.90;
same 12 ounce. 17.75, 10x12, 10
ounce. 3 foot wall. $8.95; same 12
ounce. $10.75, f. o. b. Murray. Or
der before April 26th.
Holmes A Smith.
2514 N Street
South Omaha
office it mil apjxar uwkr thii heading,
Mrs. W. Klaurens visited in Ne
hawka Monday.
Chris Boedeker was in Platts
mouth on business Monday.
J( hn Cook went to Norfolk Mon
day to visit his partnts.
Rex Young purchased a fine single
driver of Kelly Rhoden a few days
Col J. B. Seybolt shipped a car of
hogs to the South Omaha market
Chris Peterson, living near Union,
has a baby that is very ill with
Mrs. Philip Lambert is quite HI,
but hopes for her early recovery are
Dr. B. F. Brendel went to Avoca
this morning on business, and will
return on the evening train.
The merchants of Murray are pre
pared for a big spring trade. Holmes
& Smith, the leaders In mercantile
pursuits, have a large and well se
lected stock of spring goods on their
shelves, and more arriving daily.
We expect to see on the streets of
Murray in a few days those new
automobiles of Cols. Jenkins and
and J. B. Seybolt. Col Seybolt ex
pects his to be equipped with a cow
catcher, so as to guide him from trees
and telephone poles.
ine rarmers or this section are
evidently getting ready for spring
work. One would naturally Judge so
from the amount of Implements In
and around Jimmy Lougrridge'a shop
for repairs. Jimmy la now busy from
early morn till dewey eve, and then
some. But he generally gets there
with both feet.
Mrs. Dr. B. F. Brendel and Mrs
A.- L. Baker, who were called to
Sheridan, Ind., on account of the
death of their sister, Mrs. Maggie
Nicholson, will not return home for
several days. The funeral and Inter
ment occurred last Friday. These
ladles have the sympathy of the en
tire community.
Grandma Campbell, living south
east or Murray, is still quite ill and
hopes for her ultimate recovery are
very slim. Her extreme age being
against her. Mrs. Campbell is 88
years of age. and is perhaps the old
est person In this section of Cass
county. She has many friends who
hope she may be re returned to her
former health.
Rev. Edward Clutter, of Lincoln
Is holding a series of meetings at
the Christian church, and Is meet
Ing with considerable success. Rev
Clutter Is an evangelist of consid
erable ability, and his meetings are
attended nightly by large audiences
He Is an exceedingly clever gentle
man. and we were pleased to make
his acquaintance.
Approaching Old Age.
We are beginning to get old as
soon as our digestion Is becoming
slow, and absorption poor. This
means, that the. body either does not
accept enough food or Is unable to
digest what It accepts. To a young
healthy Individual food must not give
any trouble, the circulation of his
blood must be regular and his blood
pure and strong. As soon as any
irregularity sets In, It Is Imperative
to call for help. Trlner's Amerl
ran Elixir of Bitter Wine Is, in such
cases, the most dependable remedy.
because It does not allow the dlges
ttve organs to become lazy. It stlmu
lates them to work, makes the dlges
tlon complete and transforms food
Into pure, healthy blood. It should
be used In all diseases of the stom
ach, the Intestines and the blood. At
drugstores. Medical advice by .mall
gratis. Jos. Trlner, 616-622 South
Ashland Ave., Chicago, Ills.
nttce f Petition to Quit Title.
Charles HafTke, Atty.
212 8. 14th Kt.. Omaha.
In the District Court of Cans County
Carl Wllhelm Haffke, Plaintiff, vs.
Jeremiah Keellker. Administrator
the estate of John P. Klnnev. dereas
ed, and the unknown legatees helra
and devisee of the said John I'. Kin
nev, deceased. Defendants.
The above nampd defendant an
each of them will take notice that on
the 24th dnv of February, 1908. th
above named plaintiff filed hla petltto
in the District Court of Cass County
Nebraska against them and each
thorn, the object and prayer of whir
In to unlet title In said plaintiff
agnlnst Kiild defendant, to the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
lot twenty-three (231 In the Nort
Kant quarter (N. 10 qr.) of the Nort
Went nuurter ( N'. V. qr.) of Sect lo
Nineteen (l!) Township Twelve (1
limine Fourteen (H. I'axt of the Slxt
Principal Meridian In the City of Platta
mouth, in the t ountv of ( hkk an
State of Nehraxka, and to further en
loin mild ilcfendiitttK and each nf them
from Imvlnir or cliilnilnit any rlitht, tltl
or tntereat therein and for rout or mil
You and each of von are require
to anxwer xniil petition on or befor
Mav J4th. Hton. or the prayer of aal
petition will he taken ax true an
JodKuient rendered accordingly analnx
you and each or you.
Carl Wllhelm llaffke
tinted April 6, 10.
Charlra HafTke.
Atty. for rialntllT
Mjunrii liaM'iiiiis.
Misses Elsa Stokes and Olga Fight
ho have been spending a wet-k's va-
ation with their parents, returned to
Weslean University Saturday.
Doss Ri.berts and family spent Sun-
ay at Bellevue.
Will Murray. Jr.. visit. d in Platts
mouth Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rlchsrdsor
isited at Peter Perry's Sunday after
Mabel Kiser and Florence Vallery
returned to their studies at Platts
mouth Sunday evening.
Fred Meistnger and wife were in
Plattsmouth Tuesday.
Willie Propst returned Saturday
after spending two weeks with his
ister, Mrs. A. F. Test, of Mitchell,
Jess Vallery was a Plattsmouth
isitor Sunday evening.
Pearl Henton, Florence Richard
son and Mildred Snyder took the
eighth grade examination which was
held In i.Mary E. Foster's office April
5th and 6th.
Mary. Arthur, Elmer and Willie
Wetenkamp took dinner at W. T.
Richardson's home Sunday.
Mr. Mont Robb has accepted a
position as manager of the Jones
Grain Company.
Miss Edna Propst visited Saturday
and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Sam and Mary Sheehe, who have
been visiting at J. R. Vallery's de
parted for their home In South Oma
ha Sunday evening.
Miss Eva Porter was a passenger
to Murray Sunday morning.
Mrs. G. W. Snyder's cousin, Eliza
beth Gapen, of Des Moines, Iowa,
visiting with her this week.
C. L. Wiles and wife spent Sun
day evening at S. O. Cole's.
Leta Lair who is attending school
at Plattsmouth visited Sunday with
her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Propst were
passengers to Omaha Tuesday,, going
to see Mrs. Grace Thomas who Is
PI at the St. Joseph's hospital.
Doss Roberts and wife were called
to Murray Tuesday, at the bedside of
Mrs. Roberts' aunt, Mrs. Campbell,
who Is very 111.
Gecd People.
One of the Journal's staunch
friends, F. H. Stander from near
Wabash, was In the city Wednes
day of this week, and of course called
at the Journal office for a brief chat
and to renew his subscription for
the Journal. He was accompanied
by his sister, Mrs. Erhart. who had
some business matters to transact at
the county seat. The Standers are
among the best people in Cass coun
ty, and the Journal Is glad to place
them as our best friends.
Valued Readers.
Geo. Stander, another one of the
Journal, called at the office last
Saturday and renewed for his paper,
also for the one he sends to T. E;
Tldd at Fleak, S. D. Mr. Stander Is
the sort of reader that the country
publisher Is always looking fori and
the Journal Is glad to know that we
have several of the same family.
For Sale.
170 acre Improved farm, six miles
south of Plattsmouth and 2V4 miles
northeast of Murray, good house,
barn and granary, 125 acres under
cultivation. For Information call on
C. L. Martin, Plattsmouth, Phone
No. 12.
For Sale.
My residence property In Murray
comprising two fifty foot lots, by
150 feet deep, good house contain
Ing six rooms, good improvements,
Will be sold right If taken soon
Chas. Carroll, Murray,
To Loan.
$500 to $5,000 on good real estate
security, 3 6 per cent up according
to security. J. M. Leyda.
For Kale or Rent.
Seven miles west of Plattsmouth
E. E. Goodwin farm.
Wm. Stohlman from south of
Louisville was In the city Thursday
and paid the Journal office a brief
John Ossenkop of Louisville was
In the city this morning on bust
ness, returning to his home this after
Mrs. William Erhart of near Man
ley was In the city this morning
looking after business matters In con
nectlon with her husband's estate
Weeping Water
Nehawka every Monday.
Union every F riday
Balance of the time at
Weeping Water.
Miii k ir 4ipi.irT!ox ron i,ia
Notice is hereby Riven to all persona
Interested and to the public, that the
uiMierhife'ned Adolph Ulexe has nied his
.tetition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of ttie City of Plutts
mouth. County of Cass and State of
Si'bruska, as required by law, siirnel
IV the required number of resident
free-holdera of the said citv, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
-expectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
pravlntc that a l!cer.!' mav tc Usurd
to the said Adolph cilese for the sale
of malt, sprituuus and vinous liquors
for the period of one vear from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a huildinif situuted on the west Imlf
(W. I-:') of lot six (i In block thirty
iour m) in me lourtli ward of the
said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22. 1909. Applicant.
otice of Application for Liquor License.
JOTICE Is hereby irlven to all persons Inter-
1 pten ti il.a ...,1.11.. .!...
t . .. .. .. . . e"i,., ine unuer-
iirned. 11. E. Hand, has Hied I.I. i..ntl,., .,,.
application In the othVe of the city clerk, of
the city of Plattsmouth. count v of Pt a.ijl
stale of Nebraska, as required by law. signed
by the required number of resident free-holders
of said city, setting forth that the appli
cant is a umii 01 respect aiiie character and
standing and a resident of the stateof Nehras
hb. miu praying tnai a license may be Issued
u uic sum ii. r.. uana.ior me sale of mall,
iplrituous and vinous liquors for the period
ifone year from the date of the hearing of
biu application in a oulKllng situated on lots
leven and twelve. (11 and Ii!) In block t.went v
seven. (27) In the first ward of Hie said city of
I'laltsmoulh, Nebraska.
. . , H. E. RAND. Applicant.
March 17th. HV9.
Notice Is hereby trlven to all nersons
ntorested and to the uuhlic. that tli
undersigned J. E. McDanlel has filed his
petition and application In the office
oi ine city clerk, or the City of Platts-
moutn, uoumy or uass, and state or
Nebraska, as required by law. nlirnod
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the Bald city, setting
forth that the applicant is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
irayinK mat a license may be issued
.0 the said J. E. McDanlel for the sale
of malt, aprltuous and vinous liquors
ior me perioo oi one year rrom the
date of the hearing; of said application
In a building situated on lot six (6), In
block thirty-threfl In the fourth ward,
of the said city of Plattsmouth, Ne-
ornsKa j. k, mcIJANIBU
March 22. 1909. Applicant.
Notice la hereby elven to all nersnna
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Kd Kgenberger has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant la a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license mav be Issued
to the said Ed Egenberger for the sale
of malt, ' sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one vear from the
date of the hearing of said application
'I a building situated on the east half
(K. 1-2) or lot twelve (12) In block
twenty-eight (28) In the first ward of
the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22. 1909. Applicant.
ioii i.iii;si:.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Ed Donat has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cuss, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by tho required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
fortl- that the applicant Is a man of
respectable, character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license mav be Issued
to the aald Ed Donat for the sale
of malt, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the east half
(E 1-2) of lot twelve (12), In block
twenty-nine (29) In the first ward of
the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
Notice la hereby given to all persons
interested and to the r-ublic, that the
undersigned Peter Ooos has filed his
petition and application ' in the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant In a man of
respectable aharacter and standing and
a resident of t lie state of Nebraska and
f 'raying that a license may be issued
o the aald Peter Ooos for the aale
of matt, sprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from tha
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve,
(12) In block thirty (30) In the first
ward of the said city of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. PETEH OOOS.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
Notice is hereby given that F. O.
Fricke & Co. have filed their petition
aa required by the statutes of the state
of Nebraska with the city clerk of the
city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, request
ing a permit to aell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors for niedlc'mil, m-.
csulcal ana chemical puipomis for
the coming municipal year In the build-l-ig
situated on lota one (1) and two
(2) In block thirty-nix (36) In the city
of Plattsmouth, Neb--UM."i
F. O. FRICKE & Co.
March 22, 1909. Applicant
Notice Is hereby given that Oerlng A
Co., have filed their petition aa required
by the statutes of the state of Ncbi-ama
with the city cleric of the city of PlvtH
mouth, Nebraska, requesting a permit
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous llq
ors for medicinal, mechanical and chem
ical purposes for the coming municipal
lear In the building situated on the
west half (W. 1-2) of lot twelve (12)
In block twenty-eight (28), In tha city
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909 Applicant.
There Is Silence in the Home.
Hon. H. II. Hanks, the well known
orator of the South Platte, Is con
fined to his home by an attack of the
mumps and the children are also
suffering from the same disease and
Mrs. Hanks Is enjoying a nice quiet
time because the Jaws of her patients
are so sore that none of them can
talk and she is therefore enjoying a
quiet time. It must seem strange to
the honorable gentleman to thus be
deprived of his speech and permits
his most estimable wife to do all of
the talking for the whole family.- -Nebraska
City News.
I'urin for Sale.
I am offering a rarm for saio two
miles southwest of Mynard at ninety
dollars per acre. Also one 3
miles soutn of Murray.
Earl V. Cole,
C!1 n M-e him when in the city