The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1909, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
Did you ever notice that everyone
who shouts "reform is not much
of a reformer himself? Nebraska
City News.
roes the many times rejected can
didate yearn to be city attorney?
R. A. BATES, ri'BLisiiKK.
ntered ttlhe posloiUceat Pl&Usmouth, Nc
braNka.aiccuud class niattrr.
$1,50 Per Year in Advance.
When you hear a man putting In
all his spare time going up and down
the streets abusing an Individual
or a newspaper you can uecme mai
his toes have been trampled upon,
The Journal favors a live town and some P snieme exposed or ne nus
one that will go ahead. Build the nothing else to occupy his mind. Few
interurban and secure the "small fac- People pay any attention to this class
of Individuals and sooner or later
they seek some secluded spot out
A clean fight and an honest one in the woods and kick themselves, be-
. . . .
seems to be too far above the headB cause of the lack of a balance wheel
of the "citizens" organization to be'
thought of. The democrats are mak
Ing this and they will win.
or gray
Ing his
matter. Nebraska City
Don't forget Mr. Republican when
you como to vote that your party has
been shamelessly betrayed in this
campaign. The thing to do Is to re- t
Imbecility In alleging the
county commissioners could grant a
franchise for an Interurban ijoad
over the county highways when such
power Is not In their hands nor has
ever been, he now boldly pro-
pudiate the traitors to the cause.
"it behooves every republican voter
In the city to study what possible
reason exists for sidetracking the re
publican candidates for democratic
castoffs. What Is the power behind
the throne?
The selection of Geo. E. Dovey,
Adam Kurtz, J. W. Ilookmeyer, John
Schulholf and Fred M. Rezncr means
to give the people a clean, decent and
honest city council. Every man de
seves election and ever one of them
will win it.
claims to the public that an ordl
nance can be printed one time in a
weekly paper In this city and be
made a valid and binding one. The
city council not long since had the
opinion of the one of the best Jurists
In this state on this, very question
The Journal will be pleased to fur
niBh his name for the edification of
this excuse who claims to know the
law, on demand. This Jurist after a
careful investigation of the law on
the subject, came to the conclusion
that an ordinance of the city must
bo published every day for one week
M. Archer has no opposition for
the office of police judge unless
he perpetual standing candidate
s-'ioulu run by petition.
The "citizens" convention of Ne
braska City named a woman for
treasurer. Here the citizens did
not even consider the women.
Overflow From Yesterday.
S. H. bhumaker was a passenger
on the mail at noou yesterday
for Omaha where he had business
to attend to.
Miss ina bimons w as a passen
yesterday on the mail train for Om
aha where she will visit for several
davs. She will make a visit with
County Judge Beeson, wife and two
girls were passengers on the fast mail
yesterday afternoon for Omaha w here
they go to spend the afternoon and
to visit with friends.
J. E. Wiles and wife spent Thurs
day afternoon In Omaha having driv
en In from the farm this morning to
I in i, r-vssss
nn u
There are some momentous ques
tions rising to the front In Watts-
mouth the coming two years. Do not
be misled by any side issue into vot- taks the nooa traln on the Burling
Ing a ticket against your own Inter- ton train for that city
est, Mr. Taxpayer. . c. W. Holmes of Havelock came
down on No. 14 to look after some
The worst kind of a man Is he who business matters yesterday and to
utters slander. Plattsmouth has meet with friends, returning to his
Bcveral such and some of them are horao on the noon train-
Hinr mrnirimsiv nr-tivn in th Htv Will Melsinger and wife from near
, ' Cedar Creek were In the city Thurs
I day afternoon looking after business
they ought to read the slander law. matters In connection with th estate
of the late J. B. Melsinger.
Tlr W VI 1?!atn haa mala 4rtl
" " Itobt. B. Hayes, general foreman
most efficient city clerk the city has of the Burlington Is looking after
had In years. He is deserving of a matters in Omaha this afternoon be
second term and the people all know
It. A vote for him Is a vote for a
clean and honest administration of
the city clerk's office.
Ing a passenger for that city on the
mail train at noon.
Henry Zuckweiler and wife are at
tending the funeral of the late Mrs.
Roesner In Omaha today, being pas
sengers this morning on the early
train for that city.
W. E. Cleghorn of Louisville was
The election of John P. Sattler
nnd a democratic city council is ab
solutely necessary for the welfare of In the city this morning attending
. . .
in a aauy newspaper if one was
I. .. . . . . ... . ...
The election of John P. Sattler pnnieu in mo city, aim mat puoii
for mayor, seems to be a foregone catlon ln & weekly was Insufficient
cnnciimifin Ho iu ho nnnnlar ehnlcp nl Invalidated the ordinance. Act-
and tho fact that scurrility and dirt ,n8 on hls opinion and upon his O
Is being employed against him in the K- on an ordinance published ln this
campaign shows the desperation of PaP(r te clty council voted some
the other sldo. S54 ,n payment of tho bill for publi
cation as the ordinance took about
Dr. W. B. Elster Is gaining friends one and a half columns and run In
every day and on election day the U's Issues all printed In a week
only question will be how largo a Klthcr the person charging that un-
majority he will get. Dr. Elster do- necessary publication of ordinances
serves this handsome compliment for 1 f'lnK niade, is dishonest with t!it
he is a good official. He can with- People or lie Is bent on exhihlt'iu;
stand the attackH of the little crea- his aslnlnlty is evident. The Jounal
tares who are barking at his heels. " forced to the conclusion that lu Is
(lie former for It does not seem possl-
r.T. . I
ine Journal has never practiced M, nn attorney would ever ventu.iv
blackmail upon the mei chants of tho ridiculous and Imbecilltlc Idea
this city and It deplores the scur- that he does on tho publication of
rilous and Indecent attack which has ordinances. This suggests another
been made upon one of the most u p- thought, is it not possible that tho
utabie merchants of the city because poor little city printing patronage
he saw fit to take his advertising out and tho city attorneyship Is the
of a publication. This man stands mttk in tho (.0,.0anut which causes
high In the community and is a this very worthy person so much anx-
man so far above calumny that at- ety nnj 80 many zo.ciAa nights In
tacks of this nature must react upon trying to give tho city a better gov-
the party making them. He needs ernnient?
no vindication through the Journal
for he Is known the city over as an Cowardly Trick.
upright, conscleiiclouH and moral Chairman Payne of the ways and
citizen and the parties making these ni,!8 committee, stand up. Day be-
vlle and Indecent attacks will find fore yi'xterday you told the house of
that public sentiment will not uphold I representatives that your new bill re
such methods. It Is passing Bt range I V.'H,,S 11,0 tt downward except for
If a merchant cannot have control of luxuries. Now tell us, are cotton
his own business without being sub-1 stockings luxuries? Are lambskin
Ject to such attacks as these " Blove luxuries? On the other hand,
are kid gloves necessaries, also silk
nt i i
mm noniK, stockings? If not. how are you to
In accordance with an agreement explain your 100 per cent increase on
which this paper made with Dr. cotton stockings and 65 per cent In
Cummins, a candidate for mayor, crease In women' cheap gloves, while
we have refrained from indulging Ullk stockings are increased not at all
In 1 -V. . .,1
... HuVC,.lluu uuu RUUe oi canui- and fine kid gloves only 15 per cent?
ouiei upon me omer ucKet nor have But for the women we might not
wc at any time printed a thing which have noticed those peculiar achedules
1 .1 v. I
vuum uo construed as renecting upon The changes are a Bpocial menace to
them personally or upon their rec- their sex and 'the women's clubs of
ords in public office. On his behalf Chicago have already sent -their pro
Dr. Cummins stated no such an at- testa to Washington. Tho caso is a
tack would be made upon the demo- serious one, for as Jacob Schlff points
cratlo candidates. That pledge has out. tho Inrrpimn in rintv nt ,.
to business matters, returning to his
home on the mail train this noon by
way of Omaha.
Mrs. W. L. White and Miss Barbara
Gering are ln Omaha today in attend
ance upon the quarterly Auxiliary
meeting going up this morning on the
early train.
Walter E. Palling came in this
From all reports the democrats morning from Greenwood to attend
will be largely aided by republicans the mating of the deputy county as
this year, largely as a rebuke to the BiS90r8' "turning to his home this
Plattsmouth city during the comln;
year. A vote for Sattler,
Dovey, Dwyer Kurtz, Bookmoyer,
Schulhof and Rezner is a vote for
progress, a larger and better city and
a city which will be the best In Ne
braska the coming year.
afternnnn nn thp Rphnvlnr
nnpltf 1 , , . 1. 1 1 I
-.w ., I1Call, , L Hlatt c( 0gon p,,oto I
hundred republican voters and led eranh flnmnnnv. was n nnsspnr rn
them Into the camp of the chame- the mall train yesterday for Have-
Icons. The democrats realize that Io( k' wherp he was called on business
I : n.nn4'tA ...11. LI, 1 V. vlrtnrv la In tho ,,ntrQ r,t 111 1 " "'in ins pnoiomepu
in alters.
rebllkn to boRsism nnd thnv nro nrnnl I
, . Mrs. Frank Moore and adughter
uiue me- y can oepena upon it 10 iena Vol. npo an,n huo .,, nm ,
this morning from the country and
share and help to down the bosses, were pasengers on the early 'train
for Omaha where they will spend
Loienz and liailstrom are the two the day with friends.
men who should be elected to the Mrs. .Johnson and baby of Omaha
school board. Thev renresent a who have been visiting in the city
, . , r , , ,. .. with her parents, Carl Befsgren and
inrirn linn frrnu'lntr n omnnr nf th !tv 1 ' j-o
wife, departed for their home yester-
.. re .n memseivcs capauie men. day on the nooll traln Mr8. Derggren
They have neither ever held office accompanying them for a short visit
and It would be a good Idea to give with them.
them a chance. They represent good Mrs. C. E. Hctherington and baby
eltlzcriKhln ni.,i nro ith t,,on ,.f ,v. departed this morning for Beaver
A Beautiful Line of Co
quette and Velvet
Brussels Carpets
3-ply All-Wool, Yard Wide Carpets
2-ply All-Wool, Yard Wide Carpets
Half-Wool Carpets,
Cottage Carpets,
Sanitary Carpets,
Japanese China Mattings
Small Size Rugs
Linolcumns in 2-yds and 4-yds Wide
Inlaid Linoleumns 2-yds Wide
cellent morals and fine business
Judgment. A vote for L. W. Lorenz
and John liailstrom Is a vote well
The Journal appears to be a nightmare to some certain
people in this neighborhood, judging from the wild and inco
herent attacks which are being made on it. The Journal is
proud of the fact that it can get under the skin of a certain
class and do it without resorting to slander and libels. v.&t
City, Neb., having received a mes
sage yesterday telling her that her
son Earl would have to undergo an
operation at that city. The young
man lived in this city formerly and
is quite wen Known. ills many
fnlAtita 4nln In f Vi - Vitisi n Yt n stnsi
T fl rnmihllnnna tf thla nlfw nonni( I
J ' ration will terminate auecessfullv and
hHi but Bhuddor at tho dismal rros-Lu iM nu.u. u u
pects in front of them for yean: to turns will come back with ood news Y. V . B. Elster gains steadily in the favor of the public.
como. They hav been svsterr.ati- of his recovery. He is justly popular and a man whoin tQ vote for is a pleasure.
rally betrayed Into the hand, of a Mrs. John Skoumal and family de- He las C0 Possible attention
. . , . , . . .... parted yesterday afternoon on the ail(1 Jie lil continue 10 uo so. vote lor mm is cusi m ine
coterie of 8elf-seek ng and ambltbus p jesinuay uncmuon u uie . ,
.... , . ... . fast mail for Omaha, where they win right direction, iso miserable petty spitework can stop him
' "uuno vu""v ttro Ul u, make their home ln th future, -sir. from w nn nsr bv a handsome maior tv.
.1 l l ... I a v
iimiin u uu vurieiy cnanee wun ci,.n.i .,n ki i
rwnw linii. rt II.a .l.u n n .1 .1 j I . r n 11 1 1 t . 1 . 1 .1 , 1 I
uui vi ma uaj. ma kuuu uiu i ni. r. inaKing wun mem ineir nouse-i T -i n ei ii 1 1 r ii,
, ... ... . -. i . . I uunu 1. outlier nus uvcu utioie uiu iuuiiu iui inuiiv veuis
T I , , . v, i ietrtadt 'ml Ho has been a trusted and faithful public official. He is known
who fought for it. taking defeat when -p.oymen J Hta flnd
tney deserved it and winning a vie- and hJg e8t,mabe famlly leave thla spirited citizen and no better and more conscientious man ever
tory wnen tney naa it coming to cityi Sftt ,n the mayor's chair, lie deserves election and he will
them, stand back in horror at the p.- p iinm. Mrs. fieoren receive it. No amount of dirt and scurrilous attacks upon him
miserable exhibition which their lead- Sayles and Mrs. Andrew Fudge came Will stop the wave of popular favor which runs in his favor.
era are giving them today in this down this morning on the Schuyler
city. Most of them will take the oc- . ' . . ,v,nr,,, 1 5f 1,5 l,o,l l,K5fa on,l T-n
l papers in connection with tne insur-i 1UUUJ l'c"l"E iiULrn.o .v-
casion, however, to scientifically re-1 of the ,ate George SayleB ln the form want those about them to do likewise. They become m-
ouke such practices in the ruture by M- w. a., Mr. Horn representing ,the tolerant and want everybody to join in and tollow their ex
voting a Btraight democratic ticket lodge. Mesdames Sayles and Fudge ample. The reformed man should remember that bis reforma
this spring. win remain ove'r night for a visit tion changed only one sinner and that all the rest o fus are no
with George sayles and family in tho wtor than be was before be cot cood. Then. too. he would do
After all there will only be one city while Mr. Horn returns this af- r wfljt ftmj fmj out whether his goodness is going to
not been kept but insinuations, in-
stockings beyond tho reach of the
uendoes, and Indecent charges are poor h?avlng thm no recour8fl
being made by certain vulnerable to palnt thdr ,(gg Fortunatcly the
candidates upon the opposing ticket duty on palnt , roduccd. but not
And repeated by their henchmen. In the palntng of wom(,ng face8 bRj
addition slander Is being bruited enough without carrying it to tho
about by certain persons connected other extreme? It is.
with their organization. The Journal I Mr. Payne it Is doubly difficult to
wants to stand by Its agreement as It I defend you in this matter. Why do
always has but it serves notice herehou thus single out the women for
and now that It tnese attacks are per- auacK in your tarirr blllT even go
lsted In, It will print such facts as Ing so far as to put a tax on tea. Hut
it has' possession of and show that two possible reasons are apparent.
the democratic candidates are In One is that tho women are powerless
truth and In fact, the cleanest In the! to strike back at you with ballots,
AmuIn Ignorance.
One of the most amusing develop
ments of the city campaign has been
the colloHsal amount of Ignorance
Tne other Is that tho glove and stock
lug manufacturers are influential In
your New lork district. If tho first
reason holds, you ought to bo asham
ed of yourself as if you had Mapped
your wire. 11 ine second reason
holds, whire Is your boasted Amerl
can chivalry that you nave your own
which a certain alleged attorney lias
developed on supposed to bo legal pollcltal bacon at the expense of de
Questions. Not content with exhibit- feiisclem women? state Journal
namo on the tickets this spring for
treasurer and that one will be the
democratic candidate Carl Q. Frlcko
A vain effort was made by the "com
mittee" to get some one to sacrifice
himself for tho office but it failed,
everyone recognizing that Carl
Frlcke was the man whom the dem
ocrats had selected and a man
unusual ability and promise and th
to run against him meant euro de
feat. It Is not that the
loved Carl Frlcke more
ternoon to his home
'take" before he advocates inoculating all his friends. Beat
rice Sun.
Maple Grove.
Louis ruis maae a ousiness inp 10 , . ... onnm tn nAf,Q:jnr 4linf , lwftnl Wo
weeping water Jnunj, - - x , , 4, i
Media Camelon of Galatla. Illinois t . . r.ftf Wo l.rnSn- onnnirli
spent a few days visiting in this com- '"" ." ",w i .1
'., select their own candidates. It must be pleasant to a good,
carpenters have begun the build- honest, republican to find out that a "committoe" of disinter
of mg of the new barn of Henry Engei- estcd off color democrats and like color republicans have to
kcmelr. Tekotter & Smith are do- pick out Hie camiKiaies wnom uie.v miuii vote ior. me mil
1111 e iuHiiiuui'
ing the work.
iim it
citizens . .11.!. :
homo in tnis section f ruiay, mrcn 1 uc'KCl iius triuit.
m 10(1(1 at S n'rlock A. m. at the
republican will see to it that the practice of selecting cn
is left to the party itself next time by electing the de
19. 1909 at 8 o'clock a.
nut bin nnnin nn Ihn tli'Vnt hut that I t ...... 11 .nni.a n .1 91
' I BR" "I uu ... wl ...Ml t 1 1 1 :i
they could find no one else to love days. He leaves to survive him one 1'Oiri iorgi'l uuu i. wwjvi n n iuuv ww t-mmt-imiuu
them. For tho benefit of Plaits- son Cameron and one brother In Ohio, during the short time he has been ill the COUllClJ. He Votes
His wife survived hlra three years lor the people. 1H) noi iorgei tnai iVtiiim ir is one 01 ine
afo. The funeral services ).vere, common people and is tlidged to vote for their interest. Do not
held Sunday at io o'clock a. m. at the f,mrt that .1. lUiokmever has been a consistent friend of the
mako an excellent and thoroughly hoUse by Rev. Idamore of Weeping LH,0.,lw'8 interests and COllstantlv Votes for them. Do not forget
capablo official, a young man who Water. The remains were laid to .. . V , s.-lnillinlf lins stood nn for the advancement of tho
will giro tho office of treasurer his rest In tho Weeping Water cemetery . j f . e n ,! taxirnvt-rs nild nhvnVH
Sta h L and TuhTrs8 voted for them. Do t forget that Fred M. Koxncr is a live,
point at the close of his term to such , . .., Robert Youne. Wm. voung man who win cast ins vote in iavor oi your niieresis.
a record as has so justly mado It. W. I j
Clements well liked. Ill
mouth It Is well Carl Frlcke receives
this election unanimous." He will
Louis Young, Robert Young, Wm. Johiik "uu " "
Puis, Chas. Tiison. Chas. Herren and Do not forget that these men represent you and were nonn
Harmon Deck. ' natcd by the people's votes and by no secret "committee."