The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1909, Image 5

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llluttrttlont by
Csnrrlckt, INI. hr kkMwrUl " nr
thefe was" Mill Tatrlcla, The noblest
sister men ever had; but you robbed
me of her you robbed me of her!"
He was deeply moved and, as he
controlled himself, he walked to the
little table and fingered the ribbons of
the work-basket.
"I haven't those notes, if that's what
you're after I never had them," he
said. "Gillespie kept tight hold of
"Yes; the vindictive old devil!"
"Men who have been swindled are
usually vindictive," replied Arthur,
grimly. "Gillespie is dead. I suppose
the executor of his estate has those
papers; and the executor is his son."
"The fool. I've never been able to
get anything out of him."
"If he's a fool it ought to be all the
easier to get your pretty playthings
away from him. Old Gillespie really
acted pretty decently about the whole
business. Your daughter may be able
to get them away from the boy; he's
Infatuated with her; he wants to mar
ry her, it seems."
"My daughter is not in this matter,"
said Henry, coldly, and then anger mas
tered him again. "I don't believe he
has them; you have them, and that's
why I have followed you here. I'm go
ing to Patricia to throw myself on
her mercy, and that ghost must not
rise up against me. I want them; I
have come to get those notes."
I was aroused by a shadow-like
touch on my arm, and I knew without
seeing who it was that stood beside
me. A faint hint as of violets stole
upon the air; her breath touched my
cheek as she bent close to the little
window, and she sighed deeply as in
relief at beholding a scene of peace.
Arthur Holbrook still stood with
bowed head by the table, his back to
his brother, and I felt suddenly the
girl's hand clutch my wrist. She with
her fresher eyes upon the scene saw,
before I grasped It, what now occurred.
Henry Holbrook had drawn a revolver
from his pocket and pointed It full at
his brother's back. We two at the
window saw the weapon flash menac
Ingly; but suddenly Arthur Holbrook
flung round as his brother cried:
"I think you are lying to me, and I
want those notes I want those notes,
I want them now! You must have
them, and I can't go to Patricia until
I know they're safe."
He advanced several steps and his
manner grew confident as he saw that
ha held the situation In his own grasp,
I would have rushed In upon them but
the girl held me back.
The Lady of the White ButterfllM,
The twitter of swallows in the eaves
wakened me to the first light of day,
and after I had taken a' dip in the
creek I still seemed to be sole pro
prietor of the world, so quiet lay field
and woodland. I followed the lake
shore to a fishermen's camp, where In
the good comradeship of outdoor men
the world over I got bread and coffee
and no Questions asked. I smoked a
pipe with the fishermen to kill time
and it was still but a trifle after six
o'clock when I started for Red Gate
A line of sycamores 200 yards to my
right marked the bed of the Tippeca
noe; and on my left hand, beyond a
walnut grove, a little lllmy dust-cloud
hung above the hidden highway. I
thrust my cap Into my Jacket pocket
r.nd stood watching the wind crisp the
flowers. Then my attention wandered
to the mad antics of a squirrel that
ran along the fence.
When I turned to the field again I
saw Rosalind coming toward me along
the path, clad in white, hattess, and
her hands lightly brushing the lush
grass that seemed to leap up to touch
them. She had not seen me, and I
drew back a little for love of the pic
ture she made.
She paused abruptly midway of the
daisies, and I walked toward her slow
lyIt must have been slowly and I
think we were both glsd of a mo
ment's respite In which to study each
other. Then she spoke at once, as
though our meeting had been prear
ranged. "I hoped I should see you," she said,
"I had every intention of seeing
you! I was killing time until I felt
I might decently lift the lntch of Red
She Inspected me with her hands
clasped behind her.
'Tlense don't look at me like that! ;
I laughed. "I camped In a barn lust
night for fear I shouldn't g t here In I
time." I
"I wish to Fpcnk to you for n f w
minutes to tell you what you may
have guessed about us my father and
"Yes; If you llk; Imt wily to he'p
you If I can. It Is not necessary for
you to tII tue anvMilns."
She tiirne.l and led the way ncros
the dulfv field. She wail;d swiftly,
holding naek her skirts from the
crowding flowers, traversed the garden
of Red Gate, and continued down to
the houseboat.
"We can be quiet here she said,
throwing open the door. "My father
is at Tippecanoe village, shipping one
of his canoes. We are early risers,
you see!"
She grew grave again.
"I have important things to say to
you, but it's just as well for you to
see me in the broadest of of daylight,
so that" she pondered a moment, as
though to be sure of expressing her
self clearly "so that when you see
Helen Holbrook in an hour or so in
that pretty garden by the lake you
will understand that It was not really
Rosalind after all that that amused
"But the daylight is not helping that
idea. Your are marvelously alike, and
yet " I floundered miserably in my
"Then" and she smiled at my dis
comfiture, "if you can't tell us apart, it
makes no difference whether you ever
see me again or not. You see, Mr.
but did you ever tell me what your
name is? Well, I know it, anyhow,
W. Donovan."
The little work-table was between
is, and on it lay the foil which her
father had snatched from the wall the
night before. I still stood, gazing
down at Rosalind. Fashion, I saw,
had done something for the amazing
resemblance. She wore her hair in
the pompadour of the day, with ex
actly Helen's sweep; and her white
gown was identical with that worn
that year by thousands of young wom
en. She had even the same gestures.
the same little way of resting her
cheek against her hand that Helen
had; and before she spoke she moved
her head a trifle to one side, with a
pretty suggestion of just having been
startled from a reverie, that was Hel
en's trick precisely.
She forgot for a moment our serious
affairs, to which I was not in the least
anxious to turn, in her amusement at
my perplexity.
"It must be even more extraordinary
than I imagined. I have not seen
Helen ror seven years.. She is my
cousin; and when we were children to
gether at Stamford our mothers used
to dress us alike to further the re
semblance. Our mothers, you may not
know, were not only sisters; they
were twin sisters! Dut Helen is, I
think, a trifle taller than I am. This
little mark" she touched the peak
"Is really very curious. But our moth.
era and our grandmothers had it. And
you see that I speak a little more rap
idly than she does at least that used
to be the case. I don't know my
grown-up cousin at all. We probably
have different tastes, temperaments!
and all that"
"I am positive of it!" I exclaimed
yet I was really sure of nothing, save
that I was talking to an exceedingly
pretty girl, who was amazingly like an
other very pretty girl whom I knew
much better. .
, "You are her guardian, so to speak
Mr. Donovan. You are taking care of
my Aunt Pat and' my cousin. -Just
how that came about I don't know."
"Theywere sent to St. Agatha's by
Father Stoddard, an old friend of
mine. They had suffered many annoy
ances, to put it mildly, nd came here
to get away from their troubles."
"Yes; I understand. Uncle Henry
has acted outrageously. I have not
ranged the country at night for not
lng. I have even learned a few things
from 'you, she laughed. "And you
must continue to serve Aunt Patricia
and my cousin. You see" and she
smiled her grave smile "my father
and I are an antagonistic element."
"No; not as between you and Miss
Patricia 1 I'm sure of that. It is Henry
Holbrook that I am to protect her
from. You and your father do not en
ter into it."
"If you don't mind telling me, Mr.
Donovan, I should like to know
whether Aunt Pat has mentioned us."
"Only once,' when I first saw her
and she explained why she had come.
She seemed greatly moved when she
spoke of your father. Since then she
has never referred to him. But the
day we cruised up to Battle Orchard
and Henry Holbrook's man tried to
smash our launch, she was shaken out
of herself, and she declared war when
"I Must Ask You Not to Leave Here."
we got home. Then I wns on the lake
with her the tiilit f 'he carnival
Helen ciitl not go wl'h us. And when
you puddled by us. Mlns I'n' was quito
disturbed si the nlclit (if yui; but kIio
thought It wns nil Illusion, u.iil -I
thought It was Helen!"
"I have been home only a few weeks.
but I mine JuKt In time to he with fa In lili My uncles en-
mlty Is very Lilt ur, as jou li.iyo bocn
X ku uavhrrs-.and It. .-r ujl
told me little of their difficulties; but
I know, she said, lifting her head
proudly, "I know that my father has
done nothing dishonorable. He has
told me so, and I am content with
I bowed, not knowing what to say.
"I have been here only once or
twice before, and for short visits only.
Most of the time I have been at a con
vest is Canada, where I was known as
Rosalind Hartrldge. Rosalind, you
know. Is really my name; I was named
for Helen's mother. The sisters took
p!ty on my loneliness, and were very
kind to me. But now I am never go
ing to leave my father again."
She spoke with no unkindness or
bitterness, but with a gravity born of
deep feeling. I marked now the lighter
muurc ui ucr voice, mai was quite uii-
ferent from her cousin's; and she
spoke more rapidly, as she had said.
her naturally quick speech catching at
times the cadence of cultivated
French. And she was a simpler na
tureI felt that; she was really very
unlike Helen.
"You manage a canoe pretty well,"
I ventured, still studying her face, her
voice, her ways, eagerly.
"That was very foolish, wasn't it?
my running in behind- the procession
that way!" and she laughed softly at
the recollection. "But that was pro
fessional pride! That was one of my
father's best canoes, and he helped me
to decorate it. He takes a great de
light in his work; it's all he has left!
And I wanted to show those people at
Port Annandale what a really fine ca
noe a genuine Hartrldge was like.
I did not expect to run into you or
Aunt Pat."
"You should have gone on and
claimed the prize. It was yours of
right. When your star vanished I
thoivrhjt be world had come to an
"It hadn't, you see! I put out the
lights so that I could get home un
seen." "You gave us a shock. Please don't
do it again; and please, if you and
your cousin are to meet, kindly let it be
on solid ground. I'm a little afraid,
even now, that you are a . lady of
"Not a bit of it! I enjoy a sound
appetite; I can carry a canoe like a
Canadian guide; I am as good a fencer
as my father; and I'm not afraid ol
the dark. You see how very highly ac
complished I am! Now, my cousin
"Well?" and I was glad to heat
her happy laugh. Sorrow and loneli
ness had not stifled the spirit of mis
chief In her, and she enjoyed vexing
me with references to her cousin.
I walked the length of the room and
looked out upon the creek that ran
singlngly through the little vale. They
were a strange family, these Hoi
brooks, and the perplexities of theii
affairs multiplied. How-to prevent
further injury and heartache and dis
aster; how to restore this girl and her
exiled father to the life from which
they had vanished; and how to save
Miss Pat and Helen these things
possessed my mind and heart. I saf
down and faced Rosalind across the
table.. She bad taken up a bright bit
of ribbon from the work-basket and
was slipping it back and forth through
her fingers.
"The name Gillespie was mentioned
here last night. Can you tell me just
how he was concerned in your fa
ther's affairs?" I asked.
"He was the largest creditor of the
Holbrook bank. He lived at Stamford,
where we all used to live."
"This Gillespie had a son. I sup
pose he Inherits his father'! claims."
She laughed outright.
"I have heard of him. He is a re
markable character, it seems, wba
does ridiculous things. He did as a
child. I remember him very well as
a droll boy at 8tamford, who was al
ways in mischief. I had forgotten all
about him until I saw an amusing ac
count of him in a newspaper a few
months ago. He had been arrested for
fast driving in Central park; and the
next day he went back to the park
with with a boy's' toy wagon and team
of goats, as a joke on the policeman."
"I can well believe it! The fellow's
here, staying at the inn at Annandale."
"So I understand. . To be frank, I
have seen him and talked with him.
We have had, in fact, several interest
ing interviews" and she laughed mer-
"Where did all this happen?"
"Once, out on the lake, when we
were both prowling about in canoes,
I talked to him, but made him keep his
distance. I dared him to race me, and
finally paddled off and left him. Then
another time, on the shore near St
Agatha's. I was taking an observation
of the school garden from the bluff,
and Mr. Gillespie came walking
through the woods and made love to
me. He came so suddenly that I
couldn't run, but I saw that he took
me for Helen, in broad daylight, and
I-I "
"Well, of course you scorned him
you told him to be gone. You did that
much for her."
"No, I didn't. I liked his love-making;
it was unaffected and simple."
"Oh, yes! It would naturally be
"That Is brutal. He's clover, and
earnest, nnd amusing. Hut" and her
brow contracted, "but if he is seeking
my father"
"Rest assured he Is not. He Is In
lovo with your cousin that's the rea
son for his being here."
"Hut that does not help my futher's
case any."
"We will sre about th:it. You nro
rkht about Mm; he's really a most
miiislng person, and not n fool, except
for Ms own amusement. He I') shrewd
enough to keep rlcBr of Miss Pat. who
dl'llkes Mm Intensely on his father's
account. She feels that Hie senior (111
lesple wns th r:uno of nil her tnm
, M s, I don't kliO J'.l'Sl why. she's
I'oubj; Pwjde Msrrl1.
A wedding which was very quiet
took place last Saturday afternoon
at the residence of Rev. Luther
Moore, the contracting parties being
Fred W. Haffke and Miss Alice Ofe of
this city. The wedding was a pri
vate one, the only relatives present
being Mesdames C. W. Haffke and
Henry Ofe. mothers of the contract
ing parties. In the presence of these
ladies Rev. Moore pronounced the
words which united these young peo
ple for life.
Immediately following the cere
mony the happy couple departed for
their former home which vill be up-
0n the George Halmes farm near this
W Mr. Haffke has engaged this
farm and will look after its cultiva
tion in the future. A large number
of their friends congregated together
after learning that they had gone
home and a genuine serenade was
given the newly wedded couple.
The groom Fred W. Haffke, is one
of the brightest and most upright
young man in this vicinity. He is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Haffke of. this city, well known and
popular people and he is a worthy
son. He will make one of the rising
and best citizens of the county and
his many friends congratulate him
upon his matrimonial venture and
wish him a very long and happy life.
The bride Is the handsome and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Ofe of this cuy, a young wo
man who enjoys the acquaintance of
a long list of friends all of whom
unite in beBt wishes for her future
happiness. Everyone who has the
pleasure of knowing Mrs. Haffke
unite in congratulations to her hus
hand upon securing so estimable and
fine a young lady for his bride.
Fast Trains on the Iturllnfrton.
Burlington offlcialas point with
pride to their record made by their
fast trains during the last month.
The Chicago-Omaha fast mail train,
which for a quarter of a century has
carried the overland malls in their
flight across the continent, reached
Omaha exactly on time during the
thirty-one days during the stormy
month of March.
The train leaves Chicago at 2:45
a. m. and arrives at the Missouri
river at 2:50 p. m. making the 494
miles in twelve hours and five mln
utes. Another record is that made
by the Burlington's fast Chicago-Den
ver train, No. 1, which has pulled
Into Denver every day this year ex
cept two. The delay on these two
days was caused by blizzards, the
train on No. 49 being held up for
four hours at Pacific Junction by
the dispatcher because the wind was
blowing seventy-seven miles an hour
and the tops were, blown off some
freight cars which were sent across
the bridge ahead of the fast train
No. 1 has missed being on time into
Denver but ten times in thirteen con
secutive months. Omaha Bee.
Election Echoes.
The result of the election yeBter
day has perhaps left a few sore spots
on some of our people, because they
expected the downfall of the demo
crats. They have been sorely dls
appointed, and in consequence have
become very wrothy. They certainly
act like men who had "axes to grind
if the "citizens" ticket had won out
Any business man should not get mad
because he cannot have his own wish
in city affairs and they should bear
in mind that this Is a game that two
can play, and it is safe to say that
the man who first adopts such
scheme generally comes out at the
little end of the horn. We should
not let our angry passions rise to
the extent of scratching out each
other's eyes, as we are all on an
equality when it comes down to
traight business matters. We fought
our fight and you fought yours. W
come out on top. Now, take your
medicine like men and citizens for
one common purpose the building
and not the tearing down of Plaits
Pleasantly Entertained.
An enjoyable day was spent at th
home of Mrs. William Wetenkamp
near Mynard, on Saturday, March 27
In honor of his nephew and niece, M
and Mrs. Henry Snoke nad daughter
of Eagle. There were a number of
others present to enjoy the hospitality
of Mrs. Wetenkamp. Among whom
were Miss Sophia Schnegmann,
Bennett, and Miss Marie Fauiliabe
of Lincoln. All the children and
grandchildren were present. At the
noon hour all were a Me to Indulge In
a full meal. Tho afternoon wis spent
In Roncral conversation, Instrumental
mil vocal music. It wns a day long
t ) be remcmbere'l by all present.
Yesterday a hearing wan had In
county court to ndtnlt to probate the
lust will nnd testament of the late
Thomas O. Ilnrnum, Ramsey & Ram
sey nppuirlng for the will. Mrs. T.
(5. Ilnrnum and her daughter, Mrs.
Cheney were present. Mrs. Cheney Is
tit only child it ml the estate under
the will M"'H to the widow anil
MIhs Sarah Trinls of Omaha spent
Sunday with the family of her uncle,
Judge Travis.
White and Fancy
for Easter in
New Desgns
$l.25lo $5
Good Clothes Nothing Else!
If you will examine the whole length of this store you will find
good clothes nothing else. We cater to good clothes and good
clothes wearers. We have sold our good clothes this Spring to
some of the most discriminating dressers in the city. They came
here for good clothes, because they know from past experiences
that they are sure of getting them here. There's no chance or ex
periment about it. Our showiug for this Easter week is superb.
Do yourself the justice of seeing them. Quality line $20 to $30;
other good ones $10 to $20.
Funeral of E. J. Coleman.
Tuesday's Tribune told briefly of
the circumstances of the sudden
death of Eugene J. Coleman at his
home four miles north of Glenwood.
The funeral was held on Wednes
day morning at 10 o'clock at the
Friends church in West Oak. There
was a large number of teams in the
procession which conveyed the re
mains to the Hillside cemetery for
The funeral was under the auspices
of the Glenwood Odd Fellows lodge,
of which the deceased was a member.
The services at the church were con
ducted by Rev J. O. Staples, and the
lodge ritual was observed at the cem
The deceased was born August 16,
1845, In Connecticut . When seven
years old he moved with his parents
to Kansas. Shortly afterward the
family moved to Alton, HI. .
Mr. Coleman came to Mills county,
Iowa, in 1870. He mar. led February
20, 1876 to Miss Indiana Hardy To
this union were born four ons, one
dying in infancy. A wife and three
children survive, as follows Charles
of Silver City, Roily of Plattsmouth,
and Sherman at home. Two brothers
also survive him, Fitzgerald Coleman
of St. Louis and Frank Coleman of
Carson. These were all present at
the funeral. Mills County Tribune.
Young People United.
On Friday last at Greenwood oc
curred the wedding of two of the
most estimable and poplar young peo
ple of Western Cass County. These
were Warren Lee Hand, son of for
mer Representative W. E. Hand and
Miss Avis Blanch Carries, daughter
of T. F. Carnes, a well known Green
wood resident. Mr. and Mrs. Hand
were united In marriage by Rev. Allen
Murray in the presence of a number
of immodlate relatives and friends.
The young people are very well
known In their locality and the quite
justly considered as two of the best
and brightest living there. The
groom is a young man of much worth
and integrity, a fine representative
of the best type of manhood. Ho has
a great many friends who extend him
their sincere congratulations.
The bride Is a handsome and ac
compllshed young woman, one of tho
very finest specimens of the charm
ing American womnn. She, like her
husband, enjoys the esteem and af
fectlon of a wide circle of friends niu
they one and all unite In wishing her
a long and happy marl red life.
Death of n Pioneer
The sad Intelligence reaches this of
fice today that Mr. L. (!. True, one of
the early pioneers of Cass county
died this morning at his home five
miles south of Murray, after a long
Illness. The deceased came to Ne
braska In 18."7. lie was born In New
Albany, Indiana. March 14. IS i", an. I
was married to Miss Lydla II.' Pell In
ISfi I. Thus Iuih passed on
other of the highly respected citizens
of t'as county. The funeral will
probably occur hornet line tomorrow
(Wednesday) afternoon from the
lioine of the late deceased.
Just received
a new silk
fabric in Easter
ties -twenty shades.
Price 50c
pyntht IW)
tt of kluDotohomet
UosgoH's ono
"Where Quality Counts."
Teacher's Association Meets.
The Cass County Teachers' Asso
ciation met at the high school build
ing in Louisville last Saturday The
program was very interesting, and
teachers from almost every school la
the county were in attendance, about
two hundred in all. The program aa
published In last week's Courier waa '
carried out almost to the letter
The musical part of the program
was above the ordinary and con
slsted of a piano solo by Miss Dulcle
Frater, vocal solo by Eugene May
field, piano duet by Mary Polk and
Cecil Group, and others. The solo
by Miss Frater showed plainly that
she is accomplished in muBlc, and hei
rendition of a very beautiful and dif
flcult selection was well received.
When Eugene Mayfield sing
everybody sits up and takes notice,
and a great many of the teachers re
marked that "that boy has a wonder
ful voice." 'Gene is an entertainer.
The duet by the little girls, Mary
and Cella, was good and brought
forth many words of praise.
Miss Rlvetts paper on "Fraction.
and How ITeach Them," was one of
the brightest papers read, and her
her simplification of the fraction
problem was decidedly unique.
Supt. I. N. Clark, of the Weeping
Water schools, gave a good, sensL
ble talk on "The Parent and the
School," which was well seasoned
with good common senso During
his remarks he sought to show how
parents and teacher could get to
gether on most matters that pertain,
to the betterment of the school and
tho development of the many quall
tion of the scholar, and his remarks
could not but help be of benefit if
they but follow some of his precepts.
Principal M. C. seller, of the Elm
wood schools, discussed the same
subject and his remarks were point
ed. That Mr. Letter Is a scholar
no one can doubt, and the way Id
which he handled this subject made
him many friends.
MIhs Foster, county superintend"
ent, presided at the meeting and her
pleasing manner and winning ways
won for her the praise of all pres
ent. .
To Prof. Watson and his able corps
of teachers Is due the fact that the
meeting wns a success. Louisville
John Hell and wife of Louisville
were In the city today attending to
business matters and while here
took occasion to call at the Journal
office and order their names added
to the list of subscribers to this live
paper. Mr. and Mrs. Hell are quite
well known and popular people in
their locality ami the Journal Is more
than glad to add their to Its
large and growing list. While hero
lliey also paid the subscription of
John llohrdntix, at Mnuley, ono of
the old reliable 'friends of the Jour
nal and nlso one of Cass County's
best citizens. Mr. Rohrdanx nppre
claes a live pnper and has In en on the
Journal's lit-t for years.