The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 05, 1909, Image 2

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The - Plattsmouth - Journal.
Published Semi-Weekly it PlattsmcutS, Nebraska. ' CZZ3
R. A. BATES, publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice at ruttsiiioutli, Nebraska, as Becond-ciass
AiufiDii Explains AdmlnistratiYS
Features o! Tariff Bill.
HI Virginian Railway la the Reallza
tion of Long Cherished Plana.
Norfolk, Va.. April 3. With tho ai
rival today of the first train of Up
new Virginian railway at Sowell'
Point and the formal opening of tin
road by Henry II. Rogers, the flnar
cler, the favorite project of Mr. Roi
ers became a reality. For severs
years Mr. Rogers baa been laborin.
to construct a railroad from the ric'
coal fields of West Virginia acros
Virginia to tidewater. The crownln
of his lubors with success Is th'
opening of the new road to regula
Mr. Rogers, who la the presldem
and virtual owner of the Virginia!
railway, witnessed the opening of th-
line with a party of fronds. Amo
them were Samuel L. Clemens, bettei
known as Mark Twain: James M.
Deck and Urban II. Itroughton. Th"
citizens of Norfolk, who have showr
great Interest In the building and
opening of the railroad, will give
dinner tonight In honor of the party.
The cost of the road has been ap
proximately $10,000,000, about half ol
which has been put up by Mr. Roger
Fine Spring Weather Has Stimu
lating Effect cn Business.
Our Best Amateur Golfer Goes Abroad
to Try for British Honors.
New York, April 3. Sailing today
on the Caledonia for Scotland was Je
rome D. Trarers, amateur golf cnam
pion of the United States, who is go-
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Now York, April ?. R. O. Dun A
Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says:
Tiie stimulating effect, of fine sorl''".
weather Is klmwn In the reports from
nearly nil IV principal elites. Some
proirrens Is malting toward bettei
things In iron and steel, a'though con
rlit Ions ns a whole remuin very un
setiled. In the primary cotton
poods market, manufacturers aro In
clined to refuse ordi ra for future ship
ments, Indications pointing to higher
rather than a recession In prices. The
dominant factor U the export move
ment In Chinn, which has not yet
terminated. In the- woolen gumls tli
vision the distribution of sample
pieces Is now completed and clothiers
will begin to go on the road next
The eastern hoot and Bhoe mark"!
Is quiet, wholesiili rs ba a rule 11m-,
Itlng too volume of new orders, but
trade shows a slight lncrense over
the volume of hur.lncBs effected dur
lng the nnnt six or right weeks. The
mnrket for hides la fairly well main
tained. rtltho.iKh tke demand Is oiOy
Ing abroad to te;t his skill ngalnst tha
best I'.rltlah players of the "royal
game'' on the historic links of Scot
hind and England.
Travers. Is entered In the Rritiyh
amateur championships, which will
begin at Muirflild on May 24, nnl wil'
practice on the rirltlsh links before
the championship games begin. He
la modeat In his hopes of success
Sli cl Them Entered In
York Marathon Derby.
Patrick Continues rijjht for Liberty
N"w York, April 3. From Sing
Sing prison, where he Ih serving
life eentenco for the murder of Wil"
lam Marsh Rice, Albert T. Patrick
eent to (ho Judges of the appollati
division of the supreme court, fitting
In Drooklyn, brlefa In his latest mo
tlon to secure his It&arty.
Dick Barton of Provo, 8. D., Hacks
Bodies to 'Pieces.
Alliance, Neb., March 31. New
reached hero from Provo, 8. D Jimt
ever the Nebraska line, of the mur
)r of Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, ranchot
near that pluce, by their son-in-law,
Richard Barton, who killed them with
an axe, after which he mutilated the
bodies. Barton, who was formerly a
railroad man running out of Alliance,
la well known hero, lie threatened
an wire and cautioned nor not to .e
veal hli crime until ho had an op
portunity to escape, but after ho
left she Informed nelsrh'.ore and Iho
pursuit began, resulting in Dai ton's
rapture at Edgemont. S. D. The feel
ing against Prrton at Edgemont I
strong and a ranchman who knew p
victims tried to assault him while he
was In tho custody of the sheriff
Poth men were locked up and It la
thought no harm will come t tho
murderer. Domestic trouble n su;v
poned to have prompted the double
t)ahlman and Breen Nominated
Omaha, March 31. Jameo C. Dan!
man. present mayor "f O iahr, wjm
renominated at (he j.iimurv by a de
cisive majority over Kd P. HoTyman
hi noinncratlc oniwiient. and John
P llreen waa selected by the Repub
Means to head their ticket, over Hurry
n zinminti. councilman from tho
Third ward.
interurban Line for Stcx CU-.
Sioux Cit). Wrok -rre!lmlnar
4tepa for th opening ot an Interui tnn
railway Hii" b-Mwe-n hioux i-i-y an
Hartlngtou. Neb, hnvfl been take" b
JTew York. April 3. At 3 o'clock
this afternoon six of tne world's beat
runners, men of pctd and stamina
tested In many contests since the
Marathon bus bit tho athletic world,
wil' stnt't In th! Polo grounds here In
a Marathon Derby. They will run
the reguintlon Marathon distance. 2b
miles and 3Sj yards, for a purse of
110.000. the largest ever offered in a
foot race.
Thp men who will run this afternoon
are Tom Longboat, the Canadian In
dlnn: Johnny Hayes, the New Yorl;
er; Dorando Pletrl, the Italian: Al
frcd Shrubb from England; Matt Ma
loney of New York, the former ama
teur Marathon champion, and Henri
St. Yves, who, as his name shown,
halls from France. A large crowd l
expected to see tho contest.
The sextet of runners Is the great
est collection of Marathon racers
ever gathered. Longboat Is the favor
Ito, with Dorando a close second, ow
Ing to his two defeats of litres in
Madison Square Garden.
Maximum Rates Then ,to Go Into Ef
fect Against All Countries Not Giv
ing United States Their Best Tariff
Rates General Debate In House.
Washington, April 3. President
Taft was Informed of the senate pro
gram for the administration of the
new tariff bill. It provides that a
minimum tariff shall apply to all
countries for one year. At the end of
that time the maximum rates -will go
Into effect against all countries, which
In the opinion of the president are
not giving the United States their
best tariff rates.
The president is understood to fa
vor strongly this Idea of application
of the maximum and minimum prin
ciple and it is believed that It will
be the plan finally agreed upon. The
plan of administering the minimum
and maximum rates In the house bill
ai It now stands Is said to be more
Indefinite and less effective than the
one proposed by the senate finance
Prior to the cabinet meeting Presi
dent Taft had a conference with
Chairman Aldrlch of the senate
finance committee and Secretary of
the Treasury McVcagh. Senator Aid
rich assured the president that the
committee Is making most satisfac
tory progress with the tariff bill and
said there would he little or no delay
in taking tne matter up In the sen
ate following a vote In the house.
General Debate in Hcuse.
That tho Payne bill was filled with
riotous Imperfections, was a false pre
tense, was designed to cover up the
extravagancies of the Republican ad
ministration, that it did not redeem
party pledges pnd that it sounded the
death knell of the dominant party,
were pome of the criticisms paHsed
upon the measure by the Democratj
In the house.
An Interesting feature of tho de
bate was the speech of Pable Ocampo
do Leon, the. Philippine commission
er. who ntfacked the prov?.--.ton for
free trade with the Phiilpp'ne Islands.
From the far couth exactly opposite
views were expressed regarding pro
tection, Ransdc'I (La.) pleading for
It on behnlf of the Industries of his
state, while Splght (Miss.) and Clay
ton (Ala.) wanted free lumber, hides,
boots, shoes, bagging and cotton ties,
The speech of Clayton was of consld
erable length, and he engaged In sev
eral heated colloquies with members
on the Republican side. From the
Republicans came suggestions of a
"nermanent" tariff commission, and
while all of them supported the bill
In general, none appeared entirely
satisfied with It.
Airship Given an Ovation on Its Ar
rival at Munich.
Munich, April 3. The Zeppelin air
ship appeared over Munich about
1:30 p. ni. and made a successful
landing on the parade grounds ouild.-
the city. The count was greeted by
the prince regent of Bavaria and sev
eral princes and princesses of the
royal family. A vast crowd had a$
sembled to witness the descent, which
was made lightly and easily.
The authorities had been advised
by telegraph of the hour when the
airship could be expected. The pub
lic school children were given a holi
day and extra editions of the newspa
pers were sold on the streets giving
full accounts of the travels of the air
ship. Count Zeppelin was greeted by the
prince regent as he stepped from the
car and was carried off by the prince
to luncheon. Many distinguished per
sons were present at the meal. The
prince proposed the health of the
count and conferred a gold medal up
on him. He also decorated the
count's companions.
Richard Law of Nlles, 0, Then
Calmly Resumes Eating.
Nlles, O., April 3. Richard Law,
twenty-four years old, murdered his
father, Samuel Law, slxty-rrve years
old, while the family was seated at
the supper table.
The boy stabbed his father through
the heart with a butcherknife Law
Sr., fell forward with his head on th?
table and died In his chair.
Apparently unconcerned about his
deed, the son calmly seated himself
In a chair less than two feet from
the body of his parent and resumed
eating His mother summoned the po
lice Law, Jr.. spemed surprised
when arrested Mrs Law says p!i
believes her son's mind Is affected.
Goes Ashore (or Ttiree Hours
and Ship Sails tcr Naples.
lOK l.KKM-
Nitlr In iT-hy Klven ti all person
liil.-n-ie.l nml to tli iubllc. Ihut Che
iitvliM Ik nf l J. K. MiI'hiik-I lias filed liU
iiiioii mill Ki'l'licaliiin in the office
of hr i-ltv tWrk. of the City of IMaUs
liimiih. iiMiiily of t'ltx.i, ainl Mate of
Nclii uxka. reiiiii ei liy ln', iivn-l
lv the ieiuirel number of resident
fiee-lii!ilit of the mtid city, setting
forth that the ailloant a a man of
i n-im-iiin riiarncter atnl MamllriK and
a ieiili-nt of the Ntate of Nebraska and
mavlnir that a lirenne may be issued
to the nald J I'. Mrlianlel for the sain
of in it 1 1. i r i I tii i m and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of tne hearing of said application
In a tmlldlnic i Hunted on lot nix (6), In
block thli-tv-three. In the fourth ward,
of the nit Id city of i'lattsmnut h, Ne
brika J. K. M- UANIEU
March 22. 109. Applicant.
Arretted in Offce of Doctor From
Whom Ho Had Demandorf $3,000,
Chicago, April 3 Vlncenzo Geracl,
who Is said br the notice to be the
leader of the Chicago niack Hand so
ciety, was arrested here In the office
of I)r Peter Cutrcra, from whom the
Italian had demanded 13,000 on pain
of death
Geracl. It Is said, has given evi
dence concerning his associates In
the plot, and the police expect to ar
rest several more members of the
gang soon. It Is thought that the
members of tho Chicago society are
In close touch with the New TorV
gang that brought aboot the death of
Lieutenant Petroslno recently In
dt. uutrera several days ato re-
Speedy Llttlo Vessels In International eelred a threatening letter, demand
Events at Monaco. " tl.OW). but he paid no attention
I 1. I A Ml.. - fc t . I t A
Nice. France. Aorll 3.-The interna- ' 1 Pnysician men received a
Former President Dances With Miss
Draper and Is Given Illuminated
Addrsss by PsMcngers Denies Re
port of Attempted Assault.
Gibraltar, Anril 3. The steamer
Hamburg, with Theodore Roosevelt
and the members of his party on board,
came into Gibraltar a few minutes be
fore 9 a. nr. The vessel sailed at
noon for Naples.
Richard U Sprapue, the American
consul, and an aide-de-camp of Gen
eral Sir Frederick Forestler-Walker,
governor of Gibraltar, went out to
the Hamburg to welcome the former
president of the United States. After
an exchange of greetings, Mr. Roose
velt, wearing a frock coat and a silk
hat, came down over the aide and
stepped into a launch sent out by the
captain of the port and was brought
ashore. The party proceeded at once
to the residence of Mr. Sprague. At
10:30 o'clock Mr. Roosevelt called up
on General Forestler Walker.
Mr. Roosevelt refused to be photo
graphed and he declined every re
quest for an Interview. The weather
Is bright and warm, and Mr. Roose
velt appeared to be In the best of
health and spirits. Upon leading the
Hamburg he shook hand3 wl.h a
number of the passengers, who
cheered him enthusiastically.
It Is said that the Roosevelt party
does not Intend to go ashore at
Naples; that the members will mere
ly transfer themselves and their be
!onglngs from the Hamburg to the
Rteamer Admiral. In this event Mr
Roosevelt will not be able to see the
duchess of Aosfa at the Italian port.
Mr. Roosevelt visited the second
claps and steerage quarters of the
Hamburg and was Riven an enthusi
astic reception. He was accompanied
by the Italian Immigration commis
sioner on board the vessel. In the
absence of Captain Buvnielstcr. the
chief officer of the Hamburg. "called
upon E. A. Powell to present to Mr
Roosevelt fn Illuminated address pre
pared by the passengers
made a happy speech, eulogizing Mr
Roosevelt and wishing him a good
voyage, and his remarks were re
ceived with applause. Mr. Roosevelt
answered In a brief and characteristic
Lnter th party repaired to the
main saloon, where Ices were served
by the ship's stewards, dressed up as
neptunes and other fantastic charac
ters. All the lhhts had been turned
low and the effect was weird. This
c rtertalnment was followed by a
dance, at which Mr. Roosevelt danced
with Miss Ruth Draper. Before with
drawing for the night Mr. Roosevelt
appeared In the smoking room and
WANTS WARSHIP TO GO UP RIYER cha,,Pd wlth tbe pMenerB for twen
ty minutes.
Notice Is hereby Riven to all persona
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Peter Coos has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the Cltv of Platts
mouth, County of Casa, and State of
ebraska. as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man
respectable character and standing ami
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Peter Uoos for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve,
(12) in Mock thirty (30) In the first
ward of the said city of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. PETER UOOS.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
Convicted of Sending Blackmailing
Letter to Bishop.
St. Joseph. Mo.. April 3. The R?v.
Father Daniel Pembroke, formerly In
charge of St. Patrick's pariih at Mary-
vllle. Mo., was elven six months in
Jail by a criminal court Jury for send
ing a blackmailing letter to Bishop
M. F. Burkp of the St. Joseph diocese.
Pembroke was suspended by Bish
op Burke fo'lowlng an Investigation.
which resulted from difficulties be
tween the editor of a Maryville paper
and the priest. Pemibroke contended
the case was never fnally adjudicat
ed. He demanded $(!5.000 for his loss
of Income, rent on land, etc.. and In
the letter made the threat that he
would "expose" the bishop. Pem
broke's letter, which contained ob
scene epithets, was Introduced In evl-dere.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to tne public, that the
undersigned Kd Kgenberger has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standlnar and
a resident of the state of Nebraska ami
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Ed Egenberger for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the east half
(E. 1-2) of lot twelve (12) In block
twenty-eight (2S) In the first ward of
the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Ed Uonat has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
hy the required number of resident
free-holders of tho said city, setting
fortl' tnat the applicant is a man of
respertable character and stnndlng and
a resident of the state of Nebraska ami
praying that n license may be issued
to the said Ed Uonat for the sale
of malt, Hprltuous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the east half
(E 1-2) of lot twelve (11), In block
twenty-nine (29) In the first WRrd of
the said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
Kill l.H
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested nml to the public, that the
Mr Powell ' undersigned Adolph Olese has filed his
pennon mill umijiii niton 111 mi? uiucv
of the city clerk, of the City of Platts
mouth, County of Cass, and State of
Nebraska, as required by law, sif-'nel
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to the said Adolph Oiese for the sale
of malt, sprituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of tne hearing of said application
In a building situated on the west half
V. 1-2) of lot six (6 in block thirty
four (34) In the fourth ward of the
said city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909. Applicant.
New Orleans Sends Vigorous Pro
test to Washlnqton.
New Orleans, April 3. A commit
tee, representing the' commercial und
marltin- exchanges of New Or
leans, has forwarded to the secretary
of the navy at Washington a vigorous
protest against the reported action
of the department In declining to per
mit the battleship Mississippi to pro
ceed up the Mississippi river to some
point In the state of Mississippi, but
directing It to an anchorage off Horn
Island, for the presentation of a all
vr service to the vessel by citizens
ot that state.
Figures dealing with the depth
and navigation of tho river are set
ont at great length.
At the residence of Mr. Sprague
Mr. Roosevelt was greeted by a gath
ering of the Americans in Gibraltar.
On being congratulated on his es
cane from as-tault at the hands of an
Italian passenger on board the Ham
burg, Mr. Roosevelt pave Immediate
and emphatic denial to this report.
He added that when this false re
port came to his ears he at once vis
ited all the steerage passengers and
shook hands with them.
Notice of Application for Liquor License.
NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons Inter
ested and to I lie public, that the under
signed. II. E. Hand, has Died his petition and
application In the office of the city clerk, of
the city of Plnttsmoulh. county of Cass, and
state of Nebraska, as required by law, sinned
by the required number of resident free-holders
of said city, setting forth that the appli
cant Is a man of respectable character and
standing and a resident of the state of Nehras
ka, and praying that a license may be Issued
to the said II. E. Uand for the sale of malt,
spirituous and vinous liquors for the period
of one year from the date of the hearing of
said application In a building situated on lou
eleven and twelve. (II and I J) in block twenty
seven. (27) In the tirst ward of the said city of
rlattsmouth, ftuhraska.
11. r KAMI, Applicant.
March 17th, 1VO0.
tlonal motor boat races, In which
boats representing several nations w
entered, will begin at fonaco tomor
row and will continue until April 11.
This year's Monaco motor boat
race are the sixth annual went of
list character and ecllnse In Interest
sny of the preceding meets. There
sr two American entries, the Dixie
II. and the Standard, for the big raco,
he icrand Prix International event,
which will be salted on April 11.
Roberts to Represent Hastings College
Central City. Neb., April 3. Clyde
Roberts was given the place of honor
ki the debating contest to select a
representative for Central City at
the Crete state oratorical contest ami
will therefore represent Hastings col
lege. Murray Townend recrlvcd sec
ond p'are Roberts represented the
college two years bko.
Dill Heads Teachers.
Beatrice, Neb.. April .1 The South
eastern NVhr.iska t-'sehcr gave their
attention to an address by Dean C. A
Fulnx r of Wcslcynn university, who
spoke on "Consideration of th'
Health of Pupils" B K Dill of WlV
bur was Mected president
telephone message from a mm who
said he was one of those who had
rltten the letter.
"Unless you pav us tho money you
willed be killed within an hour," said
the man on the 'phone
Dr. Cntrera Invited the man to till
office He prepared a dummy pack'
age of monev and sent for the police
Detectives came at once and were
concealed In an adjoining room
vntnin a snort time mere came a
rap at the door and Geracl enteml
"I have com for the money." he
Jut as the physician was hnndlng
ft dummy pntksge of money over
the detectives Jumped out and
grabbed' the blackmailer. Oerarl
fo-ight hard, hut was finally overpow
Coal Strike Is Made General,
Winnipeg, Mnn.. April 3 The r0l
fr'M In th" c'ern Cnnsd mine
heenme gom rnl today. All of the
camp rxeep one or two re affected
Orient Road Orders 8,300 Tona of
Steal Ralls.
Kansas City, April 3 An order for
8,300 tons of steel rails was given
by the Mexican and Orient Railroad
company. The rails are to b used
In the construction of a track to con
nect Ssn Anrlo and 8wwater.
Tel., a distance of eventy-iven
tnlles Work will be begun on th
construction the first of next wek
This new line will bring San An
ge)o In direct connection with Kan
iss City, eliminating the necessity of
tolnt around hy way of Fort Worth
Tx.. and shortening h dlttnre an
(proximately 200 mlbis. It r.Jno
makes a continuous line from Wich
ita. Ksn
KHIs Girl and Himself.
Vlnltn. Okla.. Anrll 1 .lohn Wood
a'l. a btrb r e c.rove, Okln.. .ho and
killed 1 'ils ?weethert. Viola l.ovey,
aged nlnnteen vnr". arid hn enm-
mlt'ed snltld" The tragedy oc
curred a fw mile eqt of Vlnl's and
follr.'vd o buggy rltln No ratine Is
Accident Follows Shooting of Oil
Well at Bradford, Pa.
Bradford, Pa., April 3. Twenty per
sons were burned, eight of them se
riously, fcy an explosion following the
shooting of an oil well with 120
quarts of nitroglycerine. The well
was located near a number of dwell
ings and close to the high school Aft
er the shooting a score of children
rushed to the mouth of the well to
pick up atones which had been
thrown to the surface when an explo
sion of gas occurred. Many were In
jurea . and eigot or tne pupils may
not recover.
Effort Will Be Made to Secure Indict
ment of World In Panama Case.
New York, April 3. Investigation
of the Panama libel charge against
the New York World was resumed be-
Notice is hereby given that F. O.
Frlcke & Co. have filed their petition
as required by the statutes of the state
of Nebraska with the city clerk of the
city of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, request
ing a permit to sell mail, spirituous ana
vinous liquors ror meaii-. nui, m
cmilcal and chemical purpo-tus fur
the coming municipal year In the build-
l-ig situated on lota on (1) and two
(2) in block thirty-six (36) in tne city
r . O.
March 22, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that Gerlng A
Co., have filed their petition as required
r-v the statutes of the state of Nebraska,
with the city clerk of the cl'. of Plvtx-
mouth, Nebraska, requesting a permit
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous llq-
ors for medicinal, mechanical and chem
ical purposes for the coming municipal
lear In the building situated on the
west half (W. 1-2) of lot twelve (12)
In block twenty-eight (28), In the city
of Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 22, 1909 Applicant.
In County Court.
In the matter of the estate of John
B. Melslnger. deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the cred
itors of said estate will meet the
executors of said estate, before me,
County Judge of Cass County, Nebras
ka, at the County Court room In Platts
mouth, In said County, on the 29th day
of March. 1909, and on the 29th day of
8eptember, 1909. at 10 o clock a. m .
each day for the purpose sf present-
lore a federal grand jury under tne I j"?tl:''ntr and afiowan '
Mi I tn W K. I ..... . . . . ,, . ' I I 1. - A
rix munins nre auowru ir urn i-im-Itnrs
of said deceased to present their
lirectlon of Stuart McNamara, spe
cial assistant attorney general. It
was said the purpose of the new In
quiry was to obtain Indictments In
this city agnlnst the publishers, and
possibly one of the editors, of the
World, recently Indicted In Wahlng
ton, In order that their trials m;ght
be held in New York.
claims, ap t one year for the executors
to settle said estate, from the 29th day
of March, 1909.
Witness mv hand and senl of sr!d
Countv Court, at Plnttsinout h. Nebras
ka, this 1st day ot March, 1909.
Allen J. rtpeson.
1 County J ikIks.
P. O. Dwyer.
Attorney for estate.
Reichstag Pastes Budget.
llerlln. April .1 The rnttre Budget
pushed Its third rending In th
M'hs'ag. afrr uh'cd the houe ad
Jnitnr until April 20.
Crary Snake St'M at Large.
Pierc". OKh., April 3 Crazy SnnV.e
l tll1 at l.irf Everything Is quiet
Bomb Thrower Geta Twenty Years.
Ducnos Ayrrs, Anvil 3. Solnno
Reels, who on Feb. 2; 1908. attempt
cd to assassinate President Alcorta
by throwing a bomb, was condemned
lo twenty years' Imprisonment.
Misses Mabel and Elizabeth Day of
Weeping Water who have been visit
ing In tbe city with Mrs. 11. A. Schnl
der, In company with their hostess,
are spending the day In Omaha, being
passengers for thnt city on the early
morning train.