The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1909, Image 4

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V Short Items of Interest From Sat
V V urday Evening's Daily Journal
Miss Alma Parker departer this
noon cn the mall train for Oinaha
whore she will make a visit over
Miss Lillian Fitch came down this
morning for her Saturday visit with
her pupils, returning on the manl
George Stamni, wife and baby are
expected In the city today for a visit
with friends for several days, coming
from Moline, 111.
Jas. Sochor. Jr., Is spending the
day In Crete, being a passenger for
that city on the early train this
C. A. Harvey was a passenger ttils
morning on the early train for Omaha
where he goes to look after some bus
iness matters.
H. . Duvis of the Nebraska Tele
phone Company, is looking after bus
iness matters in Omaha today being
a passenger for that city on the early
Former Congressman E. M. Pol
lard came In last evening for a visit
with the representatives of his news
paper in this city, departing on the
morning train for Omaha.
Mrs. Rachel Adams, the aged moth
er of Will T. Adams, came In this
morning on the early train from Fre
mont for a visit with his family for
some time.
Mrs. Jos Droege Is spending tin.
nfitrnoon In Omaha today having
been a passenger for that city on
the mall train.
Miss Gertrude Ileeson was a pas
senger for Omaha on the mall train
at noon going up to spend the af
ternoon with friends.
X. J. Russell of Pacific Junction
was In the city this morning for sev
eral hours, coming over to attend
to business matters.
Mrs. C. A. Harvey was a passenger
on tho fast mall for Ilavelock where
she will visit for several weeks with
her daughter Mrs. Tyler.
Mrs. George Wall of LaPlatte was
In the city this morning for a few
houre, coming over on No. i and re
turning on the mall at noon.
Miss Ella Leo of Ilcllevue who has
been stnylng for several weeks In tho
city with relatives returned to her
home this noon on tho fast mall train.
Mrs. R. II. Ferree departed thlj
iioon on tho mall train for Omaha
and Council Muffs where she will
r.uike a visit with relatives for a
J. W. Dixon, wife and baby were
passengers this noon on tho iniill
Iraln for IPlatto where they will
Mcnd tho Sunday with relatives and
John Campbell, one of the brightest
yound men of the Murray neigh
borhood, came up this morning and
was a passenger for Omaha on the
early train.
Mrs. E. 1L Wescott and her alsler
Mrs. Mae Morgan are spending ihe
afternoon In tho metropolis being
passengers for that city on the mail
train at noon.
D. D. Marcellus, another of the hus
tling young men from near Murray,
came In this monrlng In tlmo to take
the early train for Omaha where he
wll spend the day.
Anton Koubek was a passenger on
the early train this morning for
Omaha where he will spend tho day
looking after business matters and
visiting friends.
Itobt. Kendall, one of tho live .en
ergetic farmers of Liberty precinct,
drove up this morning from his farm
read Union and was a passenger for
Omaha on the mall train at noon,
rolng up to look after business mat
While It Is a little late, the sale Is
announced of the property on South
Fifth street owned by Jas. Johns to
A. J. Trinity the barber. Mr. Johns
announces that ho will shortly leave
this city to engage In business else
where. Mr. Trilllty secures a very
nice home In his new purchase which
is wel lsltuated and which has an
excellent view.
Fram e llitllance came home jester
day afternoon from Gh nwond having
mi far recovered from the scalding
he received as to pi milt his return
France hmt (iilte n bud time dining
his stay In the hospital at Ihe Instl
ute, his condition several times being
about as biul ns It well colli I be. lie
Is feeling fine ngalii now but cannot
liKn b Bini owing to the uitir.i'cls
being burned, lie- returned to l ien
weed this morning on the early train
for tho purpoxe of having the arm
J. H. Altroegge was a passenger
for the north on the mall train thl
Earl M. Gels Is spending the afier
noon In Omaha going to that city this
noon on the fast mall.
John Krager, the prominent farmer
from west of the city, Is in the city to
day attending to business matters.
Mrs. Anton Svoboda and daughter
Marie, are spending the day in Oma
ha being pasengers on the early train
this morning.
Nick Halmes, the well known and
popular farmer west of the city, is
in the city today attending to busi
ness matters.
Miss Edith Johnson departed this
morning on the arly train for Lin
coln where she will make a visit for
a few days.
i Mrs. Sedlak is spending the day
with friends In Omaha being a pas
senger this morning on the early
train for that city.
Mrs. A. S. Will Is spending the
day in Omaha with friends, being
a passenger for that city on the
early train this morning.
Misses Hazel Harnsberger and
Lydia Lnnghorst of Elmwood are in
the city making a visit with Miss
Nora Itosencrans for a few days.
Ferdinand Ilennings, the well
known Eight Mile Grove precinct
farmer, Is looking after business
matters nnd took dinner with Host
Goose of the Hotel Platsmouth.
Mrs. J. II. Ihiteheller, J. A. Uatchel
ler, wife and children came over this
noon on the fast mail from Uartlett,
la., to make a visit with Philip Hateh
ellor south of the city.
A. N. Sullivan Is spending the af
ternoon In Omaha looking after pro
fessional business.
Pert Pollock Is attending to busi
ness In Oinaha this afternoon being
a passenger for that city on the mall
train this noon.
A. A. Hyers, postmaster at Have
lock accompanied by his son and
daughter spent tho morning In the
city, returning to Ilavelock on the
mall train at noon.
Mrs. Arthur Chrlsman of Lincoln
I whrt finu luutn vtultltitr tfllK
mother, Mrs. Klnkald, In this city
for several days was a passenger this
morning for Omaha where she will
spend the day.
Mrs. Henry Huffer of Ilavelock
who has been visiting with L. C.
Huffer nnd family for several wcka
was a passenger on the fast mall this
noon for her home.
Mrs. J. Jirousek nnd daughters
Nettle and Sophia are spending the
day In Omaha with friends being pas
sengers this morning on the early
train for that city.
Jas. T. Reynolds one of Liberty
precinct's solid and reliable citizens
Is In the city today attending to bus
iness matters, having como up from
Union this morning.
Mrs. Richard Hale and daughter
Goldlo and Miss Adella White are
taking In the Bights of the metropo
lis and having a good time today, be
ing passengers on tho early train this
morning for Omaha.
Park Chrlswelser, one of the best
citizens from the vicinity of Murray,
came In last evening for a visit with
his father Dennett Chrlswelser, and
was attending to business matters In
the city during tho day.
Our friend Enoch Witt tells us this
Is a very mild early spring compared
with the spring of 1867. That year he
crossed the Misourl river on the Ice
at Plattsmouth on' tho 29th day of
March and It warmed up after that
In time to make a first rate crop.
Malvern Leader.
IMea In Omaha.
Henreltta Roesner, aged 69 years,
of Lucas, 8, 1)., died Tuesday at
the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Weg
ner, HOI Ilancroft street, where
she had been visiting for some time
past. Tho funeral arrangements
are not yet completed.
Mrs. Rosener whose death Is
chronicled above, was formerly a
resident of this city, having lived
here a number of years ago with her
family. The sons Paul and Ernest
are well known here having been
practically raised In this city. A
very large number of friends of the
deceased were passengers for Oma
ha this morning on the early train
to attend the funeral.
Mr. Illdiey Coining Home.
A messjiKe received this morning
from Dr. Livingston at Kaunas City
,M., states that J. !. Ulihey was ho
ins brought home from Granada, Col.
nnd would arrive In the city this even
lug on the M. 1'. train at 5 o'clock
Ills condition coiitiini'S favorable,
Special Announcement to
Plattsmouth People
The Giant Construction Company wishes to announce that
owing to the large volume of business being done in Platts
mouth their exhibit car will remain in this city at the Bur
lington depot until Saturday, April 3rd. You are cordially
invited to come in and join one of the clubs. Remember you
are now offered an opportunity the equal of which has never
begore been presented to you that of securing a tract of ten
acres of land together with a town lot in "New Chicago"
for $190.00, payable if you wish at $10.00 per month, only
$2.50 per week.
This opportunity you cannot afford to miss. The devel
opment of New Chicago will progress with rapidity and pur
chasers will multiply many times their original investment
when the big opening takes place about June 1st.
Join one of the clubs that are now being formed by
Plattsmouth people and get in on the ground floor. .We want
you with us.
The members of the club elect one of their number to go
to New Chicago and investigate the proposition nnd if he re
ports favorably the club members purchase. If the member
finds that the men in charge of the exhibit car have misrepre
sented the members of the club do not purchase.
On this representation you are invited to come in and
join one of the clubs. Remember you take no chance, and the
(liant Construction Company pays transportation both
ways of the representative elected by the purchasers to inves
tigate. For further information call at the exhibit car now at the
Burlington depot. Call or write. Act now.
Open evenings.
Manager Exhibit Car,
General Agent
Texas Looks Good to
Mr. J. 1. Phillips, Manager Texas Exhibit Car,
Plattsmouth, Neb., March 27, 1909.
Plattsmouth Exhibit Car,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
Dear Sir:
From personal investigation during a trip to the country,
and from interviews with business men, bankers, planters,
growers and professional men, Texas impresses us as a state
where considerable money can be made with a small invest
ment. The soil is fertile, the climate pleasant and the'atmos
pliere healthy. Almost anything that can be grown in any
other state can be grown in Texas, and Texas is becoming a
great fruit country, and we believe in a few years it will be
far ahead of California as a fruit belt. "While we have not
been in the vicinity of "New Chicago" where the Giant Con
struction Company are promoting their colonization plan,
whatever benefits one part of the state benefits all the state,
We are convinced they have a good proposition. vAVe have
visited their exhibit car now at the Purlington Depot and wish
to say that it is a good representation of what can be ac
complished in the fruit and truck growing industries in Texas.
While conditions are in embryo as yet, opportunities are
not lacking, providing thrift, energy, industry and enterprise
are shown.
We would advise any young man to go at once and lo
cate in the state of Texas, where by little effort he can soon
win himself a home and in a few years become independent.
We do not believe anyone can make a mistake.
T. C. Morgan.
"W. E. Kosencrans.
F. G. Egenberger.
Philip Thierolf.
Notice of Klectlon.
Notice la veruuy given that, aa
prvldod by law, the general city elec
tion of offlcera for the City of Platts
mouth, Stato of Nebraska, and for
members of the School board will
be held In the several wards of said
cltr on
Tl'KSDAY, AHllh TII, A. I). 1000.
at which the following off Mrs will
be elected:
One City Mayor for Two years.
One City Treasurer for Two yeara
One City Clerk for Two years.
One Police Judge for Two yeara.
Two membera of the School Board
for Three years.
One Councilman for the First
Ward for One year (to fill vacancy).
One Councilman for the First
Ward for Two years.
One Councilman for the Second
Ward for Two years.
One Councilman for the Third
Ward for Two years.
Ono Councilman for tho Fourth
Ward for Two years.
One Councilman for tho Fifth
Ward for Two years.
The polls at said election will bo
opened at 9 o'clock a. m. and close
at "o'clock p. ni. at the following
named places In said city.
First Ward at the County Court
Second Ward at Turner's Hall.
Xhlrd Ward at A. O. V. W. Hall.
Fourth Ward at Council Chamber.
Fifth Ward at A. O. Itncli A Co.'s
More on Lincoln Avenue.
Witness our hands this flrht dsy of
March. A. D.. 1?0!.
.lobn P. SMtlrr.
Aiict: Mayor.
W. II. F.lHtct,
City Clerk.
Holler Skaters Attention.
Roller skating on the public streets
and sidewalks Is prohibited under the
city ordinance and all parties are
warned to Immediately stop the prac
tice under penalty of arrest.
Den Ralney,
Chief of Police.
Trees and Klirubry.
I am now prepared to furnish all
klnda of nursery stock and shrubry
at the following prices: Apple trees,
20c each, $2.00 per dozen; cherries,
at 45c each, $4.50 per dozen; Con
cord grapes, 75c per dozen, peach
trees, four to five feet, at 20c each.
. J. E. Leesley.
A well Improved 5 acres. . Tract
of 11 acres, 38 ncres, 15 acres, 4
acres, 10 acres, and other choice
lands adjoining liattsmnuth. Cot
tageB In Townsend, Dukes, Young
and Hays, Wise's Thompson's
Clark's, Stadelninn. South Tnrk and
Orchard 1 1 til additions, also In the
old town site, ninny of them at
Rreat bargains. Over fiO opportun
ities of this kind on our books. We
also have Improved farm of all kinds
and sizes. In counties In Nebraska.
Kansas, Oklahoma. Texas. South Da
kota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and
Colorado. Over 4 00 In all. DeYiibe
what you want, and In wh it locality.
Over 1 0(1.000 acres of unimproved
laud for sale as an Investment. S"o
us before purchasing.
Windham Investment Co.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
X Short Items of Interest From Fri- X
X day Evening's Daily Journal
Mrs. I. N. White and baby are
spending the day In Omaha, being
passengers for that city on the early
Mrs. Bert Tucker Is among those
who were passengers on the early
train this morning for Omaha where
she will spend the day.
Mrs. J. L. Speck and daughter
Nannie, came up this morning from
their home in the country and were
passengers for Omaha on the early
morning train.
Mrs. Albert Swartz, daughter Miss
Josie and Mrs. John Hobseheipt are
spending the day in Omaha with
friends, being passengers for that city
this morning on the early train.
Mrs. G. A. Meisinger and Miss Mar
Meisinger canio in this morning from
their home west of the city and were
passengers on the early train for Om
aha where they will visit during the
Mrs. Henry Donat and son are
spending the day In Omaha, going to
the metropolis this morning on the
early train.
Mrs. John Busche Is In Omaha to
day, going up on the early train this
morning to attend the funeral of the
late Mrs. Roesner.
Mrs. II. S. Austin is expected to
arrive home today from Chicago, 111.
where she Is visiting with friends for
several days past.
Miss Schulliof and htr sister Mrs.
Sanford Lewis of Denver, Col. are
spending the day in Omaha, being
passengers on the early train this
E. H. Darker Is among those look
ing after business matters In Omaha
today going up this morning on the
early train.
August Roessler and wife were
among those going to Omaha this
morning to attend the funeral of the
late Mrs, Roesner.
Mrs. Alex Clifton made a flying
trip to this city this morning, return
ing to her home in Omaha this noon
on the fast mall.
George Sltzman and family came
in this morning for a visit with his
folks for several days after which
they will go to Cedar Creek and vis
it, returning to their home at St. Joe,
Mo., later.
Ery Sttaon bort tha Stetson Nam
Style and Snap
' The hat that suits you individually is here. Come in and
get that
to-day. Our assortment of the styles o' he season is so large
that it will be the easiest thing in the won'' to pick yours out.
It will fit your head and your fancy as well.
W kin tte Iuiki Sell ui Nib Uut in , V U.-
Another large shipment of Hart,.
Schaffner & Marx Clothes arrived
Come in and see them. Might like one for Easter.
Glad to show you even though you do not caro to buy..
We won't you make you feel that you have to buy
that's not our way.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Statso Hats Manhattan Shirts
w ' w w aw w j a mm m w k a amm -m i mwib hi
George Ballance Is a business vis
itor In Omaha today, going up on the
morning train.
Miss Pearl O'Neill Is visiting with
friends In Omaha today going to that
city on the early train this morning.
L. C. W. Murray, one of ' Cass
county's good people, was in the city
today attending to business matters.
J. W. Edwards of Murray came In
this morning and Is spending the daw
looking after business matters In the
Jim Mrasek is spending the after
noon in Omaha having been a passen
ger for that city on the fast mail at
Byron Clark is attending to bus!
ness matters In Omaha today being a
passenger on the early morning train
for that city.
Miss Olive Gass was a passenger
on the fast mail at noon for Bellevue
where she will make a visit with her
friends Miss Carter.
Mrs. Fred Spangler and sister Miss
Mildred Durk are spending the day In
Omaha going to that city this morn
ing on the early train.
T. M. Carter, one of the represen
tatives of the citizens movement, is
spending the afternoon In Omaha be
ing a passenger for that city on the
fast mail at noon.
Henry Goos is among those putting
In the afternoon In Omaha, attending
to business at that point, and going
up on the mail train this noon.
Mrs. A. L. Alshuler of Ilavelock
who has been visiting in the city with
Mrs. Frank Krolek, departed for her
home this noon on the mail.
Mr. McGrath employed In the paint
department of the Burlington and
formerly of Lincoln, was a passen
ger for Omaha on the mail today.
Wm. Holly, the clothier Is attend
ing, to business matters th Omaha
this afternoon having been a passen
ger on the mail train at noon for that
Mrs. Earl Harmon and baby of
Ashland who have been visiting In
the city with Mrs. Ed Weaver, de
parted this noon on the mail train for
their home.
Adolph Geise, representative of the
Schlitz brewing company, Is attend
ing to business in Omaha this after
noon going up on athe mail train at
-za rri-i