The - Plattsmoulh - Journal Published Semi-Week! it Plattsmautb, Nebraska. R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Tlattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. j t 1111 W m i V 3 Every vote cast for the Democratic city ticket is a dis tinct step forward for a government of the people. Please make this step. The best administration on the saloon question the city ever had has been that of the democratic administration. If you want it continued vote for John 1. Sattler and the dcirn eratie councilmanic ticket. The democratic councilmanic ticket is composed of clean, upright and honest men and a vote for them is a vote for hon esty in city government and tor the right ot the people to con trol their creatures, the corporations. Facts and figures prove that the best administrations the city ever had were those of democrats. Tho administration of John P. Sattler will be one as good as the best and it is to the interest of every taxpayer to cast his ballot for him. Councilman Dwyor dserves to carry tho election handily anl doubtless will. He has male a splendid record. The voters of the first ward certainly endorse every effort-he has made in the direction of giving them a fair, square and decent administration and they will so demonstrate. Councilman John AV. I'ookmeyer has served the people of the third ward in the past two years, in the most signal manner. He has been careful of their interests has always voted for their advantage and in his conduct of their affairs lias exercised the best and most discriminating judgment. A vote for him is a vote for the right man. Dr. "NV. P. Elster deserves a re-election as a compliment to his ability and his careful management of tho city clerk V ofiicc. He is unquestionably the best and most efficient city clerk the people of Plattsmouth have ever placed in office. A vote for him is a vote cast in the right direction and cannot fail to be of benefit to the man casting it. Fred M. Uezncr will be a fitting successor to Councilman vorndran. lie is pre-eminently a man of the people and wher he. is elected the good people ot the tilth ward will know that he is there to protect in his best way their interests. A vote for Mr. IJezner by the fifth ward people is a vote cast for the right and that they will constitute a large majority of the ward is considered practically certain. Dr. " D. Elster is a busy man these days. He has just finished preparing the copy for the ballots and it has taken him some time. Put the voters know their interests are safe in his hands and they have every confidence that the clerk's office will 'do its duty and make his campaign when lie can spare the time from his official duties. A vote for Dr. Elster is a vote for the most capable official the city of Plattsmouth lias had in the clerk's office. Adam Kurtz has lived in the second ward for many years. During that time he has made himself known to every man, woman and child in the ward, lie is a conscientious, up right and careful citizen one as honest as the day is long and a vote for him is not misplaced. 1 1 is certain that the big majori ty of the people of his ward want him to be elected and that they will vote for him. In so doing they help themselves for he is a square mnn. Councilman John Schulhof is one of the brightest and most able men of tho council. He has always stood for the inter ests of the people and whenever his vote was cast it was for their interest. That the people of the fourth ward appreciate this will be demonstrated when they come to vote on April (ith and the prediction is freely made that he will receive the largest majority any candidate ever received in that ward. And he deserves it. L. AV. Loren ono of the democratic candidates for member of the board of education, is a bohemian citizen who has had his rise in this city. He is a clean man personally, a man who ha? shown extraordinary business ability and has every trait which will make him an useful member of tho board. He deserves to be" ejected and it is no more than just and right that the Bohe mians'., who have 80 large a number of children in the schools imvft ji, representative on tho board. Voto for him. Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages AW , M : XT iNo woman ever once bought Uneeda Biscuit and then willingly Dougnt any otner kind of soda crackers. No hiscuit can he the National Biscuit unless it is V foHflt republicans prefer if they must vote for a democrat -r. .,;4otd,!fOr. an outspoken one and one who does not pretend. Thm'tpiir the republicans have small choice as to politics owjtfg .to the fino work of tho bosses, and it is a safe guess that most of.,them will register a manly protest against being sold, body, boots and breetches into the hands of, the enemy. i lie .way to nai is 10 voio lor me siraigni uemocraiic iickci ' A solejnn protest by decent republicans now means that here- leader (t) will ever venture to again betray his party .as hag been done this spring. w ;..'li I v. ' v Johii Hnllstroni who is ono of the democratic candidates for. school board, has been spoken of through the columns -of tins jmper, before., He is a clean, upright and consciencious -citizen a,pd js in.ucli interested in securing for the Plattsmouth -schools jul tho advantages which any other school can have Ho is a Swedish citizen and represents that thrifty onterpns tag-race on the' ticket.- His election will be a handsomer rec ognitioti of that natioitality and in addition, means that the school board secures a fine and able member. He ought to have your vote. .. . .The march of improvements in Plattsmouth city mus continue. A. democratic administration has been engaged for three years in remedying the defects of previous ndminis trations aiid at the same tinio it has reduced taxes enormously Mr. Taxpayer; kindly-look up your tax receipts mid find the rate you paid before tho: hist democratic administration went into power and see what you are paying now under me uem otTats. You will had an cnonuous reiiuruon in me rate am that is sufficient cause to justify you in voting for the demo eratic candidates. V Urns CV)D EE1 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY DR. CUMMINS' PLATFORM. The Journal yesterday printed the personal platform of )r. Cummins which has manv verv coiinneinlnlilc fhirur nnd under different conditions, it might have been worth consider ing. Jut the unfortunate fact is, Dr. Cummins has little to say about these things himself. He is running for office under per culiar circumstances. Tho candidate of a self constituted "com mittee" whose dark lantern methods have alienated the sup- ivu vi an cuiisciencious ana ligiu umiKing men, no win do towerless to control should he by anv freak of chance win. He will find tho masters there, ready and anxious to assist him in administering the government and they will be as Shylock and demand their "pound of flesh." It is too bad that he has been cad into this plight but he is there and that is all there is of it. And let us see wherein his platform is different from that of John P. Sattler who went into tho democratic primaries and won his nomination by virtue of the people's votes. J? irst, John P. Sattler will give the people of Plattsmouth a clean conservative and economical and business administra- lon and if the council should oppose him, he will use the veto power to head off bad legislation. He stands squarely upon he record oi past administrations which have held taxes down o the lowest possible notch. Does Dr. Cummins promise more, and could ho deliver more should he be elected? Think this over Mr. Taxpayer. Second. John P. Sattler has been engaged in a war to secure reasonable light rates for tho city of Plattsmouth and its peo ple.. His record is that of a man looking after the best bargains tor the taxpayers. He favors any franchise which spells lower expenses for the city and the taxpayers and he has absolutely no interest in any franchise to any corporation for any pur pose. Neither is ho supported by any corporation for olhce. He is for economy in public office.' Does Dr. Cummins promise more, and can ho deliver more should he be elected! Think this over Mr. Taxpayer. Third, John P. Sattler has been a believer in equal rights to ALL and special privileges to NONE. Ho believes the dollar of the poor man is as good as tho dollar of the rich man and that tho rates charged for public utilities should bo just tho same to ono man as another. Does Dr. Cummins promise more and can he deliver more if elected! Think this over Mr. Taxpayer. Fourth, John P. Sattler believes in doing street work where ever it is needed and much ns possiblo with tho money the city has to do it with. Ho advertises no claptrap to catch votes and tho man in the Fifth ward or in the First ward or in the Se cond, Third and Fourth wards can go to him and if the city can do the work ho wants it will be done. Does Dr. Cummins pro mise more, and can he deliver more if elected ? Think this over Mr. Taxpayer when you vote. Fifth, John P. Sattler is now endeavoring and lias been during his term as Mayor to get a fair, reasonable and just street lighting contract for the city and he will insist upon the treatment accorded the taxpayers be just and fair. He wants lights but he does not propose to rob the city to obtain them. Can Dr. Cummins promise more and can be deliver more if elected! It is for you to think over Mr. Jaxpaycr. Sixth, John P. Sattler has not promised an office to any one niul will not do so. He enters upon the office of Mayor free from entanglements and is his own free agent. The men he will appoint will be his own selection and they will be good men. Can Dr. Cummin1 promise more nnd can ho deliver more if elect cd! You, Mr. Taxpayer, will look this up and cast your ballot for the man who has made good who is John P. Sattler. Seventh, John P. Sattler stands for the enforcement of the law in regard to every business and ho knows no fear or favor in so doing. He docs not curry favor with any man or set of men and if elected he will abide by the oath of office which he takes. Can Dr. Cummins promise more and can he deliver more if elected. You Mr. Taxpayer and Good Citizens are the one to answer this. Eighth and last. John P. Sattler stands for sterling hones ty and integrity in public office. lie is above using petty means to secure votes. He wants to be elected mayor of Plattsmouth and to give the people a fitting and successful administration and he pledges himself to protect them in their right and to see that no iniquitious contract for light, water, power or other pub lie service ties them down. He favors progress and reasonable and decent contracts and no more. Dr. Cummins can promise no more and can Dr. Cummins deliver more if he should be elected! You Mr. Voter and Taxpayer know John Sattler and you know he is the man to relie on. Vote for him and protect your interests. The mystery of the creation of the "citizens" 'party is slowly unfolding. It seems to have been the fertile expedient of a discredited and defeated politician who sought in this man ner to dethrone thoso decent republicans who repudiated him J 1 ! 1A .ff-H mi Ml ... nna xus pretensions jasi ian. xney win once more repeat the matter this spring and vote into power the entire democratic ticket. For Good Walks. The charge of excessive expenditure, on the part of th city government in connection with the overdraft of the road tund is quite easily and satisfactory explained. There is no , one in this city but remembers the tremendous floods which swept down on this city in 1907 and 1908. These floods did an incalculable amount of damage to the streets of the city. It required an immense amount of labor to even place them in condition for travel, let alone bring them up to the standard they should be in and a vast sum of money had to be paid out to accomplish this. But the principal occasion for spending the money has been the erection of permanent sidewalks, some thing which every citizens knows is a good thing, and some thing which will stand the wear of time and require no con stant repairing. A great many of these walks have been built along residence nnd business property and the cost assessed against the abutting property owners. This stands ns a lien against the property and it will come back to the city in the course of time. The amount spent in putting in permanent crossings will not come back but the people of Plattsmouth have The Lorelei is said to inhabit a rock in a German river nnd lure men on to doom by the sweet strains of her voice. Just so does the greed for office lure men on to political destruction. When they are rejected by their own party time without num ber, they find sweet consolation in the Lorelei of a "citizens" movement. By the election of men selected by a "committee" Ktlliltilin. ! ft 11tlttliltnl.L .............. 1 1 1 1 1 wiuiU'i-u in iiiiirmi-iiiim' uiMfi mm Mill uillMieu uv n IU1IO of true sanctification, they hope to land some appointive office. Their cry is "Anything, Oh! Lord, for a title!" Yet in the end there is nothing for them, but political disaster and defeat for the people want none of them. They have rejected them before and they will reject them again and this time so de cisively that they will forever retire from the fight. 1 ,4 A 4