The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 29, 1909, Image 1

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month Journal
NO. 192
ay Operate Only Gas Plant in
View of Loss on the Electric
Light Plant
From Friday' Pally.
The action of the council In pass
ing the ordinance reducing the price
of gas to $1.50 per thousand cubic
feet from $2.10 has been the subject
of considerable talk among the cit
izens who have been wondering as to
whether the Nebraska Light Com
pany would accept the ordinance or
whether they would go Into court
and test Its validity. Sometime since
It was announced the Company was
contemplating a reduction but no
such cut as was made, was contem
plated. The idea which seems to pre
vail among the officials of the com
pany was that a contract for street
lighting In the city would warrant
them In reducing the price of gBs to
their consumers, and with this idea
in view they were preparing figures
to show how cheaply they could sell
gas In the city and still run the
works at a profit. They claim, and It
seems to be beyond dispute that the
present light plant is constantly los
ing money. The trouble seems to be
in the electric lighting department.
The gas works have paid but the
electric light works have lost all the
other made. If the company could
obtain some kind of a contract which
would make the electric light plant
go on a paying basis, there Is small
room to doubt that the price of gas
would have been voluntarily lowered.
A persistent rumor was current
that the Company would close down
the electric light plant as unprofit
able and confine Its productiveness to
making gas alone and figure on that
plant paying enough to give them
some income over and above their ex
penses. The dosing down of the
electric light plant would be a cal
amity in a sense but it would un
doubtedly make the plant a far bet
ter paying institution than it has
been for many years.
Understanding that there was a
possibility of this action being taken
by the company, a Journal represen
tative called upon Superintendent
Clabaugh of the company this morn
ing and sought to ascertain his views
on the matter. Mr. Clabaugh stated
that he had called upon the officials
of the company at Omaha and had
nought to find out their plans in
connection with the ordinance, but
it so happened that all those in au
thority were out of the city and he
could not learn what they wanted to
do in the premises. Mr. Clabaugh
was opposed to shutting down the
electric light plant and did not re
gard it as at all likely such a course
would be adopted especially In view
of the fact that many of the people
wanted the city to adopt the electric
lights for the streets. He stated that
it was undeniably true the plant was
losing money at present and the
adoption of the ordinance meant ad
"Cold Hreak of Car Journal First
II Komi's History.
An accident happened yesterday
to train No. 42 on the Burlington at
Phillips, which it is claimed, never
before happened to a passenger train
on the Burlington in the west, al
though a similar accident happened
to a freight train about eighteen
years ago. A journal under a tour
ist sleeping car broke, ( without hav
ing been heated. The break Is what
is known to railroad men as a "cold
break." The cause of such breaks
Is not well established In the minds
of experts even.
The accident caused no Injury to
anyone, very little delay to the train,
and prnctlcally no damage to proper
ty. The broken Journal was noticed
almost the moment the trouble oc
curred and the train was stopped, the
car set out and tlx pnsscng( rs trans
This Is said to have been the first
time In the history of the Burlington
west, of the river whin a journal
under a passcngi r enr broke off with
out being heated. It Is not unfro
quent that Journals burn off, but of
them to break while cold Is unusual.
Stttc Journal.
Henry Kemp is spending the after -
noon In the metropolis being a pus-
seller at noon for that city.
ditional loss unless some method
could be devised to increase gas con
sumption up to a figure to make it
remunerative. Personally Mr. Cla
baugh did not figure a fight over the
ordinance if it could be avoided.
He entertained great hopes that the
reduction in rates would result In
a greatly increased demand for gas.
As for the electric lights, he could
not see much hopes for that plant
paying unless the city was disposed
to make such a contract as would
put it on a basis where
it could at least pay running
expenses. He could not say Just
when the officials of the company
would get back from the east where
they now are or what course of act
ion they might determine on after
their arrival. Mr'. Clabaugh regret
ted that any conflict had come up
over the matter at all, and was of the
belief that the new ordinance merely
forestalled the compuny in a reduc
tion although he admitted the com
pany never contemplated the radical
cut in price which the ordinance
made. On the whole he was highly
hopeful that everything would turn
out for the best and that the city
and the company alike would find
matters profitable.
From this It can be seen that It
is too early to Judge the probable
outcome of the ordinance. It is to
be hoped that the company can see
its way clear to sell gas to the peo
pie for the price fixed by ordinance
and on the other hand it Is to be
hoped that the city and the Ligh
hoped that the city and the Light
Company can get together "upon a
contract for street lighting which
will be mutually beneficial to both.
The new ordinance provides a
heavy penalty for its violation and
after it is in force and effect, there
is considerable curiosity as to what
action the company will take on its
bills. A penalty of $50 for each vio
lation of the ordinance and each
charge over the maximum price fixed
in the ordinance could be made to
cost the collector plenty of money if
it is sustained.
Another feature which the passage
of the ordlnanced developed was that
it has probably stopped any projected
Improvements on the electric light
plant. The plant at present is in a
badly crippled shape owing to noth
ing being done pending the passage
of a lighting contract. The machinery
has been allowed to run down as the
company preferred to make no fur
ther investments until it was deter
mined what the street lighting con
tract would amount to and who was
to get it. The new machinery which
the company contemplated installing
is still up in the air and will be
until some method of putting the
plant on a paying basis Is devised.
With tho flood On. 1
Some of our young men became
very hungry for roast chicken one
day last week. They swiped a nice
fat hen and proceeded down to the
creek to build a fire and had got
nicely located when the owner of
the aforesaid fowl happened along.
Only one of the boys in the crowd
had any money fifty cents and this
Charley collected and then picked up
the chicken and went home, leaving
the boys with a few kind words as to
their future actions in this line.
Elmwood Leader-Echo.
Begins Spring Work.
The Burlington Began its spring
work on tho Ashland-Sloux City line
yesterday by setting gangs of laborers
to work blasting the road bed. The
laborers are scattered along the road
from Fremont to Wathlll.
It Is the Intention of the loud to
put finishing touches to the cut-off
this summer. The road bed wns not
blasted at the time of construction in
order that it might have time to
set tie, Fremont 1 lerald.
lion. B. S. Ramsey was a passed
ger this noon on the mall train for
Lincoln where he will be In attend
nnee upon the supreme (ourt mid in
, addition assist the legislature to ex
plro. He will likely be gone several
. days.
Work on Grade.
From Friday's Dally.
Frank Thomas, a contractor from
Nebraska City, has unloaded his grad
ing outfit east of Havelock and will
begin this morning on a job that may
require two or three months to finish.
A rather deep sag in the main line
track there will be leveled, making a
practically level grade between Have
lock and Waverly, thus increasing the
amount of tonnage that can be hauled
over the line in a single train. Two
years ago a smaller sag was taken
out of this line, and now the big drop
will be leveled. The work will be
done with men and teams, being of
such a nature that a steam shovel can
not be used to advantage.
The work is located between bridge
No. 120, nearly midway between
Havelock and Waverly, and a point
one mile west of Waverly. The dist
ance where the track level Is to rais
ed is two and one-half miles, and it
has been hinted that while the grad
ing is In progress a double track
grade will be provided. It Is stated
at Nebraska City that Mr.Thomasun-
derstandlng Is that he Is to provide a
double track grade. While the grad
ers are to work the Burlington will
maintain a large gang of track labor
ers there to place the filling under
the ties and track.
A special to The Journal from
Ashland last evening said that the
Burlington has sent more than one
hundred track men to points on the
Sioux City line north of Ashland to
be used in trpek and ballasting work.
State Journal.
The Evangelistic Meetings.
That there is power in a plain pre
sentation of the truth was well dem
onstrated at the Presbyterian church
last night when the congregation of
the preceding night was almost doub
led. The meeting took on very dif
ferent form from the night before.
There was a stirring sons service a'
the beginning led by the pastor and
tue chorus of forty voice.?, a con
ceit reading of the scripture and
then Mr. Birch led the song service
with the cornet. His work on the
cornet is not made a leading feature
of the service, but is employed to
keep the expectation of the congrega
tion keen and enough of it is used to
render the use of it delightful in the
singing. He usually plays some one
of the old airs and the petition and
pleading of it results in a spirit of
worship most delightful.
The speaker last night used as his
text John 3:2 and emphasizes the
fact that. Nicodemus came to Jesus
by night. He said that he wished to
ive the keynote for this campaign
'A quiet hunt for souls." A winning
effort in which all were to be enlist
ed and there was a plan for every
one to work and some one to whom
each one might go. Tell men, said
he, that Christ risked all and suffer
ed all for their salvation.
U the close of the irmon he led
the congregation in a short song
service and then distributed cards ad
vertislng the big men's meeting at
the Presbyterian church at 2:30 Sun
day afternoon. At the same hour
there will be a woman's meeting at
the Methodist church for women only
addressed by Miss Ida V. Jontz of the
Associate Charities of Omaha.
The evening service will begin at
Had a Thrilling Time.
James Flemmlng and Mr. Nickson
had a thrilling time for four days,
this week. Last .Sunday they so
ured a boat and went up the river
expecting to hunt Monday and' re
turn in the evening. They went to
a sand bar near the mouth of the
weeping water and pitched their
tent, which was a small affair and
not intended for general use. Mon
day evening, about the time they
were ready to start home the ice be
gun to run heavy, and as Mr. Flem
mlng says, the large cakes of ice was
twenty-four Inches thick and In
blocks twenty feet square. He says
that almost everything that would
flout would pass them. When the
be ceased to run tho wind blew from
the south and the waves were so
high that they could not venture out
Into the river. To add to their dls
comforturo the he was cutting tin
bar where they were, nnd had it con
tinned much longer there would have
been something doing. The boat whs
so filled with water that thev eoub
'io nothing with It. They nrriv-
homo this morning. Nebraska city
Mrs. Chillies Johnson, (laughter Mi
urcii nnu .miss liossie inward arc
spending the day In Omaha niu
South Omaha being passengers fo
that city this morning on the early
St Louis, March 26. No raise in
passenger rates will take effect in
Missouri until after attempts to ar
range a conference between state and
railroad officials have succeeded or
failed, according to announcements
made here today after a meeting of
the officials. -
A conference of railroad officials
which is supported to be considering
a modification of the traffic interests
attitude toward a restoration of the
three cent fare in Missouri, is being
held here In the office of See
cond Vice President Cray of the
Frisco system. No Intimation of the
personnel or objects of the meet
ing has been vouchsafed.
The people of Havelock have re
vived the old junior of more shops
and vast sums of money to bo ex
pended soon at that point in im
provements. . They seem to have
forgotten the small appropriation
which the Burlington made the first
of the year for betterments. That
appropriation put a crimp in any
new shop idea for a year to come
at least.
The putting on of a npw train
from Chicago to Denver via Oma
ha and a reverse train over the
same route, arouses considerable
curiosity as to whether the trains will
run through this city or go by way of
the Bluffs. Should they run
through here and stop at this city
they will afford a convenient night
train east and west.
Work at the shops is reported
as being quite plentiful and there is
no indication of a let up. The pros
pects for heavy crops in the west
and consequently good business for
the summer and fall were never
better and there is no reason why
the men should not find the year a
profitable one.
The Union Pacific will soon have
a conncting link with the St. Joe &
Grand Island line. This link will
connect with the Union Pacific at
Gibbon, Neb., running from Hast
ings where the rond now has a
line. It is expected to prove 1
valuable feeder for the former road.
Railway building according to the
Railroad Age, Is to be confined this
year to the Southwest and North
west and n great deal of line wi'l
likely be built In Texas, Oklahoma,
New Mexico, Washington, Oregon,
Idaho and Montana. There Is not
much expected in this immediate sec
tion, the roads apparently figuring
the present transportation facilities
The new tariff bill make a re
duction in steel and will passibly do
much toward creating lower prices
for this material which so largely
enters into railroad construction
This ought to stimulate business in
new rails, bridge construction and
the like.
The new Burlington undergrade
crossing is a fine thing for the Com
pany and also a great piece of work
for Superintendent Hedrengren. It
shows careful atentlon to details by
htm and the men under him and is
handsome and artistic as well as dur
Meet With Approval.
County Commissioner Charley Jor
dan was in town Monday on business
and showed us some plans which he
had drawn for a couple of concrete
bridges. One of them we'd like across
the creek at the park and the
other across the creek at the rem
etery, as new bridges are badly need
ed at both crossings Mr. Jordan's
Idea on the bridge question we think
Is about right. He favors building
one or two concrete bridges a year
nnd then you have a bridge that will
not need repairs every time a heavy
rain comes. If the commissioners
will Just give us these two concrete
bridges this summer we'll readily
forgive 'em for all past sins. Elm
wood Lender-Echo.
Wilbur I'. Cole llen.l.
Just us the Journal koch to pres
this afternoon n t lephone mes.nig
wiih received announcing the Ui.ath o
Wilbur F. Cole at his Lome south (
town, lie is an oil re; blent of Cass
County, mid has been differing fo
some time of Biifht's disease, th
cause of Ms death. Funeral will In
announced later.
L. G. I .a neii Is attending to bus
Iness in Omaha this r.fiernoon goiu
up on the mall train at noon.
Showing of Plattsmouth Loan
and Building Association
The meeting of the Plattsmouth
Loan & Building Association held re
cently developed tlu the past year
had been the most prosperous in the
history of this old, reliable building
concern. The statement of the com
pany business is most flattering and
reflects great credit on the manage
ment of the association. The asso
ciation ha3 outstanding loans in the
amount of $61,091.56 and other as
sets amounting to $2,6 1 2.S7 or a
grand total of $63,704.43. The capi
tal stock in the several series amounts
to 7,814.00 nl the reserve fund is
placed at $1,000. Dividends de
lared amount to $13,575.68 while
he profit and loss account shows, $1,-
14.75. Considered the last year was
generally considered a dull one and
that business throughout the country
Assessors Gather. J
From Saturday' Dully.
The commissioners room at the
court house this afternoon wns the
scene of a large gathering of the
eputy assessors of the county who
amo In to meet with County Asses
sor Soennlchsen and arrange the pre
liminaries for commencing the task
f assessing the county. The deputies
were all present with the exception of
Wm. Bourke, representing Elmwood
precinct, and W. B. Esslck of Center
precinct who were unavoidably de
tained. A number of very important
matters were up for discussion and
the instructions of the assessor upon
them were carefully considered and
thoroughly understood. The assessors
present included Walter E. Palling,
Salt Creek precinct; L. B. Appleman,
Greenwood precinct; Henry Suoke,
Tipton precinct; W. C. Bartlett, Stove
Creek precinct; C S Richards, South
Bend precinct; John Group, Louls-
ille precinct; J. I. Corley, Weeping
Wate; Dietrich Koester, Weeping
Water precinct; J. C. Zlmmcrer, Avo-
ca precinct; John Wunderlleh, Ne-
hnwka precinct; Wm. M. Puis, Mt.
Pleasant precinct; Geo. P. Meislnger,
Might Mile Grove Precinct; Will Rum-
mell, Plattsmouth precinct; Geo. S.
Smith, Rock Bluffs precinct; Jas. T.
Reynolds, Liberty precinct and Jns.
Rcbal, P. E. Ruffner and A. D. Des-
paln of Plattsmouth city.
Win. (J. Krliurt Dies.
From Saturday's Dally.
Word was received Friday of
the sudden death of William O. Er-
hart, one of the best known and fost
popular citizens of the section near
Manley. Mr. Erhart's death was
caused by gal lstones and pneumonia,
the latter being the predisposing
cause. The deceased would have
been 48 years of age on April 5th.
Mr. Erhart was In Manley on Monday
evening and seemed to be quite well
but he was taken violent on Monday
night, his death following hursday.
He wus a well to do citizen, having
all his life been careful and con
scientious in his business matters,
and he leaves an estate to his wife es
tlmated at $30,000. He was the fath
er of several children. He had many
friends In this city and vicinity, hav
ing been born here. The funeral will
ocurred today, Saturday, March, 27,
fromSt. Patrick'! church in Manley
at 10. o'clock a. m. Among those
who wll lattcml from this city are
Chris Mockenhaupt and Herman
Hulhuh To the widow and the
sorrowing orphans the Journal joins
with tho many friends In sending
their sincere condolence. A full ac
count of the life of this most est!
most estimable and representative
citizen will appear In the Journal
Could Not Got Boom.
From Friday' Dully.
Wm. Ossenkop wns a passenger this
morning on the early train for Omaha
going up to make arrangements at a
hospital for lils wife who must under
go an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Os
senkop were In Omaha yesterday ex
pecting to have the operation perform
ed at that time but were unable to
obtain room nt th hospital owing to
its overcrowded condition. Mr. Os
senkop hopes to find some hospital
where room can be obtained nt one.
They were much disappointed nt the
outcome of their Journey as they nre
quite nnxlous to have the operation
over soon.
was at a standstill, the showing of
this association is a very fine ono
and the officers and stockholders de
serve congratulations.
The annual election of officer took
place at this meeting, a complete
roster of the officials appearing be
low. They were old officers and
those whose excellent business judg
ment was hesponsible for the splendid
showing of the association finances.
President, W. J. White.
Vice-President, Wm. Bulla nee.
Tronsurer, J. E." P.arwlek.
Secretary, T. M. Patterson.
Solicitor, R. B. Windham.
Directors. W. J. White. Wm. Bal
lance, J. E. Barwiek. T. M. Patterson,
It. B. Windham, E. J. Richey, 1).
Hawksworth. J. II. Hallstrom, C. E.
Elmwood to Build.
The school board held a special
meeting Monday evening at which
time a petition signed by It. L. Gree
son, J. H. Rogge, B. I. Clements,
nnd one hundred and nine other pat
rons of district No. 95 was presented
asking the board to call a special
election to vote bonds in the sum of
$16,000 to build a new school house.
An architect from Lincoln was pres
ent and submitted plans and specifi
cations, and it was found that for a
little less than $14,000 we could have
a brick building, two stories high,
with full basement and steam heating
plant all complete. The board ad
journed, after dlaeusiing the mailer
at some length, subject to the call of
tho president. In all probability the.
election will bo called at an early
date so that if the bonds carry work
can commence as noon as possible
and tho building be completed by tho
time school opens next fall. Elm
wood Leader-Echo.
Ackeriiiiiii Stands High, i
The story was current at Havelock
last evening that W. F. Ackerman,
former superintendent of tho Burling
ton shops there, still a resident of
Havelock, but now assistant general
superintendent of motive power for
the lines west, will again be made su
perintendent of the Havelock shop
on April 1, to succeed Fred K roe h lot
to be assigned to other duties. The
news is pleasing to the people of
Havelock w ml have a great deal of re-
gnrd for Mr. Ackerman. It Is said
that recently he has visited a num
ber of modern shops to gather ideas,
and the belief Is that Mr. Ackerman
is sent bnck to make Improvements in
the shops that have been planned and
for which it Is understood at Have
lock that appropriations have been
made. He Is rated as a great me
chanic and an able superintendent.
State Journal.
Making Home Improvements.
McMaken & Son are engaged today
In putting In a new set of sidewalk
lights on the Main street side of the'
Boeck building at Main and Sixth
streets. These lights are the best
form of lighting cellars and space
underneath walks extant. They are
heavy, thick panes of glass set in ce
ment and in addition to admitting
plenty of light they are set so that
no water can work Its way In around
them. In this way the light la ad
mitted while the heaviest floods can
not find a way into the cellar. They
are particularly adapted to business
houses along Main street which have
suffered so In the past from flood.
Tho Job In question is a good one and
cannot be too highly recommended.
Good for Wlllanl.
Wlllard Clapp, who so capably fill
ed the position of private secretary
to Congressman Pollard during that
gentleman's term of office, has se
cured a splendid position with the
1:111111 1 ma I Ion Coinnil jsion. His office
Is at Greeusliery, Poiin., where he
entered upon his new duties Wednes
day of last week. Wlllard is one of
our best young men nnd will make
good wherever you put him. Elm
wood Leader Echo.
Lee Flcklcr, brother or Albert, was
a passenger on the fast ninll nt noon
for Omaha, going that fur on his way
With the latter.