The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 08, 1909, Image 3

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Couniy Commissioners Pass On
Large Number of Claims .
The county commissioners on
Tuesday held their regular meeting
and in addition to the usual grist of
bills allowed transacted other busi
ness of considerable Importance. The
selection of the list of names from
which the Jury for the May term of
court will be drawn was made which
is as follows:
Tipton precinct, E. B. Betts. J. E.
Casey; Greenwood precinct. George
Cook, L. D. Mullin, sr.; Salt Creek
precinct, Lyman James, Wm. Stone,
A. D. Fulmer; Stove Creek precinct,
James Turk, S. R. James, O. W.
Fischer, Claus Ohms; Elmwood pre
cinct, Geo. Towle, H. T. Richards, A.
J. Tool; South Bend precinct, B. F.
Dill, J. M. Donning, E. V. Richards;
"Weeping Water preclnct.J. H. Ash,
- J. W. Ruhga; Weeping Water first
ward, John Colbert; second ward, E
F. Marshall; third ward, Wesley
Davis; Avoca precinct, D. A. Miller,
Max Straub; Nehawka precinct, John
Rough, Gus Hansen; Liberty pre
clnct, George Barton, Andrew Taylor,
Wm. Pell; Rock Bluffs precinct, first
district, John Edmonds, Miles Stand
ish; second district, Frank Campbell
George Smith; Mt. Pleasant precinct
Jim Murphy, Will Shean; Center Pre
clnct. Wm. Pankonln Charles Ger-
lach; Louisville precinct, John
Group. J. R. Noyes; Plattsmouth
City, first ward, John Llndeman, 0
C. Dovey; second ward, Matt Jlr
ousek, John McNurlln, Everett Ea
For the Month Ending April 2, 1909
Other Notes
Report of the Plattsmouth city
schools for the month ending April 2,
Mem. AtU-n. Tartly
ton; third ward, John Bajeck, Char
ley Martin, Q. K. Parmele; fourth
ward, Geo. Tartsch, J. J. Herring,
Geo. L. Farley; fifth ward, John
Vorndran, C. C. Despain; Platts
mouth precinct, Julius Pitz, Geo. W
Snyder, Wm. Starkjohann; Eight
Mile Grove precinct. W. H. Hell, W
B. Spence, Geo. Horn.
In addition to this the other busl
ness Included the Instruction of the
country treasurer to transfer the
sum of $300 fro mthe general fund
to the Soldier's Relief fund; the fil
ing and approval of the quarterly re
ports of H. A. Schneider, register of
deeds, and A. J. Beeson, county
Judge . The appointment of James
Casper as deputy assessor for Center
precinct was approved by the board
Clerk of the District Court Robert
son filed a statement showing the
mileage and per diem of the jurors at
the January term of the district
court to have been $975.70.
James Ault was granted a license
to operate a ferry across the Mis
souri River below the C. B. & Q.
bridge upon payment of a fee of $5
per year which was paid and the
license issued.
The number of claims filed was
unusually large ma1 of them being
fees for witnesses in the Ossenkop
case which will have to be paid
by the state. There was also quite
a number of claims filed for road
I work and bridges. The board ad
Ijourned to meet on April 20th.
Brooks 159 155.9 13 .979
Cole 35.4 36.9 1 .958
Goehry 40.5 3S.3 4 .933
Martens 441.8 3S 0 .91
Yelinek 43.6 40.4 0 .927
Freese 38.8 37 1 .953
Haines 37 35.5 2 .96
Tartsch 34.2 31.4 0. 924
Morgan 37.9 36.4 0 .96
Johnson 35 33.1 4 .946
Heisel 32.7 31 0 .941
Mason 24.6 21.2 0 .86
Hansen 25.6 24 3 .937
Kanka 38.6 34.7 0 .899
Hawksworth . . 36.3 33.7 0 .926
Baird ' 44.5 41.6 3 .934
Whalen 46.1 42.9 4 .93
Wilson 1 39.6 37.5 5 .947
Smith 46.5 42.5 0 .913
Stenner 36.7 33.4 0 .908
Barwick 27.5 24.3 8 .886
Hiber ' 16 14.5 0 .879
would be more careful about allowing
their children to be away from home
and on the streets.
The paper and school exhibit re
lating to commercial and Industrial
geography presented by one of our
teachers at the F.ast Central Ne
braska Teachers received much fa
vorable comment both from teachers
and from the press as did also the
one on Loss and Gain la Busy Work
presented by one of our primary
teachers before the Primary Section.
Local (lews.
Words to Freeze the Soul.
Your son has consumption. His
case Is hopeless." These appalling
words were spoken to George E.
Blevens, a leading merchant of
Springfield, N C, by two expert doc
tors one a, lung specialist. Then
was shown the wonderful power of
Dr. King's New Discovery. "After
three weeks' use," writes Mr. Blevens
" He was as well as ever. I would not
take all the money In the world for
what It did for my boy. Infallble for
coughs and colds, it Is the safest,
surest cure of desperate lung dis
eases. on earth. 50c and $1.00 at
F. G. Fricke & Co. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Trial bottle free.
Total 927.9 875.2 48 .927
The Blair-Plattsmouth high school
debate tonight will be the last local
debate held here this year. It will
be an Interesting contest from the
fact that both teams are winners in
previous contests. It also happens
chat these schools were rivals in the
declamatory contest last week. Pa
trons of the school cannot afford to
miss this debate. It begins at eight
The plan of exemption from exam
ination on account of scholarship
will be continued this quarter with
this provision that anyone who is
absent more than two days during
the quarter whether the absent Is
or unexcused, will be required to
L. W. Lorenz was In Omaha today
going up to buy a supply of extra
fine Easter goods and meats.
John Click who has bet n away
for several days returned to the city
this morning on No. 6.
H. G. Wellensiek. cashier of the
bank of Avoca, is in the city today
looking after business matters.
John Martin, noted electrician, was
a visitor In Omaha yesterday after
noon going up on the mail train.
Jacob W. Vallery spent yesterday
afternoon in Omaha being a passen
ger for that city on the mail train.
F. R. Whitaker of this city was
among those In Lincoln yesterday be
ing registered at the Capital Hotel.
John Nemtz and family are spend
ing the day In Omaha being passen
gers on the early train for that city.
Former Senator S. L. Thomas was
a passenger this morning for Omaha,
going up to look after business matters.
C. C. Parmele was a norm uouiiu
passenger this noon on the mail.
Byron Clark was among thise trav
eling to the north this noon ou the
fast mall.
Aug. Bach Is spending the after
noon in Omaha going up on the mail
trin at noc-n.
J. W. Uerge of South Bend was
in the city yesterday looking after
business matters.
John C. Clarence of Union, is
spending the day in the city attend
ing o business matters.
A. Isben, roadmaster of the Bur
llngtcn was in the city overnight at
tending to compauy business.
T. M. Patterson Is a business vis
itor this afternoon in Omaha going
up on the mall train at noon.
Miss Alma Parker was a passenger
Takes Up Residence la Duty
r::l Gpsn to Him.
Former President of Venezuela In
Furious Rage Over Interdict Issued
by British Government and Declare!
Justice It Imminent.
Fort de France. April 8. Clprlano
on the mall train at noon for Omaha Castro, the former president of Veue
where she will spend the afternoon, zuela, has taken up his residence, tern
Mrs. Vina Simons was a passenger porarily at least, at this place. He
on the mall train at noon for Oma- rrlved h,erf.on lh fench 8tamekr
I,. k ...m ....I, .,,i . which sailed from Bordeaux on March
tin nunc Due win , idu uiiiii iv 111 v ' I . -.,
ana ne very wmiUBy vaino uauuiv
today, owing to the British govern-
Mrs. H. N. Dovey was a passenger ment's refusal to permit him to dlsem-
this noon on the mail train for Oma- bark at Port of Spain.
ha where she will spend the after
noon. Chris Duer, one of the prominent
farmers near Louisville, was In the
city today attending to business mat
ters. Mrs. Thomas Salmon is spend-
As the port authorities here had re
ceived no communication from the
French government with regard tc
Senor Castro, they permitted him to
land without opposition, considering
him simply as a private individual.
He was accompanied by his secretary,
his wife and the other members of
ing the afternoon In Omaha being a the party continuing on their Journey
passenger for that city on the mail to Ouayra. Castro has taken apart-
ments at the Hotel Ivanes, to which
lram. , ,., . . . ... j i.i
Ioe wunurew linmeuiaieiy aim uouiou
himself to all visitors.
business matters this afternoon In
Omaha being a passenger for that
the afternoon.
Rev. F. W.
Brink came in this
James Fitzgerald was among those city on the mall train at noon.
traveling to Omaha this morning on T w valleiy and wife were pas-
the early train, going up to look arter Bengers this noon on the mall train
business matters. - rimnhn u-horn ihov ulll mnl
Miss Jennie Putney of Sunshine,
Wyo., is in the city the guests of her
cousins Mrs. C. P. Richards and
Mrs. A. L. Todd
Hon. R. B. Windham is looking af- spend the afternoon.
ter business matters In Omaha today
being a passenger for that city on
the morning train.
Carl Kunsman is In South Omaha
The former president was greatly
wrought up over the action of the
British government, and when seen on
board the Guadeloupe soon after the
arrival of the vessel he expressed him.
self as having been outraged by the
treatment accorded him by the gov
ernment's concerned In his interfile
tion. He showed the utmost lndlgna
morning and was a passenger on the I Hon at the action of President Gomez,
mall train for Omaha where he will I saying:
"It was I who placed him in bu
Hloti nnalllnn arA I hva htn ver
Mrs. Henry Donat and sons are vis- rer0mnensed. But Justice Is.
Ulng with friends In Omaha this af- mmlnent and tne on,v Batlsfacttoa
A . . m A 1 A I
that I desire Is that the light shall
write on all subjects. One day only today buying some fat cattle for the
be thrown on those Infamies which
C. B. Schleicher who was operated
upon at a hospital in Omaha recently,
continues to mend and there is every
reason to believe he will come
through all right with his trouble and
be able to once more greet his many
friends on the streets. They are in
hopes that the good reports continue
and that they will soon have the
pleasure of meeting him here.
will be given for examinations in
stead of two as heretofore and the
examination will cover the year's
work in the grades and the semesters
work In the high school.
We believe If people In general
You may like some of the new ideas in the cut of
the pockets in some of the new models in suits which
people, going up on the .morning
train for that purpose.
Supt. of Shops Wm. Batrd who
has been in the east on business In
connection with the company, re
turned this morning on No, 19.
Ex-Senator Orlando Tefft of Avoca
were In a position to see as the the! was In the city overnight attending
teachers the evil effects of permitting to business matters, departing on
young children to be upon the streets the early train for Omaha,
practically all the time from dis- Mrs. P. W. Wright and children
dismlsal of school until bed time they departed this morning for Firth,
Neb., where they will make a visit
ternonn being passengers for that
city on the mail train.
A. W. White la looking after busl- have been attrlbuted t6 tae"
ness matters In Omaha this afternoon
being a passenger for that city on
the mail train at noon.
Excitement In Trinidad.
Tort of Spnin, Trinidad, April 8.
There Is much excitement In the Vene-
Mrs. H. K. Dunbar and daughter zuelan colony here over the Interdict
Mrs. Kessler of Fremont, who have issued by the British government
been visiting In the city with Frank saln8t ex-President Castro. Prior to
vne announcement mm oeiwr vaauu
would not be permitted to land In
Trinidad, the coming of the ex-presl-
Mrs. W. D. Wheeler came In this dent to this port was looked forward
morning from her homo south of the I to by the Venezuelans here with some
city and was a passenger for Omaha I uneasiness, and now the Interest li
where she will visit with Mrs. Jos. centered in the question as to how
Dunbar and wife, returned to thel
home this noon.
h ip ' (y
Hart, Schaffnor & Marx
In Omaha combatting the forces op
posed to the eight o'clock closing law,
, being a passenger for that city on
the early train.
Mrs. J. C. Petersen and her guest
Mrs. L. W. Barger of Davenport, la.,
were passengers this morning on the
early train for Omaha where they
have made for us this Spring, but w,n 8nend tne day-
Miss Jessie snodgrass or uretna,
on the other hand you may prefer who has been visiting in the vicinity
... . with her cousins E. J. and H. L.
tne Simpler and more conventional Kruger for several days, returned to
f her home this morning.
Mrs. u. w. iiuuuen iruiu near mur-
rav came In this morning and was
The Strength of Our proposition a passenger for Omaha where she
will make a visit with her brother
On theS2 goods IS in the all-WOOl and his wife for several days.
quality Of fabrics, the perfection of . H. K Dunbar father of F. H. Dun-
J ' r bar of the Hotel Riley and a promi-
style and tailoring, and the fact that nent hotel man of Fremont, spent
correct fit is always assured.
Cook at the hospital.
Hives, ecczma, Itch or salt rheum
sets vou crazv. Can't bear the touch
A. W. Atwood Is spending the day of your cIotheai Doan'8 Ointment
with Mrs. Wright's parents for some
long Castro will be permitted to re
main In Fort de France.
cures the most obstinate cases. Why
suffer. All druggists sell it.
Ed Donat was hurriedly called to
Weston, Neb., this afternoon by a
message announcing the serious Ill
ness of his father, Jos Donat, now
visiting his daughter at that place.
Mrs. Perry accompanied by her
sons Halite and Henry " and
daughter Grace are spending the af
President Again Called Into Contra,
versy at Referee.
Washington. April .8. The blue?
controversy wbtch has been In prog
ress since the pure food law was en
acted as to "what Is whisky" was re
newed at the White House before
President Taft as referee, and the de
bate enlisted the services of many dis
tinguished lawyers,' among them Jo
ternoon In Omaha being passengers seph II.- Choate, former ambassador to
for hr rittr r.n tho mail min ml Great Britain, and John O. Carlisle
J. G. Rlchey who has been so ser
iously 111, Is reported as getting along
nicely and progressing toward re
covery. He Is very weak and It will
former aeoretary of the treasury. Ii
addition, there were present the repre
aentatlves of practically all the big
distilleries of this- country. Mr.
Choate appeared for Canadian inter
ests. Mr. Carlisle represented' distill-
be some time before he Is able to be I era of his native state, Kentucky. At-
We're in the business of satis
fying our customers in clothes.
the night In the city with son, re
turning to Fremont on the early
train this morning.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday at Lincoln to Adolph M. Han
sen, aged 37 to Miss Anna Jensen,
out and about.
Earl Travis Is looking after the In
terests of the great national game In
Omaha this afternoon going up on
the mall train to see Minneapolis
and Omaha play ball.
Mr. James of Lincoln, Neb., Is
spending the day In the city, looking
after business and other attractions.
He is traveling representative for
torney General Wlckersham, Secre
tary of Agriculture Wilson and ht
Harvey W. Wiley, the pure food ex
pert, were among the government rep.
resentatlvei heard. The hearing con
tinued for more than two hours. This
was the second time the president hat
been called into the controversy.
H.S.&M.Suits$18to $30
Spanish Soldiers Called Out and Fir
en People Who Resist Payment.
Monteleone, Calabria, April 8. Four
men were killed and many other
wounded In a conflict In this town
Caprrlihl ioa by
Hart SchaHnar A Marl
Our buyer returned from Chicago yesterday, where he purchased a
large hill of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes for immediate delivery
part of them arrived this morning mostly grays and greens. Come in
and have one pressed up and hung away for Easter.
aced 26. both of WeeDlns Water
It Is not stated where nor by whom the Crancer MubIc ComPany of L,n
the ceremony was performed. . co
Figure up, at the presont price of Mrs. W. F. Chalfant of Omaha who
sugar and see how much you will has been visiting with her cousin T.
v. If vmt lit. nidniiu nt mil-1 J. McCullouch and with fho fnmllvl ... li n-t. tv
UtlierS . . . Ib.bU tO MO.bU Fr,dv Special offer. E. G. Dovey & of James Chalfant for several days iUe ,r, endeavoring to collect new
Mrs. George Kathary and family
departed this morning for Hutchin
son, Kas., going there to make a
visit with relatives before return
ing to their former home at Sallna,
returned to her home this noon on
the mall train.
Mrs. J. E. McDanlel and daughter,
Miss Virginia, returned home this
afternoon from Ottumwa, la., where
they were called by the unexpected
Kas., where Mr. Kathary has secured death of Mrs. C. E. McDablcl, her
The Home of Hart, Schaffner 5c Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Sheriff Qulnton was called to Lin
coln today by a telephone message
from the sheriff of Lancaster county
who stated he had In custody a Mrs.
Handrock living In the west end, of
the county. She seems to have be
come Insane and the mlmdon of the
sheriff Is to secure her and bring
her to this city for examination.
In county court yesterday appli
cations were filed for two Import
ant administrations of estates. One
was that for an admlnlntrntor for the
estate of W. G. Krhiirt which nttks
that Mrs. Catherine It. Kihart be
appointed adinlnlMetnitrlx. The value
of the estate Is placed at $3"i.00O.
The other case was that of the late
Zerah W. Colo which asks that Silas
Long of this city be appointed ad
ministrator. This estate Is valued at
f i D.r.oo.
sister-in-law, mention of which was
made In the Journal several days
Mrs. Jos. Cook, mention of whose
Illness has been made frequently In
this paper, is reported as getting
along nicely and there Is every Indi
cation of her speedy recovery. This
Is cheering news for her friends who
trust that she will soon bo recovered
and once more be about.
J. P. Kell, tho well known and
prominent farmer from near Cullnm
accompanied by his son August,
cnnie down this morning on the
Schuyler to ntend to some business
matters. Mr. Kill reports that mumps
are raging In his neighborhood an. I
that ho has several members down
with the disease, several of them be
ing very had. The disease seems to
bo particularly virulent and some
very bad cases exist.
taxes, which are exceedingly unpopu
lar.. As a protest the people marched
through the streets In a procession,
and Invaded the city hall. The car
bineers were called out, whereupon the
people sounded the tocsin and a flercs
riot followed, In which the soldlen
fired on the people.
Turkish Editor Is Slain.
Constantinople, April 8. Hassan
Fehml Effendl, editor of the liberal
newspaper Sorbestl, was shot and
killed by an unknown man as he was
entering his office. A government of
ficial accompanying the editor wa
wounded. The Serbestl lins been car
rylng on a campnlgn anlnst the com
mlttee of union and progress.
Disastrous Storm In Black Sea.
Constantinople, April 8. A stom
has been raging on the ninck sea fot
the lust two tlnys. Several Turkish
voxels have been wrecked and a num
ber of lives lost.
Assaulted and Murdered.
Erlo, Pa., April 8.-Yrs. Minnie M
Young, a widow, was assaulted and
murdered. Her son found her bod
hidden beneath a pile of old carpet it
the cellar of his home.